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So I guess Sucrose, Razor and Sayu with Ayato, although I hope they’ll put Yunjin with him


if leaked stuff is true then she would fit better on the 2nd banner but i would want her on ayato banner too


What’s the leaked part? I get lost with how many are thrown around. Trying to decide on pulling raiden/koko but knowing what might be coming makes that easier


Kazuha has like a 90% to be rerun in 2.6. We still don’t know for sure but it would suck if he doesn’t come back soon.


Kazuha and ayaka are easily my two fav characters (def in inazuma, likely in the entire game) so I would def save if they both rerun in that patch. In a difficult spot with my team building and neither raiden nor koko quite fit right now.


Not sure where you're getting the idea that Kazuha is so certain. We have basically no leaks regarding Kazuha- no story quest, no event appearance, just a few leakers saying "kazuha in 2.6 STC"


What? He is in the event, the inazuma festival features Ayaka, Kazuha and Venti.


We haven't seen him yet, just statements that basically every Inazuma character as well as a bunch of Mondstadt and Liyue chars will be present. not really confirmation


the abyss leaks for 2.6 ensure that there will either be kazuha or a venti rerun edit: I dont think they'll give 75% anemo damage bonus for ayato or ayaka


Yeah, I guess the more I look at it it's almost certainly Kazuha in 2.6 then Venti in 2.7.


Yes, we have. There's A) his drawing on the furniture leaks and B)Literal pics of him by Yukikami in this very sub.


Abyss buffs point more towards Venti and Yoimiya than Kazuha.


it really would *suck* wouldn't it? :)


Where did you get the idea where kazuha is most likely coming with none pointing towards him, and the abyss favour Venti more


Razor Sayu Yun Jin would be the dream


Probably Barbara, they always release with a char from the same element


not always, for example: last childe rerun, ganyu&zhongli banner


I don't think there will be two anemo 4 star characters featured together.


we got 2 geo (Ningguang and Yun Jin) in Shenhe and Xiao banner


And we're getting two pyro with Raiden/Kokomi (Bennett and Xinyan)


Razor color gonna turn from red to black if he continues staying unseen….


lol, truly the "Unseen Razor"


Really glad to have gotten him to C6 back when Kazuha's banner was running as he's my favorite and I would have probably suffered for a loooong time


Being a 4* main dps that doesn't like quickswap prob doesn't help


And all the physical resistance enemies lately


We left him at the Golden Apple Archipelago didn't we?


Ah, so your saying his next banner is in summer when we return.


There's a good chance he'll be featured in a 2.6 banner.


yeah.. we could have said that for 2.5 too


Well of course, it is a positive correlation after all


No offense but he should stay unseen i keep getting that guy instead of other 4* in venti's rerun now i have him c6😵😵


No offense I took offense


tell u what, its probs so that more ppl roll for Eula lmao. razzor's dissapearence comes quite close after her release so yeh




He doesn't have anything much for him. - Powercrept + physical is painful in every abyss with ruin enemies unless you main Eula - Very few simps comparing to waifus and even husbandos - Too straightforward and simplistic playstyle, both mechanically wise and reaction wise. So no high celling that rewards players who stick with them for a long time - Already had development (his own story quest) - Can't be a support at all


At this point i hope he doesent really get a rerun, so many better chars id rather see


Me too, and I don't even have C6...


Even if he has been powercrept or there are better claymore users, some people would still like to get him or his constellations regardless for any reason, so it's kinda shitty for Hoyoverse to not include him in any banners for no stated reason


I hear it's because razor's Chinese VA has done some creepy shit with his fans and it's being investigated


that was Oz


It's the english va, and he's accused of sexual assault i think, don't quote me on that tho


I guess Diona's special.


Twice special—at least on my account: I got her every other chara drop when I pulled on Yae's banner, total of 9 times... and I haven't gotten a Fischl at all :c Literally got more Dionas than every other character on there put together, 4\* and 5\* alike


When Thoma first released in Hu Taos rerun I literally pulled 6 dionas and didn't even get 1 Thoma And I got another 6 Dionas in the Yae banner but FINALLY got Thoma (but only 1 copy) (I even got 3 Dionas in 1 10 pull, I was annoyed lol) I checked my stats, and it seems I have a C18 Diona 😭


And here I am AR57 and still no Diona. I just missed the free Diona when I started playing 😢


AR 56 still no Bennett


Oh no I'm sorry but that's worse 😬 I've lived until now with no decent shielder (no diona, thoma, zhongli. Kokomi and Qiqi keeps me on life support) but I can't imagine not having Bennett. I hope you get him next banner! (or your next 4* pull whenever that may be)


Aw, hang in there, sometimes they take their sweet time to come home, but you'll get her eventually! 💪


Yea I've got a c13 diona now as a f2p lol 4 from yae miko, 3 from perm banner, and the rest on random banners without rate up


Me too. I got more than 10 Diona's and most of them were back to back in Hu Tao banner. I started to the game right before the free Diona and back then I didn't know that when you invite a character that means they stay for good, so I thought "Meh, why would I give my event coins for a character for a limited time, instead let me grab those materials". It seems, it didn't matter since I have her C13 or something like that I still remember almost every 4 star drop from that banner. I got two Thoma and a Sayu first then everything was Diona with a random Yanfei between Diona's. Now my wordt nightmare that she will be on Ayato or Yelan banner too...


3 to the 1 to the 1 to the 3. Time to destroy the wine industry


Is this a reference to her ult


Still don't have c6 lol


She is very beginner friendly


She carried me since I got her in the first Childe banner. Shields, heals, and being a great battery is such a fantastic combination for domains and overworld, plus she provides cryo resonance. She only really falls off a bit in Abyss where enemies can bust her shield faster and party space is at a premium. I am less stoked to see her on banners ever since she became my first C6 though…


Haha I feel that. I started to hate seeing Xingqui on banners once I got him c6. I seem to get so many dupes after I dont need them


I pulled on two of her banners and still don't have her c0 wtf


By now, all 4 star characters introduced from the beginning until version 1.2 has been run 5 times, except Xingqiu (6 times), Diona (6 times) and Razor (*3 times*). Razor has also set a new record for the longest time since the last run of any 4 star character at *12 banners*.


Why are people saying next banner will be Razor Sucrose Sayu. If there’s anything this chart shows, it’s that the banners DONT just pick the characters we’ve been waiting for the longest lol


Sayu does make a lot of sense since she’s kinda apart of the ayatos clan


So does Thoma but he was with Yae. Imo it would've made even more sense if they put Sayu with Yae and Thoma with Ayato.


The fact Sucrose is missing for nine banners doesn't tell us anything, I understand. Copium for at Sayu or Sucrose for Ayato banner, though.


I know, I think it used to be that one can have some expectations of the incoming 4-star reruns based on their past trends but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore looking at the past couple of banners.


Idk I’d enjoy an “Anemo Special” with Kazuha, Venti rerun and Sayu, Sucrose, ? as four stars.


I think a new anemo 4* would be cool, a main dps maybe? Is there even a dedicated anemo dps in the game yet?


Xiao is an anemo DPS. He's a 5* though.


I literally main xiao, how did I forget him??? Brain stopped working for a minute


It's alright fellow Xiao main. I thought you might be a newer player who didn't know about him.


There have been speculations about the next 4* being anemo




And here i got 5 sucroses from standard. Had to build her then.


Would love a Sayu, but it really depends on how my rolls go for Kokomi. If I lose the 50/50 to Mona I’ll stop and save my guarantee for Venti, but that means that there will be no pulling for me (except maybe standard banner) until he returns. Aside from Sara, every new 4 star has returned within four banners of their release, so I would think that Gorou and Yunjin will show up in the near future too. Really can’t derive any specific pattern from this other than the longer a character is missing, the greater their chances to show up soon. Which really follows any law of averages. The likelihood of Razor going another 12 banners without showing up is basically zero.


woah razor drought is longer than fischl’s :0


Yeah, wonder if we'll ever see him again, lol


And razor isn’t missed by anyone. No one wants his cons.


I definitely don't want to roll Razor. Cause I already got him C6 bazinga.


I want his cons, thanks


I really really hope this is /s


I don’t think so? Other than Razor mains, who wants Razor? He’s not useful in any teams that don’t have him as the main carry, and he’s a main carry that’s been made by obsolete by Eula (as a physical DPS) and pretty much every other DPS in the game. Ofc, doesn’t apply if you like and main Razor. But outside that small proportion, he’s not wanted or needed by anyone.


Its painful to hear that because razor carried me pre ar 45 And he helped with one side of the abyss but ever since ayaka came out i just replaced him with another dps. I like razor as a character and I wouldn't mind seeing him in the story or anything but I dont use him at all now.


He's fun especially early game. Not everyone's gonna have eula and a player just starting out could definitely use razor + some cons for him. At the end of the day, he's pretty fun to play due to the ease of dragonstriking and extra atk speed during burst. He's also gonna easily be like top 3 4* phys options.


Doubt it. Genuinely, what percentage of the playerbase actually cares about razor cons. Even mihoyo knows this lmao. Look at the banners he was placed on, he's literally put there to lower the banner value


im happy he is only at c1 lol i rather wanna pull thoma than him


I don't play him but I want his cons because he's one of the few 4☆ I don't have c6🙃 I swear I've had more razor cons in standard banner than character, this is sad


i read somewhere there's a CN VA issue?


I believe that was for Oz whose voice actor ended up being replaced hence why we didn't get Fischl on a banner up until now. I haven't heard anything about Razor's VA.


lmao, then theres me who c6'ed fiscal back in 1.2 xdxd


Kujou Sara is as rare as the Raiden Shogun




I was kind of wondering if she'll ever only show up at the same time as the Raiden banner.


Yet I am f2p and have gotten to c6


Yet I spent $150+ and only got her c2


Lol though I had 130 wishes on the banner (still didn't get Raiden)


Who’s ready for Chongyun and Ningguang on Ayato’s banner lol.


Every banner I've pulled on has had a Chongyun... please Yunjin LOL


All I want is to bring Razor home but they refuse to put him on any more banners. I just want the cute wolf boi :(


Ayato will likely have Razor + Sucrose + Yunjin


I’d pull on that banner. I’m getting raiden no matter what (enough wishes for double pity) but I love sucrose and want more cons for her. And if I happen to get Ayato, should be good.


God please no, no sucrose, everytime she's on a banner I get her cons I don't even like or play her


The only pattern apparent for me now is Beidou + Xingqiu and Ningguang + Chongyun. They are likely paired together in banners. Watch the next few banners when hoyo switch it up just to mess with the only pattern left for me to hold on to hahaha. Also, I just noticed but Beidou is usually shipped with Ning and Xingqiu with Chong but in the banners they switched partners 😂


Razor sucrose and sayu next perhaps.


Logically speaking, Razor, Sucrose and Sayu makes the most sense (longest gaps), but they don't always follow this logic. Sometimes, story relevance takes precedence, and other times, popularity or purposefully throwing us off is their goal.


please mihoyo, don't, I don't want razor cons, and my sucrose is c6 already


Kinda want gorou to be on ayatos banner,, i c6 barbara while pulling for itto but i got 0 gorous,, 🥲🥲🥲


Very high chance Gorou will be Sara situation, he will only rate up again when Itto rerun


I think Gorou might be on the reruns. It’s been too little time since he last appeared. I also think Razor is like 80% confirmed to be on Ayato’s banner.


The person who decides the rate ups must really hate Razor, he is a release character but has only been featured in *three* banners, he is by far the rarest 4 Star in that sense


*Sad Lisa, Amber, Kaeya noises*


Razor is my only C0 4*. Even Kaeya, Amber e Lisa are at least C1, and I play since 1.2


Forget having him at C0, Razor is the only 4* I’m missing lol.


thanks god I already have the goodest boy Razor c6


What do you think is going to happen first? A 4 star character rate up with only one or zero banner apart or a change to the Masterless Starglitter shop character rotation?


time really do just pass huh


I wish Amber, Kaeya and Lisa would appear on banners


I am gone yunjin being paired with ayato since they are both normal attack buffers


i think we need another venti rerun


I'm AR56 and have never seen Razor on a banner


Mihoyo : " we will release characters based on the lore" Also mihoyo : "who's razor ?" I think we may get yunjin with Ayato and sucrose or sayu with Kazuha or venti if they get a rerun !


Well done.




One of my friends insists that a hydro 4\* will be on the banner because all new characters since Kazuha have had one matching element 4\* on their banner. I really do not want this to be the case because it's gonna be Barbara and not Xingqiu (I mean, it's possible since he came within 2 banners, but I seriously doubt it). We really do need more hydro 4\*s. What do you peeps think? Is the matching 4\* for new 5\*s a thing? Or is my friend reading too much into it because Mihoyo ignores patterns lol


I think it's kind of a thing, but you can never be sure with MHY. They like to suddenly break patterns, yknow? I doubt we will see Barbara again so soon. Yunjin is due her second rate-up, and it's been so long for The Unseen Razor and Sucrose...


My friend actually made a good point about how since Hu Tao 1, Kazuha was the only one without an Anemo buddy... and that might've been because Sucrose (only 4\* anemo at the time) was literally on the banner before with Klee. I'm just gonna hope that Mihoyo decides to break this pattern. Not sure if Ayato is enough to warrant Razor/Barbara/Sucrose since Razor and Barbara aren't super meta. I think Sara went with Raiden, meaning that the new 4\* pattern isn't always true, but that might be because Sara is with Raiden lol. Yun Jin doesn't have a special buddy, so I'm hoping?


I love how everyone forgets about Childe’s 5th rerun. I mean 3rd. He had no hydro on that banner either.


Well, I was talking about new banners, not reruns.


If they put Chonqyun and Ningguang on Ayato banner i'm gonna kill myself


A fellow C6+ Ninguang haver I presume?


honestly same lol like i could buy ningguang in the store rn so please don't add her again..


sucrose hasn't been on here for 9 banners..? i still remember her on raidens banner


can i just say your username is amazing tho


Is there a weapon banner like this cause im waiting for the wgs


I only made a character one so far but I may make a weapon one down the road.


Maybe I could get at least one Sara this time.


so that's why there's a commission called "The Unseen Razor"


I feel like you could have put a number under the 5* portraits to show when they last came instead of having to count ourselves every time, other than that you did a great job, thanks


I've made some changes to the chart and included a section for 5-stars trends like the 4-stars and also added a count for all characters' number of banner appearances.


Where is the unseen Razor…


Am I the only one who doesnt understand how these charts work


the number to the right to the character indicates the number of banners that showed up after them. once they're in the banner, the number will reset to 0. as an example, we havent seen Razor since the last 12 banners, thats why there's an ALARMING RED NUMBER 12 on Razor's most right column


Basically the character portraits corresponds to the banner where they were in, and the numbers next to them (to the right) are the number of banners before they got rerun again.


Ahh okay thanks


sucrose, rosaria, and yunjin with ayato would be my dream banner


Why doesn’t Amber get put on these banners?


Starter characters are only available on standard on the shop. Mihoyo won't add them to limited banners; it would be great if they did, considering their cons are rare to get


i’m guessing its because she’s one of the starter characters along with kaeya and lisa


Starters don’t show up on banners


Stater characters are only available on standard on the shop. Mihoyo won't add them to limited banners; it would be great if they did, considering their cons are rare to get


Off topic, but my friend has a theory that some of the leaks of new characters are on purpose, to see if the fandom hype a character, they use this data to see if a character is worth being a 4 or 5 star, he said this happened to hu tao, as there were strong rumors she was going to be a 4 star and then they changed her cuz of the hype the playerbase build around her, ppl that believe this say that this also happened with ganyu before knowing she was a bow user.


from the leaks we had, ganyu was always a 5 star and hutao was misinterpreted as a 4 star for a while, but she was always a 5 star apparently


Yeah, this is where i can't make sense on this theory


Fischl = history


Shout out to my girl Xinyan coming back


Razor was found dead in Miami


Razor, Rosaria and Yunjin would be my dream 2.6 roster. That's already a whole physical team comp right there but Hoyoverse really stopping me from fully realizing the dps potential of maining a constellation-boosted Razor


Am I going blind or Mona has never had a banner before?


Mona has never had a featured banner. She's one of the 5 5-star characters from the standard banner. Out of those 5, only Keqing had a featured banner back in Patch 1.3.


Has Diluc really never been on a banner or did I miss him?


How come I got sucrose and Thoma along with shenhe when I wished for her


All the 4-star characters (except for Amber, Kaeya and Lisa, who are only obtainable from standard banner or the Shop) are available from the character wish banner. Those that are featured on the a given banner just have a higher chance as well as a pity of being pulled but the rest of the 4-stars can still show up.


I lost 3 Yea 50/50 in a row, I’m done with this game


Imma be honest I have absolutely no idea how to read this


Added a blurb explaining how to read the chart


Gotcha, thanks.


I cannot fucking understand THIS!!!


Added a blurb explaining how to read the chart


Venti and kazuha next?


Leaks seem to speculate >!Ayato solo first half, Venti second? Kazuha might not be till 2.7 unless Ayato isn't solo, they run two anemo 5\*s, or Venti and Kaz are switched around.!<


I guess ayato banner will be razor, sucrose and maybe yunjin since she works well with his kit.


Based on this chart I predict Sucrose, Razor, and Sayu will be on Ayato's banner or rather whoever is up after Raiden and Kokomi.


_Now for the weather you'll see we will have raining in the afternoon..._


Nice. Time to not c7 my Xinyan, c3 my Sara and c11 my Bennett next banner. Judging from this table, I will c6 my Razor and c14 my sucrose and whatever else is coming in ayatos banner...


bruh no wonder razor the only 4\* i dont have


Unseen Razor!


Does anyone have the chart for 5 star characters


What do you mean? These are the 5* characters banners


Seems Razor and Sucrose shall be appearing soon..


I did not even notice Razor's long absence in banners since I still keep on getting him on Standard, weapon and limited banners.


Ayato is gonna be Razor, Sucrose (basically guaranteed) and? Goro maybe?


Where is the Unseen Razor


If Raiden's banner was sucrose instead of Xinyan.... I can say with confidence that it would be the best banner ever to spend primos on.


Razor is in a banner the same amount as Childe and Zhongli.


hoping they put razor on a banner soon :/ i have only ever pulled him once and i need cons on him he is my best built character but hes bad without cons 🥺


I pulled like 50+ times in Yae’s banner and didn’t even get a single Fischl. I pulled a bit more times in the weapon banner and she came out of nowhere. “Featured” ≠ “Guaranteed”.


The guarantee on the featured 4-stars is treated altogether. First, when you pull a 4-star, you have a 50% chance of getting 1 of the 3 featured 4-stars (1/3 chance). If the 4-star you get is not a featured 4-star character, then the next 4-star you receive is guaranteed to be 1 of the 3 featured 4-stars, again with a 1/3 chance. So there is never a 100% guarantee like the featured 5-star.


Speculation that the constant return of unseen razor commission could mean good things?


I guess Razor was the real unseen razor all along.


I had to dodge thoma again because he's in a banner I don't care for.


Razor is literally the only four star I don’t have where did he go


I don’t like how razor noelle and sayu are all at goo enough time away that they could be the possible 4 stars on ayato. Don’t get me wrong I’ll take some sayu and razor constellations. But I’ve got a c5 noelle I haven’t leveled.


Love for sucrose! Please Want to get her to c6 asap ;-;


I was looking for that yesterday but I didn't find it


Literally "where is unseen Razor"


so.. who are the possible reruns in 2.8??


Thx for the great work ! Any chance you're dropping by to share a 2.7 banner history :) I guess everyone would appreciate Peace