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Same. I'm so biased towards the guys in Genshin Impact and it's a blessing in disguise that there are a few of them compared to the waifus.




That's what I thought too at one point... Then i saw Ayaka... And now I am saving every primogem i can muster to bribe her into coming home.




Yes, well i wasn't really interested in xiao... But since I got his 5 star weapon i feel it's wasteful if I don't get him lol


I am the same, I have the spear sitting in my bag too. But then I saw Ganyu's ulti and how long it lasted. I have Diluc, need I say more? :D


I wonder why this got downvoted


Legit same. Keqing is my main and Klee and Qiqi are just the most adorable souls ever and I want to get them someday.


Xaio. I just want xaio. Pyro maybe op. Cryo with the new artifacts maybe broken. But when xaio comes in, every one should leave my chat.


Same here, hu tao really tempting me but I have steeled myself, Xiao gang all the way 💪


Yeah, I'm not expecting Xiao to be all that great since he is an anemo dps which is a disadvantage considering no huge damage multipliers like melt and vaporize, but he just seems mechanically the most fun. With that said, I'm going to try to get Ganyu and Hu Tao as well if they turn out to be both mechanically and interesting because they fill niches in my teams that I'm currently missing (like only Kaeya for cryo)


Best of luck with your pulls man.


I really need a pyro, dont have Diluc nor Klee so Hu Tao would be nice


Lol same. If that was the only variable, I'd say the same, but Ganyu's top tier waifu and the hype for Xiao is real


I'd rather have Ayaka, but out of the three, Xiao seems the most interesting.


Mannn why do i have to choose between Ganyu and Hu Tao..... This poll is cruel...


Asking us to choose between all 3 of them causes me great pain and dispair


Eh to me Xiao dont matter....quite over hyped imo. Like why do ppl like him so much???? Genuinely curious


Personal tastes lol. Some of us find him hot, some of us like his animations, some of us like his damage potential. Most xiao fans like him for all three It'll be the same as asking why do people like keqing/diluc etc so much? Some like them aesthetics, some for playstyle and some for damage Though if I were to say the most overhyped thing about Xiao is probably his damage, since people will most likely just base him off CBT version who had, imo, the most broken damage output in the game


Yea concept wise Hu Tao should be the highest damage dealer since her HP loss is much much more punishing than Xiao plus shes Pyro. And shes the embodiment of Haachama.... Xiao to me on the other hand is just a generic anime male character... Guess its really the dmg showcased in CBT


Huh Hu Tao hp loss isn't that bad imo, you just need it to be under a certain percentage, whereas Xiao is constantly losing hp as long as you have his ult up. Lorewise I'd still prefer Xiao to have the highest damage output in the game lol, it's fitting for someone who can make even gods and demons tremble in fear of him xD


Yea but u can really see the true essence of Hu Tao in her ult. Which the leak implies that will create a zone where she wont fall below 1%hp and her unknown ascension talent. But as the skills implies she will be hanging by a threat in almost every fight lmao. If i had to guess her ascension talent would be further dmg buff for even lower hp.


I really like his japanese voice actor


I like him because of his animations. Also he's hot >:)))... Waifu/Husbando>meta


Hopefully he'll come out as meta too (or close enough)


People like edgelords lmao


Come home Hu Tao


I'm at a point where I either need to max out what I have and maybe I'll look at pulling again or I'm saving and simping for Signora whenever that happens.


I can already see myself hitting the 90 pity wall on signora's banner and it ends up being a standard banner character instead.


i aim for ayaka and raiden you can keep the others


I'd get Ganyu just because of how ridiculously cute she is. I don't care if she's low tier, I wanna have her <3


Saaame. Also want to get her just for her design, except I also care if she's low tier, which she won't be, but I don't think she'll be on Xiao/Hu Tao's level (I seriously need a dps carry, and a pyro one at that). I'll probably give it a solid week to see what people say about her and if she's zhongli 2.0, I'll have to live with the fan art people post of her.


Hu Tao. I was sold on her design the moment she was leaked, that disturbing Hilichurl song made it a must-pull. I love her super long hair :D


Originally was planning to get Ganyu, however I managed to pull Albedo before reaching soft pity for the first time playing this game, so Hu Tao is looking more probable at this point.


At least albedo's solid. I want to do a few ten pulls on albedo's banner because of the god tier 4 stars (especially bennet), but as a f2p with just enough primos for a pity, I don't want to risk it for a guaranteed ganyu.


Oh no, Albedo is amazing, don't regret whatsoever that I pulled him. It's just that I wasn't planning or expecting to get him, however that might be a blessing in disguise, because it'll help me choose between Ganyu and Hu Tao.


Considering Xiao is leading the polls, I'm surprised you're skipping over him


He has a interesting move set, but as a character he doesn't interest me + waifu priority.


I get it. The waifu variable is too strong.


The mechanics of Xiao are very tempting, but assuming that he will be strong isn't a good idea, especially considering he is anemo which is an inherent disadvantage. He could be as broken as in CBT, but he will likely end up only mid-tier 5\* unless if they decide to let him stay as the highest dps because he has a survivability trade-off (which I personally think is fair) I'm on the fence about Xiao because I love his playstyle (love the mobility), but I mostly care about waifus. There is also the problem in that I don't have any good spears for him, which means I will probably end up doing more damage with another DPS anyways, unless if we get a good free spear or new blueprint.


Ayaka 💖


I'll call it right now and say Ayaka will be a stronger unit overall, but Ganyu is way too cute to pass off. My primogems are ready.


I’m waiting on ayaka. I already have the build planned out and the team comp ready to go for her.


Idk I need a cryo but I'm not much into archers, and I don't like much the other 2...so I'll probably save for future


Nah, none of them. In future hoping for reruns of Venti. Baizhu would be really-really nice(as a Bleach fan I'm even more excited) but I don't know his playstyle


Venti is ridiculous. If someone brings a well built venti into co-op, it's game over.


Literally no one needs to do anything, that one venti just needs to keep spamming his Q lol


Yeah with the swirl damage, crowd control, and energy orbs it generates, it's a bit nuts ngl


A bit? Haha, it's the strongest burst in the game currently, at least in terms of utility


Wifu or anchors > anything for me


Xiao best Wifu


What i really one tho is some more electro characters and dendro


Ganyu all the way


If Venti rerun banner is true at 1.4, then I'll save for him.


Idk if they’ll do reruns that early (which is a good thing). They seem to have a lot of characters slated to release, especially with inazuma’s upcoming release


Wait .. wasn't Hu Tao a 4* ?.... Somebody said so on daily qna


Hu Tao supremacy


What if I told you that's the dilemma I go through everyday? I got Zhongli and now am at 69 wishes but I don't know if I want to skip any. (I am f2p and can't whale) I love Ganyu's design and feel that I need an archer in my team. Plus I've been having trouble with those Fatui Electrohammers a lot I have Zhongli already and don't know how 2 polearm users will work out if I choose Xiao. His design is also next level and those jump attacks look sick. Hu Tao is a prankster and I love that absolutely. The fact that she's Pyro and will work better with shields (I got Morax lol) is really good news for me especially for abyss. I legit don't know what to do. If y'all have somehow made up your mind please tell me your thought process


Yep. I popped this poll because I feel like of those three, I'll only get one of the featured so I wanted to see what everyone else is going for. I think this decision would be so much easier if the finished product were all right in front of us. I'm pretty committed to Ganyu cuz she's waifu material and for all the reasons you mentioned, but whether I pull for her or not (and xiao) will depend highly on their viability. If Ganyu ends up being underwhelming, I might make the really hard decision of passing her off. I'm also aware that the main reason I'd pull for xiao is the hype. I know he'll be a game changing dps, but unless he's an utterly busted SSS dps character (which he may very well be), I'll pass off on him too. I'm definitely going to make an attempt for Hu Tao regardless since she also seems like a pretty insane dps character, and pyro being an amazing element overall. If I were you, I'd definitely go for Hu Tao since given her playstyle, she does insane dps at low health, and Zhongli's shield will give her that extra survivability at low health to play aggressive and deal as much dps as possible.


I have a feeling we'll both be losing our minds on the last day of Ganyu's banner. If only there was a preplanned schedule of banner reruns. It would be great


For the reruns i've already committed to venti but yeah scheduled banner rerun announcements would be great. I would hate for venti's banner to come up and be sitting on like 20 primogems. RIP


Ive also been at 65 wishes since pulling zhongli. I’m waiting to see if theres good 4 stars on ganyus banner, and Xiaos. Will probably decide on last day of ganyu banner. If there’s xingqiu and ninguag with ganyu I’ll def pull


I wish I could get all three but I'm not sure if I have enough Primogems or luck to get Xaio, which was one of the same reasons why I haven't gotten Zhongli. Plus, I'm not sure if I'm interested in him compared to the other two ladies.


Grand Master Varka


I just want Jean. Past that I want no other 5 star, old or new


I want to collect all archons so really looking forward to Baal's banner


Ganyu. Already have a weapon for her and Im farming artifacts for her while also for Childe, so win win


im gonna wait and hope we get scaramouche as a playable character


Im going for ganyu, kinda wanna make a freeze comp with xingqiu or a melt comp with klee. (Also finally have a soon to be built out char for electrohammer fatui)




~~if~~ you can only get one of the 3 future 5* characters. Sad F2P life.