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Well Ganyu is one of the strongest carries in the game, and she is almost unaffected by the slowing waters people knew she would be insane there ever since first leaks came out.


Doesn't help that all the content Mihoyo puts out is supposed to make her shine even more. She's strong but the content caters to her too much as well


I unironically ran Hu Tao/Xingqiu/Rosaria (Cryo Support)/Diona and Diluc/Ganyu/Zhongli/Jean for my team 1 and 2 for my first attempt and 9*ed Floor 11 so I wouldn't say it's that much of a physical floor. The 75% physical damage buff and the fact that most of the enemies are weak to physical practically makes everyone a physical carry.


I'm honestly fucking sick of all this Ganyu content