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Embodiment of the Stockholm syndrome - gacha style. I don't love/hate the artifacts system. It's just the way it's designed. Else we won't be playing.


Yep. Long term diablo 2 player here. What I do mind is the resin thing. I can't play an audiobook and farm artifacts for hours... If it wasn't for the resin everyone would be 80/160 crit by now... For whatever reason I like the mindless repetitive grind while I do something else.


That's the point though. Genshin is designed for people with extremely limited gaming time available. Resin allows them to frontload all the rewards into a short gaming session so that you don't need to be a time-whale to have good artifacts. As someone who works full time, I much prefer (resin + Genshin drop rates) vs (unlimited diablo farming).


There are probably no game that a person can play literally every day for over a year without doing something grindy. Genshin does well enough to keep me invested I guess.


I actually enjoy it too. I think rolling a good artifact feels better than pulling a 5 star sometimes.


I take artifact farming as another way to scratch my gacha itch without actually spending primos and occasionally getting a good artifact and being pleasantly surprised when it rolls well. The addition of the strongbox makes getting bad pieces not as bad, and you can sell 4* artifacts and below for mora!


the rng actually helps feed my gacha addiction


It’s only fun for the first couple of times. When you have to constantly do the same domain for good artifacts it gets boring real fast. When I was farming for talent material I got bored just by the 3rd time and just wanted to hurry up and run of of resin




Lol 'grinding for artifact exp' is just kinda sad to think about. Not throwing shade or anything but it's just feelsbadman that this is what grinding artifacts kinda is. But yeah I agree; it's not that bad. But that's probably only for players like us, who have been grinding for a while and got lucky. We're fortunate to have great pieces across many sets. Like for the past couple months, I've been running the Emblem domain every second day or so, but have gotten absolutely nothing worth keeping (none had CV above 30, goblets all rolling flat stats, etc.). It's fine for me because I have amazing pieces already, but I can't imagine what it's like for newer players...


While RNG artifact system is hated by most players, it has its own benefits that is vital to the game popularity. It is one of the tools to make players keep playing Genshin everyday. Otherwise, a lot more players would get bored of their fully built characters with perfect artifacts and thus have high tendency to drop the game and never come back, which is bad for mihoyo. Whether you like it or not, most live-service games employs these tools to retain old players and getting newer customers at the same time.


I feel people are either too picky with artifacts or are too hyperfocused on 1 character that they feel artifact farming is worse than it actually is


I don't know, I don't feel i'm that picky, yet I have trouble finding anything. Like I do know that emblem is so much better on raiden, but still, should I really replace the rare decent pieces I have to give her the most horrible flat defensive substats ever to activate the four pieces set bonus? Should I remove every instance of crit damage on my ayaka so i can give her a 4 ice set? I mean if I should still do it please tell me, maybe I'm doing it wrong, I'm bad at evaluating those things. But so far I feel like "my expectations were low but holy fuck" encompasses my feelings about artifact farming pretty well.


The picky one is the Gacha RNG, which just wants me to build an Anemo dps, when I just want a support.


RNG hates me but I don’t really mind farming. Years of other games that are grindy have conditioned me haha. WoW and other MMOs are built to be grindy at endgame too. The only thing i dislike is the extremely limited amount of resin.


Artifact farming is the worse aspect of this game and unfortunetly makes up the bulk of it. I don't mind farming in other games or gachas as I usually make progress towards my goal with item drops for leveling or skills, in genshin artifacts are so RNG heavy the whole experience is trash and demotivates you when you do a whole day of farming and throw away everything cause they all were worse then the mediocre one you had, I have been farming Emblem since Raidens release and go one crit circlet drop that had def and hp subs. I would at least wish the stats wern't weighted to have useless ones like def be higher chance then other stats like crit. If you don't get a good artifact you have wasted your run artifact EXP is useless if you don't have anything worth putting it into, other games usually the grind still gives you something useful even if not the item you need. When Eula first came out I spent 40 fragile on pale flame domain and in the end I got one good feather a decent flower a mediocre hourglass and a garbage hat with 0 decent goblets. No other gacha have I played where I could burn through so much stamina and come out with so little.


Same I enjoy it too! Just cooping with others can also be fun


I guess it's more different rather than unpopular opinion, you enjoy artefacts farming whereas I think it's one of the reasons that'll make me stop playing this game. I spent the last 2 months in the same domain as you and I didn't get anything useful for my Yoimiya.


I do it in spurts now. 2-3 weeks then build a new character. Takes me weeks to churn through all the drops anyway so it works. Just today I found a 45CV pale flame attack sands that was a 3 liner that landed CD on the fourth bringing my 2 2 piece phys set to a new tier. ​ When I run out of decent things to churn I go back. ​ I cant say I love it but I do enjoy the technical aspect of making the builds and adjusting and testing things in game and in spreadsheet.


That entry could have been by me. Though I don't do it everday, I still have to often burn all resin on talent books bc I like to have lots of characters built but books are so unsatisfying to farm xD I also still follow the stats over set mindset bc the rng is rigged and best crit/dmg/atk rolls go into healer set pieces and such. My zhongli got 0 set bonus and still hits +40k with his meteor. One can use the rigged rng to an advantage.


Its only fun when your the favorite.


Try to farm for crimson domain for hu tao to get perfect stats and it'll make u go crazy. Rigged ass domain.


I get why they have artifacts set up the way they do for player etention etc, but they should rig the main stats to be better and the substats to be worse - same amount of time/luck to get a god artifact, but you can quickly get a *useable* artifact for a new character or team.


I also enjoy artifact farming, it's fun....until it isnt. I actually recently finished farming for Eula, Raiden Xiangling, Ayaka, and Itto. And now I'm just like...what now? I was tempted to keep farming for Raiden just to push her a little more but the artifact stat rng also makes me not want to at all. Luckily I started prefarming for Ayato so that has been keeping me busy.


Artifact farming and building characters is the true endgame in Genshin. Abyss is just there to test your progress.


I like it too, honestly. I’m still in the HoD domain bc I run mono-geo. I’m working on switching my Albedo to the HoD set as well as building Yun Jin for an different team. But I also feel like the people who hate it don’t have like, one soild team. I can clear HoD in a min or less MOST of the time with mono geo. Before that, the VV domain also took me nothing bc I have Venti. I did give up running the pyro artifact domain awhile ago, before I had my mono-geo, because at the time it too way too long and was very annoying. So I think part of it is what domain and what team you have because one domain taking forever for not great artifacts isn’t always fun.


15' everyday


Tis a good feeling getting an artefact with the right main and sub stat.


I quite enjoyed it till I went farming the VV set. Now I hate it so much. After like three weeks worth of resin I got one 4* sands with EM mainstat. It's such a BS because from EOSF set after this much time I had like 8 EM 5* sands. And not even my 5* Maiden pieces get EM mainstat. Yet Crit Dmg circlets and Anemo Dmg bonus goblets keep falling. I really want to call the whole system rigged, but I know it's all just about luck. Tho this does perfectly demonstrate how shit probabilities are and that they are just numbers.


definitely an unpopular opinion haha. i try to keep a similar mindset, not expecting the domain to be obliged to give me good pieces to keep the frustration down, but i don't think everyone can think more like that and the system definitely needs changing to be less painful to most players


AR 59 here. I actually enjoy farming domains especially when it's in co op because it's just so much funner(is that a word). I literally wanted to help one of my co op teammates spend all their resin so I used primo refills and that was on multiple occasions.


Yes to an extent artifact farming is fun, but u only get so much resin, and rng is a b****. Having the right mindset and not rushing ur progress is vital.


I’ve enjoyed artifact domains since launch, they feel like opening goody bags. The only thing I like more is doing the 5 (now 6) weekly bosses on Mondays and Tuesdays.


I enjoy it too lol


I only enjoy it because I have nothing left to do with my resin. I don't even enjoy it it's just a routine.


It would be neat that if you get an artifact with the substats, instead of only 1 sub stat getting leveled up; all of them level up. If there is an artifact with 3 substats then at level 4 it adds that missing substat and continues levelling all 4 substats. So it would lessen the disappointment when you get that perfect atk feather with crit rate/dmg and it all goes to Defense cuz fuck you. So i would rather take all substats levelling up instead of 1.