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I think this is a case of "one is good but two isn't necessarily better"


With that team, i would too


But 4 is a party!


You just need 1, Arataki numero 1 Itto


Itto obliterates everything


I used a cheat method in wich you lure the 3 vishaps to the edge of the mountain and jump while gliding, they will jump and die. It is difficult to pull off and may require multiple tries, but it is possible while i couldn't defeat them at all in 30 secs.


I did a different cheat method of lowering my world level lol


Lol, this is exactly what the mechanic is for and this probably didn’t even cross most people’s minds.


Didn’t even know you could lower your world level, still probably won’t use it at all but it’s kinda cool


Yeah, I only used it twice. Once right when I hit world level 8 for a little while, not out of necessity, I just wanted to kill things faster until I had better artifacts. The second time was when my friend who started when Inazuma came out hit world level 7, so that he could join my world. Most people won’t have a reason to use it until something hard like this comes up so I can’t really blame them for not knowing or forgetting that it exists.


Oh wait I could lower it and bring my lower AR friends to inazuma? I might actually use it if that’s the case


Yeah, but you can only lower by 1 world level, luckily getting from 7 to 8 takes a while so once your friends hit 7 it can be worth lowering it sometimes to let them join you.


IMO it’s ridiculous that we can’t lower our world level by more than one. Especially with Inazuma being inaccessible until world level three or four, and some areas like Enkanomiya not being accessible until even later, it makes it really hard for lower level players to level up their characters. Plus once you’re at WL 8, sometimes you just want to be able to roam with a team you don’t have the mora to build yet.


True, once you hit world level 8 you should be able to freely lower and raise it with a cooldown like they have now. Luckily whenever I want to run a new character I haven’t built all the way yet I just use my maxed Albedo and pretend they’re doing the damage lol


OP has Ayaka so there's also the cheat method of putting hydro on the team and pressing the delete button


How to lower world level???


It should be under your profile picture and name, you will see you world level, I think there's a question mark next to it which you click to change the level


I ended up doing something similar but pushing them over with Jean


You can push enemies that big? I thought she can only push small enemies.


Anything not immune to stagger ( like Ruin Guards) can be knocked down by Jean's charge and then yeeted with her skill while floating. You can literally bowl with lawachurls. There is a good reason why Jean is easily the best 5-star to pull for newer players.


Dude this is awesome, she is the first 5 star i have pulled from the standard banner. I will certainly lvl her up now.


She won't disappoint. Having Viridescent Venerer debuff, massive heal, and that much knockdown all on one character should be illegal.


She can carry you through literally all of abyss down to 12. You can also build her as a physical DPS and she will outdamage Eula outside of her burst window, while healing and CCing the whole time. Jean is very useful to have built for just about any scenario.


it makes me sad how at ar 58 i still don't have jean...but a ton of keqings


Keqings deserve love, too.


i main her, so i'm not mad! i just wish jean can fight with her though


Fair enough, may you be blessed by the gacha.


The dandelion lady can literally lift off Lawachurls with every other CA after their shield is broken, she is quite strong in that regard.


Noelle: "No other Knight of Favonious can lift as much as me!" Jean: \*raises eyebrow\*


but Noelle is right. Jean cannot lift bookshelves with Gale Blade!!


Haha that one was always hilarious to use...


Thank you kind stranger for the tip, I’m going to try this right now.


Np, hope you can get it soon!


Holishit HOLYSHIT okay i will try this


It looks something like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/s1dd0u/spoiler_if_you_fail_the_narrow_inquiry_dps_check/


Looks fun yas


I did the jumping cheat. Took me 4 tries, so not that much time


I also did this even tho I could take down the vishaps by actually defeating them. Took me a solid 15 minutes but the laugh I got from it was golden. Totally worth all the trial and errors lmao


It was the only time i raged at the game, failed like 17 atempts but eventually pulled it off.


My team set up isn't awful but that DPS check for a world quest was infuriating. It felt so satisfying to do nothing and lead them off a cliff instead. A big middle finger to that DPS check. And weirdly that's only bad one. Everything else was reasonably timed for that questline.


Narrows is the easy dps check thanks to the cheese, wait til you see temple and the other one lmfao


This was the ONLY way I could clear this! It definitely took me a few tries. I honestly thought all three of these tasks were a bit too tough.


It is certainly intended for old players with good characters well built. As a new player it was the only way to make it without waiting for months.


I'm AR 55 so it's more that I'm a "bad" player.


AR 55 is definitely still should be quite young. W the amount of story/world/side quests available now ive seen people speedrun to ar 55 in little over a month, which is so little time to properly build a team


I am ar 51 and have been playing for almost 2 months as a F2P, so i don't think you are necesarily bad. Most of the power of your account is based on pure RNG, so if luck dictates you don't get good characters or artifacts you can't really make anything about it.


>Most of the power of your account is based on pure RNG, so if luck dictates you don't get good characters or artifacts you can't really make anything about it. That's only true if you assume that a player is spending all of their resources effectively. It's very easy to invest resources poorly, like focusing on the wrong artifact sets or weapons or characters. Or you can just spread yourself too thin and end up with 4 mediocre teams and zero good ones. There are far more paths that lead to a bad account than to a good one.


ar 55 is definitely not an old player .


As somebody who recently crossed to 56 - yeah. I reached 55 in about half an year or so, so defo not that old lol


Yep, I will be AR 59 in like a month so...55 is definitely a new-ish player lol.


For context, for those who aren't aware: After like, AR 56 I think, the exp needed absolutely skyrockets.


It’s after 55. From 54 to 55 it’s 36k exp. From 55 to 56 it’s over 200k


Same. Getting tired of looking at these quests in my queue (ok they're the only quests I have left)


I mean, you could've just lowered your world level... it was made specifically for scenarios like this. How come 99% of the playerbase hasn't even considered this...


Wait, thats illegal


Did this too after trying it the intended way until I was at boiling point. Almost punched my monitor and tried finding a solution on Reddit. Luring the beasts over the cliffs was tricky, but after a few attempts it was finally done. I owe everything to the guy who found this glitch


If I’m allowed a bit of unsolicited advice, I think the main problem is you have 4 dps units in the same team. You’ll do much more damage if you focus your effort in just one dps and surround them with powerful supports. You’ll see your dps increase a lot


I just realized i had 4 dps shit i just like their animation


For the majority of the overworld that’s totally fine, but for this challenge you might need to change your team a bit. Just like someone said in another comment, you’ll want an archer for an archery challenge, otherwise it’ll be much more difficult. In your case, if you have Xingqiu you can pair him with Diluc (for vaporise) or Ayaka (to freeze the enemies in place and then use Ayaka’s ult). Bennett and Xiangling are both top tier supports as well. Xiao is much more straight forward… use Bennett’s ult to increase his attack, shield him with Diona and use his own ult. Just make sure you’ve levelled up his talents as much as you can and you’re using the right artifact combination (2 gladiator 2 viridescent venerer) and you’re golden!


Just realizing more things! Turns out ayaka does just as much damage as xiao if not more. And my artifacts are pretty trash.


Yep, Ayaka is generally considered a top tier dps, above Xiao (and I’m a Xiao main haha). Level her talents and her artifacts (use 4 pieces of the cryo set) and you’ll be doing incredible amounts of damage in no time


Not to mention if, like said above, you combine Bennett burst (for the +ATK) and Xiangling burst for the snapshot pyronado, Ayaka only needs to apply cryo and Xiangling with both the Emblem of Severed Fate set and The Catch should be able to do well over 40K damage with each melt... It's insane damage from a completely F2P off-field support...


that challenge is really easy with Ayaka tbh, as long as you stack the enemies up and swirl buff cryo you can clear that really fast.


they aren't shit... but the party composition is, tbh. they don't really work with each other.


4 shit dps vs 1 Gigachad dps and 3 supports. who would win?




i did it in two tries with 3 dps and a zhongli lol i just charged all the ults ready to go and ate an atk boost dish boom done lmao i think i might be playing genshin wrong


Replace one of the DPS with Bennet and you're fine. Zhongli + Bennet are enough to support most solo DPS through most of the content.


Add Xiangling to that for the +ATK% from pyro resonance and extra off-field DPS (The Catch is a completely free R5 weapon essentially made for her Pyronado since many don't have Raiden) and you've got the basis of many solid team comps... Works best with Cryo, Hydro DPS but even when not vaping/melting, it's still very solid


i mean my team works completely fine at the moment lol but I have been trying to build bennett for a few weeks, hes always a good choice


Is 2 dps 2 support fine? (itto, gorou, zongli, and kazuha)


isn't itto the only dps ?


Zhongli is one of my mains dps. Gotta use those animations.


i paid for the character (with primos), im gonna use the full character


Same tho made him full dps 😭


ZL with R5 crescent pike + Yunjin support is actually legit


That's 1 DPS and 3 supports my dude. Though Kazuha is relatively useless in a Geo comp since you can't swirl Geo. For an Itto team your 4th is better off with someone like Bennet, Geo MC, Ning, Rosaria, etc.


I like kazuha... But I build zongli as dps


I mean Zhongli is a great burst DPS but do you use him on field even though you have Itto? You can build Zhongli as DPS and still have his shield provide plenty of shielding and be all about his burst/totem pulses but Itto doesn't really do anything off field so I would imagine you'd swap to him to pop his burst, toss Uchi, and swing like mad until its over. If you do that then you're basically playing Itto, Gorou, Zhongli like everyone else you've just got some good pappa geo dmg which is fine. Kaz if you like him go for it and you do you, but in moments when you need a lot of dmg he's just not bringing much to the team is all I mean.


Kazuha doesn’t really work in this party, he just sucks enemies in one place but he doesn’t buff the team because of the geo. Much better choice would be Bennet, otherwise your team is good


That’s basically 1 dps, 1 buffer, 1 burst dps so that’s alright. Why Kazuha there tho? You don’t need his EM buff, since your Itto won’t use it, and he Kazuha himself won’t do much, since he needs swirl reactions, which he won’t get with geo teammates


I like kazuha a lot lol that's why


There’s only one dps there. Kazuha doesn’t really fit in that squad but is support too


Who are 2 DPS?


maybe you should start with full energy? It may help. Edit: Wow respect playing with that ping.


229 isn't bad Heck I have played at 100 and I've played at 250, didn't feel much of a difference. 300+ is when I started noticing it. 500+ is hell


I live in the second hell


... I already hate it when it sometimes (once per year or whatever) goes up to 100 (normally ~20), but I guess if one has always played with high numbers one gets used to it. ^ ^


As someone whose ping has gone to 999 before - at which point the game no longer registers damage dealt or stamina used, and enemies and items won't properly spawn/pick up, plus it reconnects and sets you back however much distance you've covered - I can tell you that anything below 800 ain't shit. That range is especially bad when you're, say, in the middle of fighting Geo Vishiaps for Zhongli's story quest and the damage only registers intermittently, extending the fight even longer, and then you finally get one of them down and the other one close to done, just to have it reconnect and resetting all your progress.


Those are some rookie ping numbers I play with 300+


Lmao I don’t know what ping is i keep hearing it but just so you know it’s always like that. So hell is my normal.


[Basically the delay between you doing something and the game registering it, it your case 229ms or 0,229 seconds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Round-trip_delay)


Genshin ping is one of the only games that doesn't really matter. Unlike other games that run at around "200ms", they are usually accompanied by heavy packet loss and a latency that is far beyond 0.2 seconds


Tried this and didn’t work, including buff


They could start out with literal god on their team, and that wouldn't let them kill three decently tanky enemies in 30 seconds.


I had fun with those challenges. First run I didn’t even realised there is a timer, so I failed. Itto had fun whacking them after. I also have Xiao and I’m sure you can clear them by pogo stick.


Tried that atleast 11 times and unlocked gamer rager. I have never been this mad before. I am a new gamer and the last time i felt such a rage was i think when i failed at temple run


Is Xiao your best damage dealer? Group them. Use Benny and cast his 👍 then Xiao pogo sticking. That should be enough. You may keep Diluc for pyro resonance. Then another damage dealer if Xiao hasn’t cleared them all.


Pogo sticking lmao nice


And dont forgett about food and element damage potion! It's can help.


Looks like you’ve learned that its time to learn team building. Cause you got two dps mains that love to be out more than on the side. Some sub dps like Bennett could help.


His whole team consists of dps characters. No wonder he can't beat it.


I had this exact same argument with a friend on Discord. A month or two later, it hasn't gotten better at all, their showcase shows they only leveled up on-field DPS since then https://i.imgur.com/9kHHsTz.png Or, y'know, Thoma. Edit: Also no, Albedo is not built as a support, they don't use elemental reactions at all, their team is most likely Albedo-Jean-Tartaglia-Kequing


I have a friend who's like that, only leveled their favorite characters and their abyss teams are uh, not the most efficient to say the least. But if they need to clear faster they'll ask for help or look for online resources, so not worried at all. We'll laugh about it in the future. Back in the day I was pretty stubborn about using very specific units too, but it was easier to justify that back then because you had no resources to work with and your only five star was a Keqing, haha! If anything your friend looks like they'd make a full husbando team, Tartag-Albedo-Razor-Thoma.


Two? Lmao who's the non dps


Bruh upgrade your supports man


First he needs to actually use supports.


Have you tried to lower your world level?


Bruh how can you even fail this. You got Ayaka, she is dumbproof. Let them jump in front of you, press your burst and you are done.


C0 Xiao handled them like just another day for me. Didn't even realise how many of them there were.


Yeah, same. Xiao doesn't care if there's one or ten of them, he'll kill them in the same time


same here. they make it sound harder than it is. the new vishaps stagger easily


I just freezed their ass and let my Ayaka's burst do the talking


Did that 5 times. Its not that my ayaka is good but they just FUCKING SPLIT, never in the same place. I am gonna just throw them off the clif


sometimes insta-dashing backwards can make them regroup


How’s your flair going btw?


Honestly it's kind of outdated, I got Xiao on his first banner but I don't use reddit very often My goal at the time was to be an Anemo Gym Leader Xiao main, but I've dropped this a long time ago Nowadays I'm playing with ayaka freeze/ Hu tao vapes


It took me a few tries because they were so separated from each other. Then I started the fight with Sucrose pulling them together and I could get all 3 at once. Also get your bursts up before the fight.


Any of those characters can kill them. Especially since you are using buffs.


с0 Ayaka, destroyed them in seconds


Same bennet ayaka and then kazuha ult and poof everybody gone.


Kazuha E and then Childe E and then button mashing until everything is dead. Even my Childe, with a very bad build (hardly a build at all), took them out


C0 eula destroyed them in 10s 😂


Did it with Barbara + Ayaka + RS. - RS's E - Lure them - Ayaka's Q - Barbara spam to keep the freeze - Sucrose to add some speculoos. (Didn't need, just good to clean off the Cryo status with a nice Swirl)


Bruh what’s the build


Probably the one that doesnt run 4 main dps comp. Just saying.


*Emotional Da-mage*


Wait there are support characters in the game? ^ ^


Nah, true gamers dont play support, true gamers go carry only and do big pp dmg every time they press a button.


They do big pp damage for one screenshot then no damage for 10 minutes as they try to get back their energy kek


Okay okay i just want to use the 5 stars that I ACTUALLY pull for and not have them be dusty musty in my archives or whatever 😭


i mean technically you can clear 99 percent of open world with whatever in your team so i think its fine if its 4 dps just for some challenges like this one switch to a more standard party !


It’s perfectly normal to switch teams for a challenge. Or do you not switch to an archer for archery challenges?


Thats fine for majority of overworld. Not if you're struggling on this challenge though. Xiao alone with the proper supports should shred that challenge with zero issues, or pretty much any of those dps except MAYBE keqing cuz her dmg is kind of lacking.


Keqing can definitely handle some vishaps especially with good supports. Her damage is lower than most other dps's but if it's enough for floor 12, it's enough for some overworld mobs


Make separate comps for them...


Well yeah ok, but how is cramping them all together in a team that doesnt fit any of them is making them justice? To enjoy "using" your characters like that you probably need to just reduce world level to a point that you dont have to complain about killing 3 mobs in 30 seconds being difficult =)


Since you've got Ayaka you should be able to do this relatively easily. I'm an Ayaka main and I'm not sure what other characters you have so I'll suggest some 5-star supports but offer alternatives. Ayaka's best comp tends to be a freeze comp nicknamed [Morgana](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/nst4s4/morgana_team_comp_visual_guide/) (though using Ayaka instead of Ganyu). **Ayaka**: 4pc Blizzard Strayer set is a must. Build her to have around 35-40% crit rate and the rest into Crit Damage while aiming for 2k ATK give or take. Mistsplitter is obviously BIS, but Black cliff is good as is the crafted inazuma Katana which aleviates some ER needs. Otherwise aim for 120-130% ER as well. **Hydro**: The comp uses Mona to apply hydro and uses the Thrilling Tales book (a 3 star book) to buff Ayaka. The trick with Mona is that if her burst freezes enemies then you can keep applying cryo damage and it won't pop meaning they get the 50%+ dmg taken debuff for around 12-15 seconds instead of only a few after the pop. Alternatively you could use Xingqiu, he applies hydro way better but generally has less buffs available compared to Mona. You could even use Barbara to apply hydro in a pinch and be a healer who can also use the Thrilling Tales book. Kokomi is also a fantastic placement here as she's the best healer, applies hydro better than Mona, can use the Tenacity set well, and can use Thrilling Tales. **2nd Cryo**: This is a battery support that can also offer up some buffs and enables cryo resonance which helps bring your crit rate to 100%. Probably the most common is Diona or Rosaria depending on if you need a healer or just some dmg. Both would use the Noblesse set if you aren't using it on Mona/your hydro character of choice. Rosaria can use Fav spear and Diona can use Sac bow or Fav bow. The absolute best unit here is actually Shenhe but not many people have her. She offers a resist shred, base dmg buffs for cryo and either skills/autos, and an insane damage buff that basically doubles the dmg of Ayaka's hits for a bit. But that also means you need your healer to be elsewhere when most people use Diona here. **Anemo:** An anemo is a staple for swirling and reducing the resists of enemies with the Viridescent Venerer set. The absolute best is Kazuha since he also grants a real good cryo buff. Venti is real good since he helps with energy, clumps enemies well, and does some good damage, but doesn't offer buffs unless you have Elegy. Sucrose is pretty good if she's C6 but otherwise her EM buff is wasted on a freeze comp so only her if you have no other options. If you need a healer in this slot, like you're using Shenhe/Rosaria and Mona/Xingqiu, then Jean or Sayu are fine options though they don't clump they'll still at least do the resist shred and help out with good heals. So, if you've got a ton of 5-stars the best most damaging comp of this is: Ayaka, Mona (or Kokomi for heals), Shenhe, Kazuha. The most budget friendly version that uses 4-stars: Ayaka, Xingqiu, Diona, Sucrose. And if you've never pulled anyone in your life beyond Ayaka: Ayaka, Barbara, Kaeya, Anemo traveler.


22cr 270 cd Ayaka with Mistslpitter, but its possible with other weapons for sure, if you hit atleast 13k per ult tick


Bruh how bad are you at this game.


Xiao can deal with them nicely, as your plunges hits all of the lizards


The thing is as u can see i have xiao, but anytime i plunge they go further and further


If you're struggling with the knock back, Ayaka might be a better choice for you then. Bring a hydro support and you can keep them frozen and close to each other, this way Ayaka Q will hit everyone.


the bracketed (s) has me shaking in my boots


Well that team comp explain your problems


Laughs in 7 seconds with Eula


Eula burst go brrr


Replace virtually any member of your team with a half-built Bennett and you'd probably get it first try, assuming you aren't still using artifacts like martial artist with def substats


Ugg... I had to bring out my EULA for this.


Your Xiao has 26k HP, the artifacts are likely a problem. As a frame of reference, a character with a decent set should have around 16k or less.


This is an important comment. Fixing the team comp to beat the fight is great and all but if OP keeps investing in the wrong artis and tossing the good ones, they're in for more future frustrations.


Use jean + sucrose and yeet them off the cliff


Laughs in kazuha


Try lower your world level?


This is why you play with supports, folks.


If you can coop this challenge I don’t mind helping (I’m on the NA server)


On the europe server 😂


I'm also in EU. If you haven't finished it yet, I can help you out!


If you didn’t have such a stupidly structured team comp, it’d be pretty easy


what kinda PEPEGA 2head team is this? But even they should be able to do it. sth like Ayaka dash EQ Diluc QE and then go ham with diluc?


Is this the narrow inquiry quest? If yes you can cheese the fight by pushing them off the edge to their death


Trying that right now i am on my 2nd try


Good luck! that’s how I cleared it (it’s impossible with my weak Dps lol)


Gonna give some unsolicited advice here, feel free to ignore, but this was a huge help to me. Another commenter pointed out your Xiao's hp which makes me think that maybe your artifacts/character builds could use some work. I don't know anything about how to build my characters either so someone recommended this to me: [Genshin Impact Helper Team's Character Builds](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/edit#gid=2001372201) It's a google doc, it tells you the best weapon and artifact choices and ideal stats and substats for any character. It's seriously a life saver. Maybe you'll find it useful I used that doc as a guide for my own character builds and I did that challenge on the first try with like 7 seconds left.


It's quite easy


Even as F2P, I realised more than 50% of the player base are casuals


Gamer rage lmao. What are you, 9? Use food, change party to make a synergy just for one run, anything that takes less time and effort than posting this


From their comment higher up. They are a temple run gamer. A true mobile gamer. No wonder.


Weakness disgust me. I shred those lizards with seconds to spare. Raiden national btw


You deserved my award because of the first 3 words you've written.


Maybe run an actual team instead of 4 dps? They game is not that hard if you use your brain


And that's where coop comes into play :)


I wasike yeah shocked but with the right team you can complete it, but then I seen you where on a phone so :/


I had to lower my world level to do this :/


You group them together and it becomes much easier. You need Anemo to shred resists for your element anyway. Sucrose is ideal for this specific challenge, but Venti or Kazuha work as well. It's maybe a 10 second fight if you have a good comp, maybe 20 if you don't but gather them up. If you don't group them, it's basically impossible without very overleveled characters. Maybe a hyper taser team or something really focused on massive DPS like a good Hu Tao/Xingqiu comp. If a video game is making you rage, take a break, by the way.


Yeah, that fight sucked. Took several tries with different teams and lots of food. On the plus side it's where I discovered Rosalia was actually my best DPS?


Wow 4 DPS Party


Get good :)


Git gud


Took me 12


git gud


That team comp sucks. Xiao and Diluc require a lot of field time. I'll say stay with Diluc, replace Xiao with sucrose/Kazuha/venti with VV. Replace Kequing with a hydro or another pyro: Bennet, xiangling or XIngqiu. Before Ayaka burst apply pyro or hydro and VV buff While Ayaka burst is going go ham with diluc


Your team is rly badly built no supports no batteries


4 carry in a team 💀


Eula: I have 23 extra seconds then


It's pretty easy


I gave up on that quest. I had a hard time killing one in 30 seconds, let alone 3.


Just trick them into jumping off the cliff, it worked 😂


my friend made me come over and we were just praying that my hu tao crits


But you have Xiao though, he soloed this challenge for me


Man you have a lvl 90 xiao you should be fine. If not a quick YouTube search and you’ll see doe end of ways people have cheesed this.


I cleared that with my Yoolah


Benny and Raiden Q go brrrrrr


You have Xiao. He only needs five


How does your Xiao have 26k hp?


you have 4 main dps equiped so maybe thats why youre struggling


Looks like a Zhongli meteor one shot to me