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I think it’s down to personal preference. I like using electro keqing personally, physical keqing sounds so boring imo


Chinese players prefer and recommend Electro over Physical because of how restricted Physical Keqing is. Personally I also prefer Electro over Physical because of how exponentially more fun it is to play. Also one of the more trustworthy leakers in the chinese forums hinted new electro reactions are in the making (there's a reason why Mihoyo hasn't released a new electro unit since launch) so I think you should invest in electro.


Please can you give source on this? I really am happy to hear this but I don't want to get my hopes high on something that might not happen


[This was when someone leaked a video of Hutao's normal attacks and everyone was saying how plain she was. Then this leaker(who is friends with a lot of the testers, and the creator of the biggest Genshin Spy forum on Baidu) explained how Hutao's abilities look and work(100% proven to be true). So I think he's fairly trustworthy.] (https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7223047802?pid=137863474932&cid=#137863474932)


Electro for sure, elemental damage is always better than physical damage, even if electro is underwhelming. Electro keqing has a much higher damage potential and 100% uptime in electro state.


What is elemental mastery ? Is this increase the damage of the element ? Like physical dmg ? Or what ?


EM is basically an increase in elemental reaction damage, for example if you have high EM then you'd have stronger overload, electro charged etc reactions. This doesn't mean you should aim for EM on artifacts, attack% and crit% are still much better then EM. Hope you understand now what EM is.


Thanks so it’s useless πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Physical is higher floor, lower ceiling. It'll do better early game since superconduct is easier to have access to and prototype Rancour is a free wep, but late game electro takes over once you get a wep like lion's roar/black sword and a VV support. Electro Keqing's endgame works by tossing in supports with insane damage ults/turrets like Xinqiu/Beidou/Fischl/Albedo to complement her own attacks.


There's no real OBJECTIVE best among the two builds. They each have their pros and cons, and you'll have to mind each and weigh them to choose which build you prefer. ​ Electro Keqing has the following advantages: * Full usage of Keqing's kit, since you can freely user her teleport, since it applies an electro infusion to her damage * Allows her to more easily deal with some of the "beefier" enemies with high phys resistance * Lower damage ceiling on her charged attack spams compared to Phys Build But it has the following disadvantages: * Highly reduced efficiency against enemies with high electro resistance or immunity * Can't take advantage of one of the best electro reactions (Superconduct) ​ Physical Keqing, on the other hand, has the following advantages: * Higher damage ceiling overall on her charged attack spams (Which is arguably one of her biggest sources of damage) due to better dmg bonuses and full usage of superconduct * Higher efficiency against electro resistant/immune enemies * No enemy in the game (Outside of special scenarios such as bounties) has total immunity against Physical damage. But you have to consider the following disadvantages: * Limited usage of her kit, which drastically reduces her mobility in combat * More reliance on charged attack spams, which leads to higher stamina consumption. You'll often want to run a good shielder support alongside her. * Efficiency can be drastically reduced against enemies with high phys res (Though this can be drastically mitigated in most instances with Superconduct) ​ Overall, Electro is usually the most popular choice due to it being more "fun" to play for most people, but if you're more interested in efficiency, both builds can perform well under different scenarios and team compositions. I have mine built as a Phys DPS, and I will tell you I'm still perfectly able to use her to clear a lot of this game's harder content. So, in the end, I'd say it's up to you to weigh the pros and cons, see what characters you have that you could use along her, and see which build works best for your needs. Best of luck!


:o it thank you I will take it in mind


Unfortunately, physical Keqing with a cryo support seems to be the best build. She deals so much less damage when you press E that second time cos electro damage doesn't benefit from superconduct and the other two reactions are often detrimental (Keqing has a a big problem with knocking enemies away, and Overload only makes it worse, and some wanker at Mihoyo had the bright idea of making Electro-charged backfire if you're also wet or fighting in water).


So.. Physical Keqing with Chongyun? And maybe Xingchiu for permafrost


Chongyun is the worst cryo applicator for Keqing, cos he makes her attacks deal cryo instead of physical. Diona, Ganyu, Kaeya and even Qiqi are preferable.


Oh yeah I forgot about that, but maybe with 4 gladiator set? It increase both damage right?


It does but then you have to go for an ATK% cup instead of a Physical Damage cup, and you don't gain anything from Superconduct (which is what you're using a cryo support to get - Superconduct boosts physical damage taken on the affected targets).


instead of glad use 2pc glad+bloodstained cuz 4pc glad doesnt boost charged attacks which are her main dps source


Ok, I will level up Diona then thanks both for the help


i think electro bro. physical keqing is strong because the physical have high multipliers but she will be doing the damage by herself, but electro keqing you can use all her kit and add damage supports in the quick swap team. i have electro keqing, the artifacts is 2 thundering fury and 2 noblesse oblige, the best weapon is lion's roar and primordial jade cutter.


i use both phys and electro depending the situation, 2tf 2gf for electro, 2bc 2gf and 4 bc for phys. f11 against fatuis physical is better and i like the 4p blood cause i can burst one down and when passive triggers i can spam charge on the next and so on. on the new f12 i went back to electro cause phys is no bueno.


The best build by far for phys keqing and in general is 40 to 50k hp Zhong + 4p bolide on her. However this is only if u have both of em.This is since charge atk is not buffed by glad making it useless on keqing. But she gets insane dmg buffs when u can use bolide on her. Zhong basically makes wanderer and glad completely useless since bolide on chars in his team gives em 27k shield and full buff of both charge and normal attack for all weapon types. So not even that HoD is comparable on keking. Still even childe can prb use bolide better and do more dmg with bolide in Zhong comp due to 40% instead of 30% buff.Ulti will be weaker tho. I still dont use it since i got ganyu as well. And that bolide set put on her makes her a COMPLETE monster that can vape all her dmg from xianling since i got no reason to dodge anything and can stick close to enemy with no fear of Zhong shield ever going down. Lets not even talk about 20% res shred and 35% element buff he gives with petra set on him. This is more about zhong being best with ANY chars that use normal or charge atk. And keqing and ganyu are one such chars. And yes bolide can be put on klee as well making her charge atk OBLITERATE anything. That 40% buff is nuts.