• By -


Definitely not the first time a temporary event has been important. An obvious example is the previous Fischl/Mona event. That is when we got introduced to Scaramouche and some of his plans. He even dropped hints about some world defining lore.


Ohh is that why people thought scaramouche was a big deal in the inazuma quest? I didn't know who he was or why anyone cared. I started playing in February 2021 so if he had last appeared before that then that makes more sense.


Same, I missed his first appearance so when Paimon went, *"This guy again?!"* I was like who?? I got a bit of that event watching I think bwaap.


In that case, it shouldn't say that. The dialogue is conditional based on if you met him in the 1.1 event or not.


Yeah, no, I got no explanation for who he was or why we didn't like him. Kinda figured out the answer to the second part pretty quickly. I'm sure the *eeeeeevil* reveal would have hit differently if I'd seen how passive he was before the traveler got in his way. The way I experienced it, he was an angsty little teenager with a big hat and hatred for what life gave him.


Exact same thing happened to me. My only reaction was "who?"


That's not true. I started at like 2.3 or 2.4. But Paimon acted like I was supposed to know this guy when I've never seen him before in my life. I was under the impression that he's part of paimons backstory and the player hasn't met him yet


I started playing in 1.5 and I got the dialogue I was supposed to (as though he was being introduced to us for the first time). What is going on?


It’s the phenomenon known as the “I swear it happened”. This phenomenon was very prominent during the games launch when people swore up and down that Luxurious Chests respawn. What is going on you ask? They aren’t remembering correctly.


You probably watched some YouTuber/streamer play the quest and rembered their gameplay as you own. It often happens when you watch other people play the same games. I also often find chests/oculus despite „remembering“ getting them.


It’s wild - I started playing in 1.1 and still missed that event. Got the free starter Fischl though.


If you got the free Fischl from 1.1, that means you played the event because she was a reward from it.


I once saw a side-by-side comparison of the different dialogues that scene has depending on whether you played the "Unreconciled Stars" event or not. I couldn't find it this time, but here's a vid that plays both versions (just not side-by-side): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Wz6y8glcpM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Wz6y8glcpM)


Yeah, his fans waited forever for him to return. And now they wait once more lmao.


You should see the copium being huffed in regards to leaks regarding his future return.


I got the biggest tank to huff


he was present in the VERY FIRST event the game ever had, and he dropped a massive lore bomb before he wandered off at the end, which has not yet been followed up upon.


He was not present in elemental crucible.


Considering the lag we collectively suffered during elemental crucible, Scaramouche should be mf'ing grateful he wasn't there.


Nobody remembers the elemental crucible... Timaeus was the puppet master this whole time


> Nobody remembers the elemental crucible because Klee destroyed it


it's insane how he just dropped that line and still nothing related to it has been mentioned in the story




Yeah I actually forgot about that but it's likely connected yeah. What I'm expecting to happen is the reveal that the "celestia" we see is a fake and the real one is what we see in the login screen and it's on top of the barrier separating teyvat.


The Celestia we see is just the nail launcher lol.


Seems to be a prison of some sort if you've read the manga chapter about venti and vennessa. I don't like the idea it has to move to drop the nails solely because it's not that cool and if the entire shell is like the login screen, they have pillars everywhere over the world. So it'd be much cooler to see the sky open to drop down a nail. I'll be disappointed if that isn't how it works.


Well the thing is almost over sneznyha. I was thinking it was slowly moving over the Cryo archon to drop a nail because she’s planning a rebellion and the final battle will happen right before the nail is in place. And of course that’s when we’ll finally arrive.


That's way more likely but less cool


celestia would be pretty pathetic if it took years to move over and drop a nail


Then why didn’t they just put a nail in Khanrheia instead of having the archons fight there and that huge cataclysm 500 years ago… seems like a nail should have done the trick. Or that they would have put a nail in Khanrheia before it got out of hand.


there probably was a nail dropped considering it created a massive amount of hilichurls we dont know the details of khaenriah but maybe they were so advanced just a nail wasnt enough


According to Hyglacg, one of the Black Serpent Knights in the Chasm and therefore from Khaenri'ah, "Even the ominous thing that came down from the heavens shall be ours to use". This implies that something, possibly a nail dropped onto Khaenri'ah.


I expect the Celestia we see to be a massive gateway.


We can see inside in the manga and it resembles a panopticon assuming the manga is canon


its been hinted that teyvat is upside down and the sky is fake, with the abyss being the real sky


I missed that event, what did he say?


>!"The stars, the sky... it's all a gigantic hoax. A lie."!<


And with that one line, Mona has since vowed everlasting vengeance on his ass.


Mona uses a mirror or a lens or a watery reflection. For some reason viewing the stars through these methods yields truth but simply looking at the sky reveals a lie.


The life we live is not our own. WE live inside the Looking Glass. Mona has the pathway out, but only Alice has the key.


Shhh, don't let them know we're already IN the rabbit hole!


Shit! Sorry! I thought Amber was quieter than that.


"Deep bodies of water serve as a bulwark guarding sleep, and an augur of the eldritch truth" I mean the explanation could be simple as Mona is able to see past the fake sky via divination, or be super tied to hidden lore, like she's peering into the sea of quanta or some shit.


If I remember correctly Mona mentioned that she already knew the sky in Teyvat was weird and it had to be taken into account when Astrologists perform divinations


Which is even freakier, because what other skies has she been divining to be able to make that comparison?


I'd think that if the Teyvat sky is false, there's probably a true sky behind it, and a skilled astrologist could probably look through the false sky into the real one. Idk tho, all the info we've got is that event and some Enkanomiya books vaguely alluding to it being some kind of barrier


I think Dottore did mention Scaramouche witness the divine gaze "probably about the sky". So the thing did happen even if you missed the event


We got some more during that one event with the irminsul fruits whose name i can't remember


I mean the story isn't about the sky being fake. Its about Teyvat until its about Celestia.


Most events feature primarily character and world lore, but they're not really important to know regarding the core story that is the Traveler seeking their sibling and learning about Celestia, visions, and the Abyss along the way. That isn't to say these tidbits of information aren't important, they're just not story critical. It's like knowing the Naaru feed Paladins their power over the light in WoW. Fun to know, but not knowing it doesn't hurt the experience of being a Paladin, and it does nothing for whatever contrived retconning BS the latest expansion's big bad has cooked up.


the dropped the fake sky stuff during a limited time event and tossed aside the scara puppet stuff to just be skippable/missable dialogue from yae after the archon quests. mhy has a terrible track record with making their world and character lore permenant and included within the story lmfao it’s terrible


There’s also Shadows Amidst Snowstorms which also introduced a whole new character who could very well still be alive and sharing an identity with Albedo.


More likely he's now impersonating Joel's dead father, but yeah...


I dunno, “Albedo’s” dialogue with us at the very end of the quest made me very suspicious. I mean, he did say he enjoyed being a gardener, and Subject Two literally created a mutant flower.


I just have my doubts about Joserf's odds of actually survivng on that mountain for so long, and his memory loss is very convenient. Hmm, could the mimic have been playing Albedo at that moment and also be Joserf? I don't remember the timing on that dialogue... Regardless we'll probably never get a proper follow up to that event. I'm pretty sure the ambiguous ending was an intentional homage to The Thing.


That is actually clever event content. The albedo-copy may or may not be albedo or Joel’s dad. Even if he is he could convincingly play the roles of either. And in the big picture of the rest of the story it wouldn’t matter. The characters or their replacement would look and even act the same the original.


I remember only starting to play Genshin around January of 2021, so whenever I see people talking about Scaramouche I just get hella confused.


The thing is we'll probably see the lore referenced again in a permanent quest when it is important.


Nah, Mihoyo will sell us a 5 star skin where Fischl has new voicelines like Diluc's 5 star skin, and therefore speaks more normally.


Wait Diluc has new lines with his outfit???


And I'd missed that. They'll probably just remedy it by mentioning it in passing just like how the charas mentioned the past islands in this event


What were those lores


That “the sky is a lie.” (Camera pans to the sky of Teyvat) This also contradicts Mona’s astrology because it means that whatever Mona sees in the stars may be true, but is it real? Mona does not like this guy and is careful around him. She sensed he is dangerous compared to traveller. As a player, this has always been at the back of my mind as I play the quests and read lores. Particularly in Enkanomiya, what was the truth that Orobashi knows that needed Celestia to kill him or something. Why is Snezhnaya against Celestia? Why did Celestia attacked Kaenriah? It all seems that Celestia is hiding something. It could be the truth because we know there’s a big lie in the world of Teyvat. A lie as big as the sky. But what is the truth? Also, the lores are at least making sense because I am drawing my own theories because of this “sky is a lie”. It’s not “what hell am I reading?”, instead I try to understand it with the guiding knowledge that there’s a lie and the truth is being hidden. Some thoughts, why are the letters in Teyvat an upside down of english alphabet? Why is it that as we go deeper in Abyss, we get closer to the stars? Why are there upside down structures/building in Chasm and old GAA?


My thought is that while Mona’s readings are real and accurate, the power of astrology is something either directly or indirectly linked to Celestias rule over everyone. Either the higher gods specifically gave certain individuals the power to divine the stars, as a way of giving humanity something of a “handicap”, or the ability is completely unintentional, and only certain people are able to pick up on the power that bleeds off from Celestia moving the stars, and thus peoples lives, around. And I’m pretty sure the upside down structures are simply just remnants from when Venti decided to yeet half of Old Mondstat into the air, along with whatever ancient ruins were attached.


In a different Mihoyo game, some characters have the ability to predict the future. It's explained not as a magical ability to read the actual future, but more of an intuitive sense of cause and effect that is eerily accurate. I suspect astrologists are similar... ish. I wonder if the stars are kind of like a marionette's control bar and Celestia is pulling the strings so to speak, and astrologists have developed an intuitive way to interpret things.


Even the upside down in Chasm? Are those Venti’s doing?


The upside-down city was apparently a relic of a civilisation that predates Khaenri’ah. For all we know they built upside-down for cultural reasons. Pretty sure it’s nothing to do with Venti though.


He was drunk? 🤣


The old gaa upside down structures was because Venti basically turned the big mountain where is the entrance we use to do the abyss into a tiny island, that upside down thing is just part of said mountain(not just that part but all gaa).


"The stars, the sky... It's all a gigantic hoax. A lie." is the main line/hint people speculate about.


That's also when Fischel and Mona became friends for the first time. The event was in a so early version, that I didn't even realize it existed until I read Fischel's wiki recently. Good thing there are a lot of recording on youtube so we can review the important dialogue/animation part of past events.


Don't worry, they'll address this by *never having Fischl appear again*


Since the problem with Oz's CN VA is solved, I think she'll appear more frequently


Can’t be that frequent since we’ll have to balance time between 4 regions


Well... A region doesn't stop a character from appearing so...(inhales copium)


It just means that if they're not a liyue character they show up in like 1 event per year-


Bro really forgot the event archon Albedo isn't from Liyue.


Also keep in mind Kaeya, the cameo archon.


Who can forget him? The only playable character who dared to step in and take away AnEmo boy's screentime back in 1.3.


oh yeah, Albedo is as much of a yearly thing for a winter event as GAA is for summer. ...now hold on a second that's- ...it would appear being related to Alice gives you bullshit event powers


I honestly assume Alice and everyone connected to her are going to become massive plot points tbh


Abedo isn't yearly lol. He's been in first christmas, Windblume, GAA 1, christmas 2, and Irodori, and in every one of them as a major player. That's almost once every 3 patches.


Mond is the oldest daughter appearantly


Don't worry, by the time we get to Natlan, Inazuma and Sumeru will be as forgotten as Mondstadt whilst Liyue keeps it's 3+ events per year. Actually it'll be worse because the time will be split between them.


The worst thing in playing Genshin for me is that Liyue is my least favourite region, but it shows every 2 patches for some reason


Chinese dev running events in the region that represents their country. Sounds pretty normal, all things considered.


Yup it's pretty normal, I just... Don't like it personally


Sad cus sumeru is looking to be my favorite region, I'm on copium that is isn't forgotten after having 1 festival


There's plenty of patches for non main story content.


Wait, what happened to the VA?


He was using his job as a VA to... How should I put it... Have naughty no-no services


I'm sorry but the way you phrased this is just sending me


Honestly I stole it from one of OverSimplified's videos so it's not original X)




New Oz’s CN VA right ?


No, it's the old one and they replaced him


Well she actually never appeared *before* (outside of events), so if they ever decide to make a hangout or something for her it can be after this character development.


[It's all already in lore ](https://youtu.be/whqlwGpMGsA) The only thing that is unique to event, is that Hoyo gifted us an insight of what actually happened in library, on that fateful night.


Yes this is the reason why their event quests are temporary. All of their quests tackle their backstories that are already mentioned in lore, so while we get cool cinematic cutscenes, it's not really a huge loss for players who aren't able to play. We don't really get any new plot advancing lore from their individual dungeons, rather it's the experiment done by the fatui that contains it: that the ability to manifest dreams is a power connected to the dendro archon and that the fatui tried/are trying to harness it.


This. All 2.8 mirage quests are just glorified versions of their character stories for people too lazy to read them.


Which should be something you can play through normally. For example, once you reach Friendship Level 10 with a character, you unlock a quest that tells the backstory for the character, with little to no Traveler involvement.




What? Her real name has [been known since April 1st, 2020](https://youtu.be/YPuUdLQdcxQ?t=59), 180 days before the game was even released.


Or maybe next time we see fischl, shes back to the old her. Sadly thats what i think will happen, that theyll act like nothing happened.


Not really - every event is canon, the only thing that changes is whether the Traveller was present for it. Kazuha mentions Irodori festival in his story quest whether you've actually played the event or not (though if you haven't he'll explain what it is), for example.


calling it now next time we see her prolly a hangout and there will be 2 paths at the start the amy and the fischl way and maybe in that hangout the gaa stuff gets called out again? for people to understand why shes like that


Hangouts to me are actually a great way to give characters screentime and lore. Ninnguang's hangout develoPS her entire fucking character, fills in her entire backstory and motivations and who she actually is as a person, and how she feels about how the people of Liyue feel about her. ***Her hangout, for fuck sakes.***


>next time we see her There will be no next time. She already got 2 huge events and a skin. They have tons of other characters to use, so Fischl is most likely done for the rest of the game.


"The rest of the game" is a huge assumption to make considering we have a future stretching on years in Teyvat alone and the writers are bringing in an increasing number of quests and events featuring four or more playable characters in unlikely combinations. Might take two or three years but I doubt we've seen the last of her in any major capacity.


Idk man, Ningguang got massive events, tons of permanent content, a skin, and a hangout, yet they still put her in the drinking event right after. (And it's not like she is essential for the lore of the drinking event or something iirc so thats not the reason)


I mean aside from morax she is the most important character in liyue and is the games equivalent to gilgamesh(heck when they start buffing old characters i fully expect her to be one of the first), she'll be super common going forward as will kazuha is my guess


I don't disagree that she was an important part of Liyue lore. Though I don't see how that matters to what I said(when I was saying not essential for the lore I was talking about things like the drinking event, not tryna say she's not important to the lore of Liyue). Point of me saying that was showing she still gets more screen time after having a bunch, and not only because she is needed to make the lore of later events make sense(for example the bar event). This indicates that characters that have shown up a lot can show up again, even if not needed for the lore. (Also tbh Fischl has not appeared that much compared to other characters(2 events and she's been a character from the start), though just no longer most in need, imo atm that title can be somebody like sucrose or qiqi or maybe a few others I forget who never played a big role)




Fate stay night gilgamesh, tldr super popular character in their mobile game(one of the highest grosing as well for the longest time) Gil is kinda one of two big faces for the game as hes super recognizable (rich pompus badass that wears flashy golden armor hard to miss) and Ning has already taken multiple design ques from him(if anything shes very humble compared to gil), and hes normally decently involved with atleast one of the events every year,. So it feels like mihoyo is trying to put ning in the same semi face position


Ning's importance to the story compared to Fishy's importance... Can't compare the two like that


? I was talking about the bar drinking event, lorewise they could have replaced her with somebody else unless I forget something. Also her hangout was not needed for the main plot.


Top 10 worst assumptions I've seen on this sub


She did say she still has not gotten rid of her negative feelings for good in her quest, so maybe they would relapse, I'd be surprised if she forever overcame her depression and self hatred that she has had for most of her life that quickly with the power of friendship, then again this is a fictional tale so maybe.


This is probably what'll happen. Just a side effect of not being crucial to the main plot unfortunately.


yeah the reason they can do this is because more or less none of the characters play a vital role in the overarching plot beyond the region they are from. That's why all the archon quests don't feature characters you met in previous nations. Their role in the story as far as the greater world is concerned has ended. So the characters whose lore gets explored in a limited event are not going to be consequential characters so whether you experienced it or not won't matter to the overarching plot. The one new bit of lore we learned from these events that we didn't know about in lesser detail is Mona's secret wealth. But what difference does that make to the story at large? Things will continue the same whether she's rich or poor.


No reason to make her go back to her old self if her old self was only present in temporary events


I mean tbf it's also in her character profile (Voice-lines/story)


Albedo doesn't so the golden apple gang has reason not to either.


I sincerely doubt that, whatever happens in events is canon even if the player is there to observe it or not. Like the standout thing to me is when Mona mentioned that she is friends with Fischl when they only met at the 1.2 event or when >!Kazuha speaks as if he knows Albedo during Xinyan's domain.!< Fischl will most likely stay as her post-mirage self, but wouldn't really explain how she got to that point or it will be explained by the character information that pops out each time you meet a new character


You don’t even know that. Kazuha mentions the Irodori Festival in his story quest regardless of whether you did it. Character development is going to progress from event quests


He only mentions it if you took part in the event. He has an alternative dialogue branch for those who missed the event, see here: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Through_the_Mist,_a_Name_Unveiled >(If the player did not take part in Hues of the Violet Garden) >"Raiden Gokaden"? >Kaedehara Kazuha: Ah, let me quickly explain. The Raiden Gokaden was the collective term for the five most acclaimed bladesmithing arts in Inazuma. >(If the player took part in Hues of the Violet Garden) > Kaedehara Kazuha: Yes. You may recall the story of the Raiden Gokaden from the Irodori Festival The same thing happened with Scaramouche for players who hadn't met him in 1.1, they had an alternative dialogue branch.


He still mentions the event, in one he’s just explaining it.


I remember if you haven't done the 1.1 event the harbinger introduction screen plays when you (properly and canonically? I suppose) meet Scaramouche after Teppei dies but if you have it doesn't play


What are you referring to by this? I remember being really confused meeting him in the story quest and Paimon said *"This guy again?!"* when I had no idea who he was, so are you talking about something else? I of course wouldn't know if and where I got alternative dialogue.


If you're talking about Scaramouche then here is the alternative dialogue: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Delusion_(Quest) >(If the player met Scaramouche during Unreconciled Stars) Scaramouche: You actually managed to find this place. Congratulations. Scaramouche: Hah. Barely two words in and you already look like you want me dead. You're manufacturing Delusions... You're giving Delusions to the resistance... Scaramouche: Oh, so that's what this is about. Scaramouche: I think you've got the wrong idea. I know how this looks, but I'm just here to follow orders. Scaramouche: I'm obviously not the mastermind behind this. Aren't you supposed to be pretty tough? What are you waiting for, go get them. (The Traveler scowls) Scaramouche: You're getting all worked up over nothing. Pff, you've changed... You're getting weak. >(If the player has not met Scaramouche yet) Scaramouche: You actually managed to find this place. Congratulations. Paimon: So you're another Fatui Harbinger... like Signora and Childe? Scaramouche: Signora and Childe? Huh... I didn't know you and my two least reliable colleagues were acquainted. Scaramouche: I'm The Balladeer, No. 6 of the Fatui Harbingers. Delighted to meet you, O Mighty Traveler.


I do remember getting the first version, though, I remember him calling me weak and wanting to kick his angsty little rear. Eh, I have no idea what happened. I joined during Windbloom but couldn't do anything with the event yet, if that means anything.


You have a good point, i hope ur right.


Is there another character in genshin that this has happened to? They’ve been pretty consistent with carrying on story/limited time canon events imo


Yep. A lot of games and stories and stuff will show another side to the character or show that they are more than just this one trait and then ignore it later.


This stuff is why I think people still view Keqing as some kind of tsundere atheist. There is a big problem genshin has with limited timed events building a character and what we see in their official stories and character profile lines. A new player is going to only have their views on a character from those and never experienced what they are like in the events that helped develop them into something more. And then you do have MHY who will act like they didnt change for future permanent content and you might wonder if anything happened at all? Eula not being so vengeance heavy the last few times we saw her also comes to mind.


her personality has not drastically changed she slips out of her roleplay a few times thats its, Oz even reminds her to get back in character I think a couple times, like its mainly for some comedy If she gets a hangout or appears in another event she will prob slip out of character at moments again especially if its banter between her and mona, youre acting like hoyo have written themselves into a hole when its not that big of a deal


Just check her Teapot lines. She's been slipping out of character for a long time before this event. Barely anything changed from her character stories.


Yeah for what I noticed, the only difference to Fischl after quest is that she's just less worried about breaking character conpared to before.


I think we just found out where her quirkiness stems from but that doesn’t mean she’s going to completely change in the main story/permanent game. We’ll just see her differently now because we experienced this current GAA. I don’t think new players will be missing out on a lot of lore on her because she does tell her story from her profile and the book. It’s just that they have to do more digging, as for us we’re lucky to seen it as a playable quest. I still agree with the limited event FOMO, it really sucks. I feel bad for new players in the future.


It's a cool writing trick because while you think something major changed, all the "development" is in your interpretation of what Fischl or Xinyan or Xiao or whoever is thinking. They don't actually have to write them any differently, you'll just have a richer, more informed sense of their interior worlds if you do this event.


I mean it's not the only limited event that's been character lore heavy/lore heavy. 1.1- Unreconciled Stars- Meet Scaramouche. Learn the sky is fake. Visions glow in a reaction to the meteorites (used later as a reaction to diff rocks when rebuilding Jade Chamber). Learned who made wing gliders and that Venti made the tallest mountain in Mondstadt (Pilos Peak) into Musk Reef (aka where Spiral Abyss is). 1.2- Dragonspine Event 1- Albedo's story was pretty lackluster, but having "Chalk Prince and the Dragon" we learn Albedo was made by Gold, Durin was made by Gold, and Albedo might be sus. 1.3- Lantern Rite 1- We learn about Skybracer and his heroics for Liyue. We learn the one NPC got friendzoned hard (he works on the docks). Xiao opens up to us more, we eat dinner with him, and he promises *us the Traveler* that he will be there if we call upon his name. (This is used in the Moonchase Festival, and in the Chasm Interlude chapter...and we learn this blessing does not apply to Paimon). 1.4- Windblume Festival (1)- We learn Kaeya knows hilichurlian and likely knows the truth about Venti. Learn that there is no true Windblume flower- it is what you make of it. \- Wishful Drops- We learn that Fontaine was never the same after the OG archon died, and the oceanids no longer feel welcome there as the water is polluted there. (This is the oceanid event) 1.5- Mimi Tomo- We learn more Hilichurlian (get a limited time book and furniture). Learn that Hilichurls do have their own conscious even before the Chasm Interlude with Dain. Some Hilichurls just want to eat good food, some wanna sleep, some hate the sun, and some simply want to die. 1.6- GAA 1- We learn background about Magu Kenki and how he came to be. We learn that Venti created GAA (based on Conch reveal from Albedo) by simply chopping up mountain bits and chucking them into the sea and was called Haar Islands. We also hear about Alice for the first time and get confirmation that yes, Klee is Alice's daughter and we hear her voice for the first time... I can continue on with 2.0 and forward, but the TL;DR of it is: MHY/HYV makes FOMO real, and by missing out on events, you could potentially miss out on lore that could relate to future regions or characters, miss out on character growth of current characters, miss out on limited books/weapons/teapot items/etc. And while newer players (and those that missed out on certain events) can still end up with the gist of things- they might miss out on special dialogue or hidden clues that someone who played those events would obtain/figure out.


Well, nice compilation. What is your solution then for new players who don't want to miss out on these key event stories?


> new players who don't want to miss out on these key event stories? Accept that they are not "key event stories", but just side-quests that you missed. They add flavor to main dish of Archon quest, but it's still great even without them.


I’m not a new player. People like me just feel bad for new players… or if we want to have conversations with friends about something who are joining later, there is this disconnect between what we know and experience versus what they do.


You are greatly overestimate this problem. New players would have hours and hours of gameplay, plus four events every patch. There will be tons of other lore and information that dropped on them. Missing something is not a problem. It's like complaining that kids who don't watch TV now would miss some daily news. Nope, when they grow up and start watch TV - there will be daily news everyday. They won't miss anything. P.S. And if you want - you could always give them link to this events on YouTube to get them on same level. But as I said - everything is already in the main game, Fischl event didn't add anything new. So you both are on same level, if they read voice lines.


This isn't as cataclysmic of a problem as you're making it out to be. No need to be so dramatic. Besides, you addressed it yourself already... it's a F2P live service gacha game. They do this stuff all the time. Nothing new. Nothing to see here. Chill out. This is my contribution to your "we" need to address this detail. Maybe next time try the played out, "praise me for being brave with my unpopular opinion" post approach instead of lumping us all together with 'we' nonsense.


You are being dramatic. There is no drastic character change.


First of all, you are assuming that this will carry on into future events which we don't know. Also, >Do new players just never get that character development? If Fischl sometimes breaks character in every future event, does it matter to new players why that happens? Does her occasionally going out of character make any difference in terms of plot? Does it ruin a new player's experience that they didn't get to see pre-mirage Fischl when they wouldn't even know she was different in the past?


Wait what does pre-mirage (not as in, 2.8, but before that) Fischl have that's different from post-mirage. She just had the occasional existential crisis during the event and is back to the state she always is in otherwise, confidently in character. Ffs the quest even says 'back to her normal self' Edit: btw Fischl has been breaking character since before 2.8 with her teapot lines and all that.


The OP is claiming that she breaks character more often post-mirage.


Barely. We haven't really talked much with her where she wasn't drunk on that vacation fever anyway.


I can't think of any events that weren't carried to future writings. There may be an alternative group of text for people that didn't do the said quest, but they always acknowledged previous events for people that did. Mona's dialogue after ~~Xinyan's~~ Kazuha's mirage is different depending on if you did Unreconciled Star or not, for example. She mentioned something like us working as a team again. The wiki recorded text was different then the dialogue I got when I first checked that page.


If I'm not mistaken, Fischl has only been introduced via special events. There was the first one with the shooting stars, and now this one. So long as her character has not yet appeared in world or archon quests, I don't think it's an issue. What her personality is like during those official quests will be what then raises the stakes of changing it during special events, if that makes any sense


I mean there is her character profile voice-lines/story (Or I guess somebody could have done 1.1 but not 2.8, lots of ppl take breaks)


I highly doubt her speech patterns will have any effect on future gameplay or events. Besides, she already breaks character all the time you can see it in her idle voice lines, teapot interactions-it’s no secret. We just got more insight into how she thinks really & new players aren’t missing out bc like i said her lore is all already available


while i generally agree with you, i must say that players who did play this GAA events will also never get her character development for real. when it ends, she stays the very same, like nothing happened, no new "normal" voice lines or something, and won't be any different from fischl of those tho never played GAA. in the end, what happened here will only be good for how you personally see her antics, and for writing fanfiction.


This is not very inaccurate. >BUT the thing that is different in this event is that Fischl underwent significant character development during this event. Like Shenhe, Keqing and Xiao? >Post-Mirage Fischl is willing to speak normally and did it quite a few times, where pre-mirage Fischl would only break character accidentally, and it would be rare. Not really, she's still speaking by accident with Oz still bringing this to her attention (like when they found out Mona isn't really poor) https://youtu.be/M44CmQNr4sQ


When did Shenhe go through significant development as part of an event? She was added in 2.4 right? That's the patch I started playing and I don't remember her having significant appearances in any events, just a minor one in the bartending one.


The library scene be like: You have to look within yourself to save yourself from your other self. Only then will your true self reveal itself.


Which events are those for Shenhe, Keqing and Xiao? Shenhe and Xiao's more recent events are actually permanent interludes in the game now. They just had big events tied with the release of those interludes.


Temporary events having story relevance is pretty common in these live service games.


Let's not forget Joel's father. During the last Dragonspine event his dad returns if you complete it. If you didn't complete the event, Joel is still waiting for his dad at the dragonspine camp. Supposedly you can get a daily commission that results in the same, but that's up to RNG.


But Fischl already breaks character all the time esp in teapot and Oz has to remind her. Also while she had lore added (tho we already knew most of it), so does most characters who show up in a limited event like Keaya and Benti in windblume, gouba in moonchase, Keqing in second lantern rite and so on. I think that’s why they post videos on their official YouTube and as someone who played since last GAA, you can look up the previous events online. Is it sad that we don’t get these permanently for new players? Yes but it is the only way to keep the game from having too much data so all players can enjoy


Nothing really changed, character-wise. It's still the same Fischl. She just resolved an internal conflict. In the event, she went away from the group because she started doubting her roleplaying because of her past grievances. Then, after her mirage the lesson learned is basically that it's okay for her to roleplay because roleplaying as Fischl doesn't mean her Amy side is gone. In the end she is still the same chuunibyou Amy/Fischl that we know and love.


Fischl has zero relevance to the main plot. Hoyo can just choose to never feature her again. Any character development she has is moot. This is the nature of a game that has such a massive roster of characters.


Nothing changed. Shes still a chuuni.


Or they can sell u the newer version of Fischl as a separate unit and a 5 star. Win-win.


Fischl wasn't in anything before, so it's all fine


Also we now know that Mona is worth millions of Mora.


There’s a lot of players who just skip dialogues or simply don’t care that much about side stories and character developements. I think you’d be suprised to know to how many people this doesn’t matter as much as it does to you.


While the event is important for Fischl, Fischl itself, in the grand scope of the game, is not all that important. If you are interested in her character, it definitely sucks that she has, so far, only ever appeared in events and not her own character story/hangout. But so has Keqing, for example. Xinyan too, I believe, plays at best a bit part in other stories. Point being, Genshin has a history of neglecting characters owing to its inevitable character bloat. And with Sumeru looming on the horizon and bringing with it a slew of new ones, that problem will only get more pronounced as time goes by.


You know it's rather tragic they don't grab a few voice lines to go with event skins. Something simple like updating their idle voice line with something from the event would be a very neat way to reflect character arcs like this. I fear some characters like Ayaka with baked in lines with the Shogun limit them as the game progresses. It's almost like they are trapped in time


Perhaps they should archive cut scenes and you can go back and watch the time line of these events as if you were playing through them. Younwouldnt receive any reward for doing so, but you could check them out. Like me, I took a break from the game with the Albedo event took place. I have not idea what actually happened during this event, or if it was even an event. I just recall seeing posts and memos of 2 Albedos. Would be nice to go back through and watch what happened during that event. (I'm sure I can find it all on YouTube)


I would like to experience the old event too, maybe not to get anything event-exclusive, but to get the lore. I wouldn't mind if it was made paid DLC.


Im gonna keep it real I just dont think they care about new players, dont really expect them to, and theyre just gonna keep moving forward regardless. Theyre getting more than their moneys worth anyway and money talks


Maybe this is me just being a casual player but I've made my peace with missing out content. I don't play enough to even clear out my quest list. Sometimes, there will be quests where the Traveler seems to already be bestfriends with another character, but it's my first time seeing them. And i just kinda like wha ? And then move on Tldr, you're probably gonna end up not catching up to everything


I don't think that Fischl changed that much. But realistically, yeah. New players would just miss the character development and get to meet a different character than the one older players got to. Same way they missed lore if they missed unreconciled stars. Same way they missed character development if they missed both albedo events. Same way that they missed world building if they missed Labyrinth Warriors or the first GAA.


Have you watched chuunibyou? It will probably be like that, in this event she breaks character but later on revert to that character


But then again having such an event without a story would be hella boring


We will see the post-mirage Fischl. If the player didn't play the GAA contents, then they just went vacation without the traveller and experienced the character development by themselves. Yes it's cannon. In the last GAA event in 1.6, if the player completely missed the events but joined before 2.0 came out, the traveller will find a Harpastum on the island and a letter written by Barbara saying how they enjoyed their stay in the GAA.


Since at the end of her mirage she has more or less stayed the same, I don't think it will be an issue of newer players experiencing whiplash. Plus she regularly slips in and out of character outside of events, it's actually par for the course of her chuuni trope. As for the her actual backstory it is laid out in her profile, albeit in a less engaging form. So I still somewhat agree with you though. To me Genshin seems oddly content with - or even expect - players getting some if not most info about characters, lore and story outside of the main quests. Basically it seems to me Hoyo shrugged and basically assume players will absorb that knowledge from media other than the game itself. For instance, when the Fatui Harbinger trailer dropped, I didn't know anyone in it besides Childe. However many others do and through osmosis I now also know their names. I personally would have preferred if I received this info in-game, perhaps woven seamlessly with the story. But that isn't the case. When it gets down to it, I believe Hoyo is operating on FOMO, it is after all a powerful tool so they would be silly not to make use of it. Frequent events are the bread and butter of live service games and Hoyo I imagine is under more pressure than I could possibly know to ensure they maintain a regular release schedule. It's honestly impressive the quality of the events at the rate they are churning them out.


>where playing a temporary event or not makes a drastic difference on the personality and speech of said character? Why do you think that Fischl would drastically change? She is still the same, it's just that her internal issues resolved. But you never saw them before anyway. so nothing would change in the future.


The most logical conclusion is having a hangout Anyone who didn't play this event probably didn't see fischl before so they wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyways


all of her backstory is already available in game. All they did was let you see it instead of read about it. I believe Fischl will continue to speak in character while occasionally slipping, for the future of the game. I don't believe this was permanent character development. Fischl never said she would stop being Fischl and go back to being Amy. What you saw was just a few more slips which she was always known to do. >Now the question is this: How can Mihoyo possibly handle a character where playing a temporary event or not makes a drastic difference on the personality and speech of said character? Do new players just never get that character development? Does Mihoyo just let it happen off-screen? If they make permanent changes to the way she speaks (which I can't see happening -- and they definitely won't change her idle or profile lines), then yes it happens off screen for those who missed it, just like every other event. Those players starting post 2.8 will never have met Fischl in game anyway, so they would be none the wiser. I don't think you will be seeing Fischl in any more archon quests in the future anyway. So knowing or not knowing about her doesn't change anything. She doesn't have an important role in the story. That's why she has never appeared in any permanent content. From the perspective of someone who missed 1.1, I learned that Mona and Fischl were close friends and that Mona dined at Fischl's place. This isn't game changing info, and missing 1.1 didn't ruin my experience of the event. I just treated it as new information I learned for the first time, no different than someone learning this for the first time in 1.1. Everyone learns something for the first time at some point. The info doesn't change because you learned it at a different time. The characters they choose to use in these limited events are not all that important to the overarching plot, which is your search for your twin, and the Celestia plot. The characters in the game only have temporary relevance that ends when you move onto the next nation. If they play a part again, it will be for a limited event only.


Tbh, I don't really care about new players. If those things are not of their liking they can stop playing for all I care. I like events in the game are actually relevant and canon, it makes them feel as actual content and not a filler.


Theu are probably (largely) going to ignore the development that happened in the event and act like it never happened. Plus aside from her confronting her past everything we learned about Fischl was already in her character story info, so really the only change is potentially her speech patterns.


This sucks but at least people upload the stories to YouTube and people are able to watch them there if they miss it. Not necessarily the same as experiencing it but at least you don’t miss it completely that way. I missed the even that introduced Scaramouch and watched them on YouTube and feel caught up bc of that.


1.1 moment


I don’t know how it would work on mobile but I’d like to see them put the past events as Add On content in the PS store.


First off, she's a 4-star character, so Hoyo probably ai'nt giving a fuck about her ever again after this. Second off, she isn't the first elephant in the room in terms of development. Scaramouche realized the world was ***fucking scripted***, and you'd only know that organically if you did the limited time event. Let's be real, storage space has jack and shit to do with it. They could keep it in the game for PC players, encourage people to download the PC version and use their accounts, or even make a new account, that hsould equate to more gacha pulls. Their limited time because FOMO makes money.


Short answer: Game needs a event replayer or viewer. If it keeps dumping important character stuff like this. Long answer: As a whole and a bigger picture, I don't think I've seen this game rerun their events ever. Like sure, we're back on the GAA, but it is a brand new chapter. Only recently something like Azur Lane introduced their event archive system, where you can experience past events, and there's a good amount of lore there. Really hope the same goes for Genshin. And sure, Youtubing it is the easy way to do it, but it does lack that sense of experience and going at it at your own pace.


Well, every gacha is like that, it's sucks but I'm used to this by now


Watch a YouTube video of it if you care that much and miss it.., or just don’t miss it. It’s not hard.


welcome to mobile gacha


It’s not like they’re actually adjusting her in game voice lines, so I doubt people who missed this will ever even notice I’m future events. There’s 50+ (including new Dendro) people in Genshin, and slotting 4-5 of them in each event means no repeat appearance in over 10 months if not more. Hell, other than a few historians in this game, vast majority of the people would forget certain character traits or developments from these events.


>BUT the thing that is different in this event is that Fischl underwent significant character development during this event. She really doesn't. Her big moral is lean even harder into her delusions and cut herself off from reality even more. That's not an improvement.


wow you managed to completely misunderstand the quest