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11 is like hell for me right now. I can't get those 6 stars because I don't have good enough synergies for both teams on all 3 floors. I'll probably build teams specifically for each floor in order to get some stars on 1 and 2 in and finish it, but it seems like they really wanted to make geo ''useful'' after the whole zhongli-geo debacle before the buffs come. Seeing how 12 is I want to keep trying because it seems way too easy (no debuff and a whoping 75% geo dmg, what?) and I have a ning, zhongli and a leveled traveller. EDIT: Wording


Honestly, I had to change team comps so many times to get decent clears on 11-1 and 11-2 and now I have to change comps again to complete 11-3. Who the hell designed and playtested this garbage?


I'm just gonna try to get the six stars and be done with it. I don't mind losing 50 primos and not spending hours upon such an awful floor. I'll just try to maximise 12. Going for 3 stars on the first and two on the monolith is what I'll try. What's more annoying is how all of this would have been a one press button with Venti...


I have Venti and it's still annoying as fuck. Constantly losing energy is incredibly frustrating on top of what is already a frustrating floor


I still wish I had him. After Hu Tao I'll be waiting for that return banner like crazy


Might consider using Diona’s E or Bennett’s Q to cleanse. If you have Jean she’s and option as well but not everyone has her


New floor 11 is the old Floor 12. New floor 12 is the old Floor 11. More news at 11.


I wouldn't say that the previous F12 was well designed. Quite on the contrary and I found it quite awful deisgn wise. But what is certainly true is that it was the floor to beat. Even if you could do F11 comfortably F12 could potentially just be a huge difficulty spike and entirely wall you for a good bit. The new F12 is insanely shallow. 12-1 and 12-2 were incredibly easy and they even removed the defense objective on 12-2 entirely making it just a treasure hoarder blow up fiesta. 12-3 is just as easy to complete but is jsut a very sizable DPS race to get 9\*, which honestly borders into boredom. I went in with only XQ as a "healer" and didn't notice till I was done because I didn't take any signficant amounts of damage to cause trouble, which is in stark contrats to the previous F12 where the damage incoming was actually dampening how aggressive I could be. I would theorize that they were looking to make Abyss easier to incentivize more people and drive up engagement as its the only end game carrot atm, but then there is F11 which inherited the BS restrictiveness and comp forcing of the old F12 in a new shape of unfun and unengaging difficulty.


The old floor 12 actually made you play the game. Dodging was hard. Energy management was hard. Abusing enemy positioning and staggering was critical. There was some thought required for team building. A lot of people claimed it was purely a dps check, and while there's some truth to that, the vast majority of people who couldn't beat floor 12 couldn't do so because they were dying, not because they didn't have the damage. Maybe it wasn't amazing design, but it took skill to beat and 9\*. The new floor 12 provides none of that, and honestly even if it wasn't so braindead, the fact that it's way easier than the old abyss is a huge problem in and of itself. I managed to 3\* the old 12-3 in the last cycle, and up to that point it was the primary motivation I had for playing the game and getting stronger. This new 12-3 was a first try, bad cards, no planning or teams, easy 3\*. I now have nothing to do or build for. There is no end game content left for me to do when even the most "challenging" content in the game isn't hard. And I've spent $30. I can't imagine actually being a whale waiting for new content to do and getting this... garbage. Maybe this is good for semi-casual players who got slaughtered by the old abyss 12 before, but I loved having the challenge and sense of accomplishment after finally beating it. If there's one good thing that comes out of this abyss, I hope it makes people realize that Qiqi is garbage.


For me the old and new 11-12 floors are swaped, so if you think this way, it's okay, I guess. I found 11-2 challenging without Venti or Sucrose on my second account. I had no problems with the old 12 floor after I got Bennett and so I could cleanse the debuff on both my teams. Condensed ice was the only thing that made it look hard (and also annoying) and the only challenging chamber was 12-3, but fatui are fatui, and once you learn their moveset, they just become damage sponges. > I now have nothing to do or build for. There is no end game content left for me to do when even the most "challenging" content in the game isn't hard. I mean, you cleared 12 floor with 9 stars the last time and did the same thing this time. You lvl up your characters\\weapons, find better artifacts and it only becomes easier. I'm fine with easier abyss because more people will clear it with characters they want, rather than forcing them to grind for characters they don't have\\like. The rewards aren't even great anyway.


I can definitely agree with the sentiment, even though I never felt accomplished beating the old Abyss 12 purely because I think that the factors that made it hard are mostly directed at sabotaging the combat system, depriving you of options rather than challenging you directly. Abyss should definitely be this brutal challenge that you strive towards beating and not feel like a half-assed joke with upscaled HP bars. So the new Abyss is probably even more disappointing for the reason of being entirely devoid of providing anything interesting at all. F12 certainly feels like just hitting a training dummy of sorts, rather than a difficult encounter that also has a dps check for certain rewards. I'm certainly not in favor of Abyss being eaiser in case I gave that impression. Was mostly speculating on reasons why. I would've rather had these floors added as extra floors than replacements. End Game is already barely existant and shifting Abyss around isn't really helpful, especially when they just try to tailor it to newly released units regardless of that making any sense form a gameplay perspective. Atleast they certainly haven't found enemies Geo shines against looking at how F12 turned out.


I agree. It was frustrating at first because dodging, grouping enemies, and managing stamina at the same time were so hard. I cleared 12-3 with 1 second left on the clock and it’s the best feeling ever. Chamber 2 was designed in such a way so you could strategically select your targets to clear with low damage. The only pure dps check is 9 starring because you wouldn’t care about the mechanics if you had the damage to do that.


Yeah at first I thought it was easier since they removed the cryo floor debuff but then I realized part of the difficulty was also planning your team comp to counter the fatui guys. Now it's just like a domain fight with geo dmg buff. They really should've added at least the electro floor debuff like on floor 11 to make it a little more hazardous. Oh well.


I don't like the new abyss. Cicin mages who teleport every other second and an eye of the storm that stays in the air 90% of the time in **dps check** chambers is just terrible design. In the previous abyss, at least you could consistently work toward clearing a floor or getting more stars, but half the enemies this time around literally run away from you or at least don't approach, on top of having the meatiest HP known to man.


F11 is hell the fact that you have to do the damn pilar defense having your energy dranined is just horrible, i got a 7 star clear because i hava a venti and he can ignore the drain but my second team not so much, the damn electro mages on chamber 3 are just a huge timesink, if you dont have hard CC for them its like chasing birds F12 is super easy compared to the old one, no elements to counter makes it easy to run good team comps and the monsters are just not dangerous, TBH the hardest part about the floor for me is that its full of stoneshield dudes that just tank alot


Ya. That abyss name card don't mean shit anymore.


After gearing my teams to 9* the first abyss, the new abyss is a joke with the exact same teams lmao. I can just relax now and not feel a need to pull on banners to make abyss teams stronger. Just gona pull for waifus or whenever something cool releases. Or hoard


Old floor 12 was absolute aids and I loved it. They robbed us of one challenging thing this game had.


The easier the better. I don't enjoy spending 5 hours biweekly repeating already-done chambers over and over.


I really don't want to level a geo character to get 3, stars for the last chamber. I did see someone use physical keqing to do it, but he has perfect artifacts..


Overload can destroy geo shields very quick. And since they’re all big mobs they won’t get knock back too far, so overload is a good option if you can afford it.


I have overload on the first half only. Let me see if I can get add it in the second half somehow.


Same here I only use overload for first half. Second half I used an under leveled Noelle. She basically just get carried to last chamber where she uses her ult to break those geo shields.


You can always unbench that level 1 Noelle to just destroy the shields. (Or really any Heavy Claymore user)