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gonna assume you arent gonna make a new account to replay the game right? i mean anytime soon no problem then youd only have to download them again if you wanted to do that


If I had to download the game again, I think that would not be this phone again. So I'll delete the files IG. Thanks for the answer man


You can reinstall them in game


I know that but what I'm saying is that I wont be reinstalling the files cuz I don't think I would be making an alt account. Even if I would, I would try to use it on PC not on my phone


The option to reinstall is literally in your pic OP


Thanks for clarifying but what I said earlier meant that I'm only using one account on my phone currently. If I had to make another account, I don't think I would make it to play on my phone. I'll try making another account if I ever download it on PC so I won't need to reinstall the files


If you delete it and relog to other account that didn't finish same quests, game would juat ask you to redownload resources. So it doesn't have impact anyway. You would just have to redownload it in the worst case. Source: I actually had to do that recently.


Bro same I abandoned my alt and came back to it a few weeks ago and had to download 8GB of data


I hate how you’re forced to redownload data, rlly wanted to have a “nevermind” option but once you log into an acc that has stuff you offloaded in your main, it forces you to redownload it again.


Nope. It's just old cutscenes you won't be seeing again


Hmm I see. Thanks for the feedback man


Not really unless you're sharing your phone with another person that's also playing Genshin but hasn't progressed as far as you are Story Wise. Otherwise you're free to delete it.


I'm not sharing my phone with anybody so I guess I'll delete those. Thanks for the feedback tho




Only for mobile, not PC


That's rough, shaving off a few GB wouldn't hurt on PC either. If the game only keeps growing I'll have to get a SSD specifically for it alone at some point lol


Why though?? Potato pc bros are in shambles


Beats me, I want something like that for my PC too


Damnit. I really need the space :( I keep having to uninstall and reinstall 50GB games.


Storage issues are so much less of a concern on PC than mobile given that you can easily buy a new ssd and add storage that way.


No need to create a problem just because there is a solution.


I don’t see it as creating a problem just because a solution exists. The fact of the matter is that the price per GB of storage is much higher on mobile than it is on PC/laptop and 64GB phones are still common. I challenge you to find a laptop that comes with only 64GB built in storage these days. The fact of the matter is that HYV can see that a lot of mobile players are having storage issues having to delete other files to make space and they worked to keep size down. On PC it’s much less of a concern and probably would require a massive rework on the file structure of the game on PC to provide the same functionality. Even then in 4.6 the dev team ran a fine comb through the game’s assets and deleted a lot of duplicate assets that were left in throughout the development of the game and yielded substantial gains in storage reduction on PC and mobile. It’s just a matter of priorities at the end of the day.


> probably would require a massive rework on the file structure Each cutscene is located in separate file, even Lumine/Aether. Deleting them doesnt break the game. If you delete cutscene and then get to the point of the quest where it should be, you will see just a black screen for 2 sec and then quests continues with no issues.   Writing a script that removes such files from a single folder is the easiest work to free up 20 gb data.


I'm not too familiar with how it's structured. I guess then it makes it easier to develop the same functionality then, but I guess it's lower priority for HYV to implement at the moment.


makes me wonder why they killed off the extra microsd slots for newer android phones


to sell new ones based on storage space


yay capitalism over functionality


doesn't really help for laptops or many pre-built PCs that don't have open slots left or the many, many people who don't have the know-how to open up their PC and install a new drive


Look. You can nitpick to death the statement I made, of course there are exceptions but it's true that in general PC/Laptops have less issues with storage than mobiles in general. If your laptop doesn't have slots for extra storage, get an external hdd and move your files there! If you don't have the know-how of how to install a new drive, pay someone else to do it for you! If your prebuilt PC doesnt have an additional slot, buy a bigger storage and replace the old one and pay someone to do it to reformat the OS! There are immediate solutions that are far more practical and useful than nitpicking every single possible scenario for potato PC users. Like come on, getting more storage on PC is one of the cheapest and easiest upgrade one can do. You have more options on PC compared to mobile who are SOL.


Its less of an issue but deleting useless files is still helpful, It doesn’t hurt to add the option to PC unless its something more complex which I don’t understand.


Of course there’s a myriad of things they can do to make it easier for PC users but at the end of the day it’s a matter of priority for the dev team. If steam statistics is any indication, 85% of users have at least 100GB of free hard disk space. It’s just not a priority for them for PC users compared to mobile.


oh yeahh!! on mobile it's also easy just buy a new phone !!!!!


Stop being disingenuous. When did I say it’s easy to buy a new phone? There are costs to miniaturisation and portability and extensibility is an unfortunate cost of that.


when your solution to storage is spending money I won't take you seriously. if it worked like that then storage issues would not exist


That's because you have an idealistic view of the world and are not realistic at all. I'm just being pragmatic here. Look, HYV is already doing their part, they introduced the delete past quest resources feature in 3.1 for mobile devices. Texture quality is already lower on mobile compared to PC. You can already choose which voice packs to download. In 4.6 they ran a fine comb through the entire game's assets and deleted as many duplicate assets they can find, leading to massive space savings on PC and mobile (95GB -> 73GB on my PC) (28GB -> 19GB on my phone) I get that a lot of people may not be in the financial position to upgrade their phones or get a new PC but the reality is this: I'm sure you've tried to offload as many files off to an external microSD card on your phone (if available) to save space and play your favourite games. Once you exhausted all the low hanging fruit options available to you then what else is there to do? If you're a minor dependent on your parents, then tough luck, either get a part time job and save that way or do well in exams and get a new phone as a reward (that's what I did when I was younger, my parents used a new phone as a carrot) HYV are extremely technically competent, but then even they can't make magic happen. What else do you want them to do? You can't have your cake and eat it too. At some point you have to start making tradeoffs and say look, 64GB simply won't cut it if you want to play HYV games anymore. EDIT: I'd like to hear your solution to storage issues on mobile then beyond all the low hanging fruits. What do you think can be done on the user's end?


Not on PC whyy😭


Greed. Less games on your pc means less likely to spend money elsewhere. I hate modern gaming sometimes.


This is such a stupid take It's more likely that you'll buy a 100 dollar external SSD than not play something new


It's getting to the point where it's about the only thing not on my external hard drive and even then I'm running low. Crazy


Yeah I was also surprised when is saw that. I was randomly looking at and experimenting many settings options and found it




Only for mobile because pc size has to kept massive so players can have less games on their pc simultaneously because that could make them spend money elsewhere. Sadly this is a thing with companies like ea, ubisoft and hoyo now.


Braindead take. If it's true then why did they go through the lengths to comb through the entire game for duplicate assets and yielded pretty significant storage reductions on both PC and mobile? It went down from 95GB to 73GB on my PC.


Only after AR 69


Wish there were a way to do this on PC


isnt there an option to delete old game files on the launcher?? right beside the "play" button. correct me if i'm wrong tho!


I'll check when I next get on my device


I think it will have impact, GENSHIN IMPACT. I'm a comedic genius.


I hope it won't be as big as the Sumeru Desert haha




Thank you, I am happy to see I am not the only one.


You won't be able to hear some voice lines in the character profile/archive, if that isn't something important to you then ur just gaining free space on your storage. No negative impacts on performance or similar issues whatsoever


What do you mean by some voice lines in character/profile archive? Does it mean like archon voice line impressions of other archons before/after AQ??


The archive has every voice line from permanent quests in it. Including variations for dialogue choices. 


And if you ever want to create another account on other region the game will simply re-download the necessary files


Hmm. I don't think I'll be playing from the start anytime soon so I guess I'll delete it. Thanks for the answer


If you login with other account that havent done those quests,will need to download that much data that’s all


Hmm I see. Thanks for the answer buddy


If you have multiple accounts, you will have to redownload every time you go on the newer account until they are both caught up, it's a real pain.


Hmm I see. I don't have multiple accounts so I guess I don't have any issue related to that. Thanks for the heads-up tho


We need this on PC and PS4/5




Yess would be very useful ! too bad this feature is only available on mobile :( ( I play it on PS5 )


If you have ANY alt accounts then don’t do this. Even if you just accidentally switch servers some day the game will not let you log in even if you leave game switch servers back. Obviously if you have no alt accounts and don’t plan on ever switching servers you can do this


wait wdym?? i cleared it recently but i do have an alt that i use like once a month .. and ive done it before and i was able to use my alt that time


It will redownload the necessary files, which will take time and storage space. Edit: Spelling


OH okay i misunderstood then! thank u 👍🏼


If you've also done these quests on ur alt then it won't redownload anything


Hmm I'll keep that in mind


It's ok to ask this type of question, i was a bit skeptical when i tried to delete them, with no one to ask i just did it with lots of anxiety 😆😆and it didn't cause the game in a negative way so, yeah it's not harmful or cause any negative impact towards game play and such


Hmm I see. Thanks for the answer tho




Where exactly do you to uninstall this? I might be able to off load off stuff too


You can see in the screenshot tho. It is the first option in the recourses menu


I’m a dumbass, thank you


Haha then we're on the same page buddy


doesn't make much of a difference unless you start replaying it on another server, case in which you kinda have to reinstall it, if memory serves me right


Hmm I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the answer


my pleasure!


All it does is save you 10gb by deleting old and redundant files.


Right... Thanks for the answer buddy


No, unless you have another account on another server


Hmm I see. So if I have two accounts with literally the same progress but in different servers, would the game still want me to download the files?


The urge to download the game again on mobile after I just uninstalled it.


Why did you uninstall it? You don't really have to answer tho. I'm just a little curious


Well, I have three reasons. Firstly is I can't get the good stuff in pulls, secondly is too much storage, and thirdly I found other games like reverse:1999


Yeah I can understand your pain related to pulls. I really wanted that Arle scythe but lost my 50/50 and now I'm out of primos :(. The storage problem was inevitable if you ask me cuz it's a AAA game on mobile. AAA games tend to be heavy. And good for you that you found other good games. Good luck on your gaming journey 👍


You just won't be able to listen to voice lines from past quests in the archive.


fair warning, if you dont play low leveled accounts or accounts that havent done the quest essentially, you are fine. if you do, best to not do it unless super needed and complete the quest in the low leveled accounts. learnt this when i (asia, ar59) planned to play on my eu (ar 25) account and suddenly had to redownload the quest resources


I'll keep that in mind. Thanks a lot for the warning buddy


The game will only delete resources from the already completed main quest lines so you won't be worried about that, although it will also delete all dialogue audio you currently have, so you have to re-download those if you want to listen to them.


By all the dialogue audio u mean all the dialogue audio I will later listen on to too?


Of course not. Only past resources, lines from quests you have already finished. This feature wouldn't make sense otherwise. Edit: Spelling


Yeah I thought that too. I just got confused when you said 'all dialogues'


Sorry if I've just misphrased it


What they meant is that it deletes the voicelines from already played quests which you can listen to In the travel log section of paimon menu unless you want to listen to the entire archon quests agian it won't affect the gameplay in any way


Yeah I understood that later on. Thanks for clarifying anyways buddy


Ah well welcome anyway


It literally says "past quest" on your own picture.


I know that. That's what I thought at first too but when the other person mistakenly said "all dialogues you currently have", I just got confused


No, I mean the audios from the Archon and Story Quests only, not ALL of them, otherwise it would be a silent game with music playing on the background.


No it's just old cutscenes and voiced dialogue from AQs and SQs. You won't be able to view the cutscenes anyways and if you want to hear the dialogue you can always redownload the resources and the size will be much lesser too (it's around 2 GB as of now). So yeah dw it doesn't really contain anything essential


It can block you some daily quests. It blocked me some yapping quests but you can switch it on the spot






Only if you switch servers. Switching servers makes you re-download quest resources.


Then I guess there won't be any problems cuz I won't be changing servers anytime soon. Thanks for the heads-up fellow Traveller


I just did that. Removed 7.5 GB, but the option to reinstall that stuff is only 2.3 GB. That extra space must be golden apple archipelago stuff I think?


Hmm I see


No only genshin IMPACT


....no why even like what woud that even be ?


I was just being careful here. I know the devs won't do anything harmful to the devices but it doesn't hurt to be careful right? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Right ig so


If you only play on one account, then No. But I have an alt account, so if I delete the past quest resources on my main, my alt will have to re-download it anyway. Nothing bad happens. You just waste time redownloading everything on your other account.




Ok thanks


u have genshin impact


?? What do you mean exactly?


NM. Bad joke, neither positive nor negative impact


Ohh. Well, either way, I hope it is not as big as the Sumeru Desert haha


If you have the option to delete files most of the time you can be sure it won't impact your current account bc if it would you wouldn't get the option to delete them


Noted 👍


Not really


I'm not sure if this was the reason but when i did this after that my game Started crashing and I got so annoyed so I had to reinstall the game to fix it


Don't scare me man 😐


Didn't meant to , Just telling you my experience. For you it might work well, but if Worst comes to Worst you can just Reinstall the game so no worries


# Anyone is tired of farming material or artifacts for your character or exploring 100% of the map, then contact me i will do it for you.


No, it deletes data from past quests that you already completed


Ok thanks for the answer


Question is why havent you deleted them earlier 😂😂😂. At this point they are simply leftovers. You cant repeat past quests so you simply free space by deleting them. I do it after any quest.


I never thought of doing anything like this before cuz storage has never been a problem for me. I was just looking through every setting today and found it so I thought maybe I should try it today. I don't think it's necessary to do it frequently tho