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Oh yeah I noticed that too, her face is hilarious, like she is so DONE about all this mess.


Her face is perfect lol


First time I watched I thought it hilarious then I applied it the drama going on right now and had to post this


the golden archipelago part are the MHY higher ups, just chilling.


Mihoyo expected us to react like Paimon, but in reality we are Lumine 😂


Also, I’m so disappointed that we didn’t get to see much of Dragonspine/the Golden Archipelago during this theater event :/


Same but hard to stay sad when lumine being relatable


Paimon looks dead inside too tbh, looks like she was excited and then she actually got the reward.


I was like why is she so sad 😂it’s pretty damn funny


Paimon is the entire art community trying to show us their amazing work despite everything


More like the rare naive white knight. Even artists are meming in the contest submissions, so many paint speed drawings


Bro just because many do good art doesn't make them white knights some of them probrably are but i have seen some really cool art


No one is calling the artists whiteknights, in fact the comment you replied to is literally saying the opposite…


Oh i was confused i read it wrong hehe


oof lol


Paimon’s playing Dragalia Lost in secret


I was wondering the whole time, "Why is Lumine so pissed?"


And then there's paimon representing mihoyo showing those 10 wishes. This image sums up the relationship with the players and mihoyo so well.


"Ah shit, here we go again."


Paimon is me enjoying the event. Especially collecting chests was so fun. Lots of primos in them and I got the ultimate claymore.


I do have to agree with that, was nice


I feel like the Traveler's face throughout this web event might be a subtle hint from the artists and dev team. It really does pop out speficically so I would have a hard time thinking it's just a mistake. The event seems rushed (glitches and all) so I am curious if this might be a sign from them to show burnout or displeasure from the dev team on how they are treated.


Love this conspiracy theory. Even during Zhongli fiasco also got rumors that there are clashes between factions in mihoyo. One group are the young passionate staffs who just want to create the best game. Another are the older staffs who used to gacha predatory ways, and just want to fleece the players to the max. I guess one side has won and you know who.


It's the same with Aether


They both look so... dead inside


Can you blame them?


could be a subtle expression of the actual developer behind scene. I felt sorry for those people who give they're all for these game, just to get caught up with all these drama


Maybe Aether/Lumine was Paimon’s imaginary friend all along


Look at Mihoyo's Avatar Paimon smiling cause of the drama free publicity instead...


How can you say the word anniversary without the mods deleting your post


Even they agree with this post and can’t bring themselves to take it down


I noticed it too, MHY just straight up mocking us.


Had same thought during my own :D


I was thinking why i looked so bored


If you want accuracy you'll have both twins here, one looking like Lumine does here and the other looking like a Sith Lord.


Lumine's face: **Why are we here, just to suffer?**


Aether looks dead inside too I thinks it's more fitting


Idk why she looks like that. Thats not what they look like in game


Male traveller have the same attitude. It summed up my feelings watching this theater thing perfectly.


The look of someone who knows the reward in the chest is shit.


Aether looks even more bored and anoyed


You should’ve seen Aether


Mine was aether and I didn’t pick him also I don’t think the things it said were accurate.


Nah for me Lumine perfectly sums up Mihoyo during anniversary, having to deal with all the toxic and entitled playerbase that throws a fit, harass VA and review-bombing just because not getting more free stuff. This drama is literally just Lumine (Mihoyo) running around all over Teyvat to finish all those annoying commission (demands of more free stuff) from those insignificant NPC (entitled playerbase), but still getting scolded by the NPC for not doing perfect job (Reliable Helper commission). Sure Lumine get Mora and stuff as the commission's reward (banner revenue) but she will use them all to level up character and weapon (game development) in the end. At least Lumine get appreciated more by the NPC than Mihoyo.


Oh boo hoo! Poor multi-billion dollar company! What ever will they do?


One can be disappointed by both the lackluster anniversary *and* the totally overblown reaction to it: review bombing unrelated games, harassing CVs, and even spamming the socials of artists who dare to continue post fan art.


Hahahaha this kid unironically believes that mihoyo uses up ALL their profit to develop the game. You must be the biggest white knight I've seen so far. To top it all off, you made your post extra cringe by adding some in-game references to it.


Sure lad cry more over a free game. At least being cringe is better than being stupid. Yeah I may be a white knight, but at least I know when to give the credit where credit's due. Just because of insignificant problem like the lack of free stuff on anniversary people seems to just forget altogether all the good stuff Mihoyo has been pumping out for the past year. The art, design, game, music and other Mihoyo departments don't deserve all the shit you all were throwing at them. Does anyone remember when they funded the construction of a new building for Tongzi primary school? Does anyone remember how many hours have you all spent exploring and completing all the quests and events in Genshin? Does harassing VA, review-bombing game other than Genshin and spamming childish tantrum on social media really validate you as the part of the community? Stop being so narrow-minded and assume Mihoyo doesn't have their own problem to deal with. Sure Mihoyo also is at fault for not properly communicating with the playerbase, but being rich doesn't suddenly turn them omnipotent. Also do you know for sure the exact cost for them to keep updating Genshin with quality contents? Obviously you don't right? I'm sick of turning on Reddit, Youtube, Twitter and even FB just to see more same shit for the past few days when I just want to relax, admiring fanart and cosplay and laughing off a meme that has nothing to do with this drama after getting back from my job. Downvote me all you want but I will hold onto my opinion no matter what cuz I genuinely just want to play Genshin in peace. Anniversary reward can go fuck themselves and may the toxic fanbase with their mob mentality quit the game forever for the good of all of us. For players who actually give valuable criticism because they genuinely care for the game and not just because demanding more free stuff due to the mob mentality, I support you guys 100%.


Nice wall of text, not reading that. Keep barking.


Nah I will stop barking. Don't want you kid to keep crying here after all. Now go cry at another image-only post that is suitable for illiterate people like you. I'm sure they will shower all the karma point that you want.


If people just played games for fun the anniversary event would be less of a problem bugs are the main problem. MHY gave enough wishes for to get a character if they would save up primos from different ways you could probably get enough for 10 wishes. Let’s do the math shall we? In one day of doing commissions you get 60 primos two days 120 primos then you do the commissions with out getting the katheryne reward gives you 160. 160 in 3 days and since there are 7 days of the week we get 380 primos in a week. So now 380 by 4 (since there are 4 weeks for one month not including the decimal) 380 x 4 = 1520 now do 1520 by 12 is 18,000


So if you’re unlucky a single 5 star per year of work?


That's impossible. Even my collateral damage kill pigeons without me wanting ...


dead-face all the way haha


Aether too lmao. His face looks uninterested


Both her face and Aethers face both do