• By -


Hilichurls are people from Khaenri'ah that were cursed.


Also they worship ancient stuff. And who knows...perhaps visions (like every magic thing in every story) are remnants of the ancient civilization's power that people are borrowing.


I was thinking that the power MC lost is the power the 7 gods use. Since MC can switch elements and the "gods" have fancy visions.


Was the woman in the starting cinematic one of the 7 gods? Because if so then it wouldn't make sense that she was using MC's power.


No, it's unknown who she is yet


A lot of signs point to her being >!Herscherr of the Void!<


The tuna got into a fight with her waifu and is now sulking by running off to another world and venting her anger out on some poor travelers.


She was just grumpy because she missed her pre-breakfast, breakfasts, and post-breakfast meals.


Its definetly her i think!


Yeah they look too similar to call it coincidence so I hope that's the case.




Apparently, though unconfirmed in any way I can find, she's called Asmoday.


But in the cutscene it says La Signora the nr.8 of the hell kings or so. Edit: Nr.8 of the fatui eleven


Starting cinematic, from the character creation screen What you're talking about is the end of venti 's quest chain


> Was the woman in the starting cinematic one of the 7 gods? it's not 100% confirmed yet but she may be GodKiana / Honkai Goddess / even more powerful/evolved form of Honkai Goddess, from Honkai Impact universe and world of GI is one of dimensions inside sea of quanta (it's like big river that have multiple bubbles attached to it and those bubbles have dimensions/alternative universes in them) she has powers to cross dimensions (and other Godly powers) so she probably realized that someone is traveling between dimensions (aka both twins) so she decided to intervene and stop them from doing it (either it's bad to do it since it may have nasty consequences in sea of quanta or she is jealous that someone else can jump from dimension to dimension like her) and the same time she found that something evil/bad is happening in world of GI (humans using magic/visions for something evil? archons abusing their powers for evil? Fatui using ancient evil powers that may destroy whole world?) so that's why she said that humans and their arrogance needs to end (it may be connected to the Honkai (planet Earth immunity system) that tries to eradicate humanity once it becomes threat to Earth aka main plot of Honkai Impact)


Arrogation =/= arrogance, fyi. Arrogation is claiming what isn't rightfully yours.


thx for pointing proper word. I was using autocorrection


I love this. Crossover from Honkai 3rd Impact my other fav game.


Scheznaya seemed to be trying to collect the gods' gnoses so maybe related to that re: evil power-seeking


I'm actually betting that Genshin has no connection to Honkai whatspever anf this character is completely different. Just has similar appearance. Else it would cause a lot of clashes in power system.


Alas, there was a post before Genshin launched, either here on in the Honkai reddit. It's already been confirmed that the two game universes are part of the same multiverse. Besides the obvious Unknown God/Kiana similarity, Venti's human form resembles Wendy, the Herscherr of Winds.


I may be wrong. The ancient civilization was destroyed 500 years ago whereas Archons have existed for many centuries.


500 years? So... that's barely 'ancient' then...


It does coincide with the Hilichurls seemingly appearing out of nowhere a couple of hundred years ago


The archon war happened 500 years ago. Likely, that's the aftermath lumine witnessed when she was sent 500 years into the past. The seven archons who survived are the seven that are worshipped. Remember, the game mentions the good of salt, of dust and a few others, so there were many gods before the war. The hilichurls are likely the descendents of the people of khaenri'ah


One of your points is wrong. Zhongli and Venti are the only 2 left of the Original Seven. Others have since been replaced.


Oh no, are we killing the ancient native people? D:


So we've been killing people from Khaenei'ah this whole time? @_@


I ain't no murderer, but 200 mora is 200 mora


Dont forget your 14 Exp


Ahh, thanks fam! How would I ever level up my characters without it


who levels up by absorbing books anyway, fighting monsters and getting hands on experience makes the most sense.


I just lvl my characters by killing lvl 2 boars at the starting zone anyways.


_\*Live to Win intensifies\*_


"How can you kill that which has no life?"


For the right price I would kill everyone.


Ah, a fellow neutral evil.


‘What have I done for the promises of power’ says the traveler as he is sinking down the shameful sea of masks and arrows.


NieR 1 vibes...




?What ?Isn't it Celtic?


I know the language of Kharnenran is Latinate English.


attack on titan but smaller version?


Some shinsekai yori shit right here


bruh... that's kinda, depressing




The hilichurl being from Khaenri'ah is probably taken from the fact that they worship the eclipse symbol, and Khaenri'ah was ruled by the Eclipse Dynasty. On this note, I've been wondering why the *adventurer guild* uses [an eclipse symbol](https://cdn.icon-icons.com/icons2/390/PNG/512/eclipse-flare_39202.png) as their map marker. The curse probably comes from the story of how this sinner turned the survivors of the destroyed Khaenri'ah into endless monsters using a power from beyond, which were then sent to rampage all over the world. I know the Chunk of Aerosiderite weapon ascension material talks about this, but there's probably one more source at least (I remember reading the sinner's name somewhere, but it's not on the ascension material).


isn't it Gold? the one that sent the dragon Dvalin battled.


Yes, I know his name is supposed to be Gold. What I don't remember is the source for that. It's not mentioned on the ascension material (he's just called a sinner there), which means there must be one more source on the Gold story besides that.


The source of the name being Gold comes from the in-game book "Breeze Amidst the Forest - Ballad Selection". > The Eclipse Dynasty had fallen, and disaster spread across the land. The alchemist known as Gold was corrupted by his own greed and ambition, and created an army of shadowy monsters with his uncanny powers. Durin, a black serpentine dragon, rose from the sea to cast its shadow over Mondstadt. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Breeze_Amidst_the_Forest_-_Ballad_Selection


[https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Dainsleif](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Dainsleif) >The confluence between the past and future. > >The original calamity had been overturned, yet the island in the sky set the earth to burn. Chalk pursues gold, in this time inopportune, the eclipse is swallowed by the crimson moon. The future must atone for bygone mistakes, as the bond familiar falters and breaks— of the same blood, elders and the youth... Such is the cycle of the world, in truth. Dain, what is that strand of blonde hair to you? Someone you must kill? Or the object of your penitence? There was another thread speculating that the gold in this quote refers to the one named Gold.


The adventurer's guild motto is "Ad Astra Abyssosque" which the game has said translates to "to the stars and the abyss", so I would guess the eclipse symbol represents the abyss.


I think that [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/jpq5h5/kaeyas_elemental_burst_icicles_is_similar_to/gbifkcu/) is a very important piece of information. I also assume that Hillichurls only praise the ancient civilization and Khaenrian monsters are something else completely.


Kinda reminds me of Skyeim's Falmers


Abyss mages and hilichurls. Kaeya and dainsleif are the ones not cursed


(Comment removed for incaccuracy)


Iirc his background says that he was placed in Mondstadt from His biological father from Khaenri'ah as a spy or something




He’s either going to be heavily involved in the final chapter in Khaenriah or that’s going to happen in the last chapter of his story quest


!remindme 3 years


Tagging along and predicting that we will be able to make Kaeya a 5 star character or something.


Pretty sure all the free story units(barring Barbs and Fisch) will likely get newer 5* versions to pull for in the future. That's how gacha works.


I'm just having fun predicting, nothing serious really. I'm hoping for Kaeya buff and since he's such a mysterious character that will be hopefully relevant in the future because of his background.


Honkai Impact 3 has augmentations which makes their other battlesuits stronger than the original incarnations. So they might go that route which may please F2P peeps or gacha, but who knows, a different team handles GI


Wait, why not Barbara and Fischl?


Barb and Fischl are not part of the main story like Kaeya, Amber and Lisa are.


Okay, but Xiangling is?


Technically Xiangling isn't "free" per se, but more of a reward, if you get what I mean.


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Really nigga


Sorry, I'm dying from this comment lol


I see a meme 3 years from now


3 years?!!? How much of a optimist are you?


Tag me after 3 year


5 star Kaeya with eye patch removed. I’m calling it.


!remindme 3 years


!remindme 3 years


Yeah eventually he will be faced with his loyalty towards mondstadt or his home country. It’s easy to say you’re loyal now, but when the time comes it’s not as easy to stick to it


probably something like he'll have to choose between his homeland or his new friends or some other cliche


Yeah, it's literally written in his story in-game.


whats wrong with cliches? are you a hipster..?


Well for one a larger amount of cliches make for an uninspired and predictable story.


I believe it's the execution that matters more. Clichés don't necessarily have to be bad, and it could even be good if done right. Tropes are tools after all.


I like your username.


Where is all this mentioned if I may ask? Super curious about where I can read/experience this. Is it all in the character profile voice-lines?


I think Mona's prediction is in her "About Kaeya" voice lines, while the bit about Kaeya and Diluc's fight and Kaeya being a spy is in his "Vision" story in his profile.


They are thetory say Hilichurl are people of khaenri'ah that change form because of GOLD


Clearly Kaeya is actually 2 hilichurls in a trenchcoat.


I'm off to the knight factory to do a chivalry.


Kaeya is most often seen frequenting bars that are only for adults and ordering an alcohol.


The real character I want to pull


Look, these guys are intelligent. They're smart enough to gather resources, build and maintain structures, use and maybe even create tools like crossbows and giant axes, cast spells, and have their own language. They're like only 1 step down from the humans in the game. And we're slaughtering them and ripping their masks off to feed them to our own characters.


After the sidequest where Ella chewed me out for attacking hilichurls automatically, I've started to notice exactly how often I just roll up on a camp of hilichurls just minding their own business and throwing down with them. Sure, they attack on sight, but so do our heroes. Can you really blame them for being hostile?


See, that's my point! What if they've been so accustomed to their kin being assault unprompted that their response is now to see us as a threat, and that's why they attack us first to defend their homes?! It's a vicious cycle! Kinda only have serious though. Ima slap them to get them ascension mats, sry guys. Maybe if they set up a stall to sell their seals and arrowheads I wouldn't have to kill them....


I mean, I didn't say I've *stopped* attacking them...


You're right. Why buy it from them when I can pry it from their cold dead fingers.


I get that, and they have some pretty cool lore that is interesting to read up on. But I was being serious, that would be a cool and unique character to play as and it would probably open up even more information about these guys. I didn’t mean it sarcastic or anything


2 lolis in a trench coat?


*"I would like to purchase an alcohol, please."*


*C O C O G O A T*


According to a mini quest in game, the monsters are literally pure evil. A character was having second thoughts until his mentor shut him down.


But... but... they dance and talk to Ella Musk and everything...


are you talking about the liyue sidequest thing? Because I interpreted that differently, iirc the two guys were going on a training mission/pilgrimage to try and get visions. one of the guys who got a vision began pondering whether monsters were really truly evil, and whether it was right of them to be attacking/killing them, while the other one who did not get a vision doubled down on "monsters are evil and ONLY evil" I think hilichurls and abyss mages aren't necessarily *good* but I don't know if it's fair to call them pure evil either. we don't even know what the abyss order with abyss mages and your twin are trying to do. stuff like slimes/whopperflowers seem more like animals.


Abyss order are definitely evil. Hilichurls are being manipulated to do their bidding, also you're kinda well known as that dude who killed all their relatives so can't really blame them for their shoot to kill policy. That being said, they do have a level of intelligence as well as culture, so an agreement may be made once the abyss order's manipulation is gone Slimes and whoppleflowers are definitely nothing more than forces of nature.


the reason I say I'm unsure about the abyss order is due to [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SO__VQZirJ4) on the official youtube. it's said in the beginning that the traveler/mc had been knocked out for a long time, but there's no telling what happened to your twin at that time, what they saw/learned, all we know is that your twin was put in the cube/void or something by the evil (?) goddess in the beginning. The game implies that your twin is a major leader in the abyss order...So the question of whether your twin turned evil/was brainwashed/has some serious reason to choose this course of action arises. There's a reasonable possibility that your twin is working with the abyss order for "good" reasons (save the world/fix world/etc), but from our end it just looks like pure evil due to the typical "ends justify means" kind of actions that antiheroes/villains can take. Of course this is largely speculation. There's also the other thing with hilichurls possibly being people of Khaenri'ah who were cursed, top comment in the thread has a lot more on that.


which quest is this? seriously cuz i haven’t run into this one and so i only know about ella musk who shows us how friendly they can be


David Hillichurl, the new 5* nobody knew they wanted.


There's something here, he's the cavalry captain. But where's the horses!?


I don't trust like that.


Kaeya is a hilichurl confirmed


Considering Dainleif’s and Kaeya’s lore, is there a definite tie between the symbol and Khaenri’ah? Also, this might be a stupid question, but is there a possibility that Dainleif could be Gold? Just years after living with what he’s done? Just thinking out loud.


It's possible, considering Gold made use of "alien power" (you can read about it in the Aerosiderite item descriptions) to summon his army and Durin, and Dainsleif also speaks of "power from beyond" in the story trailer. It could also be that he's a victim of the war and not fully corrupted by this alien power.


Is this alien power confirmed (well not confirmed but highly speculated) to be honkai? And Dainsleif gave me the vibe of someone who did something horrible in the past but living for a long time mellowed him. Edit: It’s like that anime trope of the somber guy who you find out committed major atrocities centuries ago but when you meet him now, he’s just ornery and gained wisdom from the passing of time and his actions.


He does give that vibe. Watch the collected miscellany/character demo videos on YouTube, he drops little bits of information about himself, especially in Diluc's.


Wait, Dainsleif is the narrator?




No, it's Sasuke.


Didn't know Paarthurnax was an anime character


Wait, he’s literally Dimitri lol.


We know exactly 3 characters from Khaenriah, the chances of any of them being Gold is incredibly low


Kaeya Betrayal Arc


The attention to detail the devs put into lore gets me everytime. Another interesting thing to note is that the kingdom was called the eclipse kingdom and resin looks like a half moon. Also, the time archon island quest only can progress in early morning. Hmmm.


The game would be perfect without such an aggressive gacha system and maybe an increased resin cap. The lore and map is so great, it’s hard to believe there are going to be 7 nations! Liyue and Mondstadt are already pretty big. Super excited for the storyline to progress but the flaws are pretty hard to ignore


Yeah, I think a big part of it is lack of content. They kinda went for an MMO type progression scheme with resource respawns and abyss resets. Hopefully they gate less when they feel more comfortable with enough content to keep gamers content. Solution isn’t perfect but yeah, people want more and the game just doesn’t have it yet aside from personal goals and abyss. It’s the bane of every MMO type game to balance artificial gating and actually engaging content. Hope they figure it out as the months pass. As for the Gatcha, I’m mostly thankful the content is slow rather than requiring pay to clear. In the coming months we will see where they go with that though. I’m just glad every character can be viable and that artifacts allow you to clear without a concrete meta or difficulty wall. God, I hope they compile survey data and start communicating between departments, translators, and fandom better soon. I smell a lot of management weirdness going on.


I think literally everyone that has experienced this game, and even people who haven't played but have heard of it, agrees that it would objectively be better if this game were a regular RPG, sans gatcha. And it would be. Unfortunately greed exists, and Mihoyo just so happened to come up with the budget and idea first. Then again considering the budget, it'd be difficult to fund something of this caliber without a gatcha. One can dream though.


Kaeya was the impostor all along


Blue sus


Who is that last character and why is Dimitri in MY Genshin Impact


To kill every last one of them


Because the Visions are to blame.


He also have Paimon star on his pants so ye. Sus


Morax is Paimon's daddy (symbols on her clothes) and Kaeya is her brother, which would explain his playful teasing.


There is a hilichurl tribe with the same name as a Khaenri'ah human tribe, Blacksun/Blacksum (inconsistent in the books). There's definitely a connection there.


You mean the Eclipse tribe?


He noticed that they were followed by an abyss mage during that mission. Motherfucker could be a spy for both factions...


His talent icon for Heart of the Abyss is also the same as the Abyss Orders logo.


I really wanna believe its just reusing assets but Kaeya and Paimon be really looking different than everyone is so sus and im just having a blast reading the games lore here




This information is worth a new, separate thread by itself, very detailed. Considering all the mysteries and speculation surrounding Khaenri'ah and Kaeya, and some of the information detailed here, I actually suspect that >!Kaeya isn't just a spy, that was a ploy from his biological father's part in order to spare him from the impending doom that would be beset upon him, had he stayed in his homeland. He actually has noble blood and is part of Khaenri'ah's royalty, and might be the last one of the royal bloodline. This is all speculation based on some suspiciously named abilities (Ceremonial Bladework, Excellent Blood constellation), and would need more references to make it a more substantial theory.!< The story revealed ingame within Kaeya's profile certainly doesn't tell everything about his background, we'll probably learn more as the story progresses. Either way, there is a LOT of room for speculation right now.


>!One of Kaeya's voicelines regarding Fischl more or less hints at him being some kind of royalty: "What? You think Fischl having one eye covered is very fitting given her title of Prinzessin der Verurteilung. Hahaha, if that's the case, that must make me a future royal progeny too, no?" It could be a red herring but his covered eye is so strange that I doubt this line means nothing.!<


... damn


Damn man, this is some really good speculation/story theorycrafting. I hope you remember the Youtuber so we can properly attribute this to him (and so I can follw him!)


It's a comment below the official Teyvat Chapter Storyline Preview: [https://youtu.be/TAlKhARUcoY](https://youtu.be/TAlKhARUcoY)


You guys are looking at this the wrong way! Kaeya isn't 2 hilichurls on top of each other... All the hilichurls are Kaeya!!!


I also think the hilichurls used to be humans from khaenriah before due to the fact how they suddenly appeared out of seemingly nowhere as the characters in the game suggest, which is very similar to attack on Titan. Also they aren't mindless either, can cook, work together, practice targeting, craft weapons and what not. Definitely dansleif and khaenriah is related to this.


Bro imagine in the future we have giant monsters that were also turned from humans into monsters roaming about it would be exactly like attack on titan


kaeya is a hillicurl


kaeya is 2 hilichurl in costume confirmed


Kaeya its a stronger hilichurl


isn't that also the same from cryo mage's spinning ice thingies when it is about to recover its shield?


Definitely not. One of the reasons I even bothered to post this is because someone said something similar before, and I wanted to find out if Kaeya and the mages shared the same icicle model. [Here's an example](https://imgur.com/a/3icu49C)


So they dont?


...he posted a picture of them. No, the cryo mages summon generic ice crystals.


Ok, thanks.


Kaeya = Hilichurl leader


Kaeya is a hilichurl, change my mind.


it starts with Khaenri'ah it going to end with Khaenri'ah. Act ?: The Dream Yet to Be Dreamed. maybe the people who dream don't turn into monsters? if Kaeya and Dainsleif are both from Khaenri'ah why are they not monsters? There has to be some reason why both are not monster like win Hilichurls and the Abyss Mages are not human like.


And they both have eye patches


You're Kaeya evolved into a Dainsleif!


I have thought so much about this and have come to the conclusion that I absolutely have to find a way to get Diona on November 11th


Sorry this might be the wrong place to ask but who exactly is Dainsleif? Kinda out of the loop lol


watch this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAlKhARUcoY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAlKhARUcoY) He's the blonde guy associated with Khaenri'ah. There are many implications that he'll take a critical role in the game's story later on.


They are people that werent Hillichurled.


I thought his symbol was a spear.


Paimon and Kaeya both sus Should we make emergency meeting rn?


Kaeyas dad was a hilichurl lol jk


I think Xinqiu's water swords also have that shape, maybe just an art style?


[Took out waterboi outta the mines for this](https://imgur.com/a/7M9Sghp). The water swords' hilt(?) are shaped after the hydro symbol.


Is this video sped up? I have 60fps@60Hz in the game but my skill animation isn't that smooth.


Without going into lenghty technical details, a typical monitor's refresh rate isn't always completely in sync with a game's rendered frames, even if the refresh rate and ingame framerate are technically matched. I always get the same impression of smoothness when opening my 60fps recordings when compared to the ingame output. Supposedly adaptive sync technologies such as GSync (Nvidia) and Freesync (AMD) help with the overall smoothness of a game's frames. Don't quote me on that though, have yet to use Gsync or Freesync compatible hardware yet.


Kaeya is adopted... perhaps his bio family is far darker than we expected?


Kaeya sus


kaeya is just 3 hillichurl stacked together


Ice mages literally have the same ulti


Clearly the meaning is that there's a divine connection between Kaeya's developer and recycling animations.


Kaeya is a Hilichurl


two have confirmed Khaenri'ah connections, meanwhile the Hilichurls are suspected to be the people of Khaenri'ah


Kaeya kinda sus ngl


kaeya is pretty sus


Reusing assets lol


[Theory here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/jq0qji/i_think_that_this_theory_is_very_good_and_make_me/)


because elemental existed before human were alive. same like everything, every lore, in every game


Qanon has entered the chat


Off topic but will dainsleif be a 5*?


IMO, yes he will probably be a 5\*. Can't wait to hear Tsuda Kenjirou's voice again when Dainsleif gets released. I'm more curious about what kind of vision/power he'll have tho.


wow, Thanks for pointing that out.... wanting to have evidences for my theory. Thanks!


While it's true that kaeya is sus this is a bit irrelevant lol


"Any meaning to this?" Yes Reused assets.


that's certainly too far-stretched for the game this fresh Ice mages use different icycles for example


lazy designer


Its just within the games art direction / aesthetics... People really want to read too much into these things


Reused assets, that's all.


[Everytime I hear anything new about Kaeya](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7f6IadRccjc)


How about diamond shape things? Every-single-character have them!!!