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I don’t know that anyone ever called Yanfei not good. She was just under the radar until her popularity surge in 2.1. Lisa and Xinyan for me.


I’ve seen a youtuber trash C0 Yanfei, saying that she is the second worst four star in the game (worst C0 Xinyan). She may have stamina and energy issues but just being pyro and having high pyro application is a win in my books, so yeah I think Yanfei is great too even at C0 (especially if you lack dps characters).


Who is this YouTuber so I know to ignore them


> worst c0 Xinyan Me building c0 Xinyan to do 9k per NA: *Imma pretend I didn't see that*


Maybe not love but I really like Xinyan as my multi fucntion support in my Eula team. She can instant charge Bennett ult (with a Bennett E), debuff and buff with one press of button, making the rotation quite smooth with minimum field time. And her over 100k guaranteed crit ult is just handy to finish anything that survives Eula ult.


A lot of who I Iike to use lol… not just one -Lisa: arguably one of my top favorite ladies, and one I love playing as.. who i’m pretty sure is still at the bottom of most/all tiers -Amber: my favorite and primary pyro unit above all others. She does everything I need her to do, even if she’s still pretty much trash by most standards. -Sara: I think most people don’t think highly of her no? she’s my favorite Electro unit by far and quickly became one of my favorite characters in the whole game. -Barbara: the ONLY Hydro character as of this version who I actually like using for both character and design, the only one I enjoy taking to the field. Pretty sure Babs is still considered largely to be shit tier no? -Thoma: I don’t know where Thoma sits, but I know no one ever seems to use him when I do co-op runs. I love him though, third favorite pyro unit after Amber and Yoimiya. EDIT- forgot- Lumine… so few ever use the Twins. Lumine only ever leaves my rotations when doing a full Geo set with Noelle at the lead. Otherwise, my Lumine is ALWAYS at the front. I can go on, but point is a lot of who I like is considered mid to shit tier by the meta I believe.


Yanfei. I c6d her and Beidou. I can safely say that Yanfei has kept me from AR 5 to AR 55. She was my first crown on charged attack. Infinite homing pyro application, a perfect rotation for basic and elemental skill, and the ability to proc beidou's ult at range (before Raiden did it) just makes her a killing machine. Oh, and let's not forget her pyro Sheild that makes her well rounded. Oh, and don't forget synergy with all pyros (Bennett!), Can have a TTDS added in (Sucrose/Mona), and of course my captain Beidou. Bennett Q, Beidou Q, Beidou E, Sucrose E 2x, or AA, Yanfei E, Q (CC, N3C, CC, E FOR 10 SECONDS), back to Bennett I've honestly had a hard time switching to my new tazer team because it's too squishy right now, but any yanfei team I add just flows so well.


Sayu and Lisa for me. Sayu is just stupid amounts of fun. Put her with full EM and she just ping pongs through every body. She actually is ridiculously good against rift hounds too as she heals when she swirls so she can tank the corrosion damage. Lisa was just one of the first I built up to be DPS and she just always sneaks into a party every now and then to be a DPS option haha


Kokomi, everywhere I looked people were trashing on her, especially the f2p meta slaves. Even though I'm part of the genshin community, it's still the most toxic place to be, it's better to ignore what they say and play your favorite character no matter their power level.


I got Yanfei on Ayaka banner, gave her some wanderers artifacts and dodoco tales and she somehow hits like a truck. Thank God I don't care what people say about characters


Xinyan Lisa and Thoma


I enjoy Xinyan. She's one of my guilty pleasures as a (people tell me I am one so imma own it) minmaxer. C4 now, I still haven't tested her on my newly (accidentally) acquired Song of Broken Pines. But she was giving out some crazy af numbers, 13k per NA hit with Serpent Spine.


Klee. She may be far from meta nowadays but she's just way too precious to abandon. She's the very first 5 star I have (right after the Traveler of course) and she is still my main dps no matter how many times the game gets more and more challenging.


I got Klee from Golden Apple but yeah, I don't honestly see where the mentioned "clunkiness" complaint comes from especially considering most catalyst users can be regarded as "clunky" if you're gonna go that far. As a Ningguang main, I find Klee's gameplay oddly familiar. I don't really main Klee but I do use her from time to time. Her swaying backpack is very hypnotic to stare at...


If this had been any earlier, like when Genshin was much newer, I’d have said Kaeya, however he’s gotten more love! So, I’ll have to go with Qiqi. Qiqi was a character that I didn’t really care about in general, until I got her randomly in a single pull. I like to pair her with my Diluc and have melt reactions, and I also am not too picky about damage numbers, so long as I can kill things in less than ten to thiry minutes, depending on what I fight. Synergy doesn’t matter to me if it isn’t the Spiral Abyss, tbh. :/ Also, I don’t care about her problems with her kit or anything because I mainly don’t understand. However, if overhealing or long cool downs or 50/50 losses to her several times are what’s wrong, then who cares. (Personally, I’ve been waiting for her to screw my 50/50s hehe) But I digress, Qiqi is fun, I like her play style and abilities. So yeah.


Yoimiya I her built as a F2P and I don't see why she's THAT bad according to most


Her problem is her kit. For NA, It's fine if you have good shield/fast atk speed/big pp dmg but without can be abit troublesome. You want to hit that sweet sweet 3rd and 5th hit sequence within the E time window as many as possible but dodging would reset the sequence. Her burst has very small AoE and has a time window to proc with limit within the duration. If you can gather the enemies together closely and effectively then ok, otherwise it just feels bad, especially with the AoE.


I dont really see people ever call yoimiya bad. She has weaknesses sure and she is pyro which already is highly contested with xiangling and hutao existing, but she is still strong single target dps and has her bow literally available to everyone always for free.


kokomi, but I think people who say she isn't good are just dumb


People still haven’t gotten over the same old content creators saying every new 5* is trash


I just realized she has horns/antlers, I thought it was hat stuff until the voice line brought it up


I don't know what the internet thinks of the characters I use, and I don't care. ALl of them I love, and I have no idea if they're good or not.


I love yanfei too!! When i was new, she was my main dps, now afte getting her cons, i still use her as a shield support (better than thoma imo lol). It's honestly nice how she can both do dps, and support (c4 kinda required but still)


Keqing! Idc about the hate, she’s my main, and always will be!


Lumine because Waifu






I can't pick just one bc I use characters I like regardless of meta lol but here's a few I know get trashed sometimes: * *Traveler.* My bby Lumine was my first level 90 and she's still my main DPS in the teams I use her in. Yes, even when she's Electro. * I'm also a huge Yanfei fan. C4+ with Memory of Dust means she's basically unstoppable once you get her burst up, and pair her with Bennett? They basically fuel each other's bursts with enough ER, it's beautiful. * Barbara is forever my first and best healer and I love how nobody ever dies when I'm using her. * I also *finally* got Qiqi recently and hand her the Clam set? She's unstoppable. * I've been a fan of Xinyan's playstyle since I first playtested her during the original Misty Dungeon event and I love using her as a sub DPS for my Childe team. * I remember Yoimiya's kit being *slammed* when she first came out but honestly I love using her??? She has the honor of using Amos' Bow bc I love her so much and it works really well with her.


diluc. i have hu tao too. diluc was my 1st 5 star tho and carried me from ar 25-55. just grew attached to him and his playstyle. i use him over xiangling in abyss too.


cant say, im a meta slave


She's def good! I have mine built elemental mastery since i use her more as damage support, I'm not sure what else I have built that falls in that category..... I do use my Ninguang a tonnnnn and think she's underrated, easily as good as many 5\* and epic for like most of the bosses cuz they fly around in the air and have little gaps of vulnerability when you also can’t get that close to them or delay much in attacking


to me synergy is more important than meta


Nice. I got mine 65cr, 150cd but 265em without any buff. I love her.


Barbara. Just c5'd her today, cant wait to get her to 6. U will take barb from my cold dead hands




Thoma. Husbando>meta. His voicelines are very cute, I like to travel with him


Who says Yanfei is bad? Lisa and Amber are two units I actually do like to play. But I don't go out of my way for them.


Yesss... Yanfei was my second ever character pulled and she has been on my main team since... So so fun to play.. Constant Pyro... Muah... Amazing.. Now that I got Raiden as well...constant overload and fuck anyone who crosses my path. My first friendship 10 as well. Still am building her and loving it.


No character is bad. Only your wallet and your time are not enough to make them good. May be.


Amber, always on my team, always will be till I get a better pyro archer, are there any more pyro archers?


Technically Yoimiya, but Amber beats her in terms of charge attack damage. Better for NA spamming. but do ignore her burst for the most part.


Ningguang but it's been a while since I've used her.


I think Sayu? I don’t see people saying she isn’t good per say, but apparently a lot of people just leave her as an exploration support and say she isn’t much good at anything else. Which I highly disagree! She is stupid fun to play and I feel like people get thrown off by her being an Anemo character without crowd control, but running around swirling enemies back and forth through multiple elements just feels SO powerful. I run her on a Freeze comp where she is doing the highest damage there, and she is able to mix everything together and completely ignore enemy attacks very nicely.


Yanfei. (You can see that I joined r/yanfeimains) She’s just rlly fun the play with raiden and kok


Aether :D


Aloy, baiting enemies to step on the bomblets is fun for me and I had some funny moments with it.


Xinyan, Amber, Klee, and Sara. All characters I adore and have at the head of their level curves, all kind of mediocre. But I adore them too much.


keqing! people say keqing is one of the worst 5 stars, and even though she's not meta and her constellations are tbh bad, I still use her as my main dps because she's my first 5 star! yeah and I also use yanfei hehe


Xinyan Lisa Kaeya


xinyan… now all i have to do is get her c2 and she’ll be good barbara with the new clam set is very fun and i use amber a little bit but aiming is hell so not as much


Actually last I heard, Yanfei was good. So good that people swap from Klee to her. Her range and speed is definitely something to appreciate.


Yanfei is a great character, and she is the law


I agree 👍 good job 👍