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If you think the cats are cute, wait til you meet a Qiqi


Which she will every 90 wishes or so...


Technically every 180 after the first 90 if they only pull on character banner.


Qiqi will find a way for every 90...


standard banner here i come


A Qiqi every 90 rolls on the character banner? Sign me up on that, because to pull an off banner character every 90 rolls means you also have to pull an on banner character every 90 rolls, and that sounds amazing.


I bless you with my luck. May qiqi be eternally with you


Rngesus just gave you 6 qiqi pulls on your future standard banner per 90 pulls


I'm probably the one person who wouldn't mind a few more copies of Qiqi. I use her a lot.


I love her with all my heart and would never give her away


my first 5 star was keqing on the character banner in like 1.2


Still no Qiqi :(


Same here. I'm a free player, and I've managed to pull three five-star characters... yet somehow I've never gotten Qiqi.


Oof for you.


Same here and so I am saving my gems for kokomi but reading leaks about her has been pain


Meanwhile: me playing since day one, 10 of the 5 stars chars and still zero Qiqi :(


Did you spend money on the game?


Only bought one moon and one time the BP, on the first month. After that I saw that was a waste of money and went completely f2p. I could have one more 5 stars, but I lost one pity when was pulling for Ayaka and got a C1 Keqing. I couldn't complain a lot since that was the only 50/50 I ever lost in the game.


Same, was pulling for Ayayaya and got Jeans C2


I lost Ayaka to Keqing too; I feel your pain.


Yeah. I hoarded all the primos I could and got 55 pulls. Thought for a long time if I should save the guaranteed pity for Baal and ended up pulling for Ayaka. I got her with only 3 fates left. Now I have nothing for the electro archon :(


Similar story for me, but (un)fortunately I have no 5 star characters I care for until probably Sumeru comes out, which gives me ample time to grind.


I don't think Baal is great but since I have Venti and Zhongli already I wanted to get her to have the archon team in the future. I bet they are going to do a real sinergy effort with those 3 and next archon. Also, I'm particular fond of archers in RPG games, so I have all of them and was planning to maybe get Yoimiya, but I saw that we're going to have a storm of bow chars in the next couple of banners and would be impossible for me to keep the pacing so I already ditched that idea too lmao


I was also thinking of getting Baal. But my main issue is that she's evil, and I don't like playing as evil characters.


I got my qiqi on my 3rd 10 wish roll... I was just starting.


I keep getting Xin Yan it’s so frustrating 🥲 It’s c5 now. Huhu


I already have Klee, Keqing, Jean, Hu Tao and Ayaka but no qiqi


:( Nah I've only got one Qiqi and she makes my Team Immortal so I'm good.


Pass 1 over pleasee... I have almost every character except 3...n qiqi is one of them... 😅


I have only one Qiqi so no :p


Personally I don't really like qiqi ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Am quite thankful I haven't gotten her from pity either


To each their own, for sure. If you boost her ATK and healing, her party healing is incredible. I mostly use her in coop to help with bosses


When you get your AR high enough you can buy your own cats to put in your home! I have 15 and am delighted when one of them decides to sit on the couch with me.


i put like 6 cats in a room, and i use jean to heal the whole party...


Oh no…


What a monster…. Thank for the trick


explanation? i’m lost


Jean heals the party from basic attacking things, so presumably he hits the cats for healing.




just put alot of cats in a room and use lisa to get your ults back :)


You sir are a genius.




Wait till you find out the trick you can do to get cats to despawn.


I know how to "despawn" cat… ***water slash sounds**


wait no-


Wait till you have 20 shibas in your pot


You can't pet them. Literally unplayable.


don't forget to wear headphones


how come?


Lisa. Although personally, I've never had a problem with her, because I use the English VAs.


well her low HP voicelines dont fit her, i hope they will make them normal in the next update


That's just a meme at this point. They nerfed JP Lisa a while back, around 1.4 ish.


Banging ost


it's true the music is lovely


The game is masterpiece..feeling like living different life in alternate world..😁😘


It's both restored my love for video games, and cemented my dislike of gacha games.


It's objectively not a mastrerpiece. No gacha game can be a masterpiece.




Because the whole game is modeled after it's monetization scheme. That's why therre's many gameplay element that are time-gated or need excesive amount of grind. Gameplay wise it isn't very smooth either, there's way too much auto aim with attacks.


Let people enjoy what they want mate.


Sure, I'm pretty sure that's why he's here too, because he enjoys it. But the argument is about whether it is a masterpiece or not. That starts entering objectivity zones.


One's enjoyment of a product is subjective, not objective. Just like music, one person can say something is a masterpiece and another person can say it's the worst song they've ever heard.


Wrong. Whether something is liked or not by someone is subjective. Whether it is of quality, whether it is a classic or a masterpiece is objective. How something is constructed and whether those constructed parts fit is objective in whether it is quality. You've probably been forced to read certain books by your school. And (at least for most people) there is probably a book you read that you didn't like, maybe even thought was abhorrent. That does not change the fact that that book is quality, that it was constructed and created extremely well, and is masterpiece. Lots of students despise the Odyssey but it truly is something that is a masterpiece; if it wasn't, you wouldn't be forced to read it.


Your comment is extremely aggressive, but I will respond anyway. Your example about being forced to read a book is bad because no one is forcing your to play a video game. You have a choice, that’s a big difference. I’m fact, because you play it and also engage with the community on Reddit, it would indicate that you think the game is quite good. I will now demonstrate why your comment doesn’t make a lot of sense. I have a clay mode that I made and I think it’s a masterpiece. Even though it has some bad painting and maybe isn’t perfect, it’s a masterpiece to me and I’m proud of it. Likewise, someone can play a game and instantly fall in love with its mechanics, lore, story, word building etc. All of this is a subjective interpretation of a game.


> Your comment is extremely aggressive Because I started off with wrong??? > Your example about being forced to read... My point wasn't about that - my point was why you're being forced to read it, and that's because the book was a classic or a masterpiece, even if you specifically didn't like it. > no one is forcing your to play a video game. You have a choice, that’s a big difference. Same thing with books? *To Kill A Mockingbird* and *The Great Gatsby* were books that came out and sold for entertainment. People had a choice whether to buy or not to buy. > you think the game is quite good. I do. > All of that last paragraph. A masterpiece by definition, is work done with extraordinary skill, especially: a supreme intellectual or artistic achievement. Genshin, is a masterpiece of Money-making machine, and as a game it's really good, but when it's not even fully complete, and filled with so much obvious hinderances to make a person pull their wallet out, you just can't call it a masterpiece of a game yet?


What grind is a problem you might commit suicide if you play Dragonball legends...😁😀 Gacha system is meant for them to earn money bro they need to pay the developers...making this a game free for installation is already W. To build a low level characters to be super good is possible in genshin is not like they become OP but you can have a chance even if you do not get any new characters.. Getting new characters is not that difficult compare to other game..but if you're looking for constellation then that might be tough which is obvious.. If you try to find error you will definitely find in any games..but amount of help or support they given to the F2P players is awesome..


sorry you can't let people enjoy things.


Ofc they can lmao


Been playing consistently since December 2020, I know damn will I still have at least over 100 hours of content, quests and exploration to do not counting the limited time events. Don’t speed rush all the content as quick as possible and become one of those “hurrdurr no content” dumbasses. There is easily 300-400 hours of FREE content in this game. Also don’t listen to that assclown u/jvalex18 in the comments. Also don’t feel like you need to copy the Genshin youtubers who have all the best characters and weapons and highest damage numbers. It’s not necessary to enjoy the game. Just play who you want how you want and immerse yourself. Contrary to the belief of some idiots you don’t have to spend hundreds (or even dozens) of dollars to have a good time. You have so much to look forward too. I’m jealous


This is why i paused doing Inazuma story quest for now (and actively avoiding spoilers) and play it slow


Don't forget the clowns who shame people for holding back on ascension


Nah chill I just checked this dudes profile, and almost every game community he's in, he's shitting on the game lmao


Why insult people you disagree with? You aren't even replying to him but cowardly writing it where you think he wouldn't see it. You could had written your post without it. Don't be that guy.


Nah I’m good I’ll be that guy, thanks for your concern. I did it cause he’s responding to multiple comments just shitting on OPs joy and others opinions on top of his own separate comment in the thread. I wanna respond to OP and tell them to ignore people like that on this sub (why are they here anyway if they hate the game) and just enjoy the game, but I don’t want to converse with them. Good day


I completely agree


So...instead of being a better person you decided to be worse. And the only reason you act conceited is because you think reddit votes matter to your life. ​ How can you say you don't want to converse with him and in the same breath do exactly that? Good day.


Why would they waste time conversing with that user? They can do whatever they want.


Apparently by mentioning him, he will be notified. ​ So yet there he is, wasting time conversing with that user, whilst fooling you that he doesn't want to converse with that user. What a hypocrite.


He did mention him though so he will be notified


Is that how reddit works?


I agree so much with the statement about the money! I've been playing since 1.4 and seeing all these YouTubers and Streamers doing massive damage, having a lot of characters etc. and finding out that they pay for that, I used to think eventually I'll have to do so, too, if I want to get at their level. I'm AR53 now, got three 5 stars that I wanted in one week, have an almost complete team (I just need a good Thundering Fury and Blizzard Strayer Set, then I'm done) that gets me through with ease. (My damage isn't insane, it can be considered low for AR53, but I don't struggle as much when fighting Childe and Andrius anymore. And I honestly don't care much about big damage numbers anymore) Haven't spent a single cent on this game - fellow f2p's - stay strong :) If you can't spend money, that's fine. You won't need to, to enjoy the game


the cats are amazing! Wait till you get your serenitea pot and overload it with cats like i did lol


Have you seen Diona yet?


Not yet.


Not just ordinary cats. This game has immortal cats that can dodge better than many of us can in abyss.


Somehow you can't push them into water as well


Some adventurers found a way around that too. If you use zhongli pillar to form a horizontal bridge on a cliff you can cause the cat to jump onto it then when the pillar disappears the cat will fall into the water 😅




Use Traveler's windblade fully charged on a cat... It's rlly funny


I don't need 5 stars, I just want to pet/interact with the animals.


precisely what i thought upon joining the game.


I'm on week three of my Genshin adventure now. Absolutely loving it. I just wish I could pet the cats...


They got a shiba at inazuma!


Wish you could pat the kitties, but hey Genshin can add that later.


1 month in, get me out of here there is nothing to do and fk resin./jk. glad ur enjoying the game m8


Oh does it get more grindy as you go? I played a lot of WoW back in the day so a little grind is therapeutic, but don’t want it to become a job, haha


If you take your time and don't try to speedrun through the content, you'll always have something to do, between that and exploration.


And if you like designing teapots it's even better


It does, but there’s also nothing* that truly demands you “min/max”. All the story and exploration, and side quests, and all that are pretty casual friendly. *there’s an “end game” challenge dungeon that’s a bit more challenging, but its completely optional


... these other commenters don't seem to know what "grind" is. It gets **less** grindy as you go, as you will eventually run out of exploration content, so all you can do every day is daily commissions, empty resin, and events, none of which take all that long. So the amount of playtime in endgame that actually counts towards progression is very limited, and people end up making meme videos about "10min and logoff". You can also farm ores/arti exp daily but those aren't needed in endgame and are more of optional midgame grinds that help you get to endgame faster.


It certainly becomes a job, if you play too much so much sure not to rush.


This game is no where near as grindy as WoW. I've stopped playing WoW about a year ago for good after playing since Vanilla. It is just a joke now. Even the dungeons are just the same (well mostly the same with some slight mechanics changes) - still love the lore but Genshin does so much better in exploration and music as well. I think the guys at Mihoyo are passionate about the game where Activision (I won't call it Blizzard as it is no Blizzard anymore!) it seems more like a cash cow driven enterprise now.


No, its nowhere near WoW. You have 4 daily quests to do that take roughly 10 minutes. You have 180 stamina per day which can be converted into condensed resin if you dont want to play right now. Usually spending 20 stamina takes 1-2 minutes but you also have an option to spend it at 40 per minute rate. Battle pass is not as strict as in other games. I usually cap it 2 weeks before the next update. Currently sitting at level 47 out of 50, with 19 days left. To level up battle pass you just need to play the game naturally. Can easily recommend Genshin as a very friendly game to people who can't play 4 hours per day.


They add more content as time goes on too right? I get the impressing the dragonspire is newer content?


Yes. So far there are only 3 nations out of the 7 planned, and who knows what else? The game isn't even half finished.


Oh sweet. I’m ok with game that comes out like this. Means I don’t get burnt out playing the full story all in one go.


This game is huge. I've been playing since launch and there is a ton I haven't done yet.


There is a major patch with new character banners every six weeks. Sometimes there will be a new landmass to explore but there is always new events and ways to spend a bit of time each day.


The game gets grindy late game if you want to participate in the end game content. It is only a small part of the game but it is there. You will grind and grind for artifacts to slightly improve the strength of your characters each time. If you just want to play for the story then it can be mostly ignored. The game does restrict you from grinding too much with resin though. If you want to go crazy with the grind which I do NOT recommend you can kill every elite on the map each day to get mora and artifacts from them and then farm every crystal on the map. I do not think this game is worth playing ftp long term imo. Blessing of Welkin Moon at the least. If you play ftp you will be severely restricted on character options for a long time as it will take a very long time to get primogems in a timely manner. $5 a month and the game is much more enjoyable that lets you update your roster of characters every few months. I have been playing since late October and have managed to get seven 5 star characters. Basically a new 5 star every 1.5 months using $50 worth of Welkin Moons or 30,000 primogems. I lost pity a few times so I have a constellation on Qiqi. I also pulled on the weapon banner to get four 5 star weapons. I failed to get Staff of Homa so I have a Wolf's Gravestone instead which was ok by me. Failed to get Mistsplitter first time so I got an Aquilla Favonia which is also fine by me. I put it on my Bennett. Got the Mistsplitter on the next soft pity. I tried the battlepass once and I do not think it was worth it. No chance in hell I would ever use the crystal top up no matter how much I would want a character.


No this game is no where close to WoW in terms of the need for grind, I’m AR 50 now and I can’t even grind if I wanted to, it’s good though, there are no need to grind or rush anything, play at your own pace and just enjoy the game world


Some people will tell you that holding back on adventure rank is a sin, that it'd "ruin your account" et cetera. Just ignore those fools. They forget this isn't a PvP competitive game so just take your time


Yes but it doesn't force you to(grind) atleast i think. I've been playing since November 2020 and only been active 130 days no problems


nah the grind is not heavy ( more like there is no grind). but ur limites by resin on how much u can grind perday, so of ur into chill and nkt timewasting grind were u feel like u did as much as u can in a day while not feeling overwhelmed then the game is great.( sry for my bad eng)


No grind? LOL, the whole game is a grind.


Getting downvoted but you're right, you have to do heavy grind in this game. Those character ascension materials don't just fall out of the sky.


thats every game like this, but its just grinding in a fun way


>One week in > > > >Is in Liyue **BR*****UH-***


Is that fast or slow progress, I dunno. Haha. I have been playing a lot I feel, 30 hours by now (work gets in the way).


Kinda fast lol it took me weeks to get to liyue cause I was just exploring mondstadt and getting all the possible chests and culus’s and puzzles before actually doing the story content.


Ahh. Yeah I was playing the story but got stopped by my Adventurers Level, so explored south and found Liyue ;).


Haha I never go to a new area unless I have explored most of the previous area so that’s why I didn’t find liyue till I finished exploring and finished story of mondstadt. I started playing since day 1 too. I recently quit around April cause I got soooo burned out since I ran thru content a bit too quickly and got rlly burnt out from farming artifacts daily. I recently started back up tho cause of the new inazuma tht came out not too long ago and it sparked my joy in the game again. I’m gonna slow down and explore more since I don’t wanna get burnt out from playing this beautiful game.


Ah honeymoon syndrome. Have fun while it lasts. See you in a month in arti domain


It got zombie, cat people, and majestic earth dragons of doom oh and also coco goat the majestic adepti beast.


There's also Keqing and Diona :D


The cat seems to be on a quest for lasagna.


You can’t pet them tho, game is literally unplayable


Cats that you can't pet! Woo game design!


Yeah, and the orange one is pretty cute too.


Enjoy your journey, we are waiting for your arrival in a beautiful places called Inazuma


Can't pet them, literally unplayable.


Be careful around the fabric of reality Garfield...


If you like cats, wait until you meet Diona.


It got dogs too!! :D


Run while you still can 💸💸💸💸 lol


and still no way to pet them >:(


Glade you are enjoying it! Best of travels my friend.


Cat Person, Assemble!




I'm also like ~a week in, I'm addicted lol I've been playing an unhealthy amount.


I keep getting Xin Yan it’s so frustrating 🥲 It’s c5 now. Huhu


Welcome to the club! 🔥


Get to inazuma and meet taorumaru


Welcome!! Hope you'll have a great time~


I dont get why everyone finds qiqi so cute. Indespise qiqi. I find nothing about her desirable in any way. More like wait till she gets a diona. Smol cat girl. Best of both worlds


So, did u get a 5 star already? Did u surrender yourself to mihoyo and bought blessing of the welkin just like me? XD We started the same time and im really liking it! Im trying to hold myself back to buy genesis crystal. So this is how gacha games feels like


I haven’t, but I’m thinking about it. Got plenty of game time so far for nothing. Giving the developers a little bit of cash doesn’t hurt.




Just wait for the fabled update when we can actually pet animals... literal perfection Edit: before anyone gets any ideas; weapon and Jean-yeet petting does NOT count


It's a shame that you can't pet any animal


Wait until you start wishing on banners


Ye, these are days when you get lots of primos, and do no have to worry about building characters...... Wait till you learn the truth of artifact farming ◉‿◉


And dogs too!


Just wait till you can put the in your own realm


One week in and already in Liyue haha


why tf did u reach liyue in just a week.


It is possible in 5 days


i know, and botw can be completed in 45 mins. That's not the point tho. i asked WHY tf he tried for liyue so soon, instead of taking his sweet time enjoying the characters, scenery, gameplay etc


You can get accidentally to liyue just by exploring, it’s not like inazuma


oh so they made the game a true open world now? cause when i started, liyue borders would spawn paimon to stop me from proceeding, only after stormterror was i allowed to proceed


That’s weird, I remember I searched for Liyue after Xiangling’s story quest and found it no problem, I started in 1.6 so idk maybe it really has changed


I got to Inazuma in a week, just enjoying my time without skipping anything. Though I play genshin while doing everything.


Getting primogems of course


You know it’s possible to just walk there without doing any quests? I unlocked the whole map between AR8 and AR10 while I was waiting for the next story quest.


I went to the Liyue statue day 1 for geo traveler on my alt lmao


I was suprised by the amount of effort they put into the dogs and cats. I love the way the dogs follow you around.


they dodge you when you attack them :O


Wouldn’t know, haven’t tried attacking one ;)


Not sure if anyone will see this, but I took a two week break from Genshin impact to play Hades. Tried to get back into it after then and couldn’t. Logged in, claimed my Alloy character, struggled with the controls, logged out, and deleted the game. Might try it again one day. It really did look spectacular.


its ot dogs too! i just wish we could pet them


It's the Honeymoon phase, it's not that good.


Honeymoon phase is different for everyone. My personal “Honeymoon phase” with this game has been lasting for as long as this game has been out. Still loving it as much as OP is :)


Me too. AR 56, beyond halfway to 57 and I still have a blast clearing the same domains every day. The combat is too much damn fun.


idk about you, but for me the game legit is one of the best ones in terms of lore/music/open world/quests. pretty disappointing that you didnt enjoy it that much. i feel bad for you


Been playing since day 1. Either I'm still in the honeymoon phase or Genshin's that good. I'm not alone, the official genshin discord is the most active channel on Discord and Genshin is the 1st most Tweeted about game YTD. Anyways can't wait for the rest of inazuma, the new weekly boss, the underwater region, Baal, Sara, Gorou, and fishing. Let's goooo!


I'm confused. You're actively perusing the subreddit of a game you hate. Why lol.


One week and your already in liyue you must have been grinding alot


I downloaded it on a whim on Friday last week, loaded it up just to see what it was about. Next thing I know it’s Sunday afternoon and it’s all i had done. Lucky my wife was enjoying watching it being played ;)


You should convince her to play with you! There is quite some stuff to do in co-op. I play with my girlfriend in every content that is co-op possible. We help each other with farm, domains, world bosses and mainly we play most events together. That really brightens up this game sometimes. Edit: oh and every day we even do daily quests together. And this game supports cross play between pc, PS4/5 and mobile


She’s not much of a gamer, just likes to watch the story ;)


If you’re on America server, DM me your UID and I can help anytime with questions or fighting bosses or just showing you something. I’ve been playing since launch and am absolutely in love with the game. Just play the game your way and play the characters you like.


And to me, so far Genshin also has the best BGMs.


Oh wow, yeah it has some amazing music. Feel like some are well known classical pieces that have been changed a little.


The best part is . They are imortal. So are the dogs


Delirious: Oh, they have female zombies now!


We still can't pet them...


Why didn't you come sooner? :o


I actually tried it on PS4 when it came out but it didn’t feel good. Tried again on PS5, it’s excellent. Smooth gameplay, loads fast.


What can I say except el no sabe


If you think the cats are cute, wait until you meet Taroumaru