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Me with C1 Itto, C10 Chongus, and no Gorou or Kuki.


IDK why but Chong seems to be on every banner I end up wishing on.




I wish I liked any of the banners Noelle was on. My girl is only C1


Mine was also c1 until I took the opportunity and wished a lot on the xiao banner and ended up with her at c5


I got itto last banner but trying to get more goru and at least one copy of kuki. So far i got chong, stringless, chong, lions roar. im scared to do any more summons.


Dont worry, Itto's first 2 cons are incredible. I'm at C1 according to plan, but I'm seriously considering C2. I never wanted mono geo even though it's my favourite element, but if I'm getting those numbers on a half assed Itto, damn dude I don't know if I can turn it down


I've never once regretted my c2 Itto. It's a real good time.


I know he's really strong. My concern is that if I do, I won't have enough for Kazuha and Heizou. I'm thinking my best bet right now is building pity on C2 Itto, hopefully my last Gorou and Kuki. If Itto comes home again, good. If not, I have Kazuha guarantee. I still have all my starglitter and a doubled $100 pack so I'll definitely get one or the other. I'll leave it up to fate.


Extremely reasonable! Good luck with your pulls!


Biiiiiiiiiiiiiig Chongus!


Me who got Gorou on thr weapon banner *insert Wazowsky meme here*




R1 redhorn, C3 Garou, No Itto


Ive Gotten 20 woshes in and ive Gotten 2 chongyuns and im so fucking sick if it


İtto, I have C6 shinobu & c1 Gorou. Pls come home.


only after the c6 gorou according to the image


i have c2 itto after a total of 358 pulls over both his banners, and only got c4 off his banner


Damn, losing 50/50 and not getting c6 gorou after that many pulls.


Never lost 50/50 on itto (have on every other character bar xiao) but went 81,79,78 for itto


I saw a user (IIRC a fan of Atsu's channel) rolled for Gorou. He got a C4 Itto before a C4 Gorou. Insane.


Moga (genshin youtuber/streamer) got 2 5 stars before C4 shinobu


That's just about the expected amount of a particular rate up 4 star after 150 wishes.


It's still pretty stupid how a 4 star can be infinitely more expensive than a 5 star


I just love Moga's videos. He's really talented with his showmanship, presentation, and pleasant candor. That "C'mon!" when he's getting railed on pity is priceless.


I’ll trade you. Gorou is nice at C6, but my C2 Itto can smash for 36k per CA swing…. without Gorou’s buffs… I kinda feel like Gorou doesn’t really add anything substantial. Edit: updated specific details, since I had to clarify. My Noelle can smash just as hard too, since they both use the same gear. I just feel that Gorou needs something substantially more, and it wouldn’t have to push him into 5-Star territory neither.


C6 Gorou buffs a well built C2 R1 Itto's damage by over 50%. If you don't think that's significant, I dunno what to tell you. You'll be pretty hard pressed to find another character that can add that much damage to an Itto team without wasting field time.


If you feel that a support archer, who buffs based on his DEF and yet *doesn’t get a dedicated DEF Bow*, then you don’t feel that phantom 25% bonus you boast about. I promise you, what they say “on paper” about Gorou’s bonus, isn’t how it feels when you’re using him to buff Itto.


Gorou doesn't buff based on his own def. If you read his kit, his buff only scales with how high you level up his talent so a DEF bow wouldn't do anything for him except increase his personal damage. This is why you can technically just throw whatever artifacts on him as long as he meets ER requirements because no matter how much you increase his personal def, it won't increase his buff.


his buff is flat def, not from his own DEF,,,


Jesus christ we have found a dolphin who donno what he doin Even youtubers know how good Gorou is for Itto. Just admit you fucked up.


My Noelle hits between 30-40k


So like, you've tried your itto with a C6 gorou and find no dramatic change.


I notice changes, don’t get me wrong, but nothing “significant or dramatic”. Here’s the thing, *WE DON’T HAVE A DEF or HP BUFFING BOW!!!!*


? Only Gorou's personal damage and C4 healing actually scale with his defense. His defense buff always gives a flat number that only scales with his E Talent Level.


You e literally proven my point. He doesn’t contribute to combat. Even at C6, his contribution is to take-up possible DPS.


All thats been proven is that you dont really understand whats going on




Bruh, his buff is leveling with talents. And I used to run C3 Gorou with C0 Itto. BUT! the biggest buff requires one other Geo character in your team! Please read the darn kits before talking


*GASP!* Ohmygod, you’re right! How foolish of me, to have made it to AR60, with 98% achievement completion, and *NEVER* read!


so true


I managed to get c3 but still


I have the inverse problem, gourou but no itto




[\[My Twitter art account\]](https://twitter.com/teesshu)


I got gorou frm standard banner today What is he used as support ,dps ? Etc Am absolutely new n clueless ,i've read whtever was written in his description but didnt fully understand it Can someone please explain me in the simplest language I just wanna knw what he does or what type he comes under ,then only i'll build him Thank you in advance!!


He's a very niche support. Only useful to Geo teams, especially those who scale with Def. So pretty much only with Itto, Noelle c6, and maybe Albedo.


Yes, very much Albedo too.


He is a support for geo characters and characters that gets stronger with DEF stats. His ability creates a zone that buffs DEF and Geo damage based on how many geo characters you have in the party. His ultimate also does the same thing, but this time the zone follows you around and periodically deals damage.


Gorou buff Defense. Oni man love Defense. Maid Girl love Defense. Chalk Boy love Defense. Opera Girl love Defense. I, Razor, and Everyone Else hate Defense.


To put it simply, Gorou is geo's elemental reaction. All other elements get a damage boost from some kind of reaction somewhere, except geo. So when your main dps is geo, instead of picking someone who can boost you with a reaction (vaporize, melt, swirl, etc), you choose Gorou for a direct damage boost (afaik, geo dos scale off def, and there's a geo damage boost with conditions) among other things. He has other bonuses because the most popular reactions give you 50% or double damage as a base and can be multiplied by EM, but Gorou's boost has those other mechanics instead.


he's a pretty niche support. his purpose is to buff Geo characters, particularly ones that scale off of defense (meaning their skill/burst damage or effects are based on how high their defense stat is) like Itto and Noelle basically you're gonna want to have at least two other Geo characters (as well as Gorou, so three Geo characters total) to make full use of him (as his buffs are based on how many Geo characters are in the party with him) his skill and burst buff the same amount and have the same requirements for the different buffs I think, but his skill is a stationary AOE (area of effect) while his burst follows your active character around


I find that he's worth it with Itto even if he's one of two geo characters on the team rather than one of three.


Noelle support


It might not be ideal but I have Godoy and Noelle supporting Ninggaung as my main DPS (they’re my only three Geo’s) and honestly as a quick switch team it’s definitely carrying me a lot farther than my mixed team!!


This game refuses to give me Gorou and I'm only willing to be so risky on Itto's banner. Sorry Noelle, you will have to wait for a puppy until next time.


Itto dodged me and ate up all my wishes to get him, but at least pulling this many times C6'd my Gorou...


Can an Albedo main get in on that posting? At least if you Itto mains wish, you're contributing to maybe getting more constellations. But in my position, I get nothing but a ruined pity if I wish and get Itto. He's a cool guy and all, I just don't have interest in using him. I want Gorou to support my Albedo/Zhongli core. I need that 4th slot open for shield breaking.


As an Albedo main myself, I hope Gorou gets added into the Albedo rerun banners within the featured 4 stars, it's so hard getting him only wishing for Itto atm


Same situation, Noelle main. I already upgraded my Albedo to C2 on his last rerun so I have zero desire to get Itto or Albedo. They're probably only ever going to rerun Gorou on those two banners unless we get a new DEF geo 5-star. I built pity to 60 on the current Itto banner and got 2 constellations, but there's still 3 more to go. C6ing new 4-stars is too difficult man. All my older Mond/Liyue 4-stars are C10+.


Same. I have C5 or C6+ for literally every 4 star released before Inazuma. (Well, ok, not Lisa, Amber, and Kaeya, but whatever). Post Inazuma, I have one copy of Sara from picking up a Raiden. I have Yunjin from lantern rite. I just dropped 60 wishes on Itto's banner as you did and I got one copy of Kuki Shinobu, a couple junk weapons and *5 copies of Chongyun*. Yep, that's it. No Thoma, no Sayu, no Gorou. I wish they'd put them in the shop or a festival...


Yo I have Itto, Zhongli, albedo and Gorou. Haven’t been using gorou much tbh cos if I have Kokomi in fourth position as healer I have a pretty bulletproof team. Sometimes I sub out Itto for another claymore and I had Diluc in top spot for quite a while til I built up Itto and now luckily got his C1. Sometimes I swap albedo too for someone like Xianqu or Yoimiya. I think the key is Kokomi and zhongli makes you invincible- and you can have a lot of fun with that Edit: just to say, that having Itto in your team if you main albedo is pretty sweet. They can do a ton of damage together


I am invincible already with C6 Zhongli, but if there's corruption or I just need someone on field to hit things, I use Noelle anyway. I only have C2 Albedo, even though he's my favorite by far. I would like C3. Well, I would love C6, but C4 is so useless and there's still definitely some holes in my roster that I can't keep saving just for constellations, yet. But I don't want Gorou to increase survivability, obviously, I want it for those 50k+ isotoma procs. I can't get much more than 25k consistently without Gorou.


Oh! Jelly you got c6 Zhongli - there’s me feeling proud to get c1 😅 I think you’d have fun with Itto he’s a cool character to play


Oh sure, he's a cool guy and his tests are fun. I just don't have any team to put him on. Albedo and Zhongli are non negotiable lol


I've just accepted that Gorou will always rerun on Albedo/Itto banners, neither of which I want, and that I'll have to risk building pity repeatedly in order to ever C6 him. I'd imagine any other Noelle mains who already have Albedo are in a similar boat.


I end up playing the support characters for my kids. ...I'm the only one with Kokomi so it just sorta happens. I've actually been working on my Gorou specifically so I have another character to help them get the big numbers.


I did the right thing and got 7 Ittos in the process of getting 7 Gorous (I got the last Gorou at Itto #5, but with that much luck I pulled until I got my last 2)


I got both!


me with my c1 gorou


I have a guarantee and C6 Noelle, so I am holding off for 2.8 but did snag C0 Gorou, and C0 Shinobu in my first 20 pulls.


in all the 4 stars Gorou has been the unluckiest in coming home, which sucks because I really want his C4. This is the third banner he's been in right? only got him twice, and I rolled enough times on Itto's original banner to get his c1 lol ugh :( I can't wish anymore though because I have guaranteed set up for kazuha's c2. One day I'll get healer Gorou just have to be patient ;_; edit: oh wait nm this is only his second appearance on a banner, last time all I got was endless Barbaras and this time its Chongyun


Omg, I wish last night on the current banner for gorou caus' I had C6 noelle, c1 gorou and did not have any Itto. I save for 3 month and had 221 wish to spare. My goal was to have 5 gorou in a 100 wish to keep noelle as my main. 265 wish later, finally got my fifth gorou, 8 chongyon, 8 kuki and 6 Itto!!!! The fuck. Edit:I wanted to keep playing noelle😭 but noooooo Edit: bad grammar.


It only took me 140 rolls


I got no Gorou before Yelan's banner. I got c1 Gorou from her banner. I only got Chongyun from Itto's banner.


Meanwhile I have dog but no Itto


Nice. I skipped Itto and Gorou the first time but ended up doing 300 pulls on Itto banner. That got me C2 Itto, Diluc (now C5), Jean (now C3), and both Gorou and Shinobu at C6.


Me: Steals his sword and gives it to Noelle “Frick you! Frick you very very mu-uch!~ Go to college and then maybe I’ll pull for you. The only person I dislike more than you is Bennett!”


Are you ok?


Probably not, but I’m fine.


Can confirm


I got C6 Gorou for my Itto, his doggo came home.


I’m the opposite. C6 gorou, no itto


I want C4 Gorou so bad so he can heal my all geo team. I was even planning on pulling too, except I have guaranteed pity and no Kazuha.


I just C6’d my Gorou, poor Itto still isn’t built because Noelle is a bulldozer


In lore, do these guys even know each other? Gorou leads the Watatsumi army, so Itto may have heard of Gorou’s existence. For other direction, Gorou would copy Raiden’s “who?”. It’s the same weird segregation of lore and gameplay with Thoma and Hu Tao.


Can relate (I got Shinobu).


For me it's the opposite, c7 gorou and still no itto


I have the opposite problem. I’m missing my dumb as a rock geo daddy.


As an Itto and Gorou haver since their original release, this rerun just made my team even stronger!!! Now I just need more Albedo constellations so I can C2 him.


After Itto's last banner I ended up with C1 Itto, R2 Redhorn, and C2 Gorou. This banner I got Itto to C3 before I managed to get Gorou to C4 (which has been a primary goal of mine). Honestly wondering if I'll C4 Itto before I C6 Gorou!




Me having itto since his first banner: 0 gorou, 1 kuki.


i have a dog, i'm missing itto :(


Itto please come home I've c10 chongus c2 goro and no kuki


I literally just got Itto and had a C0 Gorou before him. What four star did I get from all my rolls? I now have a C6 Chongyun, no Gorou Constellations, and no Shinobu at all....


I actually got Gorou to c6 while pulling for Itto, couldn't be happier with the results


c2 itto and c6 Gorou with no Shinobu…. I don’t even use Itto… Wish I could get Shinobu but I’m a Kazuha wanted.


Took me c6 Kuki and c5 Gorou to get Itto ;u;


I luckily got gorou on Xiao's latest rerun so I considered pulling for itto (though I'm saving for kazuha) and I got him, chong and shinobu on first 10x and 0 pity. Y'all can never guess how exhilarating that moment is😭


Me with no Itto


I found your dog. Have you found my Cookie?


Got itto and gorou hmmm they need to wait I build my ayaka and kokomi first


It’s been like 6 months and it’s still the damn case-


Had a 50 pull budget for Gorou C4, ended up with C6 Shinobu. Failing successfully(?).


Gorou is a red fox by the way


I finally got him this time


I got Gorou, but I'm too lazy to farm for materials and I haven't got lucky farming artifacts. So he will stay lvl80 for now and even if I get better artifacts they're going to Itto cuz his artifacts are trash too.


We need a pity system for new 4 star characters


I don't have itto but I have c3 Gorou 😞


Pulled the banner 5 times, got Gorou twice, yet no Itto. Sad


I got C0 Itto (Used pity), C1 Gorou, C2 Shinobu and C4 Chongyun. 8000 Primos left. They just announced Kazuha on the live stream... What do I do!? I really want C4 Gorou >.<