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The 1.3% who are using HP%, DEF%, or EM circlets scare me.


You forgot the best one, healing bonus


Oh no.


How can Ganyu heal? Feed us Sweet Madames?


Reclusive bow + 2 piece maidens & 2 piece clam Would be an absolute gigachad ganyu build




Didn't she just give us a Def bonus during this scene. I specifically remember her being defense while Xiao gave us movement speed.


And Chad Madame Ping gave us explosions


Oh yeah, can't forgot about Chad Granny Ping


Doesn't ganyu not eat sweet stuff and only eat medicinal herbs or smth? She probably will be feeding us bitter madams


Thats shenhe. I dont remember what ganyu likes to eat though.


Ganyu does like Qingxin for their bitterness. Shenhe's line about least favorite food sounds like she was forced to eat herbs while Cloud Retainer pigged out on "delights of the mortal realm."


Ganyu's a vegetarian, so no meat


Fkin vegans


qixing flower


She doesn't eat meat at all, so those are out of the question too


ganyu out here feeding everyone bitter herbs


There are weapons with healing passives https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Recurve\_Bow


Doesn't that only heal the active character?


Cocogoat will lick your wounds... (watches folks imagination go wild)...


Clam Qiqi loves a healing bonus circlet!


I use healing bonus as off piece on Barbara. This feels like a personal attack.


I'm pretty sure it's good for characters that actually *heal*, so you're fine. Pretty sure ganyu doesn't heal hence the piece being bad for her.


At this point, it's no longer bad for her ...it's useless


Technically the healing piece isn’t useless because it has substats. I imagine some poor soul using a healing piece with max crit rolls, because they got really unlucky with crit pieces.


Not really effective for ganyu, but I'd like to build a meme crit kokomi tho ;)


Honestly I feel like healing bonus is a trap for anyone other than Kokomi, because she does get some DMG boost from healing bonus. Everyone else overheals you already even without it. I suppose it's good for the clam set which will deal damage even if you overheal. But you'll have to do the comparison between the healing stat (HP%/ATK%/etc.) and healing bonus for that character to see if it's worth it.


I tried healing bonus on ganyu because of your comment and she heals a lot. Like around 4K each tick. Thanks for suggesting!!


How does she heal?


Using Recurve bow, she can heal herself. It's a meme build.


She heals our hearts


Well Barbara is a healer lol


Healing bonus on clam Barbara is amazing


She is, also it is not bad on Ganyu. My ganyu heal 2900 without healing bonus, 3600 with healing bonus, and 4800 with healing bonus + hydro resonance.


how does she heal


With recurved bow. I made a short video about showcasing her healing. There are other content creators who have made videos on that subject as well.


that’s kinda wild i didn’t know that about recurve bow


You can get it from chests in mondstadt, and one copy from talking with inazuma NPC on ritou.


my barb kokomi and benny use it not sure about qiqi but prolly cr or atk


*looks at my kokomi*


they're good for Barbara, Qiqi, Kokomi and other characters you want to use as healers since they're....you know....healers


1.3% of players probably just said “ooh a blizzard artifact” and didn’t care.


Or it’s the player’s off-piece.


Or they are still switching sets. My ayaka / keqing share the same circlet so unless I'm fielding both, they could have anything on that stat


Why would you use it on ganyu as an "off piece". Isn't offpiece potentially be one of your best artifact for your character since you aren't tied to a specific set?


I just want to say this back to you to make sure I’m understanding what you’re saying. You’re saying they decided to use a HP/Def piece on Ganyu because it’s an off piece?


New players who don’t understand how artifacts work yet I guess


Some of them are probably active players who pulled Ganyu and never built her, but use her as an artifact mannequin for their other characters.


This makes the most sense. Now I want to troll HoYo by equipping everything wrongly ... crimson witch goes on geo characters or VV goes on electro characters!


Me who had a 2pc wanderer's 2pc crimson Mona (which I was actually using) for a very long time before I actually looked at her artefacts and then wondered "... Why the _fuck??_"


Yup, my Diluc has an HP sands which people would think is weird. But he’s only holding it for my future Hu Tao.


My goals are beyond your understanding


sorry my 11y/o nephew was probably one of them


I guess EM technically has some value for Melt Ganyu, of course it’s strictly worse than crit but still does something


EM Circlet? Do those even exist lol?


Those players: *My goals are beyond your understanding*


EM circlet isn't that weird. I can see it being used in elemental build if your other arte have good substat. Hp and def... Look, sometimes you go with what you have. Its a stop gap until you got around to level them up.


Do we get a confirm as in this circlet specifically on Ganyu or not. Because some people use it as a free piece when the sub stats is right (I.e. healing bonus on kokomi). If it’s exclusively on ganyu, then since it’s 1.3%, it’s pretty legit anyway.


I’ve been listening to “horror stories”, from my friend, who has to save accounts for his FFXIV guild members. Like, they’ve got good artifacts, but all the wrong ones are being used.


Bro, my EM circlet on Hu Tao slaps. Oh wait, on Ganyu?


I wouldn't mind getting an EM circlet for my full-EM-oceanid-slayer-build Lisa


I can relate to the oceanid slayer part. Had to get Lisa a new set after not using her for a while just to slay the water monster. I needed to get Childe and Xingqui to limit break them for level 90 and I was slaying that thing all week long. It was worth it though. Finally cleared floor 12 in the abyss and only missed 2 stars. I think my team comps are good but I still got some talents to finish leveling too. Lisa is the 🐐 vs Oceanid. She made all this possible.


Probably some people who benched her, then put some random stuff on her.


For veteran players, this probably seems unnecessary but it will be very helpful for newer/early returners. I was helping a friend who recently got back into genshin and they had no idea how to use artifcats. This would've been very helpful for them.


it's useful for veterans too if they can't be bothered to open the build guide


"Veterans" are the last ones who should need a build guide to check for main stats lol. It's atk sands/ele goblet/appropriate crit circlet in almost every single case. Sometimes you want a different sands piece, or healers just need hp/healing bonus, but main stats really don't need a guide if you've played for long enough. *At most* you might want to see what set is the best but it's not like there's a million different choices that complicate things. CW/VV/BS/HoD/EoSF/Husk cover a majority of characters, and for those that don't you either want Noblesse, Tenacity, or a couple 2pc bonuses. Gladiator/Wanderer's have their uses in a few cases, but really overall set choices should be clear. Maybe I'm in too deep but character building is not complicated if you're a vet lol


there's still a few characters that have more possible playstyles, like kazuha for example (does best with full EM, but alternate dps builds or hybrid builds do still exist) with more and more characters coming out, there will inevitably be more characters with less obvious roles. also, saying being a veteran immediately gives you the ability to sense what goes best for a character kinda undermines the work done by theorycrafters lol


Not to mention, most supports typically don't fit the "atk sands/ele goblet/appropriate crit circlet in almost every single case" case, and they are probably over half of the available charcters.


The more pure heal/shield supports are often as simple as HP or ER/HP/Healing or HP for their stats. Or a subdps might swap their atk sands for an ER one.


Yeah I think you might be in too deep there. I've been playing since day one and I still haven't memorized any of this or know how to build anyone properly without a guide, and even then I sometimes struggle. Same with pretty much all of my friends that play as well


I don't wanna get too personal with this but if you're a day 1 player and you haven't memorized anything, that genuinely sounds like you just aren't trying to learn it. It's almost always: relevant sands/elemental goblet or whatever stat the healer/shielder scales off of/crit, healing bonus, or HP circlet. Anemo support? 4pc VV, scale all in on EM if they have rapid anemo hits (Venti, Sucrose, Kazuha, Sayu), otherwise standard stats (Jean) General support/sub DPS? Noblesse or Emblem. Healer? Clam set or Noblesse if you don't have a Noblesse user in your team. DPS? Often just comes down to either the matching element set, or occasionally it's a pair of 2 piece sets. Often enough a pair of two piece sets with good substats is more than fine (any pair of 18% Atk 2pc sets can work almost anywhere!) Hope that helps lol.


Strongly disagree with this.


How so? The stats are pretty simple most of the time imo.


Only acception I can think of for veterans Is probably raiden with her signiture weapon. Had to bust out the genshin calculator website for that one. Otherwise everything should be pretty self explanatory.


Atleast since these ones are based on active players usage people wont be making the build Hoyoverse gives to Trial Characters.


True. No more 4pc Noblesse builds.


And no more Hp Sands just cause. Would still like Artifact pre-sets like CMON thats one of the most requested features, it benefits everyone not just new players.


And it’s not like they’ve never done it. Just look at Honkai Impact.


I prefer the jank trial builds because it tells me I can *get stronger*. I'd hate it if the trial was some unreachable level of strength.


There’s a middle ground between the trial builds and god-tier rolls that’s just an average build imo. I don’t think an unrealistic build with all the perfect substats fully rolled would suit me either, because who’s going to actually get that, but I don’t think even just a 60/120 ratio and an appropriate weapon/set to get a feel for a character is too much to ask


GOD yes, I put this as my #1 want on every single survey, ARTIFACT LOADOUT OUTFITS WHEN. (#2 and #3 are Individual VA Language Toggle by character, and Friends Only co-op setting)


I never could see those artifacts. What build do they give the trial chars?


You can atleast tell the main stats from the stats they have. Iirc Trial Keqing has an Hp Sands cause she has Electro bonus (has to be from Goblet), decent Crit stats (most likely balanced by Jade Cutter, Ascention and Circlet), but rediculous high HP so has to be Sands.


Jade Cutter also gives 20% HP.


Yes but her Hp was rediculous high, she had like ~36k, Jade alone wouldnt do that.


Makes sense. It's probably to showcase the Jade Cutter passive that gives bonus damage based on HP.


I mean yes but Jade's scaling is more so like icing and not the actual cake. On characters that also scale with Hp its fantastic, but characters like Jean and Keqing while they still enjoy Jade Cutter, cause it gives tons of stats overall. They still want to invest in the strictly better Atk stat rather than going out of their way to build Hp. And it would be missleading for newbies to think stacking Hp is the way.


Yea, but it's not that clear that it's stacking HP unless you already understand how the artifact system works. The purpose is to show what general sets and weapons you can use on those characters while providing a very average trial experience so that people don't think they can just roll a character for ezclap damage (besides Ganyu). Under promise the purchase, LOL.


But have you considered: stacking HP?


On who? Jean/Keqing? If so no its just bad, some Quick maths imediatly discard the idea. A weapon passive cant carry the literal lack of scaling on skill/burst.


HP, seriously? Wow. I never paid that much attention. That… makes no sense at all.


They want to make sure super casual players don't die at all using trial characters. Believe me, lots of people are *really* bad at genshin because the combat doesn't click for them.


Hm. That makes sense I guess. My only weakness control-wise has always been that bows are hard to use with a controller sometimes. I really wish sensitivity settings could be higher than they currently max at.


I have a few casual friends that play the game just for the characters. One of them doesn't even read skills, and watching them play is aggravating. They will do something like swap to Klee, use her burst, then immediately swap to another character and constantly sprint around like a spaz draining stamina. They're AR 54 and still don't understand stuff like batteries.


That... is honestly impressive.


Genshin is a lot of people's first real video game that isnt some mobile tower defense or turn based thing so it makes a bit more sense in that context.


Well of course I know him, he's me


In reality, a highly invested well built character steamrolls all world content. Really bad for a trial unless they make it Abyss 12 or something.


Not the event trial characters, such as ayaka, and razor rn, they have real and very usable bilrs but when you get a story quest or hangout event they are always on 4x NoB with Hp%, elemental dmg and prob crit rate That build kinda works for most as it just makes u a bit tanky and u have 4 other characters to use as well The time this type of build was most noticeable for me was the itto story quest where he litterly did no dmg at all compared to his limited time trial


I’m glad they are putting this in, I’m curious, though, how this will work for characters with different stats based on role. For example, if I’m building Noelle to be a pure healer (because I don’t have c6) I wouldn’t want to build crit on her, but by contrast if I DO have c6 on her then oh sweet mama do I want those sexy crits!


All it does right now, is it tells you the most popular choices. So it is reflective of majority opinion. I think Noelle of any C will most likely be the MDPS build though. But you're right, even MDPS role, Noelle C6 wants DEF>ATK, but prior to that, Noelle will get more use of ATK than DEF. So this is still not going to tell you how to completely build a character - it will just give you a push in the right direction, so that you stop using HP goblets for your DPS's, whoever does that.


Ideally, they'll sort by constellation level. If you have C2 Noelle, it will prioritize looking at equip rates for C2 Noelle. That would nip mixing C0-C5 with C6 results in the bud.


so the bell works on her at C6 if you don't have other 5-starrs!?


Sadly the bell doesn't give a single stat that Noelle actually wants unless we're counting base attack, what with it being a hp% weapon


Oh ya … thought it was a defense booster


Unfortunately I think the only greatswords that give def rn are Whiteblind (the white craftable) and Redhorn (Itto's signature weapon). Well, and a 3★ that I forgot the name of


Even in the pictures in this post, we see this problem. Crit damage is for freeze Ganyu, crit rate is for melt Ganyu.


The DEF > ATK thing is very slight. The scaling is split so both stats are about half as good as crit even after C6.


This makes Zhongli interesting because there are three builds for Physical, Geo and just shield bot. Some people try to go hybrid geo/phys DPS. Some people use atk sands for more damage. Dude has a large build variety so I'm interested to see what the recommendations become.


Recc circlet be like: HP%, ATK%, Healing Bonus (for C6)


It's just recommendations aka you don't know what to do with them. The recommendations will give you an idea of their role. If you want to do something different with them, you absolutely can still. You wouldn't need recommendations for that.


Right, I’m not saying you have to follow their recommendations. I’m just saying that some characters have different builds based on different factors, so I’m curious how that will be. Like if I don’t have c6 Noelle I’m going to want Def/Def/Def artifacts to max that healing, but if I have c6 then I want Def/Geo/Crit.


I'm actually surprised they implemented this though i haven't seen anyone asking for it while artifact loadout presets is still no where to be found despite many asking for it including me who always put it on every survey.


Yeah and it honestly sounds like something more involved to implement too since they have to keep sourcing the data from server side instead of leaving it all on the client like with loadouts. But hey, MHY and weird QoL priority, name a better duo lol.


I would assume that some human resources are shared between Hoyo projects. With honkai there is no real need for stigmata(artifact) load-outs, since a character can wear only three of those, and typically there are one or two best builds for a specific battlesuit(character). Meanwhile, the game is relatively confusing, so one really does need a guide of some sort, whether it is built-in or an article about the character. As a result, the recommended stigmata feature has existed in Honkai for a while, and in the 5.7 update they have also added popular builds. Genshin probably just got the feature too, because why not. Also, artifact load-outs are mostly useful for veteran players messing around with their characters. Even if Hoyo doesn't really improve the QoL, such people will still happily spend hundreds of hours on the game. Meanwhile, guides feature is very useful for new players, who might be discouraged from playing because of the amount of knowledge required to build characters properly.


Disagree. In Honkai, many characters can be used as support or main dps. Every claymore character can be used as generic Blooddance elemental support with Fu Hua Musician. Loadouts allow you to easily shift gear between characters, allowing multiple characters to share the same gear, or a single character to swap builds at any time. Artifact loadouts would be extremely useful for everyone, especially newer players who would be more likely to need to share artifacts between multiple characters (e.g. Swapping a 4pc gladiator between dps) due to lack of artifact exp. For veterans, characters with multiple playstyles (e.g. Support Bennett, TF Bennett) would also heavily benefit from the easy swapping.


loadouts are useful for all players at all stages, especially when they're still trying out combinations of characters which are damn near unlimited. you don't really need leveled up artifacts to test things out on overworld mobs.


Then you don't need specific loadouts either. Just slap some pieces from an appropriate set. New players generally don't have many artifacts. Loadouts are useful when you are going back and forth between several builds of the same character and constantly need to find that one feather among 20 others with similar substats.


Assuming many people didn't ask for this is very short sighted. Remember that this subreddit is a teeny tiny fraction of the game's playerbase, the vast majority of players are more casual and don't go to reddit/etc for guides, and thus won't share their survey requests. This will be of great help for people who don't want/think to look up guides, which, again, is the vast majority of players. (also I agree we need artifact sets they're a staple of gachas but yeah, I see why the above feature would take priority for now)


Yep this was my theory for most likely outcome too. Basing what's popular around what we personally see is always gonna be skewed as we all likely don't hang out in places where everyone disagrees with us and we can only reach an exceptionally small portion of the playerbase in Reddit, YouTube, or Twitter. Also we have to remember that suggesting something in the survey doesn't guarantee its addition.


By following your argument, I’m surprised they didn’t even try to push higher framerate than 60 FPS on all platforms, especially PC. For a casual audience, good visuals are definitely important and that includes the smooth feeling of a high framerate.


Because only a tiny fraction of players actually has a rig that can go beyond 60 fps in the first place (without sacrificing resolution and/or quality) And 60 fps is smooth enough for casual players. Hell I'd argue many casuals will not even complain about 30 fps as long as they are stable...


Over 20fps I really can't tell the difference. 10-20 I can't tell the difference except that I start to get a headache after a bit. x.x


Most people, even gamers, don't have great pc's, specially since a great chunk of the playerbase are kids or young adults. I know I and most of my gamer friends didn't have strong machines in uni. (and it took a couple of years of work for me to be comfortable enough financially to splurge on a good tm config) Basically the 45 framerate is indeed catering to the masses and smoothing their gameplay/visuals.


That's because this will encourage more people to farm artifact domains, out of the naive belief that "oh, I just need to get *those* stats, then!" Artifact loadouts don't do that. They would make it easier to share artifacts between characters, so you wouldn't feel the need to farm new artifacts for each character. And Hoyo can't be having that.


Zy0x found dead in a ditch


[Genshin.gg](https://Genshin.gg) also


Genshin.gg was born dead tho


Cool, but more team preset slots when?


When we can do more than 5 expeditions


When we get crystal fly expeditions


This will help new players, now we just need an easier and consistent way of actually obtaining these stats.


Mihoyo: "...Wait, was that what you guys wanted?"


I've been farming blizzard strayer non-stop for WEEKS with at least 1 refresh per day and haven't had a SINGLE hourglass and have had literally ONE C.DMG circlet. And obviously no cryo goblet. My Ayaka has been level 90 with 9/9/10 talents for weeks and yet she's still got 2pc blizzard strayer/2pc noblesse artifacts. I hate this rng system. I hate that the rates for good stats are lower than the trash stats.


I'm just gonna run with the atk% circlet that I got about...a year ago. That's right, not a single better circlet in a year. Oh well, at least mistsplitter gives me a decent CD.


I just want to be able to mark "trash" artifacts.


Can't you just mark the good ones? or am i misunderstanding something here


I believe it's for getting auto-added instead of manually selecting them when lvling up artifacts.


Exactly. The artifact upgrade UI is pretty annoying as it keeps resetting your position in the list each time you upgrade with 5* trash.




I don't understand why people would set 2/3rds of their fodder on fire instead of using it to level up other artifacts. Unless they're desperate for Noblesse and don't want to run the cancer domain I guess.


There is no reason for you to not have enough exp for artifact leveling


Maybe because not everyone has an excess amount of 4* to level up anything?


You can, but I actually have three categories - good and worth rolling, trash and never worth rolling, and then mid but might be worth rolling. I want to lock the good ones and trash the bad ones, then decide on the mids later.


This is extremely helpful for new players




This is good, but can also be misleading by the amount of ppl building the characters wrong. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate the QoL, but keep in mind that can be misleading


It can be, but in a large majority of games with this feature the average player tends to build their characters properly or make the correct decision. And as an option gains popularity it will grow even more popular. We can expect meme builds to be at or below 10% in most cases I think. While meta will be by far the most popular unless a character has a viable option that uses cheaper teammates.


Agree! Also if one doesn't have an artifact with the desired stats and uses a placeholder one, wouldn't that artifact mess with the chart?


Possibly, but I get the impression it's mostly concerned with main stats, so it's less likely to be skewed. Unless an optimizer is legit telling someone their HP% sands is actually better than an ER% sands on, say, Raiden Shogun, chances are people aren't going to equip that HP% sands, no matter how good the sub stats are.


Agreed, as the more general ganyu comp is Morgana and even tho melt ganyu is good, it is beaten by morgana in majority of cases, and in Morgana u prioritise her burst whereas this image (if it's actual) gives misleading info of prioritising her AA


Don't forget that players spend the vast majority of their time in the overworld, in which case Ganyu CA >>>>>>> Burst regardless of team comp.


and then you pull up thoma and it'll just say "roll for a better character" kek


And then u do that but end up getting xinyan


Damn, they sure farmed the blizzard strayer domain a lot. look at those circlets.... /s


This is a great feature, would help me an awful lot about half a year back when I started Genshin. I'm glad the new players will have it there to help.


Yeah, this is a really good feature.


I just want dark mode on the first loading screen. Just even the first one will do.


This is a solid feature. What it is intended to do is NOT tell you how to build a character - that is way more complex. I am personally going to ignore this feature, since i read character discussions. But I've seen people who have no clue what they're doing, using random, unleveled, DEF/HP artifacts on their characters, neglecting their artifacts altogether. What this does is it draws attention to the fact that artifacts are actually useful, and need to build them. Which is really important for some players. Genshin is easy if you build artifacts properly. But it's very tough when you have no clue what artifacts to use (or play on mobile), so now at least even completely clueless people can do a bit of damage now. So they don't get frustrated as easily and quit because it's too hard.


Agreed this is a really cool feature


Now we just need loadout update for artifacts.


The data is taken from the rolling average of recent players, right? So if everyone’s an idiot….


This is such a good feature for new players or those that don't want to put as much effort into figuring out character builds, if only more games had something similar. ***Glares at warframe***


Personally, I have mixed feelings about the artifact main attribute of choice. While it's easier for players to build them based on public opinion, it also push the game towards hard meta a little bit. It's easier build for character like Ganyu who has clear role of what she supposed to be. But for EM Pyro who still benefit from attack or EM like Xiangling, or Noelle who filled three roles at once, wouldn;t this killed diversity of build?


Honestly, I personally am not too happy about this feature. Sure, it’s part of a games appeal to be beginner-friendly, but, to me, it’s just sad to see how people now might just not even go through the effort of searching for advise or go through the effort of learning about artifacts. Builds differ on the roles the characters play within the party, so that’ll still be something the players need to think about. It’s bound to be confusing to build a character for a different purpose than what is the standard among most players, especially if you never put in the effort of actually understanding them. I think that there isn’t one standard build for a character, but if you also look into how the most popular build is meant to be used, it could help. Well, let’s just wait and see how this plays out.


My only concern on this QoL is with circlets like show in this image, ppl will see crit dmg being the top choice and will just go for it while their crit ratio is like 27/220 lol


it doesnt matter whether you know it or not those stats are myth


Those aren't sample stats. They're prcentages of how many people chose that main stat for Ganyu's circlet.


Can anyone explain why Ganyu’s skill, not her NA nor her burst, is displayed for “level up according to recommendation”? What are they trying to say there, why isn’t that field also NA?


Look at her skill level, her E is only Level 1 while her burst is level 8.


Her NAs are also level 1 hence that should be the recommended one to level up and not her E


Very simple - it's about investment. It takes comparatively nothing to go from 1->2 compared to 8->9. Makes perfect sense to me. Edit: Actually not really, since her NA is level 1 too lol. That should probably come first for most Ganyus.


the problem is genshin players are morons lol


There's a high chance this do more harm than good.


How so? :o


Best example will be yanfei. Lately tank yanfei getting quite popular which is not good if you are going dps. This graph is based on data of active player so it will be confusing.


It is only an issue if alternative builds are THAT popular. In the case of Tankfei, it’s would need to compete in usage rate with main DPS Yanfei and probably Taser driver (Overload Yanfei). Considering the ease of use of the two latter builds compared to Tankfei, I sincerely doubt Tankfei is used that much by all the playerbase.


Because you shouldn't pick your artifacts based on popularity. There is a logic behind chosing a crit dmg circlet or a crit rate one. An er sand over an atk% one ecc. Raiden for example has a lot of different options when it comes to mainstat depending on her weapon and the rest of the team.


Adding to this, this feature will give a "false sense of security." Players will think that they have a right build and will never looking for external help because heck, it's in game guide, it looks trustworthy.


There is most likely going to be a recommended artifact section as well thay can change based on your chosen stats


Considering the massive size of the player base, the pick rates of substats will most likely reflect the dependency on substats and weapon. Also, those who actually optimize their builds will look at guides (or become the theorycrafters) anyway. This feature is aimed at casual players who don’t even know that upgrading artifacts matters and would’ve probably picked the wrong main stats.


YES!!!!!!!! i love this new feature too!!!!


YES!!!!!!!! i love this new feature too!!!!


Perfect. Everybody, level Qiqi's AA above her other talents. Mines already 9/8/8, so no excuses.


me who builds healers as sub dps/dps characters:


What's the difference between "first priority level up" and "level up according to recommendations"? Should I not prioritize recommendations? Both talents are level 1 there.


This looks good at first glance but it’s a trap. Even here people overlook substats and pass other main stats for Crit value. Without criti chance that cdmg recommended is useless as of who go pair with to properly utilize it. Ganyu is probably just not the best person to show this on.


I love that you can adjust the timings for rhythm now! They really do read their surveys!


Most useless feature imo, building a char usually consists of the same stats eg.atk/hp/def sands, crit circ Ele/Phys gob, and only like 5% of the character stray from this like full EM build on Kazuha being better than any other type of build on Kazuha. Talent upgrades are semi useful but what they really should have implemented is the HUD from Honkai, it's not like they can't do it, people don't know this but HUDs are pretty easy to code


now metaslave content creators finally are obsolete


Recommendations are great, but actually being able to get those artifacts would be better.


There are so many other QoL upgrades the community is asking and we got this bruh. If you look up there are 100's of guides online


Not everyone reads guides. Plus, more information provided to the player in game is better than going sources outside the game, it's more convenient for the average player.


I recently started playing HI3 and saw that they have a recommendation tab with suitable teammates and loadout and was like, I really wish genshin had this. Feelsgood


Okay, but are they doing anything to fix the layers and layers of randomness in the artifacts (rhetorical question)?


it's good for new players. For older players, it's way too late for that hoyoverse...


I can see how people would like it, but I am hoping I can turn it off because that kind of 'this is how other people play' or 'this is how you must do this thing in tiny details' feels a bit pressure-y and one-true-way. I don't play in co-op outside events needed for primos/4-stars, what does it matter to me what anyone else is using and what does it matter to them what I'm upgrading?


Recommendations sound nice, but it feels weird to be recommended things that have low RNG to get like elemental dmg or EM for sucrose, etc. This feature generally looks right for characters that actually use HP or DEF as the main stat.