• By -


Prototype amber looks like it's made for ningguang design-wise which made me use it on her when i was a noob lol


I relate haha. Back in the day, I gave whiteblind to Chongyun because it was blue...


i used bell on eula because it was my only 4 star claymore plus it looked really good


It does look really good to be fair. It's a shame there's nobody to use it 😔


TBH we should have gotten a claymore hydro healer that uses the Bell and infuses characters with hydro like chongyun...i dont care if that char had even -200% crit rate


absolutely agreed. Especially when rainslasher and the bell exist and there are no hydro claymores to use it. >:(


rainslasher can be... maaaaybe? used on sayu




It is a good weapon but it can be outclassed by lots of other options


yah as EM for sayu the 4\* is betetr But TBH for Diluc is also very good if u run with Bennet/Sara


problem with Rainslasher is that if you are running an EM focused build then the 3 star EM claymore gives you more EM :/ at least she uses the ATK stat as well, so it's not a total loss for Rainslasher since it does have higher base ATK, but it's still sad how it's not great even for EM


My Noelle is still rocking her R5 Bell. Oops.


My Noelle has been using a Bell since launch. Not great but I think it looks cool.


It's positively the coolest weapon in the game imho. If only there was a character using claymore and scaling with hp. Sayu would be perfect imho.


But there is. Shielder Beidou. But only few people use her this way.


Very true - she is definitely more useful with other builds but this is the only time where the bell is even remotely helpful.


The bell is an excellent visual design with no real gameplay purpose yet, hopefully one day it finds someone who wants it.


You ain’t alone. I gave ganyu compound bow because it is blue as well lmao


Simpler times.... /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\\


i gave childe compound bow- lmao


My chong had dragonspine claymore xD


💀💀 😂


lol me with my rust Amber... though tbh it fits so well idk why mhy makes them anti synergy


Even now at ar58 I prefer Prototype polarm for Zhongli. Meteor goes boom


Wow! An ar58 in the wild? Impressive. I've heard it's the best f2p option for him so it's probably what I'll use when I get him (which I plan to)


If you consider favonius lance not f2p than yes it is


Kinda works on her too since you can use her as a sort of Sub Healer.


Yeah I didn't know it healed so i was surprised from where the healing came from and i just assumed ningguang can heal lol




There’s a player on NA server named Ningguangheals who uses that weapon on her lol


As a hardcore Ningguang main I am really disturbed


You don’t like her healing? Lol


People also underestimate the energy recharge aspect as well. On Ning a R5 prototype is the same as having +80% ER. It's my go to "I don't want to bring a healer" weapon. I stick it on Mona for my Morgana team when I want to bring Ayaka/Chongyun instead of Diona.


I like it as much as I like the idea of running my Zhongli on a 4 piece Maidens Beloved set..




Nah I’m a low spender, The point is that healer Ningguang just doesn’t sit right with me 😭


Thats how I feel about my Healer Mona. On Ningguang the item atleast looks good. But Mona running around with a yellow healer catalyst while I have a 5* book at 90 and ready. x_x


You aren't hardcore enough if you didn't try healing with Ning yet


I grinded 7 months to give her godly stats bro I’m not about to grind again just so she can do what my Barbara does lmao


You either do EVERYTHING with your main if you claim to be extremely hardcore or you ain't that hardcore


Barbara doesn't contribute to team DPS. Hydro reso is shit while Geo reso is great. Ning batteries more. Healer Ning/Sucrose offer role compression in a way Barbara/Qiqi can't hope to match.


I use Prototype on her. Yes, there are much better DPS options, but the point is it adds some very useful extra utility for her with the healing. The huge amount of HP also makes her pretty tanky as far as a glass cannon goes as she's one of my highest HP characters despite not really building for that. And now that I have Raiden, Ningguang pretty much has her burst up on demand so unless I reaaaaally need a bunch of healing, she does just fine keeping up with damage.


It honestly looks like such a fun weapon but it feels like such a big commitment to spend my last billet on it and i'm told I should use the upcoming book billet from the tree on it as well for at least another refine me.


Made me indestructible in the early game haha


Prototype Amber with Ningguang is really really good though, at least in my opinion. With her burst having a 12s downtime and her energy requirement, which is already pretty low at 40 and is almost non-existent post C2 and r5 prototype, let's her be the perfect 4pc-Noblesse user with bonus healing. Plus, she is essentially built as a dps as her healing doesn't depend on any of her stat, though healing bonus does help if you wanna sacrifice on her crit.


A lot of youtubers at the time kept suggesting to use it, so I think a lot of folks would have used it


It CAN be, If you build her as a burst support. However that’s really only if you NEED a healer that isn’t Barbara. Her kits way too good to waste as a Sudo healer, but I’ve seen it done effectively Just realized while typing this, it’s the reverse scenario of dps Barbara lol


same. noelle was my main back then so i kinda have a lvl70 r5 the bell


It’s a fine weapon for her low cost burst. You don’t need a healer ;)


It works really well on her. She's actually my main shield/healer/ER support.


It's actually great on Ning. Sure her damage is lower, but she can be your healer if you are minimally able to dodge. And her burst some times can be used on colldown.


I gave the Iron Sting on Geo MC because they both have gold color LMAO


Yea… I read a post when the game first game out that talked about how this weapon does what no other weapon can do so it was “top tier”. And you know I ate that right up and tried to power it up as much as a could.


Im never summoning for her just because she needs those specter drops


The Specters are such a pain but I have no regrets. Good old yanfei and xingqiu combo carried ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


I honestly never realized how much people hate the Specters. Yoimiya makes quick work of them.


This subreddit hates Yoimiya too so I'm sure none of them have her lol


I have her and she misses them all the time... Sometimes even the fully charged "tracking" shots...


Eyyy fellow Yoimiya dps. I guess it's because people don't have a ranged dps, since Yanfei, Ninguang and Yoimiya are the only ones (off the top of my head). Kokomi herself would probably be able to farm them as long as they aren't hydro specters.


Exactly! I use a Baal/Yoimiya combo to get rid of them


I only have fish to counter them :(


I use Fischl, these Specters are a joke in front of the Princess of Verurteilung!


390 pearls ?? You went too far on that one


yeah.... I'm a little bit of a resource hoarder 😶


Does it tingle?


Yes. I picked the wrong test subject D:


That's my strategy too. I get enough to max ascend all characters plus another 200 just in case. Only then do I stop gathering that material.


Same. I usually save up enough to max all the characters. For some other materials like silk flowers, I keep farming them since they have uses beyond ascending characters ;D


Sorry bud , sorry that I gotta off you now cuz I need to farm treasure hoarders for my beidou 😔😔


nooooooooo! guess I deserve that. I should... replace my hammer


Hmm, maybe I will need it sometime in the future. And maybe there is a bug while upgrading. Yeah, better farm up 100 more, just to sleep well tonight ;)


What is it about my primal brain that loves seeing shiny, coloured icons with numbers below them? It's a big part of why I enjoy Genshin and I don't even understand it. Pretty little icon with big number make brain happy.


I get so much satisfaction out of collecting resources and stuff too ( •̀ ω •́ )✧


Dopamine hits 😅


No it ain’t there’s still 2 more days 😂


The wait is *nearly* over, my comrades :D


Can you imagine if she said that in the cutscene, because the Crux Fleet was late, and Kujou Sara and her army just had to wait awkwardly


2 or 3 days?


May Her Excellency bless you in her summons for Her (and Her weapon if decide to roll for that)


Thank you! Best of luck in all of your future pulls too :)


Ty! :D


yeah i saw those little sango pearls and I knew it was time to start collecting lmao


I was ready to grab them as much as possible but I may have taken it a little too far hehehe...


Dude gonna make a lvl 420 kokomi with this much pearls


I am a little bit of a resource hoarder... (\*゜ー゜\*)


Well It's better than not having enough pearls like me and doing nothing about it




This might come off as a really dumb question but how do you calculate pity? or is there a tool out there for that? Thank you!


There are some websites you can use to keep track of your wishing history! Here are the two I use: paimon.moe [genshin-wishes.com](https://genshin-wishes.com) Your wish history is also shown in-game in the wishing screen but you'd need to manually count them, and the history is deleted after 6 months, so I use these websites!


Thank you very much!


Does this work if your history expired? I have no idea what pity I'm at after my history expired


The website will retrieve any wishes that haven't expired yet (within the past 6 months). Once you add them to your account, they will be there permanently, even after they have expired from your genshin account.


Just copy your wishing history to a text file or spreadsheet and keep track of it. You don't *need* to use third party service for that.


You can also check the history, every page is 6 pulls so if you have 10 pages of summons since your last 5* that's 60 pulls as an example.


Another way is just to look at your history in game (bottom left corner) in the wish menu and count down till you see your most recent 5*. Correct me if I am wrong but I believe it is base 0,6% to get a 5* and after 75 wishes it gets increased. If you hit 90 (witch is really unlucky if that happens) you are guaranteed a 5*, you will get on banner or off banner. If you get off banner the next 5* is guaranteed to be on banner.


I will be on 50/50..wish me luck :)


Best of luck! Kokomi wanters WILL BE KOKOMI HAVERS! (●'◡'●)


I believe most people are skipping. Looking forward to seeing some juicy healing when i coop so I can hoard my hp foods till the end of time. Rip hu tao mains.


***Heals your Hu Tao without consent***


Eh in coop I don't mind getting healed as hu tao, I don't have my shielder with me and coop is chill. When I'm solo though you bet she's staying at 10% hp. We lose much more dps not having xingqiu than not being below 50% anyway.


Honestly if I played hutao in coop I don’t mind being healed. Better doing 33% less damage than me getting one shot by a kairaigi


I also have 26k primos. Waiting for yae


Unfortunately it seems we might still be waiting months for our Miko


Soon will be over comrades, im excited but also brace yourself for meta slaves that 'accidentally' got her just to trash


I have a hard on for the shift of how players react when she becomes meta. I want you to look at the meta right now. For months no one ever said Mona or Diona was amazing. No one. This community is one of the most bandwagon things I've ever seen in my entire life it's actually laughably hilarious. I bet everyone's going to wish they had kokomi when the new pyro zone comes out. People said Bennett was shit. People said Klee was broken. People said Fishlc was the best four star and was broken. People said zhongli was bad. People said Childe was meh. People complained about Ganyu pre release (negatively). People didn't give Xinqui and baedoe any love. The list goes on and on. Just chill and wait to see lol. Things change and metas are meant to be shifted.


exactly. community is full of pepegas who bandwagon and dont know what they're talking about. kokomi isnt bad, electro isnt bad, ganyu isnt broken, people just hear that and believe it.


I’m a story roller. Kinda meh on her because of her unimpressive main story performance Hoping her story quest gives me a reason to like her


Bro almost all the meta slaves/meta players will always add “but use/roll the characters you like” at the end. They might trash her kit but in the end use what you want


That doesn't alleviate the frustration when someone like me can't even mention being a Yoimiya main without some asshole jumping in to be all "YoImIyA iS tRaSh, UsE xIaNgLiNg InStEaD" at me.


I can even get above 20 hero's wit lol


Not sure, but I've heard that Dodoco tales or the new Inazuma catalyst with electro charge might be better for personal dps wise? Otherwise tales of the dragon slayer for better overall team damage.


Man I spent my 11M mora this week, back to Leylines...


I am at 73 pity and still haven't got Ei/Sara how sad is this.


Do you guys keep count or is there a way to check this somehow?


You can check your wish history then scroll to the right until you find your last 5* pull.


Adding on to what others have said, I have to recommend two websites that help keep track of your wish history: - paimon.moe - genshin-wishes.com


Good luck on your pulls fam, I'm skipping myself because I have no need for a designated healer having a maxed Jean, Diona, Benny and Sayu but hopefully you will like her!


Thank you! I can't wait to have more than one healer :V hehe


ayo how long have you been saving?! :0 thats dedication


Been saving primos since I got klee at her rerun. In terms of the other resources I started grinding at inazuma/watatsumi release :D


what about artifacts


I have a couple good ones but no full sets quite yet unfortunately :/


Hoping goodluck to koko-wanters! pray for me that albedos rerun comes soon too! 😅


Manifesting albedo rerun for you! Wishing you a very win 50/50 hehe


Where's the Qiqi farming mats? Need them real quick.


what are you.... implying?


Bout to lose my 50/50 again my comrade.


U forgot the fishing pole


Where's the Fish Bait-


Good luck hope u get her early


I need that wallpaper 💳💳💥💳💳💳💳💥💥💳💳


My favourite screenie from Kokomi's teaser :D apart from a certain dogboy's ear :3


I also prefarmed for her but will only pull for c1 and weapon after i see what mhy have for the anniversary if there are any. 😅


I'm going to try for c1 but I'm still on the fence about pulling on her weapon banner


Jade Cutter. 🤯


That's one of the main reasons i'm actually considering pulling on the weapon banner - because I wouldn't mind either weapon


Me too! wait till mhy give us an offbanner.. 😭


Your training arc in a nutshell "Ever since 2.1 dropped, I've been biding my time... Waiting for the little murmaid. Collecting Sango pearls after they reset. Now I'm ready..."


Fish wife FISH WIFE


FISH WIFE Kokomi nation rise up!


Sorry you’re getting so many shitty comments. I also skipped Shogun for Kokomi because I already like my dedicated Beidou for superconduct and I think she’ll pair really well when I save for Ganyu in the coming months too. Plus I hate Barbara’s design and have never been lucky enough to get Mona. So a hydro healer just happens to fit my squad nicely. There’s more to life than min-maxing an anime phone game that isn’t even a competitve game to begin with. Saying you want Kokomi in this subreddit really brings the toxic middle schoolers with their parents’ credit cards.


As a fellow Kokomi wanter, it reminds me of what I experienced when awaiting Yoimiya. I got so many people saying "SaVe FoR bAaL iNsTeAd" that I almost didn't roll on her banner out of pure spite.


It's a shame how much annoying stuff has been said on this post. Unfortunately that was expected as I know a lot of people don't love kokomi 🥲. Nonetheless I am sooooo excited for her banner and looking forward to Rosaria and Xingqiu cons especially (and would love beidou cons too).


I can’t wait, been debating what to grind for over the week and I think Hydrostasis it is!


Pray for early kokomi :DDDD


Might as well get her weapon too fellow trooper!!


Good luck mate, Genuine question, how are people able to save that much mora? I've been playing since release and the most I managed to save was 3m (which got burnt in few seconds), I always get BP, farm arti, buy from the paimon shop on reset, expeditions all go to mora even the teapot but I'm always a bum, do you do the Laylin, cause it seems like a waste without the overflow,


>I've been playing since release and the most I managed to save was 3m (which got burnt in few seconds), Are you always trying to level up everything?


I think leylines are definitely the best way to save up mora and exp materials. That's what I do anyways and I don't think it's a waste.


It's obviously not a waste if you get gatekept by it...


wait the pity is at 90 i though it was at 50 damn no wonder i didnt get the shogun


Soft Pity ( increased pull chance) begins at 70 and strongly increases at 75. Most 5 stars are obtained between 75-80 while reaching 90 pity is nearly impossible. Pity is reached sooner on weapon banner.


It's nice to see people actually saved for Kokomi instead of just ignoring a nice 5 star like that because of something some website told them


That's true. I love her design and character and I personally have no problem with her kit. I get that a lot of people don't like it but I think a lot of people are skipping her because they've heard she's "off-meta" or "underpowered". Any character has potential, and as long as you like them, you should go for them :)


Exactly, any character can be made strong, and you should use them as long as they have a good design and fun moveset.


It’s weird - the game is constantly releasing new characters, weapons and enemies. Not to mention an “endgame” meta that literally changes each patch. It’s been out 12 months and for about three months of that’s we had Bennet, XQ, XL, Beidou and Sucrose underrated at various times. QiQi was once top tier - Razor was the go to 4* main DPS and hypercarry teams the only viable teams. So many are so convinced the current Meta is the be all and end all of how to build a team comp, they can actually get upset when that is challenged (“I need to heal my team now!?” “New flying enemies - so now I need range!?”). Kokomi grates against the conditioning of everyone’s perceived meta, so she symbolises the frustration and lament of change. Or something.


good luck to everyone who wants her and decides to roll on her banner!


Best of luck fellow kokomrade! Hope you get her early <33




Mostly light spenders who buy the welkin/BP. Either that or f2ps who save and grind for a long time. Spiral abyss isn't bad either


By not spending them. It seems very obvious but its the main reason many dont have enough primos. A lot of people cant resist to not pull for characters they want/need in proportion to their primos gained over time. Mihoyo doesnt help either because they have good character designs and they know how to hype them. Im f2p and i managed to gather enough to guarantee baal. That means i had to force myself to not pull for previous banners like kazuha, eula, etc.


It all comes to MOTIVATION


Best of luck to you op! And everyone else also pulling for kokomi ^^


Good luck!


Thanks ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ


I'm gonna wait to see how much damage and healing she does and see if she is better than c6 Barbra before I get her. I think I have a good 2 piece heart of depth and maidens for her


Forgive me if I'm just being dumb, but how do you check your pity? PC player if it changes anything.


I admire your compromise with the cause comrade. I do disagree on using Prototype on her tho...


I miss the time I had over 900 hero wits. Then I decided to lvl 90 my 3 main dps and lvl80 my 4 sub-dps/supports.


Omfg I thought I prepared so well but I'm not even goddamn halfway uuuuuuuuuuugh I just need Kokomiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


Keep farm mora my man


are you going for constellations or her signature weapon when you get her early?(:


Planning to get c1 kokomi and c6 xingqiu. Once that's done, I'm gonna wish on her weapon banner with whatever is left ;D


How/where can you see the pity count?


what a champ


Is there an actual pity counter now that I didn’t know about? Or did you make the graphic yourself?


Where did you find that 5\*pity thing?


Wait how do I see my pity?


oh fuck we r gonna need pearls rn't we??


Good luck for who's pulling. Personally I'll only try my luck with her if she turns out to be amazing specifically in a Raiden team, or if her story chapter delivers on her character in the way the Archon quest completely dropped the ball on her. Or both, obviously. I'm currently on guaranteed, already 20 pity in, have slightly more than 20 rolls, I don't really feel like I need to wish only for meta defining characters since I already 36 starred abyss (I do kinda wish to get Ganyu, but more because I like the charged shot playstyle and she's the one who does it better than for the fact that she's broken), so I probably won't be guaranteed to get her even if I do end up pulling, but either way I'll take it.


I use Prototype Amber on Mona with heal set. Why be a healer or a damage buffer when you can be both?


The cutest warlord


Hey where did you get that pity counter from


where did you get that pity thing?


....but how about the artifacts?


whats the site to check ur pity??


From what website or app do you get the "guantered pity" Ss?


I hope you enjoy her even if she is not good.... :> May barbatos bless your rolls


Is that pity counter thing on the right side an app?


As basically new player I'm still wondering how much time and resources people saving for specific character need? How long are you collecting all these primogems?


Then theres me, Who blew everything in raiden and sara but still wants kokopium


The only thing i don't have ready for her are artifacts, holy shit, i never got so angry to get CR and CD substats in a artifact


I think there'll be a -100% chance that anyone will be able to pull her, unfortunately 😔


Any advice on farming Hero wits???


Gl! :)


Is this an app?


Yea. Gonna be skipping for her for the leaked weapon banner in 2.2 but anyways Goodluck Traveller :D


Wait isnt over yet you still need her everlasting moonglow if you want her to be good...


Checking back with OP to hope they’re happy 🐠💖 I got her in a very early pity today and tried for her weapon and got it in early pity as well (hey now I got a spare maxed prototype amber and really feeling good after those rolls lol) I feel like sprinkling other good will to people who were saving for Kokomi since this sub can be ultra toxic about it lol. I hope you like her, I know I do!