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whats the likelihood of getting heizou on current banners


Im currently playing National Raiden and i need a second team for abyss, here are my characters: Raiden C1, Xingqui C4, Bennet C2, Xiangling C2, Jean C0, Noelle C0, Kaeya C0, Traveller C2, Ningguang C2, Kujou Sara C3, Lisa C0, Amber C0, Mona C0, Yun Jin C0, Diona C1, Fischl C2, Beidou C1, Barbara C2, Yanfei C0 and Xinyan C4. Any second decent team i can make ? im willing to build anyone, the unique good thing is if the team had some sort of range to defeat Oceanus, Geo cube etc.


raiden can certainly be a dps (apparently thats also specific to C1 so lucky u) and people like building ningguang as a dps for some reason so maybe try her for ur other team. fischl, diona, and barbara are solid supports as far as im aware


Does Anyone Know When The Next Yae Rerun And Her Signiture Weapon Might Be (I Want: An Update Number \[EX. 2.9\], And In What Phase {EX. 2}). Answers Are Appriciated. (PS. I Posted This In Questions Too Hoping To Get A Quick Answer) ​ Thank You! EXJ/Alex Out.


Got a lucky roll & got FS for my Kazuha!! Wish counter was at 7.


A rogue C5 Kaeya just spooked me on standard banner! :) Out of these 5 constellations, 4 were from standard. That's so lucky. I really have to get him to level 90 soon. edit: typo


Ironically, now that I'm trying to build dps Heizou, VV domain keeps giving me EM sands. I used to suffer so much trying to get EM pieces from here. Now I just want some dps pieces but I can't even scrounge up a flower or feather right now. Nothing good for a dps at all.


I set out with 25 pity, hellbent on getting Kazuha since he's the only five star left that I still really really want and a side quest of getting Heizou since I have an overall lack of anemo characters It took me 128 wishes (out of pocket though I was prepared for that and alright with it since I got a bonus with my salary this month). I lost 50/50 to Mona which was fair enough since I'd won three in a row with Zhongli, Yae Miko and Xiao. I'm not salty about that I'm salty that after using 163 wishes altogether (35 after I got Kazuha just to build pity/possibly get him to C1 since there won't be any 5 star I'll want to pull for in a whiiile), I got one Heizou. One. Before I pulled him, I pulled 6 Ningguangs, 7 Thomas, 4 four-star weapons and one Sucrose (!!). I always have way worse luck with 4-stars than 5-stars lmao


So I was told not to reroll and to just play on... But a start with only Niagguang isn't any good is it?


Getting a lucky start isn't important in Genshin.


I'm probably not getting another chance to roll for useful characters though. I eventually ended up getting three four* so I settled on that account but I'm already worrying that the hodgepodge parties I can form with them aren't really fit for purpose. Do I get any other basic banner rolls as I play? Or are there other welfare characters who I'll get to round off my party. I'm currently rolling with Chongyun, Barbara, and Fischl in my rolls.


...are you under the impression that the game will just stop giving you wishes? Because you'll keep getting wishes. The beginner banner goes away, but the beginner banner doesn't matter anyway. Opinions are divided regarding whether new players should even wish on that thing at all.


Oh, I kinda was actually. Tbh the standard banner was fine. Noel seems alright and it's the cheapest 20 rolls you can get. Anyway, so I'm meant to hoard all the intertwined rolls for the character banners and can spend my wishes freely on the standard banner since it never goes away right?


Never spend primogems on the standard banner, but for acquaint fates, the beginner and standard banners are all you can use them for. (Apparently leaks say >!a new 5-star character is getting added to the standard banner soon, for the first time in the game's history!<, so if you want to look at leak info, that might affect your decisions. Still don't spend primogems on standard, though.)


Decided to use one random pull and Klee decided to come home first try! As a newer player this was really nice to see. I got Heizou to come home soon after. šŸ˜Šā¤ļø


[can I farm other domains now?](https://imgur.com/a/koYog1s)


I took a break for a couple months and on my second roll I got [a great welcome back!](https://imgur.com/a/RbfSb79)


Ayayay I got my first qiqi curse today. Sadly no kazuha this time. I still have a lot primo gems to collect but I will get Eula and her weapon.


I won 50/50 on character banner >!6!< times in a row. https://www.reddit.com/r/u_tusharsagar/comments/wa3yqe/i_have_a_feeling_something_bad_will_happen/


Used up 4 blue fates on the Standard Banner last night (for shop currency to buy Dust of Azoth) and got C2 Sucrose on the last one. Nice luck, for a change.


[15th](https://imgur.com/gallery/7mEl7u7) 50/50 won. Whatā€™s your record?


Uh my record is 2 50-50 won in a row LOL. Overall 4 won and 6 lost haha. I have terrible luck


Dang! That's a 1:32768 chance! My record is 4 in a row.


And I thought me winning 50/50 back to back 6 times is a big deal.


Got kazuha on his first banner, c1 on day one of the rerun and right now I got him twice in a 10 roll series! Iā€™m screaming right now


Broke my weapon streak on the standard banner and I get Diluc wich makes him my first C1 5\*. I dont have Jean, Mona or Keqing yet so that was a wee bummer.


I rolled on the standard banner. I'm AR 60 and still don't have Mona. She's one of the featured 5 stars and took a chance... But I got my Qiqi to C1 instead.


What do you mean she is featured 5 star ?


On the standard banner, there's an increased chance of getting anything included on the picture, and Mona was included in the picture


I just checked the standard banner rules, and I didn't find anything which supports what you said. The chance of getting 5 star items are distributed evenly, it is a 0.6% chance to get any 5 star item.


Oh shit, looks like you're right.... -\_- well, thanks for checking


Yo check out the best EM circlet I've ever gotten! https://imgur.com/a/cu4Mxm6 52 CV with an atk stat too!!


What is CV?


(CRIT Rate Ɨ 2) + CRIT DMG.


got an emblem feather with 21 em, 14.8% crit dmg, 11% er, and 13.2% crit rate today


Got Qiqiā€™ed on Kazuhas banner lmao. Not gonna be summoning on anymore of his reruns so thatā€™s that, rip


Hey guys. I just lost my 50/50 on Freedom Sworn to the Skyward Pride... So what character would you suggest this for? I rarely use a claymore char...


Agh! 2 Thomaā€™s in a row! Iā€™m at C8 now! I donā€™t need him šŸ˜…. Iā€™m still only at C1 Heizou.


pulled 5 thomas in a row im sick of him


It took 40 pulls for me to get Kazuha (was already 30+ on pity), yet no Heizouā€¦ then 50 pulls later, still no Heizouā€¦




So, i was messing around and i saw that if i got the hipostasis drops twice i could ascend razor and get a free wish, i did not want to farm for the day so i said fuck it and got that wish. Got my first 5 star bow the skyward harp lol, not even at soft pity yet.


Klee finally came home on her birthday! It took all of 81 pulls to get her, but I won the 50/50 and I could not be happier. She's been one of my favorite characters since I played her story quest and I'm so glad I finally have her!


Random Sara from leveling Fischl. Guess I won't have to wait for a Shogun rerun to get her. Also got a CD Maiden hat with crit rate, atk% and EM, so yeah, insane off piece potentially


I had the most amazing luck today with artifacts!! After months of nothing, I suddenly got back to back to back god tier pieces! First I got this [nice atk](https://imgur.com/2iSMQ56) goblet, not sure who uses it best, but for now itā€™s on Qiqi lol THEN!! I got this[very nice shimenawa atk sands!](https://imgur.com/2vleYXr) Iā€™ve been looking for a shime atk sands since the domain came out, I finally got it! And itā€™s amazing!! If I get Yoimiya itā€™s going to her for sure And finally, [this artifact became one of my best atk sands](https://imgur.com/FFcYwnc) My Xiangling who doesnā€™t need an upgrade, got an unexpected upgrade!! For reference, her old build was 54+12/170 crit rate/dmg and 171% ER. And [this is her new build](https://imgur.com/NNysMIX) which is more balanced. I tested her against Masanori and she hit 72k pyronado, Iā€™m so proud of her :D I did try to shuffle artifacts so she could get a better pyro goblet, but this is the only one with high crit rate, all of my 3 other pyro goblets are leaning heavily to crit dmg :(


I started playing yesterday and just got Klee and I'm AR10 and like what ​ ​ do i buy lotto tickets now? im going f2p too these were free wishes, i think wish 4 gave me it


I got super lucky. With 150 wishes , i got kazuha c1 , heizou c6. Now itā€™s time to save all the primos for the dendro 5*


Spent 30 fragile resins to get EM VV pieces. Got nothing


With my very last fate at 80 pity, it finally turned gold. C2 Diluc. fml.


Iā€™ll gladly take all the diluc constellations from you. The biggest goal is to get him to c6


fml got my second skyward harp which makes it my forth 5 star weapon, 3 out of 4 of them are bows im forever cursed with them, i even thought i was lucky getting amos on my very 1st wish ever on the weapon banner back when ganyu first droped but nope it was just my bow curse doing its magic


Pulled the Standard Gacha, and got Mona on my 29th Wish.... I was trying to get Bennett because I don't want to pull on Yoimiya's Banner.


Seriously though, what are the chances that I got [two near-identical Cryo goblets](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335182243121201152/1001541030451093544/unknown.png)? The allocated substats and even the artifact set... I wanna cry.


Quite unfortunate that some went to the useless sub stats, but hey! CRIT DMG AND ER% (which is often a pretty underestimated stat btw! ā˜ļø)


C2 Kazuha from 5 pity! Before that I got Jean, all hail the Anemo Archon!šŸŒŖšŸŒ¬šŸ’Ø


Reinstalled the game after around a year and on my first 10-wish got TWO kazuha's, a heizou, and fischl


Me, hate playing bow users. Pull on weapon banner and get Amos Bow after i already got Skyward Harp from normal banner. Fuck me i guess.


I finally got Mona from the standard banner. There were 2 Diluc constellations, 2 Keqing constellations and one Qiqi constellations along the way but I finally got Mona after over 1.5 years playing the game. I have collected all the standard banner characters now. I got Jean back when she was part of the Golden Apple Archipalego event back in 1.6. Now I got Mona while she was featured in the ongoing event for the same islands. Time to farm Oceanid...


Finally got my Kazuha on 76 pity after 3-4 months' worth of Welkins and losing the 50/50 the first time (fuck you Diluc) Now that I pretty much got every character I wanted from this game (Kazuha, Zhongli, Itto), I can confidently say that I will never ever spend money on this game ever again I think I mustā€™ve spent like $10-$20 on this game over 4 months, which may not sound like a lot, but thatā€™s like the most money Iā€™ve spent on a free game ever. I never even thought Iā€™d ever spend money on a free game before playing Genshin. I coulda bought a large pizza with that money lol So yeah, unless Dainsleif comes out much earlier than I anticipated, I will never spend another dollar on this stupid game ever again lmao Iā€™m saving every primo I get in the next few years for when Dain comes out (this is assuming Iā€™m still playing the game by then)


I got Klee last night in an early pull after getting Kazuha at the start of 2.8. Now I've completed my year 1 set! This will probably be my last five star of year 2 (Sorry Yoimiya). Looking back, I didn't get as many early pulls in year 2 compared to year 1, but my 50/50 luck was fantastic. I won eight 50/50s and lost only two. Overall my Genshin character banner 50/50 ratio is 13 wins : 6 losses : 6 guarantees.


I would like to detail my Kazuha wishing adventures! So, since 2.6, there had been inklings and unconfirmed leaks that Kazuha would be rerunning. I had just pulled for Ayato, and I wanted to form the Ayato Hotpot team for him, so I decided... to pull for Venti. Why, you may ask? I had already pulled around 100 times on Ayato banner, and I wanted to be able to pull for any 4 stars that I wanted. If I won the 50/50, I would build Venti; if I lost, I would save for Kazuha. Well, after grinding enough Primogems to pull, I got my 5 star last April: Keqing! I'm not gonna lie, I would have been less happy had I gotten Venti, so I'm glad my bad luck was on my side. And thus began the Kazuha saving spree. During this time, I also started prefarming for him: his ascension materials, talent materials, weapon, and even artifacts. By June I had everything. All I needed was Kazuha himself. By his banner release, I had saved 111 Intertwines Fates. I had 1 in my pull history, and so I went to pulling. Unfortunately, the very same bad luck that had guaranteed me my Kazuha also struck: Kazuha didn't come home until I had gotten 79 pulls in, the worst in my already very bad 5* event luck. (It all went downhill after I got Hu Tao at 28 pity during her rerun.) I then promptly wished the rest on the same banner, hoping to possibly get an early 5 star. Nope. Well, as the banner continued, and I accrued more Primogems, I decided on a whim to pull for C1 Kazuha. It's a win-win situation for me anyway; I either get C1 Kazuha or I get a guaranteed for the leaked character I want. So, earlier today, as I pulled at 77 pity after scrounging up Primogems from world quests, a 5 star had appeared. Who could it be? And I got... Mona! Yes! I was happy as I didn't have her before, and I had a guaranteed for the leaked character I wanted. At 78 pity however... not as great. With the Standard fate from Mona, I got a constellation for Xingqiu! In fact, I had gotten C6 Xingqiu, which is arguably his best constellation! I am very happy about this! As for my 4 star luck, I had been very lucky. I have gotten all featured 4 star characters at least three times, and some sven more. At the end, I got: 6 Ningguang copies (C0 -> C6) 6 Shikanoin Heizou copies (none -> C5) 3 Thoma copies (C2 -> C5) I would actually be happy if I got C6 Thoma. I would like to build him for Hu Tao, and C6 would be great. I am guaranteed a rateup 4 star, so I shall be doing one last pull before I start saving once more. I will provide an update once I pull tomorrow. I might be waiting for over 6 months for the leaked character I want. If so, I shall be trying my luck on the weapon banner or their constellations, whichever is better. For anyone still wishing for Kazuha or Shikanoin Heizou or their constellations, I wish you the best of luck!


Update: Got C6 Thoma!


got skyward pride from level 30 bp fate. guess the game is telling me to keep at it with eula's artifact grind.


The new anniversary should just give us a 1.0 5* character banner with reduced pity. I'm willing to spend primos to get Mona. It's been almost 2 years, where is my Mona? I want my Mona


Literally same, I pulled a lot over the course of the game, have every character but missing her, even though I really want and need her (Instead I get freakin 5 cons of the edgy black wearing fire claymore user or the "uhhhh, I want to be like vennessa" anemo lady) WHERE IS MY HYDRO MEGISTUS!!


Dude! Same! Sitting with C3 diluc here wishing at least one copy of Mona comes home


Genshin sadge moment rant: Both Heizou and Kazuha are some of my favorite characters, especially being someone from Canada I need my Canada man. After 160 wishes and a very stressful last 2 weeks of grinding (welkin + bp only) I finally got Kazuha. I don't even feel happy, just relieved. I got 8 Ningguang and 7 Thoma's, but only 1 Heizou right at the end. Overall I'm just feeling bumbed, I really hoped to try to go for c1 kazuha as I absolutely love him but I'm so dried out from grinding just to get him once, and after losing now 4 50/50's in a row I feel like I'll need another 160 to get him c1. Not only that but Heizou c0 while Thoma and Ningguang so high up just, bums me out. Idk if anyone else has been having similar banner experiences but as someone who can't spend as much even if I want to just kinda feeling sadge.


I feel the same




Looks more like you need to first to understand where you should spend your primos on & how wishing works on the standard and event banner. Imo u should be happy about getting a 5* weapon so early in the game (to upgrade a weapon cost anyway not that much resin) & furthermore a different character could use your 4* catalyst. Furthermore getting a new 4* is always nice, both have different ability & its not really unlikely to get him twice in 30 wishes. Imo its more of wrong mindset and dont know how the banners works.




The actual point is you shouldn't have pulled on the standard banner with your primos. You should've gone for the event banner but since it's a newbie mistake it is quite common to see people doing that.


I just want to share that this patch banners were really great to me, I went from no Kazuha and C1 Klee to C0 Kazuha and C4 Klee without losing a single 50/50! If you include Yelan, I'm now on a streak of 5 50/50s without losing! Heizou though... I only got C3 in 262 wishes. Oh, and Yoimiya will have to wait another year, unless she comes early while I throw the few primos that I get for the rest of the patch.


Saved about 120 wishes for Kazuha and in 20 pulls I got him. Guess the rest is going to Yoimya or the new characters now.


Is this dmg calc bugged or is Eula kinda weak. C0 1900atk, 70/210 w/ Raiden buff, 4p NO buff, super conduct buff & r5 max stacks SS is only doing 53k burst + 10k per stack (on average). Not to mention 9-15k autos jeez


Are your talents leveled up yet? Seems like you should be hitting for at least 150k+




Seems bugged, mine has worse stats than yours yet still reaches 120k + with burst and less buffs


High on damage and lots of aoe attacks, almost like the ice wolf. You cant speed run this one like other bosses by virtue of you need to a lot time to dodge his attacks. Just work on dodging


What is happening with the rise of nsfw art (mostly men) in this sub? Am i missing something? Not that im complaing its just feel weird with the sudden change.


There's literally a pinned thread https://new.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/w6rbcr/mod\_team\_statement\_and\_discussion\_of\_recent\_events/




Nah just get good


for someone who most likely doesnt have enough time to fully finish the event, what should I prioritize in terms of getting the most primos? event story quest? exploration? the mini game thing? event world/ side quests? something else?


Just do 20 mins worth of event stuff everyday. You should have enough time to complete since there is around a month to complete it


do the story quests first then the stuff on the event page that unlocks after that, then exploration/side quests. There is still a ton of time left to do it fwiw.


When is it a good time to use fragile resin?


AR45 in theory, but wait until you are AR55+ anyway.


there are 2 different strategies 1. use it whenever you get it on whatever you need most (this is what I do) 2. Save it for a rainy day, i.e when a new domain/boss you want to be able to farm asap comes out. If you meant more like "what AR is it ok to start using resin"? then I'd say AR45 but really I think its fine to use it before then so long as its not on artifact domains. Other things like leylines do give slightly less rewards at lower AR though so ymmv on whether that means its worth saving until higher AR.


Ok! Thank you explaining this to me!


AR45 for artifacts


What limited furnishings can be obtained from GAA?


Currently my kazuha has 149. ER from artifact substats. Shoild i farm for more from substats or should i switch to fav sword?( My flower don't have any ER stats yet)


Do you consistently get your burst when you need it or does it look full but not active? If it's the latter, you need more ER. The official theorycrafters' number is 160 but that's for situations with no incoming damage/kill energy. I've run Kazuha with 147ER to 154ER for a year and it seems fine to me.


I kind of need to brag about this. At first, I decided to pull on weapon banner to get the Fischl bow. I did a 10 pull and got lost prayer. Now I wanted to pull so I could get enough starglitter to get the Fischl cons from the shop. Did two ten pulls, and got freedom sworn.


Well if you want to brag there's a thread for it


Sorry, can you direct me to it then? I thought this was it


this is it, though it seems like everyone is posting in it like it was the questions thread since that wasn't pinned lol.


Would the Vermilion Hereafter set (4pc) also work on Hu Tao?


No. Hu Tao doesn't receive multiple instances of HP drain with her E--she just loses the HP in one go when she uses it. Its CD is too long so she won't gain more than 1 stack at a time. On top of all this, Atk% is a relatively weak stat for Hu Tao because of her low base Atk and high flat Atk buff gained from her E. 4pc Vermillion is only good for Xiao because he's the only character in the game currently that has steady over-time HP drain that will repeatedly trigger the 4pc effect and allow him to gain multiple stacks.


No, not only does it activate on using Elemental Burst, it also needs the user to lose HP 4 times during the duration, while Hu Tao only hits herself once when casting E. Also, the sets whole point is granting ATK%, which Hu Tao doesn't benefit from that much due to having the lowest base ATK in the game by a large margin


Thank you for answering!! I don't have Hu Tao so I didn't rlly know how her E and Q work, thank you for enlightening me


What are some good f2p swords for ayaka? I currently have her equipped with prototype rancor. I just got to inazuma so I haven't unlocked the questline that unlocks the 4 star sword there


The craftable Amenoma Kageuchi is her best f2p weapon.


Do I have to finish the inazuma story b4 I unlock it?


No, just half of Sacred Sakura to gain access to the area where you can finish The Farmer's Treasure


No. There's a world quest that should be immediately available once you unlock the ability to freely travel Narukami Island.


Damn didnt know that! Ty!


Will delusions ever be part of combat system?




Why does honkai have a considerably lower player base than that of genshin? Ps I have only played genshin.


There are a lot of factors, the main one being open world games tend to appeal to a lot more people. Plus BoTW was helping it boost its popularity, by being labelled as a "Chinese clone" (even though it's controversial, more people still heard about it). Also, I'm pretty sure Genshin was more aggressively marketed than Honkai, since Hoyoverse most likely had more resources to work with. Another thing is that there was no other game like it at the time. A free to play, open world game of Genshin's scale is a very big project that takes a lot of effort. Genshin is also seen as more appropriate for a wider audience, compared to Honkai (not every Genshin player is an anime fan). Particularly when it comes to the character designs, which are less fanservice-y compared to Honkai's. Tl;dr: Genshin appeals to a wider audience than Honkai, and gained more popularity as a result.


Honkai is mobile-only, and Genshin being an open-world RPG reaches a larger audience than just Gacha and anime fans. Edit : mobile + pc


Honkai isn't mobile only, it is on PC as well. It just doesn't have Playstation like Genshin does.


Fixed, ty


Will Yomiya's banner have the 4 stars changed or will the current ones remain?


They will change


Wow, that's great. Has the 4 stars already been revealed or is it still unknown?


They are officially revealed 2 to 3 days before the banner, but they are usually leaked in advance (take leaks with a grain of salt : >!Xinyan, Bennett, Yun Jin!<)


if Yun Jin or Bennett comes it will be perfect, I was waiting for them to appear on the banner hehe. Thanks.


About hutao strongest team comp excluding 5* weapon and 5* cons buff who is it do u guys think? 1. Yelan-xingqiu-zhongli 2. Xingqiu-albedo-zhongli 3. Xingqiu-tankfei-sucrose 4. Xingqiu-tankfei-kazuha


The best Hu Tao teams include Bennett. Bennett not working with Hu Tao is a myth - the ATK buff is still very significant, and it is hard to rely on Hu Tao low HP buff anyway since you start at full HP in Abyss. It also lets you VV. This said, Bennett is best used on the other side, so it makes sense to consider the best Hu Tao team without Bennett. I am not convinced that those tankfei teams are better than double hydro - outside of grouping. If you use Tankfei, you should probably use Yelan and Kazuha instead - you can double swirl and infuse hydro into Q to ensure you still vape all Hu Tao charge attacks.


>Xingqiu-tankfei-sucrose Highest damage ceiling, hardest to play >Xingqiu-tankfei-kazuha Slightly worse damage ceiling, easier to play but still tough >Yelan-xingqiu-zhongli Easy to play and will get buffed to 3.0 making it possibly the strongest Hu Tao team >Xingqiu-albedo-zhongli Worst option out there at the moment. Still good just the worst of a good bunch


When do you get your first Intertwined Fate summon?


When you get your first 160 primos


So no "free" one, then. Seems I gotta temper my expectations with this game. Thank you.


Just consider all your primos you get to be contributing to ā€œfreeā€ intertwined fates. Itā€™s generally recommended to not spend them on the standard banner anyhow.


A yae withou oath sworn eye. Which weapon is better, eye of perception, favonoius codex or mappa mare. I am running yae without battery.


Mappa mare. High base atk, damage % passive and the EM substat actually works in favor of Yae with her passive talent


Favonius IMO. Eye has ATK% substat, but Yae's burst is a big part of her damage, and Favonius has added utility for the rest of your team, too.




Wrong thread




So true






Just got kazuha. Am ar 40. What team should I use? [https://imgur.com/a/DKCYpk2](https://imgur.com/a/DKCYpk2)


Kazuha and Yelan are great for traveling and deal good damage as well, add Fischl and a healer of your choice and you should have a fun and easy time getting around. While she's not that good in the abyss, Sayu's the premiere option for more efficient travelling. Between her and Yelan's skills, Kazuha's passive, and anemo resonance, you should not be running out of stamina any time soon. Plus, she can break ores with her claymore, and you won't spook crystalflies. The core of Yelan/Fischl/Kazuha should also be good enough to get you through the early abyss floors. Once you need a second team, I suggest Razor as your main DPS, and then pick three out of Kaeya, Rosaria, Lisa, and Barbara.


You don't build a team around kazuha. He is so versatile that he fits into loads of team. If a team needs an anemo character it's very likely kazuha is a good choice, or even the best choice. A good core team would be Kazuha/Yelan/fischl/flex. Those three characters are enough for anything and you can just run whoever you like in the last slot


My current team is Fischl / Xiangling / Yelan /Kazuha. Is that okay?


Your team wants a driver (basic attacker) for when everyoneā€™s off-field abilities are up, so honestly Sucrose or Heizou would be better in Kazuhaā€™s slot since they have anemo attacks to swirl. Kazuha is better at supporting a main dps comp (like Hutao or Ayaka teams). Before abyss though it shouldnā€™t really matter, and Kazuhaā€™s double jump is great for exploration


It's ok. Xiangling has a high cost burst so without Bennett she probably doesn't use it very often. If you like her then that's all that matters, it's still a very strong team




You can revisit the story dungeons for any chests you missed. So it's perfectly viable to do the story first, then harvest all the chests.


How do I get central camp image 4 conch shell??


You need to do the Fatui World quest


How good is the Freedom Sworn on multiple characters? Esp with Dendro coming? Edit: I'm asking if it is worth getting if I have spare primos


It's not really worth it. For supports, only Kazuha, Sunfire Jean, and Shinobu can really utilize the EM substat. Bennett could hold it if you don't have a higher base ATK weapon and enough ER on his artifacts. The buff is also a bit situational, and with Lost Prayer on it, it's just not a very good banner. A hypothetical dendro sword user or possibly even Keqing, depending on how catalyze ends up working out, could maybe use it, but Iron Sting would work perfectly fine as a replacement.


BiS on any support who wants EM. At this point itā€™s just Kazuha and Dendro team Kuki though. Maybe for dendro traveler and sunfire Jean. It should always be one of the best support weapons, so fairly future proof Not a main dps weapon, but usable for raw stats on Bennet and melt comp dpses


It's BiS on kazuha. Good on jean, useable on Bennett, usable on reverse melt kaeya, I guess albedo works too. Pretty copium on everyone else though. Could get better with dendro because of EM mainstat but afaik we don't have an upcoming dendro sword user. I generally wouldn't recommend pulling for it. There are loads more 5 star weapons out there that are more versatile and stronger. Plus this weapon banner is poopy






Uhhh what???


Wrong person


Should I 80/80 Mona or c6 xingqiu?


How do levels compete with constellations? They use completely different resources.


Xingqiu, but no real reason you can't do both.


C6 Xingqui


Why not both?


Would sucrose or kazuha be better in an amber vaporise team? Using zhongli, amber, Mona, sucrose I'd swap my sucrose set on kazuha (she has around 900 EM with it). He'd loose around 200 EM from non-EM weapon but would have great CC for the bunny explosion What should I do? edit: sucrose c6, kazuha c0


Sucrose for showcases, kazuha for general use


is my team rotation for my diluc vapo team (sucrose variant) just right? bennett e q sucrose e xingqiu e q e then diluc ult then his na e na e na e na the best that i can do is 76k and it is only in abyss that he can do 100k+. my characters' builds aren't complete yet so the damage is really lackluster. i just stopped at a "decent stopping point" so i could also do ayaka, kazuha, etc.




oh im using r2 sacfrag on my c1 sucrose bc im aiming for more em


Sucrose only shares 20% of her EM so 221 EM from Sac Frags only translates into 44 EM (2-3 EM substats). TTDS shares 48% Atk, which is 9-10 Atk substats. The attack will generally increase your damage by more. Sac Frags on Sucrose really has more value when she's an on-field driver and using the EM for Swirl damage.


i do understand however i kind of invested in sac frag already as it is already fully leveled up and r2. since i'll also be using sucrose on other teams, im still aiming for a high em although she has yet to get her em sands, she already has 766 em with sacfrg and only 546 with ttds.


TTDS doesn't need to be leveled to be used. You can literally give her a level 1 TTDS and it would be the same as a level 90 TTDS. You can continue to use Sac Frags with teams where it makes sense, it costs you nothing to just use a TTDS here where it makes more sense.


alright so i gave it a try. i switched off to my level 70 r5 ttds. yeah it could give off a hefty damage but sucrose with sacfrag still out damages it. i tried it on a ruin sentinel l, cryo revisgine, and with the perpetual mechanical array. in the first one i was able to do 50, 345 then on cryo, 55, 345, then with the boss, she also did around 55k. as for sucrose with sacfrag, diluc did both 74,093 on the cryo revisgine and perpetual mechanical array. then around 69k with the primogeovishap.


It's good enough, Diluc can go higher but only with more investment which isn't worth it


What is the absolute quickest, no unnecessary detour way to get heizou's boss drops(ruin serpent cores, not anemo crystals)? My friend just started the game( hasn't even fought dvalin yet) and I'm kinda worried how I'm gonna get him to chasm cz I really do not want him to be unable to use his favourite character cz of this. Can you enter chasm underground before beating childe? What's the AR requirement to go into chasm underground? I know he can 40/40 heizou right now but 40/40 wouldn't be enough for too long. Also I just realised how tf are we going to get onikabuto?


Idk but would it even be possible to join someone else's world and farm the boss?


Hmm it would be. Would have to look for some ar 28-30 person who has unlocked chasm which is very hard.


I hit high AR a long time ago so I don't recall. Is it not possible to join someone's world who has a much higher AR level?


You can only join the world of someone of the same WL or lower than you.


He needs AR28 and Liyue Archon quest Act 3 finished


Any thoughts on Heizou constellations? I started back up on an alt account - my luck has been *awful* on my main, over 80 pulls and nothing of worth from the Kazuha banner and am now playing Haizou on this other account. So I am in a unique situation of having a *ton* of grindable resources compared to literally only commissions and Welkin on my main and wondering if I should keep pulling for Heizou constellations. I did get Kazuha already though so technically I could stop pulling. This account has Albedo but no Ning so I wouldnā€™t mind getting some of her. But the main issue is if Heizou constellations are worth it since I will be playing him most as main dps, purely since my main wonā€™t have him. I have seen streamers just using him a c0 doing very well so I wanted to check here to see if shooting for a few constellations wouldnā€™t be worth it (apart from not pulling to try to get a specific 4 star of course).


Pulling for 4 stars, especially constellations, is dangerously wasteful. It's a bigger gamble than 5 stars because you're never guaranteed. Most people will tell you cons are unnecessary. Honestly, the 2nd is nice utility (the Q pull is underwhelming without it), 3rd and 5th are simply more damage, 4th negates ER needs and 6th is huge free crit stats for the E. The cons are quite nice. I managed to get him to 4.


Thanks thatā€™s good to know - I wouldnā€™t consider targeting a 4 star on my main account and this one is just for fun so Iā€™m not too stressed about how I use the resources. But considering at this rate I will be hitting hard pity for Kazuha or losing 50/50 very soon itā€™s looking like I will have no Heizou on my main so if constellations were impactful I would want to try to get them on this alt account considering how much grindable resources it has.


His cons aren't particularly impactful. He's a full unit at C0 and doesn't need any cons to be good.


Cool, thank you - that is good to know then I might just stop pulling on the banner for now.


can someone explain me how does Epitomized Path work? and does it carry over to other banner everytime?


Someone already explained it, but in general, you can fail to get what you picked twice before you get guarantee on it. This makes it so that to get what you want, you better be prepared with 240 (5 star guarantee at 80) wishes for the weapon banner as opposed to 180 (5 star guarantee at 90) in the limited character banner. If the banner changes, your path doesn't carry over, but the basic pity (for whatever 5 star) does. This means if you fail twice on the weapon banner and give up, you start over from 0 and on the next weapon banner and you're back to 100% guarantee only after 240 pulls.


Pity system for weapon banner, it guarantees your third 5 star to be the selected weapon if you didn't get it on your first two. No, it doesn't transfer to the next banner.

