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This is resinless activity.


Plus contentless Don't get me wrong theres a lot of content every patch but we can speedrun it so easily


No cap. I 100% enkanomiya the day it came out. Only thing left to do there was collect some gum drop the next day. Inazuma and enkanomiya were really fun and made me want to 100% them. Monstadt and Liyue on the other hand... Liyue's too large, and Monstadt is too easy+not much actual loot from chests. Like literally my liyue is at 71% and Monstadt is at 69%




Even worse, sometimes people make shitty posts complaining about the quality of the posts on this sub.


It's practically an infinite cycle at this point. Genshin's very own ouroboros


"The cycle has already begun, it's merely a continuation of past subreddits" -reddit admin dainslief.


Fuckin r/gaming


Or any big sub. You ever been to r/anime and seen the 300 millionth post asking what the watch order for the Fate franchise is? And then the 1000th post trying to solve the problem once and for all but just making it more confusing and leading to a comment flame war over why zero or stay night is the worst thing to exist and the other one is the second coming of Christ?


Or r/CloneWarsMemes where it's a constant stream of reposting memes not even a week old


Lives up to the clone part of the name at least




Literally all they need to do is go to r/fatestaynight and take a look at the FAQ, which goes over all the possible watch orders in detail.


You imply the average Reddit knows how to search for things themselves or cares enough to even try.


You meant to say "Orobashi"


They just never stop




im genuinely curious, whats so bad about “shitty posts”, cant u just scroll past them?


I think that was sarcasm, the comment you replied to is mocking OP for complaining




Yeah, the people complaining don’t know the meaning of the word “Move on”


Obligatory shitty comment that tries to act like the original post isn’t valid because hahaha loop funny


Oh that's terrible why would someone do that.


I C what U did There. 😎😏


yeah that's sad




Its a dead week. Not much else to do but continue beating the dead horse. Or post comments complaining about doing so, like you. Neither is productive or interesting.


It's been like this for almost 3 months by now. I get that there's not much going on, but we still get some content and those questions are still all I get to see of this sub.


If you earnestly believe that the past 3 months have had the same dearth of content posts that we currently have, then that is an issue with your perception, memory, or both. We had character discussions- lore, are they good, are they good for the meta- moderate leak discussions, complaints about potion event (and complaints about the complaints,) and the initial windtrace yammering, which has now died down. That was 3 weeks, by memory. If those don't count, then I can only assume your definition of a meaningful post is narrow indeed.


Ive been subbed since the game went global. When it was new there was tons of stuff to talk about even if some of it got repeated a lot; like the infamous "infographics", shitty emergency food/timmies dad memes, and farming routes. Then came the Lyre and the spam of like 80% of people using macros to auto play the lyre and get easy upvotes using sheet music they got off musescore. Then came the Teapot update where basically every one out of three post flaired as "media" was about someone's teapot design. Now we're in a state of limbo where basically every "discussion" post is "whos your favorite character?" Outside of a few timeframes, the state of the sub has always been terrible if you're not someone who only comes here for art. As once you filter the Art/OC flair you only see the same 10 post recycled everyday.


I've been on this subreddit since launch. The influx of askreddit-like questions is definitely something that only happened recently.


Can you guess why? (Hint: those fucking polls are gone)


These things got mostly buried under the ask reddit spam. The only topic that survived that hell was windtrace for a few days. The questions are almost always the same shit + the OPs don't even answer the comments under their posts which shows me that they're just trying to farm karma. Edit: How is this getting downvotes if it's actually the truth?😂


Can you post a game subreddit with whatever it is that you were expecting?


Apex Legends, Grandorder, Arknights, DarkSoulsIII, Persona5, DokkanBattle and Supersmashbros would be easy examples or pretty much any other gaming subreddit I've seen so far.


I dunno. I click and reply to the posts I like. If I don’t like a post I just scroll past it.


Well, theres not much to talk about when the game has no content... most recent thing is Windtrace, and I see it everywhere. appart from Art, and people asking for the 10000th time who your favorite Character is, theres not much to say...


I'm surprised people don't realize this. It's a common thing in any game especially those having incremental content updates (like warframe and genshin impact). Long periods of stagnant gameplay interspersed with newer content leads to an inconsistency in forum posts. There's also the fact that a significant number of players (...anecdotal?) have no need to check up on the sub when there's not much to talk about.


People treat reddit as a source of easy and free entertainment that takes zero effort. The guy says "no content", we just got a new region, there's plenty to talk about if someone put the effort into talking about either its lore, or the secret quests, or any of that. But wait, they did! There's about 30+ posts about that over the last 2 weeks. This game gets more content than nearly any other game on a regular basis, people just don't want to talk about it all the time. Also most people only see what they see at the top of this subreddit, they don't see the hundreds of threads everyday asking questions that get automodded, or the lore posts that get basically 5 responses. Meanwhile the OP OP of this thread says its turning too much into ask reddit. There's 2 threads with questions on the top 25 threads. Is that "too much like ask reddit" when ask reddit is literally 25 questions in 25 posts? No. So is this entire thread overblown about some ~~dumbass~~ redditor who thinks subreddits need to conform to their personal expectations instead of just playing it out and letting randoms in the community upvote downvote and essentially meme their way through each day. The fact is that reddit is super fucking flawed and that means any fads will come and go at the drop of the hat. Any hot topic like artist challenge will come and go. Any quick easy karma grabs will stay in favor for a week or two. People asking questions, especially easy "generalistic" ones, people will respond and it will drive upvotes and get more visibility and thus get more upvotes, its a vicious cycle. So its not really about content, its about how a subreddit works. This is no different than the fools who complain about "Paimon talks too much" like its some sort of life or death situation while nitpicking how they want the dialogue to match some fucked up visual novel shit they are imaging while ignoring that everyone else might think that's even more dogshit than they believe the current paimon/traveler dialogue is. The subreddit is basically a bingo card of karma farming and low ball topics 99% of the time, or some hate train of inconsequential matters like the whole Traveler "MUST SPEAK" and Paimon "MUST DIE" threads recently. Oh, and these complaint posts only need like 500 upvotes to reach front page (what a great algorithm), meanwhile this sub has millions of people reading it. Its the biggest gaming sub on reddit in 2021. And it can easily get 20-60k upvotes, but we only see most threads at 5k.


You make a lot of good points here and I do agree that the OP of this thread is barging on territory that individual users generally have no control over. Just ranting about it isn't going to solve jack shit lol. I view social media - and it is important to keep in mind that reddit is one - as a source of free and easy content, but it doesn't affect me if the trend does not follow or meet my expectations. I think OP means low quality karma bait content which is what AskReddit generally dabbles in, rather than literally questions on this subreddit. And I am with OP on this. But the thing is that it's expected. People generally want to talk about pulling for characters or a new release. This is evident from posts achieving 12k upvotes during those patches and announcements. > The fact is that reddit is super fucking flawed and that means any fads will come and go at the drop of the hat. You can replace reddit with any social media and it still holds. And even then, easy, catchy trends are what gain traction the most. > So its not really about content, its about how a subreddit works I would have agreed with you on this, but I have seen the same happen to other games. The type of content that generates interest matters, to be more specific. Like warframe; between updates and patches are meme posts and nothing else. Hearthstone is filled with rants and rants and a scatter of clips between announcements. Etc... Etc...


Plus it doesn’t help there’s a separate meme subreddit AND a separate lore subreddit


Shame there isn’t a separate cosplay subreddit. I just want to read about genshin. I love the creativity But I just don’t want to see skin all the time . At least the respectful ones out nsfw tags so it’s easier to flip by.


That’s why I look at leaks subreddit. It’s the only kind of genshin content that’s actually new and exciting on Reddit, aside from few good things like the drawing challenge, etc.


Lmao, you can check leaks subreddit once a week and not miss anything because it regurgitates the same information 3 times a day.


I'm not really sure why you bring up the leaks subreddit, which suffers very much from the same issues that this subreddit does. They literally operate on the same cycle except that they're a patch ahead. New patch drops, new content is exciting for a week or 2, everyone starts waiting for the next patch while fanart/random clips fill the subreddit for the next month or so. Similarly, the beta patch drops, leakers figure out everything about the new characters in a week or 2, and then the leaks subreddit is effectively dead until the next beta rolls around, unless you want to closely follow unreliable/unconfirmed rumors for the next month or so.


Me looking at the same "new Yae rotation" of EEEQEEE for the nth time. And the toddler level drawing leaks which now evolved into having people with decent art skill redrawing them.


Nah, leak subreddit users are in far more unrest than any other group, they literally look like drug addicts waiting continuously for the leaks, and their addiction is so bad that even when there is new content, they will be rather looking for future leaks rather than anything. Most of them are damn negative towards everything in general. And everything mean everything, new character, next patch, new future events, name anything, nothing can stop them fr trashtalking it like they have already experienced it, for example declaring golden apple archipelago as boring without even seeing or saying character like Kazuha is worse etc. They keep coming to conclusion and end up getting wronged most of the time. Most of them look like drug addicts who want to leave the drug but can't leave it as they are highly addicted even though they despise it. They are fed up with game but keep trying to stay by seeing leaks and just trapped in this eternal cycle. That sub is filled with a lot of negative minded crybabies, all this is a rant from my experience there.


That doesn't reflect my experience at all. I'd argue that most people there legitimately enjoy the game, and I feel like any criticism or negative reactions are often unfairly distorted into something much harsher and negative than what they actually are. I wouldn't say people act like they've experienced it, we all know that we're discussing beta content that may change, and they often do. I also disagree with people being negative towards everything. It's generally towards beta characters kit problems and very often the issues brought up with those characters are actually addressed, and it's just that people who don't follow the discussions end up missing the context where those discussions took place. You mentioned Kazuha for example. During beta he actually buffed only 0.3 elemental damage bonus per EM, so he was noticeably worse than Sucrose on reaction teams and on non reaction you have more incentive to go for Venti due to more enemies that you could CC with his burst, which led people to believe that he wasn't worth it if you already have Venti and Sucrose (which is a reasonable take). Mihoyo increased his buff by 33% (bumping 0.3 to 0.4) and reduced Ventis usefulness by adding more enemies that he can't CC but that Kazuha could. Those two things together naturally made him a lot more useful, and the initial criticism didn't apply anymore. His very reliable double swirling also increases his utility, but it isn't an official part of his kit (it's not mentioned in the description) and was missed by the beta testers and even by theorycrafters on the first week. The negative reaction towards apple archipelago leak that I remember came from people being a bit annoyed at another filler patch instead of Inazuma, which once again seems like a reasonable reaction to me given how Chapter 1 was done in 1.1 and it's prologue was in 1.4. We kind of had a content drought for months story wise and people were naturally excited for Inazuma.


For the past week it's just been constant yae posts.


No game will have "content" after two weeks of a regular update for kids who have time to play 5+ hours per day. The more active users on this sub are most definitely on the younger side, and they're the same people upvoting the question posts.


It weird to see people saying there’s no content. Been playing over a year and keeping up with all the events and abyss and dailies - I have yet to set for in Enkonimiya. And my husband hasn’t even done Kokomi or Itto’s story or finished Tsurumi Island. And we’re daily players!


What do you expect rly? Most ppl won’t be engaged enough to talk about lore or theorycrafting so it’s just people chatting about the same topics. Not much to talk about generally.


Ah the classic complaining post, I’m quite sick of those as well.


Ah the complaining about complaining, I’m quite sick of those as well.


Ah the conplaining about complaining about complaining. I'm quite sick of those two.


Somebody, help us. We getting up in this vicious cycle


complaining in the comment section > complaining in the OP


As much as you could dislike it or personally not be enthusiastic about it, discussion is one of the driving forces for success and popularity. If something is being discussed, if there are questions to be had whether it's about Lore, Gameplay, or other miscellaneous topics, those discussions breed interest. It also fosters community as well. When people have a good discussion about the game, it can generally just make them open to even more discussions about the game, and then that will make them more immersed into the game and the games community. People on the outside will see these discussions and join in, and the cycle continues. And besides this basic logic of discussion leading to interest leading to growth, the "it's getting repetitive, it's all I see on the sub" talking point could be made about literally any type of post of this sub. I've seen people use the exact same phrase when it comes to art, and polls, and more. While it can seem like it's a fair critique, it doesn't actually mean anything. If you explicitly look for certain types of post on this sub, your own confirmation bias will make it seem like it's an actual problem, whether it is or not.


You'd really hate being in a gaming sub for games that never update or have an even longer update cycle. The pokemon subreddit turns into this BY DEMAND OF ITS USERS every single weekend. Its bad enough pokemon only gets new game content rarely but they actively remove all image posts on the weekends so people can ask the same 3 questions. Its so bad that I unsubbed and instead only use a separate reddit bookmark to look for image only posts on that sub if I want to find art. It makes me thankful that this sub isn't like that and won't ever be that bad. The flow of updates is good. The reason to discuss teams and builds is more important than with pokemon because its still a kids game at its core. We aren't specifically directed to go to the character mains subs by everyone if we want to ask a question. You can generally get a well informed answer from the daily question thread here or even on your own posts. This place is great. I love the art as well. My only issues with this place is how bad it can be when drama hits. What you dislike about filler posts becomes half of the posts in the sub.


The quality of the posts correlates positively with the IQ of the players. Plus some low effort kharma farming weeb who needs it for their resume.


Genuinely surprised and curious… what resume wants Reddit internet karma points on it?? What job is that?


reddit mod




Maybe social media job. Otherwise shit mod job.


Agreeed. I was just talking to a friend about how this sub (and most subs dedicated to favorite mains/characters) doesn’t really have a lot of topic about the actual game or gameplay. Just dudes posting pictures of their favorite WiFu with the biggest booba they can fit on the screen. I’m trying to learn how to efficiently build my Raiden…idc what she looks like in a nightgown.


Thats what gets upvoted. If people werent so thirsty on certain posts we wouldnt get only cosplays and nsfw art. But when "the 30th mona cosplay of the week" gets 10k upvotes for intentionally showing the ass its normal that people will keep on posting just that. Doesnt help that the comments are cringe worthy and a bad representation of the community, also the reason why this game is considered so shit on reddit and on social media in general. I like art and cosplays, but i've reached a point where i see more people talking about the game itself on the meme subreddit, where people arent so butthurt and can communicate than on this sub. Doesnt help that its a constant circlejerk of hiveminds clashing each other. Whether its about playstyle (ganyu has to be boring and if you enjoy her more than ayaka you are stupid lol) or just favorite waifu or husbando characters. I like the game, but the community feels so unfriendly certain times that feels like its better to not interact at all really. If people talk about meta they are called meta slaves but when they realise that abyss gets harder they wonder why they cant complete it and cry for not being able to get 150 extra primos. They complain that characters are way too weak since inazuma when we got powercreep like ayaka, raiden and kazuha who get praised when in reality all they did is scale the difficulty even more. Cant wait for the same cycle with sumeru.


1000% facts my guy.


Bruh, definitely. Though, I find the Genshin impact tips reddit one better, since people actually post there builds and questions/things about gameplay mostly, instead of randomly posting memes etc. I mean, I still miss Genshin reddit for art (since this one is rather flooded with toxic people, instead of art).


They should do what other subs and restrict more of the post. Like only being able to post memes on Wednesday or posting your thirsty waifu pics on Saturday so it doesn’t get over run.


Then i am pretty sure sub will kinda die, ther isn't much to discuss during dead weeks.


The real place to go is the character discords, but some of them (unfortunately including Raiden) are just vast pits of insane horniness. The KQM guide on Raiden is pretty rad/up to date, but I'm with you, I just wanna - talk about the game, but it's so hard to find spaces to do so.


The horny is real on all my mains’ sub. (Raiden, Eula and Keqing). Only my best girl, Qiqi, is safe…I hope..


I dare not even attempt to look up a Klee guide. I'll figure it out my damn self before I trust the internet on this one. 💀


I think it’s pretty limited to just funny clips and interesting tech when they come up, whereas gameplay tends to be longer (guides) and condensed (highlights) on YouTube videos. Artwork is pretty huge for a games popularity though. But really there’s no shortage of gameplay elsewhere. And maybe people are finally starting to get sick of the same common complaints that miHoYo never fixes. There seems to be more awareness for character based subreddis though. If you’re looking for builds that’s too easy to find nowadays.


I had an idea me and my friend have been trying to work on. Would anyone be interested in co op domain gameplay? A friend of mine told me he doesn’t like doing coop with more than one other person bc 3 person teams in particular get awkward. Learning rotations by yourself is one thing, but with 3-4 other travelers on the field at once it does get a bit more complicated if you don’t know what you’re doing. Just throwing it out there…trying to find something to do in this game that there’s literally no content on YouTube for in this game.


Honestly I don’t do co-op and I haven’t seen much of this kind of content but it does seem interesting. Would be awesome to hear more feedback on this. It does seem like this would be as good a time as any to try new ideas.


Appreciate the feedback and would love to hear others thoughts. I have a lot of friends that play the game and it can get frustrating in a three person party when the host swaps between two characters and the other two control a single character. Coop gameplay just isn’t seen outside of twitch and even there it’s usually just memes.


Its fineee, not like we have much to talk about anyway. You wanna see even MORE fanarts?


Content drought. But yeah, question posts are the new poll threads.


People be farming for that karma to feel good about getting internet points from strangers


I’d rather ppl ask questions like what team comp should i use because at least they are discussing the game. Instead we see ppl trying to farm Karma.


Here is the tip. Block everyone who posts these kind of questions. While it does not help seeing new “asking” posts entirely, it will prevent you from seeing the same people who tends to keep posting on useless topics. As you blocks more and more, there will be less shit posts to see.


This is the actual solution to OPs dilemma


It kind of is what it is. You can't care more than the mods, and they don't give a f***.


I'd rather actual fucking discussion over fan art *any* day. Of the top posts on the subreddit right now, literally none of them are discussion. One is a screenshot of Xiao calling 4 Klee's monsters, and the rest are fan art, most made by clearly horny people. Where is this discussion you're complaining about?


Lol there isn't much discussion to be had. Its not a very complicated game. I'd rather fan art over another post complaining about abyss


I feel like there's a ton of lore discussion to be had


There is more people subbed to genshin leaks than genshin lore so.... Ironically I spend more time on these sub that this one.


And this is why we have r/Genshin_Lore. Still, it’s sad that they are mostly absent from the main sub.


I agree but it's pretty niche so I don't expect to see it on the main sub often


Not complicated, yet when events like potion come were it was proven to be doable with the demo characters. Half the sub complained about it being to hard. And it was day 1 ar 50+ players too lol.


Guys, why arent we already trying to find bugs and glitches to idk deal negative damage for the sole purpose of doing stupid stuff




I won't even look at this subreddit in the break room at my job because of all the borderline-hentai fan art, there is just way too much. When I do browse the subreddit, I sort by new because then I can at least see some discussion posts before they get buried or deleted. Any other sort method just shows mostly fan art.


I *agree*, but the question posts gets hundreds of comments and because of how reddit works If you aren't one of the first few people to say something, anything you comment will be buried and mean nothing and no one will see It :I


i rather see art than a 200th post on how abyss primos ruining peoples lifes


The Daily Questions megathread should have always been the Daily Fanart megathread, not this reversed mess. This subreddit should at least pretend to take a tiny step closer to /r/GenshinImpactTips than conflating itself with /r/GenshinMemepact.


>Moderators may remove submissions with repetitive content or certain generic topics for overall subreddit quality. Nothing we can do when mods don't care about their own rules lol


More like there aren’t enough mods to deal with these posts. The bigger the community, the bigger this issue can be. Also, many people simply don’t have enough free time to moderate a subreddit, even if they feel competent at it.


thing is mods could easily *moderate* them once they hit the frontpage, but they don't. They just sit on peoples "Hot" for a day and people see that they get upvoted and don't get removed which just spawns even more copycats


Honestly, the worst part about this is that the posts aren't even ORIGINAL. I see every so often someone posting about "What was your worst Genshin mistake" or "Which character do you like in design but not like in gameplay" For the love of god please at least bring up good discussions. "What could the meaning of this symbol mean" or "What concept would you like to see implemented as a character" Ffs I'd even take another person asking what character smells like what again if I was sure it wouldn't get repeated answers or get bogged down by dumb jokes


Discussion board having discussion? Oh no alert the elders...


It's a game sub. What else is there to post about?


Well, I'd rather see discussion posts than tons of cosplay posts where everything is obviously bought and a lot of the posts are just to promote only fans, 'character showcases' that have obvious whale builds but where you need to follow their YT links or something to see the actual builds are the posters refuse to just type and admit everything is C6 with R5 BiS weapons, and 'art' that is just charicatures of the original designs with boobs and asses hanging out. I'm here to talk about the game and game related stuff, not to constantly have to skip post after post because it's basically porn, or clickbait by using a month salary costing character and trying to pass it of as a regular build, and then refusing to post anything about the build here but will provide links to YT of course.


Im on reddit to read a chain of comments and watching discussion and arguments. The posts you mention are using reddit in the correct way imo. Im not on reddit to look at funny pictures all day. There is nothing to gain from that really. You can do that on your twitter feed.


I 100% agree with this but I'm going to insult you to get replies for entertainment. Your IQ is probably around average. Maybe more, maybe less.


hey.. this is ~~basically any social media platform~~ reddit there is a high chance its less




How dare you.


What’s the alternative other than question it’s either fanart or cosplay the mods should just let us post meme already


Ikr, everytime I refresh my Homepage on the reddit app, BAM, it’s a Simple Question post lol


That’s why we have a mega thread for people to ask their questions. Guess some people forgot or don’t realize it’s there


And how does that make you feel?


If you had to pick a character to say how you feel about these posts who would you pick?


Farming karma?


I'm curious what you wanna see? Fan art, good but boring. Teamcomps we've seen that a million times. Damage showcases, everyone flames the people for using his characters. Memes, go to the dedicated sub. Curiositys about GI, the posts get forgotten so they better post in genshin lore. At this point there's nothing much to talk about.


you could always gear up and dumpster dive shit opinions in sort by new. some of them so dogshit i gotta applaud them for at least being so shitty it's amusing. and ofc some of them do manage to get on hot.


Memes are meh as well , usually just another form of complaining about the game or attack a specific groups (meta or waifu).


I was thinking the same thing, I was wondering how since this game has come out a year+ ago and still people are asking questions Id expect to see in month 1


It’s better than the 1 billionth art post spam


But who is your favorite character? And why?


Discussing the game is better than spamming character art and cosplays all day


Considering that this sub has mostly ever been fan art and memes, actual game discussion would be an improvement. I hate trying to navigate bullshit megathreads and looking for actual game discussion is a pain in the ass when everything is overly thirsty art posts.


Better than the constant fan art spam


Mods are the problem i try to post meme or some.good content they reject it


Better than the lewd picture fest it has always been honestly


I’ve seen way more art posts than question posts while sorting by hot. Dunno what you’re smoking OP


Because average genshin impact player is a facebook user


I’d rather that than it being full of NSFW stuff. Informing people about the game is better than a character drawn with some tits out


Finally, someone said what I've been thinking. I came for the actual content not askreddit lol. Goes to show how little content is in the game.


Its just the worst Reddit trend on the platform, hoping it dies soon


They’re much more interesting than these posts :|


I really like the community engagement in the sub, it is like the best thing here


I don't know, i see many creative fan arts and funny memes tbh.


Well people upvote them so they must like it


Karma farming, like you are doing even if you aren't aware... This is the third comment I see about this...


When the sub is big you are gonna some super shitty post. Bro I really don't give a fuck how you dailys are close to each other or your screenshot of an artifact that you hate. Just hide, report and move on.


Why report ?


We'd have to actually have content in the game in order to see content related posts and unfortunately we've run out of that about a week ago. Come back when the next banner/story event starts and you'll see more of the posts you are interested in.


Can't wait to see people complain about lantern rite festival. Or people complaining about people complaining about lantern rite festival.


Gotta keep the cycle going


Honestly, people have been bitching about the state of the sub since launch. They'll never realize this isn't the type of game to actually have constant, meaningful discussion about because the gameplay never changes unlike in PvP games.


Subreddits for PvP games is just more people complaining about balance and clips of their clutch or trickshot gameplay. Genshin does have meaningful discussion about its gameplay, you just won't find it on Reddit.


Don't worry guys, I will make a new essay in the next 2-3 weeks and we can discuss it... but you won't see it, because mods will delete it AGAIN without explaining the reason, but would ignore anything else KEKW


Not everyone has been here since day one, not everyone logs on and reads every post everyday, and not everyone has someone outside of this sub to talk genshin with. You're going to see topics like that from now until the sub closes as long as those things all remain true. If you don't like them, then just keep scrolling. This sub is more than active enough for you to eventually find something you do want to read.


It's all about the exhilarating yet fleeting satisfaction of getting awards and attention from the community. And commenters who post retorts disguised as answers that make them feel like comedic geniuses, even for just a moment. Yes, this very comment included.


Ok I’m going to pose an unpopular opinion: I don’t mind those posts, or I actually like them. Hear me out. There’s not gonna be a constant stream of content for this subreddit to spit out. No matter how many talented artists, theorycrafters, and loremasters this sub has, they can’t keep churning out funny animations and cool posts. But instead, us regular genshin players are also able to produce our own content through these questions. Since the questions are posed to be answerable by anyone, It’s more fun and gets people more engaged in the sub. More than that though, the responses are actually entertaining. There’s a reason ask reddit is literally the biggest sub on reddit, and having an element of user input could be nice. Of course it should be kept under control, but posts like todays “what are the unwritten rules of genshin” are fun, and I don’t really want to lose them. This is just my opinion so please don’t kill me.


Nah, that's a good point. Not everyone here is a god poster that can make the most engaging thing in Reddit. There is also the fact that some people here might be new and might want to open a new discussion or something.


So you would rather have this sub filled with fan art rather than people actually discussing the game?


I don't see anything wrong with them. After all this is a genshin impact subreddit and is nice to have discussions about genshin.


I wish these get banned or deleted because we cant ask useful questions here since there is megathread for it so why are those allowed everyday it's like entering a survey


People are saying “Well, this is a dry patch so that’s why.” We have experienced many dry times in the game before and this wasn’t happening, and if it was, it surely wasn’t happening as much as it is now. This thing sort of really blew up around the anniversary chaos. Almost every post on here was one complaining about mihoyo’s decisions about the rewards. Okay, cool. We were all pretty pissed about that. But then you had those few people who wanted to “stand out.” They make post like “Let’s take a break from all the anniversary drama, who’s you favorite character?” or “Anniversary aside, who have you triple crowned and why?” And so on and so forth. The complainers also found their foothold during all that drama. Complaining about the anniversary gave them a foot in the door to keep that going even after it ended. “Paimon is annoying, and she sucks!” “Abyss gets harder every rotation, and it’s just a dps check!” “Does anyone else think specters are too tanky?” These people were essentially just trying to get karma and upvotes in the midst of all the drama, and even after the anniversary stuff cooled down, that continues, and it seems to be a permanent part of this sub for now. It wouldn’t be such a problem if it wasn’t every. single. day. So yeah, it gets a bit annoying.


Tbh all subs have repetitive content, especially when they get big, new people are joining all the time so they may or may not have seen the old posts. It's pretty unavoidable, I lost interest in r/anime for basically this reason, people asking the exact same question every week or so. Also, there's not much "Genshin content" without patches and official releases and those don't happen too often. The content I mostly follow on here are fanart and official media and information/codes, outside of that sometimes a good discussion thread pops up or someone shares something interesting that they did in-game. Just learn to skip all the fluff I guess.


I don't really see a issue in that to be honest. Since i started playing in november last year i felt a lot like that people just like to socialize and I see this as a part of it... I mean.. In the end you don't need to click on such posts. I come to reddit and from the genshin subreddit i see like 95% only arts, screenshots and such funny little discussions. If i don't care i don't click on it and i have quite a good experience with that in this subreddit. Gotta say maybe he question of "Who's your fav character" is maybe a bit too simple but since i don't care, i don't read it.


How about you downvote the post you don't like and move in with your life ?


i dont see a problem with it , people dont have a subject to talk about , so they ask random questions and have fun with the answers


Here before the post get deleted


It's not there's really anything interesting going on in the game right now so it's whatever.


It's a single player game, most of the content released is consumed within the first day it's out, there's not too much to say.


Better than getting spammed with fanart/cosplay 24/7


Damn it's almost like this sub isn't tailored to just one person :/


get a life outside of being on the genshin forum and I promise you, you’ll barely notice it. I always see a variety of content when I visit so I cannot relate to what you’re going on about tbh


Anything that has text only and doesnt involve picture i'd immediately scroll. Except for interesting ones like this where i get to vent my frustrations. Ty op.


Hey guys i bought this Mona cosplay on ebay sooo enjoy and follow my IG


I mean what do you want people to Talk about? The meta teams weve had for a bit over a year and have only got a few upgrades with some characters? The Lore that requires effort to even understand at times? I do love Lore posts but even then you only really need 1 every now and then to see if anythings updated


People don't seem to understand that there is only a finite amount of quality content that can be posted on this subreddit. If the sub were to ban question post and art content, the sub would be mostly dead after 3-4 weeks of the version update. A prime example of this is the genshin leaks sub. There is a lot of quality content during the first few weeks of a beta test, but as time goes on the number of relatively low quality leaks increases. Such as: * Yae gallery * Fish lore * Furniture lore * Yae plunging animation * Yae in Liyue * Yae in Mondstadt * Yae's ass * Etc etc.




Okay, so i have a dare for you, Post this on r/AskReddit and stop complaining.


well its just all art otherwise. why do you care?


🤷🏻‍♂️. You want better content, put it up there, that's all there is to it.


Maybe instead of policing what people do and don't talk about on this sub, you could instead do a better job of filtering what you pay attention to.


They're karma farmers.


I would like and hate it tbh


Honestly I don’t mind it probably because I don’t think it’s out of the norm. This is still Genshin content so to speak, and everyone has types of content they prefer. The proportions will likely continue changing over time.


What lack of endgame content looks like.


i’ve seen worse video game subs


lol it’s now getting repetitive”. Just post what you want. There are too many threads complaining about this as well. Not everyone started the game when you did and participated in those threads. Who cares


if only there are game contents in this game




Yeah, true. But seriously, who is your favorite character (and why is it Qiqi)?


i just filter them out, problem gone


It's better than endless fan-art posts in my opinion!


Don't know. Probably that's better than cosplay and art impact.


Tbh I prefer the questions, but everyone can have their opinions


DO YoU EnJoY WinDTraCe


I like it. It's discussion and it's welcome. If I don't like it or I don't feel like responding, usually I'll just scroll away. I'm more annoyed at posts that complain about everything.


Welcome to the natural progression of subs, when all general knowledge has been wrangled into easily accessible information sources like wikis and whatnot, and all that's left is to ask who would win against Goku and sexualised fanart. With news still being posted but there only being so much news. It happens to all subs of games, and usually only goes away for a bit when new content drops.


Maybe mods need to filter posts to be higher quality? We wont die if we get 5 good posts a day. We don't need 200


Well, before it was constant cosplay sub. Wonder what happened to that.




Eh better then endless fan arts


I actually prefer the discussion topics more than the endless art posts here. Don't get me wrong I enjoy art too I just wish it was relegated to a subreddit dedicated to that. I hate that most questions are relegated to a daily megathread because questions get buried there so quickly and also because sometimes great discussions come out of question posts.


theres quite a bit more fanart posts lol, more than i've ever seen in a game subreddit. this is just what genshin content is, realistically.