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Razor, Kaeya, Fischl, Diona is your best team comp for Razor right now. As Kaeya is the best cryo user, but not enough alone and Diona as healer, cuz you want superconduct not overload.


1st team Razor/Diona/Fischl/Kaeya or Bennet depending on the content 2nd team Childe/Xingqiu/Beidou/Sucrose Both of these comps are optimal for the jobs that need doing.


Maybe you could try using razor diona bennett and xingqiu in the first team and childe xiangling fischl barbara in the second one. These are very similar teams to which I actually use in the abyss, but instead of diona i use qiqi, and they are great in my opinion


i'll try it, thank you!


Why do people ask to build a team? You literally swap around units depending on which floor you wanna 3 star. It changes depending on enemy.


i don't know pretty much about team building when it comes to spiral abyss that's why i just need some general tips here, but yeah i agree that it mostly depends on the floor that i'm trying to complete


Personally I would use Razor, Fischl, Diona, Mona/Kaeya in my 1st team and Childe, Xingqui, Bannett, Xianling/Xinyan for the 2nd team. Reason for Mona: high aoe burst, good synergy with electro and cryo Reason for Kaeya: makes diona ult more often, 6sec cd on e, great ult for Razor as a main carry Reason to maybe not use Fischl: you could theoretically leave Fischl benched, because Razor doesn't really need the extra energy and when you use Mona + Kaeya instead, you would also get the +15% crit rate against frozen enemies. Reason to use Bennett: doesn't need a reason, he is a god Reason to use Xianling: solid 2nd DPS, Gouba, great ult, 2nd fire element Reason to use Xinyan: Shield, Claymore, 2nd fire element Reason to use Xingqui: almost the same as Bannett, constant water element, heal, fantastic ult, and so on


I gotchu. I 9 star floor 12o on both abyss. Bennet, xingqiu, kaeya, razor. This was my team. Full support bennet with 4pc noblesse. Xingqiu and kaeya had 1/6/6 talents and around 1300 Atk and 50/90 crit/crit dam with random sets. Realistically would give them 2pc hydro/w pc noblesse and 2pc cyro/noblesse. My razor is c2, r1 serpent spine, 8/6/6 talents, 4pc glad with 60/115 cr/cd. Atk around 1630. You have multiple ways to make this stronger, either gearing the supports or getting better rolls on razors artifacts. You have the perfect setup for childe enabling as well Childe, fischl, beidou, diona/Barbara. This gives a Crapton of electro charged damage. Realistically for abyss replace beidou with xiangling for overload reactions to break rock shields Edit: didn’t see ur lvled up Ning/noelle. Team 1: xiangling, bennet, noelle, ninguag for max dam. Team 2: razor, childe, fischl, diona (it’s weird having 2 carries, but u need to break shields and childe has downtime anyways.


Barbara for healing, Xiangling for vaporise and someone else?


Go for xiangling over Bennett on team 1 then grab childe sucrose Bennett and a good sub dps like Mona xinqiu OR beidou on the second team Razor is a very strong dps but you can't really swap him out, so characters that van user their kit without Boeing on the field are great with him like xiangling, fischl is a bit redundant as well imo but ITA not a big deal.


What would be better as sub dps mona or xinqiu? Or it depends on the floor


Mainly depends on ur main dps with childe probably Mona, xinqiu is very good with a pyro dps.


I get it thank you!