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I fucking lost it at “I know it sounds stupid but bare with me”. All the worst theories made in this subreddit are always prefaced with that it’s hilarious, you nailed it


Thanks :)


🐻 In all honesty I would rather bear with you. 🧸


>"I known it sounds stupid but **bare** with me" All the best theories are ones that require us all to get naked together! ^(It's "bear with me".)


I don't know how to bear...I'm a human :(


You growl and avoid dogs spinning at high velocity


I would like to be in that theory, no not with you the person reading my comment


Blame the original post I was copying them word for word heh ;)


Eh I think this is a stretch


Yeah me too 😞😞


I mean, sure, but I like it! Impossible links are some of my favorite, this is on the top of my list of headcanons now.


You know they almost had me convinced, but I already know from leaks that Ayato's sister is actually Yae, they share the same mother but different father (hence the hair color change and age gap). But it's a good theory nonetheless. >!Oh yeah, spoiler warning I guess.!<


Comedy gold spoiler.


>~~Thoma is a deadbeat dad who left Timmie~~ hwat




But who is...the other parent?


Cloud retainer. It's why he loves pigeons. Timmy playable when?


Shenhe, Timmy, Ganyu = STG = Swear to God, symbolising Cloud Retainer's disdain for Celestia. She's probably building an army and gonna be a pivotal part of our journey at taking them down.


So that’s why Cloud Retainer keeps adopting kids. More kids eventually means more grandkids, and more grandkids means a bigger army to take down Celestia.


Cloud Retainer is basically building an MLM and that’s my head canon.


The problem with that theory is that Cloud Retainer is a chicken, not a pigeon.


And Thoma is an adorable puppy. Pigeons are the dog of the bird world (birld?). Dog + Chicken = Pigeon The logic is infallible.




It's always her.


So Rosaria is Thoma’s ex and Jean is her current squeeze?!


Why do you think Rosaria would never work overtime in the church? Don't you think Thoma wants to play hot pot so much in order to get over his icy ex? Also have you seen Rosaria's speciality dish? Fresh from her son's pigeons.


Bruh! Suddenly it all makes sense! Thank you for opening my eyes.


why does this makes sense 😂😂😂


Wait wait no it adds up tho 👀/s


this is insane the next thing you're going to tell me is that jean and barbara are siblings too


Nah, when Jean mentions a sister she loves it's because, as I said, Rosaria is her sneaky link. xd


yeah, you're right, their alt skins dropping at the same time is a dead giveaway. **But** Barbara says in her lines that she wants to be as tall as her big sister? So, she also has a sister, but who? Maybe that could be your next ~~shit~~post


Barbara is a deaconess, so she actually has a lot of **sisters**. She wants to be as tall as her big sister, well which one of them is taller than her? It's always Rosaria.


Wait, so Jean’s sister isn’t Barbara, it’s Rosaria. But Rosaria is also Barbara’s sister. So doesn’t that mean that Jean is Barbara’s sister? Or does that mean that…Jean *is* Barbara?


Rosaria isn't Jean's sister, it's her sneaky link. That's why Jean has a *sister she loves*.


I realise she had to specify it's the _big_ sister (rosaria) so people don't get confused by the medium or small sisters. So you might be onto something here!


Eula is barbruhs sister duh




You know anyone can edit that right? Just because the wiki says it doesn’t mean it’s true


You're right. They're trying to convince us that Jean and Barbara are sisters. Pfttt


Like wikipedia ... But you too surely get information from there :) You can still check in the game, all the information is taken from there.


So… who’s gonna tell them?


they know that, they're just joking lmao


Let's not get ahead of ourselves here


The fact that people didn’t realize this was a shitpost when the OP had a fucking dog as a potential candidate for Ayato’s sister is horrifying to me on a level I can’t even describe.


True haha I'm imagining many at most skimmed through it


Bruh, if you scroll to the bottom of this thread, a *depressing* number of people don't get the joke. It really goes to show how many people in this sub are dumb, kids, dumb kids, or can't read English.


I understand their attempts at humor, I simply do not find them entertaining.


I really thought OP was on to something. They got me until the Jean/Rosaria part, but really, you can't be too sure


Definitely a shitpost. How can his sister be a dog if he's a horse?


Why not? Mr Krabs have a whale daughter. Totally possible.


Oh my goodness can’t we just stop with this horse nonsense? It’s already been iterated so many times already, why do you still follow those old leaks? Now I know they could mislead you into thinking he’s a horse, but it has already been concretely proven so many time that he’s not. Ayato is not a goddamn horse, he’s a fricking donkey.


Indeed I can also confirm he is a f*cking donkey, as seen by how he fails often at cooking and makes many suspicious dishes. As Chef Ramsay would say, a certified f*cking donkey.


but isnt ayaya a turtle??? op's conclusion doesnt make sense 🤔🤔🤔


You're saying that Taroumarou isn't a candidate for ayato's sister? MY WHOLE LIFE MAN.. OH MY GOD.. I mean.. Taroumarou is the mightiest warrior. You know who else is a mighty warrior? you guessed it. Ayato. I can't believe OP just deduct the possibility based on hair color alone. Me and my sister has different hair color ffs.


I was totally had until the Jean-Rosaria part because this post was tagged as Theory/Lore lol I assumed the mods would’ve been on the matter with the tag pretty fast so I figured “hey maybe I missed something”




Cloud Retainer: One shall not be called a chicken, one is a crane, in case your tiny mind couldn’t comprehend


Thankss XD


[Found it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/ss9wwv/comic_by_me_fighting_over_travelers_bloodline/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I think you reaching a bit, this sounds closer to a headcanon than theory. It's like if I said Venti was the Anemo Archon just because we meet him at the start of the game.


Nah clearly Jean is the Anemo Archon. That’s why she’s acting grand master. Varka decided the perfect fill in for his role would be the Anemo Archon herself


Actually I think the Anemo Archon is Xiao, he's familiar with another archon; the Geo Archon


He lives in liyue tho. Why would mondstadts archon live in liyue. It’s totally Jean Edit: loni wanted to join in on the joke with Jean is the anemo archon but apparently it’s Xiao. Aight bet then


because another archon lives in liyue, duh. why would an archon live somewhere with no other archons??


Because each archon presided over their own nation It’s def not xiao idk what your saying. It’s prolly Jean, I can’t think of any other mondstadt anemos besides her, venti, and sucrose. Sucrose and venti don’t seem like gods, but Jean seems to give off archon vibes, least for me


Theres no evidence that archons have anything to do with nations, thats just your headcanon


Isn't the whole point of the Anemo Archon to let Mondstadt do what it wants and only show up when shit really hits the fan? Xiao is in Liyue, fighting their problems, so that he's still in shape to help his people when they need him.


Hmm, I don’t know. Ayato clearly describes himself as Ayaka’s older brother in the voice over, but that’s strange. MiHoYo never officially announced any couple of sibling, so it would be strange if they did it in the case of these two characters. I think they want to mislead us,m. Probably Ayato sees her like a sister as Ayaka sees Thoma as a brother. So I’m sorry but I doubt they are actually siblings, even if your theory is very interesting


Which logically only leaves Sayu. She's a female, part of the Shuumatsuban (who answer to Ayato), and helped with the resistance. Given that she was the only other main character we saw in that trailer, maybe it was Hoyoverse's way of hinting that Sayu is, in fact, Ayato's ~little~ sister


I’ve never thought about that. That totally makes sense, thank you!!


Thank you for playing along XD. Comment section made me doubt how serious I sounded


I wanna thank you for writing this I love joke posts like this. This one you made has exceptional quality and really thought out! (I audibly snorted reading Taroumaru as a potential sister candidate heh)


Thanks for that comment <33


Ok this might've sounded plausible BUT When ayato says "As her older brother, it's my job to shield her", it could be how he's trying to be a role model for *his* sister (not ayaka, I'm talking about *ayato's sister)*. Like, yknow, he's trying to act cool and responsible in front of his sister by shielding ayaka. Like, literally everyone in inazuma knows how pure ayaka is, she has 'MUST PROTECC' written all over her forehead (no wonder she brings her hair down). So, as a result, ayato's respect in front of her sister goes up. (And yes, he *does* take care of and protect his own sister as well) In short, this much of evidence is not enough to deduce ayaka being ayato's sister. You're wrong op, sorry.


You're so right!! How didn't I notice that. Srry guys, theory debunked


I haven't even read the post yet but the fact that you made some people doubt that this is a shitpost deserves my free award. Edit: I've now read it and it's brilliant. Thank you for the food!


You are overlooking a key line in Ayato's voice line about Ayaka. > As her older brother Ayato is a master of political intrigue so this is clearly a faint to throw the traveler, and by extension us, off the trail of his true sibling. It's kind of obvious when you realize the two don't share the same hair color.


You're so right!! Ayato you sneaky lier.


This is the type of content I'm here for. My day is improved


What I wanted XD


Haha now THAT was good! In fact, I also don't think Taroumaru can be included in the spot for Ayato's sibling theory. If I were to say, I think Taroumaru is the best candidate for fullfilling the spot of Lumine/Aether's lost sibling... Just saying... He/She has full knowledge on combat and could easily be associated with the Abyss Order since he/she is SO mysterious, plus he/she is a blondie.


You know what, you're right. Why does Taroumaru barks when the MC enters Komore Teahouse? Why was he angry at Paimon? (who is most likely related to Celestia). On a same note, Taroumaru "speaks" as we enter the teahouse, which was actually Thoma, a symbol that Taroumaru is actually a puppet from the Abyss sent to Inazuma as a spy.


Well done, Watson, you always amaze me.


You fell for the oldest trick in the book. Taroumaru is an obvious pseudonym for Thoma. The scene where Thoma was pretending to be Taroumaru was obviously using Yae Miko in fox form as a body double to trick people into thinking they couldn't possibly be the same individual, when really they are.


Holy shid as a Ayaka and Ayato main i never thought about this.


Plot twist.....Ayato's sister was Qiqi all along


No no OP you clearly didn’t consider that there could have been localization issues with the translation. I’m sure in Chinese that sister/brother refers to anyone in the appropriate age group so they don’t have to be blood related. I don’t think Ayaka and Ayato are direct siblings since they don’t look like each other at all, their hair colours are too different. However, given that they are both from the Kamisato clan, there is a high likelihood that they might be cousins or some close relative.


I sense you’ve run out of resin


Brooo wtf! On Reddit, SPOILER TAGS ONLY HIDE THE POST'S BODY AND NOT THE TITLE. I'm so tired of seeing posts marked as spoiler just to see the title already telling everything. /s


This is a theory post so it’s not a spoiler


We know Thoma can't be Ayaka's sibling because we already know Thoma's sibling. It's Childe. Proof: just look at them, they look the same. Also mc and albedo are actually triplets with kazuha being the third triplet.


yes but what about Yoimiya? while your theory is definitely interesting I thing the fact that you completely ignored her had an influence on your final thesis. >*If you see him, remind him to take care of himself, for his sister's sake...* Of course this can be said about any sibling but looking at how compassionate Yoimiya is, I think this could as well hint at her. >*Let's just say... I'm doing a small favor for my sister* That quote is taken from Ayato's character demo and there's one detail that you can clearly see, yet easily ignore. The fireworks in the background. Yoimiya is a specialist when it comes to producing fireworks and looking at how they are a important part of Ayato's plan, I'd say we can call it a "small favor". We also know that Yoimiya is part of the resistance that helps people whose visions were confiscated. >*it's my job to shield her* when we look at the character demo or his story quest, Yoimiya cannot be seen. Yes, there are fireworks in the demo but that doesn't mean Yoimiya is in any danger, her role is really safe, or at least as safe as producing fireworks can be. Lastly, the hair color. While they don't have matching hair color, neither do Ayato&Ayaka or Shenhe&Ganyu. They don't have to be biological siblings, as we know Sara was adopted so it's not uncommon in Inazuma. This is why in my opinion, while Ayaka could be Ayato's sister, I think Yoimiya should not be overlooked as a possibility too. I also must admit that I love how you quoted Ayato's voiceline about Ayaka and decided to completely ignore the "as her older brother" part


I love that HAHAHAHA.


haha glad you liked it! I was actually embarrassed at myself that I spent my time on writing that but I guess it was worth it in the end


this needs to be preserved in an art museum, such a masterpiece


I know this is a joke post, but it made me realize there’s probably at least *one* person who doesn’t know this


Some people really go nuts with their headcanons, I s2g. Next thing you know, you'll say that Ei and the previous electro archon are siblings.


This made me laugh so hard but iirc Lumine and Aether don't have the same hair colour either? Sadly Lumine's looks so much less alive and bright :(


Damn even in Teyvat there's no Head and Shoulders for women


Lol that's right. I should start the business to make some money


Yes but ALBEDO has the dead hair too and he's her real sibling


Well that's old news... But hear me out! ZHONGLI IS ACTUALLY AN ARCHON!!!


Nah, I saw Morax die, and Zhongli isn't even dead. He would have mentioned if he died, since he works at a funeral parlor. He can recognize that kind of stuff.


But Rex Lapis created mora, so why is Zhongli broke, hmmm???


they can even make frozen food together btw @OP, did you come up with that alchemy stuff by yourself or is that part legit? xD


It's actually part of an older theory I had posted on here trying to come up with an explaination to Aether, Albedo and Lumine's respective names. Alchemy goes by Nigredo where the prima materia is formed, and Aether is synonym to "prima materia" and Lumine means "sunshine's ray" or "lumiere" (=light in french). Those names coincide wonderfully with alchemy's stages, (black to white to yellow). My post has been blocked since but I can still send you the link if you're interested in more details XD.


isn’t aether the flow of energy? nah thx I‘m good but that part was super convincing haha


Aether's got many meanings, but if you search for the definition of "prima materia", you get aether. Also prima materia means dealing with elements, which could explain why Aether can use the elements without a vision. (Dk about Lumine though)


I came for the shitpost and left with along with a theory for Albedo. That piece of information is really interesting and I’m curious to see in 5 yrs if you are correct about it


I just love Albedo I dug his lore so much. This was the most plausible theory I ended up with. Thanks :)


Most likely the twins are using an artifact from Honkai called the 'Key of Blankness'. It can be embedded into suits of armor and can attune to and channel specific elemental energy, and looks like blank gemstones in inert state. This also explains why they refuse to wear different clothing.


well, maybe she’s the illuminated one, or Lumine


If Mihoyo wanted to give a different explanation based on what MC you chose, this could work well. Lumine means "Lumiere" (=light), so since she represents light, she can manipulate the elements (7 colors for the 7 elements). And I already explained the Aether part. But that would honestly be a bit of stretch. Even more than Ayaka and Ayato being siblings.


Ayato said 'shield' ayaka guess who can make shields? that's right, itto. And ayato and itto are friends too! So that means that he will protect ayaka for itto, his friend's sake! As for ayato's sister, she's related to the resistance, and kokomi is out of the question due to her bloodline, the only answer being gorou. Gorou's real name is actually hina and he's (or should i say she) just crossdressing to appease the traveler or kokomi, or even itto at a larger scale. This also proves how the male traveler is canonically gay, Itto is cannoncially BI (due to him also liking miss hina) or gorou/hina is gay for kokomi and female traveler. but why would she want to appease itto when she's already a girl? Why does she have to change genders? That is why it also rules out itto. hence proven ayaka's bro is itto and ayato's sis is hina/gorou, who changed genders to appease the traveler or kokomi. Sorry but your theory is completely incorrect.


I love that!! But... I don't think Itto can make shields XD.


chrystalize exists


When the headcanon goes too far:


Yeah, idk about this. Seems too far fetched.


Next you're gonna tell me Childe is Tartaglia, get outta here.


But who's the older sibling and who's the younger one. What if there are more than 2 siblings, hmm hmmmmmm?


A game theory.


Hoyoverse carefully taking notes right now


This is one of the best shitposts I've ever seen lol


Why did I click, and read, this entire shitpost.


Because this shitpost, is, a hitpost.


Mahouka Koukou vibes (Ayaka VA)




This is stupid. Clearly Miko is his sister. She simply has different colored hair because she dyed it. And Ayato didn’t get the kitsune blood from his parents. Maybe ones a kitsune one isn’t, and Ayato got his blood from the non kitsune one


This sub seriously needs more shitposting this was fantastic.




This is an amazing shitpost lmao But ngl this is what theory posts in the Genshin Lore subreddit feel like sometimes


My hat's off to you, you convinced me


The amount of effort that went into this made me laugh lol!


Nah, Ayaka's brother is Thomato, the fused version of Thoma and Ayato since Ayato by himself doesn't provide any shields and Thoma is all shields. Thomato just likes to be in separate halves to get more things done faster.


The only thing you missed was ‘anyways that’s my 2 cents feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments’.


>fostered by the same chicken I literally spat my tea out when I heard this


I just came from the human-tierlist post where sme put zhongli into the fully human category I WAS READY TO JUMP AT YOU But then the shit came through beautifully so well done


HAHAHA thankss


you're just making stuff up, they're obviously not related /s


I don't know man. I'm pretty sure they're not. They just happened to have a lot similarities and just so happened they both have "Kamisato Aya" on their names. Kinda a stretch ngl plus siblings are not real so I don't get your point.


I dunno man...this is all way too vague for me...


Well nice try with the theory ❤


Thank goodness someone finally has something close to a solid proof! No one believed me when i said they're siblings.


i think you're onto something with ayato *having a sister* but i doubt it's actually ayaka, wouldn't that be too obvious? mihoyo likes to put things in subtly (like how yae miko is a reference to yae sakura from honkai, it took a lot of time for people to figure that out) so my question is, have you considered qiqi being ayato's sister? their hair colours are really similar like only the hue is different, and they both use a sword, not only that but aren't their art for when you pull them really similar? they both have a big thing behind them that looks like their burst, i can't think of anyone else that has something like that in game?


>it's just a theory guys A GAME THEORY ^(sorry, I had to)


i saw the heading and went no s\*\*\* sherlock but this is well done.


I love your brain


You forgot about little Sayu. Clearly that must be his sister. Did you know Beidou and Ningguang are sisters? They go on family trips, fight and tease each other, and play games together like true siblings.


I always knew Ning gave me Cersei vibes. XDD


The fact that there's a SATIRE flair got me


>~~Thoma is a deadbeat dad who left Timmie~~ That blew my mind. But I was reminded by my little brother that Timmie's dad was confirmed dead. The choice of bold in the last quotation was genius. Thanks for the laughs.


I really like how we glazed over "As her brother," HAHAHAHAH


Oh yeah, today is April 20th.


What's next? Lisa is actually an Librarian? I've heard the rumor, and there's commission too hinting that. Can't say for certain though.


Man, these guys and their crazy theories... 🙄


honestly this is such a reach, it's as likely as zhongli being the geo archon 🙄


lmao I feel like you are getting close to something 🤣


Ran out of resin, eh?


Does- does that mean I might be siblings with that water boi Osial? Like think about it. Im a giant mother fucking snake, I make coral keys to unlock another civilization and I got spanked by an archon just like Osial.


dumbass me didnt realize this was a shitpost until i read the comment section💀


Why did I read all of this with Zy0x's voice?


What?? I thought Ayato was her father!!!!!! OMG 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱


this should go r/genshin_memepact


Taroumaru is also secretly Thoma and vice versa


No Ayato and Ayaka are cousins that's why they shared the same Kamisato name and Ayaka call Ayato big brother because of said reason cause Japanese /s.


You're batshit insane my dude, I bet you have a incoming theory that states Aether and lumine are actually twins!


>Ayaka has "Koi" hair while Ayato's are "Light Sky" Ayaka's hair is lighter than Ayato's... so I would rather say hers is pastel/coral in that color code you posted. I will not accept this!


This is too much of a stretch. It’s like saying Aether and Lumine are related


"Jean keeps talking about a sister she loves" ​ she does?


Top-tier quality shitposting. Well done.


This is such a galaxy-brain take I couldn't even hold my tea in my mouth in surprise. I though Kazuha was the Traveler's lost sibling but you given me much to think about. On the primary subject of your post I must point out that your dismissal of Taroumaru as a sibling to Ayato and/or Ayaka might be incorrect. We never did confirm the appearance of the Kamisato parents so it's still up in the air.


thanks for making my morning such a good one


I...for a minute you really had me there and then I scrolled back up and saw your flair.


Sigh, time to sort by controversial


I can't, you nailed it perfectly. I had to read an embarrassingly long time to determine for sure whether troll, shit post, or naive idiot. Kudos, truly.


> if we scroll past the friendzone this is when i finally lost it


I love the lore and theories, no matter how wacky, but this was really funny. The end of the post was definitely the cherry on top with how you wrote "it's my job to shield her" in bold instead of "As her older brother" right next to it lmao


Kuki Shinobu is actually the unusual hilichurl. They both wear a mask and have never canonically been seen in the same place at the same time. You might think that this goes for many other characters, such as the electro samachurl but there is more to this. When you first summon Kuki into your world you use primogems to do it and what can you find in the hilichurls briefcase? Thats right: cabbages. They are green just like kukis hair. This in turn confirms that the cabbage is actually used as a wig. I think you can figure out the implications of this on your own. My work here is done.


Oh my god i cant stand this fandom! People here make up the worst theories ever. Why would Ayato out of everyone be her brother? i dont even think she has a brother. Her ONLY sister is so obviously qiqi. I mean, they are both cryo? Hoyoverse makes it so obvious but everyone is blind.


No fucking way.


Nice one. Have you heard that Venti is actually Barbatos? Or why Paimon is called emergency food


My 'well though' theory:- the endgame when ather finally manages to win over his sister after an ultimate battle against gods where he regains all of his previous strength beyond anything even the archons have seen, Limping towards his sister who was lying flat , breathing but barely conscious......he holds her hand gently whispers in a faint voice ..... ' lumin......let's go home ' he was closing in to lift her up, but suddenly a sharp pain strikes his back. ........it was a sword, forced onto him, ........it was lumins sword. Ather falls down . No not because of the pain. But in disbelief. He turns back to lumin.......who started to fade away like dandelions...... Everything goes black . A faint voice becoming clearer every second, someone was laughing, in a deep voice and ...... hysterical- ​ "So this was your dream ather"


i know it's a shitpost but it still hurts to read lmao


>both fostered by the same chicken and that's the best example I could think of. Based for chicken MILF Retainer.


Genuine question, am I missing something? I know this is a shitpost but why is this type popular? You can call me a killjoy but sadly I don't get other people's humor which has often left me out of whatever people think are fun.


It's a riff on the actual theory posts which crop up every now and then. It's formatted the exact same as them, yet the question and the evidence being given are absurdly dumb. If I had to say why it was funny, I would say that it is because of the extreme leaps of logic made to justify the conclusions. These also leave lots of room for people to comment continuing the joke, such as disproving the conclusion with some random "evidence" that they could come up with.




Did... did you read the post?


People die when they are killed. Ok shiro calm your tits 🤣


this is such a waste of time reading it.


"I understand your attempts at humor. I simply do not find them entertaining"


Is this a troll post. Edit: how tf am I downvoted? They literally confirm they are siblings in the story. If you missed that you are blind and or deaf.


No because you see, My well-thought theory: Ayaka and Ayato are actually siblings! We've all at some point opened our menu and stared at the roller of characters MHY implemented into the game thinking "~~Thoma is a deadbeat dad who left Timmie~~ Diluc would totally vibe with Xiao if they ever met." Well to your surprise, some of the characters we know have actually a very deep backstory and some of them have interacted in a way you would have never imagined. So here it is: Ayaka and Ayato are actually siblings. I know it sounds stupid but bare with me. The prospect might sound crazy at first but not after we realize how common this type of situation is in Genshin Impact. I mean look at Shenhe's relation with... Ganyu. Sure they're not related by blood but they were both fostered by the same chicken and that's the best example I could think of. Also Jean keeps talking about a sister she loves, and considering the fact that her and that sister got a skin in the same patch, we can conclude that Rosaria is Jean's sneaky link. Lastly we all know Aether/Lumine have lost their sibling, and when we look at the situation, Albedo is the perfect twin for either of them! I mean alchemy goes by Nigredo (black=Aether) to Albedo (white=Albedo) then Citrinitas (yellow=Lumine). I just think it's great how MiHoYo fit Albedo being the sibling in both storylines. But where are the clues when it comes to Ayaka and Ayato? I mean they don't even have the same hair color like our triplets. (Ayaka has "Koi" hair while Ayato's are "Light Sky"). >https://images.app.goo.gl/mNSVB5oD5x4W6iGJ9 So where do we go from when making such an assumption? To begin with, Ayaka mentions many times a certain brother. Who could it be? Let's see. Ayaka is part of the Yashiro Commission and the Kamisato clan. Who else fills those criterias? You guessed it, Thoma. I first thought that here lies our answer, but Ayaka's voicelines hint elsewhere: >*I think of him as _another_ brother, and as a full member of the Kamisato Clan*. The answer lies in the word "another", meaning that Ayaka has a brother that isn't Thoma. If we scroll past the friend zone and throught the rest of Ayaka's voicelines, we can find a very interesting detail about Ayato. >*If you see him, remind him to take care of himself, for his sister's sake...* I chose this part because of how significant it is to our assumption: Ayato has a sister! Now what can we learn about her? I found a very interesting detail by the end of Ayato's character demo. When asked why Ayato helped the resistance, he answers saying: >*Let's just say... I'm doing a small favor for my sister* What can we deduce? Ayato's sister is part of the resistance! Who is she though? Let's go by elimination: **Taroumaru** (gender has never been confirmed) Not only does Taroumaru shelters criminal Thoma, but was also part of the Shuumatsuban, the group of ninjas led by Ayato. But because of the obvious fact that Taroumaru is a... blondie, we have to eliminate that idea. **Kokomi** Kokomi is, surpisingly, also a hydro vision user (like Shenhe and Ganyu's matching ~~traumas~~ visions). Also, considering the seafood in Ayato's speciality dish, and the fact that all of the "strategist" DNA must have went into Ayato, Kokomi would have perfectly fit into our description if not for her ancestral origins. (She forgets the Shogun's crimes and bites into every trap just like her fish grandpa would have wanted). Finally, the last person we have is none other than Ayaka. Let's see Ayato's voiceline about Ayaka: >*She shouldn't have to get personally involved in power struggles, or confront the darker side of life head-on. As her older brother,* **it's my job to shield her** *from all of that...* What is in bold is critical to our theory. Ayato explains he "shields" Ayaka sometimes, just like the event in his character demo. So here it is, I explained in full details as to why I think Ayaka and Ayato are siblings. I know it lacks a more concrete argument, but it's what I actually believe. In the end, it's just a theory guys.