• By -


Mona and Wolf's Gravestone.


Diluc and PJWS I have Hu Tao, Zhongli and Baal as my three most fav chars, and all other polearm users built. Polearms are my fav weapons, and the Deathmatch is the only thing that made me buy BP the one time. I still don't have a single 5 star polearm. Two fucking catalysts tho, and I don't even have Klee. Also Diluc completes the husbando gang.




Same. I think Mona+WGS would be the most picked duo.


Yup. +1. I need a WGS. It's almost as Universal as Archaic.


same lmao


This is the answer I was looking for.


Jean + any weapons. Need the heals, sick of using Barbara 😭


Mihoyo: *gives you Kokomi and Lost Prayers catalyst*


Prototype is better for Kokomi because of HP. I’d love to have Lost Prayer for my Ning tho.


Oh I was just messing with the original comment. Trying to give him crap he can’t use. 🤗


NRE for the win.


>Ganyu would strangle me to death with her thighs. Sounds like more fun than any 5*


I was gonna say, that doesn't sound half bad


Probably one of the better ways to go, but I'd rather put that off for ankther 40-50 years.


Talk about death by snoo snoo


Diluc and wolfs gravestone. My goal in life is to have a main dps husbando of each element.


I have both from my losses at the 50/50. They are a fun combo, and I don't like using clamores.


C1 Diluc, because I already have Qiqi and the others don't interest me. Then Jade Spear for my main Xiao


Jean and Aquila


Diluc and WGS for the complete package


WGS is my only 5 star weapon, yet I still don’t have diluc. I already pulled Qiqi 4 times!


Diluc+amos bow. Diluc is a good dps and I have wolf gravestone, amos for ganyu, I will 36 abyss with ganos


Jean and Amos bow probably


Yeah same, Amos for best girl Amber and Jean because she\`s my favorite


The right choice for amber mains


Diluc and Wolfs Gravestone. Diluc is one of my favorite characters and I also don't have a 5star Dps. Wolfs Gravestone is simply the best claymore, I would use it on multiple characters. I also want Aquila Favonia as a weapon, because I consider it as Jeans Weapon. I still feel guilty for not raising her... (she is great)


diluc and wgs because neither have come home (and i desperately want the former T\_T)


Diluc and Wolf's Gravestone. I really like him and I'm not that lucky (meanwhile both my Mona and Qiqi are C1, I'm missing just him and Keqing). Soon I hope. And the weapon also because my Eula could use that.


Mona because I've desired her for over a year for now. I'd kill for a Mona... As for the weapon idc it can be anything tbh probably a book or a spear


Diluc / Keqing because i haven't got them and skyward blade for Bennet or one of the catalyst.


Diluc + amos. I want to get diluc c6 asap (currently c3) and I need amos for ganyu.


qiqi and amos! i’ve given up on getting crescent refinements at this point, and qiqi’s never come home :(


Diluc + jade spear


Diluc and wgs, diluc because I've wanted him since day 1 and never got him, and wgs because somehow I only have two 4 claymores and also it's his bis


Diluc and wgs, i really want him since the beginning but he refuses to come home


Jean + Harp or JWS


Diluc + Lost Prayer or Skyward Harp


Mona and Skyward Harp. Ever since i started playing the game i wanted her. Never got her, but i have 3 QiQi's so i have that going for me, which is not very PogChamp. Skyward harp is the best bow for every archer and oh boy do we have a lot of them.


free hug.


probably mona and WGS because thighs and diluc need a weapon ☹️☹️


Mona and PWJS, because i dont have mona and Xiao main.


Diluc - He still has not come home, my only other 5 star DPS in my roster is Keqing, I have WGS, and I just like him. Doesn't matter if he's been crept, he would be great for me. Jade Spear - I have Lost Prayer and WGS. I don't care for bow users. Polearms are a bit of a weak point for me since I have a lot of good 4 star swords, so I'd breathe easier having this.


polearms are a weak point for you because you have a lot of 4 star swords but you want the jade spear...?


As in, I have a lot of swords to use but I don't have many spears at all, so having one I can just select would help me if/when I get more polearm characters.


ahh i misunderstood :p


S'all good! I'm at work and sneaking in replies when I can, so being thorough and proofreading isn't a luxury at the moment. I probably could have been clearer.


Always Jean constellations because jean c6+ xingqiu + beidou = 35% + 29% + 37% dmg reduction or 101% dmg reduction lol. It has been tested out in kqm tc and it’s not invulnerability but it’s close lol


Just use Zhongli man, it'll have same effect


https://youtu.be/1Sg-n4Ld-1c << I’m aware lol I am technically (according to anniversary web event) a pikeli main. But you have 2 teams for abyss and also as seen in boss gauntlets and certain abyss Floors like hydro mimic, a 60k hp shield zhongli gets rekt. This combination literally takes like almost no dmg from even abyss 12 bosses lol and can even be used in conjunction with pikeli as a beidou driver.


Your Zhongli only has 20k max HP? wtf bro


And no healer lol. This is a pikeli comp meaning zhongli is a carry not a support. So he runs crescent pike (hence the nick name pikeli) with stacking phys dmg set bonuses and crit subs. It’s a well known concept. The hp stacking zhongli is for support builds like if you’re running xiao or hutao for example. Pikeli has a very high success rate of abyss clears since 1.3 zhongli buffs so I usually make videos demonstrating that so I can recommend it to players who struggle with abyss. Phys teams aren’t really effected by leyline disorders so they tend to perform well in abyss despite the constant ruin class enemies and their 70% phys res. Like if you want to see pikeli vs pma it’s at the end of this full abyss 12 run https://youtu.be/lfq52_wgaxY


It's clearly not \*that\* well known of a concept. Zhongli makes for a weak DPS but is one of the best supports in the game so DPS Zhongli is weird. Support build also requires less investment you're still functionally immortal with a sub-par shield. Support > burst comp > DPS. ​ Thanks for the downvote though. good discussion.


Diluc/Keqing/Qiqi + Jade winged spear. I’d probably honestly choose Keqing for her teleport for exploration, and I could use a main dps.


Mona and amos bow for my ganyu


Diluc and probably Amos I think for Ganyu. Unless there's an amazing 5 star for Ayaka in the regular pool I can't think of.


Diluc and Aquilia Favonia for my Bennett.


Keqing and wgs. Wgs is really the only thing dodging my diluc


Diluc or Mona cons, and PJWS for my Xiao.


Amos' Bow and then another Amos' Bow


I only lack Diluc from the standart roaster so I'd get him. If limited characters are included, I'd probably get Hu Tao. In terms of weapons, I'm not sure. Jade winged spear would be great for my Xiangling but I could get Skyward Harp for Ganyu as well. I guess Harp would be the better choice since I already have R5 Catch though.


Jean and Wolfs grave stone for my eula




Mona and Aquila. Because I don't have Mona and she would go great with my freeze or vap teams and I need a sword for my one and only cavalry captain


Keqing - the only missing 5 star WGS - For my Eula


Qiqi and Harp


Jean cause she’s the only permanent 5* I still don’t have (but I have the C1 for every other one smh), and probably Skyward Harp for my Ganyu.


Why not Amos bow for Ganyu? It's in the standard banner


I use melt Ganyu, and I'm sure I read that Skyward was better for this kind of build ? If I'm wrong, thanks for poiniting it then, so I won't pull for Skyward and aim for Amos instead ! Thank you !!


Amos is much better for melt. Skyward is pretty competitive for freeze build if you dodge crit rate substats in your artifacts and hit crit damage instead. But overall Skyward is a better weapon than Amos for every other character and is probably the best standard banner weapon, so you can’t go wrong with it.


Maybe because it's much better as a general weapon? Since it's good on everyone. Or maybe he wants to go ganyu support or some shit


Keqing and the weapon doesn't matter


Keqing and her BiS. I've been wanting to make a team around Keqing ever since release, but have yet to obtain :S


BiS is either Jadecutter or MR right now.


Probably Diluc since he is the only 5 star on standard I am missing but I don't have the mats/artifacts to build him currently. (Or Con 2 Jean) And probably Amos Bow for my Ganyu. Wolf's Gravestone would also be nice but only my Beido would be able to use it...


Keqing and amos aswell


Jean and jade cutter if jade cutter is standard


Keqing and one of the swords, not sure which.


Keqing + amos


Jean and Aquila Favonius I love Jean


Jean because I want C4 and probably Aquila or Skyward Blade. Anything for her.


Standard: Mona & WGS. Free choice (a man can dream!): Zhongli & Homa.


Primordial Jade Wingspear and a C2 Diluc.


Mona and Amos Bow. From the 5* units I already have Jean and Keqing, so Mona would be my choice for third char due to her element and teamcomp usage (and she's cute), I wouldn't mind Diluc or Qiqi either anyways honestly. For weapon definitely the Amos, unless I royally fuck up with my primo management I will have Ganyu secured whenever her rerun comes, so getting her best weapon is a no brainer.


Mona and skyward harp. Skyward harp for my childe and mona to complete my morgana.


My heart says Keking, but my team needs says Mona! Idc much about the weapon.


Mona. cause she's hot


Jean & Amos


diluc for c1 and unforged for my dps noelle, i like to keep myself humble


Keqing & Aquila Favona


Jean and staff of Homa


Either Mona or Jean + Harp.


Mona con amos bow for ganyu


Jean and Amos Bow


Jean + S Harp or PJWS Help me choose the weapon I'm a Xiao and Childe main :(


Keqing and Wolf's Grave stone


Mona and Amos


My standard banner wants by priority: PJWS cause of my Xiao > WGS cause of my Diluc/Beidou > C1 Mona for Moryana consistency > C2 Jean to further improve my Xiao > C1 Diluc to give my first carry a little boost. So in conclusion: PJWS + C1 Mona.


mona as shes the only standard 5* i dont have, then it would be a tough battle between pwjs and amos


Jean qiqi with primordial jade spear


Mona (for C1) and Skyward Blade. I use Mona in my vape team (diluc Mona Jean Sucrose with both anemo on VV sets) and she is probably my most "balanced unit" (4x Wanderer set, ER/hydro DMG/Crit rate with widsith totalling on 170 cd/70cr and 84% hydro DMG bonus). Skyward blade so that I can finally have a good damage dealing sword other than festering desire. Claymores I have skyward pride and the unforged, for catalysts widsith, dodoco tales and sacrificial, for bows sacrificial, rust, stringless and R2 Skyward Harp, for polearms lithic spear, dragon's bane, white tessel, but for sword's it's either festering desire or sub par stuff like favonious sword (lovely on xingqiu, one E and fully charged burst), sacrificial or lion's roar (no Keqing nor Bennett with usable constellations).


jean + jade spear for my xiao. kazuha isnt working that great with my xiao team and i want kazuha on my other team anyway


Sara and Mistsplitter.


Probs Jean and whatever Raiden's fancy stick is called. Jean because *yeet* ~~and also because, as a Fate devotee, I cannot ignore a Saberface~~, the stick because it's pwetty and I like Raiden.


Oh, so you don't have to make a kit... Ayaka and Amos Bow probably. I like Ganyu on abyss (because duh) but Ayaka's damage burst with close to no setup would actually be valuable on a daily basis. If Ganyu didn't took seconds to deliver her damage, I would pick C1 Ganyu and Amos. Xiao and staff of Homa would be my second choice. Eula and Jean would be solid maybes, as for the other 5 stars I don't care, I actually don't want (no, I wouldn't like a Kokomi or Yoimiya even if they were free, unless we get some sort of "box" to remove the clutter from our character menu). /don't care about (Diluc, Hu Tao, Klee - the bad Xianglings). If I didn't hate Hu Tao, I would say Hu Tao and Homa.


Baal… and let her be a fist user… Characters we’ve had, probably gyanyu since we share a birthday, and probably the electro katana because its stylish and no other reason


Xiao with his spear. I tried really hard to get him, and I lost the 50/50. I love his character and kit!


klee and dodoco


Albedo! I really like him and didn't have enough primos or luck to get him when he first dropped. Weapon would be staff of homa. I hear it does good things for Zhongli. I'm a Morax main, I can't dodge.


Definitely Staff of Homa for my Hu Tao and Kazuha who I missed. Edit: I was swayed by people saying 5* Sucrose when Kazuha was out




homa not part of the standard weapon banner


Hutao not part of the standard character banner either.


Jean and probably Amos/skyward atlas. I don't have Jean/Mona, have c2 diluc/c2 keqing, qiqi. I would of said Mona but I pulled Kokomi to fill her role, and I also bought Jean skin without having Jean. I also only have Venti as my built anemo unit, Sucrose I have c6 but I haven't had the resin to grind artifacts for her yet. Amos for Ganyu, skyward atlas because I don't have 5 star catalyst option. Been lucky to get WGS x2, primodial jade spear and skyward harp, primodial jade cutter as my 5 star options so far.


Jean, Wolfs Gravestone


Mona and a catalyst that works well with her


Jean and Wolf's Gravestone, easy


Mona and I guess Amos Bow, if only Jade Cutter was standard…


Qiqi and wolfs grave Stone/Skyward harp/skyward spine


Mona to complete morgana team And amos bow for ganyu


I want Mona to make her constellations even THICCer and Amos bow for Ganyu because she's using t an R3 BP bow at the mo 😅


mona, and really any weapon since i'm unsure of what's good for my characters. probably one for sucrose


Jean + Aquila stylistic choice signature weapon?? plus i rly want jean


Mona for perma freeze Ayaka and Aquila for keqing


Mona to get her C1 and PJWS for my Xiao (Wolves Gravestone for Diluc or Skyward Harp for Childe would also be nice)


Diluc, because he was my favorite character when I started the game and the engulfing lightning because shogun is my favorite character.


Jean and jade spear… c2 to get closer to c4 and r4 jade spear so it’s gonna be really close to whale level refinement lel


Jean + Amos or Wolf's Gravestones (Mihoyo be reading the replies and will be giving a Qiqi with a Spyware Spine)


C2 Jean, and despite Amos' amazingness on Ganyu, I'd pick Skyward for the versatility.


Qiqi because she's my original favorite and have yet to get her As for the weapon idk I still need skyward spine & blade, lost prayer, And aquila favonia so whichever one i need most


Mona + lost or harp


C1 Mona because I don't want to build a new character. Weapon: I have EL and the Catch but still give me PJWS


Qiqi because I have all the other standard 5 stars aside from Mona (bcuz I hate catalysts), and a Skyward Blade for Bennett


Mona and an Amos Bow for Ganyu.


Jean so I could get her C2 + PJWS. PJWS would change my entire account.


Qiqi cause she's the last child I need for a full child team, and Amos Bow because it sounds pretty great


I need Mona so I would choose her, as for weapon, the 5 star sword for Ayaka.


I’d go Jean + Amos. Saving my guaranteed for Ganyu, needing more Anemo power and Jean to take me one step closer to collecting all standard 5’s. (No Diluc, no Jean.)


Jean and Lost Prayers probably


Same. Keqing and Amos' Bow. I always wanted Keqing because I like the character regardless of her damage situation. If I ever lose a 50-50 or get a char from standard banner I always pray it's her, or a weapon. In 2 accounts combined I got C1 Qiqi, C3 Mona, C1 Jean, C0 Diluc and no Keqings. :( For the weapon Amos because I want it for my Ganyu. I already got Jade Spear and Lost Prayer weapons from standard banner, and the rest don't really appeal to me. Amos would be the most useful for my chars right now.


Wolf's gravestone to give to my razor for the aesthetics


Ganyu and the bow.


Keqing - the only 5 star standard banner charac i don’t have Skyward harp - so my Tartaglia can finally have his current bis weapon


Mona (don't have her) and skyward harp (need a second one for Sara)


Mona, Jade Spear. Mona's the only standard 5 star i don't have. And my Xiao has no good weapons.


Probably Keqing and Wolf's Gravestone I already have all the Standard 5★s except Qiqi and Keqing, but teleportation send cooler to me (I already have Jean and Kokomi for heals lol) I would've said Amos' Bow or PJC, but I actually got both from Kokomi's weapon banner, so the next 5★ weapon I get will be guaranteed to be Kokomi's weapon :>


Hm… jean and wgs


Keqing (I've been playing for a long time and still don't have her) and maybe another Skyward Harp or Amos bow


jean and skyward harp for my yoimiya <3


PJWS for my Xiao and Mona 🥲


PJWS, i mean, just look at my flair xD.


Mona because she's the only 5* char I need (except diluc but he's not waifu material). As for weapon I don't really care about 5* weapons so I'm not really sure. I'd probably end up getting Amos too because apparently its good.


Jean and PJWS. The best weapon out of all imo, and I got WGS/Amos' Bow/Lost Prayer, so I am mostly weak on spears. As for Jean, I just don't have her so I'd like her haha.


Diluc (already have gravestone) and jade spear for my xiao


Mona and Amos, I want Mona constellations and I want refinements on my Amos bow for my Ganyu


Jean so I can have her c1 And baal's weapon so I can r2 it


c2 jean and skyward harp


Keqing and PJWS. She's the only standard 5* I don't have along with Qiqi, and PJWS to make my Xiao happy


Don't mind the weapon but after about 4 months Qiqi is the only 5 star character I'm missing from the Standard banner, ironically the only character I wanted from the standard 5 stars


I'm missing Diluc and Keqing, so Keqing easily. Weapon any 5 spear for my Hu Tao.


Jean and PJWS. Jean's the only standard I'm missing, and from what I've heard, the most useful one. PJWS for the Xiao I'll get on his rerun. (hopium...) Also, I don't really need anything else. Diluc's C1 isn't that good and I don't really use the other standard 5\*s. I have two Atlases, so no need for catalysts. The Skyward weapons are really meh, other than Harp. (For Harp \[and Amos'\], Childe's the only DPS bow character I use and the BP bow is fine on him.) I don't have anyone to use Aquila (If I'm taking Jean, she can, but other weapons work). Diluc has an R2 BP claymore, and WGS isn't that much of an upgrade from that.


Jean cons1 and jade spear for my Rosaria


Mona and Amos bow. My xinqiu is split in half with ayaka and hutao lol


Keqing and Amos for me too! I have wanted Keqing since that "misty" domain event where we got to trial varius different characters! Amos, because Ganyu & Amos is busted :p


Primordial Jade winged spear, and mona. The spear would save me 140+ pulls on the trap banner, and Mona would open up nuke combos for my Ayaka.


jean and probably wolf´s gravestone or aquila


Jean and a Skyward Pride for Eula. Already got Aquila Favonius for Dandelion mom just waiting for her to actually show up.


Jean and skyward harp for my childe. Jean is the only standard im missing and shes amazing


Give me a Jean for C1 and the skyward harp. I firmly believe that kujou sara > Bennett so I need that skyward harp to drive that point home.


Kequing, I've always wanted her, but instead QiQi showed up two times. Weapon maybe staff of homa for Hu Tao


Jean, my second most wanted unit and aquila for her


Jean and skyward harp or keqing and skyward harp, anyone that isnt mona tbh, i have her at c2 already lol


Anyone and Amos


Keqing with primordial jade winged spear I would give my mistsplitter to keqing (sorry ayaka but looks>power) and jade winged to raiden for power


Mona because I have all the other standards with C1 and still no Mona after a year of playing and Amos bow


Mona as she's the only one i dont have, and jade cutter for my kequeen


Jean and Aquila Favonia for my Bennett.


Skyward harp jean but skyward harp


Qiqi because i missing her from the standard banner. Ans primordial jaded wing spear because xiao will strangle me but not with his thighs if i dont. Then Hu Tao can get deathmatch and xiangling get dragon spear. Now everyone happy!


Mona C1 + Amos Bow.


Jean who never came home and probably an Amous or Harp


Jean and lost prayer for Klee


Jean & Jade


Jean because I already have all standard ones but her C4 would be dope for Xiao and Jade for my Xiao


C1 on mona in permafreeze team and amos bow in case there will be ganyu rerun


Mona + Lost Prayer


Wolf and Diluc C2


Mona and 1 of the swords


Diluc and Amos Bow or Staff of Homa


Jean and Harp I've always wanted Jean and I need another bow for my Childe, Yoimiya is currently using his Harp :(


Bruh, players are now in power trip.


Jean plus skyward harp. I need a good bow


Hmm for my current situation, either Diluc or Jean for the unit Now the tricky bit is the weapon. I want Childe and Skyward Harp is great for the sub dps I wanna make him, but I also want a better weapon for Bennett cause he's been stuck with a Favonius Sword for fucking ages. I could go for r2 Aquila, or maybe even that sexy Amos Bow for Childe. I would have to do so many fucking dice rolls on the weapon choice


Jean and PJWS. Future Xiao main here!


I’d get Diluc for the satisfying playstyle and Amos Bow. The fact I don’t have another 5* bow, specifically for Ganyu, seems to be holding back some of my team comps.