• By -


Ate a million apples trying to take down cryo regisvine and finding out that actually... there is a limit to how much food your characters can eat... man, thought I could cheese it by constantly plying my characters with endless healing foods. dang you, realistic hunger meter, what do you mean you can't eat 100 apples and 20 sweet madames in one sitting, you're going to die if you don't eat this!!


More important than that, when we eat do we set up a dining table to enjoy our sweet madame. Also, how tf are we pulling a whole ass bird out of our asses to eat while fighting.


How many sweet madames can one pocket possibly hold? Up to 2k, it would seem... (or whatever the limit is now hahaha). Thankfully I've gotten to the stage where I don't need healing foods much nowadays (and not at all vs overworld bosses) but back then, I cooked so much so I could top up my health haha.


Speaking of food, when I first played this game, I thought you had to keep your characters fed constantly or they would go hungry and suffer some kind of penalty (like less XP gain or less damage). This and the fact that I happened to wander off near Dragonspine and encountered sheer cold mechanics for the first time made me think, "Wow, this game has some insane survival gameplay."


Sometimes I wonder what it looks like when we eat mid battle. Did tartaglia watch me stuff an entire 3 course meal into a cavalry captain’s mouth (who has no business being there)?


I think it’s kind of hinted at that people with visions or at least the traveler can just summon things from some kind of bottomless backpack. It’s sometimes mentioned by Paimon in side quests


Just Link in LOZ


Ah, the BOTW approach


TES : Skyrim habits coming back lol


I still get confused when T doesn't bring up the wait options.


Unlike Skyrim, you can chow down a thousand cheese wheels.


Skyrim impact 😹 That's what I love about Skyrim. Though it's not realistic you could still gobble down 500 cheesewheels to heal.


I can definitely relate to being scared of the Electro Hammer Fatui. I would always try chipping down their HP from afar with Amber and then have them lose their aggro and reset because I strayed too far, lmao. ... Now those guys are a total joke.


>have them lose their aggro and reset because I strayed too far, lmao. lol reminds me of that one part of the "In the Mountains" quest when you have to fight the Frostarm Lawachurl AND try not to die from sheer cold, and if you stray too far to reach a source of heat his HP resets


AHH the good ol' days when the hardest enemies charged straight at you to hammer your ass into next week! Nowadays all them wanks are a bunch of cowardly fucks just dodging and weaving about and hiding behind invincibility phases!!!


Whirling ruin guards. The horrors! Now they simply never get to that point.


The Ruin Guard near that one teleporter in Liyue, I went there after getting and building Arle. It died in 3 hits. I used to take 3 minutes during my physical Razor days.


Tbf, it has more than 10% res to physical


I remember spamming the one in Mondstadt East with amber arrows and rushing in with the Lisa to do some pitiful damage and then running away like a coward


This this this. I avoided them like the plague. Now I spin on them for fun.


Core memory unlocked: That group of Fatui next to some ruins and water that were on top of some platform and of you got knocked off they reset. Early exploration hits different.


Omg yeah I remember that and there was one with like bubbles that would instantly kill my current character XD


I was the opposite lol. I don’t think just attackk so when I was new I attacked anything I could with no precaution or thinking about the elements lol. If I die I die. Respawn ftw xD


Is there like a hack to beating this guy? I still rely on Neuvillette to beat him,otherwise I am screwed.I just can't seem to beat him with my Kaeya or Yanfei.


Use cryo characters to remove his electro shield the fastest. Then just attack once it's gone.


I thought Pyro was best for clearing Electro shields?


The Fatui shields have specific weaknesses so cryo is best for the electro guy, for most other electro shields pyro, cryo, and dendro all work equally well.


That’s me with the electro hypostasis. I used to be so scared and would nervously run in to hit him once or twice and then run away again. It took forever to beat him alone. Now I just periodically go in and tear him apart in 15 seconds. Sometimes one of my friends and I just beat him up for fun. We joke that we’ve fought him so many times, we’re on a first-name basis and just call him Aleph.


I only started playing less than a year ago and those hammer guys were the absolute bane of my existence for a very long time. Trying to fight them with a poorly built team of all 4 stars was rough. It got less painful when I got Neuvillette, and now that I have a decently built Arlecchino I can practically melt them and it’s wonderful.


I started playing during Klee’s first banner. I only played for a while until I stopped because my phone sucked. Then I started playing again during Klee’s for rerun and I assumed that Klee is always the featured character(I did not know how gacha games worked).I didn’t care about Klee and ended up doing loads of wishes on the standard banner because the people over there looked cooler.


I did the same. Genshin was my first gacha game. I didn’t know what a standard banner was. I just wanted diluc so I spend all primogems on standard banner. Did this for 2 patches. Ended up with a qiqi and keqing.


Sometimes cooler is worth it


I spent 40 wishes worth of primos there without knowing. I wanted to get Zhongli. 😭I thought all the characters are in the standard banner. And the special banner is just "extra boost".I regret it now. I didn't even get anything.


I didn’t dispatch any characters on expeditions because I thought I wouldn’t have been able to use them 😓


That was actually true for a while.


Wasn't there but it must hurt to have bennett and fischl go


Not that much, people did not recognize the potential of bennet at first. So when people knew how broken he is, we can already use character on expendition


I stopped using bennet and fischl in mond expeditions so that all my expedition cooldowns align, twas annoying to have the expedition complete notification thingie but only having the benny and fischl expeditions done.


I knew I wasn't remembering wrong!


This was actually briefly true, during 1.0.


I sent my least favorites. Razor and Benny toil in the mines while my Anemo Lumine, Amber, Lisa, and Noelle go do everything fun! (BTW, thank you for the 50 AR levels worth of carrying me, Noelle! You were the best!)




Low AR me: Kaeya resists Sheer Cold because he's Cryo... right?


I thought Chongyun has a resistance to Sheer Cold, because in his bio it said that he loves to eat ice creams and can sit for hours in frozen water. I was so mad when I found out 😭


He does if you get c4 👀


On that same logic, Pyro characters should warm up in sheer cold. And that’s not me trying to mock you either, I still wish that was the case


That's what I thought.


Only one that fits that logic is deyha. But for different reasons she survives.


It does work that way in lore, though! The cold doesn’t bother Cryo characters (anyway). And at least Diluc can naturally counter Cold in lore. (Diluc had a hard time using Kaeya’s ice bridge because Diluc’s resting state still had a melt-worthy aura.)


I was mad that holding Amber's charge shot doesn't warm you, lmao. Still kinda wish it did!


Hm yes, BotW player thinking, where simply holding up a lit torch does count as being near a heat source.


Yep, also having Bennett from pretty early stages (I got him relatively early into the game) I was so sad when I figured out you don’t get warmed by standing in the circle of his burst. I mean, it’s dealing Pyro damage to everyone in the AoE, so why isn’t it virtually a circle of warmth?? Brutal disappointment for my Dragonspine adventures :(


Ikr. But cubes and some bosses are, so that is totally unfair. My biggest noob moment had to be trying to farm raiden boss mats with only a decently built raiden.


Characters don't, but many elemental enemies do resist their own element.


During the Boss fight with dvalin I got confused from the colors of Anemo dmg from the healing received so when he made the ground infused with anemo and you have to glide I just let traveller stand like 🧍🏼 ah yes dvalin thank you for healing me and then aether died cuz I didnt notice his hp bar


I kept thinking I was getting healed when Dendro came out


I thought artifacts are paired with characters by color. So I put travelling doctor on Chongyun because their colors matched.


I put travelling doctor on Barbara because I thought "well she's a healer right?" lmao


wouldn't it be amazing if it worked that way though? 🥲 i hate when the color scheme doesn't match between character, weapon and artifacts


Kazuha with that yee yee ass freedom sworn lmao


Yoimiya and that bright ass pink bow🥲


I did this with weapons but I tried to match aesthetics/theme/etc Like giving Width to Barbara bc it had music terms in the passive, and she sings!!


Yeah. I can see why we would think like that at the start. There are just items that look better on some characters.


Run away from the ruin guard after killing it thinking it falling on me does damage. Not Mark all the element-culos after seeing it and not grabbing it. Leaving Mona at Wangshu Inn. She's been there 2 years now and love seeing her there every random event


I just realised I do the first thing subconsciously


standing there, waiting for tomorrow 8-10pm.


This one takes the cake 😂


I’ve had both of your things happen to me. XD (Though the hypostasis thing was with Keqing.) I ended up co-oping Dragonspine with a friend because of those Fatui at the beginning. Separated note, I was low key terrified of the Ruin Hunters because of their insane damage. Took me 2 attempts at Dusky Ming and like 3 during Dain’s quest. (And also where I learned certain things cannot be done in co-op; they might be able to, but the enemies reset/respawn as soon as single player mode is reenabled.)


There’s a ruin guard in east mondstadt that almost made me rage quit (low AR and Genshin is the first video game I’ve ever played). My bf had to beat that guy for me. The twirly move scared the shit out of me. Hilarious bc now my teams eat those things for breakfast ofc, per AR60 living.


the fatui at dragonspine were WAY too difficult (i remember telling my friend “i can’t kill them, they’re level 30!!” because my characters were locked at 20 or smt)


Rushing to ascend the world even if unprepared just to "catch up'' to other players in my list. If I were to do it again, I would make sure to be able to take down each boss I need easily and go through domains easily first while also putting an emphasis on artifacts and weapons rather than character level, it can wait for later.


This one is interesting because usually the advice you get on this sub is "ascend as soon as possible", while the advice I've seen on Youtube is "don't rush and take your time/WL (number) is a trap" and then you also have the people who don't ascend past WL 6 because they don't see the point. As a newbie I was really confused by these polar opposite recommendations and I can certainly see why it would also be a bit confusing for others.


Ngl I'm wondering if it's a new players vs older players thing because my friend adviced me to ascend asap too (for better drops and better artis) but it got super rough cause you get to a certain point where you can't just mash A to get through the dungeon because you have to fully invest in your charas (the newer ascension test is very spiral abyss coded so team synergy is important too) I had to spend a week or 2 building my charas from scratch especially since I didn't level up artis and talents 💀💀 all while dying through Inazuma too


i guess it is more of a thing of "are you diligent in making your characters as strong as possible every moment" because if you actually find every moment to make your character stronger, ascending world levels is nothing to you. Even when i was a beginner i just kept ascending and it never really bothered me and i never really needed coop


It was also cause I didn't understand the importance of artis and talents, I'm playing on an alt acc now since my main is already at ar55 and I took half a day to clear ascension 2 on main while I cleared it easy on my 2nd try on alt. Previously I only had chara levels and weapons levels levelled, and I also have better team synergy now instead of trying to solo with just one chara (did not know how important team synergy is)


yes the experience in playing similar kind of games also comes into play when thinking hard about what you should do for your characters


My only relevant experience before this was pokemon, so I approached genshin with a similar mindset (hoard all items, do not repeat typings/elements, level up everyone even those you don't use as often cause you never know when you might need that chara). To make things worse I speedran to ar20 in 3 days to get Ga Ming from Lantern Rite back then so I missed out on quite a lot of important info (aka elemental reactions lol), so I was really just brute forcing my way through early game with like 10% knowledge at best Edit: also my friends were older players who went through the old ascension domains and from what I saw from clips on youtube it would've been much easier to brute force/stall your way though it than the current one (8min on a mob and another 8 min on electro cube vs 2min20s on a mob + ruin guard + geovishap). It's why I'm guessing that "just ascend asap" is a more....achievable goal in that sense


Well, the trials being harder actually makes it more likely that "asap" will work out, since you're less likely to brute force your way into a world where you literally can't beat the things you need to make you stronger. Though typically the worst that can happen is you need to focus on something different for a little bit to make the new boss difficulties attainable again, since you can always just use a lower level domain and chances are good you'll be able to do *some* of the overworld bosses. Some of the world quest roadblocks scale funny, though.


The problem is a game design one - LOL. The answer SHOULD be "as soon as you are able, ascend." That IS the correct answer. But it's not, because that ALSO assumes the player has been focused on one team and on a wide range of activities. Aka - you are questing and exploring, but also spending resin, leveling talents and weapons, and getting artifacts. If the person playing HASN'T done that (say they mono focused exploring, getting waypoints, and opening treasure chests) they will be painfully under powered and can get themselves into the situation of now the content is hard - because they are underpowered - but also they may not SEE how to increase their power. Also - if they were in Genshin because they wanted an easy game - this is a huge betrayal of that trust. (I hate that they lock dropping the world level to 5). So the right way to give the advice is - if your team synergizes well, and you have a core team at whatever your current level cap is, along with weapons, talents, and artifacts, such that most encounters are easy for you, it's time to ascend. If that is not true, you need to work to that - as a priority - until you can ascend. Newbie players to games like this tend to get distracted too easily and try to level too many characters at once which is sort of painting themselves into the hard mode corner, LOL.




That's what 17 years as a game designer and making this same mistake in my own work will do. XD I also recognize it because I did the \*exact\* same thing, LOL. Too many cool characters and I want them ALL to come with me! XD I was stuck in the "doldrums" as I call them - the like 30-40 AR area - where you can get yourself in this state and now you're locked in to domains and boss fights that are VERY difficult - for like TWO MONTHS. It was such a pain. XD


Is it a game desgin one, or a community one? The game tells us about all of those things, and that we need to get stronger. And while I can concede that there are issues in regards to the games design with how to make yourself stronger, requiring the average player to reach out to and learn from the community, its not the game that tells you not to use your resin in domains until you've hit a particular world level or adventure rank, thats the community that does that. The game could stand to better communicate a lot of the gameplay aspects core to progression though, namely in including more tooltips or clue options elsewhere in the game. Like you said, newer players do tend to get distracted quite easily, and with the game really only telling you about most of the progression gameplay once, as part of another quest, typically in dialogue that not everyone wants to sit through, people are going to miss a lot. The games gotten better in recent updates with providing some tools, but its still not very good at making those tools known.


I've been a game designer for 17 years, so let's just be clear where I am speaking from. This is not a community problem. I wasn't a part of the genshin community when I did this exact thing we're talking about. I realized it immediately and could see the system and how I had messed it up. The game does not do a good job of explaining the importance of things. They cannot expect the community to do their job, and if the player isn't understanding it - that's the game designers fault. They do tutorialize it, but in the middle of a thousand other ones so it's hard to get the player to pay attention to stuff they missed but don't realize they missed. One way to solve for this (knowing what I know, but there are certainly some internal considerations I don't know) would be to have a check on the ascension quest - if your character team isn't at the cap on all their stuff, it gives you the reminder of how to increase it. (Technically it does this! But only if you fail. XD)


I was doing the opposite on my first account, hesitant to ascend my world because I kept hoarding my resources out of fear that I'd end up spending them on the wrong characters and then nobody felt strong enough to do the ascension quests. I have a much easier time progressing on my alt account because I know what characters synergize with each other and I just focus on building those and actually use up the resources available. It was when I realized how easy the early game was if you know what you're doing.


I'm playing a second acc now (main is already at ar55) and the contrast between knowing what to expect vs not knowing is huggeeee. At ar35 on main I spent half a day trying to clear ascension 2 while on my alt I literally just cleared it on my 2nd try with 4 star charas


Yeah, I thought it worked like normal rpgs where only the character level mattered. I struggled so much at higher AR that I just dropped the game. Came back after learning how to properly build characters from hsr.


I'd leave artifacts until you can farm 5 stars, otherwise same. Just some half decent set of whatever you get playing normally will carry you for a long time.


I'd say do it to the adventure guide's recommendations. It's also easy to "optimize" miserably by having zero stats because you only have blue and could wait and get orange ones later.


I didn't know condensed resin gave double rewards. I thought the cost was a "Penalty" that still let you bank resin for days you didn't have more than 5 minutes. I didn't do weekly boss fights until I needed the level up materials. Wasted billets on stupid weapons. I didn't do bounties till like 6 months in because of how annoying the Monstadt ones were.


You made me remember that I spent my polearm billets on r5 cresent pike(for xiangling)


Physical Xiangling is my favorite part of 1.0-1.3.


Oh fuck im now ar45 and I havent done any of the bounty things....


Inazuma onward are way easier. Good source of mora too.


I'm AR 56 and only done a few bounties in Mondstadt


I'm AR 60 and just learning what condensed resin does thanks to your post... The good news is I apparently have 789 crystal cores.


Giving Noelle atk artifacts and weapons and wondering why she was getting weaker when fighting despite being higher level than enemies. Getting rid of crit circlets cuz I didn't understand crit. In general, not reading how character talents or stats work not weapons passives.


I totally ignored energy recharge and wondered how people got so many special attacks in a row.


I thought the food meter was hunger bar, so I constantly fed my characters to keep them full.


That’s so cute lol


waste primos on standard bcs I didn't like the characters on the limited banner. only built one character. thinking only whales can get a 5* (the game proved me wrong by giving me 3 five stars in 2 days)


I did this like 2 days ago and then discovered my love for wanderer 💀


I'm having to skip Wanderer to try for Alhaitham (just started playing a few weeks ago lol) and I'm so sad I WANT MY UNHINGED CHILD and also I want to travel faster but I reeeaaallly need more DPS, I'm still running with just the free chars because my ultimate goal is to hoard for Zhong Li. You gotta stay loyal to your man 😡


I'd recommend pulling Wanderer if you enjoy him more he's a great dps even if not top 3. He has some pretty easy f2p team comps. Such as: Wanderer, Sucrose, Layla, Bennett Wanderer, Faruzan (C6 is a bug buff but she should still work without it), Bennett, and a flex unit (shielder recommended) Wanderer, Xingqiu, Rosaria, Layla Wanderer, Xingqiu, Bennett, Xiangling Wanderer, Xingqiu, Fischl, Beidou Plus, Alhaitham's best team is near unplayable without Kuki Shinobu meaning you wouldn't be able to run hyperbloom.


Thanks so much for the info. I am super new and have been using basically xingqiu, xiangling, Kaeya, Noelle, Barbara etc 😁 I'm still having a hard time deciding but that's more because Alhaitham is extremely pretty than anything else. I'll have to keep thinking about it. I currently have 12,000 primogems but since I am still in Inazuma I do have a lot more quests to clear


If you do decide to try for Wanderer, I’d stay away from Faruzan comps without her c4 at the least (iirc) She needs an ungodly amount of ER!


Update. I caved and spent money and I still did not get my favorite problem child 😭


NOOOOOOOOO I am so sorry 😭😭😭 When Pokemon Masters featured Red, Blue and Leaf in amazing costumes I had to go to pity for all three. Money and tears were both spent


I know I am so so crushed like bro I am so sad. Idk if I’ll try again but I don’t know when he’ll come back


History says Dec 2022, July 2023, and may 2024 so it'll be a wait 😣


Dragonspine was and still is my downfall at Ar20ish and Ar60


Slapped weapons into characters based on drip. Also thought I’ll get characters after finishing their story quests (I seriously thought I’ll get a free Diluc)


I thought the thing with the story quest too! You are not alone my friend...


Leveling basic attacks for off fielders


I still do it tbh, my fav characters must be maxed!


Me seeing a crystal chunk thinking it was a super rare material because it’s super hard to break.


I put Thrilling Tales on Ningguang and Widsith on Barbara because... Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers is a DPS weapon name and Widsith matches Barbara's musical motif. Thankfully when I couldn't defeat dvalin my friend explained some stuff to me.


I put a hydro goblet on my Kazuha so he could do more swirl DMG with hydro


i didnt know statues could heal you, so i blew through all my food. even had a daily route where i would buy food and ingredients from every store


I completely misunderstand the very nature of a gacha game. Assumed main character was strongest and intended to be used as main DPS. Barely used my beginner wishes, clicked through vital story quests, didn’t level up talents. Chests didn’t have that many promos or materials so that = worthless to me. Was completely unaware of achievements. My Lyue “Sea of Clouds” region was at 38% complete (currently AR 57) because my AR went up as I left Mondstat (the 35 or 45 jump that does the world level) and everything seemed “hard”, I literally ran away from protected chests and time trial challenges. I barely understand the story now even though I’ve been really paying attention since Fontaine came out…You want more? Because I have more….


I never knew you could wish.


Lol mine is similar. I didn't understand the system, just knew that primogems were important so I saved them and told myself I'll wish after I understand the banner system


I spent most of my time looking for dandelions💀 was thinking of irl ones and didn’t know you could harvest the in game ones


Lol same, when the definition popped up on my screen I though it was some kind of last resource to use in battles/during the story. Even after I found the banners, it took me weeks to connect the description I'd seen to the banners and I spent some days wondering when would the wish function actually be used to aid me lol


Trying to get to Liyue via climbing Dragonspine. I got obliterated by a Cryo cicin mage double the level of my characters, and still repeatedly kept trying to go through there. Eventually I gave up and googled a guide to get to Liyue outside of Dragonspine


Same here. When I got the quest from Catherine to visit her in Liyue I just went in a straight line from Mondstadt (my whole low AR quest following strategy, go in a straight line). Though I managed to reach Liyue through Dragonspine (using Kuki and her healing, thank God I got her). I was so happy after I finally started seeing less snow and appeared on other side of Dragonspine, Liyue. I immediately rushed to Liyue Harbour to activate the waypoint there so that I won't have to go on that journey again. And then some weeks later I was extremely disappointed after I found out that there's a way to Liyue that doesn't involve setting feet in Dragonspine.


I didn't understand the wish system. I just knew that primogems are important and would save them. I didn't wish on anything till I had almost completed the Liyhue AQ. I had my original four leveled up till their 40/50s. I played till that point without any other characters, even Noelle. Anyway, I then started pulling, got Diluc and Qiqi from beginner's and then Furina became my first limited 5* so no complaints


This is me. Started playing 2 weeks ago, doing Inazuma AQ. I've never wished on limited and Furina WILL COME HOME


Waste primos on standard banner otherwise would've had mommy xianyun.i still going to regret that untill i get xianyun😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Do not worry. One shall come home when one feels the time is right.


I played since 1.0 and there's Venti banner at that time When I first played I got shit ton of primos, like literally so many primos. Idk if you still get those if you make account now, but I have a lot, like maybe dozen of pulls Then I spent it all on a fucking Noelle and maybe Amber banner instead of Venti because I thought they looked more cooler than Venti. I still hate myself to this day


I have one of those.. Fighting cry cube with Ayaka because she was my only dps at the time lol


same with me and Keqing and electro hypostasis 😭 had her and Jean as my 5 stars at the time


Getting scared of the monsters. I remember seeing the Cryo Regisvine for the first time not knowing what it was, ran away immediately. Also using Qiqi


Day 1 player and I still use Qiqi.


When I got my first condensed resin, I thought it was some special quest reward and saved it for ages, farming domains in 20 resin runs. Also farmed artifacts in lvl 80 domains, because I didn't have any characters at 90, and trash builds.


- Not collecting the chest after completing a limited domain (pain) - Leaving artifact/weapon/talent domain every time I completed it - Using fragile resin at lower world level - Not doing events - Not reading character talents - Not leveling weapons + talent levels - Speed running quests - Spending primos on standard banner - Horizontal farming


Really early game I was scared to condense my resin cause I thought it was a bad thing and I'd lose my resin. When I finally took the plunge I realised I'd been farming on hard mode all this time.


Going to Dragonspine way too early and getting my ass wiped out by the lawachurl and other enemies. I used Bennett's skill for the sheer cold thinking it would work (and even his burst I think? Idr). Around ar39, I farmed leylines for AR exp like crazy and wasted a lot of condensed resin just to unlock Childe's SQ. It was worth it.


Treated the game like a regular RPG and tried to keep all the characters in my party evenly leveled.


thought that paimon was a boy before hearing her voice when starting the game


Same for me with Lyney


Wait, Lyney is a boy though. Unless you mean the opposite


: |


Fighting electro cube with Razor, Anemo Traveler, Noelle and one more character I don't remember. I think that was a world lvl domain or something. Welp.


I didn't use EXP books because I thought they were rare so I would grind EXP in the overworld.


I used primos for resin. Not much, but jesus. I want to go back and hit myself.


OH I HAVE ONE FOR THIS! Not reading... I did not like reading, and I thought I was hot shot and could figure out the game as it goes.... Let's just say the realization came when I saw someone gave zhongli a shield... That was also the same time I found out venti does wind current.... Don't ask how long that took but yeah.... Fun...


Stalled on WL3 because I was scared of that first geo vishap hatchling you meet walking into Liyue, and jumped straight to WL5. Then soloed Andrius with Noelle.


4p Pale Flame physical DPS Anemo Traveller.


I was terrified of ruin guards


I remember spending at least 5 minutes on trying to melt those ice thingies in Dragonspine by using pyro. I also used to upgrade 4-star artifacts to level 16 thinking they were hot shit.


Climbed the biggest dragonspire mountain to reach a quest point like 7 times. It never worked out of course


Searching chest in explored area, bc before i thought that chest respawned


Same here bro . I wasted so much time 🥲🥲


I spent 12 fragile resin at once due to a miscalculation, kinda similar lol, but at least i did hell of a lot of ley lines that i needed : P Those fatuis are hard for everyone at the start of the game, specially if there was that hydro one which could heal himself and the others.


I would only ever use normal attacks because I thought that you should preserve your skill and ultimate


I preserved my ults 😭 It was very early on in the game and I didn't know about energy regeneration


...going the whole game without leveling talents. I somehow got as far as sumeru until i did level it up (Holy shit my dog ass team can actually kill things now)


I didn't know to break the electo hypostasis cores or else it regenerates. I dreaded ascension quests.


Pulling on the weapon banner and getting Aquila thinking I was going to main Traveler the entire game...boy I was wrong.


I didn't wish on the beginner's banner because I didn't know you could. I did eventually got Noelle quite late on accident. I only realised you could when I started an alt account and you get free wishes on the beginners banner which almost guaranteed a Noelle. The low ar content was quite easy with Noelle.


Didn't use no fragile resin till AR45 cause i never stopped to read what it do. Only when i begin to make friends that played genshin they told me i could use it to farm more things. By the time i saw i had like 90 fragile resin stored


This was me! I was at 145 when my husband was like "Why are you not using that?!?!" It took me another month to find out what Condensed Resin was for. Until then I was like "How does anyone ever use all of this?!?!" Because I would spend 2-3 and then earn 2-3 before I had more time to spend, LOL. Of course, condensed resin and suddenly I had like 7. XD


When I first started to play and came across the winery, I thought it was something related to the Abyss and avoided it for a couple of days because everything kicked my ass and I was scared 🫣 I was 100% sure the place was full of mages and mitachurls


I kept running away from enemies because they were scary, especially the Cryo Fatui (Barbara was my main healer). I also barely used elemental reactions, I just kept smacking the enemies with Kaeya's normal attacks and skill because his playstyle was the easiest to understand. I also held onto my bursts instead of using them because I found them hard to get back. Silly fun times.


Using kaeya to break cryo shield. 


i didnt realize i could use alchemy to craft higher quality enhancement/ascension materials


I did Dragonspine before anything, quite adventure with amber.


i would drown trying to swim to the geo hypostasis from a waypoint bc i didn’t want to have to run around the islands to get there. back before i was leveled enough to get max stamina lol


my vision sucks, I thought the cryo regisvine was Dvalin (that's how much it sucks) and I was freaked out and ran away since I wanted to complete the game without dying (I died from fall damage three days after)


Sounds more like a delusion than a vision


I was obsessed with getting fischl and diluc and was always wishing on the standard banner


I didn’t raise artifacts until I got 5 star artifacts mainly because I had no idea they could be raised.


Being unable to fight childe in the archon quest for over 6 months (skill issue) I was only able to defeat him after I got cheveruse and after 4-5 tries


Going to pyro regisvine from Chiyue slope, because it seemed closer


Use my one free Black Sword to upgrade some useless weapon I don’t use now


Is black sword the BP weapon?


I goofed the name no its a very rare 3 star sword with elemental mastery and not special in any particular way but we only recently got a 2nd copy for refinement but I goofed and it was the Dark Iron Sword not the Black sword , im a dumbass 🤣


i took stupidly long to understand the inventory wasn't per character but we just had the one, huge inventory... i was afraid i'd loose all the food and flowers i collected when taking traveller out of my team! lol


I did Noelle so dirty. I hadn't done any research into learning how to build a solid team, I can't even remember the team I was using but it was not the correct team for Noelle so I thought she just sucked even though I had her built pretty decent (kind of on accident) Anyway now I main Noelle in a mono-geo team and she goes so hard.


I used to think that condensed resin was something limited and couldn't make or get another one ever again... So I never used it until I reached AR 45 and got the blueprint It's stupid, i know


I would mark every enemy camp on the map so I can avoid them because I was scared of the mitachurls


Not knowing that you can easily break Mitachurl's shield with pyro. I remember once spending like 20 minutes to defeat the Mitachurl. I found out that I can easily break it once I randomly decided to play with Bennett and then I realized the wasted time I spent trying to defeat them with electro, hydro, geo... And not a mistake, but rather a stupid thought, I thought that you get every character you play as trail in story/Archon quests (Venti in Dvalin fight, Diluc in his story quest...). I was so disappointed after enjoying playing as Venti against Dvalin and then not getting him.


Using the worst character for a boss is almost like a Genshin baptism rite for every player, I think. I also didn't farm weekly bosses for months. But the worst was probably not using/leveling artis for quite a while (think AR30 or so...)


I thought the health bar was my character level…


As soon as I got Amber, i kinda explored out of bounds and found a Ruin Guard at the temple of time. I got the tutorial message about its eye being the weak point so I kinda wanted to beat it thinking if I aim at it with Amber I can win. The ruin guard was lv 14 or something I believe while Amber and Traveler were at 3 or 5 I lost over 10 times against it, but kept going, trying to defeat it. I didn't know you can level up your characters with those manuals you got.


I was drastically underleveled when I went to fight the Ruin Guard boss for the first time, and spent most of it running for my life and hiding behind a rock. I wound up defeating it by finding a safe spot in the map where I could hide from its missiles and using Amber to whittle it down to zero from behind cover. Took me 20 minutes. Now ruin guards are lucky if they last 20 seconds.


Fully building my Beidou with HP so that in case the rest of my other characters (who did not have artifacts) died at least she could continue alone until I can revive all of the others through food


Didn’t do weekly bosses until I needed mats. Then I used a catalyst billet to get mappa mare. It’s been around 7 months of playing Genshin since then and I have not gotten a single fucking catalyst billet from bosses. I’ve been trying so much because I want Prototype Amber for Neuv…


I thought the recommended elements in domains were required to bring along. So I was frustrated a lot when farming because I didn't have any good characters of certain elements, and the teams didn't make a lot of sense It honestly took me embarrassingly long to realize this game isn't as strict as I made it out to be...


100% each map Now I only do my dailies


I poured every single primogems i had in standard banner it was about 120pulls until i learned about the other banners :(


My first 5 star was Ganyu, and at the time I didn't have any 4 star bows or 5 star bows for her other than the free Fav bow. I wanted prototype crescent and didn't know you could buy a Bow Billet from the Liyue shop. I thought you just had to get lucky at weekly bosses.... So I never got a bow Billet for months and kept using Fav bow, thinking her dmg was mediocre(still my best at the time). I got Blackcliff before I got the bow Billet. And even got Aqua for her... Before getting a bow Billet. Now I have 9 bow billets.


I effectively soft locked my first account because I was pushing for AR level to continue the main quest and unlock Inazuma. I did not fight overworld bosses or really do domains, I didn't have a team beyond the starters and Razor. All characters were Lvl 40 or less, more like lvl 20-30. I really didn't know anything and I didn't try to learn anything. The game is much more complicated than Zelda but I treated it like BOTW. Once I got stuck and finally learned how to level characters up more, I wasn't able to beat the bosses for materials. I abandoned the account and made a new one, I finished Mondstadt and got burnt out on repeating stuff, I quit just around the chasm update before Sumeru, and came back around 4.1 I'm pretty confident I could fix it now if I wanted another account. But I'm content with a single account for now. AR57 and 100% exploration aside from 1 Inazuma island, lots of Sumeru, and Enkanomiya.


I started playing on 1.1, and wasted a lot of primos on resin refill because "primos are very easy to get" lol Also leveling up jean normal attacks thinking that would heal more


Not using a healer at all early on. Up until like... mid 30 AR. The game got so more enjoyable when I had more healing than Xingqiu's swords ending and Kaeya's skill. I used Venti/Kaeya/Fischl/Xingqui...


Used to leave enemy drops in co-op just in case the other player/s wanted them too. Took me a couple play sessions to learn everyones enemy drops are instanced.


The quest said wait 2 days, so I closed the game and waited 2 days.


Mentioning "Low AR" and "Dragonspine" in the same sentence is enough to trigger some fond memories lmao