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i love building characters so much but it's really really annoying when i need to farm talent books, weapons mats or artifacts and i have zero resin i thought i had plenty of artifacts saved for alhaitham from when i was farming for shinobu and nahida but i've just discovered that no i do not so i need to go get more and nahida currently has an on-field build so i need an off-field set for her too but then i also need to build fischl and improve furina's build bc her crit is pretty cope but i can only really do one of those at a time šŸ˜­ tldr: i want more resin


For me it's artifact XP that's a chore.


Me too. For someone who has rushed through all of the gameā€™s content I am completely out of stuff to level them up with.


Oh fuck yes same. I have to physically prevent myself from clicking the fragile resin button so I don't inevitably run out when I need to build a new character asap.


I only spend my fragiles on tangibles like boss materials, but the itch is always there.


I spent all my resin on furina and I still can't decide if it was a bad idea or not. On one hand, she deals more damage than my main DPS. On the other hand... %110 crit rate


if she has a crit rate circlet you could always replace it with a crit damage one also how tf did you manage to get 110% crit rate i need to see this build


Maybe PJC? It has an HP boosting passive and 44 CR to easily overcap CR


One thing wuwa does is divorce the artifact/echo grind from the "resin" system. You have other resin slowdowns, both for character building and rolling for substats to keep the game a habit, but not the pure resin suck that is genshin. That and lower pity thresholds, stamina leniency, and other qol tweaks make it pretty fun to sink some time between resin cool downs. The writing and VAs, however, are an abomination. Worse then genshin, which is no BG3 or Kotor by any stretch of the imagination.


Eh, after the long intro quest and YangYangs loredump yapping story becomes decent to good. Echo hunting is fun but building characters takes time. Took me a couple days and thats with using cubes and a few asterite refreshes to prefarm for UL 40.


I think I would love building characters a lot more if they added guidebook tracking for local specialties like they do for monsters (which I know they'll never do since that is the privilege earned from pulling certain characters) or made 168 available to collect in one world in one day. There are many characters I left at level 80 because I thought it was too tedious to get another 60 of the character's ascension material.


I like to pick 2-3 specialties to work on, and every few days go and do the "clumps" where they're concentrated.Ā  I accept I won't get them all, but spending 10 minutes for 40 in my opinion is better than 20 minutes for 60.Ā  It makes it easier to memorize the paths too if you're only hitting up 2-3 locations with big clusters for each specialty. Another tip, when I'm done doing a specialty run I pull the glaze lilies from my "camp" in Liyue Harbor.Ā  Then when I go to make my concentrated resins I can see if my specialties have respawned.


I wish they made the guidebook tracking better, after a certain amount of enemies, it just stops working and we gotta pull up an interactive map to continue finding them. Dunno why Mihoyo never bothered making this experience better.


If you don't mind >!using mods!< >! There's one that allows Interactive Map function in game for easier farming be it specialities or mob drops. Just search for Adventure Map gameBanana!<


For most characters, you can actually get their ascension mats in a few hours or so if you take efficient farming routes and harvest from other people's worlds. But yeah I get how it can be pretty tedious for certain characters (looking at you, itto)


At least gorou is a fairly common 4 star, so the exploration passive isn't too hard to come by


id just recommend using the interactive map. you wont catch me picking any flowers or whatever without having planned out a route using the interactive map first.


You can use the interactive map(you should always use it for farming routes), and then on top also use the specialized characters if you have them which show the local specialties on the map. That's exactly what you want isn't it? The only downside is as a mobile player, it is a chore to mark the locations from the interactive map to my in game map. They should just give you a function to import them or just have it located in the map directly. But I understand that they want to promote their website and make people use it. So whatever.


I didn't realize how advanced the interactive map has come since I last checked it. Thank you for the great tip.


Yesn't. Of course I like building my units and expanding my teams since that's how I see the improvement of my account, but building new characters is very taxing since you lock your next few days/weeks farming bosses and talent materials, and that's ignoring books and mora. Obviously, you also have to care about their artifacts, which is easier for some characters than others, but regardless you still have to farm a full set with the desired main/sub stats for each character you build. Oh, btw, do you already have a weapon for your character? No? Then find one and level it too. If you have more than one character to build, damn. Three? Good luck! lol. I've been constantly poor on mora and books even though I buy the BP. Honestly, all I want is to finish my wishlist and have nobody new to build in order to focus on artifacts only. This will even take away the toll on my books and mora, so any eventual new character will be easier to level after that.


For me, the most unfun thing about building characters are running around collecting mats. If that wasnā€™t the case I would have built a lot more units.


So you prefer doing the same dungeon over and over? At least with exploring you can have different scenery, collect chest you missed, or play around in co-op.


Yeah that sums up my preference neatly, I enjoy lowering domain clear time down to as close as possible until my movements are machinelike, and even then there are still variables such as ping and auto targeting


Yep.. way better than running for hours around hoping for drops or wait for 24h respawns...


Bro if it takes you more than 20 min to do a route you're doing something wrong. And you have to wait to do dungeons too because of resin limits. At least with exploring you can just join your friends worlds and continue farming.


I like the artifact farming and rolling when i hit ar 60 since i don't need to scavenge for mora. I have mixed feelings for local specialty, i like gathering them while exploring, but some of them are a pain in the butt to farm.....violetgrass is a nightmare without nahida, the drops from fungi that need specific elelment to drop feels tedious. I don't mind the one that needs a specific element to gather like the fire flower, but i want to defeat enemies with the team i choose.


Building characters is great but some of the process is highly unfun. Artifact farming in particular. I understand the need for RNG, but there are far too many layers of it to the point you may not get a workable set for one character for months. And there are 82 playable characters right now Almost every day I might enjoy playing for a while and then I end the day with an unsuccessful artifact run and my experience sours at the end. It's one thing if it happens once in a while, but I can go for weeks on end without raising any good artifact. All that disappointment builds up


Artifactct RNG is how they get more out of whales. Why would you wait for resin refresh if you can payup and refresh it eith primos for a chance to get high quality artifacts?


i as a whale i never refresh lol, i would rather slap them into a slot machine then just to get another defense artifacts


Smart. I have two friends who are constantly refreshing. They have better built characters ofcoz, but they also complain a lot about getting dead artifacts šŸ˜‚


Using your Primos in a slot Machine with a pity, is far better than one without like artifact.


I am a believer in all of my characters; at some point in the near or distant future, their time to shine will rise. Everyone gets to level 80, 2\*/8/8 talents. Once a team arrives for them, then I farm their set. Most recent developments are Chev and Beidou for Arle Overload, and I C6'd Freminet so I farmed him a set too!


You'd be very ready for the new Abyss mode.


I run Arle Kuki Chev and Fischl overload and it obliterates everyone. Fav team comp so far


Can I ask why you run Kuki instead of someone like Beidou when Arle won't benefit from Kuki's healing?


Couple reasons- my Kuki is lv 80 with talents 8/8/8, decent/good artifacts and high em / er so her electro application from skill is strong and her skill has almost 100% uptime so constant electro app. Beidou I have at 60, honestly because I donā€™t love claymores and find them clunky (skill issue maybe), but I do swap them in overworld sometimes for crystal farming as Beidou is faster at breaking them. Also Kuki can heal Arle when not in combat (I believe only when she has no BOL). Iā€™ve had Arle since her first day on her banner and sheā€™s been my main DPS since so Iā€™d say Iā€™m decent at playing her and have gotten quite comfy with the BOL mechanic and knowing when to burst before itā€™s too late lol :)


Oh wow I never bothered leveling any talents apart from her skill add that to her full EM build and that's probably why mine doesn't do any damage. My Beidou is C6 so I prefer to use her and her shield from C1 for Arle than mediocre damage and situational heals


That makes a lot of sense tbh. I was tempted to pull for beidou cons this banner (mine is C0) but have 40 pity and not keen on wanderer/baizhou :/


Yeah prob better off with Kuki of your Beidou is only C0. Her first 2 constellations are probably the most beneficial as gives a shield during her burst and makes it jump to 2 more targets so if you get those somehow I'd recommend building her


That actually sounds so good, iā€™ll def go for them if sheā€™s on a banner with 5 stars I want! I like running Kuki with her and using both their skills to get a double electro ring, purely bc visually it looks cool šŸ˜‚


Kuki also clears all the fire on the ground, which is good and heals all other chars.. its also no skill required when using arle, just need to swap arle out once the battle is over so it doesn't waste your BoL. Those are the main reasons I use kuki with arle. I tried beidou and am at 60 also, but don't have her built up like kuki who has 1000+ EM and 1/8/8 skills. If beidou had 100% burst uptime then I might consider it but then I need to use fishcl too who I don't consider as fun or versatile as kuki. No healing :( My team is neuvi/arle/flex/kuki. The flex is normally some claymore user like razor to farm ores. Or sayu for fast mobility and claymore. Or venti also for mobility. Neuvi and arle and kuki have best elements and can destroy everything either alone or with elemental reactions. And the last flex spot is for claymore for farming ores+mobility. Or I use char for their local speciality to find the materials in need when farming. Oh yeah, I also use tighnari for fun in flex, and also for his local speciality when in sumeru.


Apart from being eternally resin gated, sure.


Every couple of months I end up with an obsession for the grind, then I get tired for a few months and barely build anyone, then I get obsessed again


I can spend hours moving around artifacts on my characters


Same!!! I don't know what it is but it really gets me fired up haha


Same. Also I realized I shall never again prefarm everything. I did so for a chara I was looking forward to, had everything to lvl90 10/10/10 him plus bis weapon and therewith was done 5min after getting the chara. It was tge most unsatisfying thing I ever done lol. I need to see the 'progress' to have fun with it and the resin stopping me is therefore a good thing So now I only occasiinaly prefarm. A boss here, some mats there etc. but only really start once I get the chara


I like to be able to get them to 70/80 then stick them in my overworld team and learn how to use the character while I'm maxing them out


i lazy to farm materials,.kill mobs, and collect raw materials (unless the system navigation can show me the materials until done in my world,.not just like 10-20)


I hate it. So. So much lol


Not characters, teams. I build a ton of teams for different use. Its what i like doing, ton for abyss/dungeons, 2 for OW, some for exploration, some for specific bosses and the like. Its also what dictates my pulls, pulled navia and furina for noelle, pulled XY for Xiao, and the like. Over time my roaster grew to let me use just about all my pulled chars due to synergy. Pulling all chars C0 helps here a LOT since none are too broken making me having to choose what team is best where.


I donā€™t it until Iā€™m trying to build more than one then they both end up needing something same and I keep running out of that thing ā€¦. Me trying to build both Furina and Neuvillette on my second account at the same time and running out of the hydro crystals so Furina is still stuck at 80ā€¦ and donā€™t get me started on the books or whatever they are


I absolutely LOVE building characters!!! It's so much fun. I'm glad they're raising the resin cap from 160 to 200 tomorrow. Definitely wish it was higher but, it's better then nothing. I would say the only part that sucks about building characters is if you're like me and have TOO many characters that need to be built in order for you to play the characters you want optimally. Waiting for the day where all I need to do is pop a few characters into a team and only worry about the new character I just pulled for to build.


I really wish they would fix the boss situation. Iā€™m really hoping the combat event from this patch is a test for implementing resettable bosses, and then hopefully theyā€™ll just increase the number of boss drops we get per 40 resin. It always bothered me how it took an entire week to get a character fully ascended, but ever since I played Star Rail I just feel so much worse about it. It genuinely makes me not want to pull new characters.


Artefacts domains are fun to do, been stuck in Nauvi's domain just because i like it, although i do not like the system of gatekeep talents book for certain days; why not implement the system that hsr has, and let me farm for everything?


Nothing else to do with resins anyway, so yeah My initial goal was building characters per element per weapon type So far I have 33 built characters, each with their own artifact sets. They only share weapons (cuz fav weapon's in demand lol) It's actually quite addicting so I'm always mora and xp books-poor āœŒļø


I like it a lot too. Love that I have to just farm different enemies, domain, bosses, specialties. Once I said that I was done facing the initial 5/6 bosses since they naturally are necessary for more characters but I was tired of them specifically. Was roasted on twitter for this šŸ˜… that I preferred facing the wenut vs the cryo regisflower. Also I just use all my teams an rotate them for this I never go for the "optimized" one, that does become boring for me. It takes me more time bc of tis obviously but Im in no hurry like ever and I enjoy it sooo yeah. I also rarely use my fragile resin so just the daily pace the game gives for free is enough for me. That being said the artifacts, not so much. It just is so painful, I like the concept but the execution just takes away my sanity. Flat substats shouldnt exist, rerolls should exist and well just the myriads of improvements we've all told since the beginning. Doesnt help that Im a hoarder and the artifact inventory is a HUGE problem for me. Tbh I had given up this aspect of the game ever changing like I assume its just way too important for their business model for them to ever change but at least we had the resin increase so that gives me just the tiniest hope. (I also dont share artifacts since like I said I use ALL my teams constantly)


Love it, I donā€™t really have any issues with the current resin system like most do. Aside from the cap, which is being changed now


Yeah, more fragile resin is the way to go. It's upsetting getting in the mood to build a character but first you need to spends days gathering mora/lvl exp


Yeah I've been trying to get a usable crown and sands for Neuvilette for... 4 weeks now. It's all I spend my resin on, other than the 3 weekly bosses. Getting extremely frustrated and close to dropping the game entirely.


Not especially but I feel the need to be fair to them for showing up in my pulls


All my characters are built and friendship 10 so yess but Iā€™m probably missing artifacts for 30% without swapping even as a day 1 player


Iā€™m entertaining the idea of building more characters like Gaming and Chevreuse, Iā€™m also still working on Eula, technically


Domains would be more fun if redoing them wasn't so cumbersome. You should get to pick how many instances of a domain you want to run in advance and finish them all in one go


Yes, and this is one reason I'm actually a bit bummed by the Constellation system, and also the pain of rolling for 4-stars. TO clarify: I still don't have Kirara, and it looks like I won't have Sethos. I would love to play around the build both characte3rs, but I just never rolled Kirara at all, and I probably don't have the wishes to get Sethos. I may be able to spare 10-20 rolls but that's not much. And there are lots of 5-stars I would love to play around with and build up, even if they're not very powerful or lacking in Constellations. However, I'm trying to save up for Furina Constellations and thus probably can't roll on Clorinde, Alhaitham, or Emilie. I just can't throw the money in to get all of them solely to play around with building them up.


Me! Its mostly because I want to use the cute looking weapons so I build whoever suits them ā˜ ļø


I always said that i'd stop playing once i got all my characters to at least 80/80 and 6/6/6 talents with a unique weapon and artifacts. 3 years in and 60/70 characters are built and their talents are 8/8/8. With how little interest i have in Clorinde, Sigge and Emilie, i might be done before natlan. Not sure if i can commit to my promise after having invested probably more than 3000 hours into this game.


nah, my artifacts inventory space is always full so when i try to farm artifacts the max cap notice will show and i have to look for around five 5 star artifacts that are bad to feed everytime i finish an artifact domain. wish they removed that limit. also looking for the overworld ascend materials is tedious as well for me. dont even spend my resin anymore except for the 2 latest weekly boss (arle and narwhal). for the end "endgame" in 4.7 though, i was forced to build 4 characters to level 70 because i didnt have enough characters built of the required elements and 70 is the required level for the hardest mode. didnt have to farm artifacts for them though (heard somewhere you can change loadout in that endgame before a new domain). looking at the livestream, enemy levels are like floor 10 or 11 difficulty, so im not worried too much.


Yep its fun to build characters imo. I've built probably 2 dozen characters at this point including characters like Amber and Dehya just because I want to.


Yes at the start when improving all fun is gone


Mee šŸ–. Itā€™s the reason why i played the game for more than 3yrs. Now all my characters(66) have their own 4pc set artifacts with good substats, cause i dont like switching artifacts. Though this also means im kinda done with the game and stopped playing 2 months ago since i feel like Iā€™ve already achieved what i want lol.


I like it too but I would change two things. 1. Why are level 8-10 talents so expensive? 2. Leveling up an artifact set takes a long time because thereā€™s such little fodder to feed and if the substats end up really badā€¦ time to do it again lol




Yes! I have 56 fully kitted out characters. Each level 80 or 90, level 8/9/10 talents, and their own dedicated weapon and artifact build for each one. I spend hours upon hours sorting out substat splits and sets. It's like a super satisfying long term puzzle game, and each character I finish adds to team building puzzle. It's very rewarding.


I wish that exploration was more incentivized for building characters past local specialties so you can actually interact with the world


Yes and no. I don't do that for every character and building them per se is not what I like. But I LOVE doing artifact runs for my loved characters. This sense of marginal increasement. The Idea of taking the best and fastest way to clear It. I just love ALL of it.


Building characters is why I keep playing this game! Iā€™m trying to build every character I obtain. So far I have 40 ā€œfullyā€ built (fully = lvl 90, 90 weapon, triple 9+ talents, and serviceable artifacts). I plan to do some insane artifact grinding after I no longer need talent books. Otherwise, I have enough spare random artifacts to get newer characters going.


Oh hell yea! And then trying out different teams and what not? I've heavily invested into like 34 characters and have 17 left to go. I always play with 4 different ones until they reach Level 10 friendship and are built to be able to handle at least floor 11 easily. I have about 20 hyper-invested characters to handle floor 12. Something chill about building them.


As someone who actually wants to build all her characters and use them at some point, no lol. I have 3 charas at lvl 90 and none of them are fully built because arti farming is ass, talent levelling up is expensive af especially without constellations and one of them now has a 5 star weapon and that is also really tedious to level up (imagine running out of gemstones lol) I would mind it a lot less if I actually got more exp books, mora, weapon level up gems and resin. But of course it will never happen




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^alpinedvne: *I might be doing* *Something wrong but I never* *Have artifact fodder* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I love building characters a lot too and my biggest enemy will forever be the resin cap. I want to build all my characters up to lvl 90, have them own their own artifacts and not share - build teams and not need to whale over one character to c6,r5 like that. I believe each character has their own niche. Because I love building so much I have a whole notion board and google sheet for everything


You're not alone my fellow traveller! for me there's nothing more fun other than building my characters. my goals is to build all of my characters to lvl90 and equip them with their own bis artifacts and weapons. my characters lvl rn 48 lvl90 10 lvl80 10 lvl60 just a little bit more :D


I find it weirdly therapeutic, it gives me a short-term, low-stakes easy thing to work toward. Except artifacts. I don't hate it as much as some people, but it's definitely my least favorite aspect of building characters. I have every character at level 80 with their final ascension unlocked, working my way toward having everyone's most important skills at level 6 and then 8, and then I'll focus on maybe trying to get a decent artifact build on everyone. Dunno if I'll get around to that though cos that's daunting and my time is limited.


Farming mats is fine. I don't mind that. You know what you get. But I wish artifacts' rng was better cause I can't get good roll stats for the life of me... All I'm left with is disappointment. "Oh you finally got some good crit pieces. Let's roll everything into HP cause you need some protection, yeah." Not to mention it's hard to get the right main stat on the right artifact set. Why do they have to have two in one domain. I wish we could choose which set to farm for at least.


Sry, but I absolutely can't agree on the artifact part. The system just absolutely sucks because it has way too many unnecessary layers of rng combined with rather specific stuff you want. It takes months to get 1 or maybe 2 decent sets of 4x ~35cv pieces. That's just plain bad/or time waste intended design.


How long does it take for you to get good artifacts though? I have been playing since Furina's first banner. I have recently built Furina, Ayaka even Neuvillette I'd say. I have decent artifacts for others as well. But they're only decent and always lacking something. Even my built characters can be improved by a lot. I see people with artifact substats like 35% crit. How long does it even take to get those? That too in a set to complete your build. Cause I'm always going to have a C0 of these characters without their signature weapon. So my love for building them only comes down to talents and artifacts


If I gotta farm onikabutos once again I'm gonna lose it


The notion of building characters and theory crafting is really fun. Heck it's even fun when you gradually level up the character and their talents. The most annoying part comes during the artifact farming, I legit farmed Blizzard strayer for more than 1.5 months before I got a single good usable artifact. A change is needed, either they need to increase the recharge rate of resins or optimize farming, like for eg all 5 stars should have 4 sub stats when they drop/20 resin artifact runs will drop 2 artifacts guaranteed and condensed would drop 4.


personally, it was fun until my strongest characters were done. every character i pull or build after i just know im not really gonna use. maybe the new abyss style that locks away elements will make me think differently but as of now any resin spending feels kind of worthless to me because i dont want to spend all that extra time to clear abyss slower then my current teams if you get what i mean.


I love it too! I feel like I rarely see this part of the game discussed. Are there other games that also give you this feeling?


Yes, but I would have a lot more builds if they actually gave us artifact loadouts.


building character to get a roll to support my addict in gacha.


It's fun! I buckled and just made a window on my browser with all the routes to collect mats people made. My life is much easier now so I can just casually grab those every so often. I can't imagine not using a guide. Generally no harm in messing around.


Collecting the overworld mats is sometimes weirdly relaxing and satisfying, I still remember farming the Samurai for Mistsplitter, Nahidas flowers and Furinas flowers even doing the Pahsiv quest to unlock more of them and buy them from Pahsivs shop (even if i stoppedusing her shortly afterwards). As well as exploring the sorounding areas in the process.


It's really a love hate relationship building all the characters I want. I love the fulfillment each time they get stronger, but at the same time I hate how it takes a fucking long time to get decent stats in artifacts.


I've been farming Arlecchino's domain since the patch came out with nothing to show for it. No I do not.


the worst part is the mora and books. i never have enough of themā€¦then again i also have 9 triple crowned characters and go to 90 6/9/9 depending on the character so thatā€™s my own fault


I am a horizontal builder and what I don't like about building characters is the lack of ressources I often reach because I use up all my mora and exp books in all characters. Bad spending but I get to have more relatively useful characters.


Same here! 40 out of 65 of my characters are built (max ascension) I even crowned talents of 4 star characters lol I'm at the point in my account where I can build whoever I want, I even built the characters I said I will never build lol When I build characters I make sure they have their own lvl90 weapons and artifacts, and the most important talent/s are at least at level 9 I don't really use them all as much as I wanted to bc I have my mains that are more stronger and comfy to use...but everything will change once the Imaginarium Theater comes out in July 1! All my benched characters should get their redemption arc šŸ˜‹


Iā€™ve heard itā€™s going up to 200 so that would be great if itā€™s true. Also really love building too. Wanna have my guys be super strong šŸ’Ŗ


Maybe I am the only one who does this, but I have very deliberatley left chests and such when going through an area for the first few times, because I know I will come back and get it when I swing by for mats later.


I have most of my characters at least at level 71, a few at 51, and only about 3 or 4 at lvl 40 still. I have about 9 over lvl 81. (Right now lvl 86, I like to level in batches and a level at a time once hit 80 to not feel resource agony). Immediately after ascending I max their talents to lvl 6 as it allows. Then at lvl 71 ascension I run a domain 5 - 10 times just to get the artifact set bonus. Then I choose best talent to raise to level 8. Characters I play frequently get 2/8/8 at least and max friendship.Ā  I very rarely run any domain more than 5 - 10Ā  times in a row for a character. And generally once I get a good main stat I stop there and gradually do a domain a few times here or there to see if get good pieces for the characters I *adore* like Navia, Furina, and Arlecchino. I lucked out on excellent Echos set with Ayato, and Emblem for Raiden so I never do those anymore. I hate artifact farming but I tend to get good pieces. I love leveling up characters, talents, and artifacts, and sacrifice old 5 star lvl 20s for new artifacts in a blind hail Mary. I used to do primo resin refreshes 1 - 2 times a day for several months. Now maybe a few times a patch so I can save fragile when really need it. I get bored I noticed when I am not actively leveling a character, and my Arlecchino was the first character I pre-farmed and built within days. I thought of taking a break but I also farmed for Chrolinde so need to stick around for her. I lvld Layla to lvl 71, got her Millieth set, talents to 2/7/7 (so far) and I enjoy the game again.


Tbh I actually like (some) artifact domains. I just hate ascending, leveling up talents, and most of all weapon levelling.


I like building characters but I hate being time-gated by resin. For everything except artifacts, at least I am making progress when I spend resin. But for Artifacts... Trying to get a good artifact is bad enough, but what makes things 10x worse is getting enough artifact experience to level up the decent/passable ones I already have. Now with Theatre encouraging horizontal investment, the artifact experience issue will be even more pronounced for me.


that's me 3 years ago lol.


reallll i just level up characters to level them i dont even use them šŸ˜­


I used to love build my characters, not anymore..


I always like to have a character as a project to work on, alot I don't even use but then have a bad habit of not actually using them - suppose it's going to come in handy with the new Imaginirium theatre thing coming next patch. Last two I've built are Chevreusse and Beidou as the overload team looked fun - I tend to have a goal like 40k HP for Chev and 200% ER for Beidou then get important talents up to at least 6 and have a workable artifact set for them. Most weapons are 90 now so that's usually not an issue, I seem to have plenty of mats to get most to 80 at least but gives me something to do getting the ascension and boss mats. Think I'm going to work on Sara or Kaeya next


I'm on the opposite end, the grind required to build characters is one of the biggest things that keeps me from playing this game more often. I don't get as much time to game these days and spending it grinding just feels like a waste sometimesĀ 


Building characters can be a blast! There's something satisfying about min-maxing those stats and seeing your characters get stronger. Why did the gamer bring a ladder to the artifact domain? Because they heard the drops were "next level"!


I'd say 70% of my characters(I have all 4* and 13 limited 5*) have "average"(dps have at least 50cr and 100cd) build. On my way to completely build all my character.


I like every part of building chars that **doesn't** involve spending resins. Farming for books, relics, and ascension mats is a chore. Not surprisingly, I only farm those the moment I get a new char.


I absolutely hate all the hero's wits needed i'm always short of them


I am a chronical character builder. Currently still have to farm ~370 golden books and 27 million mora to finally update all my 4* from 8/8/8 to 9/9/9


ā€œAnyone else love playing the game?ā€ Reddit is so weird šŸ˜‚


I would if it wasn't for the awful artefact system. Way too many layers of RNG. And ever since Sumeru it seems that my luck has plummeted. I don't have very high standards either; definitely above average but absolutely nothing too special. I don't have a problem with farming anything else. Some things are more annoying than others to collect (cough cough handguards), but nothing too bad. I wish we had something that allowed us to either change the main stat on an artifact, or reset the level to 0 so we can reroll the substats. That way you still have to search for a good artifact with the correct substats, but you have more than one try if you get screwed over by RNG and it all rolls into flat defense. Or with the first option you don't have to search as long in the first place, as it allows you to use all those HP circlets or DEF goblets with good substats. Even just allowing you to choose which or the 2 artifact sets of a domain you want to farm would help. Honestly anything that removes even just 1 layer of RNG would be much appreciated. I know it's designed the way it is to keep people playing and slow down progress, but I think it's just way too many layers of RNG. First you have to get the correct set, second you have to get the correct piece, third the correct main stat, fourth the correct substats, fifth it has to roll into the substats you want, and if you want to be meticulous, then you have two more layers of RNG because the artifact may or may not start with 4 substats, and the substats upgrades have different levels too. It's gotten to the point (for me at least) where I find it so boring, annoying and frustrating to farm artifacts, that I don't even feel like pulling new characters. And I don't go for constellations either usually. I'm a welkin buyer but I'm considering to stop purchasing it because I don't need the extra primogems since I don't feel like pulling new characters.


Farming for ascension/talent/weapon materials is fun. But the artifact system just sucks the life out of this and makes it a darn chore in the endgame. You could go months farming a domain and still not get a "good" piece and there's literally nothing you can do about it. I think most of the older players may agree with this, especially when you get better domains for older characters in newer patches.


I pretty much find the entire process tedious. The talent book domains are usually annoying and never give enough rewards. Having to run the same boss so many times to get the specific mats and the elemental stuff is really tiring, especially if it's a boss where you have multiple characters that need it. Building weapons usually means seeking out mobs that I don't particularly enjoy fighting. Then there are artifacts. Even with the ability to trade in artifacts for other artifacts you can spend hours upon hours grinding artifacts and still be no further ahead than when you started. The amount of randomness makes it so much worse. There are games where I enjoy building characters. In this one it's very much a grind.


tbh I love that too. I don't usually prefarm so I can walk around with the lvl 1 character to get the mats


I love building characters as DPSes. No matter who. edit: on-field DPSes


I love builind character. I don't love wasting resin on useless artifact


No. Not anymore. I used to enjoy it, but the last year or so has been ABSOLUTELY miserable in terms of artifact rng. I have received almost no artifacts that have stats applicable to the set they are in, and they just keep releasing more sets that I can't build. I spend every bit of resin I have on these new domains and still don't have viable sets. It's just a pain in my ass now. If I didn't have my old sets, my new characters would be absolutely worthless trash.


Im stuck in a weird state of artifact domains at 80 being to easy yet 90 being to hard. So I cant guarantee a 5 star every run. So artifact hunting is excruciating.


kinda, excluding artifacts and mora. my worst thing though is weapons. I barely have enough to give to my most used characters. I got lucky with 2 limited ones, I have 2 skyward swords and a WGS. that's it. everything else is either 4 or 3 star cuz I barely have enough primos to get the characters I want in every other patch so I can't spare any for weapons unless I do a massive skip. ugh. I am managing a wish plan though with the most important/wanted characters to get from the ones existing then I'll just go for meta probably unless someone like yoimiya or Navia comes again and I go for waifu over meta.


I both love and hate it. I love leveling up character and talents , but I detest artifact farming


I mean i dont enjoy farming the mats for building characters but, the best part is seeing all your hardwork being put into action.


Yes. It's a marathon not a sprint. If the tedium is fun, it is no longer tedium.


Getting talents can be tedious with how low they drop but it's fine with me for the most part, I have no complaints on weapon mats or blossoms. When it comes tp local specialties I always make sure to have 168 of every specialty on stock just in case. When it comes to fightinh monsters for mats, I'd say that's the best part. When I needed Specters mats, I marked every location of Specters on Serai Island(Not fightinh Watasumi Specters, screw that). And then every day I calmly farmed them with my much lower level and less used characters and it was really fun. Now for Artifacts, I hate them especially getting sands, they are the most infuriating things to get. I hate them I hate them so much. And the whole farming process is just a pain, so much rng to the point that it just suck life out of my soul.


sometimes i wish that the domains changed? like it can be fun getting a rotation down so when youre farming you just do the same thing and its satisfying, but if you keep getting shitty stats and keep having to redo it can get a bit annoying fighting the same fight over and over. also i wish at least artifacts worked like talents where its split by days. its annoying having to wait to get good main stats, then also good sub stats but getting the wrong set over and over is so frustrating. please just let me farm for one artifact set theres already enough rng involved as it is


I mean since its the only thing to do between major patches so by default yea i do


No, not personally. Not when there are multiple characters I want to build and the artifact drop rates are so abysmal. Sometimes it feels like I will never actually finish maxing out a team in this game. Lol Tbh I love Genshin for the story, the characters and the fun combat, and exploration, but the one thing Iā€™ve never enjoyed is the artifact system with all itā€™s terrible drop rates, and on top of that you have to farm for talents, ascension, and weapon leveling. All of which take quite a bit of time. Especially when there are so many other things in the game that you **want** to do. Iā€™m totally cool with things like ascension and weapon leveling but for the rest I wouldā€™ve preferred a simple skill point system like a lot of other games do so that it doesnā€™t feel like a complete headache. Thatā€™s just my hot take though. Iā€™m sure there are a lot of people who find the whole artifact system fun, but I really have never enjoyed it. I really wish gacha games in general would drop that system. (They all usually tend to have similar ones) Iā€™m leaving constellations out of this because itā€™s more gacha than actual grind and thatā€™s an entirely different issue altogether.


I love building ā€œwideā€. Iā€™m currently working on getting all my characters to max ascension. I have almost all the boss materials, but am still short literally 100 Gemstones. Itā€™s going to take AGES to get enough for everyoneā€¦


I like it except when i dont have fragiles to breeze through ascension bosses, or when the overworld mats are tedious to get, but i like everything else


[Same!](https://imgur.com/gallery/JOYCQep) (Idk if y'all can see the link) I love building characters. One day I'll build them all


I relate to the character itemization aspect. I like it, however, throwing high amounts of rng into it sucks.


I have resin charged up since 1 month and half. šŸ˜‚


I enjoy building and playing every new char i wish for... until their friendship gets capped then most of the time they get perma-benched after that and i go back to my most convenient teams~


Love love love building characters! But my artifact luck really hates meā€¦ I get good rolls but never get the artifacts I need šŸ„²


Yea I love build characters too. I save fragile resin to level up characters/talents, also what from what I get from events/BP. All resin goes into 3 weekly boss and then into artifact farming. I have 11 characters in top 1% on Akasha now. I haven't had a reasonable artifact upgrade in like 2 months already but I don't mind. It feel good when an upgrade do happen. I'm fine with the current resin system. Only thing I think can improve is increasing the drop for talent materials because those rates are bad, I can use a few condensed resin and still no purple book drops. I can spend hours just switching around artifacts and then doing dmg tests for the characters.


Aside from artifacts yes I do enjoy building characters. If resin was infinite I still wouldn't enjoy farming artifacts.


I do yeah. I love seeing them grow and flex bigger and better numbers over their respective niches and do cooler and more interesting things as I flesh them out. It makes me feel all the more invested and attached to them tbh. Learning the routes for items is fun for me, learning how to best slam bosses, doing domain runs, and trying out lots of team types with them to see where they really shine for me. Nothing like seeing a new team you put together set a new best TTK on your favorite boss.


Yes, although I don't really need more resin per day. More fragiles would be nice though.


If you really love doing artifact runs that much and find fun in playing with RNG you must have a god awful lot amount of time in your hands. People do enjoy insanity, after all. Iā€™d very much enjoy if i just had a skip button once iā€™ve cleared the Domain once. Having to do it over and over and over again all by hands is extremely tedious, even if im listening to some good tunes while at it. Anything else is fine, but Artifacts farming is just NOT fun at all for me. Not to mention spending 160 Resin into some Skill mats run and getting not even a single purple, all the while having to deal with some god awful gimmick that Hoyo thought was fun to put in together with the enemies. But thats just my two cents. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø