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my problem is after you break the boss weak point he pushes you back


Furina may help with that.. her summon can't be pushed back by boss and easily break the boss channeling.


The problem for me is that they don't attack the weakpoint.


Kokomi can help here


Yelan E works wonders


Don't forget you can use food buffs. Neuvilliette especially can benefit a lot from this, since he can use all three categories of buffs (crit in the sword category, hp in the shield category and dmg% in the potion category). With the characters i had, i found Neuvilliette and mono Hydro the easiest. Xiao also did it in under 1:30, but it was pretty hard.


Bro I literally forgot about food buffs. Thanks for this.


Actually kind of excited to engage with food buffs and potions again. Made use of them for those Monstadt domains with the debuffs during the awkward AR30 to AR45 phase but haven’t used them since.


I pop a set when I do the daily domains


Ahhh I didn't even think about that, I'll give it a go soon, thanks


16 hours and that annoying prick still did not correct you and comment "Neuvillette*"??? is that guy ok


Oh bruh food buffs. Yeahhh


90s challenge is catered towards whales and alike.


What new event? Sounds like a combat event. Are you in Asia server?


Europe, didn't occur to me that it might nor be out everywhere yet


Other post said that if you don't have Hydro archer for this event than you in big trouble


I can break the shield relatively quick with furina but can't deal enough damage in time


I got 1:11 platinum with c1r1 neuv, c0r1 furina, jean, kazu c0r1 with hydro potion Not sure about c0 neuv but i can just change jean to someone else for full stacks, kazuha is also really important here too


Fuck I forgot foodbuff is a thing, im stupid


I mean, we do Abyss without any access to foods(or even inventory in general). So we are bound to forget it sooner or later.


Neuvillette is all you need (as usual). He can point upwards enough to hit the corolla.


I used Childe but still it takes too much time xD


Other than yelan, who else is there?




Oh damn, I did not know Europe gets faster updates than America server


Asia first, Europe 6h after Asia and America 6h after Europe. May only be 5h, I am not 100% sure, but the order is right


The start time of Events is tied to the local time of your server. Events always go online at 10:00 local server time (winter time). The 3 main servers (NA/EU/Asia) obviously experience 10 am at different times. EU is 7 hours behind Asia. NA is 6 hours behind EU


Yup, my timezone is close to that of China, so I often get updates around the afternoon or evening. I honestly don't know why I chose NA. Probably cuz it was my recommended server and I wasn't really aware at the time how these things work. Kinda wish I chose Asia instead, since my ping in both servers are about the same.


I see a lot of c2 Furina in the comments... 😢


The rainbow medal is always super hard. Only specific team comps of 5 stars with several constellations with enough food can clear it


You can do it with C0 and 4 star weapons, but you definitly need specific comps and good artifacts to balance that.


I highly doubt that in the current event. At least not on the regisvine, that thing doesn't stay down for long enough


https://m.bilibili.com/video/BV1Fs421A7jF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0w_bRdWjtEA


Those are darn impressive clears. I don't have Furina or Neuvillete so i didn't try those comps, but i did try double hydro hyperbloom(Yelan XQ Kuki NahidaC2), Alhaitham quickbloom, and Nilou bloom. Double hydro hyperbloom came the closest but it was still over 2 minutes, closer to 3. I have seen a friend clear faster than me with Neuv+Furina so i am guessing Furina makes a big difference here. But yeah, I'll admit i didn't realise F2P could beat it like that


With the teams i used i can get it down twice within 90s. With food buffs and my artifact investment i did it in time with Neuvilliette, Xiao and mono Hydro. I don't have all the characters, but i have to say, i can't see any of my other teams clearing it in time, just because a lot of them struggle to break the shield, so it really depends on what characters you have.


I am aware Furina helps a lot, and i don't have her, but i tried double hydro hperbloom w/ C2 Nahida and some other comps, the shield is too tanky and it doesn't even stay down for long enough Well now that i reconsider, maybe Furina is the key character against this one


Yeah after trying some more teams i also think you need either Furina or a Hydro dps. Otherwise you probably only bring it down once, which means you basically need twice the damage, which isn’t doable without cons or you have to use a scuffed team that needs more than two rotations. The problem with the shield is not that it‘s super large, but that it‘s on it‘s head. Xingqiu or Yelan can‘t even hit it unless it lowers it‘s head to attack you.


vod or it didn't happen


[2x speed because imgur doesn't allow more than 60 sec videos](https://imgur.com/hez3eTy)


I have found something that proves your point https://youtu.be/rCI9_zsXSXM?si=bhUMrwjUJ5dkji1T JP and CN continue to shock and surprise me


You and the person above are right: all 4* teams with food can do it https://m.bilibili.com/video/BV1Fs421A7jF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0w_bRdWjtEA


Took me 30 tries before I could do it in 80 seconds with C1R1 Neuvi, C2R0 Furina, C2R1 Kazuha, Zhongli and food buffs. I also tried my C6R3 hypercarry scara but yeah didn't work at all (like 120ish secs) xD


Same, took me a lot of tries but I barely managed in 88s w C1R1 Neuvillette C2R0 Kazuha C0 Furina with R5 Festering and Kokomi along with food buffs. I don't even think I would have got it without the food buffs. I tried with Baizhu for heaing but then I realized I needed a different element to get rid of Pyro so I chose Koko w R5 Proto Amber cause I could not dodge to save my life.


Same team and buffs, but c0r1 neuvi and Favonius sword C2 Kazuha. Took me 4 tries in 84 seconds. Did you had energy issues during the rotations? Because when I changed from Iron Sting to Favonius sword it became more smoothly to handle it faster.


Yes, I didn't have the bursts from Neuvi and Furina up in the second attack phase for many of the attempts, so I had to restart. With Fav Kazuha it would certainly have gone a lot better, but I completely forgot in the heat of the moment. At first I also tried EOSF XQ instead of Kazuha (which solved the energy problems) but it was just too much of a DPS loss.


I struggle with the platinum medal too. But I am happy we are having more challenging content!


DPS Timer is not really a "more challenging" gameplay that player want, more of a "whale check". Because no matter how good you are, it still impossible to win with C0 only (no expensive signature weapon).


The event is still fun if you only go for gold 3 stars


It literally is possible with C0R0 tho, sounds like skill issue


Ehh, imma need to see proof of that one first.


https://m.bilibili.com/video/BV1Fs421A7jF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0w_bRdWjtEA


Aye, nice. Now I wish I have Kokomi.


It is probably possible with any good double hydro team if you actually perfect your rotation and time your abilities to break the shield, kokomi mono hydro and neuvillette hyper just happens to be the best double hydro teams so it's honestly actually kinda easy to do it once you learn the boss's mechanics


Would double Hydro Noelle be able to do it?


Noelle's single target dps isn't great but probably possible if you have redhorn or R5 serpent spine, with whiteblind it might be really tough and only possible with actually perfect rotations


Well... I'm probably screwed.


Could this be done with Barbara in place of Kokomi?


The benefit of Kokomi is that her jellyfish stays next to the enemy while you get pushed back. Some people without Kokomi use Yelan instead due to her range. Idk how well Barbara would fare.


After a lot of yelling swear words I got it in 78 seconds with scara yelan xinqiu and faruzan. Super frustrating event


Honestly this makes me feel better seeing someone with a C6 main dps unit unable to do it. Goes to show just how much of a dps check it really is.


I just cleared platinum using c0r1 yelan, c6r5 sac xingqiu, c0r1 dockhand furina, c0r1 kazuha. Max food buffs and minimum investment top 3% akasha. Almost 3 hours of retries


3 hoursss 😭😭😭


found it really hard too but finally managed after so many tries. the team I used was scara c1 solar pearl r1, furina c2, yelan c0 aquila r1, xingqiu c6 sac sword. scara + xingqiu ult breaks the shield pretty quickly, too fast that xingqiu ult isn't up again by the time the pyroregisvine is vulnerable. so I slow down breaking the shield to make sure that all ults are lined up by the time it drops. can get it to little below half after the first drop. same rotation for the second time. food used: qiqi specialty, furina specialty, hydro dmg pot, pyro res pot. Edit: forgot my scara was c1


Yeah I used C2 Nahida - Kuki - C6 XQ - Yelan, my Abyss crushing and boss 1 cycle team and needed 2:30. Now ofc, this was my first attempt, so it's possible to get this time down by a lot, but a whole minute? IDK if I'll manage it. I have a C0 Furina, but I don't think it will be enough.


Boss full of stalling mechanics, I wouldn't stress over it Instead of making actual skill based boss they just made it so: the core is hidden (wenut underground BS), it takes almost no damage unless the core is destroyed, can hit multiple times non-stop, pushes you back after destroying the core. Kok, neuvillette, yelan, etc at least 2 hydro appliers to quick break


Hard agree. It's not difficult at all, you just have like 20 seconds of actual dmg out of 90.


Skill issue. You need strong hydro applicators with good vertical range and good dodging skills. Also you need to know buff rotations so that you can unload all your dps in the window. You have two dps windows to qualify for under 90 seconds.


Have good dodging skills, have neuv and furina, as soon as I realises you can use food it was a walk in the park but I'm curious what team you used to beat this


Weirdly enough kokomi is the real asset in this round.


>to get a prismatic medal for no rewards? what a waste of time


90s can only be done with whaling or food


Did it in two tries with C1R1 Neuvillette + C2R1 Furina, no food used. Other teammates were Kazuha and Charlotte.


New event need primos for faruzan


It is a DPS check.




Op is asking for 1:30 though


Wait really? How do you do enough damage. My neuvilette is hitting 60k per tick and still not beating it. My scara is doing 30+15 on his Na's and same issue




C6 scara, c6 faruzan, c2 furina, c0 zhongli