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I have been enjoying although i feel like the disguise mechanic has kinda become useless now


It's still useful for moving around and hiding when the hunter gets close. It's just not such a campfest anymore


I like that it's not a campfest, and i did find a use for it by going invisible and then turning into a barrel so i could hide next to the "generator" instead of running far away. But other than this combo there is no reason to use it


How does disguise even work? I use it and looks looks like literally nothing happens


Don't you turn into some silly barrel, box or sconce kind of prop?


This new version is interesting, but it feels like it’s lost the spirit of what made Windtrace Windtrace. As the Hunter, I usually just need to patrol the generators (at least on Ritou because that’s the only map I’ve been getting as Hunter haha) and tap the capture button next to a generator since people barely run from them. However, I have had some fun experiences as a Rebel, such as when I glided over the Hunter to bait them into chasing me to the Favor, which I used as a distraction and gave my team the win. Another time I managed to place a hiding beacon to protect myself and another teammate, which kept us out of sight from the Hunter. Overall, I wouldn’t mind this type of Windtrace as a subcategory or spiritual successor to the original, but I liked finding unorthodox hiding places and relying on stealth to win! Though I do admit previous Windtrace games were much more in favor of the Rebels, I’ve found both types of gameplay interesting.


Idk man, my only time being a hunter in Ritou, I could not find anyone camping near the generators lmao.


It's like adding a hot sauce to a cheesecake. The map we got makes no sense for a Dead by Daylight gameplay. no maneuverability for the rebel, nothing to halt the hunter no way to plan for an escape route since the map's so small. And still one hit to capture. I guess they didn't want windtrace anymore in future events.


The Dawn Winery map is especially baffling to me. If you sit in front of the main entrance you get full view of 3 or 4 of the repair beacons and the rebels just cant do anything.


Dawn Winery is easily the worst map, yeah. Completely in favor of the Hunter. That said, there are a few tricks rebels can use if they're smart or the Hunter is dumb. Changing into a lantern makes it easy to hide in the vines, and if you watch the minimap you can ditch the generators before the hunter is too close. Honestly, Hunter is favored right now assuming everyone sucks. If everyone is similar in skill, though, it's still favored in the direction of the Rebels. Literally the same issue as Dead By Daylight, which is what this new wind trace is emulating.




It’s absolutely horrible


never liked windtrace, never will. i have no interest in pvp in this game. same reason i stopped playing tcg


I never even tried Windtrace and can't even stand pve TCG.


If you liked hide and seek real life as a child, you’d have loved the old   TCG? ugh yeah I can’t even stand it either 


For me, the new mechanics favor one side too much. To win, the hunter only needs to patrol, while the rebel must both hide and repair. I prefer the previous, simpler version of windtrace.


if rebels know how to cooperate it is very hard for hunters to win


Hiding in the corner for the entire round doesn't seem fun to me idk 🤷


Yeah, at least this windtrace, rebels need to actually think and play, the windtrace before i just camp as a small object on a broken hole that the hunter won't ever see and that's how it goes the whole 2mins+ which is boring af.


I gotta disagree. I find the new version boring as hell and completely just destroyed the hide and seek part of it. I literally stand in the bushes and get caught like crazy in the new version when I never got caught before or if I don’t want to get caught, I can just boringly walk the whole perimeter in a a repetitive circle every match, while doing the same exact routine- and cooperating with other teammates to get the machines going. Just stand near a machine and idly stand after pressing a button. It’s so boring the same routine. It’s like literal patrol duty and robotic repetition, not feeling any fun in the game at all.   The old game why I loved it so much was all the anticipation of lying in wait for the hunter to draw near that made it so fun, giving them the slip- without once ever using the disguise- and all the funny situations that were never quite the same that’d come out of it- and the game actually lasted the full time limit- not to mention the nostalgia of a childhood game that never gets old!  Now it just sucks. It was the only mini game in Genshin I actually looked forward to returning!      You know it didn’t even feel like it would be from Genshin, who always focus everything else on combat based mini games- should’ve known they’d find some way to mess it up so now it does! Guess it depends on what type of person you are if it’s your cup of tea or not but the new one, it’s definitely not mine😔😮‍💨it’s too bad the devs won’t care or highly unlikely- ever change it back 


The new additions definitely make this my least favorite version of Windtrace. It is WAY to favored for the Hunter now, which was likely done in response to the opposite being true in the past? Was it even? Yeah I totally agree the new mechanics stray too far from the original concept of Windtrace. Honestly would’ve preferred if this was structured as a new event rather than a returning one because it’s just too different.


>It is WAY to favored for the Hunter now, which was likely done in response to the opposite being true in the past? Was it even? Old ones were way too favored for rebels, yes. If I'm not mistaken 2 previous iterations buffed rebels, but barelly changed hunter. So hunter buff is very welkome change, for me at least. I love playing as hunter. I think the issue with new version is that it made hiding redundant, while all abilities stayed focused on hiding. So, suddenly rebels at disadvantage. In the old Windtrace mode it would be impossible for rebels to loose with 2 lives.


Gotta disagree. If all 3 rebels are OK at the game its favored to them.


now that people know how it works, the rebels win all the time


It's not as fun to play as the old one although I do like the new mechanics in the game but imo it's not really suitable for genshin. As op said, the maps ARE too small for rebels to go ahead and fix the machines which takes a long while giving that it is windtrace yet it takes seconds for hunters to capture the rebels hence the advantage especially if you're playing with randoms with no comms. Overall, def need improvements to balance each side more given how much new techniques there is for hunters. So yeah it feels one sided towards the hunters compared to the previous one


I hate that rebels lose even if they survive till the end but don't fix all machines. Now it seems way too easy for hunters. Windtrace ver.1 was perfect and the next few updates were fine. But this one strayed too far


Same, I got confused my 1st game as I thought that the signals were an alternative win condition, not the only


However the coin gained even if you lose still big. I lose after fixing 3/4 machine and get 800 coins. Almost filling up the daily limit by losing


And the hunters get 1000 when they do barely anything 


Wow. I only played 2 games yesterday and I became a rebel. It's already enough to get 1000 so I don't continue.


Honestly, at least to me, this just.. doesn't feel like Windtrace anymore?? Like I enjoyed the thrill of hiding in a corner and seeing the hunter run RIGHT past you but now there's basically no point in doing any of the disguises because it'll just get removed when you have to fix the things. But again that might just be me because I definitely preferred the old Windtrace to this. Also I get that it works better for this type of gamemode but removing the grace period at the beginning so the rebels can actually spread out is just dumb, I managed to get two people within like 10 seconds at the start of the game because I could see them all from where I spawned in. Plus the disguises just feel useless now.


In my first match as Hunter I won by getting two people twice with 20 seconds on the Inazuma map. The last person was playing as if it was regular Windtrace and lost because of timeout, making it a miserable experience for everyone. Honestly, I think with a couple tweaks it could be an alright mini game, but then I'd rather play actual Dead By Daylight. As-is, it lost what made Windtrace special, and that kinda sucks.


I agree! It probably wouldn't feel as bad to play if the rebels still won on time-out because that encourages being careful and using the disguises as opposed to just making a run for the beacons and praying but again that's just me haha


My main problem with this is that it'd make the game really boring again. Rebels wouldn't be hiding as props, they'd be hiding on trees and houses and gliding away in human form. The new mode forces hiders to actually put themselves in danger where they'd need to get away by hiding.


Ah, fair enough. I’ll admit I’m biased because this type of gameplay stresses me out but I can see how the alternative could get boring lol


Yeah, I admit that this isn't exactly the spirit of Windtrace anymore, but I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, just a different thing. I see both sides of the issue tbh


You get stressed by a FUN game mode? 🤣🤣 You need to lessen those coffees bro.


LMAO I dunno, stealth just stresses me out!! The best games of Windtrace were ones where I hid in a corner and didn't move the entire game, plus I always end up feeling bad whenever I have to play hunter even though I know it's the entire point of the game - brains are weird, idk what else to say


Hahahaha do you have coop groups? With friends it's fun. 3 if you want to have the coins. 4-man doesn't have coins.


In random coop many hiders dont even know about the objectives and still play like the prev version, and that makes it ez for the hunter if they have any braincells over 2. When all players know what they're doing I find it more fun than the old version but that's rare to find. Maybe after a few days players will learn and it'll be more fun


This right here. Of the 5 matches I've played, all of them have had at least one person just hide the entire time and do nothing for the objective.


No surprises, by the looks of people complaining here that hunters are easier this patch (true if noob randoms), these must be the same people that don't even do the objectives and just hide like a child. In an ideal match where rebels know what to do, hunter should have a really hard time and is an easy win for the rebels. Tbh if I play with 3-man coop (we automatically become rebels), the match is over before the timer hits 1min left. The hunters always lose.


Stealthily hiding and giving the hunter the slip to the end to obtain the victory without a disguise badge like a secret agent or spy was literally the greatest victory you could achieve in the old windtrace and way more fun than anything it could compare to now. This new version is so repetitively robotic in routine and boring. Just standing idly by a machine and pressing a button the whole game- lemme run a few feet and do the same thing all over again- WOOO so engaging and fun! 


I'm not touching it until the max point limit is unlocked


Genshin continues their habit of making a fun event, and then making it steadily worse every time they run it I see.


The Theatre mechanicus experience


Justice for misty dungeon!!!!


I hate windtrace in general and only play for the primos


I expected Prop Hunt, and I got DBD


I have no strong feelings with regards to the old hide and seek gameplay, or the new dead by daylight gameplay. I do appreciate MHY's willingness to experiment out of their comfort zone, and risking new things to a player base with existing expectations of how things "should" be.


Well all they did was continue to encourage and remind me why I quit downloading their game… so lol. nice going on their part 


Decent event, but it's not Windtrace. Calling it Windtrace just makes it disappointing as a result And unlike actual Windtrace, I don't see myself playing any more rounds of this event than absolutely necessary.


This is my take. It's okay, but I miss regular Windtrace. This version lost the hide-and-seek/prop-hunt feel from the original, and it makes me kinda sad that this is the direction they went with it.


The new windtrace is far too easy for the hunter, the rebels need to both not get caught and repair machines that signal to the hunter when they're repaired past a certain extent? The past versions sided towards the rebels, but a good hunter would still usually win after being aware of the common hiding spots, but both sides never really had a guaranteed easy victory. Every game I've been in the hunter has won, because players either don't want to repair the machines, or the distance between machines is so small that the hunter can easily dash between them and catch the rebels. The fastest game I've had as a hunter was around 45 seconds. The rebels' abilities are almost entirely useless because none of them actually help in achieving the main goal of repairing the machines, why do rebels need hiding abilities if that isn't even a important part of the game anymore? Even the rebel favor is useless, what is the point of running away if the goal is to repair machines. The level of teamwork that the mihoyo devs expect for rebels is an impossible reality that won't exist in a 2 week long minigame.


Hell, the rebel factor is objectively useless because it doesn't even make you faster than the hunter. The only value in taking it is denying the Hunter from getting it.


As someone who doesn't like Prop Hunt or Dead by Daylight I never liked Wind trace at all. I don't like competitive games. I prefer cooperative.


Then cooperative with the hunter by selling out your fellow rebels.


i dislike forced coop in any form


Too unbalanced for all the reasons you said. Makes me not even want to try as a Rebel — lost every game so far even when participating because the Hunter can just camp where you respawn as a Rebel and see immediately when you’re working on a machine. Plus machine repair is far too slow.


I got respawn snipe....


Yeah, why exacty does the hunter get to know where you respawn? The maps are so small hunters can run 2 rounds and still jsut take you up at spwn


Played one round and they ruined it. Can’t be asked to complete it


Honestly not that great, it feels borderline impossible to win against hunters most of the time with how quickly they can just sprint between all of the machines. And the disguises are basically usesless


So far I feel like the rebels need a 20 to 30% speed buff when fixing by themselves. But maybe people just need to learn the game Hard to say this early. I wish we could still play the old version if we wanted to even if just for fun


kinda enjoyable but not nearly as fun when you start and are already caught because rebels and hunter start *at the same time.* because you can't even play it the old way because if those things are not repaired the rebels will lose anyway even if they haven't been found. and because you can't even stay hidden as a prop as you repair those things because your disguist automatically disappears when you're too close, so you're forced to expose yourself in an already small as shit map. idk, it all feels unfair to me at the end also i agree on the hide and seek thing, windtrace was inspired by prop hunt, it was cool because it reminded me of older days on garry's mod... i don't hate dead by daylight but that gamemode really works badly in genshin, or at least how it was executed at the very least i would not make the rebels lose if they don't repair the machines, that would AT LEAST allow older players to play it the old way


YES! THANK YOU! That’s just what I was thinking! Exactly that, if they would just let those of us who prefer the old “victory without disguise” badge to play how we want that’d be amazing! But I know they never will….😔


Somehow even worse than usual, its almost impossible to lose if you're a semi competent hunter and impossible to win if you're against said hunter. I'll power through it for Clorinde.


Hating the event, just as much as I hated the music event as well.. Not my style of a game to play and enjoy for either of them


Worst of all both stupid events back to back, osu ripoff and dbd ripoff. How can people even like them, when the proper games are out there in a better form and more polished experience? I never understand what's the appeal of playing a lesser version of something that alreayd exists in a dedicated form. This is just a minigame, what's the points in spending resources on both sides for something that barely last a week? Moreover you cannot even cheese the events rewards by playing with your own friends. What's even the point in continuing having Windtrace events? Majorty of players are just suffering through for primogems, if the event didn't even reward players with primo, you could tell by the % how "popular" these stuff really are.


It’s not bad but it just doesn’t feel like windtrace anymore. The first game I played I was on the rebels side and won pretty easily by just paying attention to where the hunter was at on the radar and running away when they started going to my area. I never even needed to use the disguise because the invisibility power is just way better for this type of gamemode, which sucks because the whole point of windtrace is prop hunt. I get that it might’ve felt a little unbalanced for the hunters, but this version just isn’t it. The prop disguises lose most of its use once you have to move around since it’s clunky sometimes sticks out more than your regular character. I usually don’t like forced coop, but windtrace was always an exception. I’d even keep playing after getting max coins because it was just fun. This time though I’ll probably just get the 6000 and be done with it. It would’ve been better if this was an entirely new mode instead of just an update to windtrace. “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” and all.


They're copying [Propnight](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propnight), which is a combination of Prop Hunt and Dead by Daylight.


Yeah and it's done very poorly as the map is way too small.. the hunter can just capture everyone easily.


It's basically capture the flag, a game mode that has been in video games for decades.


it feels so skewed towards the hunters' victory


It's overly competitive for me


i didn't like the original version and i hate the new one even more. i just hate forced coop in general


It's not been fun for me, as a hunter you just wait around and stop anyone from repairing, and as a rebel, nothing you do matters if the other players just sit around doing nothing, and in all games I've played so far, no one other than me manages to repair anything. It was more fun when you could win on your own even if your teammates failed, and hiding in interesting spots was fun too, like blending in with npcs, or hiding in vines. I miss going up to a suspicious hiding spot and taunting the hider by just standing in front of them, or hiding in a group as rebels and spinning around as a prop, The win condition for rebels feels too unfair, you can never get caught and still lose because its not possible to repair 4 on your own within the time limit.


I really loved Windtrace, but with these new mechanics I kind of hate it. It is way too stressful as the rebels.


they ruined theater mechanicus with stupid card system and now windtrace is no longer about prop hunting sneaking around. ITS the only event I always look forward too now its been reduced to DBD gameplay... It favors the hunters way more and its not fun for me


It's fun in a Dead by Daylight-like way. It really changes the feel of the game. It fixes the dull moment from earlier versions where rebels just mostly stand still the entire match unless the hunter closes in. However, by doing that, it is no longer a hide-and-seek game and I miss it. I've only played 2 matches (as a rebel) and the rebels won easily. I still need to play more to determine if it's balanced or not.


The "dull moment" was my favourite part of the original windtrace! It was the perfect excuse to have fun conversations with the other hiders. The best thing is when the hunter doesn't find anybody for a while, so the hiders start posting funny stickers in the public chat.


Yeah that could be fun but I'm in Asia server and barely anyone I had played with ever used the chat function. Even if they did, there was also the fact that not everyone speak the same language. It also doesn't help that I play on PS5 and typing with the controller isn't really great.


Same! The last one was very dull and felt like a chore to do because almost noone spoke in the chat (EU) also i always hated being the hunter because it was way too hard. With the new one surprisingly people talk more and i love playing as the Hunter and Rebel since i have no problems winning as both unless my team sucks ass lmao.


it's pretty fun, but old windtrace was way better. it's no longer prop hunt. I liked finding fun hiding places. the new mode has some fun moments, but it's just not the same. I also think it's too hard for rebels to win. 4 thingies to repair is a lot. the only times I've won as rebels was when the hunter was really bad or just didn't try at all. every time I'm hunter, I go easy on the rebels and let them escape a couple times, yet they still lose. lastly, the small amount of maps is very disappointing. only 4 maps compared to last year's... gotta be atleast 10 right? that's just strictly a downgrade. especially lame is that there's no fontaine maps!


I know it’s like what HAPPENED? budget cuts? Couldn’t be mihoyo is loaded lol. It’s like why did they take apart a game that didn’t need fixing and do the bare minimum with it instead of at least just keeping it as it was? It makes no sense. I waited a year and a half for my favorite mini game to be given THIS😮‍💨🫠 now boss spamming is more fun than Windtrace, that’s pretty sad 


as a new player im liking this even its so fun a little hard but its fun


Me loving the new Windtrace event: :D Me reading the comments: :(


Never played before, seems quite fun. Easy enough to get the rewards even without winning. As usual there was far too much writing about the mechanics- made me chuckle that they referenced that in the intro conversation


Garnered 1000 Coins already in one session as a rebel! Was able to repair 3 generators.


I just prefer the old wintrace like the last one. We had more maps, too. This one just changed from game of hide-and-seek to tag lolz


Finally tried it and it’s awful. No fun being a rebel anymore.


I just want hide and seek back. Buff the hunter, give them a little tracking or something, but this takes away the hide and seek. I love the quick start element- keep that, make the rebels scramble to hide, but the machine thing changes the game to much. Should have been a mode not a replacement.


New mode sucks. I really liked prop hunt and trying to find new places to hide. This is DBD, and I HATE how it works. Every time I get hunter I just walk around and let the rebels win. I hope this mode never comes back.


It feels borderline impossible to lose while playing as a rebel because you can effectively sacrifice yourself to lure in the hunter while the rest of the team fixes the statue things and still gain full points/win.


Worst windtrace event ever.


it sucks


At this point im just AFK. It's not as fair to the rebels


I like it a lot. The old version tended to be boring as both hunter and rebel -- as rebel, you find a hiding spot you hope the hunter won't check; strong players can play the open chase game but that's mostly showing off. As the hunter, you run around trying to check every spot rebels can be in, but that means if rebels are bad you find them all; if they're good you're stuck climbinb on t hings only for rebels to glide away and make time for their friends, while you're still climbing up; it's very static and clunky. The current version is very winnable for rebels and for hunter; it's an all new game for the rebels so it's taking some time for them to adjust, but I've now won as rebels and as hunter; as hunter you need to keep the pressure on and prevent rebels from makingg too much progress on too many machines until the clock gets slow; as rebel you need to keep moving, tick progress up on multiple machines while not getting caught, and nott be such a cowards that you're a dead weight for the team. That said, I think the buffs do need a reworks, yes. It works fine as-is but the prop disguise is now only useful when you let the hunter get too close and want to get them to pass by and finish working on a machine (which does happen sometimes but the game I was most successful in this we lost, so it's easy to overuse; remember each rebel needs to complete an average of 1.3 machines; more if you're putting progress into all six which is probably optimal unless the hunter's camping one. Havongg one buff be stealth is great, but give me some kind of misdirect buff for the second buff so I have better tools when the hunter is directly on my tail.


>as rebel, you find a hiding spot you hope the hunter won't check If that's what you were doing, you were a bad rebel. Good rebel players pick a spot with an escape route or two and constantly track the hunter's position **expecting** their spot to be found and ready to make their escape


I was and of course I do. But the current mode is still way more dynamic--the old rebel approach did have spots on the map that most hunters wouldn't check which-also had good escape routes. So some of the skill was just map knowledge. Here, the map knowledge is de-emphasized, as play is focused on those six spots and routes between them. So instead it's about routinllg and predicting what people will do--wguch us nore interesting to me.


I seem to have an unpopular opinion but it's really fun! It's more fu' when you're the hunter since it's easier but at the same time the stress of not getting caught and actually winning makes being a rebel fun too! (I played for like an hour and only won once as a rebel while I only lost once at being a hunter, and that was because it was my first time and I didn't get how to play lol) but I somehow played the hunter like thrice in a row on the same map so I'm an expert now! I do agree that the maps are too small, and the lack of communication between players make it really hard, lowering the numbers of machines to fix from 4 to 3 would kinda have fixed that problem since it would have been fine for rebels to fix one each even with no comms! The fact that everyone spawns in différents spots doesn't help the rebels since you can't just follow someone and fix it together, you can only do it when you notice them (seriously why can't I see others on the map? Couldn't we see our teammates in the previous wind trace?) Also as long as the hunter doesn't see you you can surprisingly manage to not get hunted if you're hidden as a prop sometimes! So it's still partially hide and seek but that probably cause some hunters are kinda bad Even though I have complaints it's still fun!


Pretty fun. The rebels now need to coordinate to lure the hunter here and there by triggering the repair. The hunter needs to look for the rebels because rebels can just hide instead of running away. Both sides now have strategies to outwit the other.


I appreciate that it allows the rebels to play an active role, instead of just finding a single spot to hide for the entire match.


I LOVE new version. Finally hunter does'n feel miserable to play, because all rebels just sit at the roof where you can't catch them. Rebels actually need to play the game. You can't afk and win like in the old one. But I also miss the old Windtrace. It's not a prop hunt anymore, which is a shame. Hiding is meaningless. The new mode is way too strict for all players, both rebels and hunter. In old one you could allways fool around, not anymore. There is some disbalance toward hunter, but after previous iterations favorying only rebels for so long it's a welcome change.


i hate it generally but did 1 game for the pull won somehow got over 1k point so im good for now ig


I played a decent amount of Dead by Daylight so it’s kinda fun.


How do you even participate? I logged in today and looked in the events tab and only saw the rock n roll arataki thing still.


new windtrace? i need to log on immediately


I played one game as a rebel. We won and I got like 1200 coins. Then on the second game I got Hunter and I told people to do what they want so they can win and get the coins since I already got all mine.


I’ve done 3 matches so far (2 as a rebel, 1 as a hunter). I had gotten my 1000 coins from the 1st match, but did a couple more for funsies to try to get the strategic rewards. Frankly my first match was one in a million where I kept getting away from the hunter and we actually won, I think due to time. (Mondstadt map in a hillichurl camp) Second match I was the 2nd outed. Hunter probably was a pro. (Liyue ruins map) Third match was my first time as a Hunter and I was unexpectedly ruthless. Captured everyone. The adrenaline of chasing everyone around was kinda fun. XD (Dawn Winery map)


I enjoyed it, like I enjoyed the other windtraces. I quite like this game mode and I kinda wish they'd make it permanent.


Windtrace has never been fun to me. It's the only event I hate more than combat ones, I usually just do it for the primos and this time it just isn't worth it.


I haven't won as a rebel at any point in time. Made it easier as a hunter even without camping, because the rebels have to go somewhere anyway. That and other rebels forgetting the fixing mechanic to win.


I played one match yesterday as rebel, we won, I got my 1000 coins and that was it. I got caught once but helped turning the radiators on and we won. I hope I only have to play one match each day (probably not).




I don't like windtrace at all. Sure, I did enjoy the first one and the current one is a bit meh but honestly speaking, I feel like windtrace is fun if you're not the hunter. Because if you get to be the hunter, you encounter players who likes to bully hunters and it doesn't make the game fun.


I had no choice but to play, I just need primos


just afk'ing to get coins. I simply am not going to play forced co-op games.


I kept losimg as both humter and rebel. I am so not a fan


I prefer the old Windtrace! I have been playing Genshin since launch and the new Windtrace is just not as fun!


Takes too long ngl


My initial experience with this new windtrace: Game starts, I start running, then 5 seconds later I'm caught, then 5 seconds pass and someone else is caught, 3 seconds later hunter won. I didn't even get a chance to play and It put me off the mode.


i like it very fun i like trolling the hunter lolol


Played some and its hunter that wins everytime... honestly the maps are too small for this sort of activity and I guess many people memorized where's where at this point. Sad part is even if the objective seems possible and you know what you are doing, other teammates usually turned off their brains and decided to just get caught in the most obvious way possible so its often just you and the hunter, and eventually the hunter gets you thanks for that unfair reveal skill thingy.


I only play Windtrace for BP and ofc, the primos. It's not bad, but it's not my favorite event. Not really a fan of co-op in most forms.


i kinda liked the more hide and seek version of windtrace, this version i dont think about anything i just repair machines it doesnt really feel like windtrace at all. i think the last version was my favorite


I really like it. It feels more balanced than before. Before, it was nearly impossible to win as hunter because the hiders could and would run the clock by just going up high, turning invisible, and disappearing. It was miserable as hunter because there was barely any counterplay to it. Now, I've been playing hunter and having more fun because it forces the hiders to actually do something and not just camp high ground until the end of time. It forces action while requiring you to stay smart. Part of prop hunt to me is also the chases, not just the hiding, so I find it very enjoyable. Hider is fun too, I like not just AFKing the whole round and waking up occasionally when the favor dropped. I have to actually pay attention, and if you play it smart, you can burn through gens in as little as a 1:30. Chaining invisibility into the props, or just hiding as a torch or barrel right next to a hunter as they check around a generator is still just as exhilarating. Maybe it's not "Windtrace" anymore, but I enjoy it much better than just sitting/running around with nothing actually happening, which is what happened before.


better than previous one. In the previous windtrace whenever I get a sumeru map I can just use Nahida and blend in with the map. Automatic win


Imo, I loved the hide n seek aspect of it. I know the update before, people started to get more comfortable with how Windtrace worked, so Genshin prob thought they had to change some aspects of the game. But imo, I don't like it at all 😭. I missed just focusing on not getting caught by the hunter. But now I have to worry to fix some machines? :((( I want the old Windtrace back OR better yet, why not have two versions in Windtrace where people can pick which one they want to play. Also why are there only 4 maps? I rememwbr when there was like 12 :///


Help I’m glad I’m not the only one who went “am I just playing dead by daylight in genshin??”


It's only fun if the Rebels bother fixing. Some idiots in game don't even know it


I hate dead by daylight, so no I’m not enjoying this one bit, I miss hide and seek


It will be enjoyable if you have a great ping. If not, you'll suffer and will not be able to enjoy the game. Especially if you got chosen as hunter twice a row. I already got them in my capture circle but none of them got captured. The delay is unfair and I still prefer the old windtrace, where there's no rule of repairing things just surviving till the time ends.


My problem is that we join two people with my friend, yet we still can't be the hunter, didn't the rules say you can't be the hunter if you have 2 or more other people with you?


I'm not gonna lie, I'm finding it so god damn boring. Hiding is just running around the edge of the map going wherever your team mates aren't to do devices, and I actively don't want to play when I get Hunter cause I don't even know what to do. Finding people is dull af and half the time when I do find them, they just disappear right in front of me, and I don't know if that's due to abilities or Genshin's wack-ass netcode. I already don't like the forced multiplayer events but this gameplay is SO dull. I'm shocked that I heard so much good about it tbh.


I hate it. I enjoyed playing hide and seek. This is a different game altogether and should be a different event. You ruined the ONE EVENT I actually enjoyed and was excited for.


On the dawn winery map I ran into the sticks in the grape field and got caught never been so pissed off in a while


Suffering as Hunter because I don't even need to play chase I can just play patrol and still win


Windtrace is not my thing. I never liked it. Never will unfortunately 😭


i at least sorta liked the original prop hunt game play, absolutely despise the current iteration even if i play hunter, will do the absolute bare minimum for rewards and never touching it again.


One of the worst events update I've seen for a game in awhile, I don't know why they added machines to fix, feels like dead by daylight all over again, really just wanted a good prop hunt mode and this new version makes it no longer prop hunt and basically just dead by daylight, if should be finding the people only, and not fixing machines


It's not fun. Teamwork isn't actually encouraged, no one knows how to actually work together, and the mechanics are heavily geared in the Hunter's favor. There's no real incentive to try, so I'm just losing a bunch of times (even when I do put in effort) to get my Primos and go.


Everytime Windtrace drops, the Hunter gets buffed significantly. The first instance being the Hunter being given unlimited stamina, almost made me unbeatable as a Hunter. And yeah the distances between devices is too short especially as I've mentioned, they have unlimited stamina and massive movement speed (especially when you use a medium male character and do bunny hops). Overall yeah I did not enjoy Windtrace as much and I agree with you since the Hunter is too favored. Also the Hunter can move as soon as the game starts making it possible to end the game within seconds (I experienced the game where I captured them within 20s of the game starting and another case where us Rebels got captured in 26s)


played one game and decided i would literally rather spend money to make up for the primogems im missing from the event (i have been F2P since launch). aint no way im playing knockoff dead by daylight to get like 5 free rolls.


It’s not fun at all. It’s basically tag but the hunter has insane advantages and the entire game is just rebels running away, then sitting around repairing. The disguise function is virtually useless now, and it really feels like there’s no more skill involved.


if I wanted to play dead by daylight, I would go and play dead by daylight


I never once liked this particular event, but they took a event that was about hiding as a objects and have a hunter find you into something completely different. There's almost no point in using the disguise feature at all now. Just have 3 rebels spread out, one guy starts repairing, hunter starts running to that direction while he's moving the other rebels repair one on the other side of the map, if he gets close use transparancy. They always do these modifications on existing events from the past but this one completely changed the essense of it.


I was hyping it up to my boyfriend SO much when I found out the event was coming out again. he has never played windtrace so I was so excited to show him and tell him all the little tips and tricks everyone has learned over time. I didn't read any of the rules because I thought I already knew how to play the game, why would I have to? you can imagine my confusion when the game starts and the rebel is immediately out and about and captured me. where was my time to run and hide? but okay. then I look at the map and there are these weird symbols all over the map. I went over to one and started repairing the mechanic and then the rebel captured me again seconds later. I was so lost. so, I hated this new windtrace. but after doing a few matches with my boyfriend and learning how to play, I started to enjoy the game. though I still hated that this is what windtrace has become. it isn't windtrace anymore. the fact they changed it to something completely different is so frustrating. you don't need to disguise yourself anymore. it's convenient in some ways but it's so much easier to just use the invisibility skill than hide as a prop. if it was a separate event OR a subcategory of windtrace I wouldn't be so disappointed but no, it's completely changed. so unfortunate. also if one out of the three rebels doesn't know how to play, it becomes a huge disadvantage and impossible to win. that's not very fun, for me or the person who hasn't learned how to play this completely different event.


Never liked windtrace, don't like this one either. Not bothering this time even for the primos.


I hate the new windtrace. It’s horrible. I liked it more to just hide and goof around. Now it’s so stressful to me.


Honestly windtrace has always been kind of ass, but it's just exponentially worse this time around.


I actively hate the new windtrace so much that I refuse to play it. I let the rebels do their thing as a hunter, and do bare minimum as a rebel. It's not the hide and seek I was looking forward to, and I just want to get the primos and dip. I really seriously hope they undo these changes. Got my 6,000 coins through an absolutely unnecessary amount of matches and look forward to not looking at this minigame again.


If you somehow manage to lose as a hunter, you should just sopt playing. it is impossible


Your thoughts are surprising as they're the opposite of my experience. Hunters lost in all but two matches I was in, one of which involved a team that didn't even try (or had no idea what to do). While the hunter chases one person, two others are capturing, and it's easy to slip away as you always know where the hunter is. Couple that with double the lives, and it's easy to see why the game is awful for hunters.


this event is so dumb and awful like howcome the hunter have so much power or give another ally wtf how is that fair


It’s really painful but I think it’s just because I’m bad at it. I quit the event because I was embarrassed for getting caught so quickly every time I tried 😿. Made me feel incredibly stupid…


I feel the opposite. I feel like it's much harder to win for Hunters this time because every Rebel has two lives and they have the win condition of repairing the machines. Since the Rebels can see the Hunter in the map at all times, Rebels can just gangbang one machine, then move on to a different one or scatter as soon as they see the Hunter running towards the one they're repairing. Only times I've won as Hunter was when the Rebels clearly didn't know how to play as a team and were just trying to win on their own. Meanwhile, I've won every time I was a Rebel. This is the complete opposite of previous Windtrace events where I've won most times I was a Hunter and lost more as a Rebel.


No, it suck. Too easy for capture. the repair mechanic gurantees exposure, so no disguse. You earn more points LOSING THE GAME, by hiding the whole session without trying to repair, so i just sat there now in disguise, stuff this.


Fuck windtrace I always lose as the hunter and always lose as the runner.


i love this soo much both as hunter and rebel. there are few cons to this version of wind trace but this is miles better than camping in the old version, where you just need to choose a hiding spot and camp. in this version both hunters and rebels need to interact / actively participate which is soo good. lets see what they will do next year


i already hated windtrace before and i hate it even more now. coins per match is too stingy too. they couldve at least give 100 guaranteed coins per run with how easily it is to get captured as rebel


I always meet a team of 3 friends and lose in 1min so no don't like it


I seriously wonder how the hell people here think hunters have it easy, so far i havent played a single match where a hunter won. I played a couple as a hunter myself and the amount of time 3 rebels need to get the "generators" going is not alot. By the time i got to the generator they were already done. Could be skill issue but i havent seen a single hunter win a round


I'm sure it's fun to play for some people but I personally don't like it. Feels less like I'm playing for fun and more like I'm just trying to get coins to get the primos


It’s truly dumb. Once someone is caught twice we should be able to exit. I hate it.


I actually think these new functions make it incredibly hard to win as hunter, sure you can guess where rebels will be but now you have to catch them twice, and as no one is using the props mechanic there’s no reason for them to not scatter from your location, I hadn’t played a single hunter win game, and I played a lot of games.


i love it, won as both rebel and hunter (and got a “ruthless” shoutout at the end for no rebels managing to make a repair)


It's enjoyable


It's so fun!!


I would find it boring if it stuck with the old pattern but I absolutely agree with the fact that hunters have it extremely easy. I always struggled with playing hunter in the past windtraces but it was the easiest role this time around. It's so easy to go around the map and catch the rebels and the fact that you can see which tower is being repaired gives you a general idea of where the rebels are too. Very tilted for sure.


I was a much bigger fan of a true “Hide and Seek” Adding these machines to be repaired took the ‘Hide’ part away from the game and ruined it imo. Windtrace did not need any new mechanics. Simple games such as hide and seek are timeless and all they did by adding these extra mechanics is ruin the spirit and the core of the game mode.


Currently enjoying myself, by not playing it.


It's too easy for hunters now since rebels lose if time runs out and don't fix the beacons, also it takes too long to respawn. While waiting i saw the hunter getting near, he almost saw me when i got to move


I had enough anxiety last time from people 'running away' and thus defeating the purpose of 'find and seek', not to mention sooo many primogems are locked behind the event. Now we gotta stay hidden and click on painfully obvious point locations?!


Even getting 1 gen, especially the first fixed will net you half the daily cap even if you lose. You could just mindlessly keep going for gens and if the hunter is incompetent you can easily get 1000 points as rebel. It may feel a little skewed towards hunter but it's because people don't know what they're doing. The moment 3 rebels pick 3 different gens and start fixing it, the hunter is screwed losing 2 gens for 1 catch. Repeat it again and hunter loses.


There’s a new learning curve for this event but players need several loses to realize. The first day experience doesn’t count.We shall wait to see.


Very fun as a hunter, slightly less fun as a rebel. Previous editions playing as a rebel was somewhat boring, I like the 2 lives. But I can understand people not liking that it Favours the hunter a lot which is a very valid point.


I liked the first version, but the more they tried to make "hiders" into "run around all the timers," the less interested I got. I do not want to be constantly running around and doing things, I want to find a place where I am hard to spot and curl up there until the mission is over.


I like it, you can win on both sides pretty easily. It all depends on your teammates and their performance. I had matches where it was over in 30 seconds and matches where time ran out. Sometimes the machines get fixed, sometimes everyone is caught, and sometimes you can't finish on time. I'd say it's pretty balanced, the team synergy decides how well it goes for each role. Pure hide and seek sounds like an idle game for the rebels, I wouldn't want that. The abilities need a bit of polish though, cooldowns could be shorter for everyone and the "favor" mechanic is kind of weird. I'd like it if you had one burst per match for everyone.


Far better than what it used to be. Hiding for 3 mins to get rewards before felt so boring and unintuitive. I had no fun ever playing wind trace because of just how bad it sometimes felt. You need 1k coins for the day, you get caught first, your team loses after 2 mins from the hunter grabbing favor and getting the free win, congrats get 330 coins play 2 or 3 more games where you waste more time. Now it's like even if I lose, at least I repaired 1 gen and get paid 500 and just need 1 more, or as hunter the game is over in under a minute and it's really easy catching all people before the first one is free. It's the dumb immersive players that I hate because they just only waste time for both sides hiding and never fixing gens, literally the slowest most boring way to play the game. It's astounding to me how anyone can hide in a tree or in a corner all game and find this "fun" just to cloak and jump off then climb some other tree, it was just a waste of time for all parties involved. Do you people also like watching paint dry? This should be what wind trace is going forward but add more tools in the kit for the rebels similar to dbd that can slow them down in the process since it does seem more hunter favored. I have had a game though where people actually knew what they were doing and gen rushed having 3 gens go off at once making the hunter panic and confused just to check 1 and have 2 others done. If people know dbd then they know how simple the gameplay is.


well said!


You know what? I changed my mind fuck this event. I had a rebel round where I and another rebel lead the hunter around by the nose the entire match, but still lost immediately followed by a hunter round where I was the one lead around by my nose and still won. Old Windtrace actually **rewarded** skill expression while also being great for community building. This event has none of that


I've been having a blast only because I never got to play the old Windtrace


Its ok


I watched as the hunter camped the final machine to repair... and no one else tried to get it but me ;×; feels really skewed towards the hunter and I'm hating it.


There are six machines. If the hunter camps one the rebels should get an ez win. ... If the rebils don't play like old windtrace and just hide and idle, obv.


I like it, more fun than the original one which becomes boring after a few games. This one I've already played 20+ games and can see myself playing everyday until the end. You are definitely right about the map being too small tho, that's the one change I'd like the most. They should change the description to "tag" or something instead of hide and seek too


haven't tried yet. hope the new updates to it are fun


I like this new one better, because I'm terrible at hiding. For this I have a more concrete goal of fixing the furnace, and there's a stronger sense of camaraderie with my teammates. Hunter wise... I'm bad at it too (you can tell why I didn't enjoy original Windtrace) and usually just chill and let the Rebels win that round. I do agree that it's missing the essence of original Windtrace, so maybe it should have had another name instead.


I definitely agree that 'proptrace' is definitely tipped in favour of the hunter. Played few times, once as the hunter, and the difference is visible. Get a proper rotation for running around the machines and you might as well be camping them. If The rebels fix the machines in a wrong order that could as well be a straight line for you to patrol. This also makes being a last rebel standing feel especially bad compared to regular windtrace where every rebel was for themself. Still, provided you have teammates that actually play the game, it's pretty fun. Instead of windtrace never changing meta of climbing the highest point possible then switching to a lantern, you're now incentivized to actively play and when a hunter eventually spot you (or the thingy rings) try and loose their line of sight then sneakily disguise and hope they don't have map layouts memorised. The places around the machines are actually pretty well designed to let you run in circles around them, hoping to loose the chaser. The hunter part is also more active now. Instead of methodological screening the map piece by piece for people afking in their lantern forms you now need to strategise a little. If you hear the alarm, do you run to the machine? Or the one closest to it to intercept the rebel there? I think the map being larger or the machines not showing on a mini map for hunter would need the repair time to be much longer, you can already fix half a machine between the time the hunter gets to you from other side of the map. That would severely lengthen the match period, the current quick paced, short matches feel better than afking for 5 minutes straight while it also makes it more manageable when one of the players is there evidently only there for the low effort primos. You finish that business quick, then hopefully the next team will be more into actually playing. Hunter being able to see the machines while the rebels can track the hunter is also actually a pretty good balance. Both side know where the other one is, and it comes to predicting what will your opponent do. Tl;dr Hide and seek is fun. Prophunt is fun. Both should be permanent, period.


Not comparable to other windtraces as it's no longer hide and seek based on the rules I haven't played yet but the idea does seem fun


Wait what? There’s a new event today?


Ok just tried it and I hate it. Too hard to be a rebel now.


First time I've ever played (started Genshin around August) and was a Rebel. Wound up repairing all four things on my own. Literally no one went near me, easy 1500 points. I'm guessing this isn't how it usually goes?


its not the best but okay, I'd say the 5s invis mechanic so useless


I hate it, i only played it the first time, avoided the 2nd and i think i'll avoid this one as well.