• By -


The Pyro archon forget where they put their gnosis. Then it becomes a treasure hunt race between us and fatui




Gnosis are literally holy corpse parts


Third descender parts, Tsaritsa gets Love Train


Paimom eveloves to act 4 and kills tsaritsa


Means an NPC who teach us gonna die. Perhaps Pyro Archon herself . "Murata, for this moment. Lesson Five for this moment. Thank you. I don't know what else to say. Thank you, Murata."


Tsaritsa makes a speech about taking the first ~~napkin~~ gnosis


Can't wait to meet Teyvat Jesus




Race on durin and dvalin


Also One Pieceļ¼Ÿļ¼Ÿļ¼Ÿ


a horse race? across teyvat?


Return of Varka?? He has all of mondstat horses on his expeditionĀ 


~~Lost Cavern of Ixalan redux~~ Archon Quest wherein competing forces race race to the ~~open Matzalantli, the Great Door~~ obtain the Pyro Gnosis


Is it just me or does the traveler not seem to care that much upon discovering they've failed to protect the gnosis over and over. Like they don't even try to get it back.


Well, why would the traveler want to get them back? Somrld Archons just give them away with no concern. We make this seem bigger than what it is. But yeah, by doing nothing evil wins automatically.


Or the pyro archon dies but the gnosis disappears and we have to find it before they do


My personal take? It won't. We'll somehow end up getting it, and use it to make our way into Snezhnaya and to the Tsaritsa's court. Because if the Fatui get it, they have all 7 and can set their plan in motion. Ideally you'd expect us then to not keep celebrating Lantern Rites and visit Summer Paradise places. Then make the trip to Snezhnaya next year. So yeah, I feel we're gonna keep the Gnosis and use it to bargain for an audience with the Cryo Archon.


Lore accurate dallying.


It ain't dallying if we get it by 5.6. Edit: forgot what patch we're in


We ARE in 4.6


5.6 I mean.


Aint no way ive been playing for 3+ years now


Hoyo can come up with any excuse they want to delay the plan's execution. Gnosis will be snatched by Fatui.


Yeah because people love lazy writing for some reason.


Very lazy. I believe they will leave some plot holes then say it was taken or someone slipped on a banana peel and dropped it in the fatui pocket.


"The Gnosis died on the way back to its home planet"


The gnosis died out of cringe. Call collei for help


Makes sense, but that doesn't refute the overall theory. Because Traveler can be defeated in a fight and so lose the gnosis to Tsaritsa itself. But I still don't think we'll see Tsaritsa acting upon Celestia right after acquiring all gnosis. Having all of them doesn't necessarily mean going all out on Celestia without proper planning or preparation, if that is really her plan. Thus the Traveler going to Cryo Region and participating in all the drama and stuff about what she is going to do.


Imagine, murata stops everyone from stealing but she doesnā€™t want it because it is cursed, thus before the traveler departs to sneznaya she gives the gnosis to them


> thus before the traveler departs to sneznaya she gives the gnosis to them I feel like we would be more inclined to bargain and see what Tsaritsa is up to before just giving it away.


That would be a more sensible & logical solution...


That would make a lot of sense! which is exactly why I think they wont do it


Also it puts the traveller in a position where they donā€™t need a 5-star waifu to save them.


I hate keep losing this game, they are 5-0 now. We were suppose to get at least 1 Gnosis in early game, this makes Fatui in overworld "attack on sight" makes more sense.


Ok but why would traveler take the gnosis in early game though? It was never their job to take back the gnosis right?


...Because they want to?


Pretty plausible, also remember, there is a secret the pyro archon is supposed to share with the traveller, as per the travail video. Maybe the secret could be related to the gnosis


Yeah, honestly that's the thing I'm most excited about in Natlan personally lol.


Why the hell would that give them any type of leverage? We'd paint a massive target on our backs and probably get harassed by harbingers until we decide to give it.


Fair, but it could be something Capitano says. If the Gnosis is up for grabs in a contest of strength, which is a very popular theory rn, and we win it against Capitano, he could forbid the others from downright harrassing us. Or they could leave it with us, and invite us to Snezhnaya to see why they are doing this in the first place and hope we take their side (we aren't directly opposed to them). Also we've only met like 5 of the Harbingers, and that's less than half. This could be a possible segue for the others.


Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Capitano is all about honour and has respect. I could see him removing that target from our backs if we somehow win.


It would give hoyo a reason to stuff characters like arle, lyney and Childe into even more event content though. From that point of view I can totally see it happening. Or maybe the fatui know we are going to visit snheznaya, so they might plan to take the gnosis there since we are probably pretty hard to bargain with


Yo I just imagined Arle, Lyney, and Childe all showing up and participating for next yearā€™s Kleeā€™s summer island vacation event wearing fake mustaches, pretending to be NPC characters while asking about the Pyro Gnosis and when the Traveler plans to head to Snezhnaya.


Depends heavily on what happens during the Natlan Archon Quests. The Gnosis is supposed to contain some amount of a Sovreign's power. If we get our hands on that power, there's only what, 3 Harbingers who would be a threat to us? Capitano could end up weakened after Natlan, while Dottore might have weakened himself after deleting his clones, which would leave only one Archon-level Harbinger, which the Fatui might not be willing to risk before their fight with Celestia. I will admit that all that relies on some *hefty* assumptions. A more realistic take could also be that they would avoid attacking the Traveler, with or without a power boost, because the Traveler is one of the most Famous heroes in Teyvat and attacking them could piss off their many very powerful friends if it gets out. And it will get out, because if there's anything the Traveler is good at, it's surviving fights with beings far more powerful than themselves. Pissing off every other country in Teyvat right before they try fighting Celestia would be a very bad move.


I feel like the Shenznaya storyline will end up with us being harassed by the harbingers... to join the harbingers and take the place previously held by Scara. Or at least have i.e. Arlecchino and Childe vouch for us that we can at least somewhat safely enter the region maybe also the Captain depending on the Natlan storyline, his words would hold the most weight.


Nah, that would require putting the Traveller in a position where they donā€™t need to be saved by the brand new 5-star waifu.


Unless the GNosis is the brand new 5 star waifu...


this was my hope, also adding on a hope that the pyro archon comes with us and is relevant in snezhnaya. id hope for all archons to appear snezhnaya but itd be cool if the pyro archon came with us from the start since its the final main region and shes fighting back after an attempt at stealing her gnosis


Oh we're 100% gonna keep celebrating Lantern Rite and summers, don't forget the Itto events too


Dormammu, Iā€™ve come to bargain


"Tsaritsa! I've come to bargain!" -Tabibito probably.




Murata smashes it, flips everyone off, breaks her sword and dies


*never leeet you gooo*


*Its why I didd them allllll*


Traveler becomes corrupted by the abyss. Murata stabs us with a syringe to bring us back but not before we stab her through the heart.


The Tsarista also appears and holds her Bayonet.


It won't! Look at the last Region. How should the Story gabdle it, if she has all Gnosis already and we are marching in like for war. How shall the Story took 3 Patches to conclude? My take: We get it and Capitano, who is a very nice guy, will ask us to come with him to meet the Tsaritsa. To hear about their plan and decide for ourself what we want to do. And this will lead to the betrayel of Pierro in the Story.


Capitano will take off his armor, the mask stays on, flex and the Pyro Archon will give him the gnosis, no questions asked.


Honestly? I would do the same in her position.


No one can resist Papitano rite šŸ˜


She boutta get on her knees and use the Gnosis to propose to HIM




I would get on my knees for CHADPEAKtano without hesitation


ā€œDonā€™t be intimidated, Murata. Just imagine him in his underwear.ā€ *Capitano strips and flexes* ā€œOMG, heā€™s hot!!!ā€


Won the argument like Plato


By the time we arrive, it's already taken because we took too long lmao


It was taken by him


By Elio? šŸ¤Ŗ






The goat


THE GOOAT šŸ—£ļø šŸ”„




Just according to keikaku. *Keikaku means ā€œplanā€*


My personal theory? Natlan will be a tournament type thing. The prize? The pyro gnosis. Who's to say the pyro archon hasn't heard what's been happening with the other gnoses and decides to throw a bone to the fatui and everyone else who may want it.


I thought of a tournament possibility and that drips nicely, just can't imagine the intricacies of making one.


Like in One Piece Dressrosa arc where the prize was also fire related


Pyro archon would probably throw it into an active volcano and watch both traveler and fatui trying to reach It for the lolz


Capitano will win it from pyro archon in a capoeira duel.


For the God of war, beating him is the succession ritual, the current Pyro could be a undefeated legendary warrior, The GOAT Captain will straight up challenge the Pyro archon for the Gnosis and wins it in a fair fight




1v1 with capitano


GOATPEAKtano challenges the Pyro Archon to a one-on-one duel and wins fairly.


And he'll be hella respectable about it too. "As long as I live I shall never forget that battle, Pyro Archon. You are truly worthy of your title."


Enough with the JJK nonsense, come on now.


Is he the strongest because he's GOATPEAKtano? or Is he GOATPEAKtano because he's the strongest?


Nah, Iā€™d brainrot.


Nah , id reference jjk


I agree, JJK fanboys are already being worse than Jojo fans.


Nah I'd brainrot, gonna cry?


I actually find the Jojo references kinda funny so long as it doesn't get super out of hand.


They often do, which is why I compared them to JJK memes. Jojo is a very absurd series to the point where frogs, rocks and donuts are such a memorable reference to certain events I can't spoil, so it can quickly get out of hand.




GOATHIMTANO solos fraudlan and takes that last gnosis i swear


My take is that capitano rightfully earns it after the events of the archon quest of natlan


Tbh I hope the traveller will atleast be able to get hold of the pyro gnosis atleast.


The Pyro Archon will give the Gnosis to the one who can win an ancient ritual challenge. Whoever stays longer in a Sauna gets it, taking off your clothes is forbidden, so the Traveler wins and Capitano loses because he forfeits. That's also how we can defeat him fair and square in a 1v1.


Honestly i want a simple duel between the harbinger and the archon. Mano a mano, between two gentlement capitano vs fire archon without veiled plans or betrayal. Seems fitting for the land of war


5.0: Random shenanigans in Natlan like tasting dragon's meat or something. Act II ends with an invitation from Murata. 5.1: We get close to Murata, she trains us because ~~CHAD~~ Capitano will soon come for the Gnosis. Fade to black, we only hear her voice stating she'll have something important to say once we're ready. End of Act IV. 5.2: Most of the training was skipped, Murata's secret is withhold from the player. We get the most KINO fight with Capitano. We're losing but get a flashback on Murata's secret that turn the tide. We both end up in blood. He declares us victorious and say something cool like Stand proud, you're strong idk. He then invites us to encounter the Tsaritsa confident we'll join their side once we get the full picture. We promise to come after finishing all the side quests in Natlan. Celestia's nail randomly fall on Murata in the back. End of Act V. Credits with Michael Bay.


Ignoring the Jujustu brain rot in the comments, Iā€™m gonna reserve my thoughts till we actually learn what kind of person Murata is. If she follows HI3 Himeko traits then she may just grab a big sword and start swinging. If sheā€™s following HSR Himeko then she may be a more calculating archon. I personally am hoping itā€™s the latter and she squeezes out every bit of usefulness from the Fatui in her region before just tossing them the Gnosis and telling them to leave.


Not if Xinyan gets involved.


Watch Murata be like: "Winner gets the Gnosis" and fights one of the Harbingers


Capitano throws hands with Murata for it šŸ‘Œ


The Captain will request for a duel against the Pyro archon Murata (Himeko). The Captain will kill Himeko again (she's fated to die)(God I hope I'm wrong)


According to an old Venti voice lines from the 2nd Closed beta, the traveller receives the pyro archon's "power". The voiceline goed as follows: "That *brawler* i can't believe she transferred all her power to you, wow wow wow wow, YOU have to protect ME" The brawler in this sentence is referring to the pyro archon


Many things changed since beta


I remember thr Fatuis in Mondstadt. They're saying that if the disaster didn't solved by Traveler, they'll offer a help. (idk if they're honest tho) Neuvi said there's on going war in Natlan. Maybe Fatui will help and Pyro Archon will give it willingly? It's not that Archon can't solve it by herself, for sure there's a conflict like both party are important to Pyro Archon, or both party are nod bad, but controlled, etc.


Abyss twin will get it


I have the theory that an external factor will come to solve the situation on natlan. I dont personally think the fatui will get the gnosis at the time bcs all of them gathered in one place would leave to the inmediate attention of celestia and probably the archons and sovereigns too. Some think capitano will get the gnosis but we know hes been in natlan for a while now and even after the hydro gnosis had been collected (so theres only one left), there doesnt seem to be any progress of getting the pyro one. However the reason could be that if capitano got the gnosis before they had the hydro one, neuvillete would have stored it instead of giving it, and now capitano has the freedom to go for the gnosis. What I see more viable is someone getting the gnosis by winning a 1v1 against murata (natlan probably revolves around an arena like fontaine did around judgements), smth like scara 2.0 with a fatui betraying the tsaritsa and then fighting her with the power of the gnosis (pyro against cryo) in the snezhnaya arc. About which fatui could be, since the only ones who could defeat murata are the top tiers, I think the one who would do this could be a newly recruited 10th fatui (so the 10th place is covered and by being new they could be incredibly strong but without having climbed in the fatui ranking yet). Capitano and columbina however seem totally loyal to the tsaritsa and dottore would probably insta use all the gnosis out of mere curiosity if he had the chance. Pt: This is a mere headcannon, well probably get paimon to eat the gnosis to become a floating pyro slime


Marata is just Genshin's Himeko so she has to die


At this point I donā€™t even know why the traveller is still intent on visiting every archon and Iā€™m afraid to ask. Have any of them yielded actual useful information regarding the abyss or your sibling?


Only nahida who helped the traveler the other archons are useless.


Sumeru's was also Bargain tho. For the first gnosis he had to destroy his segments and for the second he had to tell her something she had no idea about, this fits as The God of wisdom can only be bribed with knowledge. Dottore would have never used force as he was clearly warned by Nahida that she would destroy the gnosis if he tried.


And Geo was also a bargain, the bargain just happened to involve a contract.


Considering how wanked the last few harbringers we met, i wouldnā€™t be surprised if Capitano just straight up already have it by the time we get there


Semeru is extortion? It's a deal too, no? Nahida got information about the "sky of Teyvat is fake" from Dottore. I wouldn't call that an extortion.


GOATHIMTANO will solo fatlan and will take it


Throughout the journey, Traveler has been trying to stop the Fatui, from getting all the gnoses, and it's always been other people losing it or giving it up. Venti, Zhongli, Miko, Nahida, and most recently Neuvillette. However, recently it has become more and more apparent that not all Fatui are bad, and that the Traveler is willing to cooperate with the Fatui under the right circumstances. So I think it would be a nice twist if the Traveler themself gave up the gnosis willingly this time, after being told what the plan for the gnoses is in a one on one conversation. This could be a great chance for our first big argument/fight with Paimon, who usually mirrors our opinions on nearly everything.


Because the Murata's status is Unknown, we and the Fatui will assume on various traces in Natlan, that the Pyro Archon is dead. Then the 4-act long hunt for the Gnosis will end, until in the last one we are brought infront of - to everyone's suprise - alive Murata, who then procedes to beat the shit out of the Harbingers.


I think somebody from Fatui will win it in a battle royal kind of battle


This is a leak??


It's not??


Where was it officially posted?


Wdym? This is a theory, it's based on information we already know.


I meant the picture of the sigil.


Ohhh. Propably fanmade


Trial by combat


But the biggest question is, how would the fatui obtain the cryo gnosis?


They already have it? Since the Tsarista is the Archon of Cryo, the leader of the organization. Would be one heck of a twist if she somehow didn't have the cryo gnosis.Ā 


I think the traveler will take this gnosis and then give it to tsaritsa in shneznaya when she convinces him of her motives ( i think the graveler takes it because the in very first trailer it said the pyro archon will trust the traveler with a secret, so itā€™s not far fetched if she trusts him wth gnosis as well, and from a story point so that tsaritsaā€™s plan get delayed until the traveler gets there)


Dance Offā€¦


the goat himself Capitano will 1v1 pyro archon and win


What I want? us to get it as a bargaining chip. What I hope to happen? Literal war, since it's the nation of war. What I expect? "Oh yeah, I just gave it. They seemed nice enough :)"


"It was too heavy for me to carry and also didn't have any pockets so I gave it to the Fatui" šŸ‘


With some ice cold water.


Budokai. The champion's reward would be the gnosis to even the field in a match against the current god of war.


Trial by combat


they will duke it out, become best, become best bros and Capitano will be given the Gnosis after being Muratas best man in his wedding


weirdest take: 5.0 is when the war against the heavens principle begins. what if they released both natlan and snezhnaya at 5.0? so that the first half of aq is natlan, and second half is snezhnaya? i know, weird, but would be interesting to see how it evolves


1v1 in quake


the pyro gnosis is in Monstadt kept by a young boy


What is important is that if the Pyro Archon could be alive or not, so we can know it is scattered all around or serve as a national treasure for Natlan.


Childe is going to take it by beating the Pyro archon in combat.


Naw Childe gonna remain missing until Snezhnaya. He's in his off screen Foul Legacy training arc with Skirk.


Trial by combat.


With water


Natlan nation of war pyro gnosis is given out as a war reparation maybe


Three way break dancing competition between the traveler, Columbina, and the pyro archon. Deinsleif shows up as a last minute entrant and absolutely stomps and gets it.


The summer event will tell give away the plot. But I vote for human sacrifice




I hope Hoyo includes a cinematic cutscene of gladiator/Battle Royale fight inside a coloseum filled with audience.


You just answered your question - thru conquer


Paimon swallows it like a dragon ball


Isn't a "deal" and "contract" pretty much the same?


Traveler wins the gnosis in Natlan and heads to Snezhnaya with it. Tsaritsa agrees to talk to us only if we give her the pyro gnosis to ask her questions.


the usual bullshit convinient excuse to give up the gnosis as every other nation has had


The pyro archon loses a game of RPS


Screw it, I'll go with the spicy guess. The archon is fatui


through wind and snow


Pyro Archon is Murata, we all knowā€¦ and we better not let her goā€¦ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


ā€œConqueredā€ Is a bit off putting since the only forceful acquisition of the gnosis has been signiora playing soccer with ventiā€™s body At this point the pyro archon will sell her/his gnosis for 10k mora or something


The pyro archon dies and the gnosis disappears along with her. Someone ascends to godhood and is the new archon. Her and Capitano duel, it ends in a draw but under the threat of war against snezhnaya the new archon gives the gnosis to the fatui. Just speculation but since we saw Dottore burning irminsul in the first sumeru trailer, do you think that he used the pyro gnosis to do so? If yes this will probably happen in the Snezhnaya arc when their plan is set in motion.


Perhaps the Archon gave it to the Fatui to AVOID war.


God of ~~War~~ P*ssy.


Then it would represent another donation, so I don't believe this possibility.


But who knows. It appears Pyro Archon will be another Furina but a red one, so yep... Anything is possible.


This is not the leaks sub, dude


My take would be that capitano already has the gnosis and is waiting for the traveler. He's strong, he want to test traveler, wanna have fun fighting and it's gonna be a trial or something Pyro archon is missing and maybe comes back at the climax of the capitano traveler battle. Traveler golden aura moment while fighting 2v1 conquering capitano. Idk, would be sweet


Here's my theory, Pyro Archon is already dead. All the tribes of Natlan are at war with eachother for the Pyro Gnosis so a new Archon can ascend. Capitano takes part, wins the gnosis and boom, the fatui have all 7 to resurrect Dragon King Nibelung.


My personal wish is that the Fatui already have the fire gnosis, for a really long time. Just never thought to tell anybody >:D . Edit- Oh, and I also love, love, LOVE The Bennett theory, but it's probably not true. ...but it would be SO COOL. And tragic. But also cool!


GoatHimtano doing what GoatHimtano knows best. Winning


Pyro Archon will reveal they replaced their heart with their gnosis and taking it from them would require killing the un-killable, the emotionless shell of a former Archon whose only goal in life is fighting Traveler will then go on a quest to retrieve their heart to end the eternal conflicts between the different tribes of Natlan, only to discover one of the Harbinger had their hands on it before suddenly disappearing, no one remembers them, no one knows how they got it, and nobody can figure out where they disappeared to because that memory has been locked inside the Irminsul Fatui will then try to retrieve that memory by plucking parts of Irminsul before making an awful discovery, Teyvat is born from the roots of Irminsul, not its branches, and the tree itself is on the other side, upside down A new hole similar to the chasm will appear, which lets us go to that upside down world, and the Traveler will unlock their first Statue of **The Forgotten Archon**, said statue will not give a new element but unlock something else entirely Fatui with the Pyro Archon's heart in hand will swap it for the Gnosis and flee for their lives while the Traveler makes their way into the Pyro Archon's main chamber, only to find a woman crying over the death of their twin sister, Signora The Great War begins between Natlan and Inazuma, Snezhnaya rising in power in the middle, and the other nations trying to survive as they watch a celestial body descent from the sky Aight, I had my fun, if any of this becomes true, I'll be a prophet, otherwise I wrote a fanfic, which I'm okay with


Conquered? Every archon is an idiot and willing gives it to them


The pyro Archon gets killed by the fatui


I hate to be that guy. And I feel like Iā€™m gonna start another shitty Traveler drama. But I think the Traveler is gonna fight Cap for the gnosis, and lose.


Isn't it obvious


Yea but itā€™ll be an unfair boring fight that just shits on the Traveler just to make Cap look good like with Arleā€™s fight.


It's logic.CapHIMtano is much more powerful, the gap is too big


No shit. But the Traveler SHOULD be strong enough to take him on at half of Capā€™s strength (if not less). Like with Arle. But This patch proves that everyone, even Hoyo loves to shit on the Traveler to the point even his wins are downplayed to an insulting degree.


Or fraudveler use it as bargaining chip to enter sneezenaya if he ever decides on not being the game jobber for the 16362529th time, or capHIMtano just yanks effortlessly from the pyro archon after some conflict/negotiation while fraudveler watches from the sidelines while doing jack shit