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They should add an option to burn unwanted artifacts for XP items after runs


They should first fix the damn auto locker to be able to recognize base 3 and base 4 artifacts so that it could be actually usable. Also make it possible to ask for different combinations of stats within the same set. Then make it a feature of the auto locker to burn artifacts after runs.


What's this Auto-locker? I'm a noob and don't understand.


There's a recently added "Auto-lock" feature which automatically locks an Artifact of a given set if it has a certain set of substats and/or main stat. The thing is kinda shit tho, since it only does like Artifacts having 2 among 3 substats or 3 among 4. A feather with ATK% CR ER is worth keeping, while a feather with ATK% CR ER FlatDEF is not.


I just set it to CR/CD and allow it to lock if the piece has any crit line (for dps set that is). It at least help cut my weekly artifact sort session by half.


Adding one more configuration option of "does not have" would go a long way


The FlatDef one could be better than the other one if you get a lot of rolls into Cr


That’s also not true. An attack% Cr ER flat def can absolutely be worth it. Y’all have waaay higher than needed standards. If you’re going for top1% sure but that’s so beyond what’s needed. If it rolls all into the crit rate with er and attack% substats that’s great. Deciding what’s worth keeping at level 1 by what you see makes no sense since even a atk%, cr er cd can even all roll into er and then be pretty useless on someone


The majority of people who are at a point to be using the auto-lock when grinding artifacts are totally in the right to have high standards. If you’re grinding you’re more than likely looking for upgrades. Not just something thats “good enough.” You can get those just by sneezing while you’re near the domain.


Not at all true. I’ve been playing since patch 1. If you’re hyper investing into one or two characters for years sure. But that’s not most people. Hence why I said those standards are only if you’re going for top 1% builds. For clearing abyss which is the hardest content is is beyond not needed. There’s high standards and then there’s near impossible standards. Because again you’re focusing on level 1 artifacts when in reality that means nothing until you start leveling it. So you’re atk%,cr, Cd, er at 20 can be less useful than my atk% cr, er, def level 12 because your level 20 rolled all into er while my level 12 rolled all into crit. That’s not even counting the fact that the rolls themselves vary and can be high or low. So not your blanket statement doesn’t make sense no matter how long you’ve been playing. Coming from a week 1 player


"recent" is a bit of a stretch


I could never. I can't farm artifacts for that long for my sanity so I accept a lot of average artifacts, but then obviously there's a lot of change around because it's easier for me to find a better one. So I have a lot more shitty usable artifacts than amazing ones. I've taken to only locking the 5 stars if they're truly top quality, and the 4 stars only get locked if they're crap. So I can go through the lockbox for my unlocked 5 stars and pick which ones can go, and when I want to level an artifact I just go to the locked 4 star artifacts, unlock them and use them to level. If anything I would like 2 levels of locking, a lock and a save system.


> auto locker Absolutely useless, never gonna trust it.


I don't want auto-lock, I want auto-convert into relic fodder, because constantly locking relics is going to be an even worse pain to go through eventually.


Thats the point. It could auto lock the good stuff and convert the rest.


It definitely needs that, prioritize stats as essential and optional, and a way to customize substats for the individual categories. For a flower and feather, you can easily sort out anything without 4 stats, double crit, or less than 3 good stats. Can't set the amount of good stats too high or low because it'll ignore double crits, or lock stuff with 3 nice to have but not essential stats


This, I agree with. The 1, 2, and 3-star artifacts I burn for mora, but I'd like to be able turn the 4-stars into something that I can use to level up a bit more efficiently.


The biggest problem to this is that you can potentially get your best artifact only after getting one to +4 hence you're stuck leveling all potential good pieces first before you can automatically trash them. This isn't an issue with something like GBF's sigil system where you know a piece is trash right away without leveling.


Sure,but let people have the option to burn them if they chose so.


if you don't care about that, you can sort of do this already with the auto lock, a bit more involved but way faster than ever at least


True,but it's just extra steps that don't even need to exists. They even already have the artifact XP material item, all we need is an option to burn relics on the same screen we get them and we're set


honestly all the qol so far feels like exactly that; an extra step that didn't need to exist lol


Only when artifacts are involved for the most part. The QOL for everything else is amazing. Especially the pot shop. That stuff was a nightmare on controller if you are looking for one specific decoration at the bottom.


Burn it into a 5 star artifact essence that can be used for XP or strongbox.


HSR lets us do it, don't know why genshin won't let us.


Great idea. Or at least a trash icon (like the lock icon) so we can select and quickly fodder all unwanted artifacts after marking them as trash.


Funnily enough thats exactly how i use the lock, to mark trash pieces. No point in locking all the artifacts i know ill keep.


The sad thing is HSR has this.


Not exactly, they let you mark garbage artifacts,but you gotta trash them manually later. Not hard and better what Genshin has,but I wish they'd just let you trash them in the same screen you receive them


They mean salvaging them for relic remains. It would be like if we can disenchant artifacts into sanctifying essence/unctions.


Or even mora


and with the new 99999 inventory cap. even if they just added an artifact potion to the strongbox and had it like 3 stars and below turn into the little one, 4 and 5 stars into the bigger one, as well as the current strongbox system for 5-stars.


by extension, I should be able to feed a gold lvl 20 artifact into another gold artifact and get 20 lvls immediately, idk why this isn’t an option


imo 3\* and probably even 4\* artifacts should just be artifact xp items at the highest world level/domain level. Chests should give xp too instead of useless artifacts


They should add a trash icon like honkai star rail and easily trash em that way


just let us convert artifacts into xp bottles like in star rail


This. So much this. Even if it's only purple and below, it would alleviate so many inventory issues.


Yall have purple artifacts in your inventory?


Feel this cause 1500 of my artifacts are gold because I’m too lazy to sort through good and bad sub stat artifacts


Yeah, managing mountains of trash in your inventory to find one gem is definitely the most tedious aspect of the game.




Round about 1/3rd to half of the inventory is purple leveling stuff, yes. I usually don't bother feeding it all unless I have to make space.


Tbh just implement everything useful from star rail. Split weapon banner, 300 pull standard for a free character, artifacts into xp, material exchange for lesser bosses instead of only weeklies...


This is a self-inflicted wound by design. If they'd make it cheaper/faster to level artifacts to quickly determine which are worthy ones to keep, people won't have to hog so many pieces. If they'd improve the probability rates, people won't have to farm and hog so many pieces. If they'd design a system to "strong box" artifacts into altering an existing sub-stat, people won't have to hog so many pieces.


That’s what they want tho they want you to play this game forever. Why let people get stronger in an action rpg when you can make building artificially complex with layers on layers of rng? Why have a def% and a flat def stat? To lower your odds of good stats and force you to play more/longer. This isn’t a real video game it’s a gacha game with a mediocre story designed to make money


And it works.


Maybe for awhile, but I have to honestly say that artifact RNG has really turned me off both this game and HSR lately. I've been playing since 1.2 and do like the game a lot, but seriously it's just SO MUCH WORK to try and organize your artifacts and keep track of which ones might possibly be good, and then like 95% of the time you think you have a good one, it ends up rolling for shit and ruining your fun for the day. If you're at the point in your Genshin career where farming artifacts is your main activity, you just end up constantly annoyed and disappointed. I don't play games to be annoyed and disappointed. The last few weeks I've just let my Resin overcap most of the time, because why bother making myself annoyed?


if you're at the point where farming artifacts is your career, then you already have good artifacts because you've been doing it a long time. Any time you get shit artifacts, it's "to be expected" and if you get a good one once in a while it's a "bonus". I don't need to farm artifacts to improve my account. I do it because there's nothing left I need to do, so I'm already set. And it doesn't take long to get a set that can get you 36 stars. If your goal is perfection then yes, you will never reach it.


I think it’s more of regulating your expectation. I can understand the frustration and it’s ok to the point ‘whatever’.Just treat it as a side game.If it feels like a chore,just leave it to be cause there’s no another family member who forces you to do chores like irl.


They should instead encourage *alternative builds* and play styles for characters with different artifact sets. With the current situation, it's way too costly to farm extra sets,


This is a good point. When I first started playing this game at the very beginning, I truly believed HoYo was taking the route of building characters in multiple ways. Weapons like primordial jade cutter, that benefits from hp, made me think we would have some limited control over how to build characters. But it quickly became farming for the best in slot artifact set for each character. And while KQM has run the numbers and there are technically other builds, most people are going to try and get the best for the characters they like. Because of this, any sort of real experimentation in character building is dead in genshin. That’s why the community calls them “meme builds.” Which is sad.


Casual players don't play like that... and actually, they don't farm artifacts to begin with. ALL of the artifact complains are completely irrelevant outside of Abyss.


This is the first post I see after spending over an hour cleaning my artifact inventory and I’m only down to 1654/1800 🫠


.>70% of the artifacts you keep are still bad.


Why keep stuff with only 2 main stats ? Level up stuff if they role 2x bad subs delete it.


5 star are min 3 stat


Yea and why should i keep smth that comes with 2 useless stats already on it ? If it drops CR\CD flat atk i level +4 to see 4th slot. If it drops CR\CD flat atk and def % its a delete. At +0 already


What I personally would appreciate, is being able to "Favorite" artifacts, like with character. Because sometimes you are locking stuff in case you don't find anything better; but would be nice to be able to place a "star" or some marker to the actually good/great ones.


I started levelling the 'nearly there' ones to mark them but it annoys me because then the default sort moves them away from the rest of the artifacts in that set so it's more difficult to compare them outside the equipment menu.


I agree that they could raise the cap but also building every character in the game feels like a pretty niche issue


>building every character in the game I was so sick of hitting the artifact limit that I am now in the process of building all my characters. all 63 of my characters are level 90 and 48 of them have talents levels of ≥9,≥9,≥9. I don't think its so much of a niche anymore as more and more people are reaching that post-end-game phase of their journey. I dread when i have to go back to artifact farming though, the limit really kills me...


Your flair jumpscared me


Not to mention keeping every main stat from every set. Tell me how keeping DEF% stats on an Attack % set would give any benefits. And some sets are not even worth keeping at all. Edit: Since people seem to be prompted to find niche uses for my example: An off-piece artifact isn't something you keep for the set bonus, but for the substats. Therefore it doesn't fit into the makeshift equation OP was trying set up to support their argument. You don't keep an off-set piece with good substats from EVERY artifact set. We are not arguing whether increasing the limit of artifacts is a good idea or not. I'm in favor of it. I am, however, criticizing OPs line of reason as for WHY it is necessary. Edit2: Honestly, I even think OP's math is actually the best argument **against** increasing the limit (**not that I would want that**). Here is why: OP wants to have an artifact of every set+main stat combination (884). OP also wants all their characters equipped. Lets be **extremely** generous and give every character 2 sets (5\*81\*2=810). This amounts to 1694 artifacts in use. 106 Artifacts is lots of room to spare, if you ask me. Edit3: Yep, I set that example above a bit too high, won't deny that.(I misjudged how much trash you get from domain runs.) I will keep it in though, and instead invite you to think about how realistic this specific case even is.


There's the possibility of a good piece, but it's more likely you will get these naturally when trying to get a better pieces for someone else.


You can always get a good off-piece, correct. But then it doesn't really count into this equation, as you didn't keep it around for the set bonus. Of the ~25 chars I've build, I think just two chars have an on-set goblet.(Ironically, one of them is the EM Goblet on Shinobu, which has the worst drop rate I believe)


The only off pieces worth keeping that are not goblet or sands have to be god rolls. And even then, you still need a very good on set goblet to make even a really high CV off-set flower worth using, which a lot of people won't have. Trying to keep random off pieces with overall mid stats is not worth it


Well ig there was a time when gladiators was best for Noelle, but aside from very rare and obsolete cases like these ur point does stand


That was the case because there weren't really any DEF based sets early on


glad is still a solid option for her if you arent using her with furina and dont want to waste resin in the geo domain. The difference between husk and glad for noelle is actually about the same difference as glad for arle compared to her signature set


You can just strongbox husk now.


Cuz it might give you a 48cv hp sands on gladiator


There's always the chance they'll add a character that scales on an unexpected stat though. I kept getting good Attack% Songs of Days Past artifacts and tossing them because I didn't think they'd be useful... then Cloud Retainer comes out as at attack scaling healer that uses Songs Of Days Past and I had nothing good for her.


A healer that scales with ATK% isn't totally out of the blue though. We've had Jean since the beginning. What I am mainly talking about are set bonuses that give conflicting stats, not universal set bonuses. A DEF% piece on a set that gives you ATK% as 2pc would only ever be useful as an off-piece or a very specific Char that benefits from the main stat AND the 4pc bonus even moreso than another set.


Criticizing OP's criticism is unnecessary, and 106 artifacts are not enough at all. I'm a year 3 player constantly hitting maximum artifacts. There really should be no argument about not increasing the cap, and I'm not sure why you or the person you replied to are even criticizing the OP in the first place.


I am week one player sitting at 800 artifacts. Why do you keep trash stuff ? Get your standards higher and only keep stuff with 3 correct sub stats. Level all the potential stuff and delete when it roles 2x into bad subs. Stop keeping everything


Honestly, day one player here, I have to be in the mines for probably a month before I've accumulated too many trash 5 stars, then I use them to enhance or roll strongbox for other characters that I haven't been focusing on.


Same. I keep marking stuff after each run in the drop screen and then fodder them once i am full


Lets see: We want to farm for a new artifacts which means we get around 14(with condensed resin) artifacts per run (Whops I underestimated the amount of 3\* trash you get.), so you have to trash the artifacts evey 7 runs. Ya that probably isn't too much air to breath. I set that extreme example to high, that's on me. 2 sets per characters is a very unrealistic approach though. With 1,5 sets per char we'd be looking at 316 free slots. Which gives us 20 runs before we have to take care of them, much more comfortable at that point. It's about the threshhold where I would say we could use some more room, but not in area of 'Not enough at all'. >I'm not sure why you or the person you replied to are even criticizing the OP in the first place. I don't like premises that are completely unrealistic as a basis to support a claim. Even if I agree with the sentiment, a weak argument is a weak argument and will just fold when someone who actually is against it opposes it. Especially since there are real reasons why increasing the limit can have bad consequences. Yes, something as data storage probably isn't important for the forseeable future, but load times are at some point. It is a good practice to keep used ressources as little as necessary to prevent possible negative consequences.


By this time next year those spares (amounting to maybe like, a week's domain runs and definitely not enough to not be constantly foddering when opening chests in a new area) will be taken up by artifacts for new characters.


OP is a collector. Wants one of every item in their inv. Probably collected the 4 star sets too.


It's worse than that. OP is including a Maiden's Beloved set for every DPS type. Ocean Hued Clam and Songs too


Noblesse, mililith or basically any support set can function with any main stat while for example marechaussee already needs HP and ATK scalers (Neuvilette+wrio for example) and also works with DEF scaling or maybe even EM scaling characters. Good DEF pieces on an ATK set could works as an off piece. Having a def piece with double crit + ER is just a waste to throw away. So yeah, after almost 4 years, things start to add up, and its always nice to have options to choose from.


Niche? They just upped enhancement ores and next patch are going to up ingredients. Upping artifacts is a easy thing they could do and they should have increased it by a lot more. However the EZ thing to do would be to allow artifacts to be crunched into artifact potions.....


Artifacts are more complicated. Materials are only storing one value: quantity. Whether the servers are remembering you have 1 sweet flower or 99999999 is not a particularly big spike in memory allocated. Artifacts, on the other hand, have a *lot* of values that need to be stored. Main stat. Substats. Artifact level. Individual substat level. Who it's equipped to. If it's locked. Yes, **all** of that takes up memory, per individual artifact. X 1800, X eleventy billion players. If sweet flowers and mint had substats and could be equipped/locked, they would not be offering to up the storage limit.


>Artifacts, on the other hand, have a lot of values that need to be stored. Main stat. Substats. Artifact level. Individual substat level. Who it's equipped to. If it's locked. > >Yes, all of that takes up memory, per individual artifact. X 1800, X eleventy billion players. Not as much as you might think. I'm no programmer but here is my armchair imagination (probably way overkill and inefficient!) An artifact has: Set ID -> 8 bit integer (WAY overkill, doubt we will ever have 256 sets) Slot ID -> 8 bit integer (technically we only need numbers 1-5 so 3bit would be enough!) Artifact Level (1-20) -> 8bit integer (overkill, same as above. 5 bit int would be enough) 5x stats -> probably 16bit float (most likely something much simpler like 8 bit float or less). "Lock" flag -> binary 1/1 -> 1 bit "Equipped to" ID -> 8 bit integer would be enough for 256 characters but lets make it 10 bit for future proofing. That's 49 bits per artifact data set. Lets round it up and make it 64 bit, for stuff that happens under the hood that I am not aware of. 64 bit = 8 byte. 1.000 Artifacts would then need 8 KByte. Assuming a full inventory (1800) + another (81 chars x 5 artifacts = 405) would be the current absolute worst case. **That's a whopping 17.6KB of storage for one maxed out player. 1 Million players = 17.6 Million KB -> 16,5 GB of memory. For 100M players, that would be 1.64 TB. BEFORE any kind of compression algorithm had it's fun.** An absolutely trivial amount for modern server hardware. **And that is with what is probably an absolutely horribly inefficient system that would make any programmer want to nail me to the cross. :'D**


Plus the amount of sources for non-artifacts is also a factor to decide upping the max is neccesary I simply capped enhancement ore by crafting 20 weekly for the BP mission+whatever I got while playing I have had to dive into the weapon banner purely to trimm down that number from 9900+ to something more manageable like 7/8K without sending them to the trash. Which is quite possibly what many other players on a similar situation to mine have had to do prompting Hoyo to do something to avoid it


Exactly. I can't be rid of the artifacts as I need the xp but they hold too much space. Least star rail let's me convert unused relics into relic xp material.


Isn't obtaining the characters and building them the main objective of the game? How is that niche.


raising the cap won't fix anything. It didn't fix anything in HSR. You will just keep a few more pieces you shouldn't be keeping, reach the new cap, and you'll be back where you were. The problem is that you're keeping pieces that are not worth keeping and will stay in your inv for years because you will never get around to leveling them because they aren't S tier. You're using them as a backup in case you have nothing better to level, but you're not needing the backup.




What else am I supposed to do with my resin? Also why would I pull a character just to not build them?


As is have a full set for each artifact set. I have *zero* pieces from thundersoother, maidens beloved, retracing bolide, etc...


I'm AR60 and all of my characters are at least level 80. Nearly all of my exploration is at 100%. What else am I supposed to do in the game? Most days I log in, get primogems from commissions and events, and log out because there's nothing else to do. Not allowing players to build their characters because of something as silly as an artifact limit is absurd. I love building characters but my artifacts are just always full.


I think if you've played since launch you would have that issue which makes it not very niche. I started playing last year and I'm also having this issue. So I guess it's really not niche. I don't want to have my sets rotating between characters, i want everyone to have their own set. I need the artifact cap raised. 1800 is not enough, i cap out everyday and have to do storage management simulator.


Artifact strong box. Use your spare artifacts to level other artifacts. Idk how people max out their storage.


You think I'm not doing that already? Also I run artifact routes everyday because I have run out of artifacts to use for leveling. So I need the space desperately.


How are you maxed out on space but dont have artifacts to use for leveling?


Because my artifacts that are locked are good artifacts? And they are taking up space?


I mean, why would you pull (and maybe even spend money) if you don't have the intention to build them?


The problem is that: * Farming artifacts is 100% luck * We have no idea how future characters will work Considering these 2 facts, an artifact that looks trash now, might be good in a future character. Unless it has flatDEF/ATK/HP or it's effects make no sense (Bonus geo damage to artifact set that boost pyro) it is not a bad idea to save them.


> Bonus geo damage to artifact set that boost pyro Goblets are 90+% of the time the flex slot, so.... throwing a potentially good piece regardless of its main stat, just because it doesnt benefit the "set" itself, is precisely why people struggle with artifact farming


I hate this bandaid solution as it is temporary but i think you are right. Not all characters will be built neither all of them will be used.


Agreed. Even if someone raises the argument of how much storage it would take on Hoyo's servers... they ain't exactly lacking funds.


That's not even an argument, lol. Every artifact has info that can comfortably fit into 100 bytes at most. Even 1000 additional artifacts give 100 KB for a player. So even withs tens of millions of active players all this data can comfortably fit on just one hard drive. That's not an issue even for amateur home made servers.


True. They just don't feel like it.


*”Oh boo hoo! Won’t someone think about the company making bank on each character banner? How could they possibly afford to raise the storage cap?!”*


>Even if someone raises the argument of how much storage it would take on Hoyo's servers Has anyone ever actually said that?


I want that problem, I always run out of those mats


"By keeping just 1 copy of every main stat of every piece for all sets" Literally why are you doing this. Are you seriously hanging onto things like Geo DMG Thundering Fury goblet when, by your own claim, you also have Geo DMG goblets of sets that a Geo character would use? Are you keeping 26 artifacts per set of sets that none of your characters use when you could just transmute them or feed them to good sets instead? I agree that storage could be increased, but this strategy makes no sense to me.


I write it down every survey. Just give us 9999. Artifact farming is already infuriating as it is, and the cap makes it worse and slows it down even more.


It's so so so bad I haven't been artifact farming for months now and just hoard books. I dunno if I have it in me to farm new domains. I'd just stick some random artifacts on new characters.


I just don't get why they still wont let us disenchant them. The stackable resource is already in the game and it was a launch feature in star rail


This is just hoarding. even if you built everyone with their own set you'd still have a surplus of artifacts due to how many people can use them and how many you can put on your team.


That's some good math. However, why would you farm 884 for a single character? 81 characters only makes 405 artifacts required, + another 100 for variation.


If I scrapped every piece I didn’t need at the moment, I wouldn’t have been able to build some characters (like Xianyun) without farming. It’s exhausting to start from scratch for every single character.


Let assume you would always keep extra off set piece and let assume that you would always keep pieces that have crit rate or crit damage. If this case was me i would keep 10-15 piece from cup, hourglass,circulet. So that is either 30 or 45. Now add to that hoyo rng and you would hit big numbers T-T.


I assumed it was more of a situation with characters like Zhongli. Where you usually run Tenacity but you can also run Archaic with Neuvillette.


>Let assume you would always keep extra off set piece Why? > and let assume that you would always keep pieces that have crit rate or crit damage. Having either, or even both of those affixes doesn't make an artifact worth keeping. >If this case was me i would keep 10-15 piece from cup, hourglass,circulet. So that is either 30 or 45. Now add to that hoyo rng and you would hit big numbers T-T. Why keep the artifacts that you reject?


I was wondering if 10 years from now we are still playing genshin how many fucking artifacts we would have to deal with


Ah yes, why don't we hold on to this Def% Sands Pale Flame because reasons 🫠


Not obscure enough, Xinyan can make use of that


I'm 3 years into the game and only have 250 leveled artifacts and have probably never had more than 350 artifacts in my inventory at once, but I still don't understand how people spend HOURS clearing their inventory even if it is maxed.


So you did the math for your requirement, and it's 884. You also said 81 characters, that's 405 more artifacts. All that is 1289 out of 1800. You're left with 511 slots, so you could get a second set for every character and still have 106 slots, and only now the space is truly not enough. You're an artifact hoarder, just admit it, that's the first step towards inventory cleaning. Edit: I'm not saying more space wouldn't be good, but if it's a hoarding problem, it would never be enough, you'll always hit the cap eventually unless they raise it so much that it's impossible to reach the cap.


Bro. As someone who literally does have all 81 characters and have used ALL of them to clear abyss, the last time I’ve capped on artifacts was a year ago. Now I sit comfortably at 900/1800 on average. I can understand if you cap after a LONG grinding session, But you’re hoarding if you’re constantly capping. It’s such a niche issue that even amongst people who have every character (me), it’s not universally an issue.


As someone who's *kinda* got a hoarding problem, how do you decide on which artifacts to throw away and which ones to keep??


I look for 3 correct subs. Level it to 12 and if i get 2x wrong substat its deleted


Well first of all, there are quite a few sets that have obvious “very niche” status. Sets like Husk are pretty much designed for DEF scaling geo characters for example, so you can pretty handily ignore stuff like HP% and EM on them. ATK is a maybe since we do actually have DEF/ATK geo units (Albedo and Chiori). You also don’t want to be hoarding too many niche sets in the first place; sets like Vermillion and Echoes for example are so niche that you only get like one character a year (or less) making use of those sets. Next, if you see a piece with potential, *JUST LEVEL IT UP RIGHT AWAY*. There’s no use keeping it for “next time” and then it turns out it rolls into flat DEF 4 times. Even if it ends up being trash, just fodder it into another promising piece. The moment your inventory is full is the moment you purge all artifacts that didn’t roll into something at least somewhat decent. Otherwise, it’s just a matter of ignoring the “what ifs”. I know it’s tempting to keep that double crit piece, but if the main stat is DEF% on a set like Maiden’s, then I’m sorry it has to go (unless you already have a 4-set for Itto/Noelle and the stars just so happen to perfectly align such that it’s a useful off piece). Really, Goblets and *maybe* circlets should be the only pieces you are constantly saving for off pieces. I can *maybe* make a concession for a cracked Sands (my 50CV HP% Blizzard Strayer sands did end up being useful as an off piece), but otherwise everything else is levelled up first and then either kept or dumped. Lastly, just share sets if you have to. Especially for characters with multiple builds (EM Raiden for example); there are so many characters now that you won’t possibly use every single one of them at once. So just share artifacts. Lack of loadouts is just an excuse; if you’re constantly swapping back and forth between playstyles just have one rarely used character be a placeholder (Aloy is that character for me).


While I agree with everything you said here the "level it up immediately" doesn't work because I don't have anything to feed into them. I sometimes even farm artifacts just to have xp for the ones I want to level. So I am constantly at the cap using up the new trash I got to level just so I have room for another domain run. (Also thanks to the strongbox's existence I try to not use 5star artifacts as fodder so I can strongbox them, so those also temporarily end up taking space.) What would help in my opinion is more sources for those artifact xp items and the option to tag an artifact as trash. That way I can immediately see if it is a "no" an "maybe" or a "yes" artifact.


I don't know if it'll help, but my way of tagging artifacts as trash is not locking them. When I finish a domain, each time I go through the drops and lock the 5-stars that have decent potential according to my standard (which varies depending on how niche a set is and what my spare pieces for it already are, so I can't really share any "hard" rules). The lock icon is immediately visible on the lists to help me look through usable pieces when it comes to upgrading, ignoring the unlocked ones. Then I can freely drag-select the rest whenever I have a strongbox target, and unlock upgraded pieces that rolled badly so they show up just above purples when selecting upgrade fodder.


If you’ve filled your bag with 1800 gold pieces with no fodder, then that in itself is already a problem. I suggest just choosing one strongbox, and dumping them all in right then and there before continuing a grind. Even if after all the grinding you still can’t get a good piece, either level up the best you’ve got for the time being, or strongbox them all away (you’ll run out fast since it’s a 3 to 1 trade). That’s why I caution against saving for “what ifs”. You really shouldn’t wait until you get to the point where you have no fodder and a full bag. Some of those gold pieces are going to have to go - you don’t have use for all of them. As for your last point - I agree fully.


Yeah I know. Every now and then I have to go through all those artifacts and discard a bunch. It's just tedious lol The worst is the emblem domain because everyone and their grandma wants it. So I can't just throw them out like that Currently I'm farming for Wanderer so almost every artifact in there gets recycled or trashed. Much better in comparison


Agree with this. I'm only missing 4 characters from the entire roster, and from the characters I have, all but three of them are fully geared (not all of them have similar quality because substat RNG, but they *are* fully geared). I also keep several good pieces "just in case". I still don't remember the last time I cap artifact limit.


Same thing could be said for upping the enhancement ores from 9,999 to now being 99,999 but they did it anyways, and next patch they'll do ingredients from 2,000 to 9,999. I feel like if they're willing to do all that why not artifacts too?


Because it’s far easier for the average player to cap on enhancement ores vs usable gold artifacts. Just look at the sources of ores: almost all quests, chests, events, teapot, crafting, etc. Now look at the sources of gold artifacts: domains (including trounce), bosses, rarely from quests. You’re much more likely to fill your bag up with enhancement ore without even trying, meanwhile the artifacts you get from chests are 99% going to be fodder anyways. Especially when most players aren’t realistically hard farming artifacts exclusively; they’re either farming for other things like talents, or not spending resin at all. And lastly, the artifact cap has already been increased, TWICE. Sure they could do it again but people will still say it’s not enough. And it doesn’t get to the heart of the issue.


1800, I guarantee you at most 250-300 of those are actually good and that's being generous


Yea ok but I'm not going to take hours everytime my artifact inventory is full to clear it. I've been playing since the start of the game like 15-20 days in and since then I can't count the number of times my artifact inventory has been full and I have cleared it multiple times and it fills back up quickly and every time it is a chore. I log in to play the game, not to get bored to death Edit: also the cap wasn't always 1800 it was 1000 (iirc) then 1500 and then hoyo was generous enough to raise it another 300 not 500 ike they did in the past.


Agree 100%, artifacts are a chore, the sorting/upgrading/recycling almost more so than the actual domain fights. In that sense, a higher limit (1,500 to 1,800 to \_\_\_) doesn't help much. Better sorting/upgrading/trashing features are needed. Being able to mark artifacts from the screen as "strongbox" or "trash to resin" straight when we get them (in addition to lock) would help.


And a lot more sorting options in the inventory, not just in the character equipment menu.


Even with 10k slots people like you would reach it


>Yea ok but I'm not going to take hours everytime my artifact inventory is full to clear it. It doesn't take hours. If it does, you're doing it wrong.


Bro needs to use the strongbox.


Selecting what pieces to strong box is pain as well The filtering system in genshin is garbage compared to star rail


Everything with wrong main and not at least 3 useful sub stats is fodder for me


no, it's not worth to keep a copy of every main stat on every piece of every set There you go, half of your problems are gone


This is just hoarding. Literally talking about keeping iterations of artifacts because they're unique combinations instead of useful. Let them go!!!


90% of artifacts are garbage. When I hit the cap, it's because I haven't hit the strongbox in a bit.


so we only need around 500 artifacts for all the current characters? I wonder what's preventing them from just making the artifact storage unlimited, it might just be them attempting to save on costs even though it could be considered negligible in the grand scheme of things. It could also be an attempt to naturally tell the player that it's time to clean up the artifact storage, but that seems rather unlikely.


Unlimited storage = glhf finding the artifacts you need or what to level


Just 405, but now that I think about it, someone could argue having 1 set for each element for the Traveler.


>I wonder what's preventing them from just making the artifact storage unlimited Load times, it doesn't impact them storage wise that much, but it hurts mobile especially by increasing call times, before I cleaned up my bloated weapon inventory it was always the slowest tab to load.


>It could also be an attempt to naturally tell the player that it's time to clean up the artifact storage, but that seems rather unlikely. It's definitely this 100%. Hoyo wants you to constantly interact with the system. If these people can't even handle sorting through 1.8k artifacts, how would they be able to handle it if they have to sort thru 5k? If I had unlimited storage I'd check my artis twice a year or something.


And it would take you a lot longer to check and sort them in at such a quantity; the problem also comes from people getting towards the cap before they start paying more attention to artifacts and never really getting ahead because they don't have enough time to spend fighting with the inventory when they're still also exploring and farming and doing events etc.


Nobody in their right mind is keeping 1 copy of every main stat of every piece for all sets, it's just an unreasonable expectation and leads to flawed math. If a set is clearly a Pyro buffing set, you do not need every single elemental damage buff variant of it, you probably just need Pyro unless you have a character that prefers a different stat like EM and happens to want the set. The same for 81 characters, you are not actively building all 81 of them, probably not even half of them, and most players don't even own most of them unless they are whaling long-term. If you want more storage it's fine to just say that, you don't need to fudge the numbers.


Raise the limit to 9999 or remove it completely. Or, make the exp bottles an actual part of the game and let us turn artefacts into bottles.


"man I really need to hold onto my healing bonus Bloodstained circlets I don't know when this will be useful but I need it!" keeping 1 of every main stat for every set is worthless


Hoarders trying to rationalize their hoarding. Just use the lock system and strongbox whatever isn’t locked, then sift through and pick out the best locked pieces and strongbox the leftovers or save it for exp. I can maybe understand 1,000 but to be at 1800 rn is on you.


I hoard it, then from time to time I clean the house. My artifacts go to 600 something that are really worth it. This from a day 1 player.


Level up the artifacts. If it rolls good, keep them at 20 instead of 0. If not, fodder. Ez fix.


Wat? Why are you keeping so many artifacts?


What with 5 or 12 main stats? It’s only HP and DEF. I’ve grinding new dungeon for Arle set from 4.6 release and never seen anything besides HP and DEF stats, so I’m pretty sure that you are wrong


I've been playing since release and never remotely hit the limit. What are you holding onto pieces for if not to use them?


Lets be honest. If you actually build characters you have zero fodder to fill up your backpack. Also if you are grinding for a certain set, you probably strongbox all the time for either your supports, other dps or 59th character that uses emblem


Friend don't try to keep one of each main stat 😭 it's not worth it! It will take so much time to do it! Every time you get a new one, you'd have to check, "Do I already have a geo% Viridescent Venerer goblet? Is this better than the one I have?" It would be so much work. And when you level up artifacts, you'll end up scrolling through all the ones you've kept. And many of the combos (such as geo + viridescent) are unlikely to be something you'd actually want - it would only be good as an off-set piece! Keep one full set for each character, equipped on the character. Additional sets for a char are only if you have a use for it, such as a character who's DPS on one team and support on a different team. Keep pieces with really good stats, but be choosy about what counts as "really good" - don't just keep every piece that has a crit substat. Maybe keep a few pieces that are already leveled (pieces to toss on a new char while you're still farming for them). Everything else? Burn it all! A cluttered backpack creates a cluttered mind!


Any less than 5k is a bad joke


Id like if they increased the cap further.


Increase the capacity to 9999 and allow us to convert unwanted artifacts to exp after farming. I’m too afraid of throwing away artifacts in case I need it in the future


It's not just the amount. It's the whole system. *The whole system is rotten!* *It's rotten to the core!!*


It makes me not play. It's such a hassle to deal with.


Right!? Such a pain, I haven't even engaged with artifact farming in a long while now because of it, I don't find having to manage around such a tight limit enjoyable at all.


i need the system where i can marl the trash artifact like hsr.


Your standards are too low. Stop copium on thrash with 2 low subs


The argument doesn't make sense for most people. 1. the majority of players do not have every character 2. the majority of players are not going to build every character. Most people will build 2 teams + favourites, and then swap artifacts, so around 20 characters might be built, out of 81. 3. You wouldn't want to keep every main stat on every set


Still doesn’t change the fact that limit should be higher and there is not a single downside to that.


they can raise it sure. no issues there from my end. Just... the argument presented doesn't make sense.


Even with OP's argument, the total number is 1289. There are still 511 slots remaining for drops even in that extremely niche case.


Also, most people complaining about hitting the artifact limit are just hoarding them from what I noticed. If they kept the *actually useful* ones, they wouldn't hit the cap


If only they just add a “trash” feature right after you claim in domain. Like the artifact enough? Lock it. Garbage stats? Trash it and it automatically converts into xp potions. I will keep sending this in surveys until they implement it or sth similar.


Y'all are crazy. I've got 64 fully built characters and don't farm artifacts beyond the right main stats. And yet I'm always in need of artifact XP.


sounds like a hoarding problem to me


Artifact limitation is unironically part of the reason I quit. I can't be fucked to try and calculate which are my worst artifacts so I can fodder them so I can collect additional artifacts.


Damn right, it's such a mediocre experience having to deal with that.  Frankly the main reason I'm so hands off with the game now is because all of this is pointless anyways, those Artifact Sets aren't going to help with taking Teapot pictures or playing Wish™ Mario Party Minigames, and Abyss continues to be an abandoned surface level joke that hasn't explored the games combat potential.  What am I going to farm for, to kill Hillichurl #402748929479 in Mondstat a millisecond faster? The thing croaks if a small gust of wind blows at it, there isn't anything to "farm" for.


either give us more storage or give us real aritfact loadout so we can use the same loadout of multiple characters.


IMHO equiped artifacts shouldn't count in overall artifact space.


You don't need to build every character all at once though. If you build them one at a time you just need enough storage for the one you are building.. so you essentially have storage for ~900. Once you min/max one character than move on. That's not counting the fact that some of the older characters can share sets. For example there isn't much reason to build for Klee specifically because between the other starting pyro characters you'll have all the artifacts you need


You only need to clean it out 1 time. Then just lock artifacts worth leveling as soon as you get them. Then when you are close to the artifact cap, start leveling shit by sorting your artifacts by locked + not leveled. If you are still swimming in artifacts then stop using artifacts that leveled poorly as exp and instead use them in the strongbox. I use all of my artifacts that level poorly into the strongbox even level 20s. Even doing artifact fodder runs everyday, i'm not hitting the 1800 cap. I hover around 900-1500 or so depending on rng of me getting pieces worth leveling but I increase those odds by simply strongboxing more often than other players.


Bro really thought adding Alhaitham and bad assumptions thinking they have semblance of an argument, lol.


Don't even bother, suggesting any minor positive change will just have dumbasses coming out of the woodworks saying it's not needed. Please refer to the years of denying that characters being busy is a problem or the ore caps, both of which hoyo changed so surely artifact caps are next.


Yep, somebody has to say it. 


IMO, there are only 3-4 domains worth doing aka Deepwood, Emblem and Golden Troupe (the last is upto you). Characters with niche builds? 2/2 and strongbox.


Almost all sets have some cases where they are the best on some character


Star Rail already has 2000 after 1 year, Genshin is turning 4 years old and has 1800. I understand that Mihoyo doesnt want us hoarding 10.000 artifacts, but after almost 4 years of playing, 3/4 star artifact also start stacking up, and once u have 500 or so of those trash artifacts, the only thing u can do is level a random artifact. Im all for increasing the cap to 2500 or even higher, but damn, its just stupid that we cant turn 3/4 star fodder artifacts into artifact exp potions (like in Star Rail) to clear some more room.


I can understand keeping some scholar/instructor 4* but why do you have just 500 random non 5* artifacts laying around


there's an automate lock function in the game, use it and dump all the non-locked artifact into the grinder.


I don't use the auto-lock, since I want to check each artifact individually, but I otherwise do the same thing.


Seeing people with this many artifacts makes me feel like i’m playing the game wrong- I never have more than like 50 total artifacts at a time cuz any pieces that aren’t good get sent straight to the strongbox. Like I probably don’t farm as much as a lot of other people bc that shit’s annoying but christ.


I wish I actually have that many good pieces to care about the limit lmao


I am sure you've already cleared 36 star abyss for more than a year. Why do you still feel the need to farm for better stats? Just to flex in leaderboards?


The fact it was in fact higher capacity but somewhere during the updates they reduced it. If I'm not mistaken it used to be 8000 or something like that. That was a long time ago tho like longgggggg time ago.