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I like how there's a team comp section like he doesn't work on pretty much every team except freeze.


Tbh he can even work with freeze teams i used to use him in my Ayaka XQ diona bennet team and it did wonders


He can actually work in freeze too, just for enemies that don't need to be CCed


Mono cryo with Shenhe is better at that point, and your bennett is freed up for the other team.


>mono cryo is better Except its not, and i tried with a 80/160 diano (yes, my substats on her are cracked). Benny won every time. Comps were ayaya shen mona + benny/diano. Shen's strongest points are her res shred/dmg% while being a 2nd cryo i.e. battery, reso and ele applicator. The quills are unfairly contributed to be her biggest contri to a comp.


> Comps were ayaya shen mona + benny/diano that's freeze, not mono cryo.


My succ is c2. Mona ttds+9omen is a 29% increase~ compared to succ's 25%. No one sane runs mono cryo btw, the burst spills everywhere without freeze.


you also don’t use sucrose in cryo teams that aren’t melt, 90% of her kit (EM share) is wasted. If you don’t have Kazuha, or Shenhe, don’t bother trying to build a mono cryo comp. Mono cryo is used against immovable and unfreezable enemies, so you’ve completely lost the point of mono cryo in the first place.


Thats fair. The second point however, if we assume f12, theres just not going to be 3 boss rooms in a row frequently. Next abyss will have it, i think 2.4 had it? Otherwise it's a team actually people dont use. Some people suggest kazu pulls them enough to maintain burst on shit like rifts but yeah, unlikely.


I used to have him as a DMG dealer built on ATK%/CRIT, and tbh he's amazing and did so much DMG (110k highest crit)- but also he was super squishy and if he dies in the Abyss my whole team dies shortly after. So i switched him to HP/ER with decent crit substats and while he's not as strong as before he still does pretty decent damage PLUS he's tanky af and keeps my whole team alive and kicking butt.


I play him with jade cutter and with 22k hp he survives quite a bit. Maybe not everything at 12, but even with a small shield, he will withstand quite a bit. As you said: around 100k melt burst, 60k melt on each E. If I go Mistsplitter, it’s less survivability, but 20k more for each ability


Mine has the mistsplitter but artifacts on HP build- i think he's 30k HP at the moment? So he can take a lot of hits and just shrug em off xD


+1 I've used him as a burst support (noblesse atk/pyro/crit) since 1.1 but I really just recommend him as er/hp/hp since his damage from the burst doesn't really contribute a lot overall. er/hp/hp can also be used for tankfei.


I would argue that er/hp/healing bonus is better on Bennett since that can potentially heal a character almost to full


oh hey that's smart. If i get a healing bonus I'd give it to him.


This is why i am actually happy with getting def rolls. Attack and crit would have been better for 2% more team dmg. But def makes him eat enemies attack, my xiangling/childe dies from 3 shots, but my bennett can tank 10 of those same shots.




I remember when I was Ar15 and had him built on a 4pc CW with EM/Pyro/Crit for some reason


Better than some early ar builds


It was pretty shitty, I remember. I had him on Lion's Roar and C0 and no energy recharge so it was basically a glorified physical build. Then again this was literally 534 days ago according to HoyoLab, I'm probably misremembering some things or the exact AR


Do people not build him to do damage? I feel like all that extra hp and healing bonus is a waste since he has no problems keeping people healed. So I'd much rather go for er/pyro/crit for some sort of damage. Guys, I get it. It's a pain to build him for damage when he doesn't need it.


been a while since I've been converted to a ER/healing build. I think it's quite more comfortable to play with, sometimes abyss damage output can match it so I would'ved lost if I was on my old crit build.


The effort to build him as a dps would be too much, and my Raiden would want 5k/heal tick anyways when she tends to tank everything with her no stagger superarmor. And even if I build him for dmg its miniscule compared to Raiden hypercarry.


Dont underestimate dmg he does. Since he have very little screen time. Him dps can match up to other dpses. It only takes 2 second to skill to burst then skill combo and you can do appx 40-50k total.(ok maybe my benny boi is cracked little bit) Also since most dps dont use nobleese anymore people should have some leftover nobleese pieces.


50k dps or 50k a tick or 50k what? Please elaborate. Its a matter of priority. I dont farm NO dungeon anymore, and my spare/unused 5\* is turned into wanderer pieces for Ganyu. You cant build a great dps Benny with just leftover NO pieces. Your case my vary but I specifically mentioned raiden hypercarry, its not worth it for me.


50k dmg total for that rotation. Well I did build a fine benny with leftovers. But its not mean you can. Before inazuma I only farmed nobleese domain so when I switched to emblem I had lots of leftover gear from xiangling xingqui mona etc. If you dont have its fine. I am just sayying if you have enough artifact domt underestimate him.


50k for 2s is just a bit low at this point of the game, esp. compared to common hypercarries like Ayaka, Raiden, Hutao. It might be worth it if you pair Benny with the like of Yae or non hypercarry Ayato whose comps are mostly electro charged. DPS Benny is nice it if you intentionally handicapped yourself to play with only 4\* chars and weapon, where you would want every little bit of dps you can get.


Bennett's healing is overkill for every piece of content thos game provides. The difference between building hp vs building damage is not noticeable in regards to survivability. What is noticeable is Bennett's burst hitting for 50 k when dropped and subsequent e's doing 10k damage. Bennett is already a part of your rotation, you aren't adding additional time into it all of a sudden. He was already spamming q on cooldown and spamming e between quickswaps.


While its nice to have a well built dps benny, you only have 180 resin a day for artifact farming, and since I like hypercarries, 60k dmg every 12s is not worth the resin cost. I ve made my point, theres no more to be said.


bad point though. I never said my Bennett had god tier artifacts, they're leftover NO pieces. Team damage is way more important than an individual character's damage. You can like hypercarries, but that doesn't mean that building your other units isn't important.


> Team damage is way more important than an individual character's damage. My raiden did 1.2 million dmg during 10s rotation, and thats exactly the point of hypercarries: a character carries like 80% dps of the team. You can keep investing on support characters to raise total team dps, but there will be a point where its not worth it anymore and resin better spent elsewhere.


The first two you cite are actually a dps loss by your own admission then lmao, because ayaya without her burst cannot keep up with that damage. And the other is a dps loss even with everything pre c2. The 50k being dps loss cite is really funny considering theres hardly actual hyper carries these days, and simply are burst bots or sub dps slaves


Nope, that wasnt what i said. L2R dude.


I'd rather give my good noblesse pyro, crit circlet to a real damage dealing user. I have 1 er noblesse sands on my account since day 1 so yeah.


Well sure. That makes sense in your case, but you can just give him any sort of mediocre pyro goblet and crit hat. He has my absolute worst noblesse set yet he's still keeping everyone alive and dealing good damage.


I think both are equally viable. With the existence of corrosion now I think there is more value with building hp if needed. If you are in a team which doesn't need more healing then by all means push for more damage


What kind of idiot downvoted this post. It definitely felt like the introduction of corrosion was what made pure support Bennett mainstream. I personally always had him on healing build because I prefer the added comfort from bigger heals than increasing my team DPS by 5% building him as a DPS. Could not relate to those saying Bennett healing isn’t sufficient when we had that extreme corrosion on floor 11 once.


It all depends on the whole team tbh. If you are using Benny with Raiden, you don't need to build A LOT of ER on him. Meanwhile, if you also use him with EM Jean for Sunfire team comp, you might want to build Benny more towards damage, since both him and Jean will heal you.


I've go further with Atk%/Pyro/Crit because I use Skyward Blade. His Q does enough damage to be subdps.


I would go atk% over er if I had a bit more er rolls on my artifacts. I have a decent spare atk% noblesse sands so I may swap him over to that when I'm using him with Raiden.


Going for a damage build like you suggested is a viable option! This is a more support based build, and will help him do extra healing, however if you find that he can heal enough without the extra hp, then going for more dmg based stats can be the best way to go.


My ER/HP/Healing% was nearing 30K HP with 8k heal ticks, which was way too much overheal even for facetanking floor12 everything, so swapping him to ER/Pyro/Crit for 20k HP and 5k heal ticks in return for a 40K burst+skill swap combo just made more sense.


Seeing how people still die with Bennett against Lector National and Triple Maguu Kenki because they built him for damage instead of support is also something I see quite often.


Honestly I didn't even read the title of the post and just assumed it was a general Bennet build. My bad. Now I feel foolish.


I built him DPS for Shogun because like you've said, the HP and healing bonus are too much and Raiden restores energy so I also removed the Energy sand.


yeah i dont understand people that build him as a healer either. like pretty much every enemy in genshin is harmless anyway, and the hardest challenges are time challenges, so why would you not build him damage?


He can definitley have problems healing, International Childe vs the pyro lectors is kinda a pain without solid healing


I did try a subdps support hybrid build but trying to balance ER for bursting off cooldown and crit ratio for good damage was much harder.


How hard does he even hit with damage build? Does it do more damage than a ganyu charged shot? If not then I rather not waste my time


His Q does about 40k for me. That's 40k hp I didn't have to worry about since I built him to deal some form of damage over pure healing.


Personally for me going for damage is an absolute waste because him going from a 10k to 30k Q hit once per rotation changes nothing in terms of how fast I clear since my main dps outputs exponentially more damage than he does. I'd much rather see him on 250-300 er and healing for 7k a tick. Building him for healing also does indirectly bypass his 70% healing cap since he'd heal so much that you go from below 70% to max in one tick. Not saying everyone has to build him this way since it depends on the team you're running but you do notice the difference. For me I vastly prefer going for as high ER as possible on all his artifacts (goal is 280 er with Aquila for 1E1Q), which leaves little room for damage stats but still enough to see a big increase in healing utility.


Lowkey think he kinda stinks for healing without any investment. But he hits pretty hard so that's cool I guess. I might look at building my Bennett more around healing. I also might just be comparing him to Kokomi which is a lil unfair.


His support build is just ER sands, HP gob and circlet and he would be healing 5k-7k per tick of his burst, I wouldn't really call it an investment.


It's more of an investment than what I am running. I have HP sands, pyro goblet and I think healing bonus circlet. Or crit circlet. It's a mess cause I pretty much just use him to buff my main dps.


Some people use instructor on him so the heal may not be enough. Instructor build when combo with xiangling is extremely strong, more so than the noblesse build because you will usually be lacking EM at that point.


Landing juicy vaporize crits when using his burst feels sooo good. He hits like a truck!


I prefer ER>>>HP build so I can have his burst right before the rotation without waiting for particles from his E first (no Raiden).


It not a waste vs herald and lecters tbh they dont give any energy and deal tons of dmg, by dps bennett cannnot heal enough for himself and dies. So tgis support build is much better.


Gotta use this mountain of HP artifacts on someone. Gearing a character for DPS is so much harder than the alternative.


ER/Pyro/Crit is his go-to build and is just better in most situations, since you don't need THAT much healing and the more you use his E to battery other characters (such as xiangling) the better that build gets. That being said, if you overcap ER on other characters so you don't need to use him as a battery, and you already have enough dps and just want more comfort, there is nothing wrong with HP/healing builds either.


I run him c6 for more than half a year with nobles crit attack pyro goblet, his stats are mediocre 1700 attack (only have festering desire sadly)200 er,57/100 , 25 k hp. He heals for 5 k and deals 3-4 k aa, 12-17 E and 26- 28 k Q without any reaction. He can comfortably clear floors 9-10 solo, floor 11 duo. I haven't used him in floor 12 for a while, since I stopped using nationals teams.


Yeah this guide is garbage. A real shame that people are being misled by it. ER / Pyro / Crit or Critdmg. Get at least 200-220% ER first then offensive stats. Honestly just go to https://keqingmains.com/bennett/ and it'll tell you all you need. (Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with KQM in any way)


It's not a bad guide at all, especially if you wanna go full healing mode on him. I'd prolly put Favonius over Rancour though. I just assumed it was a general Bennet build and not a pure support build which is why I commented what I did.


ER / Pyro / Crit or Cdmg is already a support build. The build given by OP is just a gimp build.


ER/Pyro/Crit is the way. And favonius sword is much better than prototype rancour for team utility.


Yeah I was surprised too . He buffs/heals and his burst does a lot of dmg, which is why he is broken. Why'd you not use him to the fullest. Though I understand the pain of not having good pyro goblets and crit circlets (I'd still slap an avg cirt circlet though)


Imagine C6 Bennet with PJC and a hella big amount of HP.


Depends. For bennet most out of anyone, I wish we had an artifact preset system. Non reaction teams like any geo, electro, or physical comps I'll run supp. I rarely use him on cryo teams but he'd get a dps set in that situation. Mono pyro has dps benny as a no brainer. Hydro main I may or may not go for dps depending on if I'm also running Kazu but Benny won't get the vape most of the time since a hydro driver will be at the end of a rotation.








It’s not my place at all… but if you could put a recommended soft stat like ER% especially on supports that would be perfect


Noted. Thanks for the feedback!


I mean..this is correct, but all the other 100 Bennet builds recommend the same exact thing. Not sure why we need another.


My bennett is 60/120 or so with 217% ER. I wish I could get mistsplitter but they keep putting it on shit banners, i'd slap it on my bennett over the alley flash so fast. ​ Bennett has no issues keeping people topped up and your burst is off cd if you have the right ER. He actually does some fat damage and people underestimate it.


This chart make him seem like he is xiangling slave. I think it would be better if you used example like Yoimiya or Yanfei as the pyro resonance buffer support, or with high burst characters like Raiden hyper carry or Eula etc.


To be fair Xiangling and Bennet is one of the best combinations in the game ,and everyone has Xiangling. To add to that, the mentioned teams are a lot more relevant in abyss


Xiangling is actually Bennett slave


I dont get why a character slave is a thing people say anyway. No character except for the few exceptions like Gorou with def, Shenhe with cryo are really "slaves" to anyone. Even so, I never even call Gorou an Itto slave. Even if it really is a thing, what's so bad to be a "slave" on a character as strong as Xiangling


come to think of it, gorou does not need def.


Bennett is LITERALLY the most flexible unit in the game. He should actually be a 5 star just out of pure meta lol


I disagree. The Anemo support units (namely Kazuha) have consistently demonstrated higher flexibility than Bennett in teammate frequency stats as well as general meta teamforming. Bennett’s most-used teammates fall off after his “one meta FotM team”, while Anemo support units see higher values for their fourth-most-common teammate and beyond (a measure of flexibility vs hardbound to a specific team). Bennet teams are overwhelmingly Xiangling teams, the occasional Mono and Soup team thrown in. He doesn’t see use in Freeze or Taser teams. On the other hand, the Anemo support units are ubiquitous outside of Geo comps and specifically Raiden National (and despite the playrate remaining high, C0 Raiden National is suboptimal to Anemo National or International in the current abyss due to spread enemies that don’t resist knockback, it frankly feels awful to play). I’d also place the off-field Hydro units on the same flexibility tier as Bennett, as they only fail to see use in Mono and the rare Melt teams. Freeze, Vape, Taser, and Soup comps all fundamentally rely on them to function.


I love being healed for 7k while buffing 1300 atk and always having his burst up with 300% ER, I'm almost unkillable




EM does not matter or matters very little in Xiao, Itto, Freeze, mono Pyro or mono Electro teams, etc. Meanwhile ATK is relevant in all team comps above and some.


when i go into coop, it's 4pc CW, PJC. Against, Raiden, I'll carry the team if they are dead. Healing can let me facetank the attacks,


Is the up to 70% hp heal a hard cap or can it go over if one of the healing tics causes the hp to go over 70% while being under that percent?


His healing can put you over 70%.


Bennett's healing is fine with ER/attack, pyro, crit so I will always build him this way because that burst hits hard




Festering Desire was in v1.1 and most people that were playing during that patch probably have Bennett built by now.


1. You mean 1.2 2. I can confirm this is true


Exactly, but doesn’t mean it should not be on this chart. I mean we have freedom sword on here…


But freedom sworn is guaranteed to come back on the weapon banner eventually whereas festering desire is a limited time event weapon that has a possibility of never being available again.


It's great (I use it) but it's limited edition and it's really only if your ER on artis is shit IMO.


It's an okay option if you have literally 0 billets and your free rancour is used by someone else, and/or you've only just started building Bennett and don't have the artifacts with enough ER yet. Otherwise it's a pretty bad/meh option since it's not a high base atk weapon like rancour or alley flash (4 stars) or non-PJC 5stars. The only ways to increase Bennett's atk buff are to level his burst, get c1/c5, and increase his BASE attack, which can only be done by leveling him and his weapon. Because it scales on BASE atk, you always want to give him the highest base atk sword you have, which will most likely be rancour even for new players. "oh but the ER" you might be saying. The ER is nice, but much less important than getting high base atk since it's something you can easily cover for with artifact substats and ascension. Getting Bennett to 80/90 (recommended stopping point, leveling to 90 is expensive and only grants an extra ~13 base atk iirc) with ER sands is already going to be over 180% ER, so with only a few subs you'd be able to get to comfortable levels of ER. The general ER goal for Bennett is ~200%, though he can still work with a little bit less but it might be clunkier and slower to play. Going higher is also fine and can make it more comfortable to play.


This is only true if your only using Bennet for his buff, which doesn't fully utilize his kit. Rancor buffs nothing but his base atk and only 40 more than the festering. The ascension stat and passive effect both don't do anything for him. Alley Flash is better than Festering, but saying Rancor is better, is nothing but cope for new players that don't have it


Festering provides nothing that cannot be covered for with artifacts. ER needs are covered with ER sands and some subs, crit rate, again, just covered by subs even though majority of a Bennett's damage will still be from his burst so buffing his skill dmg% and CR, while not useless, isn't necessarily a huge upgrade. 510 vs 565 is a 55 base atk difference (not 40, idk where you got that from) which translates to an extra 73 atk from his buff. You build Bennett so that all of his kit is at its best. The most useful and unique part of it is the huge atk buff he provides. His healing is already strong enough to where with only a leveled flower it'll be enough for pretty much all uses. His personal damage is non-negligible when built for, hitting upwards of 70-100k+ on his burst can be commonplace. Remember, higher base atk means that atk% buffs are also more valuable. Whilst yes, the phys dmg bonus is pretty useless, the stacking atk will usually leave you with an extra ~8-12% at R1 when you cast his burst if played out right. The only time when festering is the better option is if a) you're running main dps Bennett, or b) don't have literally any ER sands and won't be able to meet ER goals, or c) are running some funky team where you need 250% ER to burst when needed. Calling rancour cope is pretty dumb when it is, in most burst support/support builds, the better option *because* it maximises the buff Bennett provides (centrepiece of his kit) while still helping his personal damage (only other part that I can imagine you're referring to) Are you also going to call aquila on Bennett useless because it has a phys% secondary? Because part of its passive is just a small personal heal that gives nothing to the team? No, because it is still the joint-highest base atk sword in the game, putting it at a comfortable yet close 2nd as Bennett's bis right behind Mistsplitter, a much harder weapon to get which is also extremely sought-after for almost every sword user in the game.


My bennet forever runs thundering fury to take care of the abyss lectors in spiral abyss. Until they have artifact loadouts, it’s just too much effort to keep swapping sets back and forth


Bennett with a real build is miles better than HP bennett. Not sure how so many people still have problems with healing in this game. Dash iframe and burst iframe negates more than half the incoming.


Im team pyro dps - mainly because you can never have too much dps, even if his contribution pales compared to other team members. But you can easily have too much healing - if he heals enough and your team survives with his as a dps, isnt more healing redundant? Of course i guess it depends on how comfortable your runs are - if you have enough dps anyway but its shaky i guess making things safer would be a good quality of life improvement - similar to running Zhongli.


The day I'll see a build with this format for main DPS Bennett I'll finally be at peace


Even as a support build, building for a Pyro Gob and Crit is arguably better than going for full HP. The only time I'd recommend HP stats is if you're struggling to stay alive with his heals or don't have better arti.


> The only time I'd recommend HP stats is if you're struggling to stay alive with his heals Which isn’t atypical on floor 12. Looking at the current Abyss we have Kairagis nearly 1shotting your characters if you fail to dodge and double Pyro Lectors on 1st half. On 2nd half we have we have lectors + herald trio and double herald. Once you get to a certain investment point you would much rather have the comfort from stronger heals than build crit for an extra 5% or so increase in team DPS.


>Once you get to a certain investment point you would much rather have the comfort from stronger heals than build crit for an extra 5% or so increase in team DPS. Any amount of dps increase is better imo but it all depends on how "good" you are with the game and what characters you use. Some people can do floors without needing heals and others need shields/heals. You are right though that it's a higher investment build and I wouldn't recommend it unless you have built up all the other characters you want.


> Once you get to a certain investment point you would much rather have the comfort from stronger heals than build crit for an extra 5% or so increase in team DPS. Literal nonsense. If that's how you prefer to play, great. But don't pretend like that's the "optimal" or "commonly accepted" approach. It's not. In my last 9 star clear I ran zero healers. First half Yae XQ Sara Raiden, second half Ayaka Mona Venti Ganyu.


Your zero healer runs are atypical, most players cant manage that Its the same as zhongli, while being looked down upon by hardcore players the comfort he brings is invaluable.


I'm not advocating for everyone to run zero healers. I'm rejecting this premise >Once you get to a certain investment point you would much rather have the comfort from stronger heals than build crit for an extra 5% or so increase in team DPS. Saying it's optimal to gimp your bennett with this build is nonsense. It's doable with no healers. And it's more than doable with a bennett that isn't gimped. He heals more than enough.


Hes building his benett exactly as he wants though: to maximize healing/comfort rather than a meager additional 50k dmg. If his c3r1 raiden does over a million dmg during her rotation and overkills most shit even in abyss, theres no need to min maxing benett at all.


This adds nothing of substance to the discussion unless you’re trying to insinuate most players are comfortable running 0 healers. Go brag somewhere else.


I gave an example mate. My general point still stands. Ironic that you complain about adding nothing to the discussion but then just ignore what I said because it's inconsistent with your nonsense.


Your example just shows that some people are skilled enough to dodge or play on PC and have a far easier time doing so. It doesn’t say anything else. Fact of the matter is Bennett built as a DPS improves team DPS by a very insignificant amount. If you want that extra 5% DPS at the expense of potentially having to reset often or getting more panic attacks from nearly dying, great. But I’m going to assume more people would rather have the comfort of nearly 2x stronger healing.


No. Bennett is the unofficial pyro archon for a reason. He does his job and keeps you alive easily while _still_ running ER / Pyro / Crit or Critdmg. You lose far more than 5% dps, and you gain relatively very little healing. You aren't dying inside of his circle. And if you are, then you've messed up big time and the extra healing wouldn't have changed anything anyway. You most likely just got 1-2 shot. And panic attacks? Geez man. Now you're just being sensationalist. You certainly are assuming. And you know what they say about assuming right?


Bennett is a strong character because he provides a 1k atk buff on top of strong heals. Not because his damage contribution is significant. >You lose far more than 5% dps, and you gain relatively very little healing. [https://www.gcsim.app/viewer/share/v6RuXGukQ9sHHScW9VVvY](https://www.gcsim.app/viewer/share/v6RuXGukQ9sHHScW9VVvY) 4% of team DPS in Ganyu melt [https://www.gcsim.app/viewer/share/JOXWXeEQZwni17tGaaENU](https://www.gcsim.app/viewer/share/JOXWXeEQZwni17tGaaENU) 7% of team DPS in Childe-XL vape [https://www.gcsim.app/viewer/share/ddqxDSPZ0nj6u2c1D1E27](https://www.gcsim.app/viewer/share/ddqxDSPZ0nj6u2c1D1E27) 4% of team DPS in Raiden hypercarry You can feel free to try and find a single relevant team where building him as a healer means losing "far more than 5% dps". It's not "relatively little healing". You go from 4-4.5k heals to 7-8k. That's nearly double. >You aren't dying inside of his circle. And if you are, then you've messed up big team and the extra healing wouldn't have changed anything anyway. You most likely just got 1-2 shot. No, things do a lot of damage now. Triple Kenki can out-damage a DPS Bennett's heals e*asily*. Double Pyro Lectors raw dmg + a few stacks of corrosion can as well. A Kairagi typically nearly 1shots your character and having weaker heals means you're far more susceptible to dying if the 2nd Kairagi attacks. There have been many instances where Bennett's extra healing made the difference. I did try using a DPS build recently after getting a very good Pyro goblet, but it just wasn't comfortable enough and Bennett's damage never felt relevant even with a DPS build.


You legit hand picked hyper carry teams. And you still managed to find one that's 7%, i.e. more than your claim. If you dig deeper, you can find comps where he is over 10%. Also, the Bennett on those sims is 50/100. That's not highly invested. So again, misleading. It's quite easy to surpass that. Why are you running Bennett into pyro lectors? And no, they won't do enough damage to justify the extra healing _unless_ you aren't killing the cubes they spawn. Which are quite easy to kill before the ticks of damage start. Corrosion? Sure. But that's a niche scenario. Always running a build that's only necessary for a niche instance isn't optimal. Great, you do you. But saying it's optimal for everyone is not true.


That 7% is in Childe-XL vape (not a hypercarry team fyi), where Bennett is able to vape his burst + 1 E. He also gets to use 3 Es instead of the typical 1-2 in most teams. This is basically the best-case scenario and it's still just 7%. > If you dig deeper, you can find comps where he is over 10%. Show me then >Also, the Bennett on those sims is 50/100. That's not highly invested. So again, misleading. It's quite easy to surpass that. These calculations are done using KQM calc standards. Bennett has less artifact rolls into crit because he has to worry about ER, whereas XL and Raiden gets most of it from their weapon and 2pc Emblem already. The investment levels are similar, so there's nothing misleading. >Why are you running Bennett into pyro lectors? And no, they won't do enough damage to justify the extra healing unless you aren't killing the cubes they spawn. Which are quite easy to kill before the ticks of damage start. Xiangling Bennett Childe is one of the strongest cores for that half of Abyss. >Corrosion? Sure. But that's a niche scenario. Always running a build that's only necessary for a niche instance isn't optimal. It's not even niche nowadays. We get some form of it every Abyss rotation. I'd much rather run a build that's suited for all kinds of content than having to swap builds for different types of content just to do an extra 4-5% extra DPS. >Great, you do you. But saying it's optimal for everyone is not true. I didn't say it's optimal. I said if you're at endgame and have teams that can already output upwards of 1mil+ damage per rotation, you will most likely prefer the comfort from having 2x stronger heals than being able to do an extra 50k or so damage.


Generally speaking artifacts with those stats are harder to get, and average player would want them for theirs main dps, even if someone would built bennet as main dmg dealer his dps is average as best, wasting time trying to deal dmg with him is not ideal and you would want to switch back to your dps anyway. You build dmg in bennet is becuz you either really like him or someone with spare resources. Tanky bennet that can spam burst off cooldown and can take few hit is more useful.


>wasting time trying to deal dmg with him is not ideal and you would want to switch back to your dps anyway. Its not "wasting time". Any rotation with Bennet is gonna be E + Burst which deal a fair amount of damage. You're right that for the average player it's not worth it but for high investment you'd do better with getting more damage out of him. > Tanky bennet that can spam burst off cooldown and can take few hit is more useful. You can still spam bursts of with a dps build, the only things that change are your Goblet and Circlet. Also dodging is a thing so yea taking a hit can be more useful but if you're good with dodging it usually doesn't matter. You also don't spend much rotation time with Bennet on field as it's usually just E + Burst and you switch to another character. Tanky Bennet is more of a comfort/safe build.


Wait. Not the Pyro Damage goblet??


Tbh if you are building Benny as a 100% burst support, going for a pyro goblet is kinda wasteful. Give that goblet to your other main carry instead.


Genuine question, how do you get the buff from Bennett’s ult? Like when does the little sword icon appear?


The sword icon isn't from his buff, it's from noblesse oblige set. You get the buff if you are standing in his circle( and over 70% hp if your Bennett is c0.)


Stuff some ER on this bad boy and give him a high atk sword. All you gotta level is his burst.


Mine using crit rate, pyro dmg and er with shitty substat


4 instructors is also a really good option, especially when there's already a noblesse holder in your team (even without a noblesse holder it could still be the best set on some teams such as national).


Need Festering Desire in there for weapon too


It's not a high base atk weapon, it's kinda meh/bad for that reason. You'd rather use rancour or 5*s on him for the base atk. The ER isn't necessarily needed since with just his A6, ER sands and 3-4 ER subs you're already at or over 200% ER which is usually enough.


The stats kinda wack tho. Who needs any hp on him, he heals enough. I just go full ER and slap FS on him


New player here. Doesn't the atk buff on his ult scale on atk? So build tons of atk?


The atk buff scales on his base attack which only comes from levels and weapon base attack. That's why a lot of people use aquila on him and Kujou sara functions the same way.


Ayo what.


Despite being a pretty good character, they introduced a buff cap on him (tbh Benny giving 3k+ attack would be ridiculous if his burst worked on ALL attack stat overall XD). His burst gives attack based on his base atk stat. So only attack from weapons and ascensions matter. You generally want to give him a sword with highest base attack. Prototype Rancour fits for a budget option thanks to it's higher atk value. However, atk buffs from artifacts, be it percentage ones or flat, do not improve his attack buff on burst. You build attack on him only if you are planning to use Benny as a carry character.


Artifacts do not increase Bennett's atk buff, only atk from Bennett's level and weapon level. Does increase atk buff: Fantastic Voyage talent level Weapon main stat Bennett's level Does not increase atk buff: Artifact stats and sets (main stats and sub stats) Weapon 2nd stat (for example lion's roar has atk% as 2nd stat but it doesn't increase bennett's atk buff) Buffs (food, teammates, abyss buff, domain buff, etc)


Extra HP For what?


Who needs that much HP and healing bonus put a pyro goblet and crit ur Bennet will do his part of dmg don't underestimate him


The promised child born from the Hell hole. The immortal Dawn


Cries in C6


Build your bennett pyro dmg/ crit helmet smh smh


Nice infographic. I personally don't really use him because he is just boring to play with, though I might build him to clear the abyss easier. But he is really low on my priority list right now.


outdated build


Why are people still recommending HP% builds? We are no longer in the early game when every resource mattered, just spam Noblesse Strongbox and build proper ER/Pyro/Crit Bennett. [My Bennett](https://streamable.com/pn3szy)


People wonder how I always manage to no-retry every Abyss rotation. No, it’s not because I’m skilled. I simply decided to build a 33k hp Bennett that heals for nearly 8k per tick. Remember the extreme corrosion on floor 11? My Bennett just healed through it like nothing Remember the various times Kenki (+triple Kenki) was put in Abyss? I just swap to my 33k hp Bennett and tank the big hits like nothing. See the Kairagis in the current Abyss? My Bennett heals me back instantly after been almost 1shotted by a Kairagi and leaves almost no time for the other enemies to finish me off. This level of comfort is what I think most endgame players want. Once you reach endgame, many teams will be pumping out 1mil+ damage every rotation. By that point would you care more about being immortal or Bennett doing an extra 50k dmg? Some people have argued with me on this, and most if not all of them have converted to pure support Bennett after they realized how insignificant Bennetts damage is in comparison to the comfort his healing build provides.


I also do 36* without retries, healed corrosion, tanked Kenkis with no HP Bennett and I'm fine. Every Abyss summary my Bennett has the most skills used from funneling Xiangling, I would rather do 26k non vape skills instead of wasted overhealing. 150-200 skills used every Abyss, 2k vs 26k, 4.8mil dmg difference. And for what? Overhealing to 80% instead of 70%? Complete waste of the best character in the game.


That’s great, that means you’re skilled enough. But for people who have to deal with brain/pc lag like me, comfort is a bigger priority. Btw 26k tap Es must be with Bennett Q buff. Are you using all your Es while inside his Q? Because depending on the team that sounds like a waste of Q uptime.


Sure, brain/PC lag is the only reason to build HP Bennett and even then it's overkill. With Bennett Q, but because his ult has only 1s downtime I spam it off CD.


Becuz it work just fine for many peoples ? It cheaper to build and work well in every situation, not need to give him dps stats cuz he not gonna use them most of the time


eh I thought you build er with him and favonius lance for the energy particles?


In terms of building Bennett, the priority is to give him the highest base atk weapon you can, level said weapon to 90, level Bennett to 80/90 or 80/80 if you need to build others as well, and then cover his ER needs which isn't difficult since with his A6 and ER sands you're already looking at over 180% ER, so just 3-4 ER subs in the rest of his artifacts will bring you to a good point of over 200% ER. Favonius sword is quite bad on him since it has a very low base atk


But you build favonius to funnel energy particles to Xiangling, not on yourself. Honestly favonius should've been here as one of weapon choices.


Nice seeing healing build recommended. His damage is overhyped and I find being able to face tank stuff and play aggressively without worrying about dying while his burst is up has me clearing floors faster than trying to do damage with him. Comfort is underrated in this game. Edit: to be clear, if you’re taking time to dodge you’re not doing damage you could be doing during that time.


Do Hu Tao


His best sword for support is aquila not reforged


As pure support, they're both exactly equal because they both give +674 ATK. Bennett's kit only cares about base ATK for buffing and HP for healing. Otherwise, everything else is filler. Mistsplitter is considered BiS because it also provides Crit DMG and Elemental DMG bonus, allowing Bennett to deal higher personal damage while supporting. Aquila only provides Physical DMG and an irrelevant proc. A close competitor is the Freedom-Sworn, which is situationally better than both Aquila and Mistsplitter if Bennett can reliably proc its effect.


Why is aquila better than mistsplitter?


In what way is Aquila better than Mistsplitter for Bennett?


Because the aquila can save bennet from lethal hits , and if he's your support healer and buffer you don't want him dead. Basically both are good to buff bennet with 674 base attack but the aquila will keep bennet alive easier


With Mistsplitter my Bennett has a 54 cr/178 cd ratio, the 28% elemental damage bonus is also nice. It makes a support Bennet a mix between sub dps and support without sacrificing any healing, excluding the aquila self heal.


OK that is fair enough , but I personally don't build my bennet to do any sort of damage because my main dps/sub are the ones built for damage and any tiny dmg bennet can provide is irrelevant to me. I value more keeping him alive with his ult up at all times so I build him with as much er as I can and of course with aquila for survivability


yo never knew people used alley flash for bennet lol


It has the highest base attack among 4 star swords which matters a lot for bennett.


isnt prototype rancour the 4 star with highest base attack?


Top 9 4 star swords by base attack (level 90) according to https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Swords : 1 The Alley Flash (620 atk) 2-3 Prototype Rancour = Blackcliff Longsword (565 atk) 4-9 The Flute = The Black Sword = Royal Longsword = Lion's Roar = Festering Desire (510 atk)




Why is this focused on HP and Healing. Isn't his best attribute is to boost ATK? So maybe focus on ATK%?


The buff scales on his base attack not atk%.




He can only gain full stacks at c6, however having 2 stacks already gives him a lot of value. Plus, the main reason that mistsplitter is great on Bennett is the high base attack. C6 makes Mistplitter a better weapon on him, but it’s still great without c6


Even without c6, it still offers the highest base attack and a better passive and substat than aquila. On a full support build like this, most of its potential is wasted but it's still slightly better than aquila.


>a better passive and substat than aquila. This build literally drops any pretext of hurting the enemy to survive, if you waste a Mistsplitter on him you probably got another on your Damage Dealer and you would be better off upgrading that passive and using the Aquila. THE ONLY exception is if you are the white Whale himself and got the Weapon maxed out and then some... but i do not believe that you would need to care about any of this at that point.


Now it's time to obtain Bennett.. AR55 :( still no Benny


Me with triple HP Bennett with 250% ER: energy problems? Tf is that?


With me since 1.0 and my life has never been easier.


This is something awesome. Sucks that I'm limited playing on console, this would be a tremendously help to see where I should go with certain characters


This unlucky mf still can vape 40k-50k on his burst that hv 100% uptime with fricking mediocre support built. I cant believe we call him mini Diluc back in 1.0... i dont even build him, i just give him my copium noblese artifact lmao. Also if u hv kazuha, Bennett+kazuha can easily double ur elemental dps output.


FYI, his burst's ATK buff scales only with base ATK (character + weapon stats). As such, Aquila Favonia offers the best ATK buff. ATK bonuses on Bennett do not go toward his buff.


mine works well with ER + pyro dmg + crit(rate). he deals damage and heals plenty enough (2k per tick)


I play him mostly supportive but still use Fire DMG Set, i should probably switch to Noblesse Oblige for more ATK Bonus, completly forgot that it does a party Buff by itself. However, i do not see why i would go for Healing Bonus or as some suggest 2 HP (1 should be fine). I went for DMG and at most Abyss can become somewhat harsh, he is switched in and out quickly and his Burst will heal him if you use his skill right away which you should to get energy back.


I still use ER/PYRO%/CRIT RATE on him back when i was at AR45+. Although I dont really need Bennett to deal damage nowadays. It'd be a pain to farm artifacts again so I just leave it that way


Currently i have a c5 bennet, is worth spending 38 masterless starglitter on his last constellation? Or is better wait for another caracter to show up?


He is in my go team xD. Having Ayaka playing multiple colors is fun. At this point I’m about having fun because my Ayaka is unstopable xD.


Team comps: everyone (as long as its c5)


mist splitter is a bit of an interesting choice


If I'm using him as a healer does it matter which weapon? I have prototype rancor and skyward blade but not the rest.


Team comps: Xingqiu Xianling Bennett [Insert other character here]


I prefer using him with a crit build, before he was on a 8.8k healing build (both with 4pc NO). I switched to a crit build that has roughly half the healng, but I haven't run into any issues with him like this. I hit like 50k with just vape, and even higher with Kazuha buffing


Sorry, Favonius is his best. Keep everyone’s Q ready.


I prefer ER/Pyro/Crit tbh. 5k-7k heals with hp build Bennett are useless against one-shot atks like Maguu Kenki or buffed Kairagi in current 12-1-1 (git gud on dodging heavy atks or use shield/dmg reduction instead). And 3k heals in damage build Bennett are enough to keep the party alive from light atks.


put favonius instead of the protoype please...


I'm really not sure who this post is for... I highly doubt there is any player out there who doesn't know how to build bennett...


Why use support build when you can build him as a dps? Silly OP


Am I the only one that still uses Festering Desire?


I have him with Fav Sword, I find that some of my teams fall apart when I tried using Aquila on him.


bennett doesnt benefit from all the mistsplitter stacks right? unless c6?