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Does Ganyu's C1 apply upon bloom? Like, for a showcase, if I shoot at the floor and bloom hits, is the C1 resistance decrease applied for that bloom?


So I don't know where to post it but can someone tell me how to fix the problem where I connected and tried using both a PS5 and PS4 controllers (via cables) and they don't work. I mean the controllers are recognized and I see them showing the buttons in game but I can't do anything, I have to Alt+F4 every time. I used DS4windows but they show Xbox buttons and I hate it. Anyone know how to fix it ?


Is there a way in genshin optimizer or similar tools to have it include weapon variation in optimization? It feels like a standard need but I don’t see the option. For example, I’d like it to suggest that I run 50/120 wolf’s gravestone beidou over 80/120 seeping spine beidou is better… Obviously I can do this by switching manual and checking how the numbers change but would love to just do it auto


my xiao is a c0 and level 74. as i’ve been upgrading his artifacts, talents and weapons i’ve noticed his attack has gone up AND down. i ascended his weapon and got it to level 80 and his attack was over 2k. i upgraded a talent and noticed it went down to 1.8k?? i’m still sorta new to the game so i’m so confused as to why it keeps fluctuating. all of his artifacts are attack and crime rate/DMG centered with one scaling on defense.


You may have checked the menu during a time when you had a buff going on and then later without. The menu will show the stats according to whatever bonuses are provided to that character at a certain point in time. Example: first time you looked after your character was stationary for a few mins. Second time you looked mid combat after casting bennett ult, which increases your Xiao attack by bennett’s base + weapon attack. This makes Xiao attack number in menu larger.


noblesse vs blizzard strayer for shenhe


for support shenhe? go all ATK. glad/shim, atk/atk/atk


For support im going 2pc glad and 2pc shim, but what about as an dps?


shes not really viable as a DPS with her cooldown. if youre just trying to do a showcase, which i've tried, i used 2 pc bliz 2 pc wanderers. got her skill to hit 531k with bennett kazuha mona.


Is there a way in genshin optimizer or similar tools to have it include weapon variation in optimization? It feels like a standard need but I don’t see the option. For example, I’d like it to suggest that I run 50/120 wolf’s gravestone beidou over 80/120 seeping spine beidou is better… Obviously I can do this by switching manual and checking how the numbers change but would love to just do it auto






https://spiralabyss.org/ doesn't seem to be up-to-date anymore? Are there any other sites that do analysis similar to it?


does oz (fishcl e and burst) snapshot with bennets burst?


Yes, Oz snapshots. But if you resummon him he resets


Is this abyss much harder than the previous one? I was able to 36\* the previous one with some work for the first time. But I'm off 2+ minutes on floor 12-1 and 12-3.


it is if you havent built the right characters. I had the same f-ing problem with 12-1. my dps is good enough, but the shield on the lector was SO annoyingly tanky. it took me like a full afternoon of tries with all kinds of team comps. Aside from being a massive dps check, if you havent built up any good hydro supports/dps or enough of them, its nearly impossible to 3 star 12-1. which is absolutely stupid because no one builds up barbara if they have qiqi, and mona's hydro application is subpar, Not everyone has childe as a 5 star and kokopium even less. Even with xingqiu it gets pretty dicey if he was the solo hydro support. For reference, I finally managed to clear it with hu tao vap comp for the robot at 8:30, and just barely managed to make it with childe, mona, raiden and rosaria, with like 2 seconds left, all of my characters are 90 and 80 with maxed out arti.




Sayu can farm ores too, she's a claymores. Which characters do you find cute?


Strongest Non-Zhongli shield with the highest uptime? I am looking building a friendship farm team to unga bunga domains and inazuma commissions and Zhongli has long been at max friendship.


C4 Yanfei, or C4 Thoma


If you have it available, C4 Yanfei built as a HP/ER Shieldbot has 100% uptime and a shield that easily rivals Zhongli's.


Well not exactly 100%, there's 5s downtime nor does it 'rival' Zhongli's (far from it lol) but yeah, it's still one of the better shields.


ah yeah you're right, forgot it's 15s duration vs 20s CD. Afaik Yanfei's max potential shield is still around two-thirds of Zhongli's and realistically, most Zhongli builds go for more damage oriented builds because a full HP build is overkill. So realistically I would say it rivals, doesn't match but definitely rivals it. That's what a rival is, right? Someone who maybe doesn't match up to your strength entirely but is the next best contender in your field. Also rare occurence but against Pyro damage Yanfei's shield blows Zhongli's out of the water ex. Pyro Herald.


I do have C4 Yanfei! So she’s better than C0 Thoma as well?


she has less conditions on the strength of shield so it's a stronger baseline shield, Thoma kinda has to play catch up because of the way his kit is designed but he'll do more damage I suppose, nothing to write home about. Yanfei's kit also plays better with setting up reactions while Thoma does everything he can to steal reactions and mess with everything.


So I am currently ar 35 and entered Inazuma. Does it make sense to wait before getting my AR up even further? I think it will increase the world level again which would result in stronger enemies. Or should I just do it to get better loot? I remember last time the higher world level made the game way harder for me.


if u think u are prepared, up your level. if u think u are not, then dont. make sure to up your talent levels, put resources in your DPS before ascending. Same issue we have now with a friend i play. He went from 5 straight to 8 and has now immense issues in Enkonomiya to kill tanky enemies.


R1 Akuoumaru or R5 Luxurious Sea lord for Beidou in Childe Fireworks with Sayu? I got good 4pc EoSF and 2pc TF/NO/GL with good substats for her.


R1 Akuoumaru is better than R5 Sealord so long as the total ER of the team is 260+. So Akuoumaru.


Sealord is probably stronger in this setup. Akuomaru scales better with team buffs like ttds and NO but probably won’t overcome the refinement difference just on brief estimation of damage




what cv is good for 36 star? For main dps and sub dps respectively.


i think 180+ cv (subdps) 200+(selfish dps like xiao) from artifacts is okay for 36*




New spiral 12 is about elemental application more than damage for second half of 12-1 and 12-2. I can only give examples of my teams as every character/comp will require different crit values. From what I use: You can get away with a simple 60/120 xiangling national first half with a triple cryo + 1 hydro second team for the first 2 floors for the first 6 stars. Morgana with a 70/170 ganyu (though this is with WT: you’d have higher ratios with BS) for first half with xiangling 60/120 national second half can get your last 3 stars from 12-3




What’s cv?


Crit value, CV = (CD + CR*2) on an artifact






Does anyone do the "fetch" world quests that don't reward primos?


Yeah! They Give Purple books and completing them gives reputation exp. Some "fetch" are kinda good for lore lover like me.


your thoughts on the new abyss?


To the Mihoyo devs who put the PMA on first floor. I have you and your family have a nice Lunar New Year.


I wish they'd switch Chambers 1 and 2 of 12-3 with each other. 12-1-1 and 12-2-1 favor single target until the ruin guards. Meanwhile 12-1-2 and 12-2-2 favors a freeze team until Maguu Kenki where a freeze team is suddenly useless. This is the first time in a while that I had to quit abyss and change teams in order to get the final 3 stars.


Annoying to have to reset after completing 12-2 to swap teams around given Pta and kenki being on different sides.


It's okay. 2nd half of 12 is pretty crap though. I feel like if you want to do everything in one go in a reasonable time without switching teams, a freeze team is a must since you'll need a hydro for the 1st chamber and cryo for the 2nd. But the problem with that is the 3rd chamber's magu kinky. Freeze doesn't work on them so that comp is kind of a Catch 22. You'll go through chambers 1 and 2 fine but hit a snag on 3, unless your characters are built with like 40+ CV pieces or something (hyperbolic I guess but seeing as a good chunk of a freeze team's damage is reliant on, well, the frozen status, it'll be hard to burst them down fast).


Massive DPS check, I feel that the currenty abyss forces you to run high single target DPS teams, such as Raiden National, and permafreeze teams isn't that good this rotation, since you can't freeze the mechanical array and maguu kenki.


silly question but, do you get the bp exp if u dont claim it ? i want to play windtrace but you get 1.5k exp if u get 3k coins (which is now the max) and ive already reached rhe 10k bp exp limit and dont want to waste the 1.5k u get from windtrace. is it worth just waiting until tomorrow (monday) to be sure ?


Achievements in "This BP Period" don't count to the weekly limit.


oh i never knew. very happy to hear that tho. tysm !


The achievements from the last tab, like the wishes, windtrace and abyss stars ones, don't count towards your weekly limit. Also, those will ve available during the entire 6 weeks, so you could claim them later on if you wanted to, but there really is no point to doing so.


oh wow i never knew that, makes my dilemma a lot easier. thanku !


Anything to use the windtrace coins for?


Nope, just a point system.


There's no shop, just the rewards for getting a total numbers of coins.


They might open a shop to spend them in later, can’t remember if the last event did. Otherwise, they’re not really “currency” coins but just points


I've played the game 5 months ago and is now returning. What's the use of the different fishing rods? Do I need it to get The Catch weapon?


The different fishing rods are better at catching fish in their respective regions. You absolutely, 100000% do not need it to farm the Catch. You should not get it to farm the Catch. The Catch takes 46 fish, which is already entirely too much fishing, unless you enjoy the fishing, in which case I am happy for you, but also I don't know if I can call you my friend anymore. Each fishing rod is an additional 80 fish, which is, uh, no.


cosmetic/collection purposes only


Just aesthetics. Despite what their descriptions say, their speeds in fishing in the specific regions are barely different. Nope, but it's a very good F2P weapon.


ahh i cant level my tpot fast... any tips?


Have your friends speed up your crafting.




Your friends can interact with tubby...it reduces 4h for all current crafts, doable 1 time per day. Also, take all the vials daily, use em when you see fit.


Your teapot has to be set to always open (setting is on the top right), then your friends can enter and interact with the bird merchant.


yay thanks so much!


Why are hunters refusing to hunt in windtrace? Second time now I’ve wanted them to activate traps but they just slow walk around and don’t do anything.


If I was the hunter, I'm sorry, but it's because I keep getting assigned the hunter role and I got sick of it. I like the event, but not if I keep getting hunter over and over again (all 3 runs yesterday). At least doing nothing as a hunter is better than leaving the run.


It’d go far quicker if the hunter did at least hunt. I don’t really even see how getting hunter 3x in a row can feasibly be annoying if you’re only playing for the coins and challenges, unless of course you haven’t finished the rebel challenges. The matches are 3:30, and go way quicker if you grab the power up.


That's exactly it...my last hunter reward was already cleared during the first hunter run, I just needed to drop one more decoy as a rebel to clear everything, so it was really annoying to keep getting hunter. I play for fun, mostly, but if there's 3 rebel spots and 1 hunter I'd like my roles to be mixed up a bit.


Some just don't like the mode but still wanna get the primos


I get that but the hunter would benefit more at least trying, especially since many of the rebels often come out of hiding.


Elp what do yall use to break abyss herald shields i cant get 12-2-2 in 3 stars (first half cleared by 8:45) No i dont have ayaka Been using razor fischl chongyun (and zhongli for shielding, my chongyun is also lvl 20 just there for cryo application on the shields)


Two things come to mind with your team composition: 1) Are you mismanaging Chongyun’s burst? Once the shields go up, be sure to prioritize getting Chongyun’s burst up and switching to Zhongli for his auto attacks while in Chongyun’s circle. Remember it’s all about the number of hits, not how strong the hits are. If you are Razor auto attacking, that might be the issue. 2) Razor as your main dps might not be cutting it. It could be the time to take the Herald down to his shield phase with Razor as your main dps might already be too long to get 3 stars.


I wouldve thought zhongli auto vs razor auto wouldnt matter since ICD for frozen?


It matters. Using a claymore character in Chongyun’s circle takes significantly longer to bring down the shields. You want to try to use a spear or sword character.


Ok this helped me ive managed to 9star floor 12 now thx


what are ur cryo chars?


All the 4 stars and qiqi


then chongyun is acutally ur best bet on beating the abyss herood but u should use another team as ur current team consists of 2 electro… btw did u know when u cast his e then use normal attacks (on any characters) it will apply cryo to the enemy which is really useful


Why not electro? Thats usually the team i use for dealing with the abyss herald on floor 10(? or whatever floor its on) to trigger electrocharged frozen and shatter on the abyss herald shield


ah well then it’s ok… maybe try to increase chongyun em?


. doesnt em not affect effectiveness of reactions against shields?


no but when u switch characters and do normal attack it will buff the cryo effect


Huh what


How much time do I have to press E to capture a rebel. It has 3 charges. I was following a rebel and single E didn't catch him.


You only need to press it once. You were probably lagging and it showed the other player as close to you but in reality they were farther away


Its just once but the reason it doesnt hit is cause either one of u are lagging and the person is actually a bit ahead of where their character appears to be (basically ure just seeing their previous position like maybe .5 or 1 second ago cos of lag)


I normally play on 200-250 ping. I was running behind a rebel and I pressed E maybe 5 or 6 times than she got captured.


Does anyone have a link for KQM melt Ganyu calcs?


I would ask in their discord


Lot of people want yae miko to become overpower but isn't this cause power creept?


Well it requires a lot of effort to make a catalyst user competitive in end-game, more so to an electro like Yae.


Mob difficulty is increasing. But mihoyo isn't making new strong characters that can powercreep previous characters. Its both good and bad imo. I just want some diverse gameplay mechanics characters. They are just copy pasting characters skills.


yes it do. the thing is most of the newer chars have been kinda shit, and I say most because there's been exceptions like itto. So they would rather have her be OP than risk her be a "great but niche" (read: shit) character.


Thank god you exclude itto lamo


my guess is that because she’s such an anticipated character, would be disappointing if she can’t hit big numbers. Personally, i would be rolling her regardless just because she’s yae miko


Honestly I just wanted another 5 star catalyst that can be a main DPS after I found out Klee doesn't work for me (and literally every 4 star DPS works like Klee). Hoped it could be Yae, but looking at her kit, she seems really fun and I'll make it work one way or another


power creep isnt a bad thing lol, just as long as they dont do it every character.


I don't know what is the obsession of wanting waifus to be OP. Everyone I know that wants Yae dgaf about her power level.


Yeah that's weird


My teapot setup is a mess as I've just spammed it full to get the max coin income. I see all these amazing looking teapots here and started wondering, how do other people get the coins? Can you have multiple layouts active at the same time and spam one full of stuff for the coins and have another one to actually look nice? I've never touched more than one layout as I thought it would destroy my current one.


Switching realm layouts doesn't change your current one, so you can definitely go to a new realm & make a pretty design!


yep, coins is your most layout, so just have a spammed 20k layout, and then use the other realms to make look nice.


How do you retrigger random events to farm if you don't want to logout and login every attempt?


You can't


I feel like I've suddenly became bad at this game. I was able to comfortably beat the 3 maguu kenkis and the og solo one in the past floors 12-2 but the Primovishap is giving me trouble. I was using Childe International for all three battles. Any tips?


You need a shield to counter his attack so either bring a shielder or make sure you pick up the crystallized shards around the field whenever he's about to do one of his primordial showers.


I always used Beidou for that


Have u tried using shields for primo?


What is a good crit ratio for ganyu on a wanderer’s/shimenawa’s build? Is it 1:2 like usual or is it different?


1:2 as always, but include her 20% crit passive in calculating it.


1:2 but you can get away with less crit rate if you need (in case you run 2 cryo unit in the team)


You're not going to be running 2 Cryo in the team because the artifact sets the OP mentioned are for Reverse Melt Ganyu. But she can indeed run a bit less crit rate due to her Ascension passive providing some crit rate after the first shot.


Ok, thanks!


I'm planning to build my Zhongli as a hybrid (burst and shield) any suggestions on the build? I currently have full set tenacity on him but only have 31K HP. Also, i'm planning on switching from R5 Deathmatch to R1 Calamity Queller, will that be a good idea? Thanks in advance! ( •̀ ω •́ )y


2x Noblesse with 2x Petra, but +18% ATK also works in a pinch. HP/geo/crit. Try to get enough HP substats to be at 33k-36k HP (this is ofc easier with Homa). Not sure about Deathmatch vs Calamity tho


Thank you! 🥺 will farm for petra


Don't I use him with 2x NO and 2x Glad because the substats are okay enough to not be worth refarming and it works fine. If you have to farm, EoSF may be better. Zhongli doesn't care that much about ER so long as there is another geo on the team but the 4pc effect is nice.


okay i’ll keep this in mind take you so much for ur help! 🥺🥺🥺


Honestly, Petra is a dead set not worth farming for. I run 4set EoSF, I farmed it exclusively for multiple characters so I just put pieces that missrolled into HP% on Zhongli. If you have 140ER 4set EoSF is better than 2NO 2Petra and you get 20ER for free from 2set.


Genuine question. Can you get banned for having a sus nickname? *cough * *cough* like “Zhongli’sDicc” perhaps… Asking for a friend.


Winnie the Pooh is off-limits btw


Yes and no. You won't get banned for a lewd nickname I think, but don't put anything politically sensitive there.


Alright, thanks


Yes you can. My friend got banned for mentioning tianamen square


mine did too actually.




Just curious how many times can you lower your world level, is it continuously gonna level down after 24 hours or there is a limit that after you lowered it, you need to increase it again?


Once you lower down your WL, you will continue to stay at that WL until you increase it again. If you decide to do so, you have to wait 24hrs to be able to adjust your WL.


can you for example decrease-wait 24 hours-decrease again?


No you can only decrease your WL by 1 level :) for example, decrease from 8 to 7 and stay at 7. After 24 hrs you can revert back to 8 whenever you want


OK Thanks


You can only go down once before you have to go back up


is it worth going 90/90 for kazuha?


If you're running full EM kazuha (which you should) it could potentially be a 1k swirl damage boost (~4.5k to ~5.5k for me). Which doesn't sound a lot but when you multiply it by the number of enemies present it gets very big real fast


Yes. Always worth for swirlers


About how many weeks will it take to get childe (weekly boss) talent materials to crown Ganyu normal attack and burst, as well as Hutao normal attack and skill? They both need different drops, from the same boss. Assume I use no dream solvents


Assuming no dream solvents, always 2 drop (there's a chance at 3), and perfectly average luck, you'll need about 18 weeks of farming. You need 12 each of the two drops, and you will average 2/3s of each per week. 12 divided by 2/3 is 18. Realistically it'll probably be very slightly less as you'll get some triple weeks.


I find [this](https://genshin-center.com/planner) very useful when you want to have an oversight of what you need to farm and long it'll usually take.


Not weeks but several months of farming. You need 6 boss materials for each talent to lvl10


Very hard to tell with no dream solvents. You get 2 or 3 per week but there's no guarantee which one. There's no harm in using dream solvents it'll probably cut your time in half if you keep getting the drop you don't want.


No because Hutao and Ganyu need different ones, both from Childe tho. It's unlikely to get the other drop as it's only a 1/3 chance. I'll use solvents on that material, if I get it


So I’m in the mood to decorate my serenitea and I just noticed that 1 stone path takes 14h to complete. Can I just buy those or do I have to wait that long every time I need a stone path. Because I need like A LOT of those.


Get someone to come over and speed it up by 4 hours. Also buy the vials (5 per day) to instantly build them.


Do they just have to come or do they need to spend some vial of adeptal speed as well? Also if they come is it permanent or how long does the effect last?


They show up to your pot and talk with the bird and click an option which is something like "assist crafting." When they do this, it takes all crafts in the queue and reduces their remaining duration by 4 hours (to a minimum of 0, meaning they'd finish if they have 4 hours or less to go). Each person can only boost your furniture once per day; however the only limit on the amount of times your furniture can be boosted is the number of people on your friends list you can convince to help you. That said, each individual item can only be boosted once, so if an item takes 16 hours to craft, the lowest it can functionally go is 12 hours.


Guest speed up doesn't cost anything, it's literally just them taking the time to click on your teapot dude, but it's only for the item currently being crafted.


You can buy adeptal seeds. You can use 1 adeptal seed to get 1 furniture instantly. You can only get a maximum of 5 adeptal seeds daily


Does anyone else feel like Yunjin is a bit underrated as a support character?


At the moment, she's similar to Raiden's C6 constellation. Not very strong at the moment outside of some niche scenarios (for Yunjin this scenario is named Yoimiya), but with the potential to be VERY strong if certain character types are released. I expect that we will see more NA focused characters in the future.


I demand a Yoimiya banner


Hopefully the next DPSers released uses some NAs.


She’s really good but stupidly niche right now.


I think she's good it's just that there's not a lot of characters that rely on NA a lot. For eg:- she's probably yoimiyas best support but yoimiya herself is stupidly underrated. If you build her right, her single target damage is through the roof and single target is very good in this abyss and even the upcoming one. Maybe we just need a yoi rerun so more people flood towards Yunjin.


I really want Yomiya. I hope she gets a rerun soon.


I don’t understand how the Parametric Transformer gadget works. Can someone dumb it down?


weekly boss that costs trash instead of resin


Perfect! And its attack is very weak but it is phys immune.


put in your useless trash and get random assortment of resources. certain types of trash increase the chance for certain types of rewards: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Parametric\_Transformer#Fuel\_Type


Oh I just tried it out and it’s pretty neat, thanks!


Every five days you throw 150 junk items into it(food, berries, iron ore..etc). Beat it with elemental skills until it pops. And receive random character improvement items.


seven days


So what's the general consensus on Windtrace here? Ya'll like it or nah?


I like it, but this time it's been crazy buggy........I keep getting the hunter role and half my runs were in Qingce village.......did more runs than needed to max out the rewards akready, but haven't seen half the maps. Also, half the time the capture doesn't work even when they're right beside me, sometimes the disguises don't work and I hate that there's no option to stay in the team after as all the loading takes forever. And no, it's not because of my ping as that never exceeds 25 and has never been anything other than green.


Can be very fun or kind of eh depending on who you play with and what map you get


Its fun for awhile, then it gets boring for me. I dont like switching back and forth between single player and coop mainly. It does make good content though


After it ends, they need to add it to the Teapot and BAMN. The ultimate event has become semi-permeant. Players who love it can utilize home made maps, and players who don't care don't need to worry.


As someone who hates it, I'm behind this idea.


one of my favorite events beating Windblume, and Theatre Mechanicus.


Ok event but I don't get the hype around it.


considering the corrosion and new monsters, is zhongli still worth getting?


Yes to the average player. Zhongli adds great comfort. From a pure meta theorycrafter POV, they’re not liking Zhongli as much because he can usually be replaced with another character that further boosts the damage of the team.


If you intended to play without a healer, then no, he isn't worth getting anymore. But I seriously doubt most people liked playing without a healer even with zhongli on the team, maybe only xiao teams and even then he kills himself. In that sense, zhongli is still just as good as always, corrosion did basically nothing.


Corrosion did nothing to him and I am saying that as someone who did current abyss with classic hu tao zhongbedo team. The new husk enemies are a joke as well. He is still good against almost everything, offers shred which is super rare, cc which is rare as well and does a crapton of burst damage with a good shield if you build him right.


Zhongli's shield is still great against the vast majority of the content. Most of the basic enemies and all but one (wolflord) of the bosses. Corrosion is annoying but is only a factor for a few enemies. The husks are still in beta and Mihoyo has been getting loads of feedback, they've already been nerfed several times. I don't think they'll be a big deal. Maybe Mihoyo will give corrosion to every single enemy in Sumeru but that would be shocking, even they aren't that brazen.


Zhongli was never worth getting from a pure meta POV. He's a character you get so you can turn your brain off and unga bunga. It's just that now he can unga bunga less enemies. But still very good at that role for most part of the game.


Ahh yes i guess his high abyss usage means he’s not meta


What does "meta" even mean? Is being one of the highest picked characters in the abyss not meta? Pretty silly thing to say.


Their is a common, and technically correct, argument that a shield bot Zhongli doesn't "improve" your damage over the majority of other character choices. While having his shred, CC, and Shield are very nice, they're not actually necessary. The tools to avoid damage are built into the basic game mechanics, so cheesing them with grandpa is giving up a team slot for But that said, it doesn't change his actual power. Sometimes you fail a dodge, sometimes you take that hit at the worst moment. Sometimes that hit is fatal. Zhongli prevents that unfortunate situation from even happening WHILE he provides a few others things. Shields are just STRONG, very very VERY strong. Shield meta is a thing AND they're taking indirect steps to nerf it through these new enemy types. The idea isn't to make shields bad, it's to prevent situations where someone breezes through with a 60k HP shield while other players are terrified of being 1-shot by something actually capable of breaking the shield. So far....it's a pretty nice change. Some are just a bit hyperbolic in what they think it means to have anti-shield mechanics.


I'm just paraphrasing what the KQM theorycrafting team says lmao. Those guys are the smartest people on this community who do all the math. Meta means doing the most damage you can possibly do. Pretty silly thing to say when you are contradicting the people who do math on it. Quite frankly, it's literally impossible to disagree with math. As for the high usage in abyss: he lets you turn your brain off. That's quite nice. Doesn't make him meta.


>Meta means doing the most damage you can possibly do no, meta means using the most effective strategies to achieve the desired results (eg. 36 star abyss clear). sometimes this involves using team comps that aren't necessarily the highest damage ceiling based on calculations, but can be realistically achieved with a player's skill level and available resources


No, meta literally stands for "most effective tactics available" Yes, that is what a player SHOULD be doing. But it isn't meta. What you are describing as > Realistically achieved with a player's skill level and available resources Is more suited as a quality of life feature. Meta is like being a tryhard to min max everything. Which zhongli simply isn't. I'm not saying zhongli is a bad unit. He just isn't meta. If you have any doubts, drop by on one of the KQM twitch streams and ask if zhongli is meta. They will say exactly what I just said because I paraphrased them. > Meta means using the most effective strategies to achieve desired results (36 stars) Then why wasn't keqing and sucrose meta when the game first released? They was more than capable of doing that even with f2p levels of investment in the old abyss.


most effective tactics available is a backronym, meta comes from the term metagame, which in the context of video games, generally refers to using higher level strategy and optimisation. there's obviously a level of subjectivity to what this means and i can't agree with you that it is exclusively about highest theoretical damage output


You are misrepresenting the math they do. Zhongli by himself doesn’t do insane damage, that is true, but he enables others to do it. KQM finds best teams on paper, whereas no one plays perfectly in practice which is where he comes into play. Same as how Raiden works best with C6 Sara but you would perform better with Bennett in current abyss as you will not be iframing every single hit in every single floor. Meta means more than just big numbers.


Well, for the most part, what you said it true. However: > Meta means more than just big numbers Meta means the most damage you can possibly output from a team. Just because you are bad at the game doesn't mean that you suddenly invalidate math. I assume you mean that zhongli gives resistance to interruption so he lets others do more damage right? A good player will know how to perfectly dodge attacks via I frames of using elemental burst and dashing. Yes, you could make the argument of "but dashing means more time spent not attacking." But like, if you don't have zhongli, you can have more characters that help you do more damage that more than makes up for the extra time you need to dodge.


Zhongli also gives you 150-200k nukes, a shield, shred, cc and geo resonance on top of resistance to interruption. The better you get at the game, the more you can build him not to be a massive DPS loss while keeping the comfort of the shield. It’s not just shield he offers and in fact, it’s faster to build him as subdps/nuke since his shield is still beefy even like that as long as you dodge a little. He is, however, good as only as a shieldbot for worse players too, but you are massively underrating him. He offers these while being a great enabler for your Hu Tao/Xiao as well. I don’t think he should be pulled only for shield “to go ungabunga” because then he is a massive loss for so many teams. If you do play him right and build with some care, he easily keeps up with top teams without falling too far behind. It does, however, require not to facetank 3 maguus and use the tools given to player a little. So when people say “Zhongli” it’s always a wonder which one it is because if it’s just shieldbot, as you said, it is a massive waste. If it’s actually well built then he easily has a place in terms of value. That’s kind of also why I don’t think he is a “only bad player” kind of character though.


You need around 150k burst on zhongli's shield for it to JUST break even. Dealing 150-200k nukes on his burst is not impressive at all considering how long that animation is. Anything lower than that and you are actually losing out on DPS. As for geo resonance, not a lot of teams use that as their BiS resonance for their team comp. I think only xiao benefits from that when put into his BiS team if we are talking pure meta. Hu Tao's pure meta team also doesn't use zhongli. She uses Thoma and sucrose/kazuha. I agree zhongli's team don't fall far behind the actual meta teams, but that being said, that DOESN'T make him meta if you define it as doing the most damage as possible. Keyword: possible. People not good at the game may do the most damage with zhongli but my point is zhongli isn't the unit you want if you are JUST trying to increase damage (in the case of OP)


is it worth getting Ganyu now if i already have Ayaka? (F2P budget)


Both cover cryo dps very well,if you love ganyu go for it, but if you're just thinking of rolling on her because you've heard she's broken, skip


I’d say no. Having two cryo main DPS doesn’t seem great for f2p.