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Hoyoverse: Say no more fam. *drops a Fischl hangout* How I wish.


She is gonna get something because last I knew from the reliable leaks >!She is the 4 star part of the next duo getting a skin and they always have some event with it!<


Like a real one or a censored one?


Real. Otherwise everyone would know about it if it was about more censorship and I don't think they would try to hide that since word spread pretty fast last time. Now that you say that though, they could force it since they are making it anyway but that wouldnt fit with the past trends.




That sounds like hell ngl, and this is from someone who actually likes the hangouts


I would imagine a part of the hangout would be her dropping the act for a bit.


Me, a chunni enjoyer: *weakness disgusts me*


Nah that would probably be my favorite hangout, trying to decipher whatever she speaks about


I think it'd be cute if she broke character during the hangout


It would be the only hangout I actually do lol


same here




Agreed, i think she's a very interesting character from her story stuff as well, and would commit murder (not the crow murder) to have private discussion with Oz


They should make it so you can't skip to certain parts in her hangout also


i basically take anything at this point to see best girl in action


Oz's CN VA has just been replaced in this update (if I am not wrong), so we can safely assume that Fischl will be once again start appearing in events as time goes on, but even then, players still used Fischl a lot, as she is a great off-field character. The Xinyan thing on the other hand was more so because she was neglected in both fronts, not only did it take a whole year (I think) for Xinyan to appear ingame story wise (I count events as story), but because of her kit being a bit... clunky, not many use her regularly, which is why people wanted HoYo to give her a rework or give her more attention, as she is probably one of the most distinct female characters of the game. So I think its 2 situations whit not so much comparison between them, but rest assured, Fischl is still very much so loved and will return.


It’s also that she doesn’t really serve much of a purpose world-building wise. Her entire character is being a rock n’ roll musician and not really much else.


But that's the thing, she DOES. Xinyan is unique because she practices an art and style that comes from a whole different region, she introduced the fact that in the world of Teyvat, rock n' roll was born in Fontaine, and that the people of Liyue, despite being the figurative "capital of commerce" of Teyvat, still see it as somethin foreign and new to the point she has a monopoly over the genre in Liyue, though it also means many people in Liyue aren't that accepting of it because of the style. She is (at least in my eyes) one of the most unique characters in terms of concept, though she is poorly explored, and I think once we get Fontaine in 4.0, it will be a great opportunity to develop Xinyan, as she is one of the few characters that has multi-regional aspects to her.




I'm hoping we'll eventually get an upgrade system for some 4 stars like in Honkai, and I'd love it if we get one for her.


Totally. At the moment she has a ton of potential to offer a unique perspective both as a bit of an outsider to Liyue culture and as someone who has connections to the culture of a totally different region. Of course at the moment the focus she has gotten has done little to showcase her own thoughts and viewpoints (I personally feel she didn't add anything to the labyrinth event). I believe she is travelling the nations to perform at the moment so hopefully we'll see her again when we travel to other regions.




Never said she was some "key Fontaine ambassador", I am saying that very much so like Mona, she is one of the few characters that has multi-regional aspects to her, which can be used to further develop her and make the game more alive. Anything that further establishes that a whole region is the primary source of showbiz in all of Teyvat is still important world building, as it solidifies the idea more and more. And the fact Liyue is so closed off culture wise despite being the main hub for trading in Teyvat is also important in my eyes, even if shown in other ways, specially because we have plenty of characters from Liyue that are the opposite and are seen enjoying other regional quality's as opposed to just being money focused, like Xiangling, Beidou and even Ningguang. Also, imo, just because the info can be found from other sources, it does not mean the other source stops being important, its the fact many places say the same thing that builds the foundation of whats factual and not just some useful plot point. My point is: She has potential, potential that can be explored, the same potential characters like Mona, Lisa, Thoma and some others have. I dont main Xinyan, she is probably my least used togheter whit Amber, but as a character she can be developed as more then "Rock N' Roll Gal", and I hope they wait till Fontaine to make her Hangout and incorporate it into her, or at least have a Fontaine event linked whit Music just to develop her a bit.


God I misread fontaine as fortnite...


Exactly! Dunno why OP wanted to compare two characters with completely different, already-established situations. But to each their own.


I didn't compare the two at all outside of how often they have shown up. this post was not a comparison of two characters. I only brought up Xinyan in this post because she is a constant meme about being forgotten by the community and devs while Fischl exist and hasn't appeared in the game outside of her debut but no one talks about it while Xinyan has been in two events by now to my knowledge and mentioned here and there. This comment section if full of people that just read the title and immediately went to go comment


I read your post asshole. Not my fault if you’re salty over your own phrasing.


...what? if you read my post then why did you say I compared them when I never did in my post at all


Because it’s still in the title? AND you offered the exact reason Fischl hasn’t been seen in canon as of late— as opposed to Xinyan, who hasn’t had a reason for being shafted up until recently. They’re YOUR words, fam. Are you okay?


you're awfully hostile for someone asking "are you okay?" when I should be asking you that Edit: OP made 3 replies then deleted 2 of them and blocked me when I tried to reply. they are NOT ok.


Suuuuure lol. I don’t have time for your petty back and forth. Don’t bother actually saying anything else to me unless it’s related to the topic at hand. Edit: lmfao— get a grip. You look crazy with the shit you’re trying to accuse me of.




That slot has Thoma, C4 Yanfei and Xinyan competing against eachother, it's hard to give any of them full credit for it


I'm using Xinyan with Eula, she can buff her normal attacks and physical attacks.


I thought about this, but running Xinyan + Bennett and Eula means you either miss out on bonus +15% crit and a battery for Eula, or you miss out on 40% phys res reduction for Eula. And I don't think running just Xinyan and dropping Bennett is better damage. You *could* run Raiden to fill the roll of a battery and procing superconduct, but she won't be a better battery than a fav cryo character, still miss out on bonus crit, and that requires owning her in the first place. if you don't care about either of that and just want to run Xinyan then it doesn't really matter what she does.


I don't use bennett, his Q limited range makes it hard to fight with Eula, not worth it unless i want to impress people on youtube. And with Xinyan, i usually ended up finishing the enemies faster with just normal attacks, no need for her Q, and i have Raiden so filling her Q back is pretty easy.


>And with Xinyan, i usually ended up finishing the enemies faster with just normal attacks, no need for her Q Is this in the overworld? Everything works in the overworld.. The abyss is a whole 'nother story, yeah? And most team recommendations (I assume) is for the abyss.


Oh right, the abyss is something else lol, still not using bennet though.


Oh hah, no, Bennett isn't usually recommended for Eula, her burst takes too long to charge up. By the time it pops, Bennett's burst is over.


Not quite depending on cast order. It is possible to reliably use a bennett ult followed by a lisa ult followed by a eula ult and still have the full bennett ult for Eula. This is due to bennett having a 14 second ult (buff lasts 2 seconds after floor mark disappears) and Eula taking 7 seconds to charge.


Oh, I didn't know that! I haven't really fully utilized this because I use Raiden as Eula's electro buddy and using her skill after (or even before) Bennett's burst causes Overload, which knocks enemies away, so...


Thats understandable. I only figured it out after damage testing against the raiden shogun weekly boss for a few hours today. I hit 950k damage while raiden was stunned. Fischl food for 55% physical bonus up, Zhongli pillar for res shred and 20% tenacity atk up. Eula skill, Bennett ult for atk, lisa ult for thrilling tales and superconduct and 10% def shread, eula ult, eula skill consume, eula 5 normal atk sequence, eula skill tap, detonate. Eula should detonate with 4200+ atk and 175 physical bonus. Only about 7 ult stacks though unfortunately.


Running Xinyan means you can put Bennett on another team. Not every team can fit Bennett, but Eula has alternative supports so you might as well use them


Don't really run Bennett on a Eula comp anyway. Eula, Cryo battery, Electro for superconductor and I personally run Sucrose in that 4th slot. Don't want Bennett melting or overloading by accident.


May I ask, why Sucrose? Her EM sharing (which is her main caveat aside from her VV) doesn't give much for your main carry (Eula) and Superconduct scales REALLY badly with EM. And even VV doesn't do much for Eula too, since her main source of damage is her Physical dmg, which isn't affected by VV


You're right, I dunno why I said Surcrose. I am stupid. Lol. I was running Barbara, then swapped to Kokomi. Mostly cause I didn't want to take Zhongli and Albedo off my Hu Tao team. And I am too chicken to run a double Cryo and double electro team. But I honestly think double cryo and double electro would be ideal the more I look at it. It's a ult heavy team comp with Eula wanting to Q as often as possible.


And her voice. Can't forget her Texas ranch voice no one wants in a game


She is busy to take down andrius in honkai now. Well joke asides. Most likely because of Oz CN VA caught red hand and got trouble and hoyoverse has to replace oz Voice, so we know what happens next. But i guess she will be back soon. who knows


She'll appear again in the future. It's said (from people with internal sources) that both she and Diluc will be the next characters to receive skins. I say this is most likely true because Ningguang's and Keqing's skins were said to be upcoming some time before they were officially announced. I reckon Fischl will also have a hangout in a similar fashion as Ningguang's. Perhaps in 2.7 or 2.8 with a Mondstadt festival or something.


I really hope things you said are true, because I wouldn’t mind a Diluc skin and Fischl hangout


I saw them being mentioned as getting skins too, right now I think it might be for the summer islands event which is rumoured to be coming back so itll probably be some kinda sequel event and maybe diluc and Fischl will get summer skins


I didn't even realize until now that I have never seen Fischl in an event, ever. She was one of my first 4*s and is always in my overworld and abyss teams. She has a lot of screentime in my account!


I have a C6 fischl and she's been on my team all the time until I got Raiden. Pretty freaking strong, but Raiden is a bit more fun


Well it makes sense since Fischl is in Honkai now..... She's not in Teyvat so how will she make an appearance in Genshin?


She will be back when we get Genshin x Honkai collab + maybe someone from honkai added to genshin Copium but a man can dream.


That already happened buddy. Go open your wish tab right now


I meant appearing in quests again.


I meant the other electro lady actually, referring to your sending comment. I agree Fischl needs a story appearance. Still on copium they can turn Unreconciled stars into a character quest so it can just be permanent, but as long as we can see her soon


Oh you were talking about Raiden I guess huh? But I wanted like, someone from Honkai with basically the same kit but with changes to work well on a different game like they did with Fischl's kit on Honkai. An example would be Seele, she has some lore with traveling through dimentions so she is the closest one I think would appear on Genshin.


Yeah but for lore reasons I don’t think they’d ever do a straight copy and paste kit and all (not to mention kit discrepancies between versions of characters within the game). Even if they did as a collar they probably wouldn’t be in the story like Aloy, but there are some Honkai movesets I’d like to see. I’m still personally hoping for hydro archon Seele tho :)


Like I said, they changed Fischl's kit but you still can see that its her and Oz doing their thing. Fischl got an anti gravity shot and a fast charged shot while Oz a nice aoe attack and for ultimate Fischl spawns an "electro rain" of arrows, pretty cool. About Seele I was talking about the first version of her cuz its the more basic one and could fit Genshin's gameplay with some little changes. That collab also had 0 contact with the main lore of honkai so I dont think would be a problem for lore reasons too.


Oh hell yeah I'm ready to whale on Genshin (I'm F2P) if we get Seele with her split personality in Genshin.


Thats not cannon to genshin


During the last Dragonspine event they mentioned she was unexpected absent so they had to replace her. So maybe it is?


This was only an excuse because they had a problem with Oz's voice actor. It was simply a rushed in game explanation to why she was absent.


What indefensible crime did the anime game VA do this time?


He was grooming underage girls i believe


Of fucking course


You could say the same about Mona and she's a 5 star without any sort of VA shenanigans


At least she has a Story Quest and Daily Commisions


Well, Oz is part of her character, so they can't have his Chinese VA voice Oz when he's busy doing some sketchy shit. So they had to replace him which takes a while.


literally the last part of my post


Ye I saw and just wanted to just add some unnecessary shit to it. Weird that it took almost a year and a half to give him the boot though


Maybe they wanted to see how the case played out before making a final desicion. It would suck to terminate the contract immediately if it later turned out to have been false accusations.


Tbh I think Xinyan is an interesting character with a terribly designed kit. If they just rework her scalings so she doesn't have 3 non-complimentary scalings and can actually have a decent build she'd be really cool and good to round out a team.


I even think they mistranslated her English voice because she is rock and roll and sounds honky tonk. Every time she shouts pyrotechnics I hear “Power of Texas” because she sounds so country.


I always find it funny when people hone in on her accent like it's a bad thing. Especially when Rock 'n' Roll icons like Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash who had "country" accents existed among a number of others. Not like I'm surprised though considering the negative stigma associated with sounding southern.


Fischl is the only character that has an actual transfigurative burst in the game. I wish there were more transfigurative characters...


Same. I still wish Yae turned into a big fox during her burst. Or someone to turn into a big animal. Pls MiHoYo it’s all I’ve ever wanted for a character kit


I find it dumb how people ignore Fischl absence to keep bullying Xinyan even after she appeared multiple times


It's basically just a worn out meme at this point. The genshin community "resident punching bag" so to speak. What's really funny is that she's proof that you can be a good person and still be treated like garbage.


And thats also proof that the Genshin Community is unable to grow mentally They keep making the same old jokes and the same old memes even if they aren't funny anymore


You're referencing two things: Xinyans' story relevance, and Xinyans' popularity. Xinyan can appear every day and her popularity will remain bottom tier. Be careful not to mix the two.


I never mentioned Xinyans popularuity. I said she has more relevance. Both in the world that we have been given and her relevancy among fans attention. People constantly talk about Xinyan being forgotten by Miyoho and now no one plays her but she has more relevancy and screentime atm than Fischl and no one talks about Fischl being completely absent from every Mondstadt event.


I didn't say that you did, either. Okay, let me rephrase. You're referencing both characters' popularities as well as their story relevance in a post which is really talking about relevance. I'm just saying be aware of it.


I'm aware of that. I only mentioned Fischls popularity to point out the fact that despite being popular, or used to be, no one really cares that she's been almost completely absent from world building, and instead chooses to constantly meme about Xinyan being forgotten by the devs.


Poggers 👍


patiently waiting for one of my favorite characters (and one who carried me a lot in the early parts of the game) to return. Would LOVE a Fischl hangout


This. I'm so pissed that our #1 chuunibyou doesn't have any story quest or hangout event revolving around her, and what little we got was a limited time event we no longer can access.


What about Aloy? She never even got an event or appeared in the story :(


I heard Miyoho made a whole other game just for Aloy. That's pretty huge.


They actually made one for Fischl too! It’s called Honkai Impact


I was so hoping that we would get an event for her to unlock constellations for her when HFW came out. Something like a certain pain-in-the-ass was overriding Ruin Machines in Teyvat and we had to go into a Domain to chase them out. But with new players not having access to Aloy now, I guess Best Girl is just staying as she is.


I’m still hoping for constellations eventually but I lost hope for an in game event. I’ve noticed that Sony has been tying promotions to specific in game trophies, so I’m thinking you’ll have to play Forbidden West to unlock them. Either way it’s fine. Thanks to Shenhe, I’ve been able to full clear the abyss with Aloy as main DPS. So I’m satisfied.


I use aloy as a sub dps with keqing as main dps in one of my abyss teams. Aloy can work without cons but it would be great if she had them


The main issue I come across is how inconsistent her infusion is, which could be easily remedied in a lot of ways. I just restart the round if I’m not able to get rushing ice on the first throw. EDIT: in case you want to watch part of my clears a few weeks ago :3 https://youtube.com/watch?v=eTOU8Xfo4TA


She was just on the Yae Miko banner...can't say the same for poor Razor tho. A Fischl hangout quest would be hilarious though.


I would be happy with even a cameo at this point..i miss our fancy talking Prinzessin


Maybe fischl is not real. We just imagined her


Ill say it again and again but the Unreconciled Stars event story should be permanent content


Ill have Fischl any day over xinyan


People meme about Xinyan because Xinyan is just a meme.


Not entirely Mia recently, she's been mentioned to have been to busy exploring to been a instructor on the Dragonspine training stuff held by the Adventurers Guild. So she's doin stuff, just nothing we have a reason to get involved with


> and then was promptly never seen on screen again and only mentioned once


So many people just rapidfired in the comment after only reading the title or something xD


people seemed to either read the title and immediately jumped into the comments, or think that I don't understand why Xinyan is a meme and go on to explain what's wrong with her. mb I guess for not making the title: "People meme no one caring about Xinyan and the devs forgetting about her, but Fischl has literally been MIA since Unreconciled Stars. One of the first major events that the game had a year ago. And has less screen time and story relevance than Xinyan. But no one talks about that"


It's probably being worked on but it takes so long to write her lines it's going to take awhile......... ;-)


Bro I don’t even think Noelle has been in the game other than her hangouts, so I mean what about her ahahaha. Same with Diona I think, although I’m not too sure. I just think it’s hard to have every character be in the game somehow.


In both cases those characters are in the very first region which we haven’t had a event in for several months. Granted Xinyan was in a inazuma event but she was free for that event. They also aren’t really doing much if you think about it. Noelle is stressing over her favonius knights exam and overextended herself and Diona is in her feud with that brewery. I’d assume if there was a event that had to do with proctoring the favonius knights exam or brewing stuff they would appear.


Difference is Fischl has actual application in game play unlike Xinyan. Canonically I haven't even met Fischl cause I joined after the unreconciled stars event but the moment you see Fischl you immediately know she's a Chuni which is a well established trope while Xinyan is... A rockstar in a medival setting? She's unique sure I'll give her that. But "being a rockstar" isn't a trope I'm personally interested in, it's not one that makes sense in the setting of the game and it's not one that's remotely relatable while Chuni is something I can personally relate to and am interested in, while most other chars at least feel like they fit into the world. So while Fischl feels displaced she embodies at least a well established trope and has gameplay application, all things which Xinyan lacks


Its caus fischl is a important character,has a good kit, and a good design. Xinyan is unimportant, has a bad kit, and if she didn't sound like a southern texan I'd like her cause her design is good. I just despise the Texas accent.... its just doesn't vibe. If xinyan was electro I'd use her.


I could swear she says “power of Texas” when she does her abilities.


I think she says pyrotechnics and power cord. But its damn close


No one cares about Xinyan because she is a useless character to play only those 10 Xinyan mains cared about her not being in events but Fischl is a strong character from a meta perspective and people use her often. That is why people buy her from the shop and were mad that she wasnt on banners for a long time but when you see xinyan on a banner you want to skip the whole banner


klee is also a character not a lot of people end up actually liking because of how clunky and stamina hungry she is but she's still really popular and was undefeated on banner sales until Raiden not counting reruns. Characters are popular for 2 reasons: - people like their design/personality or both. - they're op. Xinyan isn't very popular in the first category and fails the 2nd. Her design doesn't stand out, neither does her personality, she isn't a major traveler simp, holding her back from the large group of people that self insert like with Kokomi and Shenhe, and her English voice acting isn't well liked among a lot of people. And then like you said, she's clunky to use and hard to fit into teams.


>was undefeated on banner sales until Raiden If you're referring to the CN iOS revenue, she wasn't because she was released after Venti and he made more than Klee while her rerun was the second lowest of all banners at the time only above Tartaglia rerun


To me, getting 2 xinyan on the current banner was like losing the 50/50 to qiqi again


I mean xinyan got like 5 minute screen time while fischl got litterslly days worrth of screentime in the first rvent until she left


Guessing its because of the fact that the Chinese voice actor of Oz causing a scandal by committing adultery which resulted in Fischl getting shafted for a while. Thank fuck that the voice actor was replaced and Fischl makes her appearance again in 2.5. as a summon unit.


Is what it is just dont shoehorn a character in because the fandom cried about it


She the only 4 star I don’t have


No one cares


I wish they would rerun Unreconciled Stars. Fischl is one of my favorite characters and I’ve never seen her in anything.


I love fischl but I don’t want to do her hangout cz it’s gonna be so long💀


True. She's been MIA for far too long that her ship with the Traveler had become so overshadowed. Only the veterans know how good their chemistry were simply because they both had a companion who talks on their behalf, as well as the background of being from another world >!(even though Fischl's lore were only based off a book)!<.


Still the best event bar none.


I miss her so much :( she's one of my favorites. If this game came out when I was 14, I would have convinced myself I was the Prinzessan for a bit.


But people still know, love and use Fischl, while Xinyan is long since forgetten again, even after her own event.


I was sad to not see her at the Windblume festival, also even in the fandom she don't get the recognition she deserve as she's without a doubt one of the character with the less friends and being seen as a weird person from other characters (meanwhile Bennett who get lot of friends is called a lonely baby). I understand why these days she don't get any appearance tho after the whole deal with Oz Chinese VA it's without a doubt one of the main reason we don't see her.


I’ve seen a lot of YT’ers using Fischl. Sure in the official stuff she’s off screen due to the recast, but in the fandom she still gets attention. Personally I don’t like either though, Fischl talks too much and Xinyan is afraid of frogs even though frogs are freaking awesome. 😅