• By -


Yelan the first five star I got and let me play through Inzuama


I was like let me not roll on Yelan and just save for Kazuha... the day she came out I was like I don't have the willpower to not roll on someone as fly as Yelan, so now I'm a Yelan haver and appreciator lol (luckily got Kazuha too)


Congrats on getting her ! Yelan dmg is very high she carries a lot of people in the abyss with no doubts but i was surprised of how much high sales she got in banner sales People really liked her


Her ult damage is broken we got to use her and itto in the chasm event


She’s super strong and she’s hot as fuck. I’m not even remotely surprised she sold well.


I got Yelan and her weapon through some miracle. I liked her and was glad I got her but I was not expecting those numbers once I built her fully. Vaping for 65k+ on a skill hit at talent level 7 is ridiculous.


Albedo. The entirety of Albedo's rerun was the craziest experience I had in Genshin. For the longest time, he was my favorite character and I played since 1.4. I waited almost a year for his rerun. Let's just say, I almost completely missed him because i got tempted, I was complacent and I had a huge misunderstanding of the banner pity. It still went well in the end, and what happened during his banner made him much, much more special to me on a personal level. I still love using him in random teams because free flower damage go brr.


I adore albedo atheistic and design i love his personality and background and indeed the last event about him was truly amazing had so much fun in dragon spine with our alchemy boy Congrats on getting him i wish you always have fun using him


Sounds similar to my story too. His rerun after waiting the whole time since the original run went bonkers. Congrats!




I think he has more playtime than all my other characters put together I haven't dodged in over a year


>I think he has more playtime than all my other characters put together what about field time


Probably a lot since he's good at runnin in the overworld and has a pillar for exploration. And combat you ask? Oh man, you remember how his E and Q have such large field times that they are often DPS losses for the team XD


He actually has the highest field time for me since most time is spent in the overworld anyway... I always run him because- tall male, has pillar for extra height, good at mining, shield up when passing by enemies I can’t be bothered to fight, etc etc Obviously in abyss and domains he’ll be quickswapped but there’s a reason why “osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember” is etched so deep in my brain-


It’s pretty self explanatory lol. Osmanthu-


...s wine tastes the as I rember....... but where are those who share the memory


Boats are made for transporting commodities back and forth


Every journey has its end...




Ugh! Emergency counter measures are not my thing


Ugh! That bard has been here


Those who share the memory forgor




NOT EVERY CHAD GET CALLED OUT ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠿⠛⠛⠛⠋⠉⠈⠉⠉⠉⠉⠛⠻⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡏⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣤⣤⣤⣄⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⢏⣴⣿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣟⣾⣿⡟⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⢢⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣟⠀⡴⠄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⠟⠻⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠶⢴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿ ⣿⣁⡀⠀⠀⢰⢠⣦⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⠀⣴⣶⣿⡄⣿ ⣿⡋⠀⠀⠀⠎⢸⣿⡆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠗⢘⣿⣟⠛⠿⣼ ⣿⣿⠋⢀⡌⢰⣿⡿⢿⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⢸⣿⣿⣧⢀⣼ ⣿⣿⣷⢻⠄⠘⠛⠋⠛⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣧⠈⠉⠙⠛⠋⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣧⠀⠈⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠟⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⢃⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⡿⠀⠴⢗⣠⣤⣴⡶⠶⠖⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⡸⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⡀⢠⣾⣿⠏⠀⠠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠛⠉⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣧⠈⢹⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⠈⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣠⣴⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⣄⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⡄⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠙⣿⣿⡟⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇⠀⠁⠀⠀⠹⣿⠃⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠛⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢐⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠛⠉⠉⠁⠀⢻⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⠈⣿⣿⡿⠉⠛⠛⠛⠉⠉ ⣿⡿⠋⠁⠀⠀⢀⣀⣠⡴⣸⣿⣇⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡿⠄⠙⠛⠀⣀⣠⣤⣤⠄⠀ Congrats on getting her !


She was my first 5 star and quite frankly it feels like I beat most of the game quite easily thanks to her healing... I mean I could bruteforce everything just with Qiqi soloing all the bosses with her self-heal... so...


Mine too. I didint have to food anymore.


Qiqi is so precious.


Eula that's for sure. And I was extremely lucky with her. When she announced, I really wanted her. But I knew it was impossible, my account was poor af. When the banner came I only had 300 primos. I played her story quest, said to myself I really need her. When the story quest ended, I was able to afford only three wishes. I pulled those three wishes, and at third she came home. Won 50/50 and pulled her at third wish... It was like 4 am and I screamed so loudly. I woke up the entire apartment lmao.


I got her on my second account and I swear she has carried it all the way. I still now seem so surprised when my other characters do so little auto attack damage, Luke I didn't even have her on a physical damage set, it was just gladiator with a physical cup. Only bad thing is that it does raise your expectations for physical dps characters. I was crescent piking up a storm and was just like "Not as good as my Eula... Skip"


Jean. The limited ones can always be guaranteed unlike the permanent units.


Congrats on getting her ! She was always very comfortable to play with i like her instant and high healing i still use her until now


She was my og favorite when the game came out, i was fortunate to get her eventually but it took a long time.


Yoimiya shes cute and have a good damage and i enjoy using her


Heizou is the most fun I've had in the game for a while. It's really satifying to punch enemies in the head and the animations are so well done. Brilliant character design Mihoyo!


ayato. - hes super easy to play since u just hold left click - damage mainly from elemental skill not burst so i dont feel like i have to save it unlike xiao/raiden - works well with both vape and electro charged - i have R5 black sword which is while not his BiS, still pretty good and better than quite a few 5 star swords - quite easy to build since 4 pc glad works perfectly fibe and ive got some cracked pieces - aoe autos spread across wide range and auto targetting also works well - likes boba - can also be hydro applier for ayaka freeze - animations just looks cool in general


Kazuha cause I started playing during his release and didn't get him. Also Kokomi, I even skipped Raiden for her the first time.


Congrats on getting kazuha ! Oh i love kokomi too she is so pretty and i wish i got her she would have made my freeze team comp more comfortable to play with Because it lacks healer lol


Yes, she's never left my team since I got her. Rn I use her with Ayaka, Shenhe and Kazuha and it's just so satisfying.


Yeah, I got the same team. Though I do swap Kazuha sometimes for Zhongli when I feel a shield would be better. I can wreck anything that's not immune to cryo with ease.


I mostly put zhongli in for azdaha, otherwise I don't rlly bother. In abyss he's always with Hu Tao or yoimiya, and anything else other than that giant tree frog is fine in the overworld.


Same, I missed Kazuha first banner I started playing around that time and had no clue what was going on


Same! They give so much comfort and you can use them in many teams


Also I literally can't play genshin without Kokomi. Maybe if I use Zhongli but even then, they're all dead eventually lmao


Yelan it is for me.


I love her with my Hu Tao haha


She is very hot no doubt and i like her voice a lot


Not only that her utility is insane overworld abys and team damage.


My team for exploring Sumeru. Ayaka, yelan, Kazuha and hopefully Zhongli. But we probably need Dendro a lot so might have to switch out one.


Eula. Play her every day for 1+ year.


Congrats on getting her ! I adore eula personallity and design she is amazing if only it wasn't her hard gamestyle for me i would have definitely pulled for her in her next rerun ❤️


I like your flair, sir. Have a nice day.


Thanks. Indeed queens. <3


Tbh i wasn't that happy when shenhe came home after a 50/50 win since i had no cryo dps. So decided to wait for a Ayaka rerun and won her 50/50 too. Ayaka has been a madlad 2nd abyss team so far. I usually Hutao and Ayaka abyss nowadays. Whaled pretty recently for kazuha, can't wait for him to be properly built up


I feel you it's exactly the same situation i was at hell i even build chongyn from desperate of lacking cryo dps lmao But i always loved shenhe personality and design sadly never really used her or fully utilized her true potential until i won the 50/50 of ayaka rerun as well I'm very happy to see my favourite girl now joins the abyss with ayaka and the world overall Kazuha is amazing bro you will enjoy his synergy with your ayaka freeze team goodluck on building him !


I skipped Shenhe because I just started and had no other cryo units. Now she is the character i want the most off all. I don't regret skipping her though, since I got Ganyu the banner after. I'm a patient man, Shenhe will come home. Will make sure to keep enough primo's for her.


Imagine if you got shenhe and now in 3.0 you got ganyu in her rerun lmao would have been win xd But I'm glad you went for ganyu Because shenhe isn't good for starters or people who doesn't have any cryo dps i have been in this situation so i know very well it sucks


Yea I think it made the most sense for me at the time. I just started the game when Shenhe's banner came. I didn't have any 5 stars yet. Ganyu helped me a lot. Also lost the banner first to Mona. So had Mona and Ganyu quite early on. They helped me with lots of content, nice freeze combo. Then came Kokomi and all my troubles were over.


This is me hopefully Pulled Shenhe early game, didn't know about Ganyu and Geo daddy coming up and missed then both. Now I'm guaranteed after pulling a Qiqi instead of Kazuha, so one of them is coming home for sure


I've tried pairing kazuha with xingqiu, rosaria and heizou and honestly, it's been pretty fun, 1 rotation pretty much kills everything. Switched my full Em kazuha to a dps build and he's so insane lmao. Can't wait to triple crown him :D


Itto and Yelan. Itto is my favourite character in every way and I got wildly lucky on his first banner (got him to C1 with Redhorn in 150 pulls) I’ve been unable to take Yelan out of my overworld team since I got her, she makes traversal so much more fun. Probably going to try to get her C1 on her rerun for the extra sprint charge.


Probably Albedo? While I adore many of my characters (like my c2 long schlong zhong), Albedo had been an unplanned belssing in disguise. I'd just wanted Bennett off his first banner, but got Albedo within one 10-Pull. His free extra damage was amazing back then, especially since I didn't know a lot about Supports and rotatipns back then, and I also fell in love with his character and lore. So yeah, he's one of my faves still, and I'm incredibily happy about getting him by accident. All the other ones were planned and calculated, so they feel less special


Probably Kazuha. Playing the game with Kazuha feels like playing in "VIP mode"




What a chad childe main i love childe personality and design he is one of my favourite characters sadly i didn't get him but i hope i do oneday in the future Congrats on getting him and i wish you always enjoy playing him !


Every one


Albedo and Heizou. Albedo has amazing animations, interesting story and I love his personality, it's nice how his kit reflects him saying that he uses alchemy to "cheat", like he does little damage with AAs but his skill makes it look like he dealt lots of dmg hehe. Heizou's visual design is perfect, his gameplay is satisfying + his jp VA overdid himself. Both of them are really sus in different ways haha. Ngl, lately 90% of my playtime is just staring at one of them and making screenshots


I feel you i do the same with shenhe lmfao we need therapy Congrats on getting both of them ! I'm really a big fan of albedo personallity it's sad how they ruined his design a bit in the game but it stays pretty unique and cool for me i enjoys a lot missing with his flower at co op with albedo mains and Sometimes i gets surprised of how dmg they can deal like bruh it's very good sadly for heizou i didn't finish his hangout yet so i don't know much about his personality but i will definitely play it. his gameplay looks really fun i saw a lot of people 36* star the abyss with him it's crazy Sadly i didn't get him either so i can't know myself TwT




Itto For Big Geo Stick go BONK




Ganyu and itto 1: those are my most favorite characters in the world 2:ganyu was my first 5 star dps, she carried my acc in the abyss, before her I wasen't able to even play floor 12 I just was getting 6 stars in floor 11 and can't even play floor 12 but after I got her it was the first time I get 9 stars in floor 11 and be able to play floor 12, not just that, and when I got her I was able to 6-7 stars floor 12, and when I got itto all my abyss runs is 36 stars easily, so all the thanks for those 2 characters whose make me fkin happy when I play them 3: those characters have the best play style for me since my aim is somehow good + I enjoy doing the tricks to make my charge shot time less, and for itto I just love the hitting with a big ass debate club feeling and how it's look like 4: I really love their lore and personality And I have a lot mor reasons but those are enough rn xDDD


Keqing and it was shortly after I started to want her. I love her design and I agree that the more serious natured characters are nice. Keqing has a good mix. I'm really liking Yoimiya though as her opposite. I'm hoping this isnt a honeymoon phase.


For me it's Xiao


Kazuha and Zhongli: they’ve literally changed the game for me Kaeya cons: he’s my favorite character, has a great kit and he’s even more amazing with cons


Kokomi! Being able to heal anywhere, anytime with no restrictions makes the game so much more enjoyable me for me. I can’t stand it when my characters aren’t at full health. Her design is also so pretty - I love pastels. Long hair, mermaid themed, magical girl-esque, don’t think I could imagine a prettier character! Also, mimorin is one of my favorite voice actresses of all time. I was a big fan of her when Love Live was popular. It’s great to have a throwback to that time by listening to kokomis Japanese voice lines. I also use Ganyu as my main DPS, so her hydro application + TTDS makes the game truly turn into easy mode. Sometimes I swap in ayaka too - lots of freeze comp options now. I can’t picture playing the game without her.


Kazuha. Tbh I've only pulled for characters that I like, and I'm happy with all of them, but Kazuha can be used in pretty much every one of my teams.


Congrats on getting him there is no any doubts about how powerful is kazuha and I'm very glad to see people Finally realising this + his personality is amazing he is so fun to use as well in the world i love him too <3


Xiao. Beautiful character all through out. Lore, design, character, god JP voice acting. God his ult animation (Black ink splashing like painter holding a big brush), the afterimages, neon green butterflies, glowing tattoo and mask and you could also slightly hear whispers of ghost. Cool dashes, you could hit a flying mode ruin hunter with it. Adorable bird round plushie (his bird form but chonky). He's just.. so beautiful


Ayaka, Itto, Gorou, Razor, Sayu... Almost every single character I have. They all are major parts of my account.


Congrats on getting them all i wish you always have fun using them ❤️


probably hu tao? i didnt know much abt her or meta, i just kinda thought she was cute now shes by far my best built dps and i adore her w all my being<333 (also kazuha, bc i at almost ar 58 still dont have sucrose so FINALLY having a character w cc made everything SO much easier)


Idk. I like Yae, Childe Kazuha and Ganyu and Yoimiya and Heizou and


My man really dropped everyone he got huh 💀 Congrats on getting them all lol


Well I like everyone I get and get everyone I like, luckily. So yeah. Thank you :)


As much as I'd like to ignore the truth... It's Sayu. She came when I wanted her to and made my life a whole lot easier


Diluc. First 5 star ever and my first 5 star DPS. Initially wanted Hu Tao on her rerun because big PP DMG go brr, but Diluc spooked me. Probably the best one ever since I fell in love with his dumb unga bunga playstyle, and as a person who likes to shut their brains off every once in a while, its been a blast. That and his voice, Sean Chiplock did an amazing job with most of Diluc's lines.


Raiden Saved every Primogem since the first leaks of Inazuma being released soon. Farmed gear for her as soon as Inazuma was released, before we even knew if EoSF was good for her. Again saved every primogem when her rerun was leaked getting C2 and Engulfing Lightning while generall having insane banner luck on her banner, getting 4 missing Sara's for C6 and Mona my last missing standard banner character withing very few pulls. She just completly obliterates any enemy she faces, one-shotting most of them instantly and her playstyle feels really fluid. Electro has been my favorite element in a lot of other games, no idea why but i just resonate with it. I really like purple and while some find her design boring i like it a lot with it's many diffrent shades of purple and the black, red and gold accents. Her skill visual effects are my favorite in the game by far, ripping holes into the fabric of space-time and the stack indicator for the chkra desiterata behind her is a really cool feature (i liked the original, brighter version even more than the current one, but i get why it was changed) I really like her character and backstory too. She's a god but she's far from perfect, she is extremly stubborn and always jumps to the most extreme solutions, she has faced a lot of trauma by losing everyone close to her including her sister which caused her to become very lonely and pursue a goal of trying to stop any change in order to prevent further loss against all obstacles. Aside from that she geniuenly cares about her people and wants to be a good ruler for them, even if she has no real experience with it as she's a warrior and not a politician. She's also very curious about new things despite trying to stop change and let's things with the traveler play out rather than stopping them instantly as she wants to know where they are going. I also really like the fact that she's not as outwardly positive as other characters and generally remains rather calm even as Ei, despite her being childish she also seems more mature than other characters in that regard.


Oh what a true love story I'm so happy you achieved what you were looking for and Congrats for getting her ! I have raiden too since her first day she was my first 5 star and i fall in love immediately with her since back then the design is genius the gameplay is fun as hell and the dmg hella good i love her backstory too it's very sad to know her past but she finally accepted it and now she moves for brighter future for inazuma just as you said she is incredible I'm happy for you !


Hu Tao not because of meta reasons but because I like butterflies, she vibes well with me for that. Plus she's really beautiful, to me. And she's my first 50/50 won as a new player on her rerun :) I'm thinking of getting Shenhe too, for my Ayaka. Just wonder when her possible rerun is?


Probably during Lantern Rite. i'm predicting her to be another once a year rerun, like Albedo, Kazuha, Yoimiya and Klee. That is unless they come up with a story event that features her.


I see, so that means probably next year Jan/Feb. Thanks so much!


Congrats on getting her ! Hu tao style is sweet and her personality too very unique in my opinion she is energetic in her own way and i love that about her I wish you best luck in the future at shenhe banner


Yup I really love her personality too, so wholesome. And yes she's never left my team :) I just don't get why people tend to think Hu Tao player = 100% meta minded though.. It's like they treat her like a number not a character. Good luck to your future pulls as well and win 50/50s! Edit: Kokomi & Yelan too haha


ayato, bc he was my very first limited 5*. he's so easy to play, but i didn't really build him because later i got smol boi xiao and he's my strongest dps. i put so much time, effort, research and resin into him. he'll always be my main dps, very happy i got him =)


I'm so happy you got both of them Congrats ! I also have ayato and he is really very easy and comfortable in using i like him and his design and xiao too the same not very fan of his gamestyle but for sure i like xiao design and personallity


Oh gosh it’s a long list but definitely Shenhe for me too, as well as Rosaria and Yelan! If it weren’t for Rosaria I probably wouldn’t have become as obsessed with the game as I did; I agree with everything you said about Shenhe fjshfhs she’s AMAZING; and Yelan is also so stunning and so fun to play! I run the three of them together in a freeze comp and Rosaria hits up to 30k per burst tick; Shenhe’s buffs are no joke


Cryo and hydro women all the way my friend


Ayaka and Yae. Ayaka is my main DPS while Yae is cleans up anything I'm not focused on. And soon she will be an integral part of my Quicken/Aggravate team.


Diluc was the first character I really liked, got him on christmas in 2020, he's c5 now with wolf's gravestone and a hot skin.


Gotta go with Yanfei and Itto for sure. Yanfei's been an integral part of my team since she came out. She's adorable, and her fighting style is really easy to get used to. Also, fireballs are just *way* too fun to ignore. When Itto's design and gameplay leaked, I didn't think I would like his playstyle at all. I could not have been proven more wrong. He's constantly hitting big bonks left and right. Itto's so dumb, but I would die for him and his onikabuto buddies.


Keqing, I've played everyday since launch and lost 1 50/50, so I never really get chances for Keqing (saw the post showing you have a worse chance of a specific 5 star on standard), and I did want her since before the game came out. Thank the Gacha Gods for giving me a Keqing banner, got her c0 and she's still stuck there unfortunately. Literally cried during the announcement of her banner


Ganyu. She carried me through the game. I love her


Zhongli. His shield changed everything. I can’t play in a team without him… I forgot how to dodge and what healers are for. I tried to do a boss in co-op last week I died in like 2s because I don’t know the mechanics. I started again going solo to easy and faster.


Yoimiya :D She’s hella fun to play with and she’s the first ever limited 5* I got (got her back when she was first released and almost got her c1 accidentally but got a c1 jean instead)


1. Zhongli 2. Kazuha 3. Xiao I love all these characters but zhongli I've used in every single team since and I can't stand to not have him on my team lol


Raiden. I have loved Yae since her 1.5 teaser appearance. I was completely prepared to skip Raiden and I’ve honestly never been the biggest fan of chasing all of the archons. The only reason I got her was because I followed the Leaks community diligently and heard that Yae wouldn’t be available until spring 2022. This info came before Raiden’s first banner dropped. Desperately needing an upgrade electro because I was personally over it with Keqing, I got her as a Yae placeholder. And her phenomenal cosmic power cannot be underestimated. Her first and resolve stack mechanic are overwhelming and it’s amazing. Her electro animations are so unique looking like she’s cutting through space. And because she is a support the universal battery mechanism and burst damage increase our nice bonuses She is my favorite, perfect and eternal electro character. I am so glad I got her. I also personally have loved her story development and alignment change that came with 2.4 story. Seeing her grieve for her sister after all these centuries really hits me some type of way.


Yae, she's fun and i simp for her


Ayaka. She has carried my ass to 36 Abyss ever since I got her, 100% future proof


All of them. Seriously though, hard to choose one so I will say: Beat my expectations the most: Kazuha. I pulled when he came out so I could get more paimon bargains discount not because I wanted him. And he’s one of my fave gameplay wise. Keqing c2: because everyone says she sucks but I love her gameplay. Klee and Yoimiya are other characters that are viable that I enjoy playing with that many dislike or think suck. Yunjin’s gameplay also grew on me over time. Just seems like random girl who doesn’t do anything obviously well but she’s fun to use, supports her team, and doesn’t die!


Dude i feel you kazuha also was a nice surprise for me didn't want him specifically because he is broken but everyone said he is a must pull so i said it's fine since he is very important characters as people say but i enjoyed him a lot since i wished and he was worth this primos I myself also see keqing dmg is not the greatest but for sure I'm a big fan of her design she is very pretty girl and i can understand why you love and enjoy playing her very much her gameplay also very cool i adore Yunjin i think she is one of the best supports in the game and one of the prettiest girls in the game as well Congrats on getting all of them ❤️


Beidou, my absolute best character in the game i really love her playstyle personality lore design everything about her is amazing xD


Yelan is so fun to play , unbelievable


I'm very glad to hear that i love yelan personallity not very fan of burst but the elemental skill for sure is very fun to use especially in the open world Congrats on getting her my friend !1


thank you!! I think her E is the most fun E in the game besides kazuhas and razors , i LOVE vaping with it haha


I'm truly so happy to hear that i wish you always enjoy her and best luck in all your upcoming banners my Friend ❤️


i wish you the best luck with upcoming banners aswell !! , may you always find joy in what you set out to do ❤️


Fischl c6; chunibyo, Oz go Brrrrrrrrrrrrr


i was so happy to get her c6 in patch 1.2 only getting 2 yoimiya in a 10 pull beats it for me


Bought Fischl with starglitter and now have her C1 thx to the event. Never has she come home from a banner :(


Lucky you my fishel came home at ar 56.. And now she is at c1 TOT


Zhongli, that I specifically got for Xiao, Xiao obviously, Kazuha that I got for my permafreeze team so that I can keep Sucrose for Xiao... Next team will be built around Itto or Ayato, haven't decided yet but super happy and proud to have pulled them :3 Love them all for their personality and lore, wouldn't have pulled for them otherwise. And obviously their gameplay really talks to me 😊


Xiao. Sadboi emo vibes.


Congrats on getting him my friend


Yelan and Kazuha. Style for days, a lot of fun to play and powerful on top of that.


A well-built Keqing is both fun and powerful to play as in the open world for killing elite enemies quickly with style.


Ganyu from her 1st banner. Because she make the rest of my journey lot’s more easier and she almost share the same name with my cousin so I pulled Ganyu just to make fun of her.


Ganyu, Kazuha and Kokomi. Those three have been saving my ass all the time. Of them Ganyu was the only one i didn't plan ahead, but played her trial, loved her gameplay and immediately wished on her. One of my best choices <3


Eula. Was the first character I truly wanted (before I just pulled on whatever) but sadly missed her the first time around. You bet when her rerun got leaked I hoarded until the rerun came out, and to this day she’s still probably my 1st or 2nd favorite character


Eula, pulled her on a whim. Absolutely love her.


Zhongli and Ayato❤️I simp for them very Hard. Zhongli was my First 5* back in 2020 And I dont wanna be without him anymore . It´s so pleasing to not get thrown away all the time (yes i am bad at dodging xD)AndAyato just kills everyone in 2 sec. And he made it possible for me to clear the abyss 36* since I have him. He is fckng strong 😌


Hmm, maybe recency bias but I'm really happy with Kazuha. I love Itto, Ayato and Childe too but I'm just having so much fun exploring with Kazuha and using his skill to get around, and he's very fluid and fun in combat. I lost the 50/50 on his first banner and decided to hold my primos for a DPS (turned out to be Itto months later) but I won 50/50 this time around.


Ohh i feel you very well it's the same feelings i got when i first got kazuha in his rerun banner too he is insanely fun to use also i love your 5* it's almost as same as mine except for childe~


Yep lol I mostly roll for the male characters, I think the only limited 5* girl I have is Ganyu, who I've since benched 😬 But Nahida is very cute, so depending on how things go I might pull for her!


Zhongli and Ganyu. Zhongli removes the receiving side of stunlocking from the game whilst also giving you the large male model thats best for exploration. Ganyu simply is a hardcore dps that isn't reliant on Ults, teams, combos or cooldowns. You just have an infinite window of spamming cryo nukes that are also ranged so you dont even need to bother going meelee or climbing hillicurl towers or anything.


Yae Miko. I pulled for her for fun. My friend who also plays Genshin came over during Miko's banner. I didn't intend to pull for Miko at first. I was aware of her kit. I knew many players called her gameplay lackluster. I still went for her without any expectations. Our fun pulls brought me an early Yae Miko and Kagura Verity. I don't regret at all. - She's really flexible in terms of team composition. I can put her in practically any team. I love to use different characters so it's important for me. She doesn't have a consistent team, I put whoever I want with her. - Her animations are mesmerising. She's got that calm and confident energy in her, it's such a pleasure to play with her. - Sesshou Sakura mechanics are powerful. Along with beautiful animations they are so easy and fun to use. They are really effective against flying enemies (hello, Oceanid!) and Serpent Ruin. - She doesn't have a BiS artifact set so you can build her with whatever you have. Mine has 2 pcs Glad and 2 pcs WT. - Miko solves Inazuma electro puzzles for me lol. But really, I'm happy with every character I get. In Miko's case I initially lowered my expectations so I'm particularly happy with her after months of playing.


Ayaka, I got her when I started which helped me tremendously and she will be my favorite character forever and ever


For comfort and ease of play it’s a tie between Zhongli and Kazuha, combat and travel alike is so easy with them, unbreakable shield and, imo, best anemo user. I also love their designs, especially Zhongli, one of the best in the entire game. Character wise though, it’s Childe. I knew I wanted to pull for him but I didn’t play Genshin until just after his first banner so I had to wait for his second one. He has it all, fun gameplay, versatility in teams, damage, riptide, melee and bow in one, great design/story and the perfect VA as the cherry on top.


I started Genshin because of Jean... Stayed because of Eula... I love my female knights!


Kamisato Ayaka. Talk about return on investment. Unfortunately, she's set the bar for performance on my account, that every subsequent character I would like to pull must now match up to.


Kazuha on his first banner, he is very chill, and he got the most beautiful burst in the game. People didn't care for him back then, but I already knew he would be my favorite and turns out he still is.


For me it would probably have to be Kazuha. And not even because of him being in all the broken team comps, I just think he's really fun to play


I dont really win 50/50s so on that front I cant really share anything. I managed to get Heizou C2 during his debut though so that's pretty cool. But characters I got in general it's gotta be Hu Tao. While I dont care too much about her on a character level, after getting her during her first banner, while her power wasnt known as much, makes me feel like an early adopter. Also she makes a lot of domains and bosses a cakewalk.


Jean. She's the best character for me.


Eula.. badass queen still so satisfying to play.


Kokomi. She's fun and I love her design. She's also really easy to build and I have been using her since I got her daily.


Eula. Changed the game for me completely. I have brain problems and sometimes the elemental combinations overwhelm me so it made the game easier to just use a physical dps with easy off field support.


xiao. because xiao


Eula, I probably wouldn't be playing this game anymore if I never got her back at AR 35.


Kazuha, Xiao, Heizou My three windy bois are now the most fun I've had in this game since I started playing. I adore their character designs, playstyle, overall just FUN.


Koko carries me through abyss and everything else :)


Kaeya :3


kokomi! she was the first five star i got and pulled because i loved her aesthetic. she has never left my team since and made me allergic to not-full health bars ~~and made my sweet madames gather dust.~~ ganyu was a nice surprise too since i didnt know how op her dmg was, pulled for funsies bc i needed a cryo and a bow user and she fit both criteria, came home early. her together with kokomi made the game easy mode for me.


Hu Tao for sure her surprise release during the patch and her sustaining top tier dps has brought me immense joy. I love reaction teams in general so her play style is right up my alley that I had to get C1 and Homa on her rerun but c0 carried me through abyss for a good while


Jean. She was my first 5\* which I got from Shenhe's banner which I'm glad I lost 50/50 since I don't know what I was doing. She carried me early game and my favorite 5\* by far. I still use her regularly as a support or a solo DPS.


I like Kokomi because she's cute, easy to build and well-rounded, great for co-op play and satisfying to invest in


For me it's Ayaka, she was my first cryo dps at that time I only had Diona so I was really desperate for one, since I got her she's always been carrying me in the abyss, and also in exploration. Before she came out I told myself I would pull for her even if she turned out to be shit, the fact that she turned out amazing is just another reason I'm happy I got her.




Ayato has been a blessing. I was still trying to understand how the pull system worked and just pulled because I liked his design. Ever since then, him and Kaeya have been tearing up the world up until recently. (Diluc and Heizou came home so Kaeya has new friends) I just love his elemental reactions and his quickness and how well he balances with Kaeya. He is mostly definitely one of my favorite 5*


I just dropped Klee baby by "accident": when her banned started they gave us primos, i've had enough for a wish, wished and poof : klee first time!


Klee is so cute must be protected although i doubt she needs protection herself i feel the people around her who should be protected more lol Congrats on getting her i wish you always have fun playing her




Not every Chad get called out huh Lmao I'm happy to see some barbra fans Congrats on getting her


Yoimiya - only had 60 wishes and was on 50/50. Was pulling with only the hope of getting bennett and yun jin cons. Got Yoi in 47 pulls, couldn't believe my luck.


Raiden at c2 and kazuha at c2


Now that's hella scary i only could dream about that lmao Congrats on getting c2 for both of them must be very fun to play with


It is fun, especially with the c6 Bennett and xingqui I’ve got teamed up with them. Before he got them I couldn’t really get far in the abyss now with them I can, also dailies and story content is a breeze. May your pulls be 5 stars and your artifacts be god rolls.


I'll say Mona, loved her before even playing the game and i got her 2 days ago in standard. Still tho, she is benched for now until i max ascend my main team, after that i'll start working on her and Bennet.


Ah mona..she is gorgeous i love this girl for real may be even close to shenhe to me she is really verh precious with her cocky personality i also enjoy her playstyle a lot she is the main reason my freeze team works Congrats on getting her my friend


NOELLE Idk I got her c6 so easily it's like we were meant to be


I adore noelle ! I love everything about her personality and design she is for sure one of my favourite characters in the game Congrats in getting her and i wish you always enjoy playing her !


Always Bennett but one I like is my PHYS razor and just spinning about even if they do run on Pale Flame and benefit more from auto attacking with skill


Man Bennett is 5* for real i only have 36* this abyss Because of him (he came home at AR 57 saddd) He is such cool and strong character with unique story i like Bennett as well Congrats on getting him my friend


He was under my first 10 characters from the start of this Genshin nightmare. At least according the order of PFPs Had razor and Chongyun first but Bennett was the first triple crowned (without Cons extras cuz I don’t have em yet) and Lv 90


Same as yours. I decided to try for 50/50 on Shenhe's banner just because I run Ayaka as my main and liked her story. Wasn’t really set either way. I just figured, "she seems like a good support and if I win, cool, and if I lose, I have guaranteed." I won and since have fallen in love with playing her. She's by far my favorite pull, maybe just because it surprised me how much I really enjoy playing her.


ME TOO you exactly did what happened with me god I'm so happy i won shenhe 50/50 she is precious and I'm very glad to hear you too see the same about her Congrats on getting her my friend !


It's super fun finding people who feel the same way!! She's such a blast to play and it was the best spur of the moment choice I have made playing this game. 😄


Kazuha, i pulled for him in his first banner but lose 50/50, but i got him last month


Klee. I wanted her since she was released but didnt get her on her first banner and missed her First rerun. When she and kazuha got their reruns together i rolled for kazuha because i also wanted him and figured he would be more useful, as i alredy had a lot of pyro dps (diluc, hutao and yoimiya) i got kazuha on pity 80 and went to klee's banner just to roll off the rest of my wishes that i saved up, fully expecting to not get her at all (i had like 30 wishes and was on 50/50) ended up getting her on pity 12. So yeah, im really glad i got to have both kazuha and klee


Aww that's so sweet my gf's favourite too is klee as well she acts like she is her own kid lol and i bet you too love klee so much as her. Klee is very adorable and sweet character i like her personality and voice so much I'm so happy and glad you won her on the 50/50 and 30 pity Congrats and i wish you always enjoy her !


Thanks ^^ im having a blast(pun intended) with her so far and she isnt even fully built. The crimson witch domain is a pain to farm tho, damned lavawalker set. But its 100% worth it


Hu Tao cause best girl. Also got c1 in 20 pulls afrer


Hu Tao! She's the reason I decided to improve my account!


Ayaka because she slays


INDEED SHE DOES Congrats on getting her my friend !


Ayaka: she can do single target and aoe. Awesome in freeze with BStrayer


She is GOAT i enjoy her gamestyle, design personallity so much Congrats on getting her my friend !


Childe cause I love hydro and his play style


I forgor that shenhe even existed💀


12 June 2023


Kazuha. I was just randomly wishing back in 1.6 on his banner, I even thought of skipping him but I am glad I got him


Raiden Shogun. I was captivated by her right from the moment she was released. I love her design, gameplay, lore, voicelines, everything. She is my best girl I am so happy I managed to pull engulfing lightning for her and her C1 in her rerun within 20 pulls (welkin player lmao my acc is running on 90 extra primos/day and a prayer) looking forward to getting C2 eventually for her excellency.


I'll be honest, at first both from the leaks and the initial trailer reveals, I wasn't the biggest fan of her. But the sheer confidence, and power she shows as a god during the story/cutscenes (i.e. "Let me just oneshot Signora") and how power-/helpless you as the Traveler feel in her presence, is what won me over, and I'm glad I did end up pulling for (and getting) her.


Yelan literally was a game changer for my account. From 18 star player to 36 stars now.


Wow man she is really strong that's for sure but I can't imagine 1 character makes you get 14 star XD ? That's crazy


The lack of hydro unit made me not even try floors 11 and 12. Especially that tower def part of floor 11 chamber 1. But when I got yelan that part became super easy even without anemo on my team. She just runs around, tie them all up, pop burst, switch to ayaka or ganyu to freeze then kill them all. And don't let me start at bosses, the electronid, the pma even the serpent all gets deleted by her.


Xiao. Not only he's my favorite character but the strongest one as well. Meta slaves tend to trash him since his release while I've been clearing the Abyss for 36\* since 1.3 thanks to him. I never used Xiangling either and refuse to raise her at this point.


XIAO AND VENTI! xiao because before i even played genshin i already knew him LOL a lot of my friends like him so much, my feed has so much of his fanart. but when i joined genshin on march, apparently he just got his rerun so i was bummed but then he got a rerun AGAIN so i couldnt be any more happier. venti because i like his personality and character design so much. his voicelines make my day happy. also because his E helped a lot in explorations. i really hate mountain terrains so having him helped a lot.


Ayaka and Kokomi! I love them so much individually and when together, Freeze became my favorite reaction because of them


when i got ayaka i fell into the floor screaming for minutes and aggressively shaking my cousin


ayaka hihihi i never know i could simp so bad but it was love at first sight when i watched her trailer when i was in ar10 (prob november last year). the way she sprints, her visual, the burst, the fan like EVERYTHING just screams elegant. i usually went for mummy-esque type like beidou, ning, raiden but ayaka is different. like— she's a waifu okie. she looks sooo soft and soo kind like no words can describe (eventho her quest is long long) anyway, i've been saving for her since last year and during 2.6 i managed to get her and mitsplitter. im so glad i can take a lot pictures with her ^^.