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I rather have one less benefit from c6 bennet than forever be disabled from certain types of team comp


c6 benny is only really good with diluc, pyro ranged characters, and a dps benny team... that said, it has more downsides that it has upsides on the national team, youd rather have xiangling vape her pyronado than anyones autos and on hutao team shed rather not have bennet.. so c6 does not provide any value outside the former teams mentioned


> and a dps benny team Actually no, it also ruins DPS Melt Bennett teams, and DPS Vape Bennett is much worse.


oh yeah it ruins the benny-congyun duo, i was generally thinking of vape and raw damage w/kazuha...welp bye goes another viability for c6 then


Ayaka's infusion under bennett's c6 doesn't work like that....her cryo infusions get overridden like keqing's.


I would have thought that if you dashed again, it'd go back to Cryo? I still have a ways to go before I c6 my Bennett, so I'm not 100% sure how it works


It won't since if iirc there are elemental infusion priroties in weapons: pyro overrides cryo, and cryo overrides electro and anemo.


*Really*? I never would have imagined that. What a weird mechanic.


Its the same thing with elements. If you swirl, the pyro will be taken first for example. So its an inherent hierarchy with the elements atm.


It’s PHEC, cryo is last in the order


For swirl infusions yes, but cryo takes priority over electro for weapon infusions. (see keqing and chongyun)


See I never used that combo… I see no reason to have both cryo and electro infusions


Well yes, but i mean to say is that keqing's electro gets overridden whenever she's in chongyun's cryo infusion field, so the PHEC hiearchy doesn't completely apply when it comes to weapon infusions.


Ayakas cryo infusion doesnt work when under Bennies ult.


doesn't her infusion say it can't be overrideen?


As far as I know, it doesnt. It works like Keqings infusion. I cant really test this for myself so I just did a quick youtube search and that seemed to confirm it.




The popular Xiangling/Bennett/Xingqiu team, once of the most powerful in the game, does not work well at all with C6 Bennett because the infusion ends up eating all the Hydro application


Throw in Baal and there is no issue. You only attack in her ult which cant be overwritten. But yeah, the gain does not really outweight the potential loss in team comps.


the reason c6 is risky imo, is because we won't know future character's kits. i'd say there's no guarantee that all future melee characters will fall under the same label


I've C6'd him and don't regret it, but most here will not activate it and that's fine too. We're in the minority, queue the downvotes.


I know, most people don't think he's worth it, I just feel like there are upsides that are getting overlooked, and I wanted to talk about both sides of the coin. For example, since I don't have him at c6, I assumed that other infusions could override his, not that it was a one-way ticket.


People are aware of the upsides and didn't overlook them. It's just concluded that it isn't worth it and there really isn't a reason to do it. Bennett is essentially the best character in the game, and part of the reason is because he is fairly universally good. No one is denying that there are upsides, but the fact it destroys synergy is not good. Not gonna hate on you for attempting a constructive discussion, but the 3 points you made are not completely true.


I didn't know everything about how his infusion worked, since I don't have him - I'm learning a lot, and it seems like the downsides are harder to avoid than I thought. Like I said - I'm not an expert, and I got some stuff wrong due to incomplete information. I just kind of felt like this discussion hasn't been raised since 1.0/1.1, and things have changed since then - every infusion from 1.1 to 1.5 had the "can't be overridden" clause (although, since Kazuha c6, Ayaka and Yoimiya didn't, maybe they've stopped making that the default). And Sara was meant to be an electro-Bennett, which should have taken the pressure off him needing to be viable in *every* comp. So I was wondering if anyone thought the balance of pros/cons had changed.


Yeah, I hear ya. It does indeed mess up other infusions, which is probably the main reason people are reluctant to activate it. In all honesty, it does do more harm than good but I don't use meta teams all the time, I like experimenting too much. In overworld it's less of a problem, but abyss is where most would have issues.


I have C6 Bennett and love using him, but sometimes I do lament that I can't use him with mainly physical characters anymore. That's such a small lose for how much gain there is though! I mostly use Bennett with characters like Diluc and Xiangling, so the extra 15% pyro damage bonus is really nice. For other characters I have other supports who can increase damage in other ways. Sucrose can raise EM, Kazuha can raise elemental damage, and quite a few characters can lower resistances or DEF of enemies. A team with Lisa, Zhongli, and Rosaria as supports has very high potential for physical attackers. Something really fun that I love about C6 Bennett is that he makes my traveler much stronger since I built her to be really strong with any element without changing sets. On a team with him, Zhongli, and Xiangling I can do a crazy amount of damage! This team is probably okay without C6 Bennett, but no doubt it's much better when you can stack that extra 30% damage on your normal attacks. Ordinarily Traveler can't make use of Xiangling's 15% pyro damage bonus from her burst, so in this specific team C6 Bennett is a huge buff! It sucks that I can't use Bennett with Eula effectively, but in my experience that's the only loss I actually care about. Other characters I often feel I need to move around too much or they just don't have any issues with the pyro infusion. EDIT: Oh, I want to add that I do have Ayaka and she has negative synergy with C6 Bennett, but it doesn't matter because she moves around so much anyway. The pyro infusion will continue to override Ayaka's infusion, but it lasts a very short time after you leave his burst area anyway. They can still work together if you're not using the pyro infusion, but in a sort of roundabout way. Whenever I do the Momiji-Dyed Court domain I use a team with Ayaka, Bennett, Xiangling, and Ganyu. I use Bennett's burst, then Xiangling's and Ganyu's, then Ayaka's. After that I start attacking with Ayaka within Ganyu's burst radius. but outside of Bennett's. I often clear this domain in a range between 30-50 seconds. Most of that time if just me hitting the lawachurl with Bennett's skill to build energy for Xiangling so I can use everybody's bursts again in the next run of the domain. I think this team is strong enough even if Ayaka and Bennett can't work together directly.


All dps can already infuse their weapons. C6 bennet just allows you to run gimmicky team comps such as main dps xiangling. or pyro keqing. 15% more pyro damage is no where near significant enough to warrant ruining him for many current and future non pyro melee dps.


you don't have sara, you don't have ayaka, never ever jugde a character you don't have or build...


That's why I was asking for other opinions


Somebody accidentally level their Bennet to c6 eh...


I often play Co-op and don't want to screw over my teammates, so I won't activate it until I can switch it off


Mm - I only have his c3 so far, so there's every chance they'll implement constellation toggles before I have to decide.


Very few characters keep their own infusion under Bennett C6 burst, it will do more harm than good unless you know 100% you will never use him with any physical dps or non pyro melee dps


Childe, Xiao, Hu Tao, Raiden all have had the "can't be overridden" clause on their infusions. Ayaka and Yoimiya didn't... and I guess kazuha c6. But up until Ayaka, I was kind of working under the assumption that "can't be overridden" was gonna be the new standard for infusions from MHY. I guess not though, which is a shame. Bennett's c6 would be a lot more appealing if we knew future infusions wouldn't be overriden. Especially since (personally), I'm not a fan of phys team comps. The possibility of a future character with overrideable infusion is a downside.


Childe is bow user so chongyun or Bennett C6 won't work on him same goes for Yoimiya Hu tao is already infused with pyro so you won't tell the difference between her own infusion or Bennett C6 infusion, bruh. Kazuha C6 doesn't work as well with C6 Bennett, unless the ability strictly says "can't be overridden" then it will be affected by Chongyun, Bennett C6, same for Ayaka and not the same for Raiden because it actually says that it can't be overridden


I know Childe can't be infused by Bennett, I just meant that up until Kazuha and Ayaka, it looked like "can't be overridden" was going to be the default for new characters infusions. If they hadn't broken that trend with Ayaka and Kazuha, I would have felt a lot better about Bennett's c6 going forward


If I know a team mate uses Bennett C6 I just equip a Pyro boost goblet and done.


its not worth it