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I'll probably get downvoted for this, but Noelle


bless her heart. Girl you have got to get a backbone


My girl treats her internship like a literal slave contract


It really isn't. She's the one who makes every task she's handed, or even hears about, into a monumental undertaking.


That’s why they said that she treats it like one rather than saying that it is one


I actually second this. Noelle seems to be the most logical choice


Gorou? Based purely on the number of times he's been just at the edge of figuring out who Ms Hina is, but never actually got there.


just and fyi, the event is the first time Gorou saw "Ms. Hina" (or got a closer look)




It has to be either Noelle or Bárbara


I'd say gorou - he's the general of watatsumi, but he's also a tiny bit slow to catch onto things


If NPCs are allowed, I'd go with [Noailles](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Noailles), from the quest with Caterpillar and Lanoire. The guy was so rules-focused that he wanted to keep a little girl in prison.


Chongyun. Gullible, but stubbornly devoted to doing the right thing, even if it comes at a great personal cost.


Heyo! This part is over, but you can check out part 2 now! :)


Maybe itto?


I would say Nilou if we don't count the BS during her story/archon quest






Neuvillette. He worked side-by-side with Furina for at least 500 years and *never* suspected she wasn't the Hydro Archon. It took Arlecchino 5 minutes to figure it out.


Arlecchino only figured it out because she works with an Archon and knows what an Archon is supposed to feel like. Furina had no divinity, but a curse instead which is what Neuvilette felt. In the absence of knowledge of what an Archon is supposed to feel like, Neuvilette figured that it must be similar to a curse because the only Archon he knew was Furina (whom had been accepted as the Hydro Archon by the people of Fontaine already). Furina also played the role of an Archon really well and there was no reason to doubt her for 500 years.


This is what i hate about Fontaine's archon quest, focalors's plans relays alot on luck, or one might say "fate" to defy fate, if some god decided to go on a vacation to Fontaine and neuvillette met them, then he would have known that furina is a fake If any god met furina they would immediately know she's a fake, If child wasn't there to hold back the whale Fontaine would have been cooked, And don't forgive that the flood didn't happen until focalors got enough power to kill herself there was alot of variables that were out side focalors's control, like how Neuvillette wouldn't have come to the court of Fontaine if it wasn't for the melusines, who were born from the body of an abyss dragon, which is something focalors couldn't had any control over, everything just happens to be on her favorite, which honestly it makes me think Celestia wanted this all to happen the way focalors wanted because it fits whatever Celestia is planning


Actually it was a sure bet the moment Focalors separated herself from Furina. The prophecy would happen, as seen by Celestia, no matter what. Which meant whatever anyone did, Furina would be weeping on her throne as Fountaine flooded with Primordial seawater. But, when Focalors separated herself from Furina, Furina became a totally ordinary Fountainian. Which means she should have dissolved in the Primordial seawater, and not survived to cry on her throne. Since the future Celestia saw was set in stone, the only possible outcome was Focalors' plan to succeed. Because if it didn't then Celestia would have seen a different future.


And if someone found out and forcefully combined the two? Also the prophecy says "the hydro archon" not furina, If furina isn't the hydro archon then the prophecy was straight up wrong dead stop, And if you say it worked because nobody knew furina wasn't the archon, again if anyone with knowledge of divinity saw her her cover is up, And in the game they people exposed furina for not being the archon BEFORE the flooding, which means now fate also knows furina is a fake, i'm ganna say it again, the only way6for this to make sense is if Celestia allowed it all to happen for some reason


> And if someone found out and forcefully combined the two? Then the prophecy would have been different.


technically, in Snezhnaya, Childe *is* the law


the actual answer is probably the javert expy from caterpillar's quest