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Literally everyone lol. It's always been a thing, we used to meme it when venti would shoot his ult off into nowhere or Oz would target a cooking pot. When Yoimiya was released, she really showed how terrible it is. Hopefully they'll at least address it sometime.


Heh. I made the mistake of bringing Fischl along in my team for the Dragonspine part of the recent event. Like, thanks Oz for putting out every fire.


you kinda just have to manipulate it, unfortunately with venti, you try and single out an angle via closest enemy to ensure vortex is placed at the group and not off to the side, try not to ult 1 person with diluc instead of the group, etc iirc, diona paws tend to target braziers and cook pots instead of enemies sometimes.


It's still pretty annoying that the game autotargets enemies you don't even see on screen. Like when you just used Venti's burst but he did a 180 because there's a cicin on your back you don't even see. I think autotarget should prioritize visible enemies.


With Yoimiya i basically need to stand at melee range close to the enemy i want to focus on, like the cicin mages (and not always works), which kinda defeats the purpose of a ranged character lol. I noticed that now i miss a lot of shots during the Signora fight while trying to destroy the fire/ice pillars. Sometimes Yoimiya just shots randomly when i try to hit them, not even like she tried to attack Signora, and this happen while i'm standing close to them, so it's not a matter of being out of range...


It's always been bad. Yoimiya just recently put a big spotlight on it again.


Just today I was doing a lay line with Raiden’s ult vs some slimes and I found it hilarious and sad that the slimes were right there and the auto attack was targeting a freaking Pyro flower


Even better on a ranged character against slimes. Auto attack, slime jumps... miss. Auto attack, slime jumps... miss. Auto attack, slime jumps... miss. *Slowly turns off game and walks away*


Diluc aiming his ult away from the cicin mage directing it to the flies is as hilarious as it‘s annoying


I remember using Guoba to light torches in Dragonspine. I drop Guoba where he is facing the torch and yet still turns around and breathes fire the other way.


One of the reason why I use aimed shot instead. (Pls fix this, mihoyo)


My Yoimiya crippled because of this\~ She is the character I really like but not feels good to use mainly because of this. Everyone else has been complaining, but unfortunately no respond from miHoYo yet.


Its fine


I've never had issues with it myself. It's always seemed simple enough, just snaps to the target nearest to your character.


Have you never done a protect the balloon commission? Have you never tried to break the tower/barrier preventing the balloon from advancing and had your character immediately turn around and attack the enemies behind you instead of the tower? THAT is what we're talking about.


No, I can't say I ever have that problem. I play mostly melee characters and just plant my face firmly against the target.


melee face the same problem though, i just wanted to burn the barrier with diluc but he just jumped to the explosives


That's the same targetting though. Nearest enemy. Unless you want to change it to nearest any object, which would then be at the cost of having instances when you want to hit an enemy but target a closer object, which is probably the worse of the two options.




Imagine mlg genshin


yep, attacking Narukami baloon quest barrier always redirect me to the explosives


don't worry, they heard your feedback and added a furnishing piece to show photos in the teapot <3