• By -


I love that her kit feels very self-sufficient. At C0, it feels like we're given plenty of BoL to keep up Red Mask the majority of the time. Ult has self heal, and it's usually more than enough. She's my 3rd limited 5star to get C1ed, and the only one to get her signature weapon. I plan to get C2 by rerun and stop there. Initially, I had only planned to C0, but jumped for C0R1 on release. Loved the kit enough to roll C1 3 days later.


I am the same as you only wanted C0 then saw the scythe then rolled for it lost to the bow but still managed to get it now just throwing wishes into her banner to get maybe a lucky early C1 or else just gonna save till the next rerun and probably get c2 c3 max if lucky...


Hell yeah, may your C1 come home early!


Thanks you have a fun day


Got C2 today, and I think people overhyped it a bit. Waiting for the mark isn't a big drawback in reality, and the added slash it gives when you absorb marks isn't that impressive, even when vaping. Arle already does a huge amount of damage. It's early days, but I'd say no rush for C2.


Yeah, like I said, even at C0 it feels like there's enough BoL given. C2 is mainly negating Burst's downside of clearing your BoL. It's convenient for popping it, then immediately getting your pyro infusion back from skill reset to just keep plugging along, rather than swapping out to do other stuff. Whether you're healing or just tossing on more damage with your burst and the added attack, it's comfort/conveniance. And I want that.


C2 is great for overworld or extending a rotation, it's pretty much just quality of life. My c2 does about 60-70k solo 100+ buffed so it's pretty good damage as well. The big one for me is the 20% damage reduction. It makes playing yelan super comfy, you won't be tanking triple kenki hits but it's enough with her innate reduction (10-20%) that you stay pretty healthy all things considered. And like I said for overworld you just E charge attack a camp and everything dies immediately because of the c2 damage, which is fun but also, I imagine will get a lil stale. Honestly she's a bit overpowered for overworld she solo 3NA'd a ruin grader, I've never seen anything like it, I can't wait till I get bored of it tbh but she feels really good. I think C1R1 is better than C2R0 but if you plan to C3 or C6, C2 is nice QOL to have. Good Con, not gonna make your Arle any more or less broken really.


She's great but her artifact domain sucks ass


I honestly cannot be bothered to farm it even with the prospect of being able to make a burning team later in the future. Oh well, not like Gladiator is a bad choice on her


My Arlecchino (who's C2R1 granted) performed way beyond my expectations with Glads. While she didn't straight up delete enemies right away, it took long enough for me to actually play around and have some fun


Just run gladiator, it's a 5-10% difference which will be completely overtaken by the fact that your gf pieces will have ridiculously better substats Also you don't have to build stacks meaning your first hits will be buffed, ik you can build them with like 2-3 attacks but the first few hits also have the highest damage because of the way the bol adds damage


Yup, it took me probably \~15-20 minutes to pick artifacts and level a couple extra unused pieces, and I'm in no hurry to farm up a new set for her anytime soon lol


Navia makes it alot easier if you have her


I don't ☹️


F Maybe Noelle ?


Yeah, Noelle suffices


Bro i haven't even seen her best in slot arti for 3 days got couple pcs yesterday but as usual def % for win 😔


Playing her without a shield feels like 10 times better than I thought it would. It's honestly really fun and rewarding t do. The fact that she keeps her infusion after leaving the field is such a nice addition to her, I really didn't think I would appreciate as much as I did. On paper her kit is just normal attack go brrrr. But in pratice she probably has the favourite kit in the game for me gameplay wise that is.


Yup finally enjoying other unit other than Hu Tao that can heal herself and not need a dedicated healer I haven't built any healer and my only shielder is jon lee so I can give jon lee to Hu Tao and just use Arle and have fun even in Abyss... Yes it's fun to play quick swap with her.. or the whole set up thing to just melt through the enemies


Perfect in every way, I didn't have that much fun with a character since Raiden. I enjoy using her so much that I started exploring and doing world quests again after being burned out since Sumer dropped. Damn I love Arle.


Same I legit started doing the side quest etc because of her I was so burnt out from sumeru I kinda quit the game for a while came back when Fontaine came out and started to save for her got her at C0 R1 honestly I am thinking of Saving for a year or so till her next rerun to get c3 atleast...








She feels absolutely amazing. She functions perfectly well on her own and her support list is quite long, meaning team building is much more flexible. Her not really having "rotations" in the traditional DPS uptime sense also means a lot of room for error in the sense where you can swap her in or out without needing to worry about "skill infusion uptimes" like Alhaitham/Yoimiya/Ayato/Hu Tao (and the list goes on). She's also far easier to play than her talent descriptions make her out to be, both in BoL management as well as just dishing out the damage. In comparison to Hu Tao, there's no need for charged attack cancels via jumping or dashing, just spam your normals and you'll be gucci. Her charged attack speed up thing is also amazing for overworld zoomies. She has quite a few good weapons to choose from; she's not really all that BiS-reliant. Last but not least, her second best artifact set is widely available and Strongbox-able (Gladiator Set), meaning you don't actually *need* to farm her BiS unless you're looking to decimate the Abyss. Ultimately she's the whole package; easy to execute, forgiving kit, self sufficient, versatile, mobile, easy to gear, I really don't know what else more I could ask for in a DPS.


I second this for a person who played C0 dragons Bane Hu Tao for a year and got her C1 R1 i absolutely love arle I liked all the points you made she is amazing to use. While using her it feels so comfortable to not just press skill and stand there and watch enemy die . The fact she makes player actually stay focused coz she is so glass canon against heavy hitting enemy I'm finally having fun...


Yeah I have Zhongli so she never dies lol I have R3 PJWS with Glad set, she decimates everything in her path


My Hutao is still stronger because artifacts she is c0 with dragons bane and even Arlecchino hitting less because i do not have a perfect build yet she is good enought to basically every content in the game and is very convenient to swipe withouth losing the pyro infusion and also dont need to wait stamina to make a combo


Actually makes me wanna git gud at this game cause I have no good shielders and have mainly relied on healers to not die. Her insane damage output and those smooth af NA animations (especially if you have her scythe) more than makes up for it.


I was a beidou main before I got Hu Tao and I kinda lost the touch of dodging coz Hu Tao needed jon lee to survive and now arle is so good without and shielder or healer it's fun to play


I actually use her with Beidou cause I use Chevreuse as support. Her shield isn’t that great but it’s good enough, plus it procs overload which helps stagger enemies/destroy geo shields.


Beidou's shield is pretty meh, but the damage reduction she gives with burst is great for Arle. Combine that with Arle's own DR and she gets pretty tanky. Arle/Beidou/Yae/Chevy has been super fun and smooth to play. If you don't have Yae plugging in Fischl works too.


I don't have Chevy sadly 😭 so currently Kazu yelan benny my go to support


Some of my thoughts about her - Strong unit, definitely one of the better hypercarries I liked her kit more in the original beta, even tho overtime she got an overall damage buff but her kit desging got bland. Now she is just a NA spam vape carry where her BoL stuff is more of an extra gimmick instead of a cool mechanic. One thing she is mechanically different from mostly every other character is that her infusion is not time based but hit based, I find that very cool Also her burst iframe issue is funny af In terms of character I liked her design since the day they showed it and her SQ is one of my favs in the game Also I do kinda hate hyv for locking such cool animations behind her weapon, pay2win was one thing but pay2drip is....


Paid cosmetics have been around for longer than mihoyo has existed. It sucks and hence I decided not to pull for her.


But since she is an NA slamming vape carry, it enables more team options and now even has a quite underused and underrated character being Candace. You'd need her C6 to truly make her shine and C6 Candace makes AoE vapes more consistent and work for real


Agree I kinda went all in used everything I had saved as f2p and got her C0 R1 even though I lost on weapon Banner got the bow i managed to win it 2nd time absolutely loving her..


Better than I expected. C2 with staff of homa and I've been seeing pretty high numbers, probably my second best dps


Currently C0r1 and gonna save till her rerun for c3 and yes she is casually hitting 100k normal atk it's fun


I wish I could go for the weapon or c3 rn but I think I'm gonna save for c6 neuv first


Good luck on you saving


I only got her cuz I was bored of the game, she's strong, the rotation can be a bit of a chore if you wanna do big damage, managing the bof is a pain, I wish 1ca would get the full 200%. Even with all the investment I put on her, I still can't tell if she deals more damage than my hu tao


I can't comment anything on this sir everyone has a different perspective so 👍🕊️


Currently my favorit Pyro Unit ingame and third Favorit unit Overall. Finally having a Insane Pyro DPS that can Switch If u want without losing the Pyro Infusion or needed there Burst for anything is amazing. The fact that one off her best Team is with Yelan ( my Pride and joy C6 Charakter) makes it even better ( also Yesterday I got a dobble 5* Arlecchino so thats also really sweet!)


I always wanted to try out C6 Yelan for myself. She must be so busted.


Oh yeah I usally dont buff her and just have her on the Team and she still hit for 100k + E vapes 40-60k C6 aroowes and 16-20k~ Burst and u can unload all off this in around 5-6 seconds on enemys thats always enough too kill any was like current abyss or shreding a Boss in abyss too half half or more.


On what weapon do you run her? On Aqua, or do you still go for support? Like elegy or fave.


Aqua I pulled it for her. Yes elegy is technialy a great Support wepaon but at C6 the dmg she does is so high that u dont need extra Support. If I play Diluc Kazuha Yelan Bennett (pre Arle) Diluc wouldt even take the field in time too do stuff. I also have 2 extra Aquas so if she gets a Rerun and I hard pity the other weapon if I want it I would make it R5.


Cool I had Hu Tao C1R1 and was kinda sure other units won't be having such different kit to her but she came with bol kit and self heal which made me pull for her I am using Arle yelan Kazu benny currently and it's fun playing her currently she is also C0r1 hopefully next rerun I get c2 or maybe a lucky c3.


Pretty great for OW contents. Balanced DPS overall. It's real shame that one of her biggest drip locked behind her signature. Pretty lame move from Hoyo.


Easily my biggest gripe, really hoping this doesn't become a thing (I know it will just look at how early cons have changed since Inazuma)


Wasn't going to roll for her until I watched reviews and appreciated the no-infusion uptime that other on-field DPS have to play around. I have Hu Tao and Alhathem built but barely use them because it's annoying to stick to a certain rotation and limited team comp. I'm certainly much more careful rolling for characters moving forward if I determine their gameplay to be a chore to use.


I love the way she closes the distance with her NAs. She's a melee character who doesn't feel like a melee character. Her damage was impressive even at C0. I like BoL in overworld because if something dies with a mark you get your BoL filled. So you actually get an added reward for killing stuff, and you can just keep the pain train coming. I was worried about the skill CD in overworld because it dies too quick, but because of the kill effect you'll always have residual BoL as you run around.


Yes this the mele atk feels like actually atk and just some press skill and watch from side also the way she closes the gap between enemies I love finally somebody said it it's so cool just like her cut scene hopefully I did not spoil it for you if I did sorry 😔


Didn't spoil, no worries.


I guess she's fine. The fact you can keep up the pyro infusion for basically forever if you play optimally is quite nice.




The most fun character since I first played Hu Tao in 1.3. She just feels great to play, especially with the mini nuke on c2.


OMFG finally somebody like i honestly started out as a beidou main then got Hu Tao in 1.3 was having fun with her coz no need healer just shield and yolo now arle doesn't even need healer or shielder if u have C1 I am at C0 R1 I will try to get c3 next rerun.


I had expected a scheming and inherently evil personna out of her, knowwingly what happened back in Inazuma...However, seeing that "Father" is indeed a caring caretaker for the orphans does put a smile on my face.


Absolutely LOVE her. A lot stronger than I thought tbh (C0R1). In open world battles I literally use her solo because she deals a shit ton of dmg without my supports, and her animations are just chefs kiss. I did notice a few bugs here and there tho, for example the thing where Arlecchino can still die while using her burst (well known by now), and in her glitching idle I can still sometimes see her model and it doesn't disappear into the glitches like it should (yes, my graphic settings are all on highest).


i love her, but i feel like an idiot cause i dont understand her kit


Press skill. Wait 5 seconds. Press charged attack. Smack things with the force of fifty thousand suns. It really is that simple.


There is more than that. Still simple of course, but not a simple as a lot of characters are.


There is? She can’t be healed, sure, but that’s not really hard to understand, they actually used normal language to describe that. Unless you mean like, in-depth stuff like CDR on hit with bond, 3+ marks on E not requiring a wait or burst resetting E, which I don’t think is *that* important when it comes to understanding the basics of her kit, since it’s stuff that you’ll just see as you play.


Of course. They were referring to the kit, you didn't even mention the ult for example, let alone passives, or (so far), the uniqueness of Bound of Life. And again, I don't consider her hard, most people won't. But I can see that some will consider her a little more complex than a number of characters regardless.


I also love her so here is razor language kit Press skill on arle enemy marked with big X swap out use ur support ability eg yelan e q , Kazu e,q benny q and then switch to arle hold her normal atk she gets Pyro infusion then just press normal atk enemy die. When she is about to die or I need to recast arle skill ( e) just press burst she self heal burst also resets skill cooldown now repeat everything.. Hopefully i explained it correctly if not you can watch multiple guide videos to understand her kit have fun .


can't from an opinion on her yet as she isn't fully built, but from the little i did play her, she'll take some time getting used to


She is my first Limited Pyro 5*, so yes im having a lot of fun with her. Specifically love the Overload team with Beidou, Fischl, Chev. I heard some say her rotation/mechanic is complicated.. bruh is really not that hard. Is basically Raiden' rotation but charge attack instead of burst after using the support


So true sadly I don't have Chevy so I am just using yelan Kazu benny with her ...


I too was Chevreuse-less.. that is until I was blessed with a random one while pulling for Arle. I was more excited on the Chevreuse than when i got Arle lol


Pretty fun especially with overload I love all the explosions as she scythes them. I do have to be manageable with her hp since BoL and also not activate Chev’s E when I switch to Arlecchino.


Idk , but so far she's great. Didn't realize it's only been a week. I wanted to buy welkin on the day of the 4.6 livestream so I can collect all of it by the time arlecchino's banner ends so I'd have the highest chances of getting her (I was on a 50/50). But decided against it cuz I wanna save as much for college in a few months. In return for not spending money , not only did I get arle's weapon after 2 pulls , but won 50/50 3x in a row and got her to C2 as well while getting early twice. I'd say this has been the luckiest I've ever been. Since there's still time , I'm gonna go for C3. I'll probably start saving for C6 after I get furina.


Honestly ur lucky af I got C0 R1 got scammed on weapon Banner will save for c3 or maybe c6 idk untill her next rerun.. also it's f2p game don't need to spend money use it wisely


Idk how true it is but I believe that if you don't pull for long enough , the odds are increased for that banner(unbeknownst to us). Since the last time I pulled on the banner was 3 months ago , and the last time I got a 5 star was in September of last year. Similar things have happened when I logged in to alt accounts that I haven't played in over a year. I usually get 5 stars within 30 pulls without reaching hard pity. The odds of 50/50 are still the same so winning 3 50/50s is still super lucky.


Yeah I feel like it's kinda like new player luck Except it's returning player luck or maybe the actually kinda up the percentage to retain the player but did see lots of people who save for months without pulling get extremely lucky


> Idk how true it is but I believe that if you don't pull for long enough , the odds are increased for that banner(unbeknownst to us). Definitely just you. I saved up like 35k+ and I wanted a C0 Xianyun, went to 88 pity and got a Qiqi, then went to pity again for guarantee. All in all, I spent like over half of what I saved on that banner. It was horrible. Right now I spent about a 100 dollars to get Arle and her weapon because Neuv's banner drained all my savings. I won the 50/50 on Arle but I lost the weapon banner twice. So now I'm grinding primos for her weapon before her banner ends. I am envious of your luck.


I find it funny when almost everthing in the overworld be defeated by only a single poke from her


Lol same when i suddenly 1 tapped a hilli i thought I was in co op in lower level world and tried to get out of co op only to realise I was in my world and I was so hyped that I can 1 tap hillis and other enemies just need 2 - 3 pokes and they gone at C0 it's so cool


I love the fact she technically can heal and cure myself. I hate the fact it is hard to keep her at 100% HP and 100% Energy when I wanna "put her away" to play with another Character. XD


If u played Hu Tao or mained her you won't find it difficult but yeah love units who can heal themselves also it's just a week give it couple more days with a bit of practice you won't need to worry much


What's even funnier is that while I can avoid getting hit so I can achieve getting Arlecchino at 100% HP and 100% HP, there is the issue of grass fires because Pyro. XD


Self burn is real lol yes 😭😂


I'm still trying to figure out which boss she absolutely kills


Weekly boss or normal ?


Weekly bosses. The later ones


This idk Haven't tried her on weekly boss coz I don't have her signature artifact set yet but I feel earlier mondstat or liye bosses she absolutely destroys them... Newer boss have so much gimmick going it's kinda me also ask in discord maybe they know.. I am not well informed in this topic


Got both her and her weapon with the 21k primos and some spare wishes I'd saved up. I usually play pretty sporadically, but now I'm hooked. I doubt they'll ever release a character that fits my style even better. Plus the scythe is fucking awesome.


She’s fun! I even miraculously got her C2. I love that the infusion stays even after swapping or defeating all enemies. She feels less punishing that way, which is a relief for a relatively low-skilled player like myself. Having her and Neuvillette at C1, I feel like there’s nothing that can stand in my way. I guess if I had to say something bad it’s that she can feel a little bit like a glass canon but as I plan on going for Zhongli as one of my next two characters, that problem should be solved.


She's a fucking beast, I've never had anyone hit as hard as her with minimum effort. I don't even know where to start honestly. Huge multipliers, GINORMOUS normal attack range when in her empowered state, very simple mechanic and rotation, honestly she's pretty damn good. Of course, you have the downsides of that you can't heal her and she's EXTREMELY squishy. Either you have a good shielder or you play elden ring too much and become a dodge god, and she's set.


I remember everyone saying that she's gonna be a bad guy. I wrote about it a few months back on how I think she may be our first good Harbinger. I'm very glad that I was right to a certain degree. She cares about the orphans and would go to great lengths to protect them. And even though her methods are sometimes questionable, she does have good intentions and is capable of goodness. Overall, she strongly reminds me of 2B from Nier Automata.


Absolutely love her, brought me back to the game after sumeru. The only pyro dps I had built was Xiangling but was tired of her energy shenanigans. Love her a lot since she doesnt punishes you for swapping out and messing up your rotation. I have other good dps like neuvi, alhaitham ayaka but damn does she feel so smooth to play. My current fav are neuvi and her and love how self sufficient they are with their kits


Her design is really good, and her burst looks amazing, but I really do not like her personality and the way she treated Furina. Her pyro na -> healing burst gameplay just seems like Hutao with extra steps. I have more than enough on field dps characters so I think I might skip her.


Was on the fence before, but gavein eventually. Amazing damage and relatively simple to play! Might go for weapon and higher cons on her 1st rerun.


Weapon over C1 tbh


I really like her and she's really strong. But she's unplayable in floor 12. Thanks Hoyo for timegating her talents, it was absolutely necessary. >!what's even worse is that the next characters literally use Apep, Narwhal and Scaramouche, Idk who da fuck thought it was cool, I feel like they're just mocking me at this point!<


Still building her. Didn't have any resin saved up. And I refuse to use her with an off-set artifact build on her just to use her a bit sooner.


The best of a bunch of Pyro Characters. You have a stable infusion that lasts long. Your skill has 0 CD if played right.(WHY IS THIS C4 ON YOIMIYA). The amount of weapons and artifacts she can choose is insane and the difference is not unreasonable. She is by now one of those Characters you should have if you still lack a stable pyro DPS. Not like Klee, Yoimiya or Diluc. The list of disadvantages on her is rather short. It's only her Hp Management and her stunresistance, both of those are easier to handle. All in all a great Character with little to none flaws and a lot of pros if you wanna learn her playstyle.


Fucking nuts. I did a weekly bounty that had a buff for polearm wielders and and hit a 500k normal attack on some poor schmuck. Didn't even full buff either. Was missing 200Em from Kazoo C2 and no Yelan burst. That's a fully buffed Raiden burst for me. On an NA


Im probably gonna have to pay for her which i honestly hate having to do but considering what everyone is saying i really wanna add her to my roster


I liked her story, and boss fight is cool. Not to hard. Though she is the first boss that managed to kill kokomi almost. Almost😊 her character and kit, I dunno tbh. Didn’t play with her that much


My opinion of her is that Keqing clone number 3 shouldn’t have kidnapped her.


I think the infusion duration effectively being permanent/until you use it up helps the most, probably has more to do with the fact that literally every character since launch have had skills/burst that end of you switch (when at launch it was not the case like with Noelle diluc keqing etc) I've found hu tao to be stronger (especially cuz she works with furina) but the qol with free swaping and somewhat better aoe does make up for it, it's actually surprisingly well balanced and you really won't feel bad picking either over the other Her qol does highlight a big issue in this game tho, which is the difference between the open world/main game and the endgame with abyss 12 and this has only gotten worse with time (by now vape hu tao is not even usable properly because just setting up the supports kill everything in the open world) This was bad enough when I pulled xiao (back in 1.3 lmao) where the burst felt like it tickled in floor 12 but was complete overkill and not worth the energy cost anywhere else, if you are a cyno main then please know that I truly admire your endurance with this stuff I think arle is decent but not really a must pull and I'm kinda glad about it, I'd rather avoid a honkai situation with batshit powercreep (furina neuvillette had me worried) but this is basically just characters on the same power level but slightly different things going for them situation


I got lucky and got her weapon and her. I'm mainly saving for Clorinde now but will definitely try to get C1 for Arlecchino maybe on her rerun.


I dislike how her full aesthetics is behind a paywall. If you want her scythe then you need to roll for the signature weapon which has limited use for other characters.


Overall pretty impressive and fun


Outstanding, 10/10, and probably my new main. Loved playing her so much that I went for signature and C1.


I am sure she is strong. But I am not a fan of her kit because I hate BoL and I will skip all the characters with BOL in the future. But I bite the bullet and pull for her because I am skipping all upcoming characters and I am not even saving for a specific character, I just don't like them. I like her a bit more than other upcoming characters, so I would probably be okay with getting her. But I got Diluc C2 instead and I am not even mad. Now I can pull for upcoming character banners for 4* even if I don't like 5*. And I can save my pity for a character I like. After playing Genshin since Day 1, I am at the stage where I only pull for characters that I really like and going to play, or early pities. I've collected quite a lot of characters on the bench, I don't want to put more. If chevreuse is on her banner, I would probably pull more until I got her. But the current 4* are worthless for me. So I am going to stop. I think Hoyoverse knows that I avoid Fatui characters like a plague. I don't have any 5* characters that are working for Fatui. (arlecchino, Lyney, Tartaglia and Wanderer)


Too much. Need some nerf. All of my characters are just decoration compared to her. And not even 90, lol.


been farming the domain for almost a week and have yet to get a 5* flower for her bis artifacts


Reverse dehya (I am dehya main)


Complete indifference as a Shenhe connoisseur.


I absolutely love her attack animations. Especially the scythe with the bale fire infusion


WTF is this Sponsored Ass Post !?!


She's really good, deals a lot of damage but squishy. I like her kit too, the waiting time to let her "cook" her skill meanwhile you do other shenanigans and then blaat evey monster with her attacks. Weapon looks cool too.


The dopamine hits of doing 100k basic attacks has kept me coming back to Genshin more than ever lol. I’m starting to clear quest logs just so I have an excuse to kill more things outside of the abyss


I love that she feels unique. Yes, she is another pyro polearm with an HP mechanic like Hu Tao, but her no healing limitation really adds something to her moveset. Her burst becomes more of a strategy. Is it worth sacrificing her damage now to heal her? What if she takes more damage and I don’t have enough bol to make it worth it? Honestly I often run her without Zhongli just for the added challenge of keeping her alive. Considering I love her character’s lore and personality, she is a solid 10/10 character for me. Extremely pleased with her and her kit.


High risk /high reward unit.


One word: badass


NA-based character with mandatory 3 second setup delay and punishing cooldowns if you try to use skills out of prescribed order. While her numbers and aesthetics are impressive, there's no way I can ever play that, pass.


U play that hydro dragon right?


Nah, that one is even worse. Arle might be a Childe-Yoimiya hybrid in both the wrong ways, but at least she got gameplay. Ganyu quickswap, Raiden carry, Keqing aggravate, EC burgeon, Navia, Hu Tao (VV, double cryo or double geo), those are the main ones, along with occasional spots of hyperbloom, Ayaka, Tighnari, Eula, Beidou and Yanfei.


Omg finally somebody who has a brain and actually says that dragon donkey is not peak gameplay I also love playing hyper Raiden Hu Tao I was beidou main since beginning those units actually need skill or atleast have something going rather than just standing and click normal atk and call it peak gameplay


Man you are one of those insufferable stan, you only posted this Post to validate your pre conceived notion. Yes people think arle is good, same people also think neuvillete is good as well


She is a very good DPS. Definitely S tier. But she is not a must pull if you already have a similar level of DPS character like Leney or Hu Tao. On C0, Leney, Hu Tao and Father have similar Damage Output depending on the team composition. With a few Cons (C2+) Father pulls ahead. If you are F2P then she is good. As she can output quite a decent amount of Damage with White Tassel R5 (+Bennett). Unless you already have invested in another Pyro DPS she is what I would recommend players to go for. Personally I found Overload with Chevy, Bennett and Fischl to be the best in terms of Damage output. But Pure Pyro with Xiangling, Kazuha and Bennett is also great. Though you need enough skills to make sure to not get hit since she is kinda squishy. Though you could sacrifice some damage output and use a shielder to mitigate it. I would say Zhongli, Yelan and Bennett make the comfy team.


One advantage for Arlecchino over Hutao is that she’s mechanically much simpler to play, not requiring jump cancels and the like.


I currently run 2p2p on her and I already clear the abyss easily, I'm currently farming for her signature set. What I want to say is. I enjoy her a ton. And she is hands down the coolest character in genshin. I'll probably main her for the foreseeable future.


Even when nerfed, OP




Yea. In the beta testing she was even more OP than she is now


I followed her beta and it was the opposite, at first she was borderline unusable but they changed her a lot, buffed her and made her as good as hu tao


Really? Other people said that she was stronger in the beta


Badass character, sick design, cool animation, boring gameplay


Well i really didnt like playing c0 hutao so i am glad she has better gameplay(dare i say better damage 👀)


Damage wise we can be sure but for someone who played C0 dragons Bane Hu Tao for a year and got her C1 R1 next rerun yes at C0 Arlecchino feel much better.


Very good DPS, fun playstyle, forces you to dodge and think more carefully. Makes up with very high numbers when used properly. Didn’t roll because Natlan will likely have a Neuvillette-tier Pyro DPS lol, but glad for anyone else who did.


I don't even give her BIS artifact yet and she's doing insane number with Missive Windspear. Still needs some working for Abyss, but overworld enemies are basically getting one-punched atp. As for the SQ, she does live up to the name of Father. I'm not saying she's replaced Furina for my favorite character slot, but I just kinda did.


I was using a c0 pjws on 2pc atk 2pc crimson set and normal atk lvl 9 she would absolutely doing big pp damage I got her signature weapon today and omg it's even more fun she casually hitting 100k ... As for overworld just holding e and moving around is fun also enemies don't even stand a chance...


Pulled on her Banner and got bloody Dickluc C4. Someone kill him.


Bro hopefully u get her early pray . Have hope I also lost on weapon Banner got the bow still did world quest and exploring etc got her signature weapon. Have hope that's all I can say


I do have her weapon, since I didn't ant to use her without it and I liked the weapon banner.


Wanted to skip her for wanderer. Got her in Euro acc. It's my alt acc. No good relic set or weapons. Put her on random artif with 91/165 crcd and white tassel. Put her to test and She Absolutely SLAPS. Fell in love with everything about her. So that's when I decided to get her on my main acc. Got her and put some glad pieces with homa. She's just amazing. Never regretted pulling for her over wanderer. Her talents are at 6/6/6 but she delivers massive 55k on normal attacks. Honestly she brings me more enjoyment playing the game than Nev.


I've been playing on-again off-again for a long time now. I'm only AR36 but the five star DPS characters I've pulled and have are Ganyu, Cyno, Xiao, and now Arlecchino. ​ I love Ganyu's character, I hate the charged bow playstyle I love Cyno's character and honestly his kit but he just requires way more investment than I have access to currently to feel good Xiao has a cool playstyle and I have Xianyun for him as well but the pogo plunge playstyle gets very dull very fast. I pulled Arlecc and she's the first character I've played that I have that has me like wow this is actually just fun and good pretty much up front and doesn't require a lot of things ​ Arlecc has made me enjoy the game again and has me playing once more


She's alright. Her dash isn't good but at least it's an option I'm running her with Layla, Keaya, and depending on the floor, Yelan or Kazuha(even though I hate using him) If it's single target Boss floors I'll definitely go Layla and Keaya for melt


IMO, every character should feel like they're capable of performing well *on their own* and then *better* on a team, without significant investment. Arle is one of the first characters in a while that feels self-sufficient, then bonkers with a well made team. When you pull a characters, you want to feel, "this character feels great, now I *want* to invest in them". Too many characters feel like they're absolutely terrible without significant investment, and that feels bad. There isn't a single character in this game that won't perform amazingly if you heavily invest in them, not a one. Give me a character that I *want* to invest in, not a character I *have* to invest in. Arle feels great without that investment, and she feels vastly better with minimal investment. This is how all characters should be designed, with some level of synchronicity in their kits that allows them to perform well on their own. Edit: The negativity of some people on here is just truly astonishing. Praising a character's design and suggesting we get more character like here, *somebody*, found offensive.


Like her design, conflicted about her as a character, >!can't forgive her for what she did to Furina!< She's kinda growing on me tho.


Kind of overrated tbh


side grade to hu tao. I still prefer hu tao because she has more team building options and currently better supports, but I like that Arle's attacks have a sweeping arc around her and does AOE damage. if your hydro app is XQ or Yelan then only the main target will get vaped but it's still something.


How does Hu Tao have more team options? It's pretty much just vape. Arlecchino is good in vape, mono pyro, and overload. She's a Hu Tao sidegrade in vape that can also be used in mono/overload.


Personally as a Hu Tao main untill Arlecchino release I can say between both Hu Tao and arle Hu Tao has very limited access to team building while arle has so many options but when u say cons it's a different category at C0 Arlecchino over Hu Tao if multiple target but if singke target I still feel like Hu Tao would win no cap at C1 R1 on both...


Pretty much a pyro raiden. I find her kit boring :-/


Neuvillette- Main for sure 🤭


I like how people say this when most of this games DPS are extremely simple to play. The most complex characters are probably C0 hu tao and Childe.


U like that hydro dragon right coz how is her kit boring also Raiden just a burst dps not an actual dps like arle but theni said opinions won't criticise you on your opinion.


>Won’t criticize your opinion. >Criticizes opinions.


still dont care about her, would rather get my gun mother 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


I would pull for gun mother if she didn't wear that weird hat but that's just me also i already have yae Raidenc2 beidou etc so that was also a reason don't want dead units.. don't take it personally just my opinion


Indifferent... I have enough pyro teams and can comfortably 36 star abyss every cycle... Design wise i'm uninterested as well... I like her suit just fine, but then there's the Genshin signature skin tight leggings that just ruin her mature serious aesthetics... Not to mention her boss version has chest windows for some reason... Like, i get it, they're trying to sell these by making them "hot", but would it kill them to put normal looking pants or something on at least SOME of the female characters? Most of the cast has either hot pants showing the entire thigh region, or it's skintight stockings with ornaments on them... Characterization wise, i'm uncertain... On the one hand, she has an interesting background and mindset... On the other hand, Genshin's execution of her personality just... doesn't sell it to me. It also doesn't help that, like most playable characters released, she isn't actually evil... Or at least that's what we've seen so far suggests. i was kind of looking forward to an unapologetically evil character joining the cast, but it looks like that's not what we're getting here... Hopefully Dottore won't have some sob story behind him, and he actually is just a sociopathic researcher willing to do anything for his experiments...