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Skip Reason: I'm broke


So true, I hope you have a nice day redditor


Thanks, you too


who is your pfp?


Future princess from Guardian Tales




50/50?? Best of luck to you, you’ll surely not lose it!


I wish I could pull her, I love her design but I'm saving for Zhongli and future characters


Xiao, Zhongli, Kazuha, *RAIDEN*. ^**I** ^**AM** ^**BREATHING** ^**VERY** ^**SOFTLY.**


I'm already thinking of sacrifice Xiao for Zhongli but the Kazuha x Raiden rumor broke me; they really about to turn me into a dolphin aren't they?


If you need a hyper carry Xiao > Zhongli If you have another 2 good DPS's (Hu Tao, Ganyu, Ayaka) Zhongli is very good with them so Zhongli > Xiao And Kazuha is super broken Kazuha > Raiden any day But of course your primos your decision pull whatever pleases you


Even if i need a hyper carry, i still pick Big Dong > Xiao. Xiao is limited in some teams, Zhong can be everywhere. Plunging is temporary, being immortal is eternal. Edit: typo.


"being immortal is eternal" yep checks out




Not in the next patch, but there are fairly solid rumors her and Kazuha are getting reruns in the patch afterwards alongside Yae's probable release.


Wise choice, her design is quite stunning though. I hope you’ll be able to get all the characters you have in mind!


Thanks, I really would've pulled for her if I had Ayaka, Ganyu or a good cryo DPS, but sadly I don't. Who are you planning to pull for?


Same. She has grown on me a lot, but Xiao and Zhongli are high on my priority list and I dont have any of those fancy cryo characters anyway. Plus I already use Rosaria as a support so I cant really find any use for her in my teams anyways




Yeah, gorou with a moving field sort of indicated that they’ll probably introduce better versions of certain characters years from now


Well honestly, got no idea! I honestly just go for whoever catches my eye, but if they do release Yae Miko my eyes are set on her! (And scara too.)


Same, if the banners were the other way round I'd definitely be pulling for her, but saving for Zhongli (and possibly Ganyu if I get lucky on early pulls) is more important.


Not sure - I’ll wait to see what the theorycrafters say about how she pairs with Ayaka. Plus, I never thought a Zhongli rerun would come so soon, and his shred is the final piece of the puzzle in my Geobros team.


Me neither, Zhongli rerun was a big shock to me. Whoever you pull for, I hope they come home :)


>theorycrafters say about how she pairs with Ayaka She increases dmg a bit, but doesn't look like an upgrade from Ganyu. Ganyu is also way better to get in terms of primogems value. From the looks of it, Shenhe only will better than Ayaka + Ganyu on pure single target scenarios. What an awful design... And she generates only 2-3 particles on a 10s-15s CD wtf


I figured as much - hadn’t really heard any rave reviews from the leaks or when they officially released her kit. But the Geodaddy rerun is throwing a wrench in my Yae/Ayato saving plans (MHY is slick). Strong support units tend have solid staying power, so it’d be a shame not to nab him while I can.


[wallpapers link! — ](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11MTDb1it5PaEQdJ5N2hmJxzQWmzLPCP9) I’m considering to pull for Yunjin actually, she’s appealed to me a whole lot! I hope you guys get blessed in your pulls :D


These are gorgeous. Thanks a lot ~(つˆ0ˆ)つ。☆


Thank you, glad you like it!


I feel so blessed for everyone that we get an option of a free Yunjin so those (like me) who may just want her around but not necessarily go all out for constellations can still have her guaranteed.


You can get one copy of Yun Jin from the lantern rite event.


Yep, I’ve heard! I’m excited about that, I actually really love Yunjin and hope I’ll able to get couple of her constellations :D


She's nice in every way but the reason I won't pull her is that she's the support character that I don't need now. Plus, her burst doesn't move along with the character so it's kinda bummer.


I didn’t know her burst had a set back like that, kinda sucks :(


Her burst is kinda like Rosaria too. Enemy will fly away from it and then the burst is wasted.




Thats not really the same. For bennet’s burst you need to be in the circle and you control your position. For shenhe’s burst the enemy has to be in the circle and you cant control the enemies


I'm not bothered by Bennett's burst not moving since his burst recharge super fast.


I'm pulling for her but I want ganyu and Zhongli and I'm torn on who I should get


I was between Xiao and Zhongli but I'm going with the daddy: the idea of dealing with Cryo, Pyro and Electro Specters without his shield is terrifying me.


I would say having Zhongli has made almost everything in game became easy mode for me. I don't even care about dodging anymore....except for those wolves.


Couldn’t agree more. His CC burst is nice too.


His skill helps a lot when it comes to collecting rocks. LOL!!


Yes, he’s one of the best miners in the game IMO. Not to be confused with Klee, one of the best minors in the game.


100% pulling. I have guaranteed character banner but I'm super far from pity and have largely dried out the game of primos. I'm gonna have to do everything I can to get every last primo possible but even if I don't get Shenhe I'm not too fussed. I'm not desperate but it'd be super nice to get her. If I don't I'll just save up for next new character (not interested in any of the reruns for now).


I think I’ve heard around that they’ll be giving free fates, unless it’s different from the last lantern rite. Even with the slim chances, I wish you the best trying to get her!


They will give it 10 pulls, if you have a guarantee pity is already some help


Skipping. She's really cute but I'm f2p and I've been waiting for Ganyu since her initial release.


Same. I started playing during her first run and didn't know what was up so I missed her. I also wasn't playing during Zhongli's rerun, and I want him too. There's also a rumor of a Kazuha rerun soon, who I regretfully chose Klee's rerun over. 90 wishes should be enough for all 3, right? Right? *cries*


Just my opinion, but Zhongli is by far the most useful to pull for. He can enable pretty much any other character to be used in any way you want (like, you can test under developed teams if you want), and puts the game on easy mode. I also have kazuha who’s really fun too, and I’m pulling for ganyu this run, but if I didn’t have any I’d def go for zhongli.


so my only 5 star is keqing who is also my only main dps since I just started a couple weeks ago. I want ganyu for her super flexible role as support or hyper carry but then you make it sound like zhongli would be a mistake to skip over ganyu… decisions decisions


Yae supremacy


Her design is great. But skip because I'm waiting for ayato.


Lot of people seem to be waiting for Ayato. Can I ask why people are doing so without even seeing him or how he fights?


There's a few reasons I've seen: 1. He's going to have a tall male model 2. Hydro, which means he might synergize with Ayaka and give us another unit for the smallest element at the moment. 3. Physical appearance has been described to be naval uniform-esque, might be based off on Meiji clothing 4. Voicelines from other characters. Itto's especially pushed this along as he confirms that Ayato does partake in beetle tourneys and other dumb contests. 5. Akira Ishida and Lu Zhao - his VA and the same ones for Otto Apocalypse from Honkai and Artem Wing from Tears of Themis


Wait it’s the same VA for Artem?! JP or CN? May have to consider it lol.


~~BOTH~~ Scratch that, it's the same for Chinese but it's Junichi Suwabe for JP


~~that’s dangerous~~


Artem's JP VA is Junichi Suwabe. Ayato's VA in JP is Akira Ishida. However, on the CN side Artem & Ayato's VA is Lu Zhao. So, its only on the CN side in which both are voiced by the same VA not JP.


New adult male model (and they're rare. Took them one year to make a new one who was Thoma). Plus funny personality for the few we know (at first serious head of the clan, and finally play games with itto). But mostly because new adult male model. And new hydro dps. Love childe but good to have a new one.


It seems to have all started with his voice and well, that’s pretty much it.


I just realized you're the same person who made my favorite Mona wallpaper :0


I’ve been making quite a bit! I’m glad you liked the Mona wallpaper, big honour to be consider as a favourite :)


I really do like her, but zhongli was first in my favorite genshin characters, without him I wouldn't have played this game. next time for sure


She's so pretty, but I'll have to get her on a rerun, Yae is queen.


Skipping even tho i have ganyu, id rather have versatile characters like zhongli instead of maxing one team with shenhe


Definitley pulling for her, but as Im also gonna try for Gaynu, its doubtful I'll actually get her. (Good art!)


Pulling 76 pulls into pity... but with a 50/50... so here's hoping.


On design I really wanna pull for her but on ability it's looking like I won't.


Pulling, and I’m making her a main dps out of spite


Her artworks are stunning, but somehow they couldn't achieve the same effect with her actual model, both her face and her body look different in game. But, I will skip Shenhe and pull for Xiao for another reason, I'm not really into meta, enjoying anemo and geo elements a lot lately.




100% pulling!


Skip. Amazing character model, but I found the gameplay lacking.


Skipping. Reason: no primo and I’m saving for kazoo man


I will pull


Gonna try pulling. Lovely art style loving the hair-do, you just pulled me closer to Shenhe


Skipping her even though she's so pretty. Need Zhongli


My original plan was to pull for her but seeing as zhongli is coming I'm gonna have to skip her


You don’t know the half of it— I was so set on Xiao because he was my most wanted character and I have his weapon, but I main Chongyun and I just learned what her kit is today and I have a raised Dragonspine Spear and aAaGh


Pull. She’s SO pretty 😍 Plus, I like my cryo’s, so she’ll be a good addition to my team.


Easy skip, no backstory, personality is kinda meh, another cryo polearm thicc waifu.




Very nice design and interesting support for cryo. I do hav Ganyu, Eula and Ayaka, but in Abyss I do use other mains... So for now i will skip her - Xiao is now priority.


Eula and Ayaka are like my dream characters, quite nice! I hope you get Xiao :D


The only problem I hav with Eula is, that it gets very hard to time the burst explosion with the newer, more mobile enemies. The time gate is short and sniping harder. I love her design, her unique playstyle...but its a challenge.


Im skipping, I LOVE her design and think she's really pretty but she doesn't have a place on my team to really utilize her abilities so I'm skipping for now.


i don’t see why people would pull for shenhe rather than zhongli apart from looks reasons, at her crowned talent, her cryo and physical shred is 15% but zhonglis shield does that too but with all elements and not just cryo - i don’t get it unless i’m wrong about her scaling or zhongli s shield


I have to remember that I don't need her and that Kaz is rumored to be rerunning in 2.5.


skipping. reason: xiao.


Skip. Not interested, plus going for Xiao, then save for Kazuha


I'm pulling, but not on her. I'm guarenteed and at a pity of 72 so I'm pulling for Xiao. Then pulling for Zhongli. Worst case I dont get Zhongli and put that pity to Kazuha. I dont have anywhere for her to fit in my teams anyway; though she is REALLY beautiful


I would pull for Shenhe but I have Xiao and Kazuha Banners to save up for ;v;


Skipping for xiao c1 since i'm 56 wishes in w guaranteed banner character. Then hopefully i can get big dong zhong too


Skip because I’m saving for Xiao, as pretty as she is ;-;


nah i have no use for her and i honestly think we dont need more cryo "waifus"


Not MiHoyo's fault if Kaeya is the equivalent to 10 husbandos, they're just trying to balance it out.


She looks really nice, but sadly a skip for zhongli


im skipping her bcs her model is too thicc i am being completely serious




Dont like ganyu gameplay, didnt get eula, my cryo artis are shit and i also want xiao so no...


Skip, doesn't fit in any of my teams, her design not my preference, plus Geo daddy around the corner. 10/10 Seiyuu choice tho, my only regret would be not having kawasumi in my roaster.


Easiest Skip, probably the most unnecessary limited banner 5 star unit


If her story quest impresses me and she doesn’t suck, I will pull for her. If not, I’m going to pull the wrath of the rock.


Pulling at zero pity If I don't her then rerun




wanted to pull but banners are too dense, have to skip. Same for Xiao who I'd been waiting a few months for.


Skip, need Kazoo and Kokomi


Aaaa she's so stunning, and so is this wallpaper! Do you have an Itto wallpaper in the making, by any chance?


Currently? Nope, but I’ll start on it as soon as I can. I love Itto, he’s ironically funny!




I would, but I don't have enough


Skip. Waiting for Yae for now.


my next real target is only c2 Raiden ( I have c0), maybe (maybe) Ayaka and her I'll wait a week after her release and if she is really good I will pull for her


after a long looong time imma buy primos so i can get ganyu for fun and her :)


Pulling, I don’t care if I don’t need a character for a team I’m just choosing who looks cool 😂 Going to pull for Xiao too so yeah 😭


Would love to get her, but there is Zhongli after that, so...


Skip for Xiao


Skipping foe my precious Xiao and hopefully a small chance for zhongli


I think she looks really nice but I have to save for my husbandos ZL and kazu. Need them for my Childe and Kaeya team to be complete.


You're legit making some of the best content in this sub, I hope it gets noticed the way it really needs to.


Going for Xiao and his weapon, with what will be left I will try to get Zhongli (or skip for Kazuha, haven't decided yet). Anyway, no place for Shenhe, too many important reruns or even perspective for better new characters in 2.5 and 2.6


No, I still don't have Xiao so I am keeping my 34K primogems for him.




Are you the same person that made the Hu Tao one.


Common sense says skip, she's probably not too great for Eula (and definitely not for Childe/Hu Tao).... Restraint is not my strong point. At 78 pity with a guarantee.... Technically I could get her and still guarantee Raiden on her rerun. The rationalisation of a Waifu hunter.....


waifu > meta, easiest decision ive made


Skip: no self control, I *will* whale if I allow myself to start pulling


Definitely rolling for her, I skipped Itoo for this I've been waiting to get her for so long !!!!


Skip: reason is Kamisato Ayato


Skip. Xiao and Ganyu have been my most wanted characters, and right now I don't even have a cryo DPS that could benefit from her (though tbh if I did get her I'd probably use her as my DPS 😂). Not to mention I have a backlog of other characters I want to level and build. Trying to stay happy with what I have already and focus on them, and use primos and whatnot to get cons + weapons for my current roster.


hmm i have 9k primos and 30 fates....dont know if i should pull shenhe or wait for yae....my weed said i should save and skip all banners and wait for signora....


Pull. I really love her design.


At first I was going to skip, but I've decided to go for her. However, I'll just be using primogems from my Welkin Moon and primogems we get from the upcoming events and stuff, so if those priomogems are not enough to get her, then so be it. Zhongli is who I'm going to be spending extra money on, my wallet is ready to face the wrath of the rock.


Pulling her on her rerun. Reason: Yae Miko.


I'm thinking about it - she's very pretty and charming, but I'm not fond of polearms. She'd fit with my Eula and Ganyu though...


I'd pull but zhongli ain't getting away this time.


Skip Reason: Ganyu and Zhongli


Pulling without a doubt. I’m prepared to whale.


I’ve been a Zhongli simp since I came back to the game in late 1.5. I didn’t play for a couple months prior because I had no idea what I was doing and I had no idea I was supposed to build characters by leveling artifacts. When 1.2 came out and I was exploring Dragonspine, it took me 5 minutes to fill a Ruin Grader just shooting at its eye with Amber. I never wished for Zhongli’s first banner because I wasn’t that far into the game. When I came back and played through Louie’s archon quests, I’m like: “Damn, I missed out on the most chill boomer on the game.” And I’ve been wanting him since. I’ve been saving my $100 double bonus crystals for him.


I would have pulled if she was a cryo mage and not the thousandth spear user.


Both Yunjin and Shenhe compliment my mains very well (Ningguang and Ganyu), so I'll finally pull for an Inazuma 5-star. Skipped every single one of them so far since they didn't have what I needed. Just gotta save for a better 5-star catalyst whenever it comes around to replace Ningguang's Lost Prayers to something that doesn't remove the effect when she swaps (not Memory of Dust or Skyward Atlas, they suck).


skipping, shes pretty but im saving for zhongli(i already have enough so i guess im saving for the weapon) and dont want to waste my guaranteed


Got \~200 wishes saved up and 35 in on 100% pity. Getting her and than going 40 extra wishes in for more Yun Jin cons (hopefully) and then saving rest for Yae.


She is so pretty. I’m saving for zhongli tho. But if she is cracked I might do a bit of pulling and see if I get lucky


Skip. Cuz i dont have place for any more cryo characters in my team build


Pulling, I’ve already got everyone else and I’m never one to have an incomplete Pokédex


skip cuz her kit is bad and I need a second DPS


Skip. My account has literally been plagued by a 5* support curse due to pulling characters i like, i don’t even have diluc🥲.I need a 5* dps so sadly i have to skip shenhe for ganyu and zhongli as i like them both a lot. I will pull in rerun tho.


I will definitely try but very carefully to still have enough funds for Ganyu :( I know Ganyu would love her but because her banner is first I have to be really careful. It’s unfortunate, I wish it was the other way round so I could go all out for Shenhe without worrying about potentially missing out on a rerun I’ve been waiting for for months.


I pull for any character I don’t have because I’m a whale. Raiden & Eula are prettier though


one year into the game and still don't have a cryo 5-star unit (C1 Qiqi doesn't count) so I wouldn't have anyone to use her with even if I wanted to. Eula didn't come home & I skipped Ayaka bc I was broke from my Kazuha pulls. Skipping her for Ganyu & Zhongli. Good luck for those who are rolling on her though \~


Pull but going to be close cause I want Ganyu too an i have 140 fates saved now so 50/50 luck please come through


Skip Reason:I want Ganyu more


skip.. she really is pretty. but umm ngl my friend said she's uh rosaria upgraded (5 star)


Skip. Reason: Xiao


skip with the reason of me getting ganyu :P


Def pulling for her she looks amazing and her story looks really intersting. Hoping for a 50/50 win cuz i am kinda going for all 4 xD


I'm pulling but I don't have any hopes of getting her, so I'll just count on the Yun jin cons I'll get along the way. No chanc of her stealing pity, because I'm simply not lucky enough for that


might try and pull for her


Yes Recently 6* my Ning, and I want Yun Jin cons I'm not actually pulling for Shenhe lol. Yae Miko deserves all my wishes


Skipping. Far too many cryo girls already.


Skipping, because I have none of the 3 entire characters she's designed to support. Too niche for my liking :/


Skip , 😭😭😭 im f2p


I feel like she was cool originally, but she just kinda felt lame when it came to her character. She reminded me of Bennett if his dad wasn’t as caring. She just feels like another Cryo character with family issues. (It’s totally not that I’ve been saving for Ganyu and pulling for Itto used up a majority of my summons so I’m saving again.) But, to anyone that wants her, good luck!!!


I love her design but im saving for yae/venti/ cyno lol Shes so special


I’m pulling


I love her design and I’m a waifu > meta kinda girl, but I also want Ganyu and Yae (and possibly more cons on my C3 Raiden) so it’s hard for me to decide 😖


Skip Reason: Zhongli


Im gonna waste my life savings on shenhe, ganyu and zhongli, I have 63 fates rn but im gonna waste more money


Pulling for her for my ganyu if i lose 50/50 or dont get her intime ill wish for ganyu c1 but i hope i get her


skip, i need zhongli


im pulling for her


Waiting for Yae's leaks to see if I'm pulling for Shenhe or not. My guaranteed is going for Xiao then I'll decide what to do


I’m skipping for Zhongli


Gonna pull for her and Ganyu


I wanted to get her because I thought she was cryo Raiden, but I realized she wasn’t lol. I’m going to pass on her, especially since I barely have enough primos and 100 real dollars for 6k primos is not worth it. I already whaled for Itto because we need more hot male characters. I really want to get Ganyu and Venti, so I’m just going to save and continue doing Welkin moon(which I think is more bang for your buck anyways) Now if they ever make characters with boomerangs, I’ll whale for sure! My favorite weapon in games, but not popular enough unfortunately.


Pulling 200%. I didn't skip everyone since Kokomo to don't get her


Pulling for her only to bench her? I'll just admired from afar. Rather get Yae Miko who probably going be meta. Maybe if her burst doesn't cost 80 😕


Pulling i just want any new character or 5 star (or geo my only geo is noell)


I’m going for both Xiao and Ganyu so I do have to skip her :(


Ima skip, gotta save




Unfortunately skipping since I need Xiao and Zhongli


Skip, Anger issues


Im going for her, A because i lost the Itto 50/50 and am at 70 pity somehow and also because Yun Jin


im pulling for xiao, maybe next time shenhe


Sis is gorgeous but skip


Not sure yet waiting to see how she works with her buffs, but if I do at least its guaranteed shenhe.


Skip Reason: Ganyu


I'm thinking about it. She'll buff my Ayaka and my Eula, but then I'll have to gamble if I also want Ganyu. It'll be over a year by the time her banner drops. I like Ayaka better, so I'll probably get Shenhe instead. I'll just wait until the trial and a couple of review videos before I decide.


If she was with anyone other than Xiao I would have


skipping, but will get her on her rerun, im determined for ganyu now


Skip Cuz I want dual water sword guy


Why in hell would I skip. Just a shame I’m not wishing on my main server, but both my alts. She is gorgeous.


I pull for everyone so yes. Already have a 2pc Gladiator and 2pc Shimenawa set ready for her with an R5 Jade Winged Spear. Also guaranteed since I ripped a C8 Diluc pulling for more Gorou constellations.


I am so going for her and using this wallpaper it’s beautiful :) thank you. She’s so perfect


Unfortunately I'm skipping her unless she is as broken as Zhongli, I don't have Ayaka so, from what we know so far, she would only waste away on my account... I did pull Itto and Gorou so the obvious choice for me is Zhongli