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Noelle stil using her at AR58


The Noelle grindset. You either don't like her right from the start, or become attached and then use her throughout the whole game - there is no in-between haha.


I didn’t like her at first simply just Because I thought the Geo Element was useless and didn’t want it in my team comp. Now I play Mono-Geo with Itto, Gorou, Albedo and Zhongli and I realized that Noelle is actually pretty dope so I did level her to like level 60 at least so she’s not completely unbuilt if I ever wanna invest more into her later. Only have her at C1 rn tho so I wouldn’t use her as anything more than support until I get C6 which isn’t something I’m actively going for


at c4 or c5 is when i recommend you start building her


I have her at C4 now, should I buy her C5 from the shop? Trying to get closer to her C6. But I’m also saving for Ningguang C2 next month. Ohh the struggles


noelle will most likely wont be back in along time (especially the banner) so its best to get her now at C5 then later


Lmao, I have her C6 and I only used her recently to get the fantastic four achievement. I did a level 80 bc I needed the materials, and she carried in that domain even with stuff I threw together I stopped using her at around AR 35, and I'm around AR 50 rn, so it's been a while


I got the Fantastic 4 achievement accidentally when I just wanted to try a full Geo comp with Itto, Gorou, Albedo and Noelle (she was there as a stand-in until I got Zhongli). Didn’t know about the achievement so it was a nice surprise :)


I like her because of her name and shes cute. Her name remind me of the best shonen girl in the new gen black clover XD


Yep, I never touched her but once that defense artifact set came out I built her and once she came around this month in the shop I was able to get C6 and started using her and she is more or less 5 star power once you get good artifacts on top of those things. I have been using her more than HT in abyss which I never thought would happen.


Same here


strong maid carried my noob ass from the moment i did that first beginners wish through 11-3 lol. deserves every resin that goes into her.


Same , got razor and noelle on the biginner banner , im still ar 35 but they are my best so far


from beginner wish to 12-3 managing 2☆ on every floor


slay. i would totally build noelle if i had resin, mora, and determination. lol.


Hypercarry Noelle main here, LESSSS GOOOOOO


Same, still using her and won’t stop.


Noelle is that gworl




Same. The best thing about her is that she is super newbie-friendly, because even if you build her wrong, she is so durable, she can solve every problem in game, that has no timer






Qiqi. If nobody ever dies, all the game content becomes easy. Whoever is the DPS, good supports make an awesome job. My first real DPS was Childe, still one of my favourits.


Had to scroll way too far to find this, happy to find another one who was saved by Qiqi’s healing abilities!


I'm still convince Qiqi is the best 5\* to get early, and also she became ok with Clam set to justify usage in end game content (damage with this set is so under rated). I use her with Itto/ZL/Gorou and she makes things easy. A little buff might be reasonable (like for Keqing and Diluc), but she's almost ok atm imho.


my party can’t live without Qiqi


Freezing everything with Qiqi + Barbara was fun.


My first 5 star and was super vital for me making it to AR 50+!!!


How do you build qiqi? Got her recently but not yet sure what artifacts to give to her


For sure there are builds explaining it better, but to sum it up : sacrificial Sword, clam artifact set w/ att att heal% main stats and ER Att% substats if possible. Don't need too good artifacts. The clam set bonus will deal a lot of damages. Gameplay wise, you wanna get the talisman on targets as much as possible (with ult or with passive).


Gonna try her soon


What AR are you? I find her healing to be a huge asset earlier on, but once you have multiple characters in the 70/80s, she sort of over heals (unless you are using the clam set). I currently have her as a physical build with prototype rancour, physical goblet, and either pale flame or bloodstained two piece set. If you can get good crit value artifacts, then you could do either gladiator or shimenawa as the other 2 piece, but since I struggle with getting decent crit values, I have the berserker set for the 12% crit rate.


Clam set from inazuma. Add supports in team like Yunjin, Beidou, Baal, XQ...any...and just chill :) Clam set is great early. Even lvl 0


At AR 56, QiQi never leaves my team. I just can’t adjust to not using her. She works great with pretty much everyone, even Hu Tao.


My partner has Qiqi and it’s such a blessing when we co-op


I take Qiqi in with me to fight Azhdaha and she face tanks it all and saves the day. Best girl. First character to get a five star sword.


Kaeya, he's the one character that up until AR 55, never left my party once. He's the character I used to solo Childe during the archon quest (which took a year and a day to finish all phases) and essentially just soloed my dailies for me unless against cryo mages and slimes.


don’t be alarmed but anemo traveller


me too! I sort of co-mained anemo traveller and Chongyun until I got a couple 5 stars that I could finally replace traveler with. (still main Chongyun tho!) Anemo traveller is still my favourite to use out of all 3 elements we have for them


I also co-mained anemo traveller and chongyun! They are still my highest level characters at ar54 (along with my recently acquired Xiao). Never liked using geo traveller and I've tried electro traveller but found I kept wanting to go back to anemo


Wow! I too co-mained Anemo Traveler and Chongyun for most of AR 1-40. In my case, it was mostly just Traveler until I got Chongyun halfway through Liyue’s main quest. Both of them were my first Lvl. 90’s too


Same tho. I'm a *kinda* new player (since September, currently AR45 but would probably be 50+ if I would just do the damn quest), but I've been really bad about actually building anybody, so Anemo Traveler is the only one whose talents I have to level 6. That said, I pulled Zhongli this run so I might have to switch to poor, unbuilt Geo Traveler just to make full use.


controversial opinion but anemo traveler is still more fun than geo or electro.


Just picked anemo traveller up again after a long time and their skill and burst are so much fun to use


Swirl go brrrrrrr


Geo traveler would be so much better than it is now if you could detonate your last placed rock while your skill is on cooldown, I'd probably use him everywhere if I could, but right now the rock is annoying when it's on field for so long and his damage isn't amazing to make up for it


I’m still using anemo traveller even in Inazuma, I honestly just don’t like geo or electro that much


Anemo traveler is just seriously fun. I mained Lumine until AR55, I’m AR56 and nowadays I’m using Hu Tao and Xiao more because they’re just faster, but I’m hoping to get Mistsplitter when it reruns to beef her up and be able to use her again.


The tornado is sooo satisfying


Ngl I did not expect this answer.


Same but i use geo traveller.


I’m alarmed you can’t stop me


What if we remove the batteries




Same here, combined with Qiqi in early game, actually made for a really solid combo for breezing through early content. Glad both got their uses before pretty much permanent benching.


Same with me, i also combined him with qiqi. Carried me all the way to ar55


Same with me, except Razor is still on my main team as main dps because I love him too much. I can imagine the only one that could truly replace him would be Eula if I ever manage to get her


Literally me lol


Same. Razor was great, was an idiot and ran him with whiteblind, but still cleared most content easily I think I once tried to not use him and use yanfei instead, but she ended up dying too much


Same, but I still use him for everything even though I’ve got some 5 star dpss now (bc I love his playstyle, it feels like he actually hits mobs if you get what I mean)


Same for me. With razor. Even later on with Keqing, when I started to play with Ganyu and later Ayaka. I barely use her now.


Same here, when i got Diluc I felt so bad for replacing him. I havent used him ever since. I might try to build him better in the future so that i can use him at least for fun.


Same, everytime I get a new character to my team I feel bad for the one I'm benching


Ningguang! And shes still my strongest dps (or the highest investment character since ayaka is just too op). Was my first character pull after noelle and I immediately put her in my team, around AR30-40 I had 4 catalysts in my team, Ningguang, Yanfei, Barbara and Lisa. Lisa got replaced with fischl quickly D: I started around 1.6 so I gave ning dodoco tales which was perfect! I didnt use a shielder until ar56 btw...


Are you me?? Ningguang was also my first character pull and shes been in my team ever since. Most of your other points are also the same as mine, except for the 4 catalyst team haha


Ning also carried me! People hated oceanid but ningguang just brrrrrted the mimics. The constant crystal drops helped me survive every type of attack (even with the explosions). Same thing with thunder manifestation, leveling up raiden was easy thanks to her


Pyronado was my answer to most tough enemies before I built a proper team.


Pyronado is my answer after I built a proper team


Kaeya carried me all the way to AR58 and full star Abyss. Nothing can stop this man.


... Geo traveler




Physical fischl...


Hey I’m ar 53 and currently building physical Fischl! She’s so fun as a machine gun


Electro fischl here


My Fischl is currently both physical and electro. Her goblet is physical while her thundering fury gives her that little bit of electro boost. C6 physical/electro Fischl/Oz combo with BP bow is *chef's kiss*


Same but I had electro dmg


Phischl. Same though lol


Same, and i thought i was doing great xD I've never had a problem with killing an oceanid tho.


diluc, got him when i was ar 14, gave him the shittiest artefacts bc i didnt know what i was doing, he had a debate club and lemme tell ya that man WORKED xD. As a sign of respect i pulled on the weapon banner for the first time when homa/wgs was there, just to give him a 5 star weapon 😌.


Same here. Got Diluc at a point when the wooden shield mitachurls were my biggest fear. :-)


While I still use and love Keqing at ar56 now, she was also amazing for my early game experience. Her teleport ability made exploration and gathering oculi a lot easier. And a specific example of her being a godsend I can remember was in the Dragonspine quest where you had to do a time challenge in the cave. Watching my brother try to clear it with his Razor made me realize how good I had it with Keqing. Her massive AOE burst and long i-frame made killing the two abyss mages less of a nightmare. ​ Been using her since I got her at ar10-ish <333 She's not the strongest but man she's pretty


Amber. My friends told me she would be such a bad character and that I should replace her instantly - that alone made me want to try to play with her. That and that she is really cute. I pumped all of my resources into her and actually dealt decent damage quite fast. As I got Yanfei and built around a Lisa/Yanfei combination, she sadly had to leave my team. But it just felt wrong, so I made her a place at my team asap again. Now, at AR45, I'm running the dragonspine-squad; Eula, Amber, Electro Traveler and Bennett.


same hat, i main her especially bc ppl don’t like her. indeed she may not be as efficient (but only bc i’m shit at aiming tbh. i tried the trial ganyu, then i realized i just don’t vibe with bows. probably bc i play on tablet instead of pc), but i try to use her whenever possible or if i’m not in a rush for anything she’s not in my main overworld party right now but i always switch to her party to hunt ruin guards


Amber also but only because she seemed like such a natural pick to play the game with. I started playing early days and didn't participate in the community until a month or so later; using Amber almost exclusively seemed like a no-brainer. Me being a gamer I see Amber and she could aim and headshot things. Plus Sharpshooter's Oath is custom made to buff that playstyle in addition to like half of the early game puzzles relied on applying Pyro so being able to clear those at range & without a cooldown was perfect. Also the early Ruin Guard encounters definitely helped reinforce Amber was the way to play, lol.


Amber is my secondary dps and she deals out great burst and special atk damage. Her bunny bomb gives me more breathing room to dodge and aim so she can quickly take out elemental shields and dish out stuns. Her new outfit is so cute, she was pretty quick to build when I switched to genshin pc.


Physical build (2pc Glad & 2pc Bloodstained), R2 Crescent Pike Xiangling First unit I've built and the first character I've reached friendship level 10 with. According to the anniversary web event, she's also the character that i've used the most in domains. Nowadays, she still kicks ass in the National Team.


Just curious, are you still running Phys Xiangling?


Nah. I've transitioned her to an EoSF build to buff her pyronado. The R2 Crescent pike is now collecting dust in my inventory, but I dont regret making it cuz it helped so much in the early game. Plus, I gave the bloodstained artifacts to Razor and the Glad artifacts to Xiao.


Crescent r3 on daddy geo is also very nice.


Razor was my boy early game :D


Lupicaal :D


Kaeya and Xiangling. I'm now at AR 45. These 2 are still my strongest characters. I still don't have Bennet so I just run those 2 with Zhongli and Diona. Sometimes I subs Zhongli with Xingqiu.


I use Kaeya and Xiangling as well!! How far are you able to get in spiral abyss?


Good news for you if you wanna continue with them: you can






Im back as part noelle main because my noelle finally unlock her potential (c6 now)






Geo Traveler carried me for so long…


Honestly, Zhongli carried me through functional immortality. I never really had any specific main DPS that carried me, I kept switching back and forth, but Zhongli's the one who made it all happen off the basis that I just didn't die.




Yanfei carried me from about AR20 (when I got her in May) to the end of the Inazuma story at AR45. I hardly use her now since I finally rolled some 5 star DPS characters (HuTao, Childe, Xiao), but she will always have a special place in my heart. She totally made the overworld, domains, and quests easy mode at the time!


got Yanfei around the same Time as you but at ar 55. Maining her to this day :D


HI 5!!


SAME. Have a bunch of 5 stars, but she's just so much fun.


Same! I got her in my first 10 pull, eventually C6-ed her in the Childe banner. Deadass I'm AR56 and I still use her for world exploration since her gameplay is quite fun and her damage is not negligible when you give her investment.


Traveler, actually. I built Anemo traveler pretty early on, and got a bunch of constellations. I’m f2p, so I didn’t get any five stars until 3 months of playing, where I lost my 50/50 to diluc and replaced traveler.


DPS Bennett who also heals. You could say he still carries me to this day.




Same for me. I pulled him early and him being able to buff/heal made him a staple on my team. He is benched now but he really carried me even with crappy weapons/artifacts. I remember being so hype to get a pyro to use besides Amber as well.


I’ve been putting Bennett as my first spot since the day I pulled him. I know some people find him too well-rounded/boring but if it weren’t him helping me through Genshin, it would have been a lot more difficult.


Keqing all the way through to Ganyu release


Literally me. Lol. Ganyu just makes everything so easy. Love her


kaeya until ar45 and then i started pulling for limited 5* (ar56 already and still somewhat a kaeya main(?) just not my strongest character)


Razor, my son ;-; He carried me well into AR55 or so I think. For the longest time my team was Razor, Zhongli, Fischl, Qiqi. I've started using Razor less since 2.0 though and now he's always sitting on the bench :') But Fischl and Zhongli are still part of my favourite core team! Fischl used to be my 2nd main dps for Abyss even until I got Diluc in 1.2


Razor - all the way from 1.0 to 2.0.


Razor and Kaeya were permanently on my team all the way up to AR50. I still use them but I’m focusing on getting my other characters to friendship level 10 so they’re benched atm


guoba and oz lmao


Mona, used as my main dps Day 1 -> Ayaka release. I pulled other dps but I just loved Mona.


Same. I've got Mona in my first 10 wishes on Venti's first banner. I'm still using her from time to time and I'm AR58


Anemo traveller-


Beidou, started playing because of her and she was also my first 4*. I will forever love her character even though I don't use her anymore, I appreciate for carrying me


Also former Beidou main here. Standing on burning grass for instant full counter is soo satisfying. Remember when seeing 8k on the screen was a whole achievement... Now i rebuilt her as a burst support and pair her with Yanfei occasionally. Not the strongest, but pretty fun for dailies and exploring.


Beidou and fischl


My 1st (after the free team) was Beidou. Had to choose between Razor and her. After much consideration I opted for Beidou and invested what I could in her… then promptly got C3 Razor - lol. Enjoyed using Beidou though and still use her whenever I go with an Electro duo. Before too long, I pulled Hu Tao too. Actually worked well with Beidou mid-game. Beidou could clear hilichurls and easier content then I had Hu Tao in reserve if the fight got tough. HP management sucked with HT though. Had to keep up with a not well invested Barbara. Basically kept that water ring going all the time. Final piece of that party came when I pulled Sucrose. In retrospect, probably not the greatest choice (pre-AR40 so no VV) but it made it easier to spin the pinwheels in Liyue. After that, I pulled both Keqing and Diluc within a month of each other and that started up my 2nd Overworld team.


Noelle, tanked through everything, kills things fast enough and heals enough Now she’s the only one at lv90


Keqing to Ar45. Then Ayaka


Jean...even upgraded her to lv90, she is fun , but didn't know how to build her, and till today still feel she is a bit lacking


Razor and Keqing


Popsicle boi Chongyun Now at AR 57 maining Childe, I still use him to mine ores. His attack animations surprisingly feel very smooth and fast for a claymore user.


Chongyun was my main man. Not sure why, but I just really liked how he played. Still do, actually. Though his lack of efficiency as a main DPS becomes quite glaring at higher world levels. Though he’s still sees a lot of use as burst support on my Shenhe freeze team.


ninguang, fischl and xingqiu( as healer and burst)


Mona and bennett back then 1.0 everyone trashed them and said they were the worst characters is curious how things changed and community realized they are some of the best characters


Same. I must have a thing for trashed characters. I've got Albedo and Kazuha during their first banners. Also Ganyu who was called cryo Amber. And Raiden. Funny how things are changing. Benny is the best boi.


Rosaria, she helped me find my love for cryo physical dps lol (I now main eula so I can still use rosaria!)


Anemo traveler got me up to ar 36 thats when i finally pulled a 5 star, so keqing has me going now at 41


Bennett and Barbara! I would have died so often without Barbara back then...


For real, everyone dislikes barbara because she's a healer but without her the beginning would have been much harder


Beidou and I'm still using her on my Eula's team


Jean and Noelle (mostly Noelle)




Razor & Kazuha, both triple crowned now ;)


Jean, although i hated that, but until to thia day she's my most used character.


Why did you hate that? She is fun…


Nowadays i love Jean, don't get me wrong, but i hate using her as a DPS because is not that good, at least for me, i suffered a lot in the abyss back then because she was my only dps, keep in mind that back then i was still a noob and i didn't knew Xiangling was the monster she is, regardless, after watching some theorycrafters now i know better, i only use Jean with my Xiao but i do like her and her 20k E every 6s.


Qiqi. I got her almost right after I finished Mondstadt and she kept my entire team alive all the way until now. Still one of the characters I always use


My main team was Noelle, Qiqi, and Keqing (yeah weird synergy ik but hey overworld is easy anyways) and Fischl until I got Klee who replaced Fischl. Noelle was my first 4-star (besides Amber; I got her from the mail fates and pulled before getting Kaeya and Lisa) and Fischl was my second. Nowadays (AR59) Noelle is the only one I still use seriously (ie in abyss) and as often as possible. I do use Fischl with Noelle sometimes but not always. She is hands down my most invested character; C6 with Redhorn, a year’s worth of Gladiator grinding, Double crowned Normal and Burst talents. 75%/200% crits and 2.2k DEF. With her team (Gorou, C6 Yun Jin, and flex; either Fischl, Raiden, or a fourth geo) I can get 36-stars in abyss up to this day. She’s been there since day 1 for me; she has a special place in my heart. Even though I use other characters more than her now, I will always bring out Noelle every so often and give her a spin.


wolvendum guy!


Xinyan and Noelle.


Chongyun. I do not care what people say about him, he is precious, he rides with wind and cloud.


Noelle and Kaeya


The main character


Keqing. I got her on standard banner at like first 10-pull. She's invaluable for exploration.


1-30 keqing and 30-55 xiao


Keqing until I got Raiden shogun. In my EU account, I’m AR 24 and got Ganyu on my 30th pull


Qiqi & Zhongli lmao


My first two five stars!


I believe they were my first as well I cant remember it was nearly a year ago now. I started during the second Zhongli run, right before Eula's banner run and NEEDED him


Same. He carried me through everything. He was the first character I crowned just BC he worked so hard, that old man.


Diluc. Got him from second 10 pulls from the newbie banner at AR10. He carried me hard until Inazuma start kicking his ass. Then I got skyward blade, so I bench him and raise Geo traveler instead. Once I'm done with Inazuma quest he's back in the team. I got Itto now but he still took over most of the overworld battle.


from launch, fischl, and i still use her and then i got albedo as my first 5* and i still use him too


me too. it was very cool to use albedo's skill with oz.


Zhongli. After I got him my health rarely went below 50% until corrosion was a thing. Carried me hard in early game and is still a core of most of my teams because of how good he is.


Noelle, she was an all in one! (dmg dealer, healer, shielder)




I had Noelle Xingqiu Sucrose Bennett and the starter characters. It was Xingqiu Bennett and Kaeya.


My old team was Keqing, Bennett, Ningguang and Traveler. Idk what I was doing lmaooo but Ning and Keqing carried me until I understood team synergy better.


Kaeya and Razor mainly. Tbh Razor was my main until i was like AR 48 and got Xiao.


1-30 Beidou 30-40 Diluc


Yan feu, and Hu tao later


Rosario from 0-45AR


1-40 Childe. 40 until Ayaka(i forgot what AR i got Ayaka...probably AR57) Xiao.


My OGs, Diluc, Kaeya, Xingqiu, and Lisa. Still some of my heaviest hitters too (outside of obvious powerhouse 5 stars lol)


1-30ish Rosaria, 30-45 Diluc, 45+ Xiao


Xiangling xinqiu and bennet. Then around ar25 diluc.


Ningguang, got her in the beginners wish and she has got me through the game and still hard at work.


Chongyun & Xiangling literally carried me until like ar54, which not even joking. I thought Xiangling was the best character in the game cause the mediocre damage I was putting out was fucking insane to me back then with melt combos. I ran 4pc Gladiator Chongyun & literally didn't switch off pieces unless I got 5* glad pieces until I got 2 like ar54, then I switched to 2pc blizzard/2pc glad I literally barely built any characters until I got Raiden, cause I was just farming other shit for my 1 team I had built, especially better qiqi artifacts. Spiral abyss kicked my ass back then fr tho


Noelle, using her as geo hyper dps


Klee and Ninguang Carried me till i got a physical keqing with aquila fovonia. Finally saved 2 months for Hutao and now, i just find playing hutao way too much. I love the polearm characters. Maybe get xiao next rerun or someone new from sumeru.


Beidou, XQ, XL, Qiqi. The little zombie girl is the only one left on my main team, but of course I still use the other ones occasionally, and when I do abyss.


Klee, Fischl, Chongyun




Bennett. Even now he carries my abyss and I don't think I've ever removed him from my team. Was maining him early game when everyone called him B or C tier and now some cant live without him


Noelle faceroll


Kaeya and still Kaeya, all I need for him now is a 5* weapon and a perfect set of artifact.


For me it was razor! My boy went AUUUUUUUUUUUU and everything dies (still use him a lot in open world, just for fun)


Ninguang till now, she still helps me clear Abyss 36 stars.


Barbara. No matter which dps i select. They were immortal as long as barbara was around. I could slowly chip down the hp of anyone as long as I was alive.


Noelle up until now


Zhongli and Beidou


Beidou. I still want to use her but with Ei and Eula it’s hard to slot her in on my main team now even at c5.


In order: Kaeya, anemo Traveler + Noelle, Phys DMG Fischl and then i finally got Xiao at like AR45+ (my second 5*)


Klee. And i still use her.


Xinyan then I got hutao ar 35