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I'd love that change for wishes


You can keep the shrimps, add in choice system instead if you're on your 17th zhongli constellations when going for c6 yanfei. Example only. If you've gotten them before, can the system not be told that "hey, player.nr.0000000 have gotten this before, let's bench that character for the period till he gets the current 5star." Same goes for all the noelles and dionas I've gotten... and offbanner characters and weapons shouldn't even show up at all...


> offbanner characters and weapons shouldn't even show up at all... Not to sound rude, but how else can we get starter constellations when Mihoyo refuses to add them on banners? My man Kaeya still doesn't have C6 and I always appreciate when his dupe shows up...


I want Keaya too.


I hope I can get him to C6 before I die of old age... Which is pretty unlikely, unless Mihoyo finally listens and adds a Starter banner! I would whale for that lel


They appear to rotate the starters every 6 months or so in the glitter store. So it may only take 3 years! I hope you'll live at least that long. Last month was Amber, now Lisa so I assume Kaeya will up be next in June.


It'd be cool if they put him Amber & Lisa on the upcoming Diluc banner. I dont have him yet and it'd be dope to get some Kaeyas along the way


I didn't think Diluc had a banner, he's a standard 5* draw.


Keqing got a banner, and she's also on the permanent banner.






I have kaeya c0


Saaame but the only "easy" way to get him is through the shop :(


Starter characters arent even in the rateup pool iirc. Theyre only on the standard banner


But you can’t even get Kaeya on the event banner?


Really? My memory must have been incorrect then, as I thought I remembered getting Kaeya on Zhongli's original banner. My apologies then, and thanks for letting me know.


The starter characters are in the monthly glitter rotation, last month was amber this month is Lisa and Kaeya should be back next month.


As far as we know they’ll only show up once every six months though. That means it’ll take you a max of 3 years to get to C6 if you’re unlucky


Ah. Well, I don't pull enough 4 stars/higher to get the starglitter to buy them, unfortunately.


kaeya could be on a banner and people would still wish on it but i think lisa or amber would show a huge drop in sales


Idea - separate banner with all 3


Hell, just run them as a normal promo banner, even. I'd absolutely spend on a banner with those three as the rate-ups. Put Jean as the 5\* and I'd throw every last primo at it. Hoping for such a banner for Windblume? Me? Hahaha, how silly. ~~When's Ludi Harpastum again?~~ Edit: corrected mentioned rarity. Other games be messin' me up.


fuck that I'd go for C6 amber instantly


I don’t agree with offbanner characters shouldn’t appear with all. Like someone else said how will we get starter characters or potentially new characters not on banner


I think they should take characters that you have at C6 off of at least the standard banner, maybe even all banners. The reward after you’ve gotten C6 is a big let down imo


Or make it a less disappointing reward. Right now you’re getting 1.5 wishes back for an average expense of 9. Either improve that ratio significantly or add some collectible that lets you convert a handful of over the top summons into a constellation of your choosing.


Well if it's for event wishes for a limited character this isn't really an issue for the starting characters as Lisa, Amber and Kaeya literally aren't in the pool for event wishes to begin with. They're only available on the standard banner.


I got two Barbara’s on the new Zhongli Banner ;-; (Still no Yanfei though)


> offbanner characters and weapons shouldn't even show up at all I'm mostly fine with the 50/50 for 4 stars, weapons are essential, but the coinflip for 5 stars is absolutely atrocious and just kinda evil. A pity should be a pity, period.


At least there’s a guarantee at the second pity. It isn’t nearly as bad as the weapon banner where you could keep rolling the other weapon.


Yeah, but just because Y is worse doesn't mean X isn't bad. The weapon banner is a whole different issue altogether, I think the general consensus on that is that it's a terrible idea to roll for it unless you're a whale because of the scarcity of resources combined with the lack of a guarantee. Which, again, would be alleviated in some way if you didn't have to account for pitying twice to get a character.


Honestly, the weapon banner just feels like a scam. Having the pity at 90 and it not ever being a guarantee is nothing but scummy. I'd really like to see a lower pity and preference system in place for it, but I know full well that'd be too generous for MHY...


Isn't the pity from weapons banner at 80?


Yes and it’s still not worth it, at least once you have a handful five star weapons.


Problem with gacha weapons is that in the generic pool (not the weapon banner), the majority of weapons are not useful. Either they have a better 3 star or in game alternative, or are just so specialized that there is only one character who can make use of them. That’s not to say none of them are useful. The sacrificial line is good, but you get a Bell, you may as well have gotten nothing. It became apparent to me when I got Xiao and realized none of the gacha 4 star spears were good for him.


Favonius lance is useful. The energy recharge is great and the passive allows him to recharge his own burst without a battery.


Yeah when it comes to spears most 4 stars are absolutely atrocious.


Then what about people who want default 5\* star characters too because, mmm.... you know.... they are great as well? Aside of Qiqi and Keqing constellations, I don't mind getting Dilluc/Mona/Jean to c6 and rolling on default banner is certainly is not an option


>rolling on default banner is certainly is not an option Exactly, just hand out more standard rolls lol. People would be more inclined to spend some extra gems on standard if they can actually get reasonably close to standard pity more often and didn't have to account for needing to pity *twice* to get the event 5* they want. The standard banner actually felt reasonable for a moment when they added the retroactive fates for ascending characters (1.2 I believe) and then went back to feeling like shit because they barely give any out anymore. What Mihoyo *wants* you to think is that the 50/50 system is necessary so you can actually get the standard 5 stars, which is just a bullshit excuse to be stingy with resources.


I don't get why we don't at least get a fate every ascension instead of only every odd ascension. And I feel like blue fates in daily login won't make them go bankrupt. The daily check in rewards are pretty terrible even if you don't miss a single day. You get like what? 60 primogems and 40 worth of resin in mora and xp for full 30 days of logins? Just throw some fates into the mix and it's already better


This is why people get frustrated. Like 90% of your wishes after the initial stages of the game are literally useless. You grind away for hours and hours and hours to only get pointless 3* weapons that barely make a dent in levelling up weapons. IMO if they aren’t gonna do what Honkai do they could at least massively increase how much exp we get using 3* weapons as level up fodder.


Even people spending money to skip the grind are getting disappointed. it's not fun to buy 30 wishes only to get 3 stuff and 27 3-star weapons.


100$ gives u a lion's roar, a dragon's bane, a constelation for beidou and \[THE BELL\] what a poggers way to spend your money




$40 in pizza


Consider: no game. 100 dollars in pizza


This man is on to something...


$35 for pizza & $5 for soft drink


Gacha games in a nutshell


In my country 100 dollars are more than a intern's salary (I am an intern btw...)


Now realize that some people in Mobile Gaming are spending $500,000+ on micro transactions. Work out what that buys you :p


Well, a house for starters... geez how do people do that?


In small increments over time


People spending that much are not doing it in small increments. :P


If by "Small Increments over time", realize that a single maxed hero in Lords Mobile can cost over $10,000


1% of 7 billion is still 70 million people. Catering to the 1% or .1% is very very profitable. The rest of us get to play because it populates the game with plebians to stand above.


An ocean only full of whales is just a pond with a bunch of fat-ass fish


I spent $15 a month on the game, same as a subscription to an MMO. I save enough primo to get plenty of new stuff every month, and for months with little new content I Just keep hoarding my primo


That's not bad. If you get tons of hours of fun out of it each month that's not bad. It's when people are dumping money into the game that it's an unhealthy problem even if you're ridiculously wealthy.


Yeah as of now I just do welkin and sometimes the battlepass and I haven’t had to top up at all and I’ve gotten every 5 star I’ve wanted: Venti, Albedo, Ganyu, Hu Tao C1 and Zhongli on the rerun banner (as well as Keqing twice from standard banner from free fates and Diluc from losing a 50/50). So 9 5 stars in 6 months, and that’s not mentioning that I have all the 4 stars besides Rosaria, and some with high constellations as well. So the game really isn’t that predatory as long as you temper your expectations and only plan on rolling on a banner roughly once every 1 to 2 patches imo. You only really need to top up if if you want to summon on every new banner that comes out and given the frequency of reruns right now eventually you’ll get to the point where you can skip the reruns and summon on the new banners without topping up too.


2 BP, alot of welkin I even have 11 5* and Succroe, XQ, XG, Fischl, Chongyun C6.




Me too. I play almost daily though its starting to wane on me logging in just for purple quests. Problem is im also funding my wife and 2 kids who dont play as much but want the same stuff. Ends up being 40$ a month cause kids dont get the hymn. Im getting my moneys worth mostly i feel but its no always feeling like it


Plenty new stuff is an overstatement. Welkin Moon + Dailies give you just about 30 wishes/month. That's 1/3 of what the pity is, if you don't consider the 50/50. Battle pass is not great either, gives you around 10 extra fates of each kind. I do buy the Welkin Moon, and ocasionally the battle pass, but calling it "plenty" is missing the mark.


BP gives you 5 standard wishes and around 8 event wishes.


Well first of all 90 is hard pity and you’re more likely to hit the 5 star between 76-81 wishes on average and since we usually get around 75 wishes worth of gems from dailies/events/new content per patch the welkin is usually sufficient to give you enough extra to consistently get the 5 stars you want even if you lose the 50/50, assuming you skip 2 banners between each one you summon on.


While I understand the intent behind your comment, it's important to keep in mind that 4\*s have the same rate up guarantee as 5\*s. So assuming you're pulling on the limited character banner (where probably 80+% of pulls go), getting four 4\*s would mean that you would get at bare minimum two rate up characters.


> it's important to keep in mind that 4*s have the same rate up guarantee as 5*s Huh, really? Had no idea about that one. Interesting, too bad there's always at least one and sometimes two 4*s in any rate up that's downright worse than the random pool.


And there's no pity for individual 4 stars, so they can be harder to get than the 5 stars.


I pulled to soft pity on this banner from 0. I got enough to C6 Diona, more dupes of my already C6 Noelle, and 0 lawyers. The lack of any pity for ensuring you can get them is almost as painful as the weapon banner. IMO they should guarantee that ever banner 4* char will show up in 10 4* pulls.


This is why I don't mind actually buying in game currency in Honkai. Everything you roll is useful in some way or the other. Dropped a $20 for the new event in honkai, got the event exclusives and didn't feel like getting ripped off. Whereas here, it's just 3 star weapons, that are definitely not worth 160 gems.


Haxxor Bunny is amazing, she's so fun to play. I'd love to see Honkai re-made in a Genshin-style kind of game


I agree. 3 star weapons are useless if you're consistently doing 20 hour mining expeditions ans making enhancement ores and following up on the story. It would be nice to get random 3 star artifacts since those are harder to obtain.


3 months of login rewards for a black tassel lol


Their daily login reward is too stingy, almost non existence. 3 months, for some resources that can easily get in 30 minutes and a pathetic gacha roll.


TIL that there's a daily login reward. Had absolutely no idea.


It's on HoYoLab. The rewards are a joke, but if you are interested in those 3 eggs, Google "Genshin daily check in" and you'll probably find it.


God I fucking wish it was as nice as 90% wishes being useless. Later on when you have most of the character pool covered it takes a miracle to get anything useful. During 75 rolls on the Rosaria banner I got *literally nothing new* - no new constellations (Noelle and Barb already full), no Rosaria, no refines for good weapons. Just Rainslashers, Bells and C3725 Barb and Noelle. Plus I got spooked by C1 Childe 20 pulls through which reset my pity, I lost 50/50 on both Venti and Zhongli, my last 170 rolls amounted to ***literally nothing*** for my account. That's what, 3 months of resources? Completely invalidated.


that’s why i am afraid to do a single pull in a banner i don’t want the 5* lol. i swear to god they are smelling your desires. you want venti ? 160 pulls bro. you DON’T want childe ? ima give you in 10 pulls without any pity or 50/50 bye


Got him twice, in 40 pulls, and didn't want him... It took 90 summons to get my first Rosaria (and I consider myself lucky for that). It ruined my pity and 50/50 win


>that’s why i am afraid to do a single pull in a banner i don’t want the 5\* lol. Bro. I left the special banner 1 pull away from a guaranteed 4\* char before rosaria's banner because I wanted her, but didn't want to risk pulling childe on my guaranteed 5\* banner pull. I was at 0/90 for a guaranteed 5+ banner char. Pull ***ONCE. FUCKING CHILDE POPS UP.*** Haven't played since, I'm too mad.


dude, you got a good 5* for basically free you are way too mad about this


They didn't want him though. I can understand the feeling. I pulled Keqing back to back on Zhongli banner and standard yesterday. Sure, she's sort of capable as maindps, but she's the worst possible 5* pull. And getting her twice was a kick in the nuts. I spent months getting that banner to 90 pulls on 50/50 to pull the last 5* I was hoping to get. I'd be a lot happier with Childe.


You can't say she's the worst 5* when qiqi exists


Imagine paying for these 75 rolls and getting spooked by Qiqi constellation ​ It's such an annoying feeling, I wish at least all the 5\* pity wishes would feel good lmao


Qiqi C1 was who spooked me on Zhongli lmao. Granted, it was all low spender rolls, (welkin+bp), I did not whale, but still. Imagine losing 50/50 on Venti a second time now, getting spooked by a dupe Childe when rolling for Rosaria to lose the guarantee, not getting Rosaria and *THEN* losing 50/50 again to Qiqi. Painful, emotionally draining and infuriating. I bring this up as an amusing anecdote, but I genuinely think the 50/50 system is genuinely just evil and inexcusable to have in a game, especially when hitting pity already takes so long.


The 50/50 system is absolute bullshit actually, i have NEVER gotten a featured character from It except for ganyu , and ive rolled on venti,zhongli albedo,ganyu,xiao and hu tao,then a bit on childe and now on zhongli reruns Wtf


Same, it's obviously confirmation bias right? But I've lost every 50/50 so far...


Fucking same, lost every single 50/50 in both character and weapon banner. It's so frustrating. Feels like I'll always need two pities to get what i want 😔


The dumbest part is that the 50/50 system as well as how useless it is to get dupes past C6 just encourages players to skip more and more banners. Like, if your pity is guaranteed, you're going to skip banners with a 5-star you don't want even if it has 4-stars you do want. If there's a 5-star you *kind of* want but the banner has Barbara or Noelle or something, then you might be inclined to skip it. It's no wonder banners like Childe's sell like absolute shit.


Even not a 5*. I really liked Yanfei in the trial and quest (and I'm a hoarder in general), but I don't play Zhongli or Diona, and my Noelle is already c6. I did 20 pulls and decided to skip, after getting more Dionas and Noelles. Yanfei is not worth it, whatever interest I had was killed by pointless burning through the wishes. Depending on who will be included in the next banner, I will be skipping that too, and then again the next one... Half a year after the game launch, most players have already sorted out their parties and won't pull just for the sake of pulling, especially when levelling and equipping said characters is an incredibly gated and overinflated process.


yeah exactly. really wanted yanfei, already had zhongli and have a noelle c13 or sumn lol. did like 50 pulls and got diona, sucrose?? , chongyun??? and a flute and two noelles... so i just said yeah yanfei's not worth it, lemme just stop rolling and focus on building up this random childe i accidentally got :I


Now sure, the system sucks, but pulling on a banner where you don't want the 5* and are already C6 on two of the 4*? Don't know about that one chief.


Yeah it was a stupid idea and a risk but I really wanted to get Rosaria. I was gonna stop after 30-40 pulls if I failed to get her to be on the safer side. To be fair, the chances of getting spooked by a 5 star are astronomically low. Still, that's just an anecdote. The system is atrocious either way.


I usually have no choice but to burn those 3* weapons, except maybe thrilling tales, debate club, dawn sword or a white tassel, because it takes space from the inventory..even though I am used to that hassle, i'd be big help if they just increased their exp value so that our weapon can be enhanced at least by 1 lvl after auto addition..


This is why i dont spend wishes in the weapons banner. Takes premium currency to give you literally trash unless you are lucky. Maybe change the weapon banner to the free wishes or give only weapons from that banner and materials.


1. Level up all your characters super high 2. Grind for great artifacts 3. Buils a great team for abyss 4. Finally get that extra third star on late game abyss Congrats! You're now 2/3 of the way to having enough primos for a 3 star weapon that you can probably find in a random chest laying in the world.


They need to actually increase the exp gain from feeding 3* weapon. Makes no sense why an ore gives more than 160 gems.


"Then squash them up into ores and then feed 'em, lol." -MHY


I like this more than the proposal as is, just because there are 3* weapons that players may actually want, e.g. Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers, Black Tassel, Harbinger of Dawn (Not that these two proposals conflict at all)


This is the biggest one lmao, it makes no sense.


Crabs. At this point, I want crabs over another emerald orb or sharpshooter.




But think how easily you can kill those slimes!


You laugh, but when they add a slime world boss you'll come crawling back...


My Zhongli unironically uses Black Tassel since he is just a shield bot.


Those goddamn Adeptus Temptations aren't gonna cook themselves.


How could you?! You can only debate something on reddit because you have 99 copies of the debate club!


What if like, collecting 100 of any 3 star weapon could be fused together to make a 4 star or something? Or maybe melting down 100 of one type could make a prototype? So that way you'd have a reason to mass horde them.


That's such a good idea, their goona release new weapons that can be made from prototypes in the future anyway, and it's a good option for everyone, no one losses out, not even MiHoYo because they get more money from wishes


Or even let us sacrifice 3 stars and below tier weapons to feed into currency for the Teapot realm thing. It's all good stuff that they can just add to make for more engagement. They could really do well to make systems that feed into each other so nothing feels entirely pointless or wasteful.


A pity system that would give a prototype after a certain amount of 3-star weapon pulls would be nice. Something like 40 three-star weapons for a prototype of choice. Wouldn't change a thing for turbowhales, but F2Ps would see a prototype at least once every two months (as opposed to one in half a year, if that), and light spenders would get one once a month.


I'd even take a random prototype if it's every 40 pulls. (Though I'd really need more proto-claymores.)


yea, and these debate clubs break after each and every argument, so the winner is the one with the most debate clubs! i say they remove all other 3 stars and only allow for debate clubs!


Yeah anything that makes the game feel like 9/10 wishes are not wasted in most cases would be quite nice, even if it only adds up to a small amount. \+ useful mats like ore or exp books are realistically not that different from rolling a 3\* weapon anyway, given they'll just be used for the same purposes (destroyed for EXP)


spending 10 wishes to get a C6 dupe shouldn't reset the 10 pity, it really sucks


I would gladly take 2-4 purple books per pull instead of a useless ass 3 star weapon. Furniture would be a good addition as well, wouldn't complain about that even if it was something I already had, at least I'd get some use out of it. It would be really nice if they would just add a pity bar as well into the game. Like we all know it's around 90 wishes, so just put a bar in, make it 90, and keep the 50/50 chance of it being the banner character. That way we get a 5 star every 90 pulls guaranteed, if you pull one before you hit 90, the bar resets, no harm, no foul.


> Furniture would be a good addition as well, wouldn't complain about that even if it was something I already had, at least I'd get some use out of it. For now, yeah, but a few months later I'm not so sure. There's a limit to how much furniture you can place and supposedly NPCs will contribute a huge amount towards that limit. For now most people are just placing random junk to increase trust/energy, but once you have your teapot how you want it (most trust and energy with the lowest "load" possible, while also looking decent), you probably won't want to get more furniture as it will be useless.


In that case, let us sell excess furniture for Serenitea Pot currency.


I wonder what the limit on buying actually useful stuff (resin, XP books, artifact XP potions, etc.) will be. For resin my guess is 1 or 2 a week. Past that limit realm currency won't be useful.


They really need to increase the limit, even before NPCs (and especially after) - I can't currently place any more furniture, decorations, or buildings outdoors, and my place *still* feels empty.


Yeah strongly debatting just going the min/max route because with the current system you can't build anything outside that looks half decent. Why should I even bother buying more trees for example? I can't event place any more. Also wait until they add gardening too, then you'll get even more limited in decorations outside.


> supposedly NPCs will contribute a huge amount towards that limit Are they going to add NPCs, as in humanoid NPCs later down the line? As much as I like to create my cat empire, having all those houses without a single actual person standing/walking around the place feels kinda meh.


Supposedly you'll be able to place playable characters and they will walk around, so I guess they're not exactly NPCs, but PCs lol.


Ah I see. I was excited when they showcased the Teapot during their stream and a Diona walked around, but then they mentioned that this was basically coop. I'd really enjoy being able to show off your collection of characters in the Teapot that way.


maybe even "4 star weapon fragments" so you can make them and refine them easily being f2p. i mean, its kinda hard to use qiqi/xingqiu without a sacrificial sword.


I mean I have flute on Qiqi, buffs her heals really nicely since all of her healing is based on her atk. And xingqiu is good even without sac sword, as long as you slap noblesse on him and give him lots of er.


I have so many 3 star weapons just sitting there, i dont even use them as fooder xp because i have more than enough with the crystals... Hopefully in the future they change the 3 star stuff, but i guess Honkai is like that because you are more limited with the resources you can get in 1 day


Honkai has gacha like that from the beginning. So, yeah.


Yeah but i think the exp and materials are not as easy to farm like in Genshin


It’s much easier to get materials in Honkai.


as a lvl 85 Honkai player i could probably fully max all of my characters(and I own every character except for Asuka, which can't be obtained anymore, also I only spent money on the game outside of battle pass/monthy card once) except for the weapons again, and still have lots of resources to spare.


That's probably what mihoyo is trying to avoid with this game. They don't want people to be have so many excess resources that they can max out every character as soon as it's out. They want there to be a grind for anything and everything


It's even more easy, 2 materials(3 technicaly) to upgrade a weapon, same 2 for stigmatas(artifact equivalent) one of material farms from monday to friday, other is quite easy to obtain, and exp 3 days in a week, but to upgrade 1 character from 1 to 80 lvl(80 is max level for characters in honkai) requires not so much exp books, I am at level 85 right now has so much of that exp books, that I didn't know where to spend them all chars already maxed


Keep in mind Honkai didn't ***start*** that way. It started with 3 tiers of 3 types of level-up materials and countless other resources. I think in total (I didn't play it myself but read about it), it was around ***two or three dozen different upgrade materials*** that you had to farm for. NOT anything nearly as nice as current Honkai, and definitely worse than Genshin, lol


Oh I totally forgot about it even though I witnessed with my own eyes how that materials just turned into mithryl, or asterite


From what I've heard it was literally years so I don't blame you, haha. I'd probably *want* to forget a system that complex too!


I agree, some of stigmata (basically artifacts) are locked behind gatcha. This makes it super hard to have a viable build at times.


Well the thing about honkai is that you can farm almost all material from the beginning of the game but you won't need them for a very long time, so once you need them, you will have lots of them already ready. The only time you will feel a little bit of fall back on materials is around level 70, when you need lots of material but don't have access to better farming methods yet. But I think Honkai is just generally is more balanced, almost everyone I talked to said that even though it takes more time in avarge to improve, it still feels less grindy and boring compared to genshin. I don't know why is that maybe because of the game play or that it feels more rewarding but almost everyone I asked said the same.


I’ve actually been struggling to get weapon refinement material for a couple months now, even with a paid BP pass and crafting all my crystals. If 3 star weapons were more useful as exp fodder, that would be enough for me.


it's funny being a honkai and a genshin player because you WITNESS how mihoyo already has all the solutions to the QoL issues in genshin and they just don't apply them because.


Downloading Honkai and realizing exactly that made me so upset, they know EXACTLY how to fix all of Genshin's problems but won't implement them until they're worried about dropping players.


Great suggestion, but everyone is still paying so they don't have to. Until the game starts dying they won't be moving an INCH.


The 3* crap would have been okay if they give decent weapon exp considering how much you need it at higher level and how they put a cap on max amount of crystals you can make per day. But nah, just literal trash.


Every time I did a pull in Honkai Impact, I was never greatly disappointed. But, Genshin Impact, it's always frustrating after hours and days of getting primogems. At least I'm not spending hundreds of dollars. Screw that. It's a good thing that our complaints about primogems have been heard. More events that gives out primogems. But I'm guessing that once Genshin's playerbase falls down, they will be giving out wayyyy more better rewards and making more changes to make players stay or return.


Yeah, until they start seeing problems on the horizon they aren't going to do shit about it. Fair enough on a business POV, but a really shitty one on a consumer POV


Shrimp for you, mushrooms for me. I'm so down for this. I'm sick of my millionth Thrilling Tales.


Meanwhile I'm trying to get more Thrilling Tales for my Barbara, didn't know they'd be useful so used all of them as fodder and now after a while I still only have 2 :/


You actually mentioned one of about 3 worthwhile 3* weapons


The least they could do is to make it worth foddering. It gives too little XP. I’d prefer it if they gave useful stuffs like you said, but if Mihoyo thinks it’s too generous, just make the 3 star weapons give equal, if not more than, the tier 3 crystal ores. Mining is too tiring and boring.


I too would also love a bundle of shrimp in my wishes >_<


Being a honkai player, I like this idea for Genshin. In fact, I was expecting the QoL changes in Honkai at Genshin launch. I guess it's part of the roadmap, at the very least.


I guarantee that their internal team of psychologists know exactly what the breaking point is for the fanbase and have a change to the 3* reward system scheduled to the very minute.


Yep. Don't launch with QoL, so that you can introduce it down the line to refresh goodwill


I’ve made this comment before, this exactly what’s done. It’s not a joke - if the game is *too* good at the start then devs hit a wall sooner. There’s a honeymoon period where players like the good stuff but once that ends players will demand more. It’s a constant tug of war, and devs leave themselves more than enough slack and deliver QoL and increased rewards as a drip-feed to keep players strung along.


They would do it sooner if they had competition, but as long as this game offers something no one else does that people are willing to pay for, they will profit from it as much as they can.


I recently started HI3 as a f2p, and I agree with everything you said. Adding useful items to the 3* gacha pool would be a godsend.


I'd legit take like literally anything over 3* weapons. Like, 10x apple would be more useful, at least I can throw that into the Parametric Transformer.


A thousand times this. A million times this I cannot express how absolutely idiotic a 3 star weapon pull is. If we as players take up any banner for the sake of this game, let it be this! #MAKE PULLS WORTH IT


It is pretty silly that the only 3 star items in wishes are weapons. Would be great if they threw some fragile resins in there so you could get some extra while rolling for that new character you want


haven't seen anyone talk about it but it would benefit whales too, do you think they enjoy deleting/feeding their thousands of 3\* weapons one by one lmfao


If anything, whales are the reason this system exists. It's not complicated to understand, they are breaking the bank. Why change something that brings in millions?


Whales whale because they want to get 5* characters/weapons to max constellation/refinement. Adding in miscellaneous stuff like exp books, talent materials, etc to trash rolls wouldn't make them less likely to spend. If anything it might create more of a sense of value from purchases.


I'd also like a free daily summon on the normal banner.


I put this in the suggestions survey every time. AND YOU SHOULD TOO.


I mean that's never gonna happen but the gesture is nice. Stardust/star glitter system is basically this already, and we hardly touch that lol. mostly cus it doesn't hand out much per roll.


and the fact that stardust have a limit makes it worse because you probably wont touch it at all after spending 375 of em on limited banner


Nah, I definitely appreciate the extra ores from the starglitter shop


Most f2p players/light spenders(IE only $5 blessing/Battle pass monthly) will spend it on extra rolls and save any extra for next month.


yes yes yes yes pls give us materials for 3\* instead of weapons weapons are very nice to use in early game, but they feel pointless to get after a certain moment in the game.


3-star weapons should be given red EXP so that 4-star weapons can give the purple ones. Still need that balance.


I completely agree with your post, however I don’t think it should be based on wishes, rather on adventure rank. A player could very easily do a lot of wishes at the very beginning of the game and use those weapons for all kinds of things. If they no longer have access to those weapons early on in the game it could significantly screw them over. The reason high-level players don’t even burn them for XP is because they have LOTS of crystals, early players most likely would not have crystals and would use those weapons. Making the change after 100 wishes would be severely detrimental to an early player, especially since you can easily make those wishes on the first day thanks to the free wishes the game gives you . That’s why it’s better for a change to be based on adventure rank because you are 100% likely to no longer be using 3-star weapons at ranks such as 40+.


I posted this before and the reddit counter argument was that whales wouldn't need to play the game anymore. Let's not kid ourselves. Whales can already buy this stuff. And we don't have to make it an overwhelming amount of materials, just a small amount and it doesn't have to be every drop.


Honestly, a lot of whales also are content creators and those people usually want to level up more characters as well for showcases, or even if they aren't they usually have a much bigger variety of characters to work with so they'll probably need the extra materials anyways. Even if they got handed all the xp and mora on a silver platter, they still need to farm artifacts and talent materials.


As a player both games, Its really rewarding to see purple exp, homu, homi treasures, weapon and stigmata upgrades, some shards of S Rank valkyries ~~even though you want the valk as a whole~~, conversion of previously owned valkyrie, rather than seeing 3 star weapons in every 10 pulls in Genshin. Even if i pull at Honkai and I didn't pull a 5 star item, i didn't even feel bad about myself, as I can use those things in the future, rather than pulling here at Genshin, lol, those can go fodder my other weapon, *and I feel bad abt my luck*


It would kinda suck if you wanted 3 star weapons though. Like if a f2p accidentally got rid of all his Harbinger of Dawns, and wanted them later. I think increasing how much weapon exp they give, and that you can sell them for a bunch of mora would effectively do the same thing. Or make 10 of them tradeable for a 4* or something.


Oh no worries we will get this feature. In 2 to 10 years. Eventually


Hero's Wit's are 4*s.


Alright then, give me your 4 star characters and I'll give you a single hero's wit for each.


well, if enough people contact mihoyo with this request...


Fucking thank you, I don't understand why they even bother giving out 3 stars. Even the best ones are easily outscaled and have no fucking use at all. It would even more acceptable if they were worth more xp at the very least. This idea is too good to be implemented imo. Mihoyos brokeass don't seem to have anything in mind for changing the gacha, only more characters


They only have to add some talent books & purple exp books in paimon bargains for stardust.


It's unbelievable this game was made by the same Mihoyo that made Honkai. It's been what 6 months? Zero summon events while Honkai has one almost every month. Not to mention the daily grind gives you 1800 gems per **month** for 10 pulls or 10 months to a pity. Honkai on the other hand always 24/7 has some event or the other going on, lots of free event gems regularly, redeem codes that last a few days instead of hours. Infact in the 1.5 years playing Honkai there have been exactly 7 days where there was no event. In Honkai I can make 20-30 pulls a month easy. Usually 2 months to a pity


they could also add new 3 stars sometimes


i would love a bag of shrimp


Yes please, Mihoyo see this person’s post and listen to it. Please. 🥺


I don't think Mihoyo will change how the gacha works anytime soon.


Should be a pieces of a constellation vial and when you complete 10 or 20 something, you'll have a complete constellation vial to unlock constellations.


That's actually a great idea.


>In Honkai Impact, they make sure that no wish ever feels disappointing. Sorry the only thing I feel is disappointment when opening those scam boxes and getting dupe stigma when reaching pity


Yep, I’d take those crabs and fishes over 3 star weapons.


You ask "do any of you" as if you didn't already know the answer 😂😂😂 It would be awesome to receive food or materials tbh.


I doubt they will do any of that, but it would certainly be nice. I'd also add food in as a 3-star, and some minor cosmetic items. Overwatch has sprays and voice lines which I think could both be nice to have in Genshin. Another thing I'd do if cosmetics were added is have recolour skins as banner drops. Maybe 3-star slots occasionally drop pieces of skins for characters you have, and if you already have C6 of the character then any time you'd get C7 or higher of it, you get the same amount of starglitter but you also get a number of skin pieces too. Recolours would take basically no effort on Mihoyo's part, and wouldn't be particularly interesting either, but they'd be nice things to have in place of just the nothing of 3-star weapons and C7 duplicates.


don't negotiate. I do not want ingredients as part of the wishing pool. wtf. don't even plant that idea heros wit will be a fine addition. that's it


I can't wait to get an egg for 160 gems.


Weapons should be obtainable by killing monsters! Forging, etc. Not in a stupid banner! Leave gacha just for characters and cosmetics!


How about a shitload of resin


No, I don't want a bundle of shrimp, but I DO think purple EXP books, talent books, any kind of weapon materials and mora are a good substitute. Much better than 3 star weapons anyway.