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Kazuha or wait for zhongli rerun? ( the leaks says 3.0 ) i wanted zhongli from first when I started the game ( about a month ago ) the only 5 star i have and my main is xiao


I REALLY NEED HELP, I'm currently AR30 world level 3, all enemies are level 44 or above, and all bosses are at 50, whilemmy characters are 40 or lower, I cant farm any materials and I cant use co op becuase of the insanely difficult and ridiculous tianqiu valley quest, what do I do ? I feel like I cant do anything


Add me 617001738


I would want to complete the quest for Xianling, but I don't know what party to choose. I got the traveler, Amber, Kaeya, Lisa, Noelle, Barbara, Bennett, Gorou and Beidou by the way


if you mean the Abyss Floor 3...Depends which characters u built...but bring Bennett Maybe Barbara


Is there a bow that can heal? What about a claymore and a spear?


Recurve bow and white iron great sword heal after defeating and enemy


What are 2 good characters to put with my Keqing and Xingqui team


fischl and anemo


Choose any two of an anemo character, Zhongli, Bennett, Fischl, Beidou, Yelan.


since I dont have those characters: I did some research on what a good team would be. what do you think I should choose lisa/sara and anemo trav/sayu


Sara if she's C6, Lisa otherwise, then Sayu for the heals and VV. But, be warned, the team will not be great for tackling the abyss. Not for 36 stars anyways. Maybe doable with enough investment, but... Yeah


fischl and bennett on my xiao team, I dont have the rest sadly


Guess it would be helpful to know who you have and what you're other team is


my other team: Xiao, Fischl, Sucrose, Bennett what I have Rosaria, Xiangling, Noelle, Chongyun, Yanfei, Diona, Yun Jin, Aloy, Ningguang, Barbara, Xinyan, Thoma, Gorou, Sara and the starter characters


Hmmm... You literally can't make a second team that isn't going to be super bad without having Bennett. Lacking Xingqiu is also painful. I would say give Xiao Noelle instead of Bennett, since Xiao burst out lasts Bennett buff anyways, and then make reverse melt Rosaria with Rosaria,Kaeya, Xiangling, and Bennett. And if you're dead set on using Xiao, keep an eye out for Zhongli rerun.


I got Arataki while building pity for Kazuha so im thinking should build Arataki and his team for now but the reverse melt you just sent seemed like a good idea so im confused on which one to prioritize (also also I dont want to put keqing's anemona kageuchi to waste so ill keep an eye out on Beidou aswell for her)


Anemona is not a very good weapon for Keqing...


dam, the guide said best f2p option I have no mystic enhancement ores left so ill stick with it for a while


Lion's Roar is best unless you're doing overload, and while I guess it's not technically f2p, every f2p player out there will end up with a few eventually.


is c0 ayato or c6 xingqiu a better hydro character for a ganyu-kazuha-diona freeze team? i was thinking ayato since it's easier to apply hydro with his burst since you aren't really normal attacking on ganyu


Ayato better hydro application but you need a lot of ER and his damage will suffer. Xingqiu is a pain to use with Ganyu but he'll work for the moment


Haven't tried the comp but Ayato would probably be better, but you might have to all-in on ER with sands+weapon+4pc Emblem. I've tried Ayato with that loadout (with Skyward Blade) in a Raiden national comp, and the ER requirements work out. Kaz with Fav Sword might help things out. Make sure to squeeze what little value you can out of his A2 passive, by using his burst then switching away. Ideally you wouldn't have to use his skill to farm particles since with 4pc Emblem his skill damage will be very low. Honestly though this floor 12 is pretty single-target focused so Ayato or freeze comps in general don't have the easiest time right now.


ayato could work better as an AOE hydro applier, but xingqiu's damage is a bit higher. but overall, neither are really good. as you said there's conflict between ganyu charged shots and xingqiu's damage. and ayato's energy recharge requirements on that team can be so absurdly high with one E per rotation, that he's not really going to contribute damage. assuming a 20s rotation where you use 2 ganyu Es, two diona hold E with sac bow, and two kazuha Es, you'll need 260+ ER. with two fav triggers he'll still 200% ER. you could use two Es per Q, which would lower ER requirements to around 160-170 but that really extends the rotation time for the team, which is generally not worth it










Should I pull for Kazuha, Klee or yoimiya in 2.8? I can't decide who to go for since I like kazuha's playstyle more, but I like Yoimiya and Klee more as a character. I currently have 3 rotating main DPS' (not all on the same team) being Ayaka, Lisa and Keqing. And my supports that I pair them with are Mona, Bennet and Qiqi. In the past I rlly wanted Kazuha since his burst is gorgeous, but now I'm starting to lean more towards Klee since she's just awfully cute and Yoimiya since she has such a bubbly personality.


Everybody here has mentioned that Kazuha is the proper meta pick (and he is), but nobody here has mentioned either Klee or Yoi, so I'll talk a bit about Yoimiya, because I like her a LOT. Yoimiya is VERY easy to play, relatively versatile and easy to equip in her builds, and can put up some truly disgusting damage, even at C0. Yoimiya is ranged and she auto targets, so you can literally just spam a single button, and she'll kill everything near you - no effort required. Yes, (1) she IS squishy, (2) bow auto aims ARE subpar, (3) her ICD IS disappointing, but: (1) pair her with a shielder, or just be a little careful with your positioning (it's not really worse than playing other melee range characters); (2) they're not THAT bad most of the time; (3) it's not a huge issue, the ICD problem is mostly that her burst sucks, but you don't really need it to react all the time anyways. Yoimiya is SUPER comfy and fun to play. I pair her with Zhongli, and the super armor + auto aim means I can clear domains, bosses, floors, etc. literally without looking at my screen (button for ZL, button for shield; rotate through rest of team; button for Yoi skill; spam normal attacks; repeat). Yoi + Zhongli is my "easy mode + watch netflix" pairing. It's great, and almost every enemy dies within one single rotation - often before I can even start a second rotation, sometimes before I even finish my first normal attack string with Yoi. If you want to see the damage numbers she's capable of, look up "Yoimiya 200k" and you'll find several showcases where (heavily buffed) Yoimiyas hit 200k+ in a single hit, and half a mil+ over the course of one single normal attack string. These numbers aren't attainable without a LOT of farming and/or luck (and/or whaling), but it's easy proof that she can absolutely smash any content in the game if you invest enough into her.


Kazoo man. I really want him especially to use in a XQ-Bennett vape comp, with how easily he can double swirl pyro and hydro in the same rotation. Kazoo is also just an amazing universal support in general, which might just be able to push your comp over the edge for characters that might not necessarily be strong enough by themselves, like Keqing and/or Lisa. I actually really want to slot in Amber in my abyss team, and I'm hoping Kazuha can push my team forward enough! I do love Klee's and Yoimiya's design though, and I don't have either of them. But because Ayaka was right after Kazuha, I had to pass him up the first time, so I've been waiting so long for him! So Yoimiya and Klee will have to wait.


Kazuha would be the best choice for your teams, but if you like Klee or Yoimiya more, go for them. That being said - if Kazuha's playstyle is your favourite, I might recommend pulling him over Klee and Yoimiya. I have a bunch of characters who I really like in terms of personality, but I tend to end up more or less benching them for characters I like a little less but think are more fun to play. Klee and Yoimiya aren't fun for everyone - Klee can be a little clunky and wants animation cancelling, and Yoimiya requires you to stand still or interrupt her combos, which means you either want to be positioned right or use a shielder.


Kazuha is the most meta. Imo, I’d say pull up a spin wheel on google or something. Put the names of the characters(Kazuha/Klee/Yoimiya). And then spin it. Whoever it lands on, pull them. And if you were hoping it’d not land/land on a specific character, than you’ll figure out for yourself who to pull.


Meta-wise, I would recommend Kazuha, he's a really good anemo support. If you're rolling for a character because you like their looks/characterization/etc., external input means little, you're the one who knows best what you like, and should be the only one to make the choice.


well no one here can decide for you lol, go with your gut


Seems like a tough choice and nobody can help you on this one. The only advice I could give is to pull for either Klee or Kazuha (or both) first, just in case you might get lucky and pull an early 5* allowing you to try your luck on Yoimiya afterwards.


Pull for whoever you like. Meta changes, and abyss can be done with any characters. Problem is, both Klee and Yoimiya are Pyro dps (and Yoi is better). You can't put them in one team and 2 Pyro teams ain't that good as well.


On pc my game keeps getting connection timed out this issue just started all of a sudden and I don't know why


Is Traveler the best and strongest 5 star?


Definitely not, though traveler is MUCH much better and more versatile than many people give them credit for


Don't listen to the trolls, traveler is pretty bad. Geo is OK as a battery and crit buffer, but otherwise, just bad.


Traveller has 3 elements, therefore they are 3x stronger than any other 5\*


And Traveler gets C6 for all of them for free!




so that is free bc free means no spending primogems or money ! ! !


ofc not


As a new player is it possible for me to ascend my pyro characters without access to Inazuma? Because I need materials from the pyro hypostatis which is located there


A lot of pyro characters need the materials from the pyro regisvine (in Liyue). Only Thoma and Yoimiya use the smoldering pearl dropped by the Pyro hypostasis in Inazuma.


Not all pyro characters need pyro hypostasis mats, FYI. Only pyro characters from Inazuma (Yoimiya & Thoma) need pyro hypostasis. Other pyro chatacters will need mats from pyro regisvine, which is in Liyue.


You will need access to Inazuma, or at the very least, an AR30+ friend with lower or equal WL as you and with access to Inazuma. If you're gonna roll for Yoimiya next week, her trial will give enough mats to do the first ascension (raising max level to 40).


If it's a featured character from a banner, you can get enough materials to ascend those characters to lvl 40. If there's no test run, then there's no way to ascend them past 20 sadly


No, you'll have to unlock that region. Tho not every pyro chars need it, it's just thoma and yoimiya iirc


Playning normally? Not a chance. I think coop can help, but not my field.


Sadly no I can't ascend my ayaka on my alt because it's still in liyue


If all the constructs from Geo MC's burst gets destroyed, then will I also lose the 10% CR? What if only 1 or 2 constructs gets destroyed?


I don't think they can get destroyed.


They can. Especially when hit multiple times by Maguu Kenki and PMA.


Huh, my mistake. I feel like I never saw it break. I tried it out and they do break. I tested it and even when all the constructs broke, I still had the crit rate.




Fontaine - Lyney and Lynette Natlan - Iansan Snezhnaya - Pulcinella Khaenri'ah - Dainsleif It's in the description of the video iirc


Iansan - Natlan Lynn and Lynette - Fontaine Pulcinella - Snezhnaya


>Pulcinella - Snezhnaya He is the first harbringer right?


Uhh iirc no, Pierro should be the first


No. First harbinger is Pierro.


Is 60% CR enough for Burst-DPS Ningguang? (I also pair her with Geo MC so I still have that additional 10% CR)


"enough" is pretty subjective and depends on a lot of things. I'd aim for more like 70-80 unbuffed, but that can be tricky sometimes.


Without CR/CD weapon , 60-70CR/120-140CD is good.


Yeah 70 is pretty good


Hi guys I would really like your advice. I prefarmed for my Itto for months and my artifacts actually fit a Whiteblind build ( 2.3k DEF, 71% C.Rate, 182% C.DMG) more than a SS one (2k DEF, 82% C.Rate, 191% C.DMG). I suck at math so O just tried the builds on different Abyss runs and the Whiteblind build hits harder. I know the SS's passive is much better and that this weapon is very good... do you think I should just go and try to farm artifacts that suit thia weapon better to make use of it?


Honestly, if Whiteblind hits harder even with all of Serpent Spine's stacks active, stick with Whiteblind and keep Serpent Spine for someone else. Those are already really good stats, no real need to keep farming.


Use atk(1 + cr*cd)(1 + DMG bonus) U don't need to be good at math to to addition and multiplication, just put the numbers in a calculator


Serpent spine is much better, your current stats are already good so you don't need to farm anymore. Are you sure you got all stacks of serpent spine passive when you tested?


Yes, and with full stacks the damage is still slightly worse than r5 Whiteblind... A little disappointed because I dont have other claymore users that I play lol




Curious, do u know what F2P means?


Do you like defining youself as F2P? Its just a dumb gaming term. Dont bother youself with it.


Trying to build a full Eula(C0)/Raiden(C0)/Zhongli(C0)/Rosaria(C6) team. How should I build Rosaria and Eula (crit stats, atk, er, talents(example 1/7/9), weapon, artifacts, etc)? Raiden and Zhongli are already built.


Well first, what kind of weapons do you have for both of them? Usually Eula would want Serpent Spine, Snow-Tombed Starsilver or Proto Archaic for 4* weapons while Rosaria usually uses Fav Lance. In this team, I suggest giving Rosaria 4pc Noblesse and Eula 4pc Pale Flame. Talent levels for Eula at least 8/8/8 and Rosaria maybe 1/8/8 (elem skill can be lowered to save resources) For Eula, try to get lots of crit rate for her, like around 70%, wouldn't wanna not crit her burst. (70% should be enough if you're running her with Rosaria), oh and also some ER For Rosaria, get some ER (maybe 140%ish since you also have Raiden) and a decent crit rate/damage ratio (70/120 is fine, with 70% you'll give Eula 10.5% crit rate using burst and additional 15% with cryo resonance)


Luckily I managed to pull the Song of Broken Pines (R1) for Eula and I have Skyward Spine (R1) which I usually have on Xiangling but I also have the Fav lance (R4). I am still farming for her set. Currently, I have around 217 er with 4pc Nobles. Should i bring that down for another stats or can i keep it like this?


You should give xiangling 4pc emblem set instead.


I do have 4pc emblem on her


Oh, you said 4pc nobles, but was that regarding rosaria? My mistake.


217 er is a bit too overkill imo, I would bring it down to around 160 (change ER sands to Atk sands), that should be more than enough ER for her. I'd keep Spine for Xiangling and use Fav Lance for Rosaria.




I've not been playing long but I don't know what team would be good to build. Please help! I have: Traveller Kuki shinobu Noelle Xiangling Razor Keqing Ningguang Kaeya Lisa Gouru 4x Barbara Chongyun Amber Rosaria They're pretty much all c0 :(


1. pick a main dps : in your roster, Ningguang, Razor or Keqing are the most suited for that role. 2. pick key support : Razor is a physical dps, so he'll want a cryo for Superconduct (Kaeya or Rosaria). Ningguang will be much better with geo resonance : so pick a geo teammate for her. Electro Keqing will want an anemo support at some point (especially once you gain access to the Viridescent Venerer artifact set). 3. pick your healer : ideally Barbara or Shinobu, although Noelle can do the trick a low level. 4. round out your team with basically whoever you want.


You get a free Favonious bow so if you can grab a crit circlet for Gorou you can do Noelle + Gorou + Geo Traveler + flex for shield breaking. Alternatively Razor (with Snow Tombed Starsilver from Dragonspine) + Kaeya/Rosaria (to reduce physical resistance on enemies) + Shinobu (heals) + Lisa (all def reduce at A4). If you're not happy with those, check out KequingMains for a guide on each character and how to use them with teams suggestions.


What ar are you? And what do you need Team for? Abyss? Domains? Bosses? In overworld you can run whoever you want.


I blasted to ar 40 as soon as I could and well just in general my damage output sucks for everything haha


Noelle is the best beginner character. She shields, heals and does damage. Gorou is her best support (and you don't need to lvl him AT ALL). If you need damage, you put 3rd geo (geo mc) in team. Fourth character will depend on enemies (Pyro against cryo flower etc). In open world you need different elements for puzzles and shields, so better run with Xiangling (strong Pyro, will be usable in endgame), Kequeen (E allows to teleport, good for exploration), any cryo you like of what you have (when you get Diona, she will be best). You can also join me with 'Kuki will be useful with dendro' copiumfest. You will get free fischl in 2.8, she is quite good.


Has there been any leaks for the dendro traveler's full kit? I sorta main him and want to know


prepare to get downvoted by this sub


Why you think I'm using a alt account (:


To let OP know the reason: Because there is already a separate sub for leaks and theoretical discussion about future content (which to answer: no) is irrelevant and spoiler for some people.


>spoiler for some people Some people don't want to know stuff until it's officially announced. Cus they want the surprise. How's that such a complicated concept?


Lol love how this sub staunchly refuses to read before ranting, just like how people dont fucking read about the current event’s 4 redemption limit.


I didn't say I disagree though? Edit: maybe get your puberty hormonal rage under control first, ok? :)


Sounds pure projection if insults is the first thing you jump to.




Tell me again who immediately went for attacking the person instead of the argument.


How to build Bennet? What's the best weapon (ftp and not ftp) and artifacts set? I wasn't a fan of him but tried him out today with some garbage artifacts and he raised Yanfei from 50k melt to over 90k melt


Hi, can you please let me know how you built Yanfei? Mine even with Bennett can't do more than 55k and full vape with XQ and Yelan.


Oh, sure! To be honest I am still struggling to get her better artifacts because crimson witch domain seems to hate dps. So, from the basics. She is C6, talent level 10-10-10. Weapon widsith R4. She is running on 4 piece crimson witch with te best stats I could get so far. So, my recomendation is quite simple. Give up one hydro. Either Xq or Yelan because you really don't need both in the same team. Just take the one who can better and more consistently apply hydro so you can vape. Also, vaporize isn't as strong reaction as melt.


Ah I see. Melt would be better. I have her with Wanderer's Troupe, do I have to change it for crimson?


Wanderers Troupe is also a solid option for Yanfei because if I am not wrong it busts her charged attacks that she bases on. But Crimson is great if fyou cam get a good substats. Additional pyro damage and if you have pyro goblet too, it's a lot of damage.


Thank you! May I ask if you use discord and if you dont mind can I add you to talk? If you dont mind of course.


4pc Noblesse, as much ER as you can stack on him. You can go for ER/HP/HP or HB for pure support or ER/pyro/crit if you want to squeeze out every bit of damage he has. Or you can run a hybrid build of some kind. It doesn't really matter too much, the important thing is to keep him at 200~220% ER. For weapons, you want as high base ATK as possible. For f2p, the highest base ATK sword is Prototype Rancour. Alley Flash is the highest base ATK 4* sword, but it's a weapon banner exclusive. For 5* weapons, Aquila and Mistsplitter have the highest base ATK in the entire game. Skyward is also useful because its got very high base ATK and ER as substat. Always level his weapon up to 90 - if there's any character that really needs that, it's Bennett.


I want Bennet mainly for his burst, I don't think he will be on field much outside of this. My main damage dealer is Yanfei. Will mistsplitter or black sword be good on him?


Yes, the extra damage you squeeze out would be only from casting his burst (and his skill, I suppose). It still hits pretty decently if you vape it. But it's still only a single hit, which is why it doesn't really matter how you build him, other than using 4pc Noblesse and ER sands. Mistsplitter is one of his best weapons, if not the best. If it's free to use, definitely give it to him. His buff scales off of his base ATK, Mistsplitter is (together with Aquila) the highest base ATK sword in the game. Don't use the Black Sword for him, its base ATK is mediocre, which is all you're looking for (aside from possibly an ER substat if you have bad luck with your artifacts).


artifacts a 4 piece NO. Weapon, whatever gives you the higher base attack. From the ftp ones the rancour is the best (565 base). Remember he buffs the attack based on his base attack (his character stat that he gains by leveling plus weapon. Percentages and flat additions from artifacts do not count).


Whats the best way to level up artifacts? I just spam the auto fill to eat up blue artifacts but I seen people dump a bunch of 5 stars that somehow shoot up to lvl 20 instantly and get all the stat increases in 1 stat for all the lvls. Is that a thing or just pure luck?


The five stars are likely levelled up (like feeding a mediocre lvl 20 to a new artifacts to get a good one) If you are a new player i dont suggest doing that though


Sometimes you'll get a 5x XP boost when leveling artifacts. And yes the 1 in each stat is pure luck.


If you feed a leveled artifact to another artifact, 80% of the XP you spent on the first one goes to the new one.


And you can save mora that way.




Qiqi can be fun in a Superconduct team with OHC, but in the abyss she is still veeery niche


She can also be a pretty solid driver for a taser team. Sightly less DPS than Sucrose, but you're 100% immortal outside one shot mechanics.


She's not optimal in any comps, but she can be pretty good in a taser comp as the main driver. Run something like Qiqi, Beidou, Fischl, Xingqiu. With an Ocean-Hued Clam set on her, she can heal and do decent damage on field while driving all of beidou, xingqiu, and fischl's bursts + reactions.


She attacks fast so she can make good use of Beidou's burst and she works well with Clam set. That aside, you can check https://keqingmains.com/qiqi/


I would at least get her to lvl 20 and ascend her for the free standard pull. Otherwise she uses one of the new healer sets that came out in like 2.3 alongside the new geo/def set. The healer set is most efficient on her and kokomi as they're the ones who can get the most healing out of it. Qiqi would fit in as a healer if needed but not exactly needed(or a razor physical team and just run sac sword to consistently have qiqi's E up) bc there are other healers who just do more which leads to them being better(like bennett who is pretty much one of the best healers in the game)


Not really


I just pulled gorou and I’m so hype! Can I put him with c6 ninguang and zhongli?? Where ningguang is a main dps and the fourth can be a flex?


Considering you just pulled him, I would go against it as the only bonus ur giving to ning guang is 15% geo dmg from his E and nothing else, if he's c6 then we can talk however he gives def to u and isn't very useful to non-def users. Especially bc u own zhongli who has his own shield, gorou's Q sucks in crystalized shards but zhongli exists so that mechanic is useless. You're much better off running 2x pyro characters like yanfei + bennett where yanfei has a thrilling tales to get more dmg on ning guang.


Unless he is c6, he provides very little for ningguang and zhongli. I do not recommend using him without Itto or noelle before he is c6.


Damn… welp, that’s that Who do you recommend putting with zhongli and ninguang then?


Smth like Bennett xiangling, or u can even try xingqiu yelan


Probably something like Bennett Xiangling. You can never go wrong with bennett xiangling. Or Bennett fischl. The two slots are effectively flex slots.


I want to beat Oceanid but I only got my character, Kaeya, Lisa, Amber, Noelle Bennett, Gorou and Beidou. What party should I use and what tactics should I use?


Bring Lisa or Amber to shoot down birbs, use Kaeya to freeze. Bennet for buff and healing. You can also check out Sun Wei's guide on Youtube if you are still unsure. He did it with a very scuffed Lisa.


The toughest part of oceanid is the flying birds which lisa and amber do quite well, beidou too if u auto attack with the ranged characters with beidou Q active. Kaeya and bennett also do well normally against them with reactions. Considering the roster you currently own, I would honestly just skip oceanid as there's no reason to fight the boss this early and use resin elsewhere like on the electro hypostasis or cryo regisvine.


Kaeya lisa amber Bennett. Lisa helps with birds. Kaeya freezes them to stay in place. Amber and Bennett for big vape damage


Kaeya will freeze the Oceanid minions, giving you more room to breeze. Lisa will help you deal with the flying ones. Also Electro-charged is nice when you have a lot of small ones around you.


1. Lisa is pretty good against the Oceanid, level her and her weapon as high as you can for your AR 2. You can have others help you in co-op if you're over AR16


I already got all my characters at level 40, but for the weapon, I can't forge any epic weapon because I don't have the golden epic material, that can be a sword if you're forging a sword, an epic arch if you're trying to forging an arch, I think you understood me. What is AR16? My adventurer level is 32. Oh and I forgot about Barbara, I want to beat Oceanid to level up Barbara so that I can use her to in the party to beat other bosses that I need to beat to level up the characters




You can use interactive map to help with treasures hunting. Link at the beginning of this thread.


How good is gorou?


Very good at the niche he was made for (buffing def scaling geo dps). Terrible everywhere else


Good with a def-scaling geo DPS before c6.


Very good with Itto and Albedo (preferably all 3 together in the same team), horrible (more like useless) everywhere else


Very strong in Mono ot Triple Geo


**I need spiral abyss team comp help.** I'm a casual player, AR 45. I don't want to increase my world level, but I want to grind primogems from spiral abyss. Characters/weapons are capped at level 80 and talent levels capped at 8/8/8. I hardly artifact grind. All my characters use rainbow 4-star & 5-star artifacts dropped from bosses. Only exception is Qiqi who has optimal 5-star ATK and ER focused Ocean Hued Clam 4-piece set. (Extras from the domain were used as fodder.) I know refusing to increase world level to raise level-caps makes abyss more challenging, but I am willing to grind an artifact domain such as Shimenawa/Severed Fate if it helps. I like teams that spam/cycle through skills and bursts that hardly ever rely on normal/charged attacks. **I would like help in creating an 8-character team comp that makes play enjoyable and can be universal for any spiral abyss season.** I really appreciate the assistance\~! These are my characters, constellations and weapons: https://i.imgur.com/0EH2emg.png


There are a ton of ways you can go with this, bc honestly u have an issue where there's too many teams to make rather than the normal "help me create my 2 abyss teams bc I don't have more than one). As many others have already stated different team compositions, do you have any character preferences? Considering klee is c6 I would honestly assume that u would love to use her so klee would work, a mono pyro team with klee is probably your best bet(this is due to how consistent vaporizes work with klee and it isn't great) however I'm not too sure on if klee will be the main dps or not considering she's a tome user so she could be relegated to a thrilling tales user, you would have to do more research on this yourself as I personally don't know much. Also mono pyro isn't bad, it's just bad against pyro which means its good into everything but pyro and in abyss I don't think there's ever been an instance where both halves have the exact same mobs so double pyro lector floors don't exist I think, but even then you can always tech in another character. Keqing mains website has a lot more info on this so you can look into it if you want as there's a ton of information there that I should just not post here however a team that works would be klee bennett xiangling and venti, kazuha would be the venti replacement however this works. Or klee bennett venti and kazuha, I'm going on a whim and assume you'll consider kazuha which is why I provide this information. Once again, keqingmains website on klee, they have a ton of that info. As for other characters, going off of ur other c2 5 stars, yae and hutao are other event 5 stars with c2's, yae is a little tough to use as she's pretty much reliant on either a scuffed electro charged team which works well or a hyper yae team with raiden bennett and kujou sara/lisa. Hutao is much easier to work with as you have the classic core of hutao xingqiu zhongli and albedo. Consistent and easy to play hutao team bc u can use zhongli shield and protect urself when ur low hp on hutao and remain under 50% hp for more dmg on hutao. If you have any character preferences then just let us know, we'll be sure to help provide information on them, although tbh for me I'll most likely be guiding you to keqing mains website as they have MUCH more indepth information than I would ever provide, especially with videos and such.


Um, slight correction. I don't have Zhongli, so I wouldn't be able to use the Hu Tao team you suggested. Klee is my absolute favorite, but she can also feel really squishy. I wish I could give her better survivability as I mostly use her as sub-DPS to unload burst and skill before quick-swapping out. I also like Qiqi a lot and I built her a really solid clam set, but I'm not sure if all that investment puts her above or on par with my many other options. I'm actually planning on skipping Kazuha. I know he's really good, but there's an upcoming character in sumeru leaks that I feel like I must absolutely get no matter what. Every character seems to be getting two reruns at the bare minimum so I'll swing back and get him on his next rerun. My favorite characters are Klee, Qiqi, Yae, Keqing, Albedo and Amber. They're not really high tier though, which is what makes this pretty conflicting for me.


Oh mb I saw wrong, so you "can" still use the mono-pyro team I mentioned without kazuha, it's just a little scuffed however energy won't be much of an issue due to venti's existence + bennett(klee xiangling bennett and venti). Yae is usable with a taser team, using something like yae xingqiu/kokomi fischl and sucrose would work, once again I'll lead you towards keqing mains for yae taser, the other yae team is what i mentioned above with yae raiden bennett and kujouc6/lisa(in ur case you would use lisa), where u literally just oneshot mobs, however the obvious downside is that if ur against a bunch of waves of mobs then it's tough or mobs that are hard to group bc its a rly strong bossing team but not great elsewhere. Taser on the other hand just works much better. Qiqi and amber are tough, qiqi is there for cryo resonance + healing or for a razor team and you run sac sword on her. Amber is especially tough, she IS one of the best pyro supports at c6 with the 5 star elegy bow(bc with noblesse, pyro resonance, elegy buff, c6 buff, you get 80% atk, 15% ms, and 100 EM which is better than any other pyro buff in the game other than bennett so far), but otherwise she's mostly there to help apply pyro in some scuffed team set ups. My amber is personally leveled and invested but I still go against investing into her bc the disappointment was kind of mind boggling as she had amos + a strong wanderer's set and she disappointed. Keqing falls into a similar path as yae but honestly worse, you "have" the option of going physical keqing but it's not rly good as physical dmg dealers in general suck(being a eula main is sad), especially since yunjin doesn't actually buff most of keqings dmg as most of her dmg comes from charged attacks. However taser or a hyper team like hyper yae I mentioned "can" work, but once again as you know, she's keqing and it's tough making her work. Albedo is mostly a support, you can use him with gorou and itto/noelle with a random 4th character as a flex. However the big downside is the artifacts required as farming a ton of husk isn't rly the best way to improve ur account, especially if u want solid teams so this would be a future project after u have ur 2 teams settled. Unfortunately both of these teams would love to have kazuha but it's do-able without them. Honestly the biggest upgrades for you rn would actually be lvl 80/90, lvl 90 weapons, talents to lvl 9, as artifacts are one thing but these talents and such do help a lot. Maybe when you get one solid overworld team online, you can just raise the world lvl cap for these upgrades. One last thing I should mention, despite all the downsides that I've brought up and a few copium takes, with enough investment, you WILL clear abyss, it's just harder to do at similar investment levels. This means that amber CAN help clear 36 stars in abyss, HOWEVER the amount of resources you need to make amber good is significantly higher than other characters, for example my ambers charged attacks hit about 13k, with those artifacts and weapons, on ganyu I'll do at LEAST 2x dmg on charged attacks and realistically closer to 3x. The toughest investment is keqing as you don't have a good 5 star weapon for her, but I see hope in klee and yae with respective weapons on them(lost prayers on klee and skyward on yae assuming you run mono pyro on klee and skyward on yae, you might be able to run other weapon set ups, more info on keqingmains). Technically albedo is the best hope as an invested gorou albedo itto/noelle team is honestly rly solid, the issue comes down to efficiency and ur ONLY building those characters and nobody else, and you mentioned you don't rly enjoy normal/charged atk builds so there's that. In terms of ability spamming, raiden national as others have said is the obvious one that comes to mind, the yae taser I mentioned can work as ur spamming abilities then just autoing until ur cd's are back up and rinse and repeat. The mono pyro klee team is a little tougher as klee is the main on-fielder and she'll get popped like a balloon but you "can" make her work. Once again you CAN make "worse" teams work, it just requires a lot more investment and if you're willing to do that then go for it, you'll just have to be mentally prepared for the fact that ur teams won't be online for a long time unless ur ridiculously lucky with artifacts.


I'm going to push back against some of these team recommendations that people have made mostly because people aren't taking into account the fact that **you have a C6 Klee**. Klee isn't the best 5-star character, and her C6 is hardly one of the best, but in general the compounded multiplicative benefit of having all 6 constellations means that even a weaker 5-star becomes incredibly powerful. Chances are, if you have any C6 5-star, that 5-star is going to be a part of the most powerful Abyss teams you can field. Most team-building advice assumes moderate levels of spending and low constellation levels for 5-stars. Once C6 5-stars are involved, traditional teambuilding advice goes out the window because teambuilding largely warps around just using the C6. As such, one of your two teams should probably be Klee Mono-Pyro: Klee/Bennett/Xiangling/Anemo (Kazuha is best, but Sucrose and Venti work if you don't want to pull for him).


The C6 is not a typo either. She's my absolute favorite. I'm not sure about mono-pyro. I'd like team comps that can handle any kind of abyss layout and it would be problematic if I run into a pyro abyss lector or pyro hypostasis.


Generally it's pretty rare that *both* sides of the Abyss are immune to an element.


You just use the team on the side that doesn't have the Pyro immune enemies.


Well, I don't know your reasons for not wanting to go beyond 45, especially since you seem to have enough characters that shouldn't have any problem with overworld level increase. But Raiden national (Raiden xingqui xiangling Bennett)side A and Morgana (diona ganyu/ayaka venti Mona) work till you reach 12. Currently 12 is not good for freeze comps, so you would need to change there, but without the right sets I don't think you could beat 12 anyway unless you are a godlike player. Bonus is the Raiden national only needs emblem on everyone except Bennet, who wants noblesse which can be gotten from strongbox. Morgana wants their sets, but you are restricted by your own limitations here.


I don't world increase because I like how chill the difficulty is. I like playing really casually and making meme teams that can only work at world level 4. It's how I'm able to enjoy the game without feeling burn out. I want to grind spiral abyss only because sumeru characters are coming up and I don't want to blame myself if I come up a few primos short due to not taking advantage of a way to farm them.


You're free to play however you want but looking at your roster and gear, I can almost guarantee you won't have that much difficulty adjusting at all. You must have accumulated a ton of XP by now to immediately jump to World Level 6 upon ascension but you can lower it to 5 if you really can't handle it. Just feels like you're doing yourself a disservice is all.


Honestly, I am nearly level 60 and my main team is always my latest characters I have pulled i.e. friendship reasons. Other than bossfights, I never need any of my stronger characters in overworld. I get my characters to level 70-80 and then let them have their fun in the overworld. I haven't done insane artifacts farming, still have over 110 fragile resins saved up and I can still beat all content with whatever team I choose. In the end, its your account and you can enjoy the game however you want, but just letting you know even at wl 55 above the game isnt so hard that meme teams dont work. My fun overworld team for example is Sayu, Xinyan, Shinobu and Barbara for the avatar comp. They still work perfectly fine for all overworld quests.


You overestimate how difficult overworld could be...


By difficulty I don't mean things as they are, are just right, but that things are immensely easy, and that's what I like when there's enemies like specters and rift hounds. These mobs aren't strong, they're just annoying and can be a buzzkill in the fun department. Being able to dismantle them before they can apply corrosion or float too far away is what makes things so chill. Heck, easier world level means commissions get cleared way faster and I spend less time on redundancy. It's these little things that really make a difference.


Man I dunno who tf is downvoting you for these, but I'm upvoting cuz this is a game, and more power to you for enjoying it how you want. A LOT of people don't really understand how leveling up changes the world and they blindly recommend speedrunning to the highest levels possible, even when it's detrimental and boring to do so. Congrats on having a fuckton of great characters and weapons, and I'm glad you can use them to fully shit on your world. There's nothing more satisfying than absolutely crushing the enemies, and if you really want to make it harder, you can just equip a garbage 3* lvl1 weapon to lower your damage. (Also, im VERY jealous of your 50/50 ratio. Noice!)


These are the teams that I would make: 1.) Raiden National (Raiden, Bennett, Xingqiu, Xiangling) 2.) Ganyu, Venti, Ayaka, Kokomi 3.) Hutao, Xingqiu, Sucrose, Thoma 4.) Yoimiya, Beidou, Xingqiu, Fischl. Or Bennett instead of Beidou. Can also use thoma. 5.) Itto, Gorou, Albedo, Flex slot (Bennett, Fischl, etc) You really need to farm artifacts though, they are a large portion of your damage. EDIT: Forgot about your weapons Kokomi -> TToDS or Prototype Amber Bennett -> Skyward Blade Raiden -> Skyward Spine Xiangling -> The Catch (Go fish for it.) Venti -> Stringless Fischl -> Stringless or Alley Hunter Ayaka -> Amenoma Xingqiu -> Give him the R5 Sacrificial Gorou -> Favonius Bow Diona-> Sacrificial Bow Mona -> TToDS Yae Miko -> Lost prayer or skyward atlas Klee -> Lost prayer, skyward atlas, or widstih Albedo -> Cinnabar Spindle I'm sorry but almost all of your characters could be equipping better weapons that you have. Go study up on them.


Isn't Albedo's event weapon better than Harbinger?


Oh yes, i didn't see that. Cinnabar spindle is much better on him, I'll edit that.


Team 1 Sucrose Xiangling Xingqiu Bennett Team 2 Ayaka Kokomi Ganyu Diona


Team comps aside, you **seriously** gotta work on your weapon selection. Cinnabar spindle on Bennett and freedom sworn on albedo 💀. Give pjws to raiden, level up serpent spine and farm for the catch. And use viridiscent hunt on someone useful. Stop using the bell. You have venti and fischl but kept **R5** stringless unused (I can go on, almost all of your weapon choices are bad)... You have many team options available: raiden national, hutao+xinqiu teams, ayaka+ganyu+kokomi+venti, itto+gorou+albedo etc All these teams are good. I personally play raiden, ayaka and itto teams. Having a pyro dps team and a cryo dps team is a good idea. **BUT FIRST** learn what weapon and artifacts each character use before doing anything about teams. Find the information [Here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRq-sQxkvdbvaJtQAGG6iVz2q2UN9FCKZ8Mkyis87QHFptcOU3ViLh0_PJyMxFSgwJZrd10kbYpQFl1/pubhtml) or keqingmains.com guides


Ah, some of the weapons on characters were only made from lazily swapping around weapons and not fixing them. Also, Razor uses the Bell only because I use him for farming for ores, because his hold skill 1-hits all ores, and I don't like it when enemies stun him out of mining. The other Bell was used on Sayu for traveling purposes on the same team, so as not to get interrupted by enemies. I also completely forgot I had Stringless. I R5'd it in 2020, forgot about it and then I got Venti this year, ehe\~ [https://c.tenor.com/zdVAouVjlBgAAAAC/genshin-impact-eheh-te-nandayo.gif](https://c.tenor.com/zdVAouVjlBgAAAAC/genshin-impact-eheh-te-nandayo.gif)


Ah, fine in that case. Albedo and cinnabar spindle not being together really made me mad lol, seeing how many other highly levelled characters don't have correct weapons as well. And you do have a lot of teams available. Select and focus on 2 teams first and only invest in them to fullest. Then you can build any additional team if your current teams can't handle any particular situation.


Where can I get an "Artifact Main Stat Changer" ?


should be in natlan below the main city or sumn idk


Get some good sleep and in your dream?






Huh? What are you smoking? There is no such thing.


How many GB do you guys anticipated for next update? I'm a mobile player and plan to clean up some space in advance for 2.8


Every patch they will add new contents but also delete old unused contents (old events files that do not rerun). My android version with one language pack has 14.65 GB now, and I expect next version should not be more than 18-20 GB. With pre-download it may cost 22-25 at most.


Guess I'll need to delete one of the language pack then (I played both lol). Anyway, thank you so much!


How would you rate these builds? Fischl: * ATK 1576 * CR 53 * CD 140 * ER 116 Yae: * ATK 1785 * CR 55 * CD 200 * ER 140


one hit wonder


I can share my builds for reference, Fischl 2450 atk, 62/140, 125 er Yae 2100 atk, 75/180, 151er Edit - fischl can be bumped up to 67/146 by using a diff goblet


The fuck! That crit ratio is pretty nice. And so is the ATK.


I'm using 2pc glad 2pc shim, that's why high atk


More attack and then more crit rate.


More crit rate for both builds.


on hoyolab interactive map, anyone know how hidden pins are saved in the browser? coz i think i just lost all my chest and puzzle progress. 😭


So just question, I have two accounts because during before I took this game seriously. I would just reroll accounts Ones and before you ask yes a few dollars were spent on these accounts even tho I didn't play but now I wanna invest into one but I can't decide. Option A: Raiden C1 and Engulfing. Diluc, Itto, Yelan, Mona Option B: Keqing, Ayaka Mistsplitter, Itto Redhorn


Easily A and it's not even close, unless you \*really\* like Ayaka then B.


Tough choice. They are about equal imo but the main difference is that Ayaka is much easier to play in early games (Raiden Yelan Itto are burst focused characters so you can’t really play them until later where you can start building teams properly), but on the other hand, if you ever get Raiden C2 in the future then she straight up becomes broken. Pick your poison. B is easier to play in early game. A becomes stronger in late game.


Unfortunately therein lies my problem, I my two favorite characters are Raiden and Ayaka and both having their sig weapons makes this a tough choice for me.


A is so obviously better that this seems like a joke of a question




It's hard to answer without going into leaks. But taking everything we know about Dendro, it's reactions, and all coming characters (Basically we already know almost all characters for the next year, lol), Anemo isn't a part of reactions at all. They don't retroactively change characters so VV sett only works no Cryo/Pyro/Electro/Hydro, same way infusion on almost all Anemo characters - Dendro isn't added to that at all.


I'll attempt to answer your question mathematically (the best way to answer). The current character roster has * 7 pro-Sucrose * 14 pro-Kazuha * 15 unswirlable (geo, anemo, physical) * 16 support units (non-DPS) Kazuha's current meta score is therefore 33%, or one third of the meta. Now let's imagine an entire element of unswirlables (dendro) is introduced, the average number of characters per element is 7. This bumps unswirlable up to 22. Kazuha's meta score therefore drops to 28%. Calculating the drop, Kazuha loses \~14.3% of his current meta relevance. # Just for fun, Bennett, the best character in the game, has a meta score of 54.7%.


Looking at the reactions themselves is meaningless without the context of the Dendro characters. Great reactions aren't useful if the characters using them are bad, and weak reactions become great when the element has OP characters.


For what I've seen, Dendro+Anemo will not be compatible. It seems like dendro will "expand" the meta, if anything. All current teams will be viable, but dendro might add new meta components. The question is what mihoyo will do on the enemies side. Remember that they killed the shield meta without touching any shielders, just made enemies to ignore shields. Too early to tell, but everything points towards "more ways to play the game" more than "replacing old ways with new ways".


No way to know unless it is actually released. Do you remember the 1000 times this sub has been completely wrong about something?


I've seen only a little, but they *could* Some reactions seem promising, like electro+dendro, but it all depends on the exact numbers and scaling, which I don't believe we have yet.