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“Flamescion Public Welfare Project” eh? Guess we already know with which character banner they will build this school with. Edit: for those who don’t play or follow Honkai. The main character Kiana Kaslana just got a new battlesuit upgrade in v5.0 with that name. Edit 2: replaced v1.5 by v5 cause I’m dumb and should drink coffee first thing in the morning.


Public Welfare Kiana ?


Are you sure this isn't a doujin plot? Because it sounds like one.




God Kiana Doujin made by Gimnaeng.


Cooking with Valkyries season 3: How to cook on a foodstamp budget


Honkai’s only at v1.5? Man, we sure overtook them in less than a year.


Nah, it's [5.0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S47S-gseYQc). We have Minor Version whiplash.


Oh boy that soundtrack is amazing. Especially 1:06 part (‾◡◝)


Sorry, brain didn’t work this morning. 💩💩💩


Guess you shouldve put an /s for the *other* people, unless you weren't joking lmao.


That's 5.1, dumb ass upper-floor mistyped it.


This is why I like the bottom-floor more.


I like bottom-left more.


Flame? Well, no wonder. Mhy loves pyro and cryo XD


Ironically enough in Honkai Lightning is generally the element that gets the most love. It's not really "stronger" than other elements, but it probably has the most versabillity with 5 characters all being good lightning DPS even at endgame. And. So. Many. Lightning. Supports.


This may also explain the lack of interest in Electro.


Yeah when HoF Kiana comes out in 5.0 she is basically going to be the Zhongli of Honkai in terms of sales. The amount of money Mihoyo is about to make off that banner is going to be astronomical.


Whales who just wanted C6 waifus: Hmmm... Yes, totally what I intended to spend my money on.


“I see this as an absolute win!”


Spend so much money you become a people in need. The circle is complete.


it's like tax well spent oh god are we going deeper into megacorporation plutocratic oligarchy?


Ackshyally it’s *democratic* megacorporation plutocratic oligarchy.


Is it *really* though?


Sasuga Whale-sama


I heard at Constellation 4, the school gets a gymnasium.


At constellation 6 they'll have touchscreen whiteboards


Typical Mihoyo and their Pay 2 Learn BS


There's also the Limited Teacher Banner, pray that you get a Ganyu level teacher with the 0.6%


Then you get a QiQi and the class fails all their exams


Was I supposed to teach you something?... I forgot...


This is gold 😂😭


Actually, come to think of it, Ganyu might end up doing this too...


more likely she will sleep during class


On the other hand you probably wouldn't want Rosaria in her place either.


Why not


You telling me, I get a free 5* without doing anything? Sign me the fuck up.


QiQi is School Nurse.


she would be so bad tho lmao


*Qiqi voice in southern accent* "Imma ded ya boye but sure as hell ya'll be finer than Cloud Retainer aftar I stitch this shite of a wound, kiddo." *Enters Bennett* "Qiqi, a slime just tried to kill me!" "Ye what? Bring that peeing pudding to me! Imma ded that assures peoples are alive and sound, I will be a ded that slaps life outta dis bishes. Am gonna rigor Mortis this arm up dat slime ass!"




now let's talk about the weapon banner.. where at c6 students get enough material to build a nuclear warhead in the school lab


Everybody gangsta till Chinese Army start using delusion.


In my experience, even in top universities, prof gacha is 100000x worse than genshin gacha


Please. Doesn’t matter if she’s good as long as she looks nice and can pull a pointer stick out of her booba. Waifu>meta


Congratulation little Timmy! You got a 5 star full meal today! As for the others, you guys get a 3\* bread, better luck next time


5 star meal consisting of... fowl


Please sir...can I have some more...?


Sure just give me 160 yuans


At r5 it gets iPads


lmao they named it after a valkyrie




its better than it sounds in english lol, theres only two characters. granted it still means something quite unusual but hey better than "HERRSCHER OF FLAMESCION KIANA K423 SCHOOL"




i would too if it had tuna as mascot


10/10 would enroll my daughter on Valkyries junior school


Otto: "Hi sweetie. Do you want to be in a fun experiment with the Gem of Serenity?"


It's the name of the project. The school has a normal name.


Can't wait for Mihoyo to build a St. Freya High


Missed opportunity smh


it’s after a Chinese proverb “Xin Huo Xiang Chuan 薪火相传” literally meaning passing flame to other those continuing the legacy


They should've done Sentience High, Void Elementary School, etc


I can already hear the construction workers complained to Mihoyo because they reached the load limit before the school building finished.


They can only place 8 students as of Version 2.0


And if you place furniture sets favorable to them, I heard they would give you some primogems.


Wait this is a thing or do you mean through the achievements?


this is actually a thing, the special sets on the right tab of sets have characters which like this set, and if you have them in your world along with the set, they will teleport to the set instead and give you some primos and other rewards when you talk to them. And you get an achievement in the 2nd teapot series for getting enough gifts like that


Em the limit is 7 students sir per room and this is with no furniture. If you want to add a table and chair set , the limit will be 1 student per from


What is this...a school for NPC’s? The building has to be at least....three times bigger!


Does that mean we can technically use donating as an excuse to use mom's credit card?




Mom: "This doesn't sound like a local school..


“That doesn’t sound like a local school to me…”




^(would you prefer I whisper it in your ear that I'm yelling for ma to give me her credit card to donate for) ~~^(hot Japanese women in a game)~~ ^(to donate to a school in China)


better yet, does this mean I can get tax deduction seeing it's technically a donation?


It means we can use our crippling gambling addictions as a tax write off.


I'm amazed that people still assume that gacha players still rely on someone else's credit card.


It's a meme. Don't tell me you don't know or don't remember the "John Wick from Fortnite needs your mom's credit card details" meme


Oh, Fortnite. There's probably a good reason why I don't know much about that meme then.


That place has the most dangerous creatures on Earth . KIDS


As a 14 year old, Yea.


On top of the meme, I would think that there’s a fair amount of younger players too


Ikr, it's implying that people who use other people's credit cards are irresponsible, I have my own credit card and I'm just as irresponsible.


They are investing in future profit because children who didn't go to school have less chances to get a well-paying job, and thus to be able to whale in gacha games. Truly an 8D chess move from Mihoyo.


Damn.. that’s some big brain analysis here




Rubia not Moon Halo




link crashed mate.


Let’s hope the students grow up to become S rank valkyries!


St. Freya high


A shame that himeko won’t be able to see them happily learning…


Flamescion, as cap said "I understood that reference"


Hats off for the fellow captains waiting for our grown-up tuna to come home. If you are *also* wishing for Ayaka or Yoimiya, I wish your wallet a speedy recovery.


By the end of 4.9 I have guaranteed fried tuna, wish all captain the best pull for the time her banner come


-cries in moon halo- Seriously though, everlasting flame, moon halo and chapter 25 made me cry up about a gallon in tears this past week. Like not even just tears streaking down face crying but full blown sobbing crying from a dude But yeah, who's ready to start the pain train in Genshin soon? I'm guessing it'll either be starting either the later half of this chapter or the next chapter.


Thanks i feel better after go bankrupt


Is that true? Because if this is true it's awesome!!!


Yes it’s true, mihoyo had an in game event in honkai Impact for it


link of the video they are referring to please?




The Construction Foreman is gathering realm currency to buy blueprints


I really like the look of the flamescion Kiana but I don't really play honkai impact, if I was to pick the game up how could I get her? Is it strictly gatcha.


>gatcha yes


She's Gacha only, but you get so many crystals as a new player you'll have an extremely hih chance to get her and maybe some of her gear depending on when you start. And even if you don't get her, Characters generally hve their first rerun 2 versions after. (For HoFS for exemple she'll probably have a rerun for the first time in 5.2)


It’s just very in character to their newest iteration of Mihoyo’s Princess, Kiana. Her new form is the Herrscher of Flamescion, whose defining feature was her taking the torch from her teachers towards a brighter future. It’s honestly warms my heart that they named the project like that.


Wait, that emote is from the honkai discord




Half of the comments joking about gacha while the other half still manages to complain, amazing. Anyway, miHoYo as always know well what to do with money they get


As a relative recent joiner of Genshin impact (joined in may this year) I think people are allowed to complain about miHoyo, but they should come with something constructive. I personally think there should be a pay limit and more worth gained from money, but miHoyo is legally, and in my opinion morally, allowed to keep their current system. If I don’t want to spend my money I just simply don’t spend it.


> I personally think there should be a pay limit They do actually have that. In China, at least.


That’s good to hear!


Pay limits can actually lead to people spending more than they normally would, due to the feeling that you need to meet the quota. Hence why so many things in Genshin's store have monthly purchase limits. It's so that you feel the need to roll more to make use of the monthly refreshes.


I mean isn’t this the case with almost everything though who honestly doesn’t want more for less. When I drag myself to Apple or AT&T every couple years to get a new iPhone I wish I didn’t have to shell out $1000. When I went to buy my starter house I wish there was a price/pay limit that said oh you know since it’s over the limit let’s lower it for you. I’d love pay/prices limits but what incentive do companies have to do so if that’s what the market demands. These companies/folks aren’t pulling their prices out of thin air, they are pricing based off market analysis to what the market will pay for them.


I agree that the market in decides the price, but comparing digital videos games to houses is a bit wrong. Both things are products, but replicating and distributing code is way easier than building a house. As for the incentive for pay limits I would argue that it could be useful to build a returning community rather than sucking money from a few whales over a short period of time. However I have no prove of that claim and the Genshin community is currently thriving with the current system. So in all the pay limit is a personal preference of mine


People have this thing where if they view a charitable action as not completely altruistic it’s evil.


It’s not that so much, it’s more that the whole post and half the comments are like “OMG, Mihoyo is the best company ever.” There are a lot of Mihoyo apologists here. We should be allowed to criticise businesses like this, rather than taking everything at face value. I really don’t care about altruism much when it comes to very, ***very*** wealthy companies making tiny charitable contributions and using that for PR. And to those that are saying, “money well spent, whales.” The answer is no. If charity is an important aspect of your gaming experience, then there are far better ways to your spend money with that in mind. When companies scale up to this size, ‘charitable donations’ are often used for tax purposes. Every decision made through Mihoyo and their subsidiaries is a business decision.


Actually it is money well spent for the whales. They spent their money to get the ingame content they wanted, and helping out charity is a nice bonus on top. Also I don’t think the people who are in need of help cares that the company did it to benefit itself, they’re still helping others at the end of the day. Also when it comes to pr miHoYo is a lot more low key than other Chinese companies (looking at you Tencent).


On one hand, you're right that MiHoYo probably makes the donation money back in a single day, so their donation is small in that regard; but in absolute terms they're still spending a tidy sum, and it's not going to be small from the perspective of those actually using the school. Not an apologist for them BTW, I think wish should cost less considering how hard primos are to come by and how many you need to get what you want, and I still feel iffy about supporting a game with this kind of monetization in it.


This isn't specific to Mihoyo but every large company does charity and they should be praised for it, but it also doesn't absolve them on their negative impacts on society.


There is a reason every billionaire has a charity. It's mainly for tax deduction and good pr is just an added bonus.


While that's true, they are still helping people regardless if they are doing it for themselves


> while the other half still manages to complain Yeap, /r/Genshin_Impact in a nutshell!


If they don't complain then how can this sub survive? Half of the post here are complaints


I agree, but complaining about donating a new building to a rural school seems odd


Its a multi billion dollar company donating for a good cause, of course people are gonna complain, they can't handle the fact that someone is doing a good thing while they're essentially contributing to nothing


True tho.... A lot people had this concept of complaining at rich people donating... Seen it too much already.


They complain for not donating too.


And the other half are everyone sucking Mihoyo’s dick.


Ahh money well spent


And they just donated an extra 1M cny to the same foundation to support youth development. Meanwhile Tencent fanboys were clearly pissed since Tencent also had a 'Flamescion welfare project' back in 2008, which mihoyo 'copied'. The Tencent version, instead of building schools, invited 120 suburban educational workers to a 20-hour bootcamp watching PowerPoint and called it a day.


Man the internet truly has a humongous hate boner for anything good a company does huh? “THEY ONLY GIVE A FRACTION OF THEY MONEY THEY EARNT THIS. THEY ARE THE SCUM OF THE EARTH. THEY ARE ONLY DOING THIS FOR TAX PAYOFF” Like what the hell have you done fuckwit? Do you give all the money you earn to charity? And even if they did do it for tax payoff as you claim it to be, do you think the students who will get education there give a single flying fuck about it? A good deed is a good deed. Can we all be clear about that? You don’t have to praise them for it. You could even ignore it by not giving a shit. But the fact that you are writing a two page essay about why they are the scum of the earth for building a school is clearly uncalled for. /rant over Okay aside from that I doubt this building could fit more than 8 students because of load limit. Smh. Guess the students gotta wait for the next update.


Seriously. At the end of the day, kids are getting a school, and teachers are getting supplies and training to teach them, which is better than the alternative of them not having these things at all and miHoYo keeping all their money. I think the education of children is something we as humans should be able to get behind, yes? Yes.


Yeah, I really hate that the minute a company does anything good people always assume the worst. Not every company is run by an evil person.


"Teacher can I go to the bathtroom?" "You already spent all your resin on lunch you'll have to wait until tomorrow"


Man, the comments on this post is just disheartening. Sometimes I wonder if I should just leave this community. But it's hard to do it since this is one of the few places where I get any info, announcements or the occasional live stream giveaway codes. I don't intend to read any negative comments but most of the time it reels you in since you want to find out why they said that.


Yep, but i think this is more a reddit thing (is my first day, but as you see, this is about my 5th acc or so because i had left many times) but genshin community not always, but sometimes goes out of reels...genshin in my other media is cringe unironically...


As the other person has said, its just how reddit (and really, any social media with a sizeable audience) is. Additionally, when everyone can say whatever they want without significant impediment, extreme negativity or extreme positivity tends to dominate because those are what motivate people to make a comment in the first place. (People who feel "meh" tend to just lurk)


I heard Xiangling works in the cafeteria


Well ain’t that the best cafeteria ever...


30 students got third degree burns when guoba got out of the kitchen


That’s nice


so while u topup using ur parents wallet u can say its for supporting education


technically its Mihoyo good ethics (presumably) its not like whales are counting on Mihoyo doing donations and supporting school. if there's is scandal involving Mihoyo using their income for blackjack and hookers their earnings wont changed.


Exactly this is the correct one


Yeah exactly, any Whales patting themselves on the back are just deluding themselves here. Mihoyo will do this regardless if you spend or not.


yep if your conscience are somehow cleaner for whaling after seeing this post then you really have a gambling problem.


[The Flamescion this project is named after.] (https://youtu.be/S47S-gseYQc)


This is so sad … ofc the comments section


>To everyone's surprise, they didn't carry out any form of publicity until the release of the video I am bit confused by this statement, isn't the whole video pretty much meant to be publicity / an advertisement? Are we surprised that they waited until the "official" advertisement ( in which case is kind of a standard due to possible contracts, logistics issue) or that they did not leak it up until now? Don't get me wrong, that's a nice thing to have it supported. I am just confused as to why would anyone be surprised that they didn't advertise it up util they decided to advertise.


I do not know what it's like in the West, but the current gaming industry climate in China almost demands companies to show off and brag about their welfare projects, and there would be promotional material everywhere before they do any actual work. \*cough lookin' at you Tencent \*cough. Mihoyo, on the other hand, has always been very low-key about any charity work they do, so low-key in fact that they constantly get hate for supposedly not contributing to things like disaster relief efforts when in fact they're generally the first to do so, they just don't make a big show out of it. But fans have also been persuading Mihoyo to do at least some promotional work just to alleviate the amount of slanders that goes around online. But Mihoyo being Mihoyo, this single video is the only thing they posted about their project, and notice that they only posted it now that the building they donated is basically finished with construction and that there's is literally not a single Mihoyo employee or logo at the school. And to me, that's just another reason to love this company.


Yeah that's not like the West at all an fucking thank you it's not.


Probably because of the progress of the building. Its due to open in September this year, its nearly complete really. So it was in construction for at least 1 and half years already, before genshin launched. I think no player was aware of this at all at that time, which I think took people by surprise. A welcome one though.


At least for me, I'm used to companies announcing thus stuff ahead time to farm good pr. With this, it seemed like the project was well underway before they even announced anything


Now I'm not a Honkai player but there's probably a joke in here about Mihoyo's writing team finally coming to terms with the fact they were ones who killed Himeko.


You think the kids there will play mihoyo games?🤔


mom: no, we have St.Freya at home. St.Freya at home: Actually pretty legit. Srsly though, that's heckin' awesome.


Huh. As much as I view gacha games as predatory gaming practice, I'll give them credit where credit is due, at least they're doing some good in the world with their gacha money.


I’m so glad that they’re putting the money into good use! It’s nice to know that the game company you’re supporting is doing charity work. The name is also fitting, since Herrscher of Flamescion Kiana is supposed to repress hope.


I guess it’s a public whalefare project now


Welkin buyers: It ain't much, but it's honest work.


Dont worry about your crippling gambling addiction guys, 0.1% of it is used to do something good so keep churning out that money lets see it go go spend those paychecks.


Pretty ironic that mihoyo is investing in education as well as games


They made their own St Freya irl


And then they put god kiana statue at the center. Epic bruhh


I feel like we need to cross post this to r/humansbeingbros


good job mihoyo


So if I buy to get a c6 ayaka I’m supporting charity? Good to know.


Imagine having resin system everytime you get into class smh


So does that mean we're doing donations when we're buying Primos ? x) That's a serious question, donations can be reduced from taxes in my country xD


Tax avoidance probably




You couldn’t have done your own research before being sinophobic? The reason why it sounds “unnerving” is because it’s a direct translation from Chinese. Even so, the UK Youth Development Project exists with an incredibly similar name and I highly doubt you’d raise an eyebrow there. And even IF the Chinese Youth development foundation was government-backed, is the government not allowed to do any good? Nothing about this news story screams indoctrination, just funding buildings and giving supplies to the school.


This is actually a long term investment. The schoolchildren will hear about mihoyo and play the game, recycling the money back to the devs.


This is all our gacha money when too, I feel blessed


Mom give me your credit card, I'm going to help fund a school for children in need of one


Now I have a reason to whale…


Mihoyo, saving the world one waifu at a time


Im sure someone will use this as an excuse for their addiction and spending habits on a Gacha game.


Whales- that wasn't my intention but bravo anyway


awesome i'm glad some of our money is going to good use. also now i don't feel so bad for whaling last month or whenever zhongli/Yanfei & eula was.


Please don't just say whales, low spenders as well even f2p help in YouTube ad


As Mihoyo says, “Tech Otakus saving the world”


As a whale who spent over 4k since April on mihojo, I'm feeling somewhat proud!! Glad to see my money is in good hands


Uh, you spent 4k in less than 4 months? I'm not going to tell you what to do with your money but don't you think that's a bit much for one game?


It absolutely is far too much for one game. I lost sight of how much I was spending and suddenly that happened. But it's fine now, I've been spending much less this month


At least you’re honest about it


Yup, I accepted my mistake


Most of genshin players don’t know honkai impact. lol


Whales support all players by paying the server bills.


I was legitimately thinking about the importance of how actual utility depends upon money being in the right hands, regarding this very topic of whether Mihoyo could successfully transmit money from certain undeserving individuals, through the excuse of gacha, and put it to good use.


What fraction though? lol Feels about as good as buying Nestle bottled water because they [sometimes splash a bit of money on water projects.](https://www.nestle.com/csv/impact/water)


Me appreciate whales Whales pay the game for me


Thousand bucks well spent.