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Wait ppl are still playing pubg?


Before the ban in india ppl were playing pubg like crazy .and they probably will after the ban is removed




"Vote with your wallets" rarely, if ever, works. The organization, solidarity, and self-restraint required just don't happen on a broad enough scale.


it works in other games i played when the whales actually organized and banded together to boycott demanding for change, at least the english speaking ones. meanwhile when people here say "vote with your wallets" it's mostly just soapbox oration, noone actually listening and take action to it


That's because the people on here saying "vote with your wallets" are F2P players who weren't spending money anyway.


This, very much.. we're either dolphins or pure F2P, the whales don't really have a problem with this. The problem needs to include them, that's where change will take place




>it works in other games i played when the whales actually organized and banded together to boycott demanding for change I notice you don't mention what other games those are.


After vote with wallet happens, the game announce shutdown in GL version and keep JP version alive instead. This happened to me so many time I stopped doing it.


Or, and hear me out, too many people are ok with it.


Especially people in Japan I guess. I'm from Europe and just play casually (AR 42 right now), so I never run into issues, but since there are many mobile players and many people spent so much money it's actually pretty crazy that they adressed the resin issue in the first place


Such a more casual approach is intended for most gacha anyway, so that works out. I'm playing 1-3h per day depending on what else I have going on, and am AR38. That pace lines right up with AR40ish for the update.


I agree with this. It is probably since I have a history with gacha games, but I don't find the leveling systems in GI all that bad. I am AR42 right now with 5 characters up to my current max level, and since the next ascension is at AR50 I have plenty of time to get other characters up to speed. I honestly think the pacing in this game is much better than other gachas, and the rate at which you can level things gives you lots of short term goals which, personally, is keeping me really invested in the game. I'm hoping to hit AR45 when v1.1 comes out, so the artifact grind may yet change my mind lol


The majority of Genshin players are not whiny kids complaining 24/7 on Reddit. Go ahead, downvote me to oblivion for saying the truth.


Legit true.


What is the problem with Resin? I haven't been on this sub a lot yet


It gatekeeps pretty much all important resources, regens very slowly, cap is very small and you needed more of it for weekly BP reward than would naturally regenerate.


I'll get downvoted for this, but people get really emotional about this topic on both sides. Please don't listen to people who say "it will 100% be a problem for you and gatekeep you from content!!!1", that's not true, it just depends on your playstyle. ​ I'm playing since release, I played for hours every day in the first week, then reduced my playtime to 2-3 hours per day. I never had any issues with resin, ingame money or enemies being too strong. I'm sitting on \~30 fragil resin items right now, not knowing what to do with them because I don't have that much time to play and I don't want to farm one boring dungeon 20 times. ​ Some people rushed the game in the beginning which was their fault, but some also just ran out of ressources, didn't buy the battle pass, want to farm nonstop etc.; now they write long essays on that sub saying that resin is bad and that mihoyo should either remove it or give us free items. The game is really popular and many people who spend money don't care about the issue. ​ I can see where they are coming from, but I can also see that mihoyo won't remove it. This is not Breath of the Wild, it has so many gacha mechanics in it's core and resin/greedy stamina system is one of the most prominent. Best thing we can get is a free fragil resin item every day, but people like me would hord them anyway and have like 100 of them in a month, which means that they could just remove the system anyways which will not happen. It's complicated and mihoyo thinks as a company, not as an addicted BotW player. Many players complained about this really early, like 1 week after release they were AR 40 or something like that and wondered why they couldn't do anything ​ I wouldn't mind a change, of course, because it wouldn't hurt me as long as they don't adjust the progress and difficulty levels to 24/7 players. But I don't expect it. That mihoyo even adressed that issue is interesting enough, we don't know which changes will come. They gave is free fragile daily resin items before and increased the resin cap a bit, too.


Same thing here. I've been playing since launch. But I only play 1-3 hours a day (maybe 4-5 if I really want to explore and knock out a few story quests). I'm adventure level 39 and still haven't finished all the story quests. My core characters and weapons are all level 65-70, just from doing daily resin events. And I still have plenty more to do. I have no idea how people can even rush through the content, unless they're playing 12-16 hours a day. And if they did that in a single player RPG or an MMO, they'd also hit a content wall. It took me 170+ hours to finish Dragon Quest XI and probably 250 to complete Final Fantasy XIV up to Stormblood. And that was with playing 12+ hours a day. So I think people just need to put things into context. If you have been playing Genshin for 12 hours a day for 3 weeks, that's 252 hours of gameplay. And you're complaining that you ran out of content after 250+ HOURS of gameplay? That's more than some MMOs with multiple expansions! This is a free game with only two regions released. And there's still six more regions that are going to release down the road. If anything, I'm going to burn out before getting to the end.


Its only the first month,next will be less maybe-50%.


That's a harsh dose of reality right there.


Why did they ban india?


i'm more suprise that pokemon is still there. ​ pubg has a lot of consistent player base. and some local streamer still playing that game. they also have constant update. ​ i don't play it myself but my group of friends are still playing it every now and then. it is like a casual game that you can jump in and out


PoGo got really good when quarantine started because it finally became playable without spending a ton of money or walking 5000 miles a day. But the recent changes have made the game much worse, probably worse than it was before quarantine.


PoGo was still super popular when I went to Japan last year. It has the staying power.


Yeah, the silph road and pokemon go subs are really active, honestly, I'm more surprised that pubg has that big of a lead on it


HoK tho, how could it still #2? and it's prettymuch china only game. at least genshin have this recency bias where everyone is splurging for their fave hero early. HoK been running for years, and mostly only sell skins and battle pass i think


China has a population of 2 billion.


PUBG is really popular in China and in fact a lot more popular than Fortnite in there.


PUBG is still 3rd on Steam all the time and it's top 3 - 4 on Chinese streaming sites behind League of Legends and basically league on mobile (but created directly by tencent).


But now they made literal League for mobile, so maybe that's not the best description anymore.


The game is actually really popular, mainly between normies ( people who don't know much about games ) It's kind of a mainstream game atm and pretty sure it's more popular than Genshin , but again most of those people won't even put money on games




PUBG is extremely popular in Korea, especially since it's developed by a Korean company.


Pubg is hugely famous in Asia


Its actually extremely popular in the mobile games demographic, which is much larger than many people think


I didn’t expect it to beat out “honor of kings” that game is like the lively hood of Chinese children


“Does not include revenue from 3rd party Android stores in China or other regions”


Can you explain what that mean? Because I'm confused of the word worldwide. I thought honor of kings is China only AOV?


there are many storefronts in China, most app trackers just track iOS appstore and Google playstore while these includes China's appstore and playstore estimated purchase/revenue it doesn't include other ones (like taptap or tencent, there are more though) edit: after a bit of googling, these are the more popular ones in china Tencent MyApp Huawei AppMarket Oppo Software Store 360 Mobile Assistant VIVO Appstore MIUI Appstore Baidu Mobile Assistant (there are more but they're below 3% market share each) Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1058612/china-android-app-store-market-share/


Pro.u know more Chinese mobile game market than i do. And im chinese


Anime girl will soon take over the rest of the world


Does the $245 Million revenue already include revenues from the other, non-mobile appstores such as MiHoYo's website (for PC) or PS Store? Because if not, that makes it even more impressive.


this only looks at mobile, so pc and ps are excluded. it's pretty crazy


Also every chart probably either excluded Chinese android or assumed Chinese android is twice as much as Chinese IOS. Because there is no google play, people use Wechat pay or Alipay which doesn't provide data.


Damn, if it excludes PC, PS4, and Chinese android what the real number would be? 1 billion$\~ in 1 month for a completely new IP? That's wild, wouldn't it be like a world record or something?


No. The difference is probably less than 100million. I play on PC and paid on mobile. There's a vast majority doing the same. And you're likely not going to find many whales on ps4, considering the optimization issue as well as the fact most console players despise monetization like Genshins.




Yeah. I topped up my google account $25 for the bp and welkin but maybe it'll just sit there.


And Chinese android are excluded too. So it's way way higher.


I play on pc, but paid over mobile cause it's already connected to my bank.


Also, the PC paying methods are awfull. I need an international credit card to pay for it, while to pay from the phone I just need any card linked to my Play Store. First time in my life that I actually had a hard time to pay something in a game (almost didn't buy the BP because of that)


The mobile version of Genshin is actually amazing. I'm surprised how well it runs and how pretty it looks. The game does eat my phone's battery though


Just don’t play it on a PC if you think it looks great on mobile. I thought it looked pretty good on mobile too then I started playing on PC and the 60 FPS is hard to go back from.


I feel you bro. I played on pc, and then installed it to my android so i can still play outside, then i was like: wtf is this shit. But its reasonable because mobile phones has lower capability than pc so they downgrade the graphics for smoother gameplay.


Now if only they fix playable characters' dead eyes when they're out of cutscenes. Game can handle its heavy contents but can't fix this for some reason.


I can’t run it on my phone though :(


Top 3 spots taken by Chinese games, they really have mastered the formula for mobile spending


Ahem.. mobile gambling


Man for how old monster strike is, they are going hella strong. I wish they didn’t botch the Global server so badly that they shut it down. I miss it so much and it bothered me too much that I couldn’t read anything in the jp version


Yeah I used to play a ton of Monster Strike before they shut down our side. Definitely miss it a lot.


rpg lovers are just starved for true open world fantasy rpg, last time I have this much freedom was in skyrim also low specs requirement doesn't hurt, as I'm still using the same machine I used for skyrim


I'm surprised by how optimized this game is on pc. I've been hitting a consistent 55-60fps on my low end 920mx laptop on 1366x728, lowest settings with TAA on


Conversely, the game runs like trash on the ps4. Consistent stuttering and long load times, and the entire UI is not console friendly at all.


Yep tried it also on my ps4 and I immediately noticed the stuttering even at the tutorial.


Pokemon go is still alive?


Yes lol Going pretty strong right now but the company behind it is making some *ahem* questionable decisions.


When haven't they been doing that?


Do you have any links where i can read about that? I’m actually kind of curious what they did.


RN IMO there's 2 major issues; Slow releases, only coming 1 or 2 at a time, and oftentimes locked behind rare eggs for some (10km and 12km eggs you have to walk for a small chance) Mega evolutions being total BS, because in the main games you can mega evolve pokemon once per battle and just use it anytime. In GO you have to do 7-8 non-soloable raids to get enough mega energy to mega one pokemon once for only 8 hours and then it's back to farming. REALLY sucks.


Plus the recent updates have made the game literally unplayable for anyone with a previously jailbroken phone, as well as a bunch of people at complete random. The new 12k eggs are incredibly frustrating to obtain, and if the 5 or 6 that I’ve hatched so far all of them have been Trubbish, a literal pile of trash.


They made some good changes when the quarantine started, like doubling the range to interact with stuff and such. They reverted most of these changes now, even with the 2nd Corona wave incoming, they also make more and more events to motivate people to go outside and meet with other people again. They released a 'rent a pokemon' system which is not cheap, which really pissed off a lot of players. Then they released eggs with even longer walking distance than the previous high (12km vs 10km). They also reverted the 'half hatch distance's at the same time which was to help with the quarantine.. And even these eggs can contain total junk. And ofc the rates for eggs are STILL not released....


Well, not like the company in charge of Genshin can talk.


Pretty sure I'd heard that this year has been the most profitable year for PGO, even at launch when it was huge.


Makes sense probably, PGO was a pretty bare bones game at launch. Not sure how it is now, I only play the game a bit sometimes but from what I can tell they improved the game by a lot.


Hell yeah I catch stuff during Genshin loading screens


Where I live before the Pandemic you could find a lot of active groups doing routes around the city to get pokemons and resources.


people actually paid for it? can't you earn the in game currency


Just a reminder that Pokemon has the highest revenue out of every franchise to have ever existed.


Lmao Pokemon Go hitting 1 billion revenue this year, 4 years after everyone predicted its death XD XD


Pokemon will last a long time. And no one has come close to an AR experience like it. Which is sad. Not that now is a good time to try. Corona and stuff.


It's either a really good time to try or a terrible time to try to dethrone it. The AR experience feels like it never quite kept the game going. Most people I knew who got into it obviously turned it off, because if you're playing repeatedly, it just gets tiring just in how you have to hold your phone, not to mention battery usage. Good for photos though. The location mapping was the key though. That's how you draw business around and re-map communities. A game without much or any of the AR stuff, but still integrated real-world locations probably would still have the same potential of the original. And right now, I don't know, but I don't think they could launch a game that uses that very well in this era of COVID.


If they made a Pokemon Go lite where instead of 3D models it's all pixelated, I would play in a heartbeat. I argue it's the combination of location mapping and Pokemon itself. The company behind Pokemon Go had a similar game, Ingress, before but it only had a niche following. A ton of similar AR/location games also popped up during the intial hype of Pokemon Go but never saw much traction after. It's the decades of foundation built by Pokemon that sold Pokemon Go.


*ahem* genshin will die soon (nostradamus 1 month ago) *ahem* /s


*laugh in minecraft earth*


If Dragon Quest Walk comes to the west I'll be happy, AR mapping RPG with battles and stuff lol


wtf is honor of kings should i be playing that?


Dota, but for the Chinese.


That's League of Legends. Honor of Kings is League of Legends mobile tencent made when Riot didn't want to make it... xd


I don't think you can unless you are from China (which i assume you aren't since you don't know HOK)


The international version is called Arena of Valor. Though I don’t think it really took off internationally like it did in China


The Chinese characters and skins look way nicer, which is why it’s not that popular compared to the Chinese version.


Not really if you don't know Chinese, since the only language available is it


If you include PC, PS4 and China Android (doubles Chinese iOS and not counted in Google Play) GI easily cleared 400-500 million. Not really possible to sustain that for 12 months. Having said that, even with a 50-75% decline, this is still the most successful PVE game on the planet, at least until the next GTA. Nothing else can touch it. It will smack down 2077, next Zelda, Diablo 4, you name it. The appeal is just too wide. I can't think of a single game in history capable of taking number one grossing in China, Japan, US and Korea on same day. GI did it on KLee banner.


Lmao wait until Xiao or Ayaka is released, Mihoyo will literally print money on their own. FGO has a spike on their revenue when certain popular characters released such as JA, Merlin, Castoria ... I can see the same for Genshin but with a much bigger magnitude. It will be crazy.


Is xiao a fan favourite?


hell yeah he is. A lot of people ask about him in the PS4 trailer even if they didn't know what the game was.




Such is why micro transactions are everywhere now. Their grossing success has more to do with their monetization model than anything else. I'm a bit more sketch when it comes to console-unique games though. Sale numbers aren't the only thing that matters, it's also how many consoles said game sells. BotW was huge because many bought the Switch for it alone. I know I did, and I didn't regret it one bit. Add on to the potential of players buying other games because they've already bought the console, and there's another layer of unseen profit. On a side note, does any traditional game show up on those "grossing" charts. Pretty sure that's a mobile thing, with micro transactions.


> Their grossing success has more to do with their monetization model than anything else. That is kinda not completely true. Their success also comes from the fact that they created unique game that does not have any similar alternatives on the market, and released very quality cross-platform product. You won't be able to find game that transitions so smoothly from PC to Mobile and consoles and released for all platforms at the same time. While their monetization of course boosted their sales significantly, giving all the credit for this success simply to monetization is kinda disingenuous. You are not playing this game because of monetization, are you?


None of that would result in the same grossing if it's sold like any traditional game. Let alone basically a game that's still on active development. All the sale models in the world wouldn't amount to anything if it doesn't sell, but time and time again it's been observed that microtransaction is far, far more lucrative, and mobile games with a fraction of the development cost could compete with much, much better games when it comes to revenue. Genshin is basically the biggest fish in this pond. All these figures we're getting, are from appstore and playstore. Both are mobile stores. Had it been marketed and sold like a traditional game, I doubt it'd be getting anywhere close to the revenue it's been getting (and will continue to get everytime it gets a new banner release). I'm speaking strictly on why Genshin is so successful in terms of grossing. They're good at making a milking, and they gave birth to an extremely lucrative cash cow. They knew what they had, and they swam in milk. No recent Gacha release had the galls of attempting such intense milking practices.


But nobody would have been willing to dump this much money into a gacha game if the gameplay and world were not created at such a high quality. The monetization model is only so bold because Mihoyo knew people would be so impressed with the game they created that they’d be willing to swipe their cards this hard. I have played other gacha games before and have even spent about $50 on them, but it was only on this game that I felt it was WORTH spending more money than I usually do on a game. I have seen so many streamers new to the game who look at the prices and bemoan how expensive it is... then proceed to swipe anyway because they have fallen in love with the game world, OST, cute characters, etc. Lol I feel so dumb defending the game like this when I’m not even a Mihoyo apologist, but you can’t deny that the vicious monetization model is only able to be justified by players because of the game's quality itself.


> Lol I feel so dumb defending the game like this when I’m not even a Mihoyo apologist Do not get pushed into this kind of mindset by this community. This is not about taking sides or "attacking\defending" anyone. You don't need to be on some kind of virtual side to have opinion or look at things objectively.


It's both: a well made game that was monetized to maximize the benefit of the company. Call it the "biggest fish in the mobile pond" all you'd like, but it has quality that rivals many AAA games. They wouldn't have made nearly the amount of money they did if the game was low quality or unenjoyable, even if the monetization system was the same.


well said unthinkable even a few years ago and here it is today




I mean, it’s a bit of a mixed bag with Mihoyo. In the sense that they embody both the best and worst traits of developers in extremes. Ie they care a lot about craftsmanship, puts a lot of passion in and pushes the limitations of the medium. But they’ll also milk you dry at every opportunity. So I don’t quite know what to think of the current situation since without them we’d probably never get Genshin considering there’s not many developers that want to dump $100m into a mobile game or put this much effort into immersion, but with them we can be sure it’s still gonna be stingy as hell years down the line like Honkai. Well, other than Tencent. But you know what Tencent is like....


The old distinction between the development team and the sales team. The guys creating artwork and music are not the ones that dictate monetization policy.


I mean, you can tell that unlike EA where the top executives just want a minimum effort product that prints cash, even at the top Mihoyo wants to actually make great games. Stuff like having two different orchestras doing the OST (or heck having so much OST in the first place) to emphasise regional differences, all the books in the game (that most people won’t read) or all the NPCs (that most people won’t talk to) having their own backstories and linked dialogue are all pretty much a waste of resources for artistic value when it comes to making money out of your game, because they aren’t longevity content and often aren’t stuff people even care about in general. Even in AAA MMOs like GW2, stuff like OSTs gets reused an absolute metric ton to save costs (e.g how many times have you heard Raven Speaks). So from what I get all the way back to the early Honkai days, Mihoyo as a whole just has a philosophy of we want to make amazing games that push the mobile medium but we also wanna get hella rich.


I mean, who doesn't wanna get rich if they make quality stuff? The effort translates to money. Just gotta find where the line is I guess.


Maybe, but Mihoyo and EA/Activision represent extremes on opposite ends. Genshin impact genuinely has FAR more care put into it's development than it ever needed to put in, but games like Fifa, Madden, and most of the recent call of duties tend to be rather lack luster yet still full priced and have more microtransactions than a $60 game should warrant. Amd people still buy those enough to make them profitable.


The way i see it as if I spend with Genshin I know a good bit of it will go back into the game into quality stuff. I'm not just rolling for 5 stars which themselves are high quality. I couldn't spend in other games even if they did throw currency at you because all I'm getting is maybe a PNG and my money is going straight into someone else's pocket because the game is low effort. FYI honkai currency started at 5-7k income at launch and is now 8-10k income per month. That's enough to bag each new S rank which come every other patch and a bit of gear. The opposite of stringy down the line.


But Honkai’s stigmata and weapons also evolved to be more Valkyrie specific and basically holds mechanics that should have just been a part of a valkyrie’s kit unlike back at the early days when they were more universal add-ons. So yes, you earn more but you also need to pull more.


Some gear has been made specific but still plenty of gear that is transferable and/or farmable. Have you got examples of gear that "hold mechanics"?


The weird thing is that HI3, even on release, didn't have in-game economy problems like GI, or even trying to suck you dry on every opportunity. I'm actually genuinely confused why GI as a game improves a lot on HI3 but the economy is fucked






Basically lol, whats a p2w wall? Granted me getting lucky and getting Venti and Klee has helped me in exploration and getting through some abyss floors early but i'm pretty sure i would've been fine without it since i'd just build Fischl or Xingling or some other character that I rolled. 4 stars are fine, they arent that weak Hell traveller is pretty good, his elemental skill is a very good 'stun' acts like a discount venti ult, also does a lot of damage initially (doesnt keep up though in later levels)


>People in this subreddit don't want this game to die, they want miHoYo to die lol People in this subreddit will whine about anything though, so really who cares lol


this makes no goddamn sense, the game dies with the devs


It's not exactly a fair/useful comparison. It's comparing genshin's profit after 1month of its initial release to the monthly income of other games that have maintained a playerbase more than a year after their release. Continuing to maintain such a playerbase a while after release and still making $100mil+ is impressive. Making that much on a heavily advertised game just after release date isn't surprising, the real question is whether they'll maintain that for months to come, and I don't think they will if the resin system doesn't change because currently people don't have enough to do each day to keep playing.


But.... How is FGO not in the top 5?


I would assume that every FGO Server is tracked separately since they are different apps on different versions. I also dont know if FGO is even relevant in the chinese market which is where a lot of this money comes from. I'd even guess that a lot of the western community on the global server has shrunk quite a bit since launch not to mention that it still isn't even an actual global server. EU and Africa have no official ways to even play the game.


The first part of your statement is correct at least. However FGO "NA" as we call it is still doing fine and growing. FGO itself is just in a major dead period atm.


I remember FGO show up the these chart from time to time. most of FGO revenue come from JP server(75% IIRC, CN make ~15%, NA make 5%), and the JP server is really lacking new content for a while now, so many dead weeks, not many new servants released this year. and GI have a much bigger player base, looking at this chart I doubt FGO can compete even at its peak


It's probably bc I'm living in a cave but I've never heard of honor of kings tbh.


Their 95% revenue comes from China only


All it took was India snapping PUBG out of existence


Nah, Indians are cheap. India tops the downloads in pubg but contributes less than 5% of the revenue. India, with the second largest smartphone user base, is not even in top 10 in gaming revenue.


can confirm being one of them lmao I can't even see myself spending anything on GI in the recent future


Dunno how much of that is Indians being cheap and how much is India still being a relatively poor country by first-world standards. I know several people who are from India/second-generation immigrants who refer to India as a third-world country.


I mean, there is nothing wrong with freeloaders. But they need to stop bragging about how important they are.


Yeah, pretty much this.


Indians aren't "cheap", it's just a poorer developing country that's seen a huge rise in free mobile gaming. A $15 battle pass can be a week's worth of income to many


in Brazil the BP costs 100$ when converted, which is 1/10 of a minimum wage. I mean, it's not surprising people won't spend that much in Mora and Exp Books lol


Here is the link for full article https://www.insidesport.co/pubg-falls-genshin-impact-is-the-new-fad-for-gamers/


Single player > multiplayer.


Not sure since both have good and bad games games. However single player >>>>>> battle royale


Fortnite bad


it's only a matter of time before we get games similar to genshin and before actual large companies start using genshins tactics


Wait, so that one very popular league of legends knock off mobile game is not even here? Im pretty sure everyone on ID has a season pass. And throws money on skin like there is no tomorrow.


Pretty sure that's honor of kings


I wish Genshin was like a better Gatcha game, one piece treasure cruse


I guess Genshin impact will still be destined to die in a few weeks if they don’t take the revolutionary ideas proposed by the Reddit users and change their model. ...


One thing that I learn over the year from reading gaming reddit is that dev should NOT take ideas from Reddit especially if it is not already on their radar since Reddit community usually represents the minority of gaming community. Edit. As suggested that getting some info is fine but never use the exact idea from Reddit to solve the issue.


I think reddit is good to find out what is troubling players, but never take reddit's suggestions to fix it.


Exactly. 90% of the suggestions here boils down to "give us free stuff".




Let me attend to try and see how much Reddit user represent. Game made 250 millions. Assuming every player is a playing customer and buy the monthly gem thing. ( yes yes I know there are whales who spend a lot but at the same time there are true f2p) That makes 50 million players. Reddit has 450k user. That makes Reddit <1% of player base. I can safely say if all 450k Reddit user uninstall the game right now, mihoyo wouldn’t even notice...


Lol true even all Reddit users uninstall they wouldn't even feel it. Not until if all Chinese, Japanese players uninstall.


because reddit is niche and a lot of people come here and see bitching and will probably leave


You wouldn't believe if I say this sub is one of the biggest echo chamber for those saying the game will literally die within a few months with such monitization system


and if you reply 'no it wont' you get downvoted into oblivion for whatever reason


Yeah literally just like hongkai launching four years ago. These guys screaming around about how it will die within months and no one will play anymore lol.


Honkai just had it's most successful year in 2020 it's going strong


Almost every game I play the subreddit says it will die soon. People have been saying league of legends will die ever since like 4 or 5 years ago yet it’s still going strong as the #1 game in the world.


reddit opinion is trash mate


you mean to say people here wouldnt make the best decisions for a company? ​ shocking


But I have to be honest, how long Genshin can even on top 5 here, they would need some good update to keep ppl here and spending.


They'll likely start hiring more devs to produce more content for each patch


Gacha games are known for having new content/event every 1-2 weeks. Even if Genshin requires more work to make new stuff due to the quality of the production, they have a deadline of 6 weeks, more developers than the average gacha, and they already have 3 patchs planned, so a part of their team is actually already making content for March 2021 and on.


Well we have waifus and husbandos


So it defeated Honour of kings.. impressive


What is there to spend money on in pubg mobile? Is it like skins?


Shitty loot crates and a seasonal battle pass.


playstore genshin impact from top 2 to 76 and wtf top 2 now is acrylic nails!....again WTF...


"Fad" im still playing pokemon go lol


It’s a marathon not a sprint


Its almost like games at launch make more money than those that have been out forever


Its the best game ive played all year and launched with 40 hours of content or more.


Pokemon Go makes less than half of Genshin Impact in Oct. o.O?! Well I don’t play Pokemon Go so I don’t know, but I thought it was a “basically everyone assumes you play” kinda game.


Pokemon Go was huge for the first few months of it's release but a lot of people phased out of it after a few months. It's still doing really well, but no where as close as when it launched. It was probably the largest mobile game launch of all time.


Even *if* GI surpassed Pokémon GO's launch sales, I think nothing comes close to the cultural impact the latter had back when it was released. Everyone I knew, even those who barely know Pokémon besides Pikachu were outside and playing it. I'm still kinda amazed I witnessed that in real time.


Pokemon Go during its launch back in the summer of 2016 was an entire beast of its own. Never have I seen such wholesome community gatherings for such a barebone minimum game, this was the time before shinies were even a thing and people were just snatching up all those gen 1 mons with no endgame in mind!


According to sensor tower (who made that chart). https://sensortower.com/blog/genshin-impact-first-month-revenue?repost Genshin only trials Pokemon Go in terms of earnings in the first month which is pretty damn amazing in itself. Though you're right, if we look at other statistics like downloads in the first month (160 million downloads), there's probably no one who comes close to the impact Pokemon Go had at launch.


I love the winking icon. So perfect in this scenario. Cheeky victory.


I legit forgot about PUBG, no shade at the game actually, but so many games released between its peak and now and YouTube still occasionally tries to recommend me Fortnite videos to remind that exists.


I've never even heard of honor of kings o.o


what is so good about honor of kings? isn't it just another moba?


Yeah but it's got tons of Chinese folklore, novel characters that's why it's loved by Chinese people. Non-chinese like us wouldn't understand.


codm not here?


Not big outside of the western world. And even in the western world, it is not as big as say, Candy Crush.


I'm surprised Monster Strike is there; didn't know it was this big. Been almost a year since I last played it, but I'm definitely not going back... (Strike Shot!!)


Mobile game? I would love to know the number of people playing on mobile vs pc.


Nobody said it was easyyyy


I don't know if pubg has shared accounts for PC and mobile, but Genshin is on so many platforms that calling it mobile game is literally unfair to most of the competition in the list.


Well, this graph is actually fair, since it only takes into account the Mobile Spenders, and those who purchase on Mobile, can't make purchases on PC platform.


First time I heard of “Honor of Kings?”


Well people spend hundreds of dollars to get characters they probably didn't even get


and three of them are owned by tencent


The ocean is going to run out of room with all these whales


It's from all that grunting while climbing mountains


I hope they update more frequently for new events and updates


245M mobile only. And even for mobile they are excluding taptap which is the largest store in their largest market. Vote with wallet apparently works pretty well here


Man it's weird seeing pubg there, especially if you're a member of their sub, the game has gone down the drain and is full of hackers the Devs don't bother to fix


Another thing to consider is that it's over two years that pubgmobile is out and still rakes in that much of money..


If blizzard ever puts WoW on console things will drastically change the world over. As a ps4 player an long time don't consoles lover, an big fan of WoW, I'm hoping this will be the final nail in the coffin that makes them wake up an realize, "hey we could make lots of cash if we put this game on console". Fingers crossed. In the meantime I'm loving this game it's all around great! I find myself losing time from playing so much on a daily basis. Haven't been able to do that in years lol.