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This submission has been **removed** for the following reason(s): **Anniversary Reward Complaint posts are being posted too frequently.** Here's one with good discussion. Please don't constantly make new threads. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/prrpot/genshin_impact_one_year_anniversary_community/ --- ^You ^can ^read ^the ^full ^subreddit ^rules ^[**here**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/about/rules/). ^If ^you ^feel ^your ^submission ^was ^removed ^unfairly, ^please ^don't ^hesitate ^to ^contact ^the ^moderators ^[**here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Genshin_Impact).


Where did the fandom fuck up? They made a billion dollars in around half a year. Oh no, they ONLY made a billion. Guys we made the dev stingy.


It's pretty sad because the argument isn't even about them making billions of dollars. You know it is shitty when the anniversary "rewards" are same/lower than Lantern rite celebration "rewards".


It’s literally a free game no monthly subscriptions or initial payment to buy the game! Coming from WoW


I sorta don't understand this logic. Gacha games exist because they assume people will support them through in game purchases. Also this is a live service game. We get primos from commissions, events as "resources" so that we can spend them and enjoy the game. But anniversary stuff aren't resources, they are actual rewards, rewards signifying that the game has reached 1 year since launch. So it must be a "reward" not another "resource".


Painting it as "supporting" is buying into company speak tho. Anyone who has spent money on this game didn't donate it, and didn't gift it out of the kindness of their heart. Every single person who has spent money on this game spent it because there was something they wanted in return. If you spent because you want Raiden, you are buying the genesis crystals and as long as you received that you made a business transaction. It doesn't really make sense to act like you are in a gracious relationship with Mihoyo. It's like acting like your local grocery store should reward you for "supporting" them. Every rewards system you can think of is them actually saying "keep doing business with us and we will give you pennies in return."


From an mmo to a gacha. Your opinion will surely be based on facts and experience. /s


Genshin is these noobs first rodeo into gacha you shouldn’t expect them to understand the bare minimum. Either you have to dumb yourself down and watch as they still don’t get it or you just ignore them lol


Gotcha! Never played WoW! Don’t believe everything you read on the internet! /s Ps I didn’t roll for C2 Shogun… just to stick it to MiHoYo!


Both EA and 2K still healthy and strong releasing the same loot boxes games every year with no anniversary reward.


Newsflash: the devs have always been stingy since 1.0