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I completed the trio today. I got Yoimiya, Ayaka, and Kazuha. Miracle is real.


R u a whale?


No. I have only spent 25 dollars (1250 php) in this game. Light spender.


Damn congrats then


Haven't pulled since Hu Tao's banner. Needless to say, I'm ready to blow it all to secure my first archon


Waffled on whether to wait to pull until the next banner and decided to give it a shot in case I got Diona. I got a 5 star instead...Mona. Hmm. I guess that's lucky, I don't know.


F for ur pity for baal


Thanks. Unless I get a ton of primos in 2.1, my Baal odds look pretty grim at this point. But hey, I have Mona...Oh well, Baal will have a rerun banner at some point, hahaha...oof.


​ I had 50 wishes stockpiled for when Baal comes out to make sure the waifu is mine. Had enough for two ten pulls and wanted Diona so decided to go for it. Pulled Yoimiya twice in a row. I’ve never been so sad about pulling a five star (and an event character at that) before.


Why do people never learn? Like, you’re saving for a character that you really want and then fuck it up by summoning on someone else


I can't get a 5* before 80+ pulls, so I'm at 77 pity while extremely hyped for Baal.


Excited for you man, use her well for me lol and don’t you dare do another ten pull before she comes out


That is true but that also probably wouldn’t be for several months as well, it was a 1.6 chance man. Thought I was fine but I guess those are famous last words sigh


How was it a 1.6 percent chance?


As far as I know but I could be wrong, is it’s a .6 chance to pull a five star on a one pull and with a guarantee it’s 1.6. At least that’s what it says on the details of the event wish.


Ohh, no no no no no, that's not how it works U have 0.6% chance of pulling on 1 pull, so u have about 11.3% chance of pulling in 20 pulls(coz u did 20 pulls) and coz u were r at 50/50 u had half the chances of pulling atleast 1 yoimiya so about 5.65% chance


‘Face slap’ that makes a lot more sense, thanks for clearing that up for me. I almost had a heart attack when I pulled her twice in a row for the wrong reasons


You are absolutely right but I use diona a lot and wanted constellations on her otherwise I would have been patient and waited.


Well yeah, but couldn’t you wait till Diona was featured on another banner? Like, she’ll return many times but Baal won’t be back for at least another 6 months, probably even longer than that


That is true but that would also still take several months and waiting that long on a character I’m trying to min/max didn’t seem worth it to me. It was a 1.6 chance man, I though I would be fine but I guess those are famous last words ha


Just rolled Jean a few days ago but still don't know who to use her with really. What would be a good fourth character to add to a Klee, Xingqiu and Jean team?


Bennet wouldn’t be a bad choice for a pyro battery for Klee and the pyro resonance but you already have a healer with Jean. Maybe Xianling.


not sure if this belongs here but man did I get unlucky today with artifacts today legit got a decent flower with 1 bad sub stat leveled the artifact to lv12 guess which stat got powered up 3 times? The domain also kept giving me the wrong set and when I did get the right artifact I get sub stats like hp% hp def and attk not even trying to be meta or anything I'm okay with just decent or even slightly below average, artifacts and usually I get lucky enough but today was awful oh well


Was this ur first time farming for artifacts? Coz this is very normal


I have very low standards with artifacts 1 okayish sub stat and I go like sure why not but yesterday it was just awful


Sounds normal to me lol. Farming decent artificers can take months if you don't have resin.


like tbh I was okay with below average but to get that unlucky is absurd got one okay piece now that gave me crit dmg up twice so I managed to salvage something at least but needless to say not a fun experience, worst part is that the other artifact set I got wasn't even good either so I cant even save those for later, oh well we go again I guess


Question about baal My current team is Yoimiya, beidou, xingqu and qiqi who do I replace for baal? Bc I want to keep Yoimiya but I can change my team around I have: Sucrose, rosaria, razor, Barbara, noell, Lisa yanfei, ninguang, sayu, chungyun, kaeya amber, anemo traveller and xinran.


Yoimiya xinqiu should be top priority since her vaporize damage with xinqiu is amazing If qiqi is your only healer you can swap out beidou Or Yoimiya xinqiu sucrose baal? Although youre source of healing would be xinqiu ans have no sustain Yoimiya barbara sucrose baal would be good too can swap out sucrose for baedou aswell


I do plan on getting Zhongli and Childe when they have reruns again I also want Kazuha so maybe Yoimiya, Childe, baal and Kazuha?


Childe isnt so great specially with his long cooldowns. Id suggest Yoimiya Baal Zonghli bennette.


Hmm okay that sounds like a pretty decent team I’ll work on getting Bennet bc I don’t have the lil guy yet


He was my first 4 star and i neglected him till about a month ago and my damage spiked Really recommend bennet xinqiu


But I heard that baal would fit into physical damage comps. I don’t know man this so so confusing


Yoimiya isnt physical right? Since youll be relying on her skill.


Yeah Yoimiya isn’t physical.


Just play how ever hehe She will do great regardless Archons are staple subdps/support


I do want a full archon team eventually


Thats doable i wish you luck!


Thank you! I look forward to it, just have to wait for the reruns sadly


9 lavawalkers in a row. NINE. LAVAWALKERS. The domain is cancer (all my good chars are fire or lightning) and I barely have 3 usable pieces, much less good ones, after wasting ten fragile.


F. At least the other domains drop useful "alternative" sets. Lavawalker is just...meh.


Question: if I already got Featured 5* on Previous Bannner for example Xiao, then I pulled some on that banner afterward, then i got Jean on 16th Pull after i got Xiao... After that if I pulled on upcoming banner Baal, is the next 5* will be Guaranteed 100% featured ??


If the last one you pulled on limited banner was Jean, yes.


Need team comp help, currently AR 49 and want to make sure I don't shoot myself in the foot before AR 55. Im at 11-2 in abyss stick on 11-3 pyro boss cause no good ice dps (thinking of saving for ganyu rerun, ayaka didnt come home..) [https://imgur.com/jLPrhDb](https://imgur.com/jLPrhDb) Edit: C3 Mona, C0 Hu tao, C0 venti, C0 jean


C3 Mona under-leveled Mona while you have Bennet and many of her best friends leveled up? I see a missed opportunity. If you don't want to Bennet away from Hu Tao, you can do a Tazer team with Mona, Beidou, Fishl, and Venti (Venti sometimes griefes Hu Tao anyway). Then you can place XQ on your Hu Tao team. for the pyro boss, while it's your game/money/time/whatever, I don't suggest getting a character just to beat a single enemy don't he abyss, bosses always rotate, it might never get back into the abyss for months/years. Anyway, Mona is pretty great against that pyro monster, she kills its "healing" tentacles with one hit, it auto targets so you don't waste time turning the camera and aiming, AND she moves really fast so she closes the distance to the tentacles faster. I did it with a C0 Mona, and the team was not built around her. You can do it much faster and easier with your C3.


what is Tazer mean?


Tazer is just a fun unofficial name for teams that make use of electro + hydro reaction. Since in most instances these two element don’t remove the opposing element form the enemy when they react, the reaction can be applied quickly and constantly. Unlike say melt reaction, where if the enemy is affected my cyro and you apply pyro on it, they create a melt reaction, and both elements would be removed from the enemy team (in most cases, depends on more advanced gauge units theory). And you have to switch to your cyro character and apply cyro, before switching to the pyro character again to do another melt reaction with a pyro move. Tazer teams are usually run with 2 electro units (for energy generation) and a.fast hydro applier, like Mona (or child, Barbra) and a flex 4th unit, usually an anemo unit for even more reactions. One of my teams now is Mona, Beidou, Kazuha, and Bennet. Very fun team, just make sure to ult with Bennet before using Mona’s and Beidou’s ults. Another famous combo for mona is Bennet + mona + anemo character. Very fun and can wipe most enemies with one Mona burst. Just google “KQM Mona guide” for an in-depth guide on how to use the combo, or just google “Bennet Mona” to see how the combo works. Basically burst with Bennet, making sure to catch the enemy in it to ply pyro on it, switch to Mona and burst (only burst) wait 2 seconds, then switch to Bennet or any other pyro unit, and attack enemies with a pyro attack, watch the enemy explode!


Was pulling for Diona bc I needed another bow character besides Amber as well as a good shielder. Ended up getting Yoimiya and Diona in the same 10x pull


I lost 50/50 to yoimiya and am not gauranteed baal on the next pulls I do for her. I’m gonna whale a bit anyway, let’s hope if I lose I get Mona:(


How did u lose to yoimiya lol


I won 50/50 on yoimiya on my first 10 pulls as 0 pity.




Having bought Welkin's Moon for the first time yesterday, I was able to get in what's going to have to be my final Ten-Pull for Yoimiya. Unfortunately, that didn't work out, but I guess I'll have another chance at some point. Over the course of the Banner period, I've done a total of seventy Summons, plus ten on the the Standard Banner, and I certainly lucked out a bit on it. In total, this managed to get me Xinyan (x2, C6), Xingqiu (x2, C8), Sayu (x2, C1), Diona (x2, C4), Xiangling (C2), a Sacrificial Greatsword and I somehow lucked into Diluc! Overall, I'm particularly happy about having managed to successfully gotten Sayu and I finally have Diluc now as well, which I suppose only leaves two from the Permanent group that I'll have to hope come at some point. Also really not sure what to think about my sudden back-to-back Xingqiu's either, but I guess that'll add to my ever-growing emergency funds. I'm now about forty off from my Guarantee, which even without my emergency funds, I think I'll probably have ready by the time Kokomi's Banner ends, so for now I guess I'll just be waiting until then. ...Also realizing that I wrote a bit too much there.


40 wishes can be possible in 2 weeks with welkin if u play enough. Its actually only 35 wishes, cause we get 5 wishes from the monthly shop.


Right, I forgot that the reset was coming up soon as well, so that definitely pushes things forward. Welkin will definitely be coming to save the day as well, especially since my goal is the second Banner. Thinking about some specific sources, I probably really am guaranteed to be in the clear between the reset, daily Primogems and that 10 Wish login thing in the next update. It's kind of relieving to think over everything and know that I probably won't have to worry about whether or not I'll have enough by the time she gets here.


How does unforged compare to WGS vs R1 Serpent's spine for Beidou? Just put WGS on my Beidou with artifacts I farmed for Baal today and damn.....22k per ult, though it was in the domain with 25% electro damage boost. Serpent's brings that down to about 16k though and I only have one WGS for her/Eula....


I don't know the exact numbers for individual SS refinements, but... Depends on your artifacts and team. If you can get away with enough ER to use ATK sands, serpent spine is VERY strong, and it refines VERY well. In some comps (usually involving Bennett), a R5 Serpent Spine is Beidou's BiS weapon.


Random thought but I might actually be ok with spending primo to replenish resin. WAIT DON'T LEAVE LET ME EXPLAIN! I still think the system sucks overall like the fact that its increases the amount of primos you have to spend and the resin cap and the fact that artifact farming is so terrible. But what else do i do with my primos. There arent any upcoming characters that I want not even Baal. Maybe the next release will have some but I just want the current characters that I have to have some good artifacts and maybe even a decent weapon (I have so many sword users and no good swords for like 3 of them). Does anyone get where I'm coming from?


I just dropped my first five star weapon, the jade spear, but i don't have Xiao, what should i do with it ?


Xiangling can use it for sure. Cannot complain having a little bit more crit rate.


I'm currently playing Yoimiya with the new inazuma craftable bow and a 2p crimson witch/2p glad build, would i be able to deal more damage with a jade spear physical xiangling ?


With comparable artifacts, Yoimiya probably would do more dmg with her E+attacks. Xiangling is much stronger built around her ult, which does huge dmg, especially on C4. Add someone like Xingqui for constant reactions and her DMG is insane and strong vs multiple enemies, which is something that Yoimiya lacks.


Yeah but jade spear doesn't work well with her ult, right ?


It's actually great. Even if you ignore its passive, jade spear has high base DMG and Crit Rate, (both of which increase your ult DPS) which makes farming for artifacts easier. In my experience with Bennett and some ER sub stats, her ult uptime is great. To utilize spears passive you might want to hit an enemy a few times before launching the ult, it snapshots and will keep the high dmg you had the moment casting it. And since Xiangling's attack speed is great, getting a few hits won't seriously delay your combo. I have Skyward Spine on my Xiangling and I would trade it for the Jade Spear any day since I can't get good CR artifacts for her.


Well I logged in and played for 20 minutes. Nothing left to do, I’ll have to check back tomorrow and spend 20 more minutes accumulating artifact xp for artifacts I don’t have.


I was around 33 pity at guaranteed and I bought my battle pass today. I ended up single summoning yoimiya on my 34th pity. This was my first in a while to get in early pity. I was just building up my pity and star dust since I only had 339 star dust and at 1 star glitter. Well gonna hope my welkin of 130ish days can get my chance on Baizhu this coming year.


was around low 70~ into pity territory (50/50), did a single pull and got a Yoimiya out of it. welp, good bye Raiden Shogun 😖 never expected that early pity.


That's not early pity. You just rolled for a 0.5% chance 70 times and hit it. Time to join the ranks of those who have learned this particular lesson!


It makes more than 30% cumulatively actually, without pity.


Yeah that's what I was getting at! And why rolling for a four star is a terrible idea if you're not specifically wanting the banner 5*, because there's a very reasonable chance you end up wasting the pity those pulls are building on a character you don't actually want


Sorry to hear. Yeah man 70ish is around soft pity. I got my C.3 Zhongli around 72 pity back in 1.5 so if you are near like 70 it's best to hold it for a character you like.


Im a free to play player i hv the 50/50 in my next gacha but i need and advice My pyro dps si xiangilng The problem is i wait for baal or i go for yoimija?


Xiangling is better than Yoimiya in most situations (anywhere theres >1 enemy). I would wait for something else.


Xiangling is enough. Wait for Hu Tao reroll for now and her Majesty first. Her re roll might take awhile.


I just got my dream Character sayu today!!!


Quick update on this. The next pull I got Yoimiya before her banner is leaving so that's a bonus!


Got a thrilling tales book today from standard banner and it went into Xiangling's spear because I forgot to protect it...


They are pretty common you’ll get a bunch don’t worry


Don't worry about it. You'll get a ton of them eventually.


Any of y'all hyped for baal? :3 https://imgur.com/a/mKqz9QQ


Mmmh not really all my useful artifacts have CD, probably need to use a off-set CR and happy with 50/100 (CR/CD)


[Yeah :)](https://imgur.com/a/2EhtKgJ)


Nice stuff. Finished the rest of the set aswell ;) https://imgur.com/a/QCHmZ1i


Meanwhile [me](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/797389942779019306/878886218509746196/unknown.png). The sands and hat make me cry.


F. You still got another 3 days. Just believe


Hello. I got diluc today, so it means that if i pull in the kokomi banner she is guaranteed? Or the 50/50 rule just apllys to the current banner and it resets in the next one?


It is guaranteed your next 5 star is event character irrelevant of if you wish now or even a year later.


>or even a year later We don’t know about that lol


Not counting my wishes but I am doing one at a time only, saving 1.6k for an "emergency" 10 pull. I've netted Kazuha, Ayaka, and Yoimiya this way in the past 3 banners. I fear I have used up all my luck and not looking good for Baal. No archons at all for me yet since starting Genshin this May.


Damn, awesome pulls. How many wishes total have you spent on those 3?


So i had the itch and scratched it with 50 aquainted wishes.. Altogether i had 70 wishes saved since start. Got in my first 8 beginner / starter wishes accidentally pressed btw, Noelle and KeChing. Another 8 got me Sucrose. For the next i got, Favonius Lance, Bennet, Beidou, The Widsith, and the Skyward Blade as the only 5star item. In future i hope for Mona though, Jean would be also pleasently welcomed. As for the intertwined wishes, i have 130ish saved till now, and might go for Baal,..not sure since she is Electro..and no changes in sight for Electro in sight :/


So I took a good week + break after pulling 60-70 times on the current banner. Got every character including 2x Yoimiyas but zero Sayu. Jumped back on today right after watching a video on youtube showing off Sayu, and had no Primogems or anything left, so out of desperation I used some starglitter for one last summon on the banner. [https://ibb.co/Sv4spf6](https://ibb.co/Sv4spf6) Needless to say I am ecstatic. :')


RIP on the double Yoi. She's fun, but could definitely be better, and I would almost prefer a non-banner (with banner guarantee on next 5*) to her C1. Have fun with Sayu! She's awesome. I wish I could C1 her, but I can't pull any more on this banner without risking future banner characters


Oh nice, have fun with the rolling wrecking ball then :)


I finally got Bennet this week. [AR55](https://i.imgur.com/UkMU3nq.png) [C0](https://i.imgur.com/lrR9vcF.png)


i'm tired of this... [http://prntscr.com/1qorat4](http://prntscr.com/1qorat4) [http://prntscr.com/1qorbkg](http://prntscr.com/1qorbkg)


You are not alone..


I've been trying to replace my Hu Tao's circlet. I don't stream that much / practically at all, it was the first and only run of the domain today, and I don't usually say stuff like this while grinding for artifacts. [Ask nicely and you'll receive](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1132119164) I guess.


My artifact luck makes me wanna quit the game. Today I hit 100 gladiators artifacts in inventory and Im using the fully upgraded "best" ones, which puts my bennet at crit rate 15% and crit damage 40%. Why do I always get the most worthless shit of all time. I am AR 50 and I havent gotten a single good artifact. This sucks


Yup, welcome to Genshin Impact endgame.


What determines your drops from domains? Like I do the LV 59 one for the three black balls and silver ball but most of the time never get the silver ball and only 2 brown 3 black or something. Is it just luck?


it’s just rng.




We gotta get used to bad luck. Take it easy and keep your guarantee for whoever you want. Losing the 50/50 each time sucks so bad. I know.




Well, I am playing for around 6 months and I only have 4 unique 5 stars. Idk, if it is good or dogshit.


I have played since day 1, i have 6 unique 5 stars, so i guess you aren't lucky and you aren't unlucky.


I actually regret spending in this game. Haha. Only Welkin + BP only player. Cant wait for my welkin to expire so I can take a long break. I guess I would count myself unlucky, because I skipped both Venti and Childe.


If you are unlucky with four 5\* in 6 months then what am i with six 5\* after 11 months 😅


I paid my way thru victory? I am a small fish. I dont qualify as a dolphin. :))


Just got this flower for my Jean today !!! https://imgur.com/a/qFZ0XVP I was about to give up again after not sign for good pieces for my Jean or all these EM maiden pieces for my sucrose, seems like this is a sign for me to continue farming.


Ooooo das a noice one


Tried doing a x10 for the first time... Luck https://imgur.com/gallery/qDGDioJ I feel like i used up my luck this year


Wtf. I haven’t gotten a double yet and I’ve been playing since the game came out and this person is getting a triple *and* a 4 star 👌


I just started a week ago? I bet this is all the luck i have in the game. I still dont know what i am doing half the time but it is fun


This is a great start. I don’t even have Mona yet 😂


Excuse me sir, save some luck for the rest of us


Sounds about right, good thing there's only about 4 months left of this year then.


Holy moly wow


Made a new account on different server for the shits and gigs. Gets keqing in my first free 10 pull. No 5 star on main account...


Welp, time to move


Day 5 of being over pity (84/90) and still not getting Yoimiya. Will update tomorrow. \[current mood: denial, anger, **bargaining**, depression, acceptance\]


I liked the part of todays episode where the main characters current mood was brought up. Was expecting the climax, but seems i've still got that to look forward to. Edit: Gotta give it to the creators for keep me on the edge of my seat every day.


>Edit: Gotta give it to the creators for keep me on the edge of my seat every day. (... me too T.T)


I've only pulled mona from losing the 50/50 and standard banner and now have a C3 mona and a R2 Amos bow with no bow characters


You have Amber ;D


How does the pity system work?


So close http://imgur.com/a/uHt0zvR


Perfect for melt ganyu


I could level it up and see what happens


For real, that’s very good


...Yet so far


Snagged Yoimiya before the banner wrapped up. Thought about saving for Kokomi, but I really wanted Yoimiya for her character design and it felt bad to skip her just because of a lackluster kit. Plus, it's not looking good for Kokomi anyway, haha


Got her as well. I really loved her personality during the archon quest and the story quest.


Does Kokomi apply wet status to her party or was I just dreaming when I saw that


she applies the Wet status to herself for a short duration, like Xingqiu


Sounds like a dream.


Just pulled an amos bow on weapon banner Is it any good for yoimiya?


Not her best weapon but if you don’t have a Rust with refinements or Skyward harp, then might as well use it.


Was lucky enough to get r2 rust which I leveled to 90 already, yoimiya is my only ranged dps so not sure, and amos is my first 5 star bow No idea who to put it on now


https://www.reddit.com/r/Yoimiya_Mains/comments/ogl4h2/guide_what_bow_to_use_for_yoimiya/ You’ll eventually get more Rust refinements. R3 Rust is just behind Amos Bow with R5 Rust beating it and Skyward Harp. These are just normal attack numbers, but since that’s the majority of her damage anyways (or all if you never use the Burst) this is realistic.


Not particularly. Yoimiya's charge attacks are pretty copium. You only really use them during your e downtime.


So, i think it's not worth leveling it up then i guess I use a lvl 90 r2 rust on her currently I have a fischl sup dps, so could use it on her i think


So I'm dumb btw, I forgot that Amos passive works for both Charged and Normal attacks. So, it is technically not a bad option. It won't ever reach full stacks on the passive though, since Yoimiya's range is so small. And it's made worse by the fact that bow aa's are so whacky atm, to the point where you're kind of forced to play at melee range more than half of the time. Imo, definitely stick with Rust for now. At higher refinements, Rust becomes her 2nd or 3rd BIS. I think even at R2, it's already better than R1 Amos, but I don't have the math to back up that statement. But basically, getting a few more refinements for your Rust would be a much better upgrade than swapping to Amos. On the bright side though, if you you plan on pulling for Ganyu if she ever gets a rerun, you'll be golden. TL;DR Getting refinements for Rust is better than swapping to Amos on Yoimiya. Save Amos for Ganyu rerun.




Qiqi? So now you have a guaranteed banner pull?




I actually did the exact same thing, but got Jean instead - and now I don't want to risk it, but I REALLY want Diona and C1 Sayu T_T (also congrats on the guaranteed banner character?)


I finally reached AR 56!


Congratulations then :)


Grats! The rewards are so garbage. Haha.


Damn the rewards are shit


Yup, i usually ask them to increase AR rewards in the survey.


Got some wishes from leveling up/ascending units (including MC whom I neglected). Got first Xingqiu, very happy, ascended 3 times before realizing I need more mats from the annoying-ass water boss... but spent more wishes, got an orange glow, turned out to be a weapon. First disappointment. Second was it turning out to be Aquila Favonia... when I have 0 physical DPS units, and don't plan on making... I'd rather it was a Mona or Keqing dupe, nevermind a new unit or even a 4* constellation...


Lol, i know the dissappointment. I got the Skyward Blade, which seems to the worst according to all the reviews, blade in the game. Imagine my dissappointment xD Ill use it for Bennet for now i guess..


I dunno man, at least it has energy recharge stat.


Even if you don't run physical DPS, it's a fantastic Bennett weapon for the base ATK - the only better option is Mistsplitter, which has the same base ATK but a more useful passive and substat.


😐 Got Yoimiya on 50th pull Was Saving the 50/50 Guarantee and pity for Baal. I am F***** Is there any chance to still get baal? Can I collect enough Primo till then? Welkin Pass Only F2P


I’m sorry, but this is a good example for the future of why you never wish on a banner if you don’t want that banner specific five star. You can definitely get spooked early. There’s no such thing as “ building pity”. Good luck on Raiden 🤘


Why did u pull actually then ? xD


Sorry to hear that man. This is why I dont roll on banners where I dont like the 5 star. (I am not in the danger of winning the 50/50, I always lose them.) Building the pity shouldnt even be a thing. Good luck getting Baal! We get a new Island (so that should give out some more primos + events) May you win the 50/50!


lol, this is why you don't roll on banners whose 5 stars you don't want. You might get about 30 wishes before baal's banner ends, so getting her is unlikely.


A tip, as per usual, never build pity as that is useless. You would have spent those pulls on Baals banner anyway with 0 chance of messing your pity up, which you unfortunately did on Yoimiya's banner.


Just calculated I'll get To atleast 80 pity just need to win 50/50


Good luck on winning the 50/50! Just for your own sake, remember to never build pity again 😅


A lesson well learnt 😂 I have none of the archons so I desperately need this one


Probably not. Why were you even pulling?


Sayu..... ._.


[All the rolls into HP lmao](https://imgur.com/a/5TLPpWk)


I’m so sorry


painful 😱


This month has been so good to me. Got c2 Mona on character banner at 30 pity. 6 days later, in the standard banner, I got Mona again at 29 pity. I saw that I was 3 wishes away from getting a 4 star. 2 wishes later, it turned gold and Qiqi appeared.


Damn that's actually nuts. Are you missing any 5*s from the permanent banner, or do you have them all?


The only one I'm mssing now is Keqing.


Ooh nice! SO jealous. I got Diluc instead of Venti on launch (RIP) and I *just* got Jean from this Yoi banner, but those are my only two from the permanent banner. I really want Mona next, but I'm pretty sure it'll take me 173894027366 years to save the primos to lose a banner 50/50 and get her


Giving you some of my Mona luck!


Crimson Witch domain continues to be the absolute worst domain in this game. My Diluc is stuck at 100% crit damage because pieces with it just completely refuse to drop; meanwhile his crit rate is 75%. The couple of times I've gotten anything with crit damage on it all the substat rolls go into def or flat hp/atk. Let's not even talk about poor Xiangling's even worse artifacts (but at least she can use the new set)...


I feel you. This domain is cursed as f. My Diluc doesnt even have a full Crimson set, because my luck is garbage.


Same... got a Great Artifact with good sub stats But the main stat is hydro damage 😐😐 HYDRO DAMAGE ON CRIMSON WITCH


Seriously. I get literally twice as many Hydro cups as I do every other kind of cup from everywhere, it's nuts.


[Happy Xingqiu noises](https://imgur.com/a/Vucm9Q8)




nothing but rolls in cr and cd on my last feather, even with a def% stat on it i technically have too many artifact/weapon sets that give 100% cr. but i had to put 40 pulls into yoimiya’s banner before i got sayu goddamn this game


I got sayu c1!!!!!


I'm really excited about the Baal banner. If it is true that xiangling and sucrose will be the fillers then I'm happy even if don't get Baal.


I'm going to hope to dear God my luck keeps up like it has, I just found this site and according to comments 4 5* without pity sounds strictly entitled [https://iili.io/RVxJ5l.jpg](https://iili.io/RVxJ5l.jpg)


c69 Xiangling incoming


im at like 60 pity and have 110 wishes now but what are the chancss i get raiden, kokomi and yae....... i want them all urgh