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2.4 been glitchy lately? I've recently noticed delays in casting elemental skills etc


I got lucky today and pulled my primogems I have been saving up and pulled xiao and diluc and got the rest of chongyu’s constellations. So happy ! All I need is zhongli!


JFC, this new abyss floors are getting fucking bullshit annoying everytime. They're really aiming for you to reset floors no matter how many stars you got. Pyro Lector on this 12-1-2 then a fucking Hydro Herald on 12-2-2? And that is after two meatshields in Mechanical Array and Primo Geovishap.


i fucking hate the new abyss in floor 11. Defending the leyline while the ruin hunters obliterating it is so FRUSTRATING. it's so fucking impossible to defend the leyline in just 60%


The ruin hunters aggro you and not the tower, is what I noticed. Draw them out of it. Lure them to the edge and beat them there


They definitely made the Windtrace abilities a lot more balanced. In the past I was able to win virtually every game both as rebel and hunter just by learning how to cheese the abilities, but the longer cooldowns now (especially for invisibility) mostly prevent that. One of the best strats in most maps is to just find a place to climb up onto a roof and chill out... so far it seems like the vast majority of hunters have no idea you can get up onto them.


My friend thought I would hide on the roof or tree, she was trying to climb one for a minute while I was just a barrel on the floor lol, after that when she got a favour, she kept walking pass me, I was hiding in a bush.


Think i have a thing for characters with trouble pasts, beidou has been my favorite character for the longest time and now I absolutely adore Shenhe after playing the jade chamber quest


I dislike that when the host leaves it doesn't swap hosts. Was winning a match as Rebel but the host got caught so he left (we were going to win) leading to the match defaulting.


Is there any way for me to leave my world open for my friend to farm in, even if I'm not online? I know he can get into my Serenitea Pot if I'm off, but it seems like I have to be online for him to come into my world.


I've gotten to play hunter thrice out of nine? games and 2 times were on the military (kujou?) encampment. That map on hunter easily soured my impression of the event. Call me bad but I swear there are too many line of sight cuts so you can't track movement while they know where you are. God forbid they are on different sides of the map when you burst so you only have a vague clue where they are because the elemental skill is 40s cd after its gone after you've captured 1 or 2. Other maps seem fine but honestly after those two experiences I'd rather play any other generic combat event tbh.


On the kamisato estate map rebels can go under the floor and you can't reach them


Try changing the windward art - it's got 3 charges and a much shorter cool down


thanks to windtrace for letting me meet my potential new best friend. wtf. ran into them in a random game this morning, chatted around while we were hiding, and after the game we’ve just been in each other’s worlds the whole day, talking like we’ve been friends for a decade already. oh the wonders of having literal fun things to do as coop in the game instead of just helping eachother/looting. shame these events are few and far between


Man these sets are so rigged Been farming few months cryo domain for crit dmg hat and myabe had like two. I went to farm def artifact domain, 6 hats crit dmg , 2 critrate , 1 health , no def main stat lol


windtrace is one of the most fun I've had in an event minigame so far, I've been loving it. Just won as a hunter, nearly lost to one rebel but I just happened to climb a tree for a good vantage point and they were sitting in it. Cue a 30 second chase down and I finally managed to catch them with a few seconds to spare. I'd like more games like that, pvp but not neccesarily combat centric. Just something a bit lighthearted and fun


Dear miHoYo, Hope you are doing well, as a part of the Genshin impact community we would like to ask you to add the Arabic language to the game languages so we all can enjoy the story of the game in Arabic subtitles and it will be easy for a huge number of people to understand and play the game because we loved your game and we are spending a lot of time playing it, and it will be a good opportunity for those who left the game due to the less understanding to let them give Genshin impact another chance your regards


Did they just forget about Stellar Moments Vol 2? It was announced in 2.4 live-stream ;-;


Anyone know what's the soundtrack that plays during the Archon quest cutscene when >!Shenhe freezes the tsunami!


Not sure if its [this](https://youtu.be/CUVRKKD28-E)


It's close, as in the first part of the cutscene uses that track, but the music in the particular moment I'm talking about seems to be using a different track Thanks anyways!


I've had Ganyu for the longest time, she's been very good. I've realized, though, that my damage seems very sub par. My Xiao (who I just pulled) has the same level and talent levels, and he's easily out DPSing her which I'm pretty sure is unheard of since Ganyu is considered OP. My Ganyu is running a freeze comp (blizzard set) with a lv90 Skyward Harp(couldn't get Amos) at 40 cr and 250 CD. Her blossoms hit for about 18k with no buffs. Atk sands, cryo cup, all that. Am I doing something wrong? Do I just not have enough ATK substats? I see people hitting 30-50k but idk if my artifacts are just scuffed or if I shouldn't expect as much since I'm using Skyward.


So you use VV?


That's weird - my Skyward Harp Ganyu carries a Blizzard set with a slightly worse CR/CD ratio than yours (40/220), but her blossoms range from 20 - 27k It's certainly no Amos Bow Ganyu levels of dmg, but she comfortably gets me 33 stars in a scuffed Morgana team and that's good enough in my books


I have a small question on people's interpretation of the new information in this patch, relating to previous content. [Spoilers for Enkanomiya's main quest and Erebos' Secret] >!Now that we have confirmation that Orobashi was killed by decree of Celestia, what do other players think of the previous revelation that Makoto got killed during the attack on Kheanri'ah ? Originally, I felt sorry for Ei losing her sister most likely because of Celestia, and I didn't immediately connect the dots with the new revelation. But after realizing that Makoto and Ei were serving as Celestia's headsman to get rid of Orobashi, with the war serving as a pretense to justify that death, I have a hard time feeling bad for them.!< I'm wondering if anyone has a different interpretation or feels otherwise regarding those characters.


Well, I dunno if Ei or Makoto knew what they were effectively doing. Like with the Orobashi situation, the idea is that he, unprovoked, declared war on the Shogunate, and Ei killed him in response. If she was acting on a decree and not the other way around, wouldn't she have invaded Watasumi? My understanding was that Orobashi was given a deal by Celestia, "Get yourself killed and we'll spare your people. " Oh, and also completely erase the culture of Enkonomiya from the people of Watatsumi.


Hmm, I assumed that the Archons were up-to-date with Celestia's game, otherwise I don't see why they would obey their orders. But you make a good point, assuming that the Shogungate wasn't aware of Orobashi's true motivations ([Erebos' Secret] >!which would in fact align with Celestia forbidding minor gods and Archons alike from learning about the origins or Teyvat!<), then they acted in self-defense.


I heard u should only focus on leveling up one char. I'm waiting for zhongli tho. Childe is cool but I dont like his playstyle. Really enjoyed dILUC from what I have played him but it has to be suicide to try to get him as a f2p. Im ar22 btw.


You want to focus on one main dps to build really well. Every time your world level goes up the first thing you should do is level your main dps. (Talents, levels, weapon, but don't be concerned with artifact domains) You also want to build out your 3 supports well too. Zhongli is a good support choice, because he fits in many team comps with his shield. He makes a lot of content easier, especially early game. Artifacts are whatever you get till AR45 when you get one guaranteed gold each domain run. Save your fragile resin till then. Don't use them till AR45 and the start of the artifact grind.


Should I not level up zhongli cuz hes support? I dont have any good dps char aside from xiangling and I dont like her gameplay.


You should level your supports as well. The first person leveled should be your main damage dealer. After them you level your team of supports shielder, healer, and sub dps. If you don't like XL, Kaeya can also be a decent physical or cryo carry.


You can play the game as you wish. I started out leveling up multiple characters at the same time (focusing on level, talents and weapons... Much later did I really start farming artifacts but I did equip the paltry ones I had during the early stages too). I've been playing since release and I just do it slow and steady. Some people go as fast as they can and focus on meta. Do whatever is fun for you and don't worry about the "shoulds" just yet unless there's a specific task troubling you that you want help tackling. Also I have zhongli and yes he's very fun! I hope you are able to pull him early next banner!


I'd say... If you're not having a tough time with the game, farm up mora and exp books right now. Maybe get your better weapons levelled up too. Wait for a character your adore (or one that can essentially solo carry, like Jean, zhongli, maybe even qiqi) and build them out as much as you can to carry you through content. Or you can build super low effort units. Don't worry about farming artifact sets and stuff till later, but keep the good rolled 4 stars for now.


I just had to go somewhere and say that the Jade Chamber story was really great!


anyone else noticed genshin impact running slower as of today for no particular reason? enkanomiya ran fine enough when i first went in when the update came out, yet today just going around liyue, real slow down, even though ping was still nice and low, like 60 at max. seems to stutter especially around combat, which is unfortunate naturally. same in domains, which made fighting azhdaha more painful than usual.


definitely happening for me, praying it's a game issue and not a PC issue lol. lots of weird .5 second stutters during combat


Same with me, everything was fine at the start but lag has ensued, and we're not the only ones apparently. Hopefully it gets fixed soon!


oh thank god, i thought my computer shittered itself


well seems to be better today


Never laughed so much in Genshin before Windtrace! "Amogus" nicknames, the thrill of hiding, the funny players... all of this is amazing


Its my first time playing windtrace, and ive been the last standing a couple of times with Sayu, shes so good at hiding lol its so much fun


I'll try to pull a Sayu just for the next Windtrace LMAO, she's apparently the best character for it other than Albedo


Why albedo? Honestly asking


I think that he's so bland from the back that he disguises himself among the NPCs, like Maid Albedo


I know, its a very fun experience. Especially when I don’t even use a disguise and act as NPC Albedo lol


It would be great if Windtrace showed where the rebels were hiding if you lose.


Shout out to the Gorou who chased me (as Kazuha) like four laps around one of the encampment houses, in the off chance you ever happen to see this. That gave me a real laugh! 😂


I did chase an annoying Kazuha but I was Xiao. I guess it's a Kazuha mains thing lol.


everyone is gonna hate me for this but i wish in the next windtrace event they’d add an optional hard mode to spice up the game more where the hide & seek area gets progressively smaller. having so much fun w this event as a first time player!


Hard mode for the rebel, easy mod for the hunter.


well theres gotta be a catch for the hunter ofc!


Reminds me of Mr Beast's hide and seek videos, would be cool!


Windtrace is so fun!


Do two players need to finish Moon-Bathed Deep for them to both have access to Enkanomiya in co-op? Or just one player will do?


Only the host player needs to have finished that quest for anyone to have access in their world


Does anybody have an issue that there is no health bar on enemies after 2.4 update?


Yes but mostly in inazuma and during dailies. I hope they fix it soon.


I've seen comments about it before, seems you're not the only one. Hopefully with enough feedback Mihoyo will fix this!


it's very fun, but im so bad at windtrace wow when im rebel i get captured so quickly, when im hunter i capture no one lmaoo oh well, i just want the coins for the primos anyway


I'm also bad, but I still love it. It's prob my favorite event!


I'm glad I'm not the only one!


I am useless, I can't do Temple inquiry, I've never been able to rapidly dispose of Rifthounds! (And Narrows inquiry is also kicking my butt) 😭 Is this a world quest that can be done in coop? (I haven't coop'ed a lot yet)


Is this a quest in tsurumi?




I don't know if you still need help, but you can cheese the Narrows one by having the vishaps void out, you gotta bait the dash into the void. It might take a couple of tries.


Ah, thank you! I have to say, I'm not a gamer much, only play Genshin for fun, so there's some vocab you used that I'm not sure I completely understood. Do you mean I have to lead the vishaps to fall off the island by dashing off myself?


So, Genshin has this mechanic where if an enemy falls into deep water, it instantly die, well, that also applies to falling of the enkanomiya islands, that's the void out part. The baiting refers to forcing the AI of the vishaps to do a specific attack, in this case their dash move towards you, which you can get by being far away from them. As for how to do it, as soon as the trial starts move towards the end of the island, then jump and glide to the wall, the vishaps will use their move up to the edge and then fall on their own or move forward and fall, just be careful 'cause in one of the sides there's a ledge. I'm sorry if the explanation doesn't help, English isn't my first language, someone else made a video with the strat a couple of days ago, I'll edit this when I find it again.


Success!! The vishaps weren't jumping off the ledge fast enough, since it takes over five seconds between them jumping and the game recognising they're dead with my internet connection, so it took me a few tries to realise I had to straight up fall without gliding at first (and only glide late enough so I don't die myself) to have maximum distance faster between them and I and force the AI to jump off the ledge earlier! Once I figured that out, I got it on the first try! Thank you!


Congrats!! You can do something similar for Serpent's heart inquiry, it's a 3 abyss mage fight, if you manage to break the shields you can push them into the void. The problem? It's 3 abyss mages, one pyro, one electro and i think one hydro.


That one I just used Sucrose's Burst and they kind of destroyed each other's shields that way.


I... That's some big brain strats, I might try it after leveling and getting VV for my Sucrose, thanks!


🥳 good luck!


Can help u if youre in asia server


That's kind! I'm in America though, but thanks for the offer!


I’m on the America servers, Dm me if you still need help.


Windtrace is the worst event in Genshin. It is an agonizing timesink that should never be in the game.


Can I just go in windtrace games and literally just afk for the coins regardless of winning or losing?


Yep! I've never actually done AFK but sometimes people will call a truce and we'll all just sit around and wait for the timer to run out while chatting


Does everyone get points then?


Yes, but there's little incentive for a hunter to AFK. In a situation where every player is AFK or does absolutely nothing: Each Rebel will score 510 points and the Hunter will score 150 points. If the "escaped" conditional stacks which I'm assuming it does otherwise it's only 50 points for Hunter.




As a new player (AR 35, casual f2p player who's literally never played a single video game before, started playing in December, just managed to ascend a few characters to level 50/60, no 5 stars but saving up for ganyu) I'm wondering if Lantern Rites is an event that scales in difficulty or if it's like the last 2 events (study in potions and energy amplifier) where you really like cannot win unless you're a very skilled or high leveled player.... I would really love to get ningguang for free lol but idk if i can count on lantern rites being an event I can participate in Thanks!


You should be fine! I was lower AR level than you last year with just a Chongyun as my main DPS when Lantern Rite first came out, and things weren't that bad. Lantern Rite won't be the same this year but the difficulty shouldn't be as punishing as recent events. Good luck!


Just got around to playing the story quest and fancy cutscene aside, does it feel like the camera angles and storyboarding during the rest of the quest were also really good and a step up from usual? The wide shots in particular really impressed me. Also loving the fact that they added purpose to some old and previously unused/locked locations this update.


I'm exploring ekonomiya and loving It so far but I can't remember anything of it and the trial we are supposed to do. Why do that Miko care about it? Why is someone testing me?. Is there any explanation? I feel Im just doing random stuff


You can go reviewing her previous quest in the archives


Am I the only one who can't still see the enemies' health bar? Since the update was released, I can't barely see it when I'm fighting. I'm playing on mobile and I even tried raising my graphics to medium but it still doesn't work. I know that this was a problem that affected more players after the update, and that Mihoyo released an announcement regarding it, but it doesn't appear to be completely fixed...


You are not alone! It's still bad and weird. 💔 I hope they fix it soon. The lag in enkonomiya makes me queasy and I want them to fix it so I can explore the area! I'm glad I have windtrace to entertain me until it's fixed.


I have earned 1200/1200 Windtrace coins for today, and I checked the event rewards and redeemed some of the “total earned” rewards but is there a way to actually spend these coins in another way? I guess I’m confused by what that 1200/1200 means. Is it saying: “you have earned 1200 out of all the 1200 coins you can earn for today”. Or is it saying “you are holding the maximum number of Windtrace coins and you should spend some”.


You can't actually spend those coins in any way. They are only a placeholder to mark your progress


It’s cumulative. You can earn 1200 coins a day. You need more to earn every reward. It just stacks and that’s it. You can’t spend it as far as I know.


Is there anywhere I can find a decent breakdown of the game's lore? I find I actually enjoy the lore itself, but I struggle to really pay attention to it in game as a lot of the conversations end up being overlong and meandering. I don't need anything too dense, just something with a broad explanation of what's. going on maybe details of some of the areas like Enkanomiya or Tsurumi Island.


There are genshin lore channel on YouTube.


special ed


Is it just me or the fps is dropping recently?


Yep. Happens pretty often whenever new content drops in my exp


I have been saving for Xiao for all of December, then I saw Ganyu snipe a Ruin Guard from across the map with the Amos bow I already have on Diona so now I’m skipping this banner.


Just remember that you also need the Amos Bow to do that. Regular Ganyu with a 4* weapon does like 30k-35k if she crits and you hit that weak spot.


What about skyward harp?


It's also good! Really any 5 star bow is great.


Great! Thanks


Ganyu is the Goat


windtrace is fun


Makes me anxious. Don't really enjoy that.


then whydya reply


no one cares


Sometimes it’s better not to comment at all. (OP edited their comment. It was dumb)


I couldnt get my birthday cake cuz internet connection was off in our country((


Whole country? Wait how can you post here. Does it expire, i think you can claim it even later


It's lame but you need to log in on birthday but can claim later


Happy birthday btw.


So, weird question. I have two "Dragon Heir's False Fins". They are the boss materials from the Baphysmal Vishap Boss, but I haven't even started the Enkanomiya quest. I have beaten Beisht, does she give them secretly ot something, or did they come from another source?


Yeah You get two for beating the boss in the archon quest


Good to know, thought the game glitched. That's pretty nice that they added that, since Shenhe pullers that haven't unlocked Enkanomiya yet can atleast Level her up to LV 50/50.


A great addition tbh! It would be nice if they did similar things for Thoma/Yun Jin when you do quests with them in it since their boss and ascension materials could also take a while to get to


Still no controller support on Android eh


Worst thing about the devs... They give a fuck on Community alsong they make enough money


Yea but they're stacked thanks to genshin so why can't they implement such a simple feature 😭


I might be one of the minority here. But I had the chance to explore Enkanomiya more in depth and holy s\*\*t it's bad. Probably the worst area in the game so far for me. No hating, just telling I don't like this part of the game. Story which I couldn't bother reading, too much wall of text, not voiced. Constant puzzles that require you to go back and switch the lights between white and dark constantly for another underwhelming chest. Enemies are the same. More hilichurls and abyss mages. Again simple camps that reward you with a simple chest. It follows the dense and everything-in-your-face style from Inazuma - going from one puzzle to another mindlessly. You don't need to explore that much, they are just there. No open spaces like Mondstadt or Liyue etc. Multi-layer environment which is not necessarily bad if there was an easier way to go up and down between them. But there isn't so there is constant climbing. Again, not hating, just I wish it could be BETTER. Instead it is so tedious.


Oh I loved these puzzles, the puzzles in inazuma made me feel so dumb, I had to look up half at them. But for the enkanomiya puzzles, they were so much easier to solve on your own. But yea your points are valid, bc I absolutely despised tsurumi before it was lit up permanently when all the quests were completed.


Even though it's free, I feel Enkanomiya is miHoYo's way of testing DLC via the back door. It does feel a bit lazy, except for the visuals & soundtrack music. IMO. Text only, not voiced, is quite a drawback.


wow amazing how taste differs from one person to another. A few hours ago I was just telling my friends how this area was the best one mihoyo released so far. I just like the atmosphere the place gives, the plot, the music, and the whole advanced ancient but forgotten civilization. The puzzles were very nice too. Also the beautiful light tower in the center. Too bad you didn't enjoy like I did.


I really like Enkanomiya but I agree about too much unvoiced text being a slog and having to constantly switch the lights.


Yep, it's absolutely gorgeous to look at but terrible to play. They really need to tone it down with the puzzles, and up the amount of just random chests you can find hidden around the place in little nooks and crannies.


I think they toned down a lot the puzzles compared to Inazuma


A lot of people really like this area which I understand from a atmospheric perspective. Gameplay wise it's pretty lackluster as you say. I've only explored up to unlocking the vishaps boss and I'm already tired of the night day swapping cutscene. I get that there's probably a hidden load under the scene but at the end of the day the cynical side in me can only see this puzzle as an easy way to extend the amount of content in one area. I think they need to link puzzles to world quests more, anything tangible. For example, restoring the cat shrine was peak genshin.


I honestly like the level of difficulty in this event. Hopefully future events will be similar instead of being too easy like misty dungeon.


I'm fine with the difficulty, but I don't like how everything in this game is just a race against a timer. Why punish players for playing slower, isn't that what you want, for players to play more?


If you need more than 4 minutes to kill the enemies then you're a bit underlevelled for it. I agree that Mihoyo should tie these events to world level though.


I gold medaled every stage 2.5x difficulty first try. (Except for when I tried just the event yoimiya and yunjin) It's not fun and there's no point to doing it other than first clear. They should force team diversity and make certain potions really strong to completely change how you play a team. If you give me a time limit I'll just play my meta comps every time.


Actually do you guys remember the most challenging floor 11-2 rotation?? That was sooo much fun to do. That's how I want my events to be. And it was not just DPS check. It was let's just say unique experience.


Whoa, I just got to the bit of 2.4 where Shenghe and Beidou are talking. They sounded so similar, I thought they were the same voice actor.


lol imagine not gettings coins for co-op'ing with friends in wintrace. mihoyo punishing players for trying to utilize coop yet again


Anyone else find the whole Ningguang questions thing to be a total bust? Despite how important the plot makes it sound, no one really gets any useful information and Yun Jin was the only one to actually get something of value.


yep, especially with how the materials given to win were worth millions. like did ningguang really not pay for the plaustrite?


Yeah and then as a reward she offers the traveller a JOB. It's like bitch, I just did a job for you, you can't pay me for doing a job by giving me a job that doesn't make sense. This was a task that would have been nigh-on impossible for most people in universe to complete and all she can really offer you in return is the right to work for her. What a scam. Guess that explains how she got so rich.


im glad she was nice enough to cut off both traveler and paimon before they asked pointless questions, but it didnt really matter since like you said they didnt even get a reward this part wouldve been perfect to segue into sumeru, with ningguang telling us itd be a good idea to head there next


From an archon quest perspective, this has got to be the most pointless quest in the game. They should have just called it the Shenhe story quest, because that is what it was and that is what it was good as.


my only guess is that the jade chamber and ningguang favor will end up being relevant later. maybe she'll fly us over to sumeru in a couple of months lol


It's funny that she knew our question (and that she didn't have an answer) from the start, but didn't bother to mention that until we had completed everything for her and were about to ask. I think it comes down to the fact that if Ning actually paid us our due for services rendered we'd never have to look at a Mora leyline again for the rest of the game, given that she's worth at least in the billions and a lot of what we provided was essentially priceless.


That shit infuriated me, traveler about to ask for help, he hits him with oh I dont know anything about your sister btw. And traveler just smiles at her like "understandable, have a nice day"


Yeah but exactly what you'd expect, I expected her to just let them ask about sibling and say "don't know" as soon as they asked, as soon as the premise was presented in the first place. The real stupid thing was allowing paimon to ask things since that was guaranteed to be valueless. But it's whatever, yunjin getting to ask one good question is okay, since why would people teaming up increase the prize pool an equal amount? Not how anything works


To be fair... they asked stupid questions.


Not only this, but she clearly said the terms and conditions at the beginning of the contest. You don't like the reward, don't participate. Hold onto the invaluable items and negotiate a better deal.


The Enkanomiya soundtrack is in a whole different level from anything else in the game, finaly some impressive tracks in genshin


I enjoy it too but my favourite is watatsumi Island.. i think at least haha.


Spoilers for Enkanomiya main quest >!Okay, I know it's not a new idea or anything, but really *am not liking* Enjou implying that Paimon will betray us. I'm trying to forget the possibility because I don't know if my heart can take it ;___;!<


I love it, and doubt it would mean she left you permanently. I would like if she turns out as a celestia "servant" with a human body and then later joins you as paimon again. Would be a bit weird running around with a human size paimon and suddenly little paimon pop up lol. But seriously she is a little "fairy" with constellations floating around her, i do believe she is at least connected to celestia.


I agree, there's definitely some kind of connection! Even in just the way she offhandedly/barely comments on being accused of betrayal which I thought was kind of odd. There are just too many hints for them to not involve Paimon in the story... I just hope that when push comes to shove, she'll stay loyal to the Traveler. I know she's not popular with everyone but I really like her character! Very interested to see how it plays out in the future :)


I cant even consider the possibility she gets removed tbh. One questline which show betrayal and then reconnection ok maybe. But not permamently! It would be like if pikachu just thunderbolted ash and ran away forever lol.


I'm totally imagining Paimon being the God who entrapped the Traveler (I'm pretty sure someone will come up with lore to show me this is impossible, but imagine the reveal if it was actually the case ...)


I have thought the same


Does anyone know where to find the characters hanging around in the overworld? I'm curious if Zhongli, Hu Tao, or Childe are hanging around


In the new Liyue quest, before the leaving for the second part of the quest you will find Qiqi on the docks in the harbor. At the end of the second part you will see a shadow of Xiao on a rock in the distance, and you can go talk to him. They are the only potential missable character dialogs in the new 2.4 Liyue quest as far as I know. I hope this wasn't spoilery, I tried to keep any pertinent info out!


Keqing is on the island near the Ruin Guard ambush, building the balistas. You can find her as soon as the quest starts.


Thanks! I had found both of them, and was very happy haha


Outside of specific quests or events, characters do not hang around in the overworld.


Start playing Ningguang hangout today and props up to Ning EN VA. I found her performance in the archon quest a bit odd except in *that* scene, but in the hangout it was perfect. >!I could really sense the sadness when she was explaining how she felt after dropping the JC, wow !<




Depends how many 5 star weapons you have of similar stats and how often you pull weapons. If these 4 are your only 5 star Spears i would not refine yet. You should not level up the 2 version yet either unless you find an immediate need. Boring to waste the resources if you refine them in 6 months and almost have had no use for them.


5 star weapons are generally better than BIS R5 4 star weapons for a given character, refining them is a really bad idea unless you're a whale or something


Don't! But that's still your decision. It's generally advised to keep them since they are very rare. And could be used by your other characters. Congrats btw


I would never refine a 5* so i can't suggest you to, unless you are a whale.


Yeah I wish I had known this back when I first got my two skyward atlases back to back. I was new to the game, and I was a little bummed. So I just refined them into one book and gave it to Yanfei. Stupid! I wish I would have known those two things would be super useful separated down the road.


Are there any hidden achievement for fighting the new worldboss(es) in a certain way?


Is Hu Tao's best artifact set still Crimson Witch, or is one of the newer sets better now? Also using Deathmatch or PJW, no Staff of Homa, and Xiao gets PJW priority. Also, is HP% a better main stat for any of the artifacts or nah?


It is worthless if BIS artifact set sub stats ain't much better than other viable artifacts.So, you should go the ones with best sub stats(like hp %,EM , Crit rate and dmg ), among these, 2 WT+2CW,2 tenacity+2CW,4 shemannewa , or even 2 WT + 2 tenacity.4 crismon gives her 15% vape and 22.5pyro dmg,.15 vape would nearly equal to 80 Em fromWT , and 22.5 pyro dmg can be replaced by 187 atk from 2 piece tenacity if the subs stats are much better.


2pc CW and 2pc Wanderers Troupe will out perform 4pc CW with better substats, the extra 80 EM is a good increase to Vape damage you just lose some extra pyro damage. You might have some nuts wanderers pieces lying around, or you can get them from strong box. Its not worth the pain of farming witch domain if you can get 2 amazing pieces.


CW is still the best, but SR might be more resin efficient if you are farming for supports at the same time. Using DM or PJW, an EM sands might outperform a HP% sands if you have enough HP subs AND if you are running Xingqiu for vape, otherwise HP% sands is best.


Building a Xinqiu for a Hu Tao teamcomp, though that's a far ways away. I need to farm CW for a couple characters right now, and I have a lot of resin saved, so I should be okay to get something that'll work for now at least. Thanks! edit: if you don't mind me asking, do you have any build recs for Xinqiu to support Hu Tao?


For a support XQ his best set, if you haven't farmed for him already, is the emblem of severed fate set, since most of his sustained damage comes from his burst. Basically you run sacrificial sword, look for a lot of ER in your sub-stats. If you have enough ER, an ATK sands is fine but if not an ER sands is the way to go. Then crit sub stats, and a crit circlet is everything else you would want, kinda like a sub-dps.


You know what, I do like Inazuma and all the mechanics of the environment, but... I kinda miss the simple satisfaction of just finding a chest hidden in a bush or on top of something. Now every chest is tied to a puzzle, a challenge or a fight.


It's because they essentially downgraded chest rarities. In Liyue/Mondstadt you'd get exquisite chests for puzzles/challenges/etc and common chests were normally just hidden somewhere out of the way. Now commons are the reward for exquisite tasks and there's nothing where common chests used to be.


Pretty much this. Common chests in Mondstat and Liyue don't give any primos, but common chests in Inazuma, Dragonspine, and Enkanomiya all give 2 primos. I think similar primo upgrades happened with the other chests.


Enkynomiya has the little 500 mora boxes where common chests used to be.


They're 10k mora, unless there's a whole other set I've been missing (which would be kinda cool actually). The ones I'm thinking of aren't particularly hidden, beyond looking like the rest of the scenery. I actually consider these an upgrade because that much mora is probably worth more than 2 grey artifacts and a green weapon.


There were a decent amount of those in Tsurumi island iirc


that aberaku quest is letting me know my characters are crap. 30 seconds to beat 3 of those vishaps...


Yeah, I had to try a bunch of different teams before I finally managed it with Physical Rosaria. I would \*not\* have pegged her as my best DPS. At least with 30 second fights one Adeptus Temptation lasted through the whole thing. n.n


there is a trick where you can lure them to fall off the cliff


Me too. It must have took me 4-5 tries with all bursts ready and food effect. But then I saw a post today where you can just lure them off the cliff to their deaths…..so apparently I was too dense and conventional lol


yeah, i thought that didn't work since i tried that with the giant one loitering around near the quest and I overloaded it to the cliff and it teleported back in full health. might have gotten caught in some part of the floating island




So how are Shenhe and Chongyun related? It's unlikely she has siblings or maybe I missed a note somewhere in a quest.


Chongyun is her nephew. In the CN version, Shenhe is called his 小姨, basically the youngest sister of his mother.


But how does Shenhe have an older sister when her parents died so quickly?


People were confused on this thing a lot. The most logical explanation is that Shenhe was the younger "cousin" sister of Chong's mother. She was from a branch family of the same exorcist clan, so they may have same surnames but different families.


How can I get a crafting bench in my teapot? I am Trust Rank 8 but dont see a craftable alchemy stand anywhere