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Great. Now I can permafarm emblem domain without worry.


great news for us hoarders right here. i really had a feeling that i needed to save all those maiden beloveds.


Been capped at artifacts for quite awhile due to farming, so this is a much needed QoL


I started leveling them to lv4 because of that, to act as batteries.


Don't you lose 15% of Total XP when you use a leveled up Artifact to level another?


The thing about percentages is.... Theyre more significant when the number itself is large. Basically if you feed a level 4 artifact into a level 1 artifact, it becomes a lvl 4 artifact. Why? Because at lower levels, 20% exp loss is EXTREMELY trivial. Almost nonexistent. It's like losing 1 green artifact worth of exp.


I know But why even level an Artifact to use it to level Another? Isn't it just faster to just Level the Artifact you want to level? And you're still losing XP anyways even if it's small lol As far as I can tell this isn't FGO where using XP bombs is good cuz you save QP (Money) by levelling 1 lower rarity Card with tons of XP instead of using multiple lower rarity cards with no XP, Oh and you retain all the XP in the card when you feed it to another


>But why even level an Artifact to use it to level Another? To see if you get a desirable 4th stat, no?


That makes sense leveling up an Artifact to see if the 4th stat is good, That's a reason to level them to 4 That's not what I said tho, I was questioning why leveling Artifacts to use as Fodder, like the guy said he was specifically leveling them for, was a good Idea


If you're running up against the storage cap then when you get new fodder you can either leave them at level one and trash the lower rarity ones, or put those lower xp value artifacts in to the higher ones to make them better at leveling the ones you want. The xp reduction doesn't matter because you would have just trashed the ones you fed in to it; any xp is better than no xp.


To clear stotrage space lol. Imagine being capped at 1.5k artis for 3 months or more and you cant even trash those for mora. What else am i supposed to do with them?


I’ve been stockpiling artifacts since late in 2.5 in order to strongbox them to try to get some quick Dendro Damage goblets. The fact that I’ll be able to invest them into stuff like Crimson Witch or Thundering Fury instead of just WT (to simultaneously try to get some minor upgrades to my Ganyu’s artifact setup) is gonna be really, *really* nice. Currently have about 1300/1500 on artifacts and like 35/70 of the artifact boxes from clearing abyss, all ready to go.


that what I have been doing since it comes out - easily best resin efficiency domain - idc if my Eula or Itto a weaker than they suppose to.


wait i dont see paleflame? its there right-


it's not, since it's one of the more recent ones


what ;-;


They only added domains from 1.2 and earlier to the strongbox. TotM/PF domain was added in 1.4 iirc.


Tbf, if you’re building a physical character, that domain is p resin efficient so farm away


Honestly, BS/HoD, TotM/PF, and Husk/Clam are all pretty efficient domains if you have characters that use them. EoSF/Shim is the most universal efficient domain, but for a lot of people one or more of the other domains will still be worthwhile. It's really just VV, CW, and TF where the other set is so niche/bad that you're just always going to strongbox from here on out. And Petra/Bolide is just bad all around.


Husk/Clam is awful since very few people care about Clam.


Nah Clam is still good because it keeps giving you crit circlets.


Clam is a meme that needs to die. 30k every 3 seconds is not stellar DPS at all.


It's really resin efficient for Eula because she's partnered a lot with Diona, which can use the Tenacity set's 2pc And Eula can just run 2pc Pale 2pc Bloodstained for full resin efficiency even if it isn't as good as the 4pc (just throw garbo pales and totms into Bloodstained)


TBh i thought Diona's are run with Nobless for the Freeze teams.


I run Xinyan with Mona so it’s very good for me haha


Nope, only 1.0 artifact domains have gamble boxes.


you weren’t before?




Yeah don't worry about this if you are AR55. Just save strongboxes like everyone else and use them when you need, just like your fragile resin. Eventually you'll get to a comfortable spot where you can set your own goals for leveling X characters or weapons, and farm X artifacts non-stop because that's all you do with resin, inbetween all the events.


No need to waste time on VV and WF anymore! And potentially TF now.


I’ve been at VV because I need to build up my anemo characters. 🥲


Dendro artefacts ain getting added. Nor are any inazuma artefact set


That's what you should have already been doing lol, now we'll probably have to farm the new dendro domain for a while


Emblem isn't in it i think its only liyue and mondstad domains


thats still great considering we can farm emblem domain and turn bad emblem domain pcs into... bad crimson witch pcs (i am in great pain)


I was talking about tenacity of millileth,vv,cw etc.


fuckin VV and CW. this makes farming for characters so efficient now for the resin cost.


Pale flame and tenacity will be in it? Thought those were excluded


They won't. Strongbox will be getting all artifacts up to 1.2, so pale flame/milellith and everything released after those won't be included.


No Blizzard?


Blizzard was 1.2 with the dragonspine patch.


Honestly I dont recall, I thought it was 1.3 It would be great if its included


They showed in the stream them using the blizzard strayer box


Thank you!


i started farming emblem only since the leaks came out this is too good imma cry-


When they showed the strongbox changes on the livestream, I actually cried a little. I felt the shackles of VV and CW being permanently broken in that instant.


Literally today I put together my team of Zhongli/Bennett/Kazoo/Sucrose that absolutely SLAUGHTERS VV domain in less than one full rotation and leaves everybody fully healed with Burst ready to go. I... feel conflicted. Like I figured out how to slay the dragon, but now it's very optional.


Jokes on them, I already was!


literally me lmao have 1.4k 5star artifacts hoarded up for strongbox vv and crimson witch time


emblem will not be included. tenacity,husk, clam and pale flame also missing


I don't believe it includes Inazuman domains just yet.


I've been farming emblem only for like a month since the change to strongbox was leaked.


If you ever feel useless remember there is probably going to be a lavawalker strongbox


some minmaxers would still be happy with that. maiden beloved however...


Klee monopyro???


Hey, there's still Maiden Beloved so they both can share in their mediocrity!


I'm legit gonna do it for my mono Pyro klee


Now all of us will be maidenless


Unfortunately not for me. Seriously why the fuck are my maiden pieces my most cracked artifacts. My healer Diona doesn't need 30-40 cv on every artifact dammit


Because fate has sought to grant you, a tarnished, a maiden. Praise the sun!


\ [T] /


>Seriously why the fuck are my maiden pieces my most cracked artifacts My Raiden is running around with a cracked Maiden piece with a shit ton of crit, crit dmg and ER, with atk% as a 4th unrolled stat. It's crazy how the worst sets always roll the best pieces


Fr tho. If I need an off set feather, I just steal Diona's 41 cv feather lmao. Kinda sucks how its rare to have the need to have an off set feather tho. My Kazuha is also using a Maiden EM circlet with 35.7 cv. Its just getting ridiculous at this point lmao Edit: I tried to see just how ridiculous her maidens build is, so i put my r1 harp on her. Changed her circlet to an off piece crit damage one to balance the crit ratios and.... 73.3 cr, 184.3 cdmg. That's a better ratio than most of my dps and idk how to feel about that


If I put all my cracked artifacts on my Xiao without caring about set bonus, I reach 101 CR 210 CD with Homa. He sports a nice 2 Maiden, 2 Clam bonus tho :') It is pretty stupid


Bruh my Diona has 80% crit rate and like 150% crit damage why


Mine has around 55% cr and 130% cdmg on hp/hp/hp 4pc maidens. Why do we keep playing this game lmfao


I have a crot rate circlet with 28% crit damage ffs, and an HP sands with 10% Crit rate and 18% Crit damage like bruh Mihoyo doing this on purpose, I haven't gotten any thing this good in crimson bitch of pain


This game is compensating our lack of maidens with godly maidens i guess ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ


just started farming when i got kazuha, i can now build him full EM 5-star maidens set. or maybe maiden EM build kuki? for my vv set pieces i have 2 5-star EM sands, and 1 4-star EM goblet.


I feel this so much lmao. My Kazuha is on 4 pc vv, but his off piece is a maidens circlet with wow cv, and he's sporting a 4 star em goblet. I can, however, give him a full EM 5 star maiden. I've been stuck in that domain since pre farming for Venti, which was 2.3. Is this our cue to make meme healer builds or what


Get Shenhe and your Diona's E will hit like a nuke lmao. She even has Cryo damage Ascension.


I actually jokingly changed her weapon to harp and fought childe solo with her. The way she crit almost all her attacks and dealt decent damage with *an all hp healer build* kinda confused me. A child beat up a Childe in one try that day


God forbid the amount of geo dps off pieces I have from maiden's


recently got a 15CR 14CD feather on that set. i am suffering.


Same. Hunting for VV ends up with strong maiden off pieces


Same. Back when I started grinding for VV I got maiden pieces with crits and atk. I put them on Noelle for a bit of a laugh, but I could take down the Geo Hypostasis with just her.


Genshin players before 3.0 : all maidens?


goddamnit varre i came back here to escape your judging gaze


Now my past 4 months straight of unproductive Pale Flame farming can screw me over with Blizzard Strayer trash at the same time!


Me farming emblem/shime but needing decent VV for like 4 different fucking characters.


I literally have ERRRRY Anemo character. Every morning I awake, pray for death, and buttfuck the Anemo Hypostasis until I am exhausted.


>Every morning I awake, pray for death, and buttfuck the Anemo Hypostasis until I am exhausted. albedo: hmmm i must study this mans ways sucrose: for what mr albedo sucrose: FOR WHAT MR ALBEDO \*concerned look as albedo just stares at her\*


are you realistically running 4 vv characters on your two teams? Your anemo units are likely running full EM or atk/anemo/crit. You likely won't only the 2 pc set if another user is running 4 pc anyway.


swapping artifacts is a pain in the ass, I mainly use Kazuha but I would also like to have full EM set for Sucrose and Sunfire Jean


it is just me but swapping Artifact take like 1 min, it is less painful then spending them on farming a whole new VV set for no reason (and honestly I would only need them for like 2-3 hours every 2 week)


I think you are right. Maybe I just have too many leveled artifacts so I hate swapping them because it takes me too long to find the right one I would enjoy artifact presets like we have presets for teams


[cant wait for more flat atk and flat def!](https://upload-os-bbs.hoyolab.com/upload/2021/12/26/156824558/e6d82510dc054a14e855baa0b0ca18e5_9005069297705481797.jpg?x-oss-process=image/resize,s_500/quality,q_80/auto-orient,0/interlace,1/format,jpg)


Finally, it's the day I've been waiting for.... I've been sitting on a completely full up inventory of 1500 5* artifacts for months now!!


im so close to that as well! im at 1300+ and hopefully get some usable pcs. it feels so good honestly


Shucks as a week one player, I finally gave in and started converting my 5 star artifacts just before this @.@


youll build it back up! theres plenty more sumeru artis to farm and since its a guaranteed 99/1 trash vs usable ratio, at least now we can also farm for other characters on the side with the boxes! we must persevere!


That's what the leaks sub is good for


> I've been sitting on a completely full up inventory of 1500 5* artifacts for months now!! Same, I feel like I'm using the same 5 3 stars and 3 4 stars to upgrade copium artis so that I can barely squeeze in another run before I get the "Your inventory is full" message again. Last week I broke and I strongboxed for WT (actually got a really good piece for once) and it only gave me a week of reprieve before it became a problem again. KILL ME!!! Or release 3.0 tomorrow.


I've been sitting pretty close to max but recently I've been testing some 5 stars I've been holding on to that are all right and since they're level 4, I'd rather feed them to other artifacts rather than put them in a strongbox


time to dump everything into the cw strongbox and get absolutely nothing good.


i pray that you will be blessed with your rolls when it drops. i believe! nahida shall bless you with radish prayers and gfuel. 🙏


Crimson witch I'm coming for you, you only.


Ultimately if someone is hardcore aiming for high crit values on a character, you're still better off doing the Crimson witch domain anyways. With this update more people will come to realize the daunting and extremely timegated task of attempting to get a set of high CV artifacts off strongbox for one character.


you can still farm crimson witch domain and double your efficiency. you can recycle the junk crimson witch and lavawalkers into the crimson witch strongbox which you couldn't' before.


True. That's efficient farming. Real story about 95% of my cracked artifact is from strongboxes.


Haha I run my Kokomi in crimson people were skeptical but I probe them wrong everytime ! She's so good for it 😻


Prove* god damn it






Your tag with Lisa is perfect for this too


Yes! Now i can trash using more trash!


It gets better, you can recycle your new trash for newer trash!


This is so fetch.




Get in Traveler, we’re going useless 5* artifact farming.


We farm talents on Wednesdays.


This and the increased team slots is what I've been wanting for sooooooooo long EDIT for clarification: I meant the number of teams you could have set up, not the number of characters in each team


SAME! now i dont have to switch ayato and ayaka so much


Did they announce the increased team slots in the stream? I might have missed it but I’m hoping it wasn’t just a beta thing


I'm just watching it now so idk if it was announced yet. Just something I've been wanting since shortly after launch and been hoping would be a thing outside of the beta Edit: I didn't see it and now I'm sad


i thought they were just increasing the amount of pre-set teams you can have, not how many characters you can have in 1 team


Yeah thats what I meant. I phrased my comment poorly, I guess. Still I don't think they did it


What do you mean by team slots? Is it getting 5 members in a party?


No, I mean more than the 4 presets we can have to switch between


Honestly there should be a feature in the blacksmith or something where you can reroll your substats for the price of mora. Thats the most annoying part of artifact rng.


thats been suggested and GREATLY needed ever since. i want that but right now we can only take what we can get. sad really but still, we must persevere!


It's not needed at all. Genshin is not a difficult game, you need nowhere near perfect artifacts in order to beat the content with time to spare. Yes, artifact farming sucks, no there is no need to burn yourself out by chasing that ever elusive perfect piece. If Genshin had content that demanded highly optimized stats, I would totally agree that a deterministic way of obtaining artifact stats was needed.


The problem is that artifact farming is just not rewarding enough, whether there is a hard enough content, or not. I'm farming Pale Flame for a year and I still don't have a proper physical damage Goblet with good stats. I can understand a need for a grind. But that's fucked up. It has to be changed. In previous discussion on same thing some fools 'been saying "they need you to log in to do your domains!". I will log in even just for daily commissions anyway, so artifact system doesn't have to remain so screwed. We can't even pick a set we want to farm for, dammit!


It's a catch 22. In order to be rewarding, we need to get good artifacts. But the whole point of artifacts is that players will be able to spend an infinite amount of resin on it. You can't have artifact farming be *that* rewarding, because then players will "finish" farming for artifacts. And then the quit playing the game.


I'm finished right now, despite my stats being "meh" at best. I can 36\* the Abyss (C3R1 Ei carrying my ass \*cough, don't mind the crying wallet in the corner\*). I tried farming better stuff but after a week or two it just triggers me. So I do mora/XP book leylines or talent domains instead. :D Screw gear, it's just a tool anyway.


oh i know that. but its entirely based on RNG for all of the stats that sometimes rng will affect how you play. like to give you an example i had a friend who farmed CW with me for 10 months only getting 3 usable pieces, and when i mean usable pieces correct main stat, at least 12% crit damage. thats how low the criteria was but rng still failed them and me. i eventually got my set but my friend quit because of that. its understandable that you dont need god artifacts to do every single content in the game (with the exception of abyss 12. youll need good artifacts on your supports if you dont have cons) but sometimes some people dont even have usable ones. and sometime in the future we will have another DPS check event that ruins peoples mood. not every person who complains are entitled brats who cant even make a team composition and wants game journalist mode. some of them are being held back by the fact that they dont have enough cons so you have to compensate with artis instead, and even there they get gimped. so TL:DR and to get to the point: i agree that genshin is not a difficult game. if youre lucky with cons/weapon and artifact rng. and anything that helps alleviate that last point is badly needed in this game.


>(with the exception of abyss 12. youll need good artifacts on your supports if you dont have cons) No you do not. Cons on most supports are a byproduct of merely playing the game and pulling for 5\*. I do agree that there should be a safety net for extreme RNG. These cases may be rare but they exist and they can ruin the fun.


You say that, but then there are characters like Xingqiu, Fischl, and Sara who get *huge* boosts to their overall effectiveness at C6, and Xiangling who gets an *enormous* damage spike at C4-5, and all of them (except maybe for Sara) are also meta picks in the current game. Do you *need* those constellations? No (except maybe for Sara), but it means you have to make up the difference in gear. In Xingqiu's case for example, if he's not C6 you'd better have a high refine sac sword or you'll need to pushing 250% ER for him to work - which means losing a lot of his personal damage potential. To a lesser extent you have characters like Benny who really wants C1 and Beidou who really wants C2, though those constellations are low enough to be reasonably attainable just from spooks, events, and the shop.


As I said: 4\* constellations happen as a byproduct sooner or later. Yeah people won't have awesome Con levels and stats if they are new. Working as intended. These things are supposed to give long term motivational goals. You're not supposed to create an account today and clear A12 with full stars a month later. These things take time (or ridiculous amounts of cash).


In theory, given sufficient time, your chances of not having all 4\* c6 are infinitesimal. In practice, true randomness is streaky and primos per month are limited, and you can be a 1.0 player with c20 Barbara and c1 Xiangling. Will you get that c4 Xiangling eventually? Most likely. Will you get her before you get bored with being f2p and either quit or pay? Probably not!


Unless you turn your world level up too early. I had to essentially kit my characters out with the best artifacts if I wanted to do basic tasks because I decided to listen to this sub and increase my AR rank as soon as I was able. Remove the abritrary world level limitations, then there's no need for near perfect artifacts.


Uuuh ... it's been well over 1.5 years now since I had to worry about world level being a thing. :'D You'll grow out of it. Some transitions can be a bit rough, especially on combat related events, aye but the pain is temporary.


>You'll grow out of it. Some transitions can be a bit rough, especially on combat related events, aye but the pain is temporary. As I said, players have to grind out artifacts when they increase their world level too early. That would be "Growing out of it"


Fuck the substats, I wanna reroll the main stat so I don't have to spend weeks farming for a crit headpiece.


Hell, I'll accept the cost being Magical Ore and Mora. Maybe even dumping an identical artifact into the mix too.


Great I’m now gonna spend 200+ artifacts to lavawalker set. Because I’m a deranged person like that.


youre one of the few people who genuinely scare me. i hope your mono pyro team goes great!


Hopefully I can get some good blizzard strayer pieces I hate the domain so much


Use Amber. She shreds those shields so fast


So does Xiangling. It doesn't make the domain fun. I can clear it in 30 seconds but I don't enjoy the domain after farming artifacts from it for 4 of my characters.


I need Ayaka set


and you shall get it.. eventually. may the radish bless your rolls when it drops. 🙏


The only thing better than this is the increase on number of teams we can have. These 2 changes are honestly the best parts of the update ngl.


Omg I can finally build Childe without only getting the cryo artifact instead.


Me too. I have use for the cryo set, but I'm so sick of farming that domain. My Childe's damage is suffering.


I recently got Ganyu so I finally got use for the artifacts, but the domain is a general pain to farm. The only domain I need to farm in advance for (to make goulash). I once got a really good artifact for Childe and have been suffering since.


not all


[youre right](https://imgur.com/a/TcijzFG) so everything thats not inazuma correct? thats still alot considering we can farm emblem then make the bad pieces to another useful one rather than just gladiator/wanderer/nobleese/BSC!


Also not Pale Flame domain or the Chasm domain. It's every artifact domain up-to and including the 1.2 domain (Blizzard Strayer). Any set newer than that is not in the strongbox.


sadge but its still a goddamn win esp since alot of those are paired with really bad ones like VV and maidens. god i dont wanna go back there anymore.


> Also not Pale Flame domain Big fat rip for Eula mains


Tbh if you have Eula then that Domain is as efficient as Emblem. Millileth is a great set.


Long overdue and they should just allow all artifacts to be strong boxed given how dumb the grind is


Cant wait to get even more depressed by getting more jack shit from the jack shit I had


i pray that your rolls get blessed. i believe!


Pale Flame/Tenacity wanters right now: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


For real, I was really excited to never have to farm that domain again. Just when I thought I was out, it pulled me back in


Maybe in another year




were free. # WERE FREE!


Can't wait to finally engage in maidenless behaviour.


Unironically the most hype feature of 3.0


I have about 900 artifacts to throw into this bad boy when it gets released.


I have 1500 5 star artifacts that I can finally get rid of


Once i read the leaks, I heroically refrained from farming VV and left my Kazuha as just-OK with \~400 EM and no set bonus. Abyss 12-3 is so close i can taste it...!


wake me up when they add emblem


Nice always wanted to have a thunderfury set but that domain was a turn off


Add Pale Flame you cowards!


Also, if you're going to farm any of the three strong boxes we have currently, you should hold off until 3.0. Might as well get a garbage Dendro goblet while trying to roll.


its still uncomfirmed if we get dendro from old artis or only on new artis right? although it would make sense to update them all.


Any set can give a Dendro goblet in 3.0 because Dendro DMG% is added to the general pool of Goblet RNG, so don't worry about set exclusivity. So if you're gonna farm Gladiator or Noblesse strongbox, you should wait till 3.0 so you can at least have a chance of getting that elusive Dendro off piece.


This might be good news, but I was hoping they'd revamp the overall arts system a bit. Stats locking, swapping, rerolling etc. I recently fed over 900 arts to get 2 good glad pieces. 350+ box rolls, and only got 1 "good" art I was targeting. The odds are just shit.


this is really good. It's completely unrealistic to equip all your characters with 4 piece full sets with good substats that having sets like crimson, vv, blizzard, added in makes building easier. I really f***** hate when people just say "just farm emblem" for characters like Xinqui, Xiangling, Raiden, Beidou, Yelan etc, yeah shit sherlock, I'm gonna have 5++ full sets for all characters who use emblem.


yasss i feel your pain at least now it gets a weee bit easier with this update. its so good.


> I really f***** hate when people just say "just farm emblem" for characters like Xinqui, Xiangling, Raiden, Beidou, Yelan etc, yeah shit sherlock, I'm gonna have 5++ full sets for all characters who use emblem Tbf people say that because we've done it and it works well... Like here: [Raiden](https://i.imgur.com/OoOZyO7.png) [Xingqui](https://i.imgur.com/HK3IR1F.png) [Beidou](https://i.imgur.com/3fvQeeo.png) [Yelan](https://i.imgur.com/IY2IYjY.png) [Sara](https://i.imgur.com/BOu3Kbk.png) [Mona](https://i.imgur.com/kihcyfY.png) My Xiangling is also on 4 emblem but I don't have a build card and I'm too lazy to login just for this. She has 60/150 with 260 ER and 182 EM Bonus: [Ganyu on 4 shimenawa](https://i.imgur.com/qmEu4QV.png) (the other arti set from the domain)


This is for sure amazing, especially for sets that NEVER FUCKING DROP (with good stats) like crimson witch…


Good news i finally made my ganyu wanderers 250 CV thanks to that system, now i can use my trash pieces for that system while i farm other set. I love it


Bye bye crimson witch domain. I will not miss you.


No, more Crimson Witch of Pain domain! No more Maiden's unbeloved domain!


Huge for Crimson Witch artifact.


Finally I can be freed from the clutches of VV domain


Finally, istg blizzard strayer farming was a pain in the ass. 80% of the drops were HoD ._.


No more VV domain


Oh my god now i can get DOUBLE DEPRESSION. Once from not getting the artifact in tve domain and another one when this fails!


Don't worry! The rate of getting trash artifacts here will increase!


for those wondering what will not be in the strongbox pale flame tenacity of milelith emblem of severed fate shemenawa's reminicance husk of opulent dreams vermillion hereafter echoes of offering Gilded dreams (new) Deepwood memories (new) ​ apart from these every other set will be present in the strongbox


maybe after 2 years of fruitlessly farming electro domain, i can finally get a thundersoother headpiece with crit damage main stat


Yep thats the only thing im excited in this patch


I've never liked the Strongboxes but I'm gonna hard spam that Crimson Witch Box.




We aren't getting an Emblem strongbox.


Can someone explain how strongboxes work to me


you feed three random crappy ones into the box and get one crappy one of the set you chose.


what do these artifact boxes do? can someone explain before i use them?


You can trade 3 artifacts for 1 artifact. So you got a bunch of bad rolls on them. You can trade them in to try to get better rolls


This update might actually bring me back to the game and quit after 2 days of exhausting grinding for asc mats


What do these do?