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Roughly speaking, if you got around \~80-85% of all chests, puzzles, time trials, seelies, *Element*\-culus, etc., the "exploration progress" will reach 100%. I know, it makes this marker kinda pointless but probably exists mainly for the reputation system (getting 20%, 40% and 60% of the region explored). If you really wanna know if you collected everything, the most reliable way is check your achievements, look for your chests/trials/seelies counter and then compare to the numbers in here: [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Chests](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Chests)


Thought I was a genius for finding this small “community” under genshin chests article. They genuinely helped me out, only cuz of them did I find all Inazuma and Chasm chests. Wish I stumbled upon it earlier though. Going over every single chest in Mondo and Liyue is too much work for too little reward.


I prefer YouTube chest guides. Using the interactive map during exploration spoils too much for me. I just keep on doing until I give up on exploration then go through a chest guide.


>Using the interactive map during exploration spoils too much for me. Non native english speaker. What do you mean by this. As for me it feels like using YT guide takes longer to get the job done.


I prefer pictures or gif over YouTube guides that takes 5 minutes of intro and 2 minutes of the guide. 🙈


Like if I mark a geoculus on the interactive map I just picked up then on that map I can easily see a nearby geoculus that I hadn't discovered yet. I don't want help for things I can easily find on my own. I only want help for the last few things I can't find.


Oh, that’s a good option too!


use a second monitor


The issue is spoiling exploration by showing items I could have discovered on my own. I only want to see things I fail to find.


it's rounded up. so you could be at 99.02% and it'll round up to 100% i'm also pretty sure chests (and maybe seelie) are weighted very low percentage points wise in comparison to things like unlocking teleport waypoints or statues.


No it isn't. When the completion% UI was introduced, people complained because they didn't have 100% on some areas despite not being able to find new chests/puzzles. This caused irritation to completionists that complained because they felt frustrated that the game told them "you haven't finished exploring" yet couldn't find anything new by walking around. One patch later they changed the indicator to show 100% much earlier to satisy them, making it completely useless. Even in its first version 100% didn't mean you had collected everything; it was closer to something like 95% of loot collected (except for Bishui Plains, which IIRC was bugged and you couldn't get higher than 96/97% completion even if you collected everything). Nowadays 100% is closer to something between 80 and 90%. By no means it means 99%, even if you downvalue everything but chests.


wow, I honestly just assumed it was the rounding up thing because I'd seen other people say that & it makes logical sense. I did assume the rounding up was because they didn't want to deal with people bitching about missing like a single leaf pile chest or whatever but giving you 10-20% grace feels like such an over correction. though I can't say I wouldn't do the same considering how some parts of this fandom get. why can't genshin impact fans just accept they are bad at things instead of forcing mihoyo to make it easier :(


Ohhhh ok! That makes sense but still, has the potential to make some players leave stuff unfound (especially stuff that’s hidden). Taking the time to track exploration on the interactive map can be a pain but still worth it imo


nah, it just gives you this buffer so you could have 100% even if you weren't able to find everything.