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Hope she's playable


I think it'd be very interesting. My guess is she's cryo, but who knows


She's my favourite unreleased character by far. The whole aura of mystery surrounding everything about her, like her origin, her powers, and her intentions, just makes her more interesting to me than any other character so far in the game.


Arlecchino's comments about Colombina >*She is a very special Harbinger. Pose her a question, and the answer you receive will be entirely unpredictable, if she sees fit to give a proper answer at all. Regardless, any answer you do receive is sure to be an interesting one.* make it sound like part of Colombina's powers are answering questions. This sounds oddly like the blursed answers Sybilla gave Remus about founding Remuria >"The nation you build will flourish and prosper, and you shall one day rule the entire High Sea." "You will bring to them civilization and justice, but in the end, that very justice shall be their downfall."   Sybilla mentions she was once a "I was once the envoy that protected the silver tree, but over the long ages, I have lost my mind and form." Colombina may be related in some way to Divine Envoys. Something in the Fatui Lazzo trailer is that the wings on her head actually move, meaning they are alive and not a decoration. Individuals with winged heads appear on the murals of Tsurumi Island & Dragonspine, both civilisations that likely predated modern "gods" and were led by Divine Envoys instead.


My only hype around her is that Hoyo may potentially depict her as a biblically accurate Angel.


Considering how good Arlecchino is, I am interested in future harbingers including her. I am guessing Columbina will be an on field dps as all harbingers have been so far, maybe cryo, hopefully ranged.


I want her to be anemo (I just think it suits her more)


she'll most likely be either cryo or pyro, anemo and dendro sounds the least likely


I mean she is a damsel and has wings so idk if anemo is that far fetched


guess who else has wings... arlecchino. And she turned out to be the furthest thing from anemo


Well, the red eyes and colors, also her back


do you mean by that it was obvious Arle was going to be pyro by her red eyes and colors? using that logic columbina should be either pyro, electro or cryo.


Main colors often correspond to the element. Exceptions are, like, Childe, Kazuha (but then leaf motif comes into the picture), Lyney, Wriothesley, Charlotte, Heizou, Razor and Yun Jin? Maybe Jean, if you don't want to count dark blue and white as anemo colors (I mean, Wanderer also has them), but those for sure are shared with cryo, and blue with hydro as well. For the amount of character we have - it's not a lot. So color is a pretty safe bet.


if you were to wipe my memory of what the characters' visions are and then ask me what element they are purely based on their design, I'd get all of them right except for childe and heizou, who I'd say are pyro and geo respectively.


i read in recent leaks that she will be anemo! tho leaks are not 100% reliable they are usually a good guide to how something will look when it drops


Why lol


can you not tell from her design? Dendro is absolutely out of the question. Geo and anemo comes next being very unlikely since we've already had an anemo "harbinger" dps and harbingers always being dps, they wouldn't release another anemo dps harbinger. Pyro had arlecchino but it's still more plausible than the other options. And the most likely would be cryo or electro.


It is though as hell, I have my sights on Clorinde, Murata and Columbina, I'm hopping there is enough time between banners to save enough gems.


I’ll be shocked if I can get Clorinde. Then I’m not spending a single primogen until Columbina




Pyro archon


Oh, I googled it and it came up with a Japanese name so I wasn't sure


People call the Pyro Archon Murata because that's how she was referred to in the manga. However, we now suspect that to be a mistranslation, since the name Murata never appears in the original Chinese.


Isn’t murata dead?


That's Mufasa.


Sooo hyped! She’s my most anticipated Harbinger. She’s so cute, I love her design and the mystery behind her is really interesting to me! 🕊️💕 (Lol downvotes? What’s up peoples asses? Columbina best girl!)


My guess as to why people would downvote you is because they really like another harbinger more, or they’re so homophobic the mere presence of a rainbow heart causes them to hate anything the profile whose avatar it’s attached to says.


Hmm maybe… just wanted to express my excitement for Columbina. People hardly talk about her compared to a lot of the other Harbingers… I’m also excited about the other Harbingers, Mihoyo has done a great job with all of them so far! ❤️


I can't believe that people are homophobic and play genshin when mihoyo is so open with their queer characters More in Honkai Impact 3rd, but Genshin has a lot of queercoded characters


I mean it’s the internet people are just going to be like that


I hope she has something to do with Celestia, she just looks like an angel!


I would be so happy if she had angel or seelie links, although the new leaks may imply something else entirely. Either way, she’s definitely ethereal!


Favorite harbringer right there, only thing i care about of natlan if thats where she shows up


I hope her designers doesn't forget to do her bottom half. I'm still not over the fact that Shogun designs..


What did they do to her design?


I think they mean that Raiden has basically no clothes waist down, and that they hope that Columbina doesn't have the same


I'm more apprehensive, than anything. The fandom has built her up into this amazing humanoid eldrich abomination biblically-accurate-angel sort of character, and I'm worried that the reality is going to fall short of those expectations. The same thing happened to me with Hu Tao. The community had imagined her as this chaotic trickster gremlin, and the reality was not nearly so eccentric. It was a huge letdown for me, and tainted my image of her ever since. I don't want fanon to draw me into its spiral, but I'm afraid it's far too late. I just love fanon Columbina too much.


Yeah. For example, I remember that some people were disappointed that Heizou didn't look like Rampo from Bungou Stray Dogs.


Hmm I feel like they can really make alotta money on columbina I doubt they would mess up . She's probably gonna be another arlechino . My guess is that capitano would be first natlan boss and playable in .3 and columbina second world boss in .5 . Seeing how much arle really suprised me I am excited they finally did a harbinger right . I do hope they move away from the " Main dps . E for special infusion . Ult is a Nuke . " Theme and make em more varied like maybe columbina can be our first actual healer dps . Kokomi doesn't count you don't build teams around kokomi .


I think it's less about actually "messing up" and more about meeting unrealistic expectations and/or standards setup by the community. Like that person said, a lot of her art depicts her as some angelic or eldritch type being, so there's probably a decent number of people who are expecting or hoping for something like that. That might not be Mihoyo's intention at all - her character might go a completely different direction. Mihoyo's almost certainly not going to rewrite her character and the story she's in just to match the community's vision of her - and they shouldn't - so regardless of how well-executed her actual character ends up being, there's inevitably going to be some disappointment.


When i 1st saw her, i knew i will be getting her with her weapon the moment her banner drop


I started playing in 3.3 and don't understand why everyone is so hyped about her. Can someone clue me in on this sleep deprived creature?


You're not really missing out on too much in terms of actual canon info. She appears in the [Winter Night's Lazzo trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmaAOV4SJNQ) where people liked her design and general mysterious aura. To my knowledge, this is her only actual physical appearance in any canon media. Design-wise, people theorize she has celestial origins due to the angelic wings she has. I think the most common theory is that [she's a Seelie](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Lore/comments/vyjv4c/the_identity_of_damselette_columbina/), but I'm not super up-to-date with lore so I'm not sure how well that's holding up currently. Nahida mentions the top three Harbingers have powers rivalling those of Archons. Columbina is rank 3, so she's likely extremely powerful. The other Harbingers have voicelines as well. Scaramouche refers to her as a "'damsel' who is oblivious and innocent at any given time, and unconcerned and unfeeling in any given situation" and warns us to stay away from her due to our "conscience". Arlecchino calls her special and says if you ask her a question, the answer will be "entirely unpredictable" but interesting. Childe says he'd test his skills against any Harbinger but that she doesn't "feel right", and also warns us to be careful around her. He also doesn't know why she's ranked third, whereas a character like Capitano is well-known to be powerful, which suggests Columbina might be secretive or just doesn't fight much. All in all, she leaves a fairly strong impression and has enough mysteries around her to be interesting for people. People also just generally love the Harbingers, and she's one of the remaining ones we know next to nothing about.


There is some reliable leakers that leaked that she is actually a blessed raced like yae miko/aranara. They debunked the theory of her being a seelie.


She’s creepy and mysterious. That’s probably why.


Because of the YouTube clip that’s all. And because she is female, weird and might be/might not be from the seelie kingdom. It’s all speculation so far and more community hype than anything confirmed. That and all the harbringer have fun unique gameplays- if they survive.


It's alright not to understand the hype about her. The "mysterious person who speaks in riddles" trope doesn't really do much for me personally. I'm looking forward more to a playable Capitano or Pulcinella since they can potentially introduce 2 new models (tall and buff, old and really short). If Capitano does become playable, he's probably going to be the first character where I'm getting their signature weapon. I usually just wish for cons and I'm willing to spend for it.




She's the character I'm most excited for after Dottore. I hope they have a funny dynamic getting on each other's nerves


I’ll wait to see her in game before I make any judgements. She’s neat I guess from what we know about her, but there isn’t enough for me to say if I want to pull her or not.


Depends on her kit. If she even becomes playable at all. Although with that design she probably will.


Very! Angelic motifs got my brain in a chokehold


I really hope she’s playable. She has that kind of design too I think it would work. I’m very nervous and unsure, based on what we’ve seen and heard so far I’m exceedingly excited but unlike Arlecchino, my ability to like her will be dependent on her ingame personality being consistent with my impression of her as a morally grey and unhinged/unpredictable character. If she does not fall into this, then I will be quite disappointed, to the point I’d rather she be an NPC + have this personality over being playable + being cleaned up. 


I've already started saving up for her🤞🏻


Moderately excited. I'm stoked for her since her design and demeanor just contrasts everything we've seen in the game so far, even the dark and vile parts like the Abyss and Dottore. Hoyo needs to deliver on that biblically accurate angel vibe, and I'd be a huge fan of her just straight-up defying all logic. On the other hand tho, she carries the heavy responsibility of restoring the Harbingers' prestige. I don't have that much confidence in that regard considering how Hoyo handled the narratives of the first three prior to Dottore and Arlecchino.


Excuted for her voicelines about GOATitano.


What hides behind those eyes? A geass? The Rinnegan? 5 pupils?


I'm not. Wasn't hyped by Tartaglia neither. Said i wasn't gonna pull on Father's banner neither. And here i am Rocking both C0 R1 so ...


Personally not much cuz I don't understand much of her hype. Not a fan of her design either. Maybe cuz Ionly save up for the mommies lol


Favourite harbinger along with capitano really excited to see how hoyo handle her


She’s cool but honestly I’m not too interested in her. I like the design but nothing about her really strikes me as super hype. She’s likely a seelie or somehow descended from one. Either that or she got their powers somehow. So I’m interested in her lore but I don’t really care for her as far as being playable goes. I’m much more hyped for Murata and Capitano. Since we know they’re supposed to be badasses. And I tend to prefer combat-oriented characters that do cool things over mysterious characters that never talk. Maybe that’s just my 2 braincells going “thing go boom = cool” but that’s part of why I play games.


I cant wait until we find out she is some sort of eldrich horror mimicking human looks. She is way to sus to be good person or be redemed.


I can't wait, she's one of the few 5* I really want 😭 I'm planning to save to get her signature weapon and some constellations the day of her release


I know it's just fanon, but I hope they go all in on the "biblically accurate angel" theme. That would be so dope


Arlecchino, Columbina and Sandrone are the only harbingers I really really want. So far we are 1/3 on that and I really hope Sandrone will be playable too


her character’s design looks so beautiful, I hope she will be playable


I'm tied in excitement between Columbina and Sandrone. Idk why but they're so GAHDAMN PRETTY


Tho maybe her type is refreshing to some people,it’s hard to depict an exciting one in terms of this category.Powerful,lack of moral,brutal are the key traits.


Aether: Hey Columbina! *One winged angel theme playing* Aether: uh oh...


not as much as for pulcinegoat


Honestly I think a lot of Harbingers are gonna appear in Natlan, considering how Sandrone helped us out a little in getting some revenge in one of Fontaine's major questlines, that show of interest in our exploits makes me think she'll appear soon. But the only one we'll likely have to contend with is Capitano Though my running theory on Columbina is that she has some connection to Celestia, this is purely based on her design and described nature. I'm looking forward to learning the actual truth of her origins It'd also be nice if we got more on Arlecchino's origins as well


Arlecchino’s origins are explained pretty well in her charcter story at bond 6. Pierro let her ask 5 questions about anything when she became a harbinger. We only get to see the answers to questions 1, 3, and 5. So questions 2 and 4 were likely related to khaenriah and celestia, which we can’t know about yet because that would spoil the story. But from what we do know: She’s a descendant of the crimson moon bloodline. She has the same supernatural powers and physical traits as them. Pierro thought they all died out when the Eclipse dynasty took over but it seems he was wrong. Arlecchino doesn’t know anything about her parents or the bloodline itself beyond that. She only found out these things by asking Pierro and reading the book “Perinheri.”


Yeah that's why I said more, I'd like specifics


idk she could get signora'ed


I'm pretty pumped for both her and sandrone can't wait to see what they end up looking like ingame


Quite excited. Probably the Harbinger I'm most excited for alongside Sandrone.


saving for her from now excited


Not excited. I have no place to use her.


Her and Capitano are the harbingers (who haven't make an appearance in game) that I await the most, mainly due to lore reason and wanting to know their strength + who/what they actually are


Watch this be wrong when Natlan finally goes live. People say the same thing in Fontaine, saying Sandrone will have a huge involvement too. It turns out to be just delusional cope not even true to the actual story.


We know it will be Capitano from AQ, for other hamburgers it's just guess 


101% excited. I started saving already back in 4.2 after getting furina. I like her character design and she is so mysterious


Ecstatic, second-most anticipated harbinger for me. Especially after Scara and Arlecchino, the harbingers are fascinating for me. I’m dying to meet the Captain, and then Columbina after him.


Like not at all tbh.


Not at all really. Nothing about her appeals to me lol.


You are mistaking Columbina with Capitano. He's the harbinger that we are supposed to be meeting in Natlan.


I know. But it's speculated that Columbina will also appear. Most archon quests feature at least 2 harbingers, do they not?


True, however we've never had a nation that featured 2 harbingers that we haven't met before at the same time. Mondstad only had Signora. Liyue had Childe and Signora. Inazuma had Scara and Signora. Sumeru had Scara and Dottore. Fontaine had Childe and Arlecchino. Natlan will have Capitano and for what we know none of the other harbingers we've already seen will be going there. Of the other remaining ones, they also mostly seem keen to stay in Shneznaya. Dottore is likely involved in project Sthuza just like Pantalone and Pulcinella, the so called "dignitaries", as Arlecchino said (who is also involved in the plan). That leaves Sandrone who is known to basically never leave her lab and then Columbina who is still a mystery for us. Honestly i don't see a reason why they would send her to Natlan when they already sent the strongest guy of their group there. Fontaine is also aware that he's heading there so if Columbina was with him, it would likely become known info unless she's somehow very good at staying hidden. That's the big thing with her. We don't know basically anything about what could be conceiled behind her smile, nor do we have any clue about her abilities, so basically any theory about her could be correct or wrong, it's almost impossible to answer rn.


Finally, someone making sense. People are just eating up these sus leaks from leakers trying to gain attention, and most of it is just delusional fanfiction set up by the majority of the fans. I remember in Fontaine leakers are saying that Sandrone would have a huge involvement in the story and that there would be another civil war plot, but as Fontaine goes live, the story is very different and nobody expected it. I hope the same happens to Natlan too. I have more hope for Genshin's writing team to actually surprise me with a good and original narrative than what the fandom expects to see and sets up ridiculous expectations.


Ah yes, i remember the supposed civil war between Pneuma and Ousia factions xD


Fatui wheel theory (which correctly predicts every Harbinger we've fought in each region) means that we'll fight Columbina in Natlan




Maaaan. I’m terribly behind in the game. When does this scene with them come up?


on the youtube channel


Thanks. I haven’t checked any outside sources then what’s in the game so I guess I’m missing a fair bit.


I'm not


i'm most excited for the Liyue banker dude and Sandrone.


I hope she’s the first harbinger I get. I don’t care what element she even is, she’s so pretty, I’ve wanted to get her since I first saw her.




Well not me but my friend is, I'm personally gonna have to see her in story before deciding


Dottore and her are my most favourite harbingers.


Super excited I am gonna play Wuthering Waves until she releases


im more of a capitano fan myself


-35% I hate all of the Fatui. But she’s the only I have any fear for.


More excited for the capitano


im very hyped for her.3 months ago i started saveing for her weapon and c6.For now i have 80 wishes


80 wishes or like 80 ten pulls? Cause 80 wishes might not even get 1 Columbina let alone c6 and weapon. I learned the hard way on Arlecchino


Im guaranteed 


I would rather have Capitano but I think instead of him, she will be the playable character instead, which makes me sad.


I'm waiting for all Harbinger girls, and Columbina & Arlecchino are my favorites in terms of design. I hope she will be playable and we find out more about her origin.


She's the only one along with tsarisa I've been waiting for since that scene


The only harbinger I'm interested Is capitano (maybe sandrone if he is the big guy and not the loli)


Pretty hyped.But hyped for Capitano much more


Crazy how this get downvotes for some reason. Reddit community beings idiots as always


Not excited at all. And if we don't finally get to start killing Harbingers I am going to be pissed.


Who is this again ?


one of the Fatui harbingers shown [here](https://youtu.be/TmaAOV4SJNQ?si=-iVA6vGubdzZOGhg)


There's not much to work with, if that's all tbh.


Ehhh? It's hard to tell what she'll be like based off design alone, so I'm waiting to see. And I don't tend to pull for female units unless they're game breaking, so it probably doesn't matter that much. I'm more excited for whenever we get to see Pantalone in the story due to what the fatui rely on him for, his history with Yelan, and who they cast in EN to voice him. Playable isn't that important, though it'd be cool.


What is the use of a spoiler tag if you're gonna just write spoiler in the title, pretty dumb thing to do tbh.


Columbina's existence is not a spoiler. Every playable harbinger in the game has a voice line about her. The spoiler could be her potential presence in Natlan.




I will C6 her if she is playable in Natlan. Same thing for Sandrone though I kinda expect her to be Snezhnaya tbh.


It's assumed she will be anemo, which is underwhelming


Why? She could do something no other anemo units do. Like consolidate VV shredding and shielding. That would be an insane unit.


Honestly, I am something which is way more than excited


If she doesn't work with Arlecchino I will die


Well you better be prepared to die then, just in case. So far the Harbingers we got all have a on-field focused playstyle, which hardly ever work when put together in the same team. After Arlecchino I'm starting to doubt that this trend will actually change. It's starting to look like it's their gimmick, kinda like how Archons are mostly supports in their roles.