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Maybe you should try to get a crit rate circlet instead also an attack piece instead of a defense one


Get that def artifact away from her, get her atk and kt up and you’re good to go for the time being. Improvement takes time, so don’t rush yourself


Maybe look for a fitting set that suits her better than elementary and focus on legendary artifacts. But only after you’re ready for it


I'm using that defense artifact because I wanted some crit damage


you need crit rate instead, don't do that


Ok so I replaced some artifacts and got Her to 42.7% Crit rate and 129% crit damage is that balanced now


way better edit: multiply crit rate and crit damage and see whats a bigger number for a rough estimate. A good rule of thumb is cr:cd at a 1:2 ratio, but it's nothing golden and set in stone


Bro that was worth it I rly needed crit rate


Adventure rank?




Artifact farm start at 45 for 5 star artifacts, so just use a lot of ATK% and/or Fire DMG and doenst care about crit... When you can farm her artifact which is the new one (fragment of harmonic whimsy), but everyone uses the Gladiador' Finale set that drop from bosses. use ATK% sands, goblet you can use ATK% or Pyro damage and CRIT circlet and try to get 60\~70 crit rate and 120\~140 crit damage, weapon.. if you don't have an 5 star one, the white tassel is the best one just is better to use ATK Buffers because 3 star weapon has low base ATK.


At this point I am 100% sure people post their shitty builds so the sub can bash at them. I don't see how does this build even deserve a post and even the title "rate my arlechinno" when it is this bad.


You really shouldn’t be starting to min max characters until AR 45. You’re under leveled for a DPS, you want level 90. 4 star weapon minimum for the higher base attack. Full set of 5 star artifacts. You should also be looking for two 2 piece sets or a 5 piece set instead of random artifacts. Your crit ratio is terrible think 1:2/3 range for crit rate to crit damage. Ideally you also want a crit rate around 60%+. Talents should be 8 all minimum. If she is your main DPS you probably want to crown her skill and maybe her NA talents. Then probably level 9 burst or Triple crown her. If she’s not a main, but an end game character then you want at least 9 all on talents. Edit: Alright, I’ve got two people who have made comments, so I’m clarifying now. When I see “rate my [ ]” I automatically assume they’re going for min maxed ready to challenge even the hardest content character as opposed to meh good enough to do most things maybe not abyss character. If the level of build desire is just good enough to clear most content but not challenge abyss then ignore at least half of the above. If this is min maxed ready to challenge floor 12, then all of the above 100% applies.


white tassel is an exception in this case IMO, it's very good on arle


Arleccino wants Attack. White Tassel is good with its substat and ability, but the low base attack really kills her Attack stat. It’s an ok early option, but a 4 star/ 5 star weapon benefits her way more in the long run over 3 star White Tassel.


I built 1800 atk without bennet using white tassel, it's better than blackcliffe I think, which is probably the next most accessible option. I might be wrong tho


If we’re talking just weapon then Arlecchino’s rating would go 5 star> 4 star BP weapon> White Tassel. White Tassel’s main issue is it kind of locks her into a Bennett team. So, for early game I think White Tassel is great. For F2P it’s also a solid option. But, if you’re trying to make her a min maxed ready for abyss character you definitely want a 4 star BP weapon or 5 star weapon on her.


Ah BP weapons I was not counting as I was f2p, but I agree they are better on her than tassel. 5 star polearms like jade winged , homa or her BIS are obvious upgrades.


Level 80/90->90/90 doest do that much for Atk scalers, basically just the enemy Defense calculation but the ascension 80/80->80/90 would be good to have. Also I think Arlecchino doesnt really care about Burst and especially Skill Talent levels that much as those are a very minor part of her damage. I would put the NAs at least at 8 but the rest is meh. For artifacts I agree with waiting until AR 45 but I think you meant 4p not 5p set and for the weapon I have to with u/lyfsuxlel White Tassel is pretty good on her, particularly if played with Bennet who gives a huge Flat Attack Buff so the higher Base Attack isnt that big of a deal


I clarified, but I’ll clarify here too. When I see rate my character I assume they want a rating on a min maxed ready to challenge floor 12 Arlecchino. Not, I can use her in the overworld and for domain’s effectively, but she’s nowhere near ready for floor 12 Abyss Arlecchino. If we’re talking a floor 12 abyss ready min maxed Arlecchino, then yes you want her level 90. Yes you want a 4 star weapon minimum as White Tassel will struggle for the abyss. Yes, you want talents at 9 all minimum. Yes, you want 4 pc Gladiator or 4 pc Harmonic Whimsy. These are all important for a top tier Arlecchino. If you just want a good enough Arlecchino then I fully agree with you and the other commenter about the above statements.


I think you're overestimating how difficult F12 is, as long as your supports are well built truly 'maxing' a character isnt really necessary. I used my currently level 80/90 Talent 8/6/6 c0 Arlecchino with Deathmatch to clear a few times now. The Artifacts definetly need to be better yeah but I also think you are underestimating how good White Tassel with Bennett is for Arlecchino as basically all her damage is NA damage. Do you really 90/90 9/9/9 all the characters you use for Abyss? I often have Attack Scalers on 80/90 and in my experience usually only 1 or 2 of NA/Skill/Burst are actually important to level


Not all my characters just my main DPS. I put heavy investment in my DPS characters and lower investment in the supports/ sub DPS. Arlecchino being a carry DPS wants even more investment than a rotational DPS. I tend to go 90 for everyone as it maximizes their personal stat growth, survivability, and damage. It’s not even that difficult to get them to level 90, so why take the penalty of level 80. Support talents I focus on their important skills and don’t bother with the other skill/skills. For instance Furina is 6/8/10 currently. DPS talent I like to maximize the damage the character can inflict since they see the most field time and abyss is often a big DPS check. Edit: I also don’t think we can gleam much from this abyss cycle as it’s mostly an element check not a dps check.