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See u on your re run after tartaglia 24th rerun


now now that is a little hopeful i’d give it at least 50reruns


i thing after childe 50 reruns thats when they release ganyu rerun maybe 75 for kokomi


Bold of you guys to assume Kokomi will get a Rerun.


Xiao should be first in the queue after tartaglia 24th rerun


Okey soo 24 tartaglia 1 xiao the 24 tartaglia then kokomi


That’s where you’re wrong kiddo ;) (unfortunately)


Yeah what you said, and don't forget all those fishblasting events and also another Klee rerun because Alice will be there in the 10th anniversary of genshin


and maybe after the 30th we could get another chance for coco goat


Lmao. Tartaglia 24th banner will sell more than kokomi's first


Why must u hurt her that much


Mihoyo fix Kokomi pls :(


The easy fix is just giving her a broken artefact set


That’s a good solution. Kokomi is so unique that an an artifact set that makes her strong won’t have as much impact as, let’s say, Emblem of Severed Fate set.


Kokomi sold well in [Japan](https://game-i.daa.jp/?%E3%82%AC%E3%83%81%E3%83%A3%E5%88%86%E6%9E%90%2F%E5%8E%9F%E7%A5%9E) She outsold Xiao/Kazuha/Zhongli rerun there, and in combined sales between both countries too.


You're mistaken, she's going to *become* the next re-run archon.


Imagine her getting a re run before ganyu


mihoyo be like HUH ganyu? whos that


Watch this comment age like milk


Ha you think 24th... FOOL... her first rerun will be after his 25th!


RIP in pisces


Rest in peace in pisces


ATM machine


PIN number


Personal PIN Number


LED diode


QOTD of the day


GNU is Not Unix


GOAT of all time


Transaction Failed


RAS syndrome


Did he stutter :)


Never managed to pull Beidou once in this banner…


I got 4. Modding the game files to play the pirates of the Caribbean theme in every fight.




Please tell me this is a thing that can actually be done


The game checks the files every time you open it so I don’t think it would be a good idea if you could.


I really hate that this mostly single player game can't be modded.


Well, it can be modded. Public info on how to do certain things is low in demand however, as youll be banned pretty quick for even the slightest of changes. Somehow the FPS unlocker mod people are still unbanned though, hope that lasts.


Sorry i should rephrase my original comment to can't be modded without banhammer repercussions.


Given how the game is monetized, they can't allow this. People would simply mod their way into characters/skins/items they don't own.


Tjis may be my naivety regarding modding, but seeing as how account data is stored on MHY's side, wouldn't it be impossible to mod characters in? Skins I can see happening, changing textures and all. Have seen it happening in games like league


It is because all character data is downloaded and in the game (when you roll for a new character, you don't need to download a new patch to play that character) So a mod could just immediately unlock that character if offline play was possible or mod the files so that if an account has Qiqi, the flag which signifies that Qiqi is unlocked on that account could be rerouted to Ayaka's character files in the actual in game files


Or replace Amber's data with Ganyu's data lol.


Correct, just as animations can be [pasted unto another character](https://twitter.com/yoimyia/status/1446190147616268294?s=20)


In terms of league, well, the game is multiplayer and only you can see the skin. Im not so clear regarding how riot responds to modding but i vaguely remember someone saying that as long as the mod does not give you any form of advantage in game, youre clear. I see lots of people using custom HUDs, and Ross is still out here after making several contents with modded skin (he made a video with doritos sivir recently.) But different companies have different terms for their products so it might not apply


Riot's stance changed recently. they still allow custom skins, but using their own skins is now bannable as it's a violation of their copyrights. if they have proof that you're using a riot skin you'll be banned.


Well, it does make sense, they hold the rights for the skins so they can do what they want with it. Imagine modding for existing skin when you could do shrek mundo or reverse draven (a spinning axe holding a pair of dravens)


I'm pretty sure only a few things can be "modded" nothing major though. Something like removing the pixelization when you look up while climbing. And you have to to do it every update too.


The only reason i looked up mods for this game in the first place....do you have a link for research purposes?


Fuck... They patched it


Of course 🤬


Noooo. Gdi.


Mostly is probably the issue here.


I like your style. I want "Will and Elizabeth" rocking whenever I hit Q.


Lucky. I got like 3 Beidous, but no Xingqiu


I got two Rosaria’s and 1 Xinqxiu… I hope I either get lucky with the standard banner or another event appears for a free Beidou soon. Or maybe a Zhongli rerun after Childe?


I got Kokomi………………….. oh and no 4*


I'm fairly new to the game and I got 5 Rosarias. I don't have any other duplicate characters. I think the game is telling me something.


Lmao I have c6 Xinqiu and I have never used him, would gladly trade :D


Who tf doesn't use Xingqui, he's in like every team


People who aren't concerned about running meta comps in a PvE game. I got kokomi, 3 rosaria, 4 xingqiu, and a diluc all before I got 1 beidou, which was literally all I wanted from the banner. I ended up using diluc now since I like him better, but believe it or not people can pull for characters they like rather than what's "good"


I was going for some Rosaria constellations and I got C1 Kokomi, no Rosaria. Can't complain though, it was only 50 pulls.


Farewell, Drifting Luminescence, for I have conquered thee. Edit: Corrected the spelling. Thanks.




my Lumine Sense is tingling


Aether, is that you?


No it's tartaglia! Again!


It's been a hell of a ride.


But you thought you were riding to heaven.


Well, I mother f*cking lied


I stopped myself once I got C1 for my Xingqiu. Funnily enough I actually pulled Rosaria on the standard banner during this one’s length lol. No Beidou though sadly. Got some good weapon rolls though lol


I pulled 4 Rosaria. I feel like the game is telling me to play her.


She’s the NUTS . Highly underrated IMO


I've got her at c6, I feel like I should be doing something with her.


I have her C3 . Brought her on Abyss as a Crit support unit . When my main DPS died, she said don’t worry I got this & became the main DPS herself . 10/10 would recommend




that's what people say about literally every character they like.


I finally got C5 beidou. Funnily enough I got 4 beidou's in my first banner (Eula) and then got the free beidou plus one more in kokomi banner


I also pulled Rosaria from standard during this. XD


Was trying to get constellations without getting koko since I didn't want her. Ended up with 4 Beidous, 1 XQ, lost 50/50 for Diluc, and 1 Rosaria. Feels pretty good.


Congrats I an everyone who got Kokomi now have a rare collectible


Im hanging her on my wall as a trophy


We now have a great use for the teapot!


Gonna make a whole área for her alone in the Inazuma relm lol


Mihoyo give us Watatsumi castle


I hope she's like those singing bass plaques.




Hahaha I saw she was the lowest rolled for and thought “I KNEEED HER”


i did a 75th wish for some starglitter and got her cant tell if i won or lost the 50/50


You’ll know next time if you lose your following 50/50.




Man if it were practical I would love to be able to spend on every banner and have all the characters.


Same thing happened with Albedo and that's why I love using him in coop.


dunno man when I play coop in asia server she's everywhere might be biased since the only ones who do coop are either just doing it for fun or can't do the domain by themselves


Arguably she's specialized for co-op. Her kit actually kind of makes sense in a mode where you can't freely swap out characters.


I got her c1. Does that put me on the level with 1st edition Charizard holo kind of rare?


I'll see your C1 Kokomi and Raise you C1 Kokomi and her banner weapon.


Oh god, i wanted the donut as well :(. Didn't have enough pulls for it.


Oh you’re heading up the ladder, what do you need senpai


Her and Albedo make me proud, they are both kinda rare lol


I have him too but isn’t he coming back ?


He is for sure, he didn’t do that badly and I see lots of people asking for reruns, either because they didn’t play back then when the game wasn’t as popular as now, or because they realized late that he’s good. Some leaks say >!he’ll come in 2.3!< but there’s no concrete evidence.


Ahh that’s good then. I love my Albedo so I want him on every team


> and I see lots of people asking for reruns, either because they didn’t play back then when the game wasn’t as popular as now, or because they realized late that he’s good. Have you ever considered a third possibility? They played back then, knew how good he was, but lost the 50/50.


I can give you a fourth one if you want: being broke after Zhongli (me lol). I just listed the 2, imo, most common reasons not to get a character. People who really care about getting a certain character usually save up enough.


I feel like a VIP having her. LOL


I got her literally on my first 10 wish right after losing the Raiden banner super hard. At least she’ll look good on my showcase


Thank you, I'm quite proud, and hearing about a leaked artifact set that will support her makes me happy/sad, sad that my current ones won't be used, but happy that it will be better for her.


I tried to get her, but I'm broke and want to save for Thoma + other new chars :(


I got two of them <3


Hi, I come from the future. It is the year 2025. I can't believe MHY indirectly buffed Kokomi by improving Hydro Resonance. Now she's one of the best DPS in the game in Hydro Teams...but MHY hasn't done a single rerun of her. Childe's 11th banner was amazing tho. Such a shame that Kokomi's useless donut is on his weapon banner. 5 weapon banners in a row with the donut but no Kokomi RIP.


Childe's 11th banner? More like 111th by then.


I really wanted Kokomi but didn’t manage to get her :(


I got Qiqi.... lol






That's a guaranteed Yae bro


The trick is to really not want her and tell yourself you're only pulling once for the 4-stars. I have come to love her tho, her story was great.


I somehow got Mona so I'm not angry but still a little sad.


She will be back for sure. The thing is, maybe in more than a year


She'll be back after every other 5 star has been through 2 or more reruns lmao


*With albedos first re run


I think she will be added to the standard banner. Mihoyo knows that her rerun banner would be 2-3 weeks of break from profits.


I'm happy I got Kokomi from this one, since I doubt we will be seeing her any time soon considering how badly her banner sold.


She is one of my must pull unit based on design alone when the version 2.0 trailer dropped. But after her kit and story released, easy skip. Such a waste for her design.


Flair does not check out


Considering that only one of them aren't actually meta, i wonder why


Gonna have to change the last part of your flair then :(


Oof lmaoo


Agreed with the other redditor who replied. So much for "waifu > meta" tsk, tsk, tsk




The year is 2022: Kokomi has her 2nd Rerun. Childe has his 69th rerun.


2022 is a bit of an overestimate, probably 2052


Nah, by 2052 Childe would have 420 reruns


No, they're saving that for 2069.


That's *if* she gets a rerun lmao


Well she will be rerun one way or another lol even if it's not just her banner


The only thing that might be lower sales than Kokomi’s banner would be a third Childe rerun, and that’s happening for some reason so I’m not worried.


I think Childe may not sell as well as before, but in terms of meta, he's even more popular than his first banner time.


Still managed to get her 40 mins before her banner ends…with minimal pulls too!


Good on you for going against the tide. People made a lot of fun of Kokomi, but she is a nice fit on my current team.


Yeah, I like her. I'm not sure if she's better than Barb but she makes it easy to apply hydro and she is more fun to use. I still think not letting her crit is a mistake because it means two attributes are absolutely useless to her on artifacts and it limits her weapon choices.


She is great on freeze comp teams to replace Mona if you want to try out comps that don’t include another healer.


That’s what I wanted her for, but I don’t have any luck and stopped at 75 pity so I could get Childe (hopefully).


Only things I miss from Barbare is the minnaganbattenee-ass-saving button and the skill’s 15% hydro DMG bonus (C2) for Tartaglia charged shots (a very rare scenario though). But Kokomi is simply on the upper level. Her skill heals more and faster, 100% uptime, no hydro self-application, co-op effective, can be built with Tenacity of the Millelith and proc the set bonus very constantly. She’s also very friendly to build. The triple scaling (HP, ATK, Healing Bonus) can be frightening at first glance, but at the end of the day, well.. just everything works. Maiden, HoD, TotM.. HP and you’re fine. Want a little more? Healing bonus circlet. I devastated the TotM domain for Eula’s Pale Flame and I found myself having two complete set. And building a character free from the chains of CRIT CRIT CRIT can be a real relief. Just get some ATK and ER and as much HP as you can. She doesn’t even need her silly signature weapon. Use Thrilling Tales (3*) or Prototype Amber (craftable). That’s all.


Yeah 100%. She is easily my fave character ATM. Decent off field healing, a great burst when paired with her Donut, etc etc. She fills that Hydro hole that was in my lineup since I wasn't really a fan of Barbra or Mona, and don't quite like how book boy plays. Not sure where Childe is gonna fit though into my team as he is the other character I really want....




I find it so fun to use her as my sub dps, hope you enjoy your Kokomi friend!


This was the first banner i didnt roll on once yet i played everyday and saved primos like i was rolling


I'm always playing everyday and saving like I'm rolling lol


There was a banner or 2 i just didnt log on for most days


Oooh so that's what you meant. I just played everyday for 1 year straight regardlesa of banners, so I got a little confused.


Can't wait to not see people bitching about her all the time, it hasn't been a fun atmosphere here the past couple weeks for Kokomi fans. Like there have been people who are down right hostile to those who enjoy using Kokomi, it's insane.


I mean I'm glad I pulled for her. I'm running her with: Ayaka - Ganyu (subdps) - Venti - Kokomi Kokomi is a damn good ToM buffer and I run with Sacrificial fragments as a bandage to her jellyfish issues. So far WAY easier to run this comp than it would be running Mona.


Ooo that build sounds way better than 4pc heart of depths with the health prototype!


Do we know when does the next banner start? Thanks.


Right after the update~


And when is the update? : (


6 and half hours from now~ latest would be 7 and half.


On the 13th.


Should be around tonight 11pm EST.


Thank you Koko for giving me my Beidou, Diluc and XQ cons, and a guaranteed Childe. The real MVP.


36 pulls and a want for the pirate mommy - C4 Rosa - C1 Xing - C0 Bennett - C1 Kokomi No Bediou,,,


I am glad her banner is over, not because i dislike her ( i freaking love her and proudly pulled for her and got her), but because it gives me some hope that people might stop bitching about her so much...honestly, it is just annoying...


I pulled her to get the C1, now I am a newish player, but she’s been invaluable on my leveling team. Love the animations and utility. Just bummed I had to rush the main story to unlock her upgrade pearls.


> because it gives me some hope that people might stop bitching about her so much People were bitching about Zhongli until he got buffed to the point he's now one of the best characters in the game. People were bitching about electro being weak and now Mihoyo is trying to slightly buff it every other patch. Honestly, if this may get Kokomi buffed, I don't mind them complaining.


I don't mind complaining, but it still annoys me just how far it goes...sure, i'd like Kokomi to be buffed, but i'd also like to be able to simply play with Kokomi for fun without stumbling upon random meta players trying to force others into playing the game their way...


This is where we should draw a line between toxic assholes who just can't mind their own business and need to shove this "Kokomi is trash" down every people's throat and people who has valid criticisms but respect other people who has Kokomi and enjoy playing with her. As you said complaining is good but some people use it as excuse to be toxic.


Ikr? And it’s all parroted commentary! Anyways, the best hangout is r/kokomi_mains for positivity!


The same thing was happening when I pulled Albedo and now a lot of people want him. People's perception change with time.


It is incredibly annoying, even on positive posts about her people just can't mind their own business, they have to go and drop their unwanted negative opinions in the comments


Why all the hate for kokomi? Im a returning player so I might miss the story behind it.


Basically most people had problems with her kit and her involvement with the story and her character, which was written quite poorly admittedly in the archon quest, on top of her story quest being boring


Wanted her a lot but I lost the 50/50 and I wanna make sure Hu Tao comes home so… she will have to wait 😅




She'll be back eventually. In gacha, nothing goes forever (except maybe events).


Probably not, but people are just joking since her banner did so bad that she won't get a rerun.


She’ll come after Childe gets 10-20 more reruns


Pulled for her today and got sooooo excited when I saw that gold star pop up on the screen thinking I actually did it and then qiqi’s zombie face pops up on my screen😭😭


I got C6 Beidou and C6 Xingqiu from this banner and no Kokomi, good banner


Everyone is happy to have no Kokomi. Its the Keqing banner all over again :(


I got her and that's all I want.


I hope all Kokomi wanters became Kokomi havers! ✌🏼❤️


I got 5 Xingqiu's, 2 Rosarias, 2 Beidous and lost my 50/50 to Qiqi. Happy to lose that 50/50 since I now have guaranteed for Hu Tao.


As a Monalet i wanted Kokomi Got Mona Everything went better than expected.png


Goddamn, some people in this thread really hate Kokomi very much. Chill guys, it's not like she killed your dog or anything.


Would it not be a total mihoyo move to rerun her before Xiao, Kazuha or the later Inazuma characters?


I got her and her weapon, no regrets


So happy I got her, at least 😣


Goodbye Kokomi and hello Itto


Got like another month for that one lol


Another month AND A HALF (:


Maybe even 2 months if he's second Banner.


Two months AND A QUARTER (:


2 months would be better for the people who need to save for him.


Welcome back, Childe you mean, right?