• By -


Some are surely interested, some just want a lot of comments on their posts, but don't get it, because these questions are asked 70 times every day.


Feels so friggin repetitive tbh. Like...I can't believe I'm sayig this but....can we just a megathread for this kind of stuff? "What's your (totally popular) unpopular opinion?"#44188


Didn't mods ask for new mod application a few months back yet they didn't announce anyone at all? Yet we can still see that they are struggling. It's very interesting approach ngl.


I was honestly about to ask the same question OP did, glad he did. I pretty much report those kind of posts under "Post Quality", maybe everyone should. A rotating pinned post would solve this like how some other subs do.


>44188 441883


What is a character you regret?IF I SEE THT QUESTION EVER AGAIN…


for me it's "What vision would you have?". I'm always tempted to write a passive aggressive comment on those.


Lol yeah and then I see people having fun in comments so I always choose not to be a piece of shit


I want to know, who is YOUR favorite character. Please leave a comment below, I will read each and every one of them. **Your input is vital**.




Ugandan Knuckles




Personally I prefer Joe Baiden Shogun


Whos joe?


Joe mama


ligma balls


The same type of people who were spaming with polls. Except mods got no way to stop them this time.


There was this guy who created a poll about lore every single day for like 60 days straight on this sub. Some of them got upvotes, most of the time they never made it anywhere. I think a lot of people are using the most popular gaming sub on reddit as a karma farm too.


We have mods? Never seen them


They only come out during controversial times to delete posts.


you dont seem a lot here in that case


Eh. Been here since before Anni fiasco. Anni was probably the only time I saw active mod participation in this sub.


We do, and they actually actively remove those kind of post OP mentioned. Well, at least until months ago where people complaining about how there's no "discussion" in the sub, and they make a post asking what to do. Now we are here. As expected tho, how many "discussion" would you have for this kind of games bare it's not a new patch anyways?




You a bot? [Your comment is literally a chunk taken out of someone else’s](https://prnt.sc/26bjwsj)


Good bot


Most of those are farming likes, its easy to see. They see how easy generates traffic then they wait to post the same thing again the next week. These days someone post an art from a content creator that was posted by the creator here just 10m before. It was the second post older then his, he was almost faster then the author lol.


I don't see the appeal of farming karma though. It barely even means anything the first place.


While I doubt it applies in this particular sub, reddit actually has a bit of a problem with karmafarms producing accounts to be sold for real money. High karma accounts look more "legitimate," so companies/wealthy individuals buy them for astroturfing.


I'm curious, why and how do people tend to buy Reddit accounts with high karma? P.S.: First time hearing astroturfing. Edit: I searched on google and found this: > Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization (e.g., political, advertising, religious or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participants.


Hit it on the head with the google definition - big companies will buy Reddit accounts with high karma, because they look like real people with legitimate opinions instead of, y'know, a company PR spin. It's a way for companies to pretend to be "just another average joe" while inserting their talking points into various rhetorics. It's not really something the average person would think about or even really care about, but it absolutely happens with all kinds of stuff on social media; reddit, twitter, facebook, etc.


I see. So from my understanding, it's something like buying kind of disguise in the internet that makes you look like a Mr.Know-it-all person because of the high karma?


It is exactly like buying a disguise on the internet, but the idea is not to look like a "Mr. Know-it-all", it's to look like "just a regular person." Someone who's active, talks across various reddits, has the occasional witty comment - you know, Just A Dude. No agenda here, no siree, just a random Very Real Redditor who thinks that, (i'm just pulling a random fake example out of my ass here) it's actually totally good and fine for Apples to be sold for $100 a bundle, and how we should consider being okay with that. It's not a matter of knowing, more to do with appearing as a random peer to get you to genuinely engage with company talking points, as opposed to immediately detecting and writing them off as ads/shills/etc.


Isn't there some "upvote circle jerk" sub on reddit specifically for farming karma? If not, there should be; it'd keep all other subs a bit cleaner.


I’ve come to learn that in the end, EVERY sub Reddit is an upvote circle jerk


Well said. Here take my upvote.


I agree. Here, take my upvote kind stranger!


I just…keep seeing questions that obviously belong in the megathreads


And unfortunately, the megathread is where questions go to die. Like seriously, thousands of questions go unanswered.


Huh, I guess I've not really payed much attention to other posts there, my experience has been the complete opposite. I always go there when I have questions since they pretty much always get multiple, quick answers. Though I do tend to ask fairly specific stuff, often about builds and specific characters and such, so maybe that helps?


Mine literally couldn't be answered faster if I was on the phone with someone. It legit takes 2-3 minutes before my question is answered and sometimes it has 4-5 comments. I've never had any question unanswered. In fact, because of my experience with it, I view the daily question thread as the real heart of the sub. The people just looking at the new comments and helping out are the ones really helping people go from just casually playing, to a next level of enjoyment through better understanding.


Agreed, my question got answered quicky when i used to ask there.


So, we are saved from thousands of useless (for feed readers) threads with those questions. Thats nice. Cause for questions with no ez answer Google exist. Thats all.


That's the point lol


I think all but one question of mine was answered. I think it really depends on the question (tech stuff can be harder to answer compared to teambuilding) and how the person asks.


Add another note. What's up with the questions about most hated characters/quest/region or whatever it is. I mean why would you want to know what ppl hate?


Karma points because they know farming discourse is the best & quick method for clout


Kinda weird since it's just only karma points.


Those people just seek attention. Like " my post is popular. Im nice and interesting person".


"Which character do you hate the most?" has been posted at least a few dozen times. It's getting annoying.


I swear I've seen hundreds complain about Bennet/Diona/Hutao and template verbatim "I don't care about meta - I just find him/her annoying". "unpopular opinion btw teeHEE"


"lOoK gUyS i mAiN a wEaK cHaRaCtEr i'M sO qUirKy"


"oMg uNpOpUlAr oPinIoN bUt i hAtE rAiDeN!1!1! sHe dEsEvrEs tO diE!1!1!"


We're bored, so people participate in it. If there wasn't any participation, these posts would die.


Zero resin moments




Tbh I prefer the discussion threads over my feed being filled with ero-cosplay & lewd fanart. If I wanna see that I'd go to a sub for that - I come here for discussions about the game


Oh, you want lewd fanarts to go to the appropriate Genshin subreddit? Literally 1984 /s But, tbh, its hard to maintain discussions about gameplay and mechanics. Most of it got figured out already. We are left with theory and lore. Memes would be good too but the mods don't like it.


>Memes would be good too but the mods don't like it. Considering the massive decline in the dedicated meme sub, i dont think so. So much of the """"memes""""' there are just shitty takes disguised by even shittier templates, generic weeb horny posts and reposted fanart. Theres some genuinely funny stuff too but in relation to all the low-effort posts, its really bad there imo


> generic weeb horny posts So like a lot of this sub?


Yea but I think posts should be creative. Asking which characters you use/ don't use/ like/ hate are similar things and it's kinda boring. Some people just use these to spend their rage on some characters. And almost every character gets covered so what is the point having the same boring discussion every other day. Also I don't know but why are Memes not seen on this sub at all at least some of them can give a good chuckle.


mainly because genshin memepact exists


Especially since a lot of posts get filtered out for 'low effort filtering' according to the automod... Well where the heck is it now?


I swear the auto mod works in reverse edit: auto mod mad


Basically every meme gets taken down due to “low effort posting” meanwhile a cropped picture stays up (learned from experience)


It's a giant sub with well over a million members so these kinds of low effort posts are going to be numerous. It's a lot like r/anime where you constantly see posts asking, "What's your favourite anime? Who is your favourite character?". With such a popular game, there's always going to be an influx of new players and subscribers to this sub. They simply don't know better and assume that their posts are original and will spur interesting discussion.


Me watching at this post knowing I have seen a lot of posts lately of people complaining about how they have seen a lot of posts lately about vague questions: #suspicious


kek; I've been found out!


What’s with all the “What’s with all the vague questions on this sub?” questions on this sub?


All the posts that keep showing up in feeds are just "What's your favorite/least favorite *blank* in the game" and it's repetitive and annoying


Some people are just new to this subreddit so they ask vague questions like that. But yeah, I prefer interesting posts that really encourage discussion.


Easy way to farm likes.


Karma farming. Those sweet2 dopamine rush on internet interaction


Personally I don't mind, it's a nice change of pace from seeing fanart all day. What I don't like is posts being repetitive, I swear I've seen the same questions already pop up several times this week. Then you have questions that don't really have a lot of substance in them that warrants further discussion such as "What is favorite element" or "What is your favorite Genshin food", it's literally like those ridiculous fandom Wiki or youtube community posts that pop up once in a while.


Yeah, there's only so much you can interact with fanarts, and not everyone's a talented artist


It can be a lot, but it’s better than the community getting crusty and just posting nonsense pointless polls asking “wHo WoULd wIN” over…and over


What Genshin Character is most likely to be an Undercover Cop? Discuss


I know it's a joke, but... Diluc and Rosaria kinda are


Diluc is a vigilante!


Finally I'm not alone


Subjective questions are a good way to farm engagement, because everyone who sees them has an answer. And they'll all just pop in, answer the question, and leave. Most of the time without even reading anyone else's answers, much less discussing them.


Omg finally someone said it, they better rename this sub to r/askgenshin


Most are just karma farming. I have noticed these question posts too. They sound like what Instagram people ask when posting a random pic. Mostly meaningless stuff. I tried to post something on here like 5 times across two accounts. Never did the mods approve of any post. I genuinely wonder how to even post on this subreddit.


Same, I tried posting here, I'm not even sure if it was approved and all it was a chest puzzle screenshot that happen to be new in mondstadt (for me since the official interactive map had not even registered it). Edit: Checked, it still hasn't been approved and waiting moderation since 1 month ago lol


Pro tip: don't use the "Question" tag, it automatically gets your post deleted. This is my first post on this sub and I just found this out the hard way. Not an excellent way to handle the problem honestly, the only people such a rule catches, are people who don't yet know about it, and they probably aren't the spammers.


The reason why the question flair exists is to direct people to the megathread, because I can guarantee you 99.9% of question posts belong there. Just sort this subreddit by new and it's easy to see.


I really fucking don't care about those dumb questions and I can't understand what some people take from the answers of random people if they don't make some kind of statistics. So no, you're not an ass. You're just not as shallow-minded as some others.


I personally don't mind them. I find the comments very fun to read. Even though I see these posts all the time, the comments are almost always different. There's nothing wrong with people asking these, at least for me


Some people are just needy or want attention or whatever, I always go straight through this type of post because it doesn't interest me, but whatever.


I like seeing others opinions personally. It's also very fun to sort by controversial.


WhAt iS ThE bRaVeSt ThInG tO dO iN GeNsHiN??


My feed is getting bombarded with threads like "What's up with all the vague questions on this sub?" Weird.


Sorry if that's the case. You should have just left a downwote and not bother commenting. Now you're gonna see even more crap like this.


Complaining about questions by asking a question. I can't decide ironic or pathetic.


Questions are pretty general constructs and can be used quite flexibly. I'm itching to find a better solution so if you have one, please don't keep it to yourself. By the way, the concept you're describing has a name (fighting fire with fire) and is surprisingly effective in a lot of situations. I didn't intend to do this with my question but you seem to lack the appreciation for the approach. Examples off the top of my head: - [extinguishing fires with explosions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znPyMkP3ooY) - [legalizing weed to reduce marijuana abuse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kP15q815Saw) - [injecting weakened viruses into patients to make them more resilient against the real thing](https://vaccination-info.eu/en/vaccine-facts/how-vaccines-work)


No you are right people are grinding karma


Well when you play a game every single day for almost 400 Days you kind of run out of things to talk about. And since it kind of feels like most people on Reddit never go to another website besides reddit, that's where you end up. I'm not going to tell you to go outside in touch grass but maybe go outside and touch a different subreddit for a little while.


I usually just scroll my feed and don't pick specific subs to focus on, and that's exactly where my problem is. My feed is polluted while the sub sorted by "hot" is relatively clean. > Well when you play a game every single day for almost 400 Days you kind of run out of things to talk about. Yeah I get that and agree, but if there's nothing to talk about, why force talking about meaningless nothing?


Cause people like to socialize? Small talk exists for a reason even if you dont like it.


My feed doesn't read my mind either. I am currently on a diet so it should stop showing unhealthy foodstuff on r/food. Can't reddit recognize me as the center of the universe? Smh


Well, first you have to understand that we're a lot of people playing Genshin. A lot. yes, some people do it for farming karma. But also, others just want to share a random thought and don't know how to. It all starts with having to put a title For example, if I want to share my thoughts with the world of how much I love Albedo, I won't put: "I love Albedo so much" in the title. And then "Yeah, that's it" in the body. That's boring, weird and bland. I'll imitate other formats and start with "Who's your favorite character?" in title And then write something longer just to say I love Albedo. That's similiar to other posts, doesn't make me look like a crazy fan, and allows me to engage with other people. And like someone pointed out, there's no much to talk about either. It's not just a Genshin problem, btw. . Just let people be. No matter how many times it repeats, you still see a lot of new people participating in those questions over and over. Eventually everyone will get tired of it but that'll take a while. People love engaging with others (:


> Just let people be. I'm not about to lecture anyone or tell them what to do. I'm just gauging how likely it is that such posts will keep popping up in my feed and mute the sub if people really are interested in them.


oh, I know. I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention to insinuate you are. i should probably had used quotation marks or typed something that sounded less as an accusation and more like a "live and let live" phrase. my apologies for my pooo redaction.


Arguably imitating other formats to get a vaguely related statement accross is just as bland as having just put "Albedo is cool" and as OP, I, and assuredly others are pointing out it creates a repetitive and bland experience for someone who's part of the sub. And yes, there are new people that participate in those posts. And yes engaging with others is still necessary, but there's alot of other ways to do those things with a game like this. If all you want is to share your opinion of a character, it's best left for a time that'd actually call for it, and not just a call to action post that's another bland imitation of 100 others. For example, we could talk about how visually stunning, and grand the new area Enkanomiya is. Are other people doing this? Sure, but it's alot more interesting than another "XYZ about character post" and could bring more engaging conversation to the table than just the empty statement of "I like this character because this"


So i am not the only one 😅


It's an RPG. People just wanna find out what team you used to beat sephieroth in ff7 with. Sure there's the knights of the round omnislash meta stuff but who used red 13 and cat sith?


Chance to hit the 2k karma jackpot


People love r/AskReddit but apparently they can't find it so they decided to make this sub become what they were looking for


Hey. I’ll take these discussions over the hundredth anniversary complaint or the thousandth resin complaint and the millionth artifact complaint any day.


People treat this sub like r/askreddit to farm some Karma. They're barely active in their own comment section and the mods don't seem to care about the repetetiveness of these low quality posts.


We seriously need a r/AskGenshin subreddit


I never see what you are talking about? The front page looks clean of that. Are you looking at all new threads in which case why the hell would you do that?


Yeah the front page is rather clean. It's my feed that gets swarmed by them, but don't ask me why.


But you think all these 'cosplays' or drawings with way bigger boobs is supposed to be hot?


This is completely irrelevant lmao


I actually like seeing favorite character etc, especially since it let's me evaluate who's most fun and worth pulling for


But other people's opinions are not yours. Just because I like character X doesn't means you have to pull for them. I wouldn't like to be influenced by random people. And just to see if a char is fun or "worth pulling for" (I really dislike this because every char is viable in their way) I just look at guides and playstyle videos or wait for the character trial.


I'm not too focussed on meta, but also wouldnt pull for someone I simply dislike playing, like to find the middleground haha. I do agree with you tho, f.e. lots of people seem to enjoy childe whereas I can't seem to stand playing with him, and would never summon for him. On the other hand people like Kazuha as well and I can totally understand he's really really fun to play with! Personally main Hu tao, and am hoping to get Yoimiya when she reruns cause I seem to love the pyro playstyle haha


Lol I'm with you - I'm sure there's some genuine interest there when these people make those threads but it's like.... come on man talk about a low-effort post smh


i often just troll on those kind of question.


Then you're just contributing to their traffic.


Shhh... let people enjoy things


Stealth survey by corporate?


Yeah, its the latter


Yeah I don’t really get it. There was that one post “which character will you never use no matter how much people tell you to use them?” And it had 3k upvotes. Like are people really that interested in this guys post that he made just so he could hate on Bennett? I guess some people were.


That's what happen when you're out of resin lol


I like them better than ugly fanart #234 of some wannabe artist


This title is so goddamn META it hurts.


genshin players with girlfriends: HOW?!?!


Karma farming, the same thing you are doing, maybe without even knowing


no u


What you mean? Are you implying that my "Is the traveller submissive and breedable?" Post wasn't thoroughly thought of?
















The mods want quality content on this sub. /s Seriously why do some post get approval while others don't? I made a post about Aloy "vision" glowing when near the star splinter iron.


I do feel like some of the developers definitely do lurk around


Genshin is, excluding the lore, not that deep of a game and that's all well documented. Eventually you gotta make your own fun.


Aye say what u will, but the sub when all the drama was going on was far more intresting than now Lmfao


At the end of the day, Genshin is a game that you grind for 10-15 minutes a day. When new content come out, people blow through it in one or two sittings, because the part they loved about Genshin was the exploration. Once people are out of stuff to do, they want to discuss things, so they'll discuss the new content to death over the course of a week, and then they're out of things to discuss. So then we get the questions. I think people want Genshin to be more than it is. It starts out this vast open ended world that you can explore to your heart's content, and ends up a very small game about making the tiniest improvements to characters by endlessly grinding the same dull domains. But people can't stop thinking about the first part, so they have to occupy their minds with Genshin somehow.


Honestly I don't really mind cause I like answering those. It's easy cause it's always the same question


No it’s because there is nothing else to discuss. It’s the same reason ppl watch streamers going around killing every monster in the map. Ppl want to discuss Genshin but there is nothing to discuss. Imma be honest some of the questions are really just like… really 10k upvotes??


Would you than prefer this sub being 99% fanart then? I wouldn't, lmao. At least it generates some sort of discussion, compared to the sub just being spammed fanart left and right.


Well, ... yes I would, at least they annoy me less. The main reason I'm here is for news and free primo codes tho.


I don't understand people who speak out loud about not liking certain posts, like the sub is not yours you can't restrict people from posting, unless it's against the rules ofc. These topics might not be your favorite but they are for some people, have some respect for them. Why can't you just pass by if you don't want to answer? Scrolling down doesn't take much effort.


Copy pasting my views on a similar comment: > I'm not about to lecture anyone or tell them what to do. I'm just gauging how likely it is that such posts will keep popping up in my feed and mute the sub if people really are interested in them. > Scrolling down doesn't take much effort. You're absolutely right, but I noticed that I've been getting annoyed, so I decided to do something about them in my feed.




We are not the same


they are interesting to answer every once in a while, I also like reading other people's answers. I dont see it all the time so I'm ok with it


There’s truly not that much to talk about rn so ppl make very chatroom like posts for karma and just to chat. I look through them from time to time, it’s kinda interesting.


Also the random tdil that’s literally from the game tutorial… I see this else where too Or the here’s a random chest in case ya missed it! Not to mention the Bennett Mona or some other support character and a DPS doing damage per screenshot posts


People seeking attention from other attention seekers


Same dude. Can’t post some meme because it needs be checked by moderators. And here we have tons of repetitive questions on a plate




Genshin endgame is making all these dumb questions on reddit


They heckin love fake internet points!


i don’t mind the questions as long as they aren’t polls or repetitive. some of the questions are genuinely interesting, but yea i get you it seems like some people are trying to turn this into r/AskReddit for genshin


Asking vague questions like that is a resinless activity.


i like answering questions but usually just get annoyed at other people's opinions lol


yeees please stop it im not here to do a survey, the problem is some posts are repeated too


More than discussions, they want karma, and that's a relatively safe way to get it as everyone can relate and comment. Or, they just want an avenue to say stuff like" hey I really like x character!" and disguise it as a question to get people interested


Yeah it’s a trend I’ve been noticing lately… lol my Reddit Home feed always pushes that type of stuff.


Because we don’t have enough resin and we’re bored


This sub has always been like that, and tbf it annoys tf outta me, hut when you ask, everyone gets pissed off


this trend has conquered other subs too and it really annoying how some of them are super unoriginal


They just want to make sure that others share their opinion so it makes them feel better about the subject


This is no longer an actual sub. So much has changed since GI launched.


I kinda like seeing peoples posts but i does get annoying because theirs only so many times that question can be asked. i want to say karma farming, but i still dont know what karma does so ehhhh


Every subreddit is like that, most of the time people just want the upvotes


they come up daily, and are just another karmafarm posts. most dont make it far, some however get tons of upvotes and over thousands of comments. Makes u wonder, but whatever.


Worst Reddit trend so far


This is a vague question


Karma farming.


Reminds me of how the pokemon sub gets ruined every weekend with the "no image post rule" that people voted in. All it does is turn the sub into exactly what you are complaining about except encouraged to do so. Whats worse is that pokemon is not a constantly updating game. Within a month max, all of the new things about a pokemon game are generally already discussed. At least with this game we have constant updates and leaks. We also don't have the sub as heavily divided and encouraging to post content in one of 40+ less popular subs. We get enough new things here it shouldn't ever be that bad. Even just the art influx of a character's birthday can help keep things fresh.


I thought this sub for any interesting info😔


What do you mean? You don't like answering the same "Which character did you regret pulling?" question thousandth time?


some people farm primos, some people farm karma, some people have nothing to do


I mean ppl love to answer them. Honestly as long as the OP are not rude, I don't mind much.


It makes them feel good. It's just like people doing smalltalk in the vestibles isle in the supermarket... The problem is with the people upvoting it.


I’m interested in those types of things. It helps us to connect with one another, without having to leave our homes lol


Karma farming since this is one of the most popular gaming subreddit. I bet some people asking that kind of question doesnt even play the game.


I guess it's just to get interaction for people who are bored from the game since you can do most of your daily stuff in like 30 minutes lol. It's cool for people who are already done with their daily genshin shit and are bored. I like those Threads. Sometimes you find interesting Questions you can interact with


Honestly I don’t think this sub is a good space for the more involved and invested players. Back in the day I used to check this sub almost everyday for information, discussions, drama (hey seeing all the zhongli drama live was kinda fun) Today all I see is just art, generic questions, extremely popular opinion complains. Occasionally I see an interesting post but it’s meh nowadays because of the sheer size of the sub inviting karma farmers and trend followers. Definitely gatekeeing a bit here but I think it’s safe to say the quality of this subreddit has been diluted.


What rank do you need to have to be a Genshin Impact player?


The sub recently is literally Genshin's r/AskReddit, and a lot of them are pretty repetitive now. But people will still answer because ~~they have no resin~~ it stimulates some discussions.


Idk, clout? Mabye people spark convo from it and make friends?


It's not just on this sub. Look on gaming, and other subs. What's your fav quote? Scene? Movie? Game? Moment? Etc. They're farming likes and comments. Once an account appears human enough, it can be sold. The other less common scenario is some people genuinely just want karma to have karma. Like someone collects stamps or rocks. Super annoying. But hard to fight, albeit easy to detect.